Procurement Management Division

Procurement Management Division
On-Call Airport Communication Cabling
Installation Services
RFP #269-2016-042
Addendum #1
All Prospective Proposers
January 21, 2016
Addendum #1 – RFP # 269-2016-042 –
On-Call Airport Communication Cabling Installation Services
Please note the specification changes/modifications below for the RFP.
Item #
Page #
Section #
Change(s) Modification(s)
Exhibit E
The entire Exhibit E – CDIA Communications
Infrastructure Standard can be found in
Attachment 1 to this Addendum.
In order to constitute a complete proposal response you must acknowledge receipt of this addendum with the
Acknowledgement of Addenda found in Form 2, Section C. of the RFP in your Proposal.
Any Service Provider not acknowledging receipt of an issued addendum may not be considered.
In the event additional changes or clarifications to this RFP are warranted, all Service Providers are responsible
for monitoring or for additional addenda.
We appreciate your interest in doing business with the City of Charlotte and look forward to receiving a proposal
from your company.
Philip Keller
Procurement Officer
Procurement Management Division
Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street
Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258
Charlotte, NC 28202-2850
Attachment 1
Exhibit E – CDIA Communications Infrastructure Standard
Procurement Management Division
Management and Financial Services/City of Charlotte 600 East Fourth Street
Phone: 704/336-2256 Fax: 704/336-2258
Charlotte, NC 28202-2850
Communications Infrastructure
May 31, 2010
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
Page 2
GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL: VERSION................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL: PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 8
GENERAL: SCOPE....................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL: STANDARD PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................. 8
GENERAL: COMMON TERMS ..................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL: REFERENCED STANDARDS ....................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL: CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................ 10
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor
Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 10
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor Requirements
and Qualifications ............................................................................................................................... 10
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor Additional
Qualifications: ..................................................................................................................................... 11
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Electrical Contractor Responsibilities ..... 11
TELECOMMUNICATION ROOMS ............................................................................................................... 11
Telecommunication Rooms : General.................................................................................................. 12
Telecommunication Rooms : Location ................................................................................................ 12
TELECOMMUNICATION ROOMS: SIZE ...................................................................................................... 12
Telecommunication Rooms: MDC ....................................................................................................... 12
Telecommunication Rooms: TR ........................................................................................................... 13
Figure 1. Telecommunications Room Clearances ............................................................................... 14
Figure 2. Main Data Center Room Clearances ................................................................................... 15
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities ................................................................................................ 16
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: HVAC .................................................................................... 16
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Back Board ........................................................................... 16
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Electrical .............................................................................. 16
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Data Outlets .......................................................................... 17
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Equipment Cabinets .............................................................. 17
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Ladder Racking ..................................................................... 17
Figure 3. Telecommunications ladder Racking Layouts .................................................................... 18
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Ceiling .................................................................................. 18
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Floor ..................................................................................... 19
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Walls ..................................................................................... 19
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Lighting ................................................................................. 19
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Door ...................................................................................... 19
Telecommunication Rooms: Windows ................................................................................................. 19
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOMS: CABINET ASSEMBLIES ....................................................................... 19
Figure 4. Single Compartment Cabinet Configuration ....................................................................... 20
Figure 5. Two Compartment Cabinet Configuration .......................................................................... 21
Figure 6. Three Compartment Cabinet Configuration ........................................................................ 22
TELECOMMUNICATION ROOMS: COMPONENT PLACEMENT.................................................................... 23
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Floor Cabinets/Racks Descriptions and
Placement ............................................................................................................................................ 23
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Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
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Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Backboard mounted equipment Placement ..... 23
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: CATV Placement ............................................. 23
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Paging Equipment Placement ......................... 23
TELECOMMUNICATION ROOMS: LABELING ............................................................................................ 23
TELECOMMUNICATION ROOMS: MINI-TR’S............................................................................................ 24
COMMUNICATIONS PATHWAYS ..................................................................................................... 25
PATHWAYS: ENTRANCE........................................................................................................................... 25
Pathways: Entrance: Material ............................................................................................................ 25
Pathways: Entrance: MINIMUM Size and Count ............................................................................... 25
Pathways: Entrance: Installation ........................................................................................................ 25
Pathways: Entrance: Firewall ............................................................................................................. 26
PATHWAYS: INTRA-BUILDING................................................................................................................. 26
Pathways: Intra-Building: Size and Count .......................................................................................... 26
Pathways: Intra -Building: Cable Tray ............................................................................................... 26
Pathways: Intra-Building: Cable Caddy Supports .............................................................................. 26
Pathways: Intra-Building: Conduit ..................................................................................................... 27
Pathways: Intra-Building: Non-Firewall Penetrations ....................................................................... 27
Pathways: Intra-Building: Firewall Penetrations ............................................................................... 27
PATHWAYS: INTER-BUILDING ................................................................................................................. 27
Pathways: Inter-Building: Conduit Between Buildings....................................................................... 27
PATHWAYS: HORIZONTAL ....................................................................................................................... 28
Pathways: Horizontal: General ........................................................................................................... 28
Pathways: Horizontal: Cable Caddy Supports .................................................................................... 28
Pathways: Horizontal: Cable Tray ...................................................................................................... 28
Pathways: Horizontal: Penetrations ................................................................................................... 29
Pathways: Horizontal: Penetrations: Firewalls .................................................................................. 29
Pathways: Horizontal: Metallic Conduit ............................................................................................. 29
Pathways: Horizontal: Flush Mounted Outlets ................................................................................... 29
Pathways: Horizontal: Surface Mounted Raceway with outlets.......................................................... 29
Pathways: Horizontal: Equipment Rooms Surface Mounted Raceway ............................................... 29
CABLING .................................................................................................................................................. 31
CABLING: GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 31
CABLING: ENTRANCE CABLING .............................................................................................................. 31
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Lightning Protection .............................................................................. 31
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Installation ............................................................................................. 31
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Termination............................................................................................ 31
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Labeling ................................................................................................. 32
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Testing.................................................................................................... 32
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Grounding .............................................................................................. 32
CABLING: BACKBONE.............................................................................................................................. 32
Cabling: Backbone: General ............................................................................................................... 32
Cabling: Backbone: Installation.......................................................................................................... 32
Cabling: Backbone: Analog Voice and Paging ................................................................................... 33
Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone ................................................................................................... 34
Cabling: Backbone: CATV Backbone.................................................................................................. 35
CABLING: HORIZONTAL .......................................................................................................................... 35
Cabling: Horizontal: General ............................................................................................................. 35
Cabling: Horizontal: Cable Type ........................................................................................................ 35
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Cabling: Horizontal: Color Coding .................................................................................................... 35
Cabling: Horizontal: Topology ........................................................................................................... 36
Cabling: Horizontal: Installation ........................................................................................................ 36
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Category 6 Data ....................................................................... 37
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Analog Voice and Paging......................................................... 37
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Voice and Paging: WAOs......................................................... 38
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of CATV ........................................................................................ 38
CABLING: WORK AREA OUTLETS ........................................................................................................... 39
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail .................................................................................................... 39
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Location................................................................................................ 43
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Labeling................................................................................................ 43
CABLING: TESTING .................................................................................................................................. 43
Cabling: Testing: Documentation ....................................................................................................... 44
Cabling: Testing: Backbone ................................................................................................................ 44
Cabling: Testing: Horizontal ............................................................................................................... 47
CABLING: MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................. 48
Cabling: Materials: Technology Preferred Vendors ........................................................................... 48
SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 52
SYSTEMS: CATV ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Systems: CATV: Incoming Signal ........................................................................................................ 52
Systems: CATV: Channels ................................................................................................................... 52
Systems: CATV: Components .............................................................................................................. 52
Systems: CATV: Design ....................................................................................................................... 52
Systems: CATV: Completeness ............................................................................................................ 52
Systems: CATV: Performance ............................................................................................................. 53
Systems: CATV: Testing ...................................................................................................................... 53
Systems: CATV: Training .................................................................................................................... 53
Systems: CATV: Warranty ................................................................................................................... 53
SYSTEMS: PAGING ................................................................................................................................... 53
Systems: Paging: Equipment ............................................................................................................... 53
Systems: Paging : Manufacturer of Choice ......................................................................................... 53
Systems: Paging : Documentation ....................................................................................................... 54
Systems: Paging : Authorized Installer ............................................................................................... 54
Systems: Paging : Warranty ................................................................................................................ 54
INSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 55
INSPECTIONS: SUBMITTALS ..................................................................................................................... 55
INSPECTIONS: PATHWAYS ....................................................................................................................... 55
INSPECTIONS: ROUGH INSTALLATION SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ....................................................... 55
INSPECTIONS: FINAL INSPECTION ............................................................................................................ 55
DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................................ 56
WARRANTY............................................................................................................................................. 57
WARRANTY: ELECTRICAL ....................................................................................................................... 57
Warranty: Technology ......................................................................................................................... 57
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Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
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Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
Page 7
General: Version
This document is Version 2.0 of the Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) Communications
Infrastructure Standard, and supersedes all previous versions.
