Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference

Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
Profitability of Nepalese Commercial Banks: Test of Market
Structure versus Efficient Structure
Jagadish Prasad Bist1, Anup Paudel2 and Balkumar Dhimal3
This study has been conducted to test the validity of traditional structure conduct
performance (SCP) and efficient structure (EFS) hypothesis in Nepalese
commercial banking industry. A unique measure of efficiency (cost efficiency) has
been incorporated directly into the test. Efficiency scores are calculated using
nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach with a software
named DEAP 2.1. Efficiency measured by DEA method is a combination of inputs
and outputs, which are labour, fixed assets and total deposit as inputs and
investment, other revenues, and total credit as outputs. The ordinary least square
(OLS) estimates indicate that bank efficiency has a significant effect on banks
profitability supporting the efficient structure hypothesis. However, empirical
results do not show any support in favour of SCP hypothesis for a sample of 18
banks over a nine year period, 2004-2012. Therefore, it is concluded that the
profitability of Nepalese commercial banks is not determined by market power
rather they generate their performances through an efficient activity.
Key Words: Structure conduct performance hypothesis, efficient structure hypothesis,
Nepalese banking
JEL Codes: G21
1. Introduction
Two competing hypotheses seek to explain the relation between structure and performance
in the banking sector (Park and Weber, 2006). The traditional structure performance (SCP)
hypothesis suggests that positive relationship between concentration and profitability
reflects the setting of prices less favorable to consumers in more concentrated markets as
a result of collusion or other forms of non-competitive behavior (Berger and Hannan, 1989).
One results of this collusion is that monopoly rents are achieved by firms in the industry
(Smirlock et al., 1984). In which large firm charge higher loan rates, pay lower deposit rates,
and reap abnormal profits (Park and weber, 2006; Demirguc-Kunt, et al., 2004). On the other
hand, the efficient structure (EFS) hypothesis suggests that the most efficient firms obtain
greater profitability and market share and, as a consequence, the market becomes more
concentrated (Maudos, 1998). Thus, the positive relationship between profits and
concentration, under efficient structure framework, is explained by lower costs achieved
through either superior management or production processes (Goldberg and Rai, 1996).
The main difference between these two competing hypothesis is the ‘structure’ that links
concentration with profitability. The SCP hypothesis takes concentration as exogenous and
maintains that high concentration allows for noncompetitive behavior that results in less
favorable prices to consumers and higher profits to firm. EFS hypothesis, however, takes
firm specific efficiencies as exogenous and maintains that these efficiencies result in both
more concentrated markets and higher profits (Berger and Handan, 1989).
Mr. Jagadish Prasad Bist, MBA student, Uniglobe College affiliated to Pokhara University, Nepal.
2 Mr. Anup Paudel, MBA student, Uniglobe College affiliated to Pokhara University, Nepal.
3 Mr. Balkumar Dhimal, MBA student, Uniglobe College affiliated to Pokhara University, Nepal.
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
Numerous studies have tested these two competing hypothesis in banking sector in different
countries. For example Berger (1995), Goldberg and Rai (1996), Maudos (1998), Park and
Weber (2006), and Rettab et al (2010) are few of them. Various studies have recorded
evidences in support with SCP hypothesis in explaining profitability of the banks. These
studies (Al-Muharrami and Matthews, 2009; Molyneux and Forbes, 1995), found presence
of structure conduct performance (SCP) hypothesis in explaining bank profitability.
On the other hand direct measure of efficiency found to be significantly related to bank
performance in various studies. Among them frequently cited work of Goldberg and Rai
(1996) is one, which found no evidence for structure conduct performance (SCP) hypothesis
rather found support for efficient structure hypothesis. In line with the EFS hypothesis Berger
(1995), Park and Weber (2006), Seelanatha (2010), Mency and Zoury (2011), and Maudos
(1998) recorded significant support to efficient structure hypothesis.
Although various studies have been conducted to test market structure and performance
relationship in other economies, little work has been done to investigate this relationship for
Nepalese banking. It has not been answered clearly whether Nepalese commercial banks
are operating in a very competitive market, which is similar to EFS argument, or they are
operating in a market where collusions are existed. Therefore, It is very important to analyze
market structure of the commercial banking industry as it alone occupy 50.6 percent of the
financial system's total assets in Nepal (NRB, 2014). Encouragement and incentives from
regulatory bodies to go for merge and acquisitions, and a complete prohibition on issuing
license to a new commercial bank in Nepal can be argued as highly competitive market.
