UK Architecture Task Force Meeting 30th January 2003 In attendance: Malcolm Atkinson (chair), Rob Baxter, Tony Storey, Dave De Roure, Ken Moody, Vijay Dialani, Andrew Martin. Invited: Steve Tuecke, Conrad Hughes, Stephen Pickles, Neil Chue Hong. Apologies: Tony Hey, Ian Leslie, Jon Crowcroft, Andrew Herbert, Geoff Coulson. Previous Meeting: Imperial College, 19th April 2002 Steve Tuecke (ANL & US OGSI/OGSA Working Groups) made a rare visit to the UK, to meet with the UK ATF, and to give a keynote speech at the EPSRC Pilot Projects Meeting. Steve updated the UK ATF on OGSI & OGSA Working Group developments, in particular his latest draft of the OGSI Grid Service Specification.