General: Purpose
This document is the CLT Communications infrastructure standard, providing Architects, Engineers,
Project Managers, and Construction/Electrical/Communications Contractors with requirements for the
Communications infrastructure within the Airport Campus. This Standard describes an infrastructure that
offers high performance while meeting the needs of the Airports’ overall Communications demands,
including maximum flexibility and longevity while minimizing the cost and scope of future adds, moves
and changes.
General: Scope
This Standard is applicable to all new construction and renovation projects within CLT.
General: Standard Products
All products specified in this document reflect the standard products currently in use by CLT. Deviations
from the specified products are not allowed without prior written approval from the CLT Technology
Services Office.
General: Common Terms
The following common terms are utilized in this specification:
Charlotte Douglas International Airport Technology Services Office
Main Data Center
Telecommunications Room
Work Area Outlet
Closed Circuit TV / Cable TV
Digital Surveillance System
Unshielded twisted pair
8 pin modular jack
Multimode Fiber Optic Cable
SM Fiber Optic Cable
General: Referenced Standards
The following standards should be considered a part of this standard. In case of conflict between
references, the more stringent requirements shall apply, unless specifically noted otherwise in the project
Construction Documents. In the event any of the listed standards are superseded or updated, the most
current version shall apply.
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Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
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TIA/EIA-568-C, Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard
The standard is comprised of four documents:
1. TIA 568-C.0 Generic Telecommunications Cabling (targeted to users/designers/installers). This
document houses most information common to structured cabling in one place and becomes the
foundation for future standards. This is where the minimum requirements for generic
telecommunications cabling are specified such as cabling architecture, what applications the
cabling is intended to support and over what distances, and other general requirements. The
document thus serves two purposes - as a "default" standard for structured cabling in locations
that are not office-oriented or covered by another standard, and as a foundation for future
standards that can now focus on exceptions and allowances for that location rather than having to
reconstruct all the generic information.
2. TIA 586-C.1 Commercial Building (Targeted to users/designers/installers). This document
specifies the requirements for telecommunications cabling within and between commercial
(office-oriented) buildings. This document builds on 568-C.0 and focuses on the requirements
and guidance for office-oriented buildings. There are some technical changes to the information
in 568-B.1 that are reflected in this document. These include the addition of:
Category 6 balanced twisted-pair cabling
Augmented category 6 twisted-pair cabling
850 nm laser-optimized 50/125 μm MM fiber
Telecommunications enclosures (TEs)
Centralized cabling
A recommendation to select 850 nm laser-optimized 50/125 μm as the multimode fiber
for commercial buildings
Some information was also removed:
150-Ohm STP cabling
Category 5 cabling
50-ohm and 75-ohm coaxial cabling
Balanced twisted-pair cabling performance and test requirements (these are in the
ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 document)
3. 568-C.2 Copper Cabling Components (Targeted to manufacturers). This standard includes
component and cabling specifications for copper cabling, including testing requirements. The
document incorporates Cat 3, Cat 5e, Cat 6 and Cat 6A.
4. TIA-568-C.3 Optical Cabling Components (Targeted to manufacturers). This document addresses
component and cabling specifications for fiber optic cabling. The standard now includes all three
types of multimode fiber (62.5-micron, 50-micron and 850nm laser-optimized 50-micron).
TIA/EIA-569-C, Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
TIA/EIA-598-C, Optical Fiber Color Coding
TIA/EIA-606-A, Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure
TIA/EIA-758-A, Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Cabling Standard
J-STD-607-A, Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications
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BICSI, Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, current version
BICSI, Outside Plant Design Reference Manual, current version
BICSI, NECA/BICSI 568-2006, Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling
STS-1000, North Carolina State Telecommunications Wiring Guidelines, current version (attached)
NEC, National Electrical Code, current version
UL, Underwriter’s Laboratories
The above listed standards are available from BICSI (, or from HIS Global Engineering
Documents (
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor
Unless otherwise noted in the Project Construction Documents, the Communications Contractor is
responsible for providing materials and installation of all items in this Standard except: conduit, cable
tray, electrical outlets, and electrical circuits. The Communications Contractor is responsible for
providing all Communications Systems and equipment as described in the Project documentation .
Coordination and communication between the Communications Contractor and the Electrical Contractor
shall be maintained at all times. All installations must conform to this Standard, manufacturer’s
specifications and all other applicable standards, codes and specifications. It is understood that the
Communications Contractor shall furnish additional items not mentioned herein to meet requirements as
specified without claim for additional payments.
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor
Requirements and Qualifications
The Communications Contractor must meet ALL requirements or employ sub-contractors to meet all
requirements as applicable to the project infrastructure requirement. No more than one level of subcontractors is allowed. The Communications Contractor must provide all sub-contractor
information and verification of requirements prior to acceptance of bid, or on demand by the
Airport ITS Department or the Project Designer.
Panduit Certified Installer capable of providing coverage under the Panduit Certification Plus
System Warranty Program.
Hubbell Certified Installer capable of providing coverage under the Hubbell Mission Critical
System Warranty Program
Corning Cable Systems Network of Preferred Installers.
CommScope Certified Installer Program capable of provide Warranty coverage under the
CommScope Uniprise/Systimax program
Cisco Silver Business Partner
Nortel Elite/Avaya Gold Business Partner
All past work for CLT must be certified with no outstanding issues.
50% of the installation technicians on site must have completed BICSI ITS Installer, and
Panduit/Hubbell/CommScope training (as applicable to the project) within two years prior to the
start of the job, and hold current certifications for this training.
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General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Communications Contractor
Additional Qualifications:
The Communications Contractor must meet the following criteria:
Current, active, and valid State Contractors License. Provide a copy of Contractors License in the
bid submission.
Five, minimum, continuous years experience.
Five, minimum, completed projects similar to scope and cost. Provide a list of projects, including
references, in the bid submission.
Technicians qualified for the work. Provide evidence in the bid submission of Technician
qualifications. Evidence shall consist of current BICSI and manufacturer certifications,
manufacturer training certificates, industry training, relevant project experience, etc.
General: Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities: Electrical Contractor
Unless otherwise specifically noted in the Construction Documents, the electrical contractor is
responsible for pathways including but not limited to entrance, inter-building, intra-building, spillways,
transitions, conduit bushings, cable tray and wire basket tray not in the Telecommunications rooms or
equipment spaces. The electrical contractor is also responsible for fire stopping all penetrations, electrical
outlets and electrical circuits described in this Standard. The electrical contractor is responsible for the
demolition of the existing electrical systems and pathways where applicable as well as patching and
painting. This demolition should not occur until the new communications system is up and running.
Coordination and communication between the electrical contractor and the Communications Contractor
shall be maintained at all times during the project. All installations shall conform and allow the
Communications Contractor to conform to this Standard, project and manufacturer’s specifications, and
all applicable standards. It is understood that the electrical contractor shall furnish additional items not
mentioned herein to meet requirements as specified without claim for additional payments. The
Communications Contractor shall be responsible for providing Ladder racking in Telecommunications
spaces, Plywood Backboards, J-hooks, surface mounted raceway components (except where surface
components are combined with electrical service; in which case the telecommunications faceplates and
associated hardware only are the responsibility of the Communications Contractor. Multi-compartment
raceway and all electrical related components are the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor.)
The Telecommunications Grounding Bar in each equipment space and its connection to the building
Telecommunications and Building Ground Systems shall be provided by the Electrical Contractor.
Ground wires, entrance lightning protection and grounding connections to all necessary components shall
be provided by the Communications Contractor. Equipment Ground Bars within cabinets, racks and other
communications equipment enclosures shall be provided by, and connected to the Telecommunications
Grounding system by the Communications Contractor.