Which might signal the presence of EFS hypothesis. An industry with large number of firms
in market might be considered as less collusive, and highly competitive, which ultimately will
signal presence of efficient structure hypothesis (Berger et al., 2004). On the other hand, it
has also been observed that traditionally Nepalese banks’ generate higher returns through
wide margins and core lending spread (NRB, 2014), which might signal the presence of
traditional SCP hypothesis.
This study, therefore, conducted to examine the relationship between structure and
performance in Nepalese commercial banking industry. More specifically, it seeks to answer
how Nepalese commercial banks generate their performances? Whether they generate it
through collusive behavior or through their efficiency? The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. Section two consists of brief review of earlier studies on structure performance
relationship. Section three describes sample, data, and methodology. Section four presents
the empirical results and final section draws conclusions and discusses the implications of
the study findings
2. Literature Review
The structure performance relationship in banking industry has been studied extensively in
advanced economies, however, low income countries like Nepal are lacking such studies.
Since these studies have various policy implications, such studies are required in countries
like Nepal. Theoretically, the structure performance relationship asserts that firms generate
there performances either through efficiency or through market power. The two hypotheses,
traditional structure conduct performance and efficient structure hypothesis, seek to explain
those behaviors of the firm in an industry. The traditional SCP hypothesis states that firms
in a concentrated market are likely to reap larger profits through oligopolistic behavior
(Goldberg and Rai, 1996). Stigler (1964) argued that oligopolists wish to collude to maximize
joint profits. On the other hand, the efficient structure hypothesis proposed by Demsetz
(1973) and Peltzman (1977) suggests that market structure is determined by the efficiency
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
of the operating firms. Efficient firms increase in size and market share because of their
ability to generate higher profits, which usually leads to higher market concentration.
On the empirical side, various studies have been conducted to test the structure
performance relationship on banking industry. However, the interpretations of the estimated
relationship and the proxies to measure concentration and efficiency have been changed
over time. Earlier studies used market share as the measure of efficiency. For example,
Smirlock (1985) studied the relationship between profitability and concentration, market
share, and other control variables. He found positive relationship between market share and
profitability and concluded that efficient structure hypothesis is in effect. However, Shepherd
(1986) raised question on such interpretation. Shepherd (1986) argument is that market
share is not the proxy of efficiency rather it measure’s the market power. To overcome the
problem of interpreting observed relationship between market share as efficeincy and
profitability, Berger (1995) and Berger and Hannan (1993) used direct measure of efficiency
into the model. They used two measures of efficiency, X-efficiency and scale-efficiency.
Therefore, such models help researchers to test relationship between efficiency and
profitability directly leaving concentration and market share measuring the market power.
The literature shows mixed results on structure performance relation on banking industry.
Various studies supported traditional SCP hypotheses. For example, Ruthenberg (1994),
Molyneux and Teppet (1993), Lloyd-Williams et al (1994), and Tregenna (2009) have found
evidences in support with structure conduct performance hypothesis. Ruthenberg (1994)
concluded that concentration increases profitability if barriers to entry are high. Molyneux
and Tappet (1993) using data set of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria and Switzerland
found evidence in support with SCP hypothesis. Tregenna (2009), using bank level panel
data on US banking to test the effects of concentration, market power, bank size and
operational efficiency (measured by operating cost ratio) on profitability, found a positive
relationship between profitability and concentration. Similarly, Short (1979) examined the
relationship between the profit rates and concentration. Short (1979) found positive
relationship between profitability and concentration. However, he concluded that the
coefficients of concentration are small, which indicate relatively large changes in
concentration are necessary to reduce profit rates by one percentage point. Similarly, Berger
and Hannan (1989) also found some evidence in support with traditional SCP hypothesis.
In Nepalese context Bist et al (2015), using the technical efficiency as measure of efficiency,
found some evidence in support with relative market power hypothesis, which postulates
that only firms with large market shares and well differentiated product lines are able to
exercise market power to gain superior profit on non-competitive price setting behavior.
However, this study does not included cost efficiency in to the test.
