Advance Joournal of Food d Science and Technology T 6(66): 807-811, 20014 ISSN: 20422-4868; e-ISSN N: 2042-4876 © Maxwelll Scientific Orrganization, 2014 Submitted:: April 08, 2014 Accepteed: April 28, 20014 Publlished: June 100, 2014 Reesearch of th he Fracture Morphologgy and Mech hanical Con nnection Properties of Plot Breeeding Wheaat Ear Fei Dai, Zheengsheng Hann, Fengwei Zhhang, Wuyun Zhao, Aiminn Gao and Lijuuan Wei School off Engineeringg, Gansu Agriicultural Univversity, Lanzhhou 730070, China C Abstract: Combining with w the plot breeding wheatt ear to analyssis of its fractture morphologgy, by changinng the nd 5 mm/min) and the stretchhing angle (600° and 90°), the mechanical connection c forrces of stretching velocity (3 an plot breeding wheat earr was tested under u 7 kinds of moisture content, c the regression modeel between mooisture r using EXCEL. E The experimental results r content annd connecting force was established basedd on the test results showed thaat, the tensile speed s had littlee impact on tennsile ability forr breeding wheeat ear within thhe range test, but b the clamping angle a had sign nificant effectss. The researcch results coulld provide the reference bassis for selectioon and optimizatioon design param meters of the thhreshing devicce. Keywordss: Fracture morrphology, mechhanical connecction propertiess, plant mechannics, plot breedding wheat INTRO ODUCTION Plot breeding b harv vesting machiine is the key k equipment to realize th he plot breedding wheat fuully D et al., 20112; mechanizeed (Stafford ett al., 1996; Dai Shang et al., a 2010; Zhaao et al., 2010). The fractuure morphologgy of plot breeding b wheaat ear was the t important cause c of yield loss and seed retention r into the t threshing device d and plo ot breeding harrvesting machiine with combb cut off stagee (Gao et al., 2011; Miu and a Kutzbach, 2007). The scholars s at hoome and abroaad, which reseearched the yielld loss and seeed retention aboout the wheat ear from the kinematics andd dynamics with w nt, while ignorring the researrch the harvesting equipmen ogy and mechaanical connectiion of the fraccture morpholo properties of plot breedin ng wheat ear (R Reitz, 1996; Miu, M 2008; Dai et al., 2011). mbining with the t plot breediing In thiss study, by com wheat ear to analysis of its fracture morphology, the t f of plott breeding wheeat mechanicaal connection forces ear was tested and found d out the factoors that affect the t connectionn forces signifficantly with thhe plot breediing wheat harvvesting. Which h could provide the referennce basis for selection s and optimization o deesign parameteers of the thresshing device. Fig. 1: S Structure diagram m of breeding wheat w ear 1 Cob proglotttid; 2: Spikelet; 3: Awn of whheat; 4: 1: W Wheat bran; 5: Top T spikelet varietiees (Lei et al., 2011; Brett and a Alex, 20002). A wheat ear is usuallyy about more than 10 to ovver 20 spikeleet and forms a double line and its widtth and arrangiing tightness owing to the different varrieties, which is the foundaation of consttitute differentt type spike. The T top of thee cob have a sm mall spikelet, which stretcheed and becamee also by the cob. The botttom of wheat ear e often had 1 or 2 small deegeneration sppikelet, the sizee were much sm maller than stroonger spikelet. Analyssis of fracturre morphologgy about thee plot breedin ng wheat ear: The plot breedding wheat earr had 3 differennt type of frracture morphhology. As shoown in Fig. 2, the wheat stallks and wheat ear e got fracturre with the streess concentratiion and anotheer fracture apppeared on the breeding b wheaat ear cob shaft section. Ass shown in Fig. 3, when thhe half feedingg type combinne harvester working w in the field, which applied a of com mb cut off stagee to harvest thhe wheat and caused c the lotts of tear-pettiolate breedinng wheat afffecting S AND METH HODS MATERIALS Structure of the breed ding wheat eaar: As shown in Fig. 1, thee test crop was w the Longchhun-23 breediing wheat, which wheat ear was compounnd spike, consiists a the spikeleet. The cob was w of two parts, the cob and t made up of zigzag peermutation prooglottid and the length of the proglottid d owing to thee different crrop Correspond ding Author: Zhengsheng Z Hann, School of Enggineering, Ganssu Agricultural University, U Lannzhou, Gansu, 730070, 7 China, C Tel.: 0931-7631366 807 Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., T 6(6): 807-811, 20144 C electrronic omnipotentt test machine Fig. 4: CMT2502 Fig. 2: Diffeerent fracture mo ode in breeding wheat w ear Fig. 3: Breeeding wheat ear with w tear-petiolaate Fig. 5: Tensile T trial proccess of the breedding wheat ear performancce in threshin ng device. So that to produuce congestionn easily in thresshing device annd increase woork loads