Telecommunication Rooms
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Communications Infrastructure Standard, Version 2.0
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Telecommunication Rooms : General
The telecommunication rooms provide a transition between the horizontal, backbone, and entrance
pathways and provide space for telecommunications systems components. The TRs and MDC shall
provide adequate space for cable terminations (horizontal and backbone), active and passive equipment,
cross-connection wiring and hardware, and any other materials or equipment associated with the building
technology systems. The TRs and MDC shall be dedicated to the telecommunications related systems
and associated support systems, and shall not be shared with electrical or other services, except for
electrical and other systems serving that room. The TRs and MDC shall be left in a clean state at
acceptance. The Communications Contractor is responsible for the cleaning of the TRs and MDC. Racks
and equipment must be wiped free of dust. Cables shall be free of dust. No trash, wire pieces or other
items shall be on the floor.
Telecommunication Rooms : Location
Each TR and MDC shall be placed as near as feasible to the center of the area served by that room. A TR
shall not support multiple floors of a multi-story environment unless absolutely necessary. The maximum
horizontal distance from any room to any WAO (cable distance via the horizontal pathway system) must
be less than 90 meters (295 feet). Additional rooms shall be placed as appropriate to support this distance
The TR rooms in a multistory building should be stacked vertically directly above one another to the
maximum extent feasible.
The TRs and MDC shall be placed such that no more than two walls are adjacent to non-movable building
structures such as rest rooms, exterior walls, elevator shafts, elevator equipment rooms, etc.
The TRs and MDC shall not have duct work, piping, etc. that is overhead or through the room, except as
required for direct support of the room itself. No building structure or services shall block access to the
Telecommunication Rooms: Size
Telecommunication Rooms: MDC
The MDC space should be sized to support all telecommunications related systems for the building
served, including: backbone data, voice, DSS, paging and CATV cabling; horizontal data, voice, DSS,
paging and CATV cabling; CATV and paging distribution equipment; Network electronics and Servers.
The room sizes shown in Figure 1 are typical and minimum sizes for rooms that support all system types
identified above. These room sizes assume the door opens outward. Larger rooms are required if the door
opens inward due to clearance requirements. All wall or floor mounted equipment sizes and footprints
anticipated to be installed in the room must be identified during the schematic phase of the design, and
room sizes must be adjusted accordingly. Floor plans with proposed equipment layouts, including
required clear space footprints, must be reviewed by CLT Technology Services Office (TSO) during
the schematic design phase to confirm rooms are sized adequately. Refer to Figure 1.
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Telecommunication Rooms: TR
The TR rooms should be sized to support all telecommunications systems for the area served. The room
sizes shown in Figure 2 are typical and minimum sizes for rooms that support horizontal cabling for data,
voice, DSS and CATV services only, and do not include other special equipment (i.e., servers). These
room sizes assume the door opens outward. Larger rooms are required if the door opens inward due to
clearance requirements. All wall or floor mounted equipment sizes and footprints anticipated to be
installed in the room must be identified during the schematic phase of the design, and room sizes must be
adjusted accordingly. Rooms that include CATV Distribution systems, paging equipment or Network
Servers, or any other equipment requiring 36” deep cabinets shall be sized per the MDC sizing
requirements above. These room sizes assume the door opens outward. Larger rooms are required if the
door opens inward due to clearance requirements. All wall or floor mounted equipment sizes and
footprints anticipated to be installed in the room must be identified during the schematic phase of the
design. Floor plans with proposed equipment layouts, including required clear space footprints,
must be reviewed by CLT Technology Services Office (TSO) during the schematic design phase to
confirm rooms are sized adequately. Refer to Figure 2.
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Figure 1. Telecommunications Room Clearances
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Figure 2. Main Data Center Room Clearances
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Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: HVAC
The TRs and MDC shall have HVAC service that is designed to dissipate the heat generated by
electrically powered communications equipment. The control for the HVAC services shall be placed in
each TR and the MDC at a height of at 72” AFF. Split units should be a cooling unit only. The MDC
necessitates a unit that accommodates 12,200 to 12,600 BTUs or higher, as required by electrical demand.
The TRs require service that accommodates 8,500 to 9,400 BTUs or higher, as required by the electrical
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Back Board
All walls of TR’s, and MDC’s, shall be covered with ¾” (trade size) grade AC fire rated plywood to
support wall-mounted equipment. This plywood shall be a minimum of 8 feet 6 inches high, mounted 6”
above the finished floor (AFF), and shall completely cover the walls. A minimum of 36" clearance plus a
12” allowance, minimum, for wall mounted equipment is required in front of the plywood for proper
working space. The plywood shall be installed such that the fire rating stamps are visible.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Electrical
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Electrical: Service
Provide a minimum of one electrical panelboard, 100A minimum size, generator-backed, to serve all
electrical outlets in the TR/MDC. This panelboard shall only be used to serve power loads within the
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Electrical: Outlets
One 20A,120V AC non-switched duplex outlet shall be installed on each wall of the TR at a height of 16”
above the finished floor for test gear, tools, etc. These 4 outlets will share one circuit not shared with
other outlets or other electrical devices.
Equipment Racks:
Two 20A 120V AC duplex outlets shall be installed per 19” equipment rack and shall be mounted in a
single quad-outlet box (one duplex outlet per circuit) on the rear base plate of the rack. Power conduits
shall be attached to the rear side of the vertical rack support. Conduits shall NOT be run on the front the
rack, inside the rack, or in the vertical cable management for any reason.
Equipment Cabinets:
For multiple compartment cabinets, one 120V, 20A circuit shall be provided for each compartment with
two duplex outlets per compartment. Provide two 120V, 20A circuits for single compartment cabinets,
with one duplex outlet for each circuit, mounted in a single quad outlet box. Each compartment will be on
a unique circuit not shared with other outlets or compartments. Provide two duplex receptacles in each
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compartment. The electrical outlets shall be mounted inside equipment cabinets and enclosures. Refer to
Figures 4, 5, and 6.
All receptacles shall be labeled with the serving breaker panel and breaker number.
One 120 volt 20 amp AC quad outlet shall be installed every 5 feet on each wall of the MDC. A
minimum of two quads shall be on each wall. The quad shall be at a height of 16” AFF. Each quad will
be on a unique circuit not shared with other outlets or other electrical devices.
Equipment Racks:
Two 20A 120V AC duplex outlets shall be installed per 19” equipment rack and shall be mounted in a
single quad-outlet box (one duplex outlet per circuit) on the rear base plate of the rack. Power conduits
shall be attached to the rear side of the vertical rack support. Conduits shall NOT be run on the front the
rack, inside the rack, or in the vertical cable management for any reason.
Equipment Cabinets:
For multiple compartment cabinets, one 120V, 20A circuit shall be provided for each compartment with
two duplex outlets per compartment. Provide two 120V, 20A circuits for single compartment cabinets,
with one duplex outlet for each circuit, mounted in a single quad outlet box. Each compartment will be on
a unique circuit not shared with other outlets or compartments. Provide two duplex receptacles in each
compartment. The electrical outlets shall be mounted inside equipment cabinets and enclosures. Refer to
Figures 4, 5 and 6.
All receptacles shall be labeled with the breaker panel and breaker number.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Electrical: Grounding
All items in the TR/MDC shall be grounded to the electrical panelboard as required by the National
Electrical Code.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Data Outlets
The MDC shall have a standard data outlet located at the CATV Distribution System and at the telephone
backboard adjacent to the telephone demarcation.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Equipment Cabinets
All Cabinets in each MDC/TR shall conform to the Standard one, two or three compartment cabinets as
shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Ladder Racking
Ladder racking shall be installed in the MDC and all TRs at a nominal height of 8-6”’ The ladder racking
shall be sized such that a 40% or less fill capacity is maintained. The racking will not interfere with, or be
placed within 12” of lighting fixture ballasts. Ladder racking mounting methods will include wall
brackets for tray adjacent to a wall, and trapeze for racking not adjacent to a wall. Support must meet
manufacturer’s recommendations to support a 150 lbs./foot load, minimum. The ladder rack shall have a
minimum width of 12" and a minimum depth of 2”. It shall be routed over each row of equipment racks
such that access is allowed to all cabinets/racks and pathways; and around the entire perimeter of the
room for backboard access and cable routing. Provide ‘waterfall’ (spillways) bend radius managers for
each cable dropout location. Each cabinet/rack must have direct access to the ladder rack without
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
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traveling over other cabinet/racks or spaces. Appropriate spillways will be installed to accommodate any
transitions to or from the ladder rack. The ladder rack shall have protective end caps. Affix any power
conduits serving the cabinet/racks to the ladder rack support system. Do not affix conduits directly to
ladder racking. Refer to Figure 3
Figure 3. Telecommunications ladder Racking Layouts
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Ceiling
The TR & MDC shall not have a suspended ceiling installed unless specifically noted otherwise by
special circumstances. Ceiling protrusions (e.g. sprinkler heads, light fixtures, mechanical A/C units, etc.)
shall be placed to assure a minimum height of 9’-0” AFF, have wire guards installed, and shall not be
located above any racks, cabinets, or equipment.