Goldberg and Rai (1996) studied the relationship between market structure and
performance in European context using model proposed by Breger and Hannan (1993).
They modified the SCP and EFS hypothesis into four different hypotheses two related to the
market power paradigm (SCP and RMP) and two to the efficient-structure paradigm (ESX
and ESS),. This study did not found any positive relationship between concentration and
profitability. However, they found evidence to support one of the two version of efficient
structure hypothesis for a sample of banks across 11 European countries over a four year
period, 1988-1991. Therefore, this study concluded that there is evidence to support the
ESX hypothesis for banks located in low concentration countries.
Using the data set from Spanish banking industry, Maudos (1998) examined structure
performance relationship. The study used four modified hypothesis, i.e. pure collusion,
efficient structure, modified efficient structure and hybrid efficient structure hypothesis. This
study used three different stochastic measures of efficiency (based on three alternative
distributional assumptions for inefficiency: half-normal, normal-truncated and exponential).
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
This study concluded that results obtained support the modified efficient structure
hypothesis. The author further stated that market share is an inadequate proxy for efficiency.
Park and weber (2006) investigated major determinants of profitability in the Korean banking
sector for the period of 1992–2002 by testing the market structure hypothesis against the
efficient structure hypothesis. This study concluded that bank efficiency has a significant
effect on bank profitability and support the efficient structure hypothesis. Further, authors
stated that major determinants of bank profitability in Korea changed between pre-and postAsian financial crisis period.
Similarly, some recent studies (Seelanatha, 2010; Rettab et al., 2010; and Mensi and
Zouary, 2011) on structure performance relationship found evidence in support with efficient
structure hypothesis. Seelanatha (2010), using Berger and Hannan (1993) approach,
examined structure-performance relation for banking industry in Sri Lanka. He concluded
that traditional structure conduct performance argument is not held in the banking industry
in Sri Lanka and the banks performance does not depend on either market concentration or
market power of individual firms but on the level of efficiency of the banking units. Rettab et
al (2010), using data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique to calculate efficiency,
evaluated the validity of hypothesis structure conduct performance and efficient structure
hypothesis on Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) banking system, the study concluded that
performance of GCC banks is driven by efficiency considerations. Mensi and Zouary (2011)
investigated structure performance relationship in Tunisian banking industry during the
period 1990-2005 testing four hypotheses namely, pure collusion, efficient structure,
modified efficient structure and hybrid efficient structure hypothesis. They concluded that
Tunisian banks generate their performance not through market power exercise, rather
through an efficient activity.
With no consensus on which hypothesis is prevailing on banking industry, this study is
motivated to test the structure performance relationship in Nepalese commercial banking
industry. More specifically, this study tests both traditional structure conduct performance
(SCP) and efficient structure (EFS) hypothesis in Nepalese commercial banking industry.
3. The Methodology and Model
Data are pooled for 9 years from 2004/05 to 2012/13 on a panel of 18 commercial banks
leading to the total of 162 observations. Out of 31 commercial banks as of year 2012/13, 18
banks are taken as sample size due to unavailability of data on different variables for several
years. However, total number of banks throughout the study period are taken into
consideration to measure the concentration. The required data has been obtained from
respective bank’s annual reports and annual report published by Nepal Rastra Bank, the
central bank of Nepal.
3.1. Model specification
To test the efficient structure hypothesis versus collusion hypothesis, this study is based on
the model used by Maudos (1998). The equation is:
Πit = β0 + β1 CRt + β2 MSit+ β3 EFFit + ∑αj xjt + µit
The variables are defined as follows: EFF is the direct efficiency (i.e. cost efficiency)
measure obtained through data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique. Where Π is a
measure of a bank’s performance (ROA and NIM). ROA is defined as the net income / total
assets and the NIM is calculated as differential interest / total assets. MS is the market share
of the bank measured by (1) bank deposits to industry deposits (MSDEP) and bank assets
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
to industry assets (MSASSET), CR is a measure of the concentration measured by
Herfindhal-Hirschman Index (HHI), which is defined as the Sum of Squares of individual
banks’ market share. The vector for j control variables, account for firm specific
characteristics. Control variables indicate two variables for risk control, total loan and
advances to total asset ratio (LEVRISK) and shareholders’ equity to total asset ratio
(CAPRISK), and one variables for expense control, ratio of staff expenses to total assets
(SETA). Based on the estimation of equation (1), the different explanatory hypotheses of the
performance can be summarized as (Maudos, 1998).