with the cleaning sy ystem. t In thee threshing prrocess of breeeding wheat, the wheat ear got fracture and a tear-petiolaate not only was w ucture and mootion parameteers associated with the stru o threshing device, d but allso had a cloose selection of relationshipp between each h component connection c forcces of breedingg wheat ear. With W the mechaanical connectiion forces of plot p breeding wheat w ear was tested and fouund out the facctors influenciing the connecction forces. The T test resultts would prov vide the refeerence basis for f selection and a optimizatiion design paarameters of the t threshing device. d wheat ear e in Gansu agricultural a unniversity-New SANS companny joint mechhanics laboratoory and applieed the CMT 2502 electronnic omnipotennt test machiine to measurre the tensile foorce of breedinng wheat ear (Z Zhang et al., 2010). 2 Thhe tensile forcee size of wheeat cob reflecteed the degree of difficulty or ease aboutt the threshingg; this index was w the main factor affectiing wheat threeshing perform mance. When the t connection force was smaall and appliedd of threshingg device to work, w which caused c larger threshing t mateerial loss of fall f grain and easily threw the t grain. But when w the connnection force was w too large, which w caused threshing diffficulty and threeshing rate waas low. To sellect the differeent moisture content c and diffferent clampinng angle, by using u the CMT T 2502 electronnic omnipotennt test machiine to measurre the tensile force of breediing wheat ear. m properties tests of breediing Tensile mechanical wheat ear: Test materialls were the breeeding wheat ear, e which colllected from Gansu provinnce academy of agriculturaal sciences. Du uring the tests,, the full and no damage off the breeding wheat ear weere selected. The T material properties parameters p off Longchun--23 breeding wheat w as shown n in Table 1. Equipmen nt and method d of test: As shown in Fig. 4, the tensilee mechanical properties tests of breediing Trial operation prrocess: As shhown in Fig. 5, in differennt moisture content (17.4, 188.6, 19.5, 20.7, 21.5, 22.6 annd 23.3%, resspectively) of breeding wheeat ear was riggidly clamped with tester jig. In order to prevent p the breeding of wheaat ear on both ends e of the tesster jig e ends was bound up witth soft slippedd, the wheat ear paper of o about 18 mm m wide and fixxed with 502, quickdrying glue. When thhe both ends off wheat ear werre dry, Table 1: Mateerial properties parrameters of longchhun-23 breeding wheat w Variety Length of wheatt ear (mm) Nuumber of grain perr panicle Longchun-233 116.4-143.5 41.6 breeding wheeat 808 Thousaand seed mass (g) 43.2 Moisture conteent (%) 17.4-23.3% Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 6(6): 807-811, 2014 the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in different clamping angle (60° and 90°). After setting the tensile testing program and testing parameters, under setting the different tensile speed (3 and 5 mm/min) of omnipotent test machine to measure the tensile force of breeding wheat ear. range test through the EXCEL software fitted out respectively in different clamping angle. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 90° and the tensile speed was 3 mm/min, the regression model between the breeding wheat ear connection force and the different moisture content, which could be given as (1): RESULTS AND DISCUSSION y 0.0454 x 2 1.2801x 15.847 Test results: Under different tensile speed and different clamping angle test, the wheat ear mechanical properties parameter values as shown in Table 2 to 5. By the test results could be seen that, in the same clamping angles (60° and 90°), the mechanical connection properties parameters values of breeding wheat ear had a little change with the increase of tensile load speed. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in the clamping angle of 60° and the tensile speed by 3 mm/min increased to 5 mm/min, with the moisture content was raised, the connection force changed from 13.61~20.97 to 13.97~21.40 N, which increased by 2.0~2.65%. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in the clamping angle of 90° and the tensile speed by 3 mm/min increased to 5 mm/min, with the moisture content was raised, the connection force changed from 7.24~10.86 to 7.31~10.91 N, which increased by 0.46~0.97%. Therefore, the tensile speed within the range test for breeding wheat ear had no effect on the tensile ability. When the tensile speed by 3 mm/min increased to 5 mm/min and the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped by tester jig with the clamping angle reduced constantly and the moisture content was raised, the connection force changed from 7.24~10.91 to 13.61~21.40 N, which increased by 87.9~96.2%. Therefore, the different clamping angle within the range test for breeding wheat ear had a significantly effect on the tensile ability. The connection force regression model was established about breeding wheat ear: From the analysis of experimental results showed that, within the (1) where, y = The connection force of breeding wheat ear, N x = The moisture content, % When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 90° and the tensile speed was 5 mm/min, the regression model between the breeding wheat ear connection force and the different moisture content, which could be given as (2): y 0.0543 x 2 1.6468 x 19.638 (2) where, y = The connection force of breeding wheat ear, N x = The moisture content, % When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 60° and the tensile speed was 3 mm/min, the regression model between the breeding wheat ear connection force and the different moisture content, which could be given as (3): y 0.1578 x 2 5.2376 x 57.044 (3) where, y = The connection force of breeding wheat ear, N x = The moisture content, % When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 60° and the tensile speed was 5 mm/min, the regression model between the Table 2: Mechanical connection properties parameters of breeding wheat ear (3 mm/min, 90° clamping angle) Moisture content (%) 17.40% 18.60% 19.50% 20.70% 21.50% Connection force (N) 7.24 7.86 8.23 8.94 9.12 22.60% 9.98 23.30% 10.86 Table 3: Mechanical connection properties parameters of breeding wheat ear (5 mm/min, 90° clamping angle) Moisture content (%) 17.40% 18.60% 19.50% 20.70% 21.50% Connection force (N) 7.31 7.82 8.19 8.96 9.07 22.60% 9.88 23.30% 10.91 Table 4: Mechanical connection properties parameters of breeding wheat ear (3 mm/min, 60° clamping angle) Moisture content (%) 17.40% 18.60% 19.50% 20.70% 21.50% Connection force (N) 13.61 14.15 15.21 16.22 17.30 22.60% 18.87 23.30% 20.97 Table 5: Mechanical connection properties parameters of breeding wheat ear (5 mm/min, 60° clamping angle) Moisture content (%) 17.40% 18.60% 19.50% 20.70% 21.50% Connection force (N) 13.97 14.31 15.19 16.28 17.12 22.60% 18.95 23.30% 21.40 809 Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 6(6): 807-811, 2014 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 6: Curve fitting of connection force regression model breeding wheat ear connection force and the different moisture content, which could be given as (4): y 0.2086 x 2 7.3189 x 78.278 (4) where, y = The connection force of breeding wheat ear, N x = The moisture content, % The curve fitting of regression model: The curve fitting of connection force regression model (1)~(4) about breeding wheat ear in Fig. 6a to d. By the equation (1)~(4) to be seen that the regression model between the breeding wheat ear connection force and the different moisture content was approximate quadratic function, which was the opening up of the parabola. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 90° and the tensile speed was 3 mm/min, the regression coefficient: R2 = 0.9859. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 90° and the tensile speed was 5 mm/min, the regression coefficient: R2 = 0.9791. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 60° and the tensile speed was 3 mm/min, the regression coefficient: R2 = 0.9918. When the breeding wheat ear was rigidly clamped with tester jig in clamping angle of 60° and the tensile speed was 5 mm/min, the regression coefficient: R2 = 0.9870. CONCLUSION The plot breeding wheat ear had 3 different type of fracture morphology. For respectively the wheat stalks and wheat ear got fracture with the stress concentration and another fracture appeared on the breeding wheat ear cob shaft section, as well as the breeding wheat ear with tear-petiolate. 810 Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 6(6): 807-811, 2014 With the different tensile speed (3 and 5 mm/min) and different clamping angle (60° and 90°), the connection force of breeding wheat ear was 7.24~21.40 N, as well as the connection force regression model was established about breeding wheat ear. The result indicates that the tensile speed for breeding wheat ear had no effect on the tensile ability, but the different clamping angle had a significantly effect on it. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51365003) and Agricultural science and technology achievements transformation projects of Gansu province (Grant No. 1305NCNA142). REFERENCES Brett, M.W. and B.M. Alex, 2002. A parametric transfer function for grain-flow within a conventional combine harvester. Precis. Agric., 3: 123-134. Dai, F., F.W. Zhang, A.M. Gao and Z.S. Han, 2012. Optimization of key operating parameters in 4GX100 type cropland plot wheat seed combine harvester. T. 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