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Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Floor
The floors shall be treated to eliminate dust. Floors may be covered in anti-static vinyl. Finishes shall be
light in color. In existing buildings any carpet shall be removed and the floor cleaned and should be
resurfaced in anti-static vinyl.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Walls
Walls shall be treated to minimize dust and painted with a light finish.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Lighting
Lighting shall be mounted a minimum of 9’ 6” above the finished floor, or a minimum of 12" above the
ladder racking. It shall be mounted such that it does not interfere with the cable pathways in the room.
Provide wire guards on lighting fixtures.
Telecommunication Rooms: Facilities: Door
The door shall be a minimum of 36" wide and 80" tall.
Telecommunication Rooms: Windows
Telecommunication rooms shall NOT have windows. In an existing building, if the MDC or a TR has
windows, they shall be filled in and painted to match the existing color in the room
Telecommunications Rooms: Cabinet Assemblies
Refer to Figures 4, 5 and 6 for single, two- and three-compartment cabinet standard configurations. Each
cabinet shall be provided complete as shown, including factory-installed conduits and outlet boxes for
power wiring. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for providing receptacles, faceplates, wiring
and all electrical power connections for these assemblies.
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Figure 4. Single Compartment Cabinet Configuration
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Figure 5. Two Compartment Cabinet Configuration
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Figure 6. Three Compartment Cabinet Configuration
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Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Floor Cabinets/Racks Descriptions
and Placement
Floor mounted 19” racks shall be 84” in height, equipment cabinets shall have overall dimensions of
29”W x 30”/36”D x 84”H . Racks shall be located a minimum of 60”from center of rack to the wall
directly behind. Clearance on the front side of the rack should be a minimum of 36” after placement of
all wall mounted and rack mounted equipment. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 for cabinet clearances.
Specific cabinet/rack placement will be verified by CLT during schematic design. Installation will
include bolting the racks to the floor and providing ladder racking from the rack to the wall. The ladder
racking shall be attached to the equipment rack. There shall be a minimum of three cabinets/racks in a
MDC and two cabinet/racks in each of the TRs. Racks will always be mounted side by side with the
appropriate management between. Cabinets shall be mounted side-by-side, with internal sides and internal
vertical wire management on both sides of each cabinet.
All racks shall have one 8” wide Panduit vertical management panel, on the right and left side of the rack.
Between 2 adjacent racks there shall be one 12” panel. The vertical management panels shall be doublesided to facilitate patch cable routing vertically in the front and cable routing in the rear of the rack.
All racks shall have a 2u Panduit horizontal management panel below each fiber enclosure.
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Backboard mounted equipment
Any equipment and/or connector blocks not installed in cabinets or racks will be installed on plywood
back board. Specific locations not identified on the Construction Documents shall be approved at
installation by the TSO.
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: CATV Placement
CATV system equipment will be installed in specified cabinet, or on backboard as directed. Specific
location shall be approved at installation by the TSO. The CATV equipment shall NOT be placed
directly behind the floor racks, or in any location that interferes with required rack/cabinet clearances.
Telecommunication Rooms: Component Placement: Paging Equipment Placement
Paging System equipment will be installed in specified cabinet, or on backboard as required. Specific
location shall be approved at installation by the TSO. The paging equipment shall NOT be placed
directly behind the floor racks, or in any location that interferes with required rack/cabinet clearances.
Telecommunication Rooms: Labeling
Labeling of MDC and TR rooms shall be as directed by the TSO.
Nameplate-style signs indicating the MDC and TR room and rack number identifier shall be placed on the
center of the top crossbar of the racks or cabinet doors. As an example the second rack in a MDC would
be labeled “MDC-A2” and the second rack in the “B” TR room would be labeled “TR-B2”. The
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nameplate-style signs shall be a minimum of 1 ½” in height and consist of black letters on a white
background. Nameplates shall be engraved phenolic nameplates. Hand written rack/cabinet nameplates
are not acceptable.
Telecommunication Rooms: Mini-TR’s
Specified locations may have a separate ‘Mini-TR’ within the room for data cabling termination. The data
cabling ONLY will be terminated in an enclosed wall mounted Hubbell Rebox cabinet part number RE-4
(32.2” H x 24.2” W x10” D) mounted such that the top of the Rebox is 72” AFF. The Rebox shall be
mounted on a wall that will not be used for room expansion (i.e. a corridor wall, rest room wall, etc.). A
minimum of 36" clearance is required in front of the Rebox for proper working space. The Rebox shall
be grounded to building steel and the telecommunications ground system.
The location of the Rebox unit will be identified by the TSO at the time of installation, unless shown on
the Construction Documents.
The Rebox shall be equipped with: a lockable front door, a standard 48 port patch panel (Panduit
DP48688TP) and a six module surface mount box (Panduit CBXF6IW-A) with six inserts (CMSTEI) for
the 6 strand ST terminated fiber. The surface mount box shall be mounted inside 1” from the top and side
of the Rebox. A 15’ service loop shall be coiled and attached above the ceiling above the Rebox, away
from any mounting structures.
A 120 volt 20 amp duplex AC Power outlet, generator-backed, shall be provided within the Rebox.
Outlet shall be placed at bottom left corner of Rebox. This outlet shall be served from a generatorbacked, Panelboard. The outlet shall be labeled with the breaker panel and breaker number
Other wall mount enclosures may also be utilized. Mounting, power and other requirements shall be as for
the Mini-TR.
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Communications Pathways
Pathways: Entrance
Entrance pathways provide for the placement of cables between the utility demarcation point at the
property line and the CLT provided entrance room within the building. The pathways shall comply with
the EIA/TIA-569-B standard.
Pathways: Entrance: Material
Entrance pathways shall consist of PVC conduits, or as required by conditions. All penetrations shall be
Pathways: Entrance: MINIMUM Size and Count
The count and size of entrance pathways are dependent on the number of services being installed. All
entrance conduit and sleeves should be specified according to the following table:
Conduit Type
Conduit Size
Service Supported
Property Line
Bldg. Entrance
1 min. Copper, Fiber
Property Line
Bldg. Entrance
Property Line
Bldg. Entrance
*- Entrance pathways shall consist of PVC conduits, or as required by conditions
Entrance pathways shall be utilized as follows:
 Conduit 1 – Main (4”) telecommunications entrance conduit consisting of four (4) 1” flexible inner
ducts, or one 4-cell Maxcell type innerduct.
 Conduits 2, 3 – Spare telecommunications entrance conduits shall be capped at both ends for future
use with pull rope installed.
 Conduit 4 – Will be used by Time Warner for CATV.
The two conduits (one 4” and one 2”) initially used shall be reamed and bushed to eliminate entrance
cable damage. The spare 4” conduits shall be reamed and capped to eliminate gas, water, and vermin
entrance. The contractor should provide and store the bushing for future use of this conduit.
Pathways: Entrance: Installation
The entrance pathways shall have the following attributes:
 conduits shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity
 conduits shall be a minimum of 24” below grade
 conduits shall have a drain slope away from the building
 PVC conduits shall have a metallic tape placed 12” above the conduits
 conduits shall have no more than two 90 degree bends (radius a minimum of 40”) before a handhole
or manhole is installed
 handholes or manholes shall not be shared with public utilities
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conduits shall run no more than 500’ before a handhole or manhole is installed
conduits shall extend 12” in the entrance room, and shall be no more than 2” from the nearest wall
conduit ends shall be bushed, reamed and capped
conduits, and all sub-ducts, shall have a pull string installed
Conduits shall not be shared with other services, i.e., CATV, public utilities, etc.
Pathways: Entrance: Firewall
The penetration through firewalls to support entrance cabling shall be firestopped per code after
installation of cabling, and after all cable additions. For new construction, firestopping materials shall be
determined based on best fit to the building design. For existing buildings, the firestopping materials
shall be finished to match existing wall finish.