Pure collusion hypothesis
> 0;
= 0;
Efficient structure hypothesis
= 0;
= 0;
Modified efficient structure hypothesis
= 0;
> 0;
Hybrid collusion/efficiency hypothesis
> 0;
= 0;
Equation (3) and (4) are pure collusion and efficient structure hypothesis. Equation (5) is
modified efficient structure hypothesis. Modified efficient structure hypothesis states that
variance in performance is explained by efficiency as well as by the residual influence of the
market share because market share captures the influence of factors unrelated to the
efficiency, such as the power of market and/or the product differentiation (Maudos, 1998).
Similarly, equation (6) is hybrid collusion hypothesis, which postulates that concentration
affects profitability as a result of market power. Also this hypothesis affirms that most efficient
firms are more profitable, with the residual effect of market share being held negligible
(Maudos, 1998).
3.2 Measures of performance
Prices have been used frequently as a measure of the performance in most of the earlier
studies. Among them the interest on loans, the interest on deposits, and the service charges
on demand deposits were the popular ones (Evanoff and Fortier, 1988). Goldberg and Rai
(1996) argued that examining either deposit rates or loan rates separately may not present
the full picture because banks could operate competitively with one rate and behave noncompetitively with the other. Thus, Goldberg and Rai (1996) used NIM as a measure of
performance as both deposits and loans rates are taken into account. However, NIM does
not include overall performance of the bank as it excludes other income of the bank.
Therefore, return on asset (ROA), most frequently used measure of performance, and net
interest margin (NIM), which shows the pricing ability of the banks are used as the measures
of the profitability in this study.
3.3 Measure of concentration
The three-bank concentration ratio, CR3, and HHI index are the popular measure of
concentration (Goldberg & Rai, 1996). Demirgüç-Kunt et al (2003) used three-bank
concentration ratio as the measure of market concentration. Katib, (2004) used three other
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
measures of concentration, one-bank concentration ratio (CR1), the two-bank concentration
ratio (CR2) and the five-bank concentration ratio (CR5). However, Rettab et al., (2010)
argued that CR3 and CR5 assume market power and market share have the linear
relationship. Therefore, in this study HHI index has been used as the measure of
concentration. Various earlier studies, Berger and Hannan (1998), Goldberg and Rai (1996),
and Mensi and Zaouri (2011) used HHI index as the measure of concentration defining as
the sum of the squared market share of all bank operating in the market.
3.4 Measure of Efficiency
Market share has been used extensively as a measure of large banks’ efficiency in most of
the earlier studies (Goldberg & Rai, 1996). However, Shepherd (1986) criticism on such
interpretations and inclusion of unique measure of efficiency by Berger and Hannan (1993),
most of the recent studies have used unique measure of efficiency directly in to the test. For
example: Goldberg and Rai (1996), Park & Weber (2006), Rettab et all., (2010), Seelanatha
(2010) and Mensi & Zouri (2011) followed to Berger & Hannan (1993) are some important
work in the literature of structure- performance relationship. The literature shows, mainly two
types of approaches that have been employed in evaluating the efficiency of financial
institutions and branches, namely (1) parametric functional form, (2) nonparametric form.
Among them Stochastic frontier approach (SFA), parametric approach, and data
envelopment analysis (DEA), nonparametric approach, are the most liked techniques.
This study used one direct measure of efficiency, cost efficiency, in to the test. Which is
derived using non-parametric method of data envelopment analysis (DEA). 3 inputs (labour,
fixed assets and total deposit) and 3 outputs (investment, other revenues, and total credit)
have been used to derive the cost efficiency scores. For the DEA method the study assumes
input oriented variable return to scale (VRS). For deriving efficiency scores, necessary data
related to inputs, outputs, and costs of inputs are converted into text format to suit the data
set for processing with the software by name DEAP 2.1; and prepared the input file,
Instruction file, Output files by developing the DOS command in DEAP. The obtained scores
are then exported to MS Excel and processed to suit it for future processing with STATA11.