Pathways: Intra-Building
Intra-building pathways shall provide for the placement of cables between building levels and/or between
MDC and TRs within a building, and consist of trays, caddy supports, conduit, sleeves, surface mounted
raceway, etc. The pathways shall comply with TIA/EIA-569-B standards.
Pathways: Intra-Building: Size and Count
The count and size of intra-building pathways are dependent on the number of services being installed
and the number of WAOs the pathways support.
Pathways: Intra -Building: Cable Tray
Cable tray will have minimum dimensions of 12" wide x 4" deep. Cable tray will maintain a 40% or less
fill capacity at installation. Backbone cable tray shall be installed above the corridor ceiling grids at
nominal height of 1’ above the ceiling grid. The cable tray will not interfere with, or be placed within 12”
of lighting fixture ballasts or duct work. Conduits pipes or sprinkler heads shall not run through the cable
tray. Cable tray mounting methods will include wall brackets for tray adjacent to a wall and trapeze for
tray not adjacent to a wall. All mounting methods must meet manufacturer’s recommendations and be
sized and spaced according to load. Wire basket cable tray shall be installed to support a MINIMUM
loading of 50 lbs./lineal foot. Cable tray will NOT penetrate walls, instead four 4” conduit sleeves shall
be used to penetrate all walls.
Pathways: Intra-Building: Cable Caddy Supports
Erico Caddy Cablecat supports or equivalent shall be used to support cables instead of hooks. The
placement caddy supports in the ceiling space shall facilitate the placement of cables, and shall be placed
at a random distance between each support NOT TO EXCEED five feet to prevent uniform sag between
cable supports which could have detrimental effects on the testing and transmission characteristics of the
The caddy supports shall be attached to the structural support joists. The bottom of the supports should
be between 8” and 12” from the ceiling grid.
Multiple caddy support paths may be installed along a route if cable capacity requirements dictate.
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The caddy supports shall be placed away from other services in the ceiling (HVAC, fire, electrical, etc.)
to provide adequate working clearance for the technicians.
The minimum horizontal clearance from the access side of the support is 12”, and must be maintained
continuously between the supports.
The caddy support and the intended cable pathway between supports shall have a minimum clearance of
12”, on all sides from any fluorescent lighting fixtures.
Caddy supports shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity at installation.
Pathways: Intra-Building: Conduit
Conduit pathways shall be installed according to the following:
 Conduits shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity, 1 inch MINIMUM trade size.
 conduits shall have no more than two 90 degree bends (radius a minimum of 40”) before
pull box is installed
 conduits shall run no more than 150’ before a pull box is installed
 conduit ends shall be bushed and reamed, and have an insulating bushing.
 conduits, and all sub-ducts, shall have a pull string installed
 Conduits shall not be shared with other services, i.e., CATV, public utilities, etc.
Pathways: Intra-Building: Non-Firewall Penetrations
Penetrations through non fire-rated walls will use 4” bushed and reamed sleeves as the transition through
walls and cable tray runs. The number of sleeves will be dependent upon the quantity of cables to be
supported while maintaining 40% or less fill capacity. 12” x 4” cable tray requires four 4” sleeves to
penetrate walls without derating overall pathway capacity.
Pathways: Intra-Building: Firewall Penetrations
Firewall penetrations shall be made utilizing a fire-rated cable pathway, “Specified Technologies, Inc.
EZ-Path Cable Pathway” or equivalent. The number of penetrations will be dependent upon the quantity
of cables to be supported while maintaining a 40% or less fill capacity.
Pathways: Inter-Building
Inter-building pathways shall provide for the placement of cables between the MDC and TRs in
unattached buildings and consist of underground or structure attached systems. The pathways shall
comply with TIA/EIA-569-B standards.
Pathways: Inter-Building: Conduit Between Buildings
The backbone pathways between buildings shall be installed according to the following:
 conduits will maintain a 40% or less fill capacity
 conduits shall be a minimum of 24” below grade
 conduits shall have a drain slope away from the building
 PVC conduits shall have a metallic tape placed 12” above the conduits
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 conduits shall have no more than two 90 degree bends (radius a minimum of 40”) before
a handhole or manhole is installed
 handholes or manholes shall not be shared with public utilities
 conduits shall run no more than 500’ before a handhole or manhole is installed
 conduits shall extend 4” AFF in the entrance room, and shall be no more than 2” from the
nearest wall
 conduit ends shall be bushed and reamed
 conduits, and all sub-ducts, shall have a pull string installed
 Conduits shall not be shared with other services, i.e., CATV, public utilities, etc.
Pathways: Horizontal
Pathways: Horizontal: General
Horizontal pathways shall consist of caddy supports, cable tray, metallic conduits, sleeves and surface
mounted raceway. Sleeves and cable tray will be installed during construction, and other pathways phased
in as construction evolves. Horizontal pathways will not be shared with any other service (e.g. electrical).
All pathways shall comply with the EIA/TIA-569-B standard.
Pathways: Horizontal: Cable Caddy Supports
Erico Caddy Cablecat supports or equivalent will be used to support cables instead of hooks. Supports
shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity at installation. The placement of caddy supports in the ceiling
space shall facilitate the placement of cables and shall be placed at a random distance between each
support NOT TO EXCEED five feet to prevent uniform sag between cable supports which could have
detrimental effects on the testing and transmission characteristics of the cabling. Smaller intervals may be
used for facilitating turns and clearing obstructions.
The supports shall be attached to the structural support joists. The bottom of the supports should be
between 8 and 12” from the ceiling grid. Other intervals may be used for clearing obstructions.
Multiple caddy support paths may be installed along a route if capacity requirements dictate.
The supports shall be placed away from other services in the ceiling (HVAC, fire, electrical, etc.) to
provide adequate working clearance for the technicians.
The minimum horizontal clearance from the access side of the support is 12” and must be maintained
continuously between the supports.
The caddy support and the intended cable pathway between supports shall have a minimum clearance of
12”, on all sides, from any fluorescent lighting fixtures.
Pathways: Horizontal: Cable Tray
Horizontal cable tray shall be installed, according to manufacturer specifications, above the corridor
ceiling grids at nominal height of 12” above the ceiling grid. Cable tray will maintain a 40% or less fill
capacity at installation. The cable tray will not interfere with, or be placed within 12” of lighting fixture
ballasts or duct work. Conduits, pipes or sprinkler heads are not to go through the cable tray. Cable tray
mounting methods will include wall brackets for tray adjacent to a wall, and trapeze for tray not adjacent
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to a wall. Cable tray will have minimum dimensions of 12" wide X 4" deep. Cable tray shall be installed
to bear a load of 50 pounds per lineal foot, minimum.
Pathways: Horizontal: Penetrations
All wall and floor penetrations (non-firewall) for horizontal wiring will be made with metallic sleeves.
All sleeves shall be reamed and bushed on both ends.
Horizontal pathways through walls shall be sized according to the table below while maintaining a 40%
or less fill capacity at installation:
Number of Cables
Sleeve Size
4 –14
* Note: Cable capacity is shown here is based on a cable diameter of 0.25”. Counts vary with cable
Pathways: Horizontal: Penetrations: Firewalls
All firewall penetrations will use utilize a fire-rated cable pathway, “Specified Technologies, Inc. EZ-Path
Cable Pathway” or equivalent. All penetrations shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity.
Pathways: Horizontal: Metallic Conduit
All conduit/sleeve ends shall have an insulating bushing ring installed on both ends to provide a smooth
surface for cable pulling. All conduits shall have a gentle sweep into the cable tray in the direction of
cable route so as to avoid sharp cable bends. All conduits shall maintain a 40% or less fill capacity.
Pathways: Horizontal: Flush Mounted Outlets
Flush mounted outlets will consist of a 4" x 4" x 2 1/8” outlet box with a single gang plaster ring. A 1”
metallic conduit, bushed and reamed, will be stubbed from outlet box into the ceiling space, cable tray or
serving TR .
Pathways: Horizontal: Surface Mounted Raceway with outlets
A 10’ section of non-metallic Panduit Twin-70 will be used. All raceway and faceplates will be
International White. AC power can be run in the power channel provided. All electrical outlets in the
raceway will be on a dedicated circuit separate from other outlets. In addition each electrical outlet shall
be 120 volt 20 amp.
Pathways: Horizontal: Equipment Rooms Surface Mounted Raceway
Raceway in equipment rooms may be mounted on three walls around the perimeter of the room. Nonmetallic Panduit Twin-70 will be used. All raceway and faceplates will be International White. AC
power can be run in the power channel provided. All electrical outlets in the raceway will be divided
among dedicated 120 volt 20 amp circuits.
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Pathways: Horizontal: Surface Mounted Raceway: Single Outlets in Existing Building
The Contractor shall provide a vertical pathway from the ceiling space to the horizontal raceway and
outlet utilizing nonmetallic raceway. PANDUIT Twin-70 shall be installed. All raceway and faceplates
will be International White. The raceway shall be mounted 36” AFF to the bottom of the raceway.
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Cabling: General
Cabling: Entrance Cabling
Entrance cabling will be provided by the Contractor or Service Provider, as required.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Lightning Protection
The utility provider is responsible for providing lightning protection on all entrance cabling. Protection
will be solid-state and provide voltage clamping and other characteristics according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations of the associated system.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Installation
The entrance cables shall be placed in the installed entrance pathway system between the property line
and the building entrance rooms per the manufacturer’s guidelines on bend radii and maximum pulling
In the entrance rooms or spaces, the entrance cables will be routed neatly and shall be dressed as
appropriate with Velcro wraps (suitable for air handing spaces). The cabling will be installed using
standard industry procedures with regard to pulling methods and tension, cable bend radius, strain relief,
Fiber cables shall be indoor/outdoor, plenum rated, aluminum armored with an overall orange sheath,
from the building entrance point to the fiber enclosure in the MDC.
There shall be a fifteen-foot service loop for the fiber cable at each end and a ten-foot service loop for
copper cable at each end.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Termination
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Termination: Copper
Multiple pair 24 AWG copper cable will be terminated on 66 blocks in the designated entrance room. The
cable shall be terminated using standard industry procedures with regard to Termination order (color
code), cable bend radius, strain relief, solid-state protection, etc.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Termination: Fiber
Fiber cables will be terminated on fiber enclosures located in the entrance room. The cable shall be
Terminated using manufacturer and standard industry procedures with regard to cable cleaning, cable
bend radius, strain relief, etc.
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Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Termination: CATV
The Time Warner entrance cable will be terminated on a wall mounted CATV tap in the designated
entrance room.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Labeling
Each entrance cable will be tagged and labeled at each end point and pull point and note the Termination
location. For example a copper voice entrance cable would be labeled “Telco Entrance to MDC”; a
CATV entrance cable would be labeled “CATV Entrance to MDC”.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Testing
The service providers are responsible for testing the entrance cabling.
Cabling: Entrance Cabling: Grounding
The utility providers are responsible for grounding all entrance cabling.
Cabling: Backbone
Cabling: Backbone: General
Backbone cabling shall consist of copper and fiber cable for voice and data applications and coax for
CATV applications. All backbone cabling will be non-plenum or plenum rated depending upon the
Cabling: Backbone: Installation
The backbone cables shall be placed in the installed backbone pathway system between the TRs and
MDC per the manufacturer’s guidelines on bend radii and maximum pulling tension. Cables shall not be
tied to conduit, strung across ceiling grid, support joists, beams, girders, or otherwise installed outside the
backbone pathway.
In the TRs and MDC the backbone cables will be routed neatly in the ladder racking and shall be dressed
as appropriate with Velcro wraps (suitable for air handing spaces). Installer will use standard industry
procedures with regard to pulling methods and tension, cable bend radius, strain relief, etc.
Fiber cables shall be continuous from the fiber enclosures in the TRs and the MDC through the backbone
pathway. All fiber optics cable shall be indoor/outdoor rated, with interlocking flexible aluminum armor
under an overall sheath. All fiber cables shall be plenum rated.
There shall be a fifteen-foot service loop for fiber cable installed in the fiber enclosure, a ten-foot service
loop for copper cable installed on the backboard and a fifteen-foot service loop for the CATV installed on
the backboard. The fiber service loops in the MDC shall be 20 feet, minimum.
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Cabling: Backbone: Analog Voice and Paging
Cabling: Backbone: Analog Voice and Paging: Cable Type
Voice and paging indoor backbone cable shall consist of multi-pair 24 AWG, solid conductor, Category
5e, non-plenum or plenum rated, depending upon the construction application.
Voice and paging outdoor backbone cable for shall consist of multi-pair 24 AWG, solid conductor,
Category 5e, with a water-proof fill and aluminum jacket (CALPETH or equivalent).
Voice and paging backbone cable applications shall be sized for system requirements plus 20% growth.
Cabling: Backbone: Analog Voice and Paging: Termination
Multiple pair 24 AWG copper cable installed for use as backbone cable for voice and paging applications
will be terminated on separate modular 66 blocks in all TRs and the MDC. Each backbone cable shall be
terminated on its own unique modular 66 blocks. Mixing of backbone cables on the same modular 66
block is not permitted. The cable shall be terminated using standard industry procedures with regard to
Termination order (color code), cable bend radius, strain relief, protection, etc.
All outside plant copper cable will be terminated with solid-state protection clamped to 90 volts for
analog. The installer is responsible for providing protectors on both ends of the backbone cable provided
between buildings and for providing blanks for all unused spaces.
Cabling: Backbone: Analog Voice and Paging: Labeling
All labels shall be printed using a Brother P-touch labeler (or equivalent). Labels shall not be
handwritten. Each backbone cable will be tagged and labeled at each end point and pull point. The label
should include the buildings and/or rooms connected and indicate the type of cable and capacity. For
example a 100 pair backbone cable from the MDC to TR-B would be labeled “MDC to TR-B 100-pair”.
Voice and paging modular 66 block labeling in the MDC and TRs will use a numbering scheme starting
with 001 for the first Termination on the first block, and continuing sequentially through the last
Termination of the last block. A laminated sheet providing Termination information will be mounted on
backboard near the modular 66 blocks.
Each modular 66 block shall be labeled with a printed colored label consistent with the EIA/TIA-606
specification, which is as follows:
Analog voice – purple
Paging – red
Horizontal Terminations – blue
Intra Building backbone Terminations – white
Interbuilding backbone Terminations – brown
Miscellaneous circuits – yellow
Service provider blocks - orange
Customer side of demarc – green
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Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone
Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone: MDC and Distribution TRs
The fiber cable for indoor/outdoor use shall be tight buffered, 8um/125um singlemode or 62.5/125um
multimode (application dependent), constructed for indoor/outdoor inter-building applications, with water
resistant features, rated for plenum environments, with interlocking flexible aluminum armor under an
overall sheath. Cables shall be manufactured by CommScope or Corning.
Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone: Innerduct
If flexible innerduct is used with unarmored fiber cabling in lieu of armored fiber, the each fiber cable
shall be run in its own 1” fiber innerduct from termination rack to termination rack. Innerduct shall be
continuous and have no gaps. Innerduct should be plenum or non-plenum rated depending on the
application. The use of innerduct requires the prior written approval of the TSO.
Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone: Termination
Fiber cables will be terminated in fiber enclosures located in the TRs and MDC, with ST
connectors(multimode or type LC (singlemode) at both ends. The cable shall be terminated using
manufacturer and standard industry procedures with regard to cable cleaning, cable bend radius, strain
relief, etc. Fiber enclosure will be fitted with blanks on all unused termination points.
Fiber strands will be terminated as listed in the table below.
Cabling: Backbone: Data Backbone: Labeling
All labels shall be printed using a Brother P-touch labeler (or equivalent). Labels shall not be
handwritten. Each backbone cable will be tagged and labeled at each end point and pull point. The label
should include the buildings and/or rooms connected and the fiber type. For example the 12/6 strand
multimode/singlemode fiber cable connecting TRB to the MDC would be labeled “MDC to TR-B
12MM/6SM”. In addition, each fiber pair shall be tagged and labeled at each end point. For example, the
multimode fiber in the MDC going to TR-B would be labeled as such: B-1/2, B-3/4, B-5/6, B-7/8, B-9/10,
B-11/12 with the letter indicating the TR and the numbers indicating the fiber strand.
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Cabling: Backbone: CATV Backbone
The CATV backbone (trunk cabling) will be run within the pathway system from the CATV service
Entrance to the primary distribution point. Trunk cable will be run from the primary distribution point to
each TR in each area. An individual trunk cable will then be run from designated TR down each corridor
Cabling: Backbone: CATV Backbone: Cable Type
The backbone cabling for the CATV Distribution System shall be plenum (CommScope P3500JACAR),
coaxial cable.