3.5 Control Variables
The literature on structure performance relation in banking contains an array of independent
variables used to control the estimation procedures. These explanatory variables are
included to hold constant other risk, cost and demand factors that may affect profits (Evanoff
and Fortier, 1988). This study, therefore used three control variables, two risk measure
variables and one expense control variable. Risk measure variables are (1) ratio of total
loans and advances to total assets (LEVRISK) and (2) capital to total assets (CAPRISK).
Similarly, expense control variables is ratio of total staff expenses to total assets (SETA),
which measures the ability of the banks to operate at lower costs.
4. The Results
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of each variables used in this study. Table shows
that return on assets ranges from a minimum of -18.92 percent to maximum of 18.04 percent
leading to an average of 1.54 percent. Two variables indicating market power shows that on
an average market share is about 4.9 percent and HHI is about 6 percent. Market share
ranges from a minimum of 0.9 percent to a maximum of a 17 percent. Likewise, measure of
concentration HHI ranges from minimum value of 0.04 to maximum value of 0.09.
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
Table 1
Descriptive statistics
From the table salary expense ratio (SETA) on an average is about 1.10 percent with
minimum of 0.3 percent to maximum of 5.96 percent. The average LEVRISK of the selected
banks during the study period is about 61 percent with a minimum of 17 percent to maximum
of 83 percent. The CAPRISK of selected banks ranges from a minimum of -57.40 percent
to 22.26 percent with an average of 5.06 percent.
4.2 Empirical Results
A series of tests have been performed for the acceptance or rejection of some hypothesis
before proceeding to an Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Variance Inflation Factors (VIF)
rejected the presence of serious multicolinearity. The inbuilt heteroscedasticity test in
stata11 (Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test) shows the presence of heteroscedasticity
problem. White’s heteroscedasticity corrected t values, therefore, are calculated for the
robustness of the results. Gujarati, (2004) argued that in the presence of heteroscedasticity,
the variances of OLS estimators are not provided by the usual OLS formulas leading towards
highly misleading t and F tests, resulting in erroneous conclusions.
The empirical analysis focus on the estimates of equation (1). Table 4 reports on the results
of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) techniques with White’s heteroscedasticity corrected t
values. The estimates show negative coefficients for concentration (HHI) indicating higher
the concentration, few number of banks in the market, lower would be the bank performance.
Beta Coefficients for concentration (HHI) are significant when ROA is the dependent
variable. Hence, the estimated negative coefficients for concentration rejected the pure
collusion and hybrid collusion hypothesis. In the case of market share, an important variable
of market power (Shepherd, 1986), results appear to be sensitive to the choice of the
dependent variable. It has positive beta coefficients with ROA and negative beta coefficients
with NIM. However, coefficients are not different from zero (i.e. insignificant) in either
equation. These results, therefore, are also in against with the notion of modified efficient
structure hypothesis. Thus, the empirical results do not show any support in favour of pure
collusion, modified efficient structure, and hybrid collusion/efficiency hypothesis because of
the illogicality of the coefficients with the theoretical expectations.
Table 2
OLS estimates for structure-performance relation
(This table reports the estimates for equation (1) on structure-performance relationship. The parameters are
estimated by using ordinary least square (OLS) method. ROA is the ratio on net income to total assets; NIM is
the ratio on net interest income to total assets; HHI, a measure of market concentration, is the HirschmanHerfindahl Index of total assets and total deposits; MSDEP is the market share of banks on total deposit basis;
MSASSET is the market share of banks on total assets basis; DEAEFF is cost efficiency derived from DEA
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
methodology; LEVRISK is the ratio on total credit to total asset; CAPRISK is the ratio on total equity to total
assets; SETA is the ratio on total staff expenses to total assets. Values in the parenthesis are White’s
heteroskedasticity corrected t values.)
Adj. R_sqr
Std. error
*Significant at 10 percent level of significance. ** Significant at 5 percent level of significance
*** Significant at 1 percent level of significance.
In all four regressions that employ cost efficiency (DEAEFF) as an explanatory variable, the
beta coefficients of DEAEFF are positive and significant, implying that more efficient banks
have higher return on assets (ROA) and higher net interest margin (NIM), supporting
efficient structure hypothesis. However, Gordberg and Rai (1996) argued that in the
presence of efficient structure hypothesis when NIM is a measure of performance, beta
coefficients for cost efficiency should be negative because more efficient banks operate with
low interest margin. On the other hand Sheelanath (2010) explained positive coefficient of
scale efficiency (ES) with NIM as presence of efficient structure hypothesis. Thus, only the
positive relationship between cost efficiency and net interest margin is not sufficient
evidence to reject efficient structure hypothesis.