Cabling: Backbone: CATV Backbone: Termination
Trunk cabling for CATV system in the MDC will be terminated on wall mounted taps. All taps will be
mounted on the plywood backboard.
Cabling: Backbone: CATV Backbone: Labeling
All labels shall be printed using a Brother P-touch labeler (or equivalent). Labels shall not be
handwritten. Each backbone cable will be tagged and labeled at each end point and pull point. The label
should include the letter of the MDC or TR that it originates from followed by a number. The first
backbone run would be number 1 and each run thereafter would be numbered sequentially. Labels will be
put on a nylon marker tie and attached to the cable.
Cabling: Horizontal
Cabling: Horizontal: General
The horizontal wiring consists of the wiring from the communications rooms (MDC or TR) to the WAO.
The horizontal wiring design includes the wiring termination components in the telecommunications
rooms, the horizontal wiring itself, and the termination components at the outlet.
Cabling: Horizontal: Cable Type
All horizontal cabling will be plenum rated. All data cabling shall be rated, tested and certified for
Category 6 performance. All analog voice and paging cabling shall be rated, tested and certified for
Category 5e. Category 6 cabling may be substituted for Category 5e cabling at no cost to the Owner. All
jacks shall match the performance Category of the associated cable.
All CATV horizontal coaxial cabling will be (CommScope F660BVR) plenum rated.
Cabling: Horizontal: Color Coding
All horizontal cabling run shall adhere to the following color code chart. Jack colors shall match cable
color unless otherwise noted.
Cable Color
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Tenant Data
CLT Data
FIDS Comnet Data
TSA Data
HMS/Host Data
TSA Phone
Blue with Orange jacks
Cabling: Horizontal: Topology
Horizontal wiring for data, voice and paging shall be configured in a star topology from the MDC or TRs.
The maximum distance (cable run) between the outlet and the serving communications room shall be 90
meters (290 feet). Cable runs that exceed the 290 feet shall be submitted to the TSO in writing for a
Cabling: Horizontal: Installation
The horizontal cabling shall be placed in the installed horizontal pathway system (cable tray, hooks,
and/or sleeves) between the communication rooms and the outlets. The cables shall not be tied to conduit
in the ceiling, laid on duct work, strung across the ceiling grid, or otherwise be installed outside of the
horizontal pathway system. In accordance with NEC 800-52(E), "Raceways shall be used for their
intended purpose. Communication cables or wires shall not be strapped, taped, or attached by any
means to the exterior of any conduit or raceway as a means of support."
The cables shall be installed with a minimum of 12” clearance from fluorescent lighting fixtures.
The cables shall have no more than 8” sag between hooks in the horizontal pathway system.
The cables shall be dressed neatly and grouped in small bundles of 50 cables or less, of like purpose and
color with loose Velcro wraps that are suitable for air handling spaces. For example, only data cables
should be bundled together, only voice cables bundled together. All paging/intercom speaker cabling shall
be run entirely in conduit to the serving TR.
In the TRs and MDC, the horizontal cables will be routed via the ladder racking system and shall be
dressed as appropriate with loose Velcro wraps (suitable for air handing spaces).
A minimum 10 feet of slack shall be left in the ceiling space at the outlet conduit for future reterminations, repair, or repositioning of the outlet. The slack shall be placed in the cables in a “staggered”
In the communications rooms, a service loop of minimum 10 feet of slack shall be placed in a “staggered”
fashion on the cable tray.
Any cables that are determined to be damaged should be removed from the patch panels and pulled out as
opposed to being abandoned and a replacement cable(s) pulled according to specification.
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All cables are full run. Splices or inline connectors are not allowed.
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Category 6 Data
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Category 6 Data: MDC & TRs
Category 6 Data Horizontal Cables will be terminated in the MDC or TRs on 48 port high density
modular patch panels. The patch panels shall be mounted in 19" racks or cabinets. In the MDC and any
TR with 3 or more racks all data patch panels will be mounted in the center rack. In TRs with less than
three racks data patch panels will be mounted in the rack closest to the wall.
Patch panels used are 568B, 48 port, modular type, Category 6 (Panduit).
The order for mounting enclosures, panels and management shall be as follows. The fiber enclosure shall
be mounted at the top of the rack with a 2U horizontal front and rear management (Panduit WMPHF3)
directly beneath. Data patch panels will be mounted next.
Cables shall be routed from the pathway system to the rack via ladder racking. Cables of like purpose will
be bundled with loose Velcro wraps (suitable for air handing spaces). Cables will turn down into the back
of the vertical management. They will then turn and exit from the vertical management at the patch panel
on which it is to be terminated. Cables for the left side of the patch panel will be routed on the left
vertical management. Cables for the right side of the patch panel will be routed on the right vertical
management. At no time shall cables cross the center point of the patch panel. Cables will be neatly
dressed with loose Velcro wraps (suitable for air handing spaces).
The installers shall observe the wiring practices described in EIA/TIA 568C and the cable manufacturer
specifications. The amount of untwisting in any pair as a result of termination (ISO, patch panel, or
block) shall not be greater than one-half (0.5) inch, and a minimum length of cable jacket shall be
removed, no more than one-half (0.5) inch (only as much as is required to terminate on connecting
hardware). The cable bend radii shall not be less than four-times the cable diameter for horizontal cable.
Care should be exercised to minimize twisting of cabling during installation.
Terminations will follow the T568B pattern for termination order.
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Category 6 Data: WAOs
Category 6 data cables will be terminated on the appropriately colored Category 6 RJ-45 jacks using the
T568B pin-out (Panduit CJK688TP**).
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Analog Voice and Paging
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Analog Voice and Paging: MDC & TRs
Voice and paging cabling Terminations and equipment shall be mounted to the plywood backboard.
Voice and paging cabling Terminations shall NOT be installed directly behind or in interference with
data racks.
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The Termination method for Category 5e cable shall be distinct and separate 66 blocks for each
application. Each application of Category 5e cabling (e.g. voice, paging) shall have individual modular
blocks dedicated specifically for that particular application. Therefore, the analog voice cabling should
have separate 66 blocks for voice terminations only, paging would have separate modular 66 blocks for
paging only.
Voice and paging modular block labeling in the MDC and TRs will use a numbering scheme starting with
001 for the first termination on the first block, and continuing sequentially through the last Termination of
the last block. A laminated sheet providing termination information will be mounted on backboard near
the blocks.
Each modular block shall be labeled with a colored label consistent with the TIA/EIA-606A specification,
which is as follows:
Analog voice – purple
Paging – red
Horizontal Terminations – blue
Intra Building backbone Terminations – white
Interbuilding backbone Terminations – brown
Miscellaneous circuits – yellow
Service provider blocks - orange
Customer side of demarc – green
Analog voice and paging cross connects will utilize USOC patch cables. The patch cables should be gray
for voice, and pink for paging.
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of Voice and Paging: WAOs
Category 5e voice cables will be terminated on the appropriately colored Category 5e RJ-45 jacks using
the T568B pin-out (Panduit CJ5E88TG**).
Category 5e paging cables will be terminated on clips or screw type terminals on speakers mounted in the
ceiling or on walls. Five feet of slack shall be coiled up with a Velcro wrap (suitable for air handing
spaces) and laid on top of the speaker backbox.
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of CATV
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of CATV: MDC
CATV Distribution components such as couplers and taps will be wall mounted. CATV distribution
components shall be mounted on the plywood backboard and NOT be directly behind or in interference
with data racks. Coax/fiber interfaces and other active CATV components may be either rack or
backboard mounted, as required.
Cabling: Horizontal: Termination of CATV: WAOs
RG6 coax terminated with radial compression F connectors will be run from backbone tap to WAO. Each
run should be a maximum of 150’. Coax will be labeled at each end with the same label as the WAO.
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Cabling: Work Area Outlets
Work Area Outlets (WAOs) shall consist of flush mount, surface mount raceway, or floor-box outlets and
are of multiple types. All faceplates are the screw on type.
The quantity and types of outlets are determined by the room type/function, i.e. classroom, lab,
workroom, etc.
Single gang, flush-mount, 4-port faceplates shall be installed for all outlets except for when outlets are
placed in floor boxes or for the “J” outlet.
For slab floorbox applications, the floorbox shall be Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 for raised floor applications
Wiremold AF3-** with CIHT-GFI insert and Panduit CFG2IW insert.
For applications requiring a power pole, the Panduit PCPA11R20IW (11’ length) or PCPA13R20IW (13’
in length) dual channel for power and communications should be used. It should be installed per
manufacturer specifications by using mounting brackets and the faceplates should be the screw on type.