Results show that impact of risk variables on bank profitability is mixed depending on
whether ROA or NIM is used. When ROA is the dependent variable, leverage shows
negative relationship indicating higher the leverage ratio, lower would be the return on
assets (ROA). However, the same ratio shows significantly positive relationship with net
interest margin. The CAPRISK (total capital to total assets) is also positively related with
ROA and negatively related with NIM. This indicates that higher the CAPRISK, higher would
be the ROA and lower would be the NIM. Similarly, salary expense ratio (SETA) shows
positive and significant impact on NIM implying higher the SETA higher would be the net
interest margin. Though the relationship is not significant, results show positive relationship
between SETA and return on assets (ROA).
So far the estimated results are supporting efficient structure (EFS) in explaining profitability
of Nepalese commercial banks. It states that cost advantage enjoyed by efficient firms leads
them to have a higher profit than inefficient firms (Seelanatha, 2010). For robustness of the
conclusion and for the remedy to different interpretations of positive coefficient of efficiency
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
with NIM, further analysis is needed to make sure whether efficient structure hypothesis is
in effect or not? Goldberg and Rai (1996) argued that a necessary condition for efficient
structure hypothesis to hold is that efficiency affects market structure. A positive relationship
between efficiency and market structure, therefore, will be expected. Because efficient
banks obtain higher profitability and greater market share because of their efficiency, which
will lead to a more concentrated market (Park & Weber, 2006). The results of the necessary
conditions relative to efficient structure hypothesis are presented in table 5.
Table 3
OLS estimates for necessary conditions of the efficient structure hypothesis (ES)
(This table reports the estimates for necessary conditions of the efficient structure hypothesis. HHI, a measure
of market concentration is the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index of total assets and total deposits; MSDEP is the
market share of banks on total deposit basis; MSASSET is the market share of banks on total assets basis;
DEAEFF is cost efficiency derived from DEA methodology; LEVRISK is the ratio on total credit to total asset;
CAPRISK is the ratio on total equity to total assets; SETA is the ratio on total staff expenses to total assets.
Values in the parenthesis are White’s heteroskedasticity corrected t values.)
Adj. R_sqr
Std. error
*Significant at 10 percent level of significance. ** Significant at 5 percent level of significance
*** Significant at 1 percent level of significance.
Table 5 shows the results of necessary conditions for efficient structure hypothesis to hold.
Market share and HHI index has been regressed against cost efficiency and other control
variables. Based on the theory sign of the efficiency must be positive to hold EFS hypothesis.
The estimated coefficients of efficiency confirm the considered signs insuring that the EFS
hypothesis is in effect. All the coefficients are significant at 1 percent level of significance.
5. Summary and Conclusions
This study has been conducted to test the structure performance relationship in Nepalese
commercial banking industry for a period of 9 years from 2004/05 to 2012/13. A unique
measure of efficiency (i.e. cost efficiency) has been incorporated directly into the test.
Efficiency scores are calculated using nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA)
approach with a software named DEAP 2.1.
The ordinary least square (OLS) estimates support efficient structure power hypothesis.
Results indicate that bank efficiency has positive and significant impact on profitability of the
banks. The results of this study are consistent with Goldberg and Rai (1996); Maudos
(1986), Park and Weber (2006), Seelanatha (2010), Rettab et al (2010), and Mensi and
Zouary (2011). However, this study does not found any support for pure collusion, Modified
efficient structure, and Hybrid collusion/efficiency hypothesis. Therefore it is concluded that
Proceedings of 13th Asian Business Research Conference
26 - 27 December, 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-1-922069-93-1
the profitability of Nepalese commercial banks is not explained by market power rather they
generate their performances through an efficient activity.
The conclusion of this study is based on sample size of 18 banks for a 9 years period from
2004/05 to 2012/13 with the assumption of every bank operates in the same market.
Therefore, further study suggested making an analysis based on bank’s market
segmentation or group of banks (whether it is government, foreign or private banks).
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