The outlet types are as follows:
Analog Voice
Data/Analog Voice
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
Data Only
CATV / Data
CATV / Data
1 Voice (RJ45 Cat. 5e)
1 Voice (RJ45 Cat. 5e), 2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6)
2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6)
2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6) cabled to REBOX
4 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6) cabled to REBOX
4 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6)
2 Data FIDS(RJ45 Cat. 6)
2 Data FIDS(RJ45 Cat. 6) cabled to REBOX
4 Data FIDS(RJ45 Cat. 6) cabled to REBOX
4 Data FIDS(RJ45 Cat. 6)
1 RG6 female F connector
1 RG6 female F connector, 2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6)
1 RG6 female F connector
1 RG6 female F connector, 2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6)
1 Paging (red Category 5e cable Terminated on a speaker with
either clips or screw type Terminals)
DS2 Data Only
2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6) Camera Outlet for DSS system
WD2 Data Only
2 Data (RJ45 Cat. 6) Access Point Outlet for Wireless system
Note: Refer to Cable Color Code Chart for cable and jack color coding requirements.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail A
“A” outlets will consist of a double gang deep outlet box with single gang opening, single gang four port
flush mounted faceplate with one Category 5e cable terminated on a RJ-45 T568B jack in position A.
Positions B, C & D shall be covered with a blank. These outlets will be installed at the same height as
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electrical receptacles, typically 16” AFF unless in an office area where the mounting height will be 36”.
All cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail AD2
“AD2” outlets will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface
mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with one Category 5e cable terminated on a RJ-45
T568B jack in position A for voice and with two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568-B
jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions. Blanks shall be installed in the B position. A 120
volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will
require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit
CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, one Category 5e cable terminated on a RJ-45 T568B jack in position A
(voice) and two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and placed in the C, D
positions of the faceplate. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All
cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail D2
“D2” outlets will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface
mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions. Blanks shall be installed in the A and B
positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox
application it will require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B data jacks and placed in the C, D positions of the faceplate. Blanks shall be installed in the A and
B positions. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All cables will be
routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail D2R
“D2R” outlets will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface
mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions. Blanks shall be installed in the A and B
positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox
application it will require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with two Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B data jacks and placed in the C, D positions of the faceplate. Blanks shall be installed in the A and
B positions. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All cables will be
routed back to the appropriate to the serving REBOX.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail D4R
“D4R” outlets will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface
mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B jacks and placed in the A, B, C and D faceplate positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is
required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will require a Wiremold RFB4CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter,
with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and placed in the A, B, C, and D
positions of the faceplate. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All
cables will be routed back to the appropriate to the serving REBOX.
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Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail D4
“D4” outlets will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface
mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B jacks and placed in the A, B, C and D faceplate positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is
required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will require a Wiremold RFB4CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter,
with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and placed in the A, B, C, and D
positions of the faceplate. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All
cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail F2
“F2” outlets are dedicated to the FIDS network. The outlet will consist of a single gang, four port flush
mounted faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with two
Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions.
Blanks shall be installed in the A and B positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one
foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for
raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with two Category
6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and placed in the C, D positions of the faceplate.
Blanks shall be installed in the A and B positions. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required
within the floor box. All cables will be routed back to the serving MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail F2R
“F2R” outlets are dedicated to the FIDS network, and will consist of a single gang, four port flush
mounted faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with two
Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions.
Blanks shall be installed in the A and B positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one
foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for
raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with two Category
6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and placed in the C, D positions of the faceplate.
Blanks shall be installed in the A and B positions. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required
within the floor box. All cables will be routed back to the appropriate to the serving REBOX.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail F4R
“F4R” outlets are dedicated to the FIDS network, and will consist of a single gang, four port flush
mounted faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with four
Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the A, B, C and D faceplate
positions. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox
application it will require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3** with a Panduit CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45
T568B data jacks and placed in the A, B, C, and D positions of the faceplate. Two 120 volt 20 amp
duplex outlets are required within the floor box. All cables will be routed back to the appropriate to the
serving REBOX.
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Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail F4
“F4” outlets are dedicated to the FIDS network, and will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted
faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with four Category 6
data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the A, B, C and D faceplate positions. A 120
volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of the outlet. For a slab floorbox application it will
require a Wiremold RFB4-CI-1 floor box for raised floor applications Wiremold AF3-** with a Panduit
CHI2MWG Bezel Adapter, with four Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B data jacks and
placed in the A, B, C, and D positions of the faceplate. Two 120 volt 20 amp duplex outlets are required
within the floor box. All cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail J
“J” outlets are for CATV connection and will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted faceplate
mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with one Series 6 type coaxial
cable terminated on one ‘F’ type radial clamp connector in position A, and blanks installed in positions B,
C and D. Cable shall be run to tap in serving MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail JD2
“JD2” outlets are for CATV and data connections and will consist of a single gang, four port flush
mounted faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with one
Series 6 type coaxial cable terminated on one ‘F’ type radial clamp connector in position A, two
Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions.
Blanks shall be installed in the B position. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of
the outlet. All cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail K
“K” outlets are for CCTV camera connection and will consist of a single gang, four port flush mounted
faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with one Series 6 type
coaxial cable terminated on one ‘F’ type radial clamp connector in position A, and blanks installed in
positions B, C and D. Cable shall be run to tap in serving MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail KD2
“KD2” outlets are for CCTV camera and data connections and will consist of a single gang, four port
flush mounted faceplate mounted in the surface mounted raceway or double gang deep outlet box, with
one Series 6 type coaxial cable terminated on one ‘F’ type radial clamp connector in position A, two
Category 6 data cables terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the C and D faceplate positions.
Blanks shall be installed in the B position. A 120 volt 20 amp quad outlet is required within one foot of
the outlet. All cables will be routed back to the appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail S
“S” outlets will consist of a single red Category 5e cable terminated on a speaker with either clips or
screw type Terminals.
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Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail: DS2
“DS2” outlets will consist of a two-port surface mounted box, with two Category 6 data cables terminated
on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the A and B positions. All cables will be routed back to the DSS
patch panel in appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Detail: WD2
“WD2” outlets will consist of a two-port surface mounted box, with two Category 6 data cables
terminated on RJ-45 T568B jacks and placed in the A and B positions. All cables will be routed back to
the Wireless system mid-span Power Injector patch panel in appropriate MDC or TR.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Location
Specific outlet placement within each room is identified in the floor plan drawings.
Cabling: Work Area Outlets: Labeling
Each WAO shall have individual jack labels positioned on the faceplate on top and bottom directly over
or under the individual jack. Jack icons shall be used. All labels shall be printed using a Brother P-touch
labeler (or equivalent). Labels shall not be handwritten.
The labeling system used is the following:
For standard WAOs:
 WAO identifier (AB-XXX) where the “A” indicates the communications room/closet.
 The “B” indicates the jack usage, i.e. D = data, V = voice, T=CATV, C = CCTV, F=FIDS.
The “XXX” indicates the patch panel port (data) or block cable pair number (voice) or CATV
cable number (CATV). As an example, a typical outlet data jack cabled from TR-B patch
panel port number 112 would be labeled as “BD-112”. A typical outlet voice jack cabled
from TR-B block cable pair number 046 would be labeled as “BV-046”. A typical outlet
CATV jack from TR-B CATV cable number 012 would be labeled as “BC-012”.
For Paging Speaker WAOs:
All speakers will have a label affixed to the outside surface that is visible without having to remove the
speaker from the ceiling or the wall. All labels shall be printed using a Brother P-touch labeler (or
equivalent). Labels shall not be handwritten.
 The WAO identifier (AS- XXX) would be used where the “A” indicates the TR, and where
“S” indicates speaker.
 The “XXX” indicates the 66 block cable pair number (paging). As an example, a typical
speaker cabled from TR-B 66 block cable pair number 031 would be labeled as “BS-031”.
 If the speaker is tied to a call button, as is the case in a classroom, the call button should have
the same label as the speaker.
Cabling: Testing
For acceptance, 100% of the media must be tested and pass all testing requirements. When errors or
defective components are found, the source of each error shall be determined, corrected, and the
components re-tested at contractor's expense, following the testing procedures described in this document.
Cable runs that fail due to distance are not acceptable and will be rerun at the contractor’s expense.
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Cabling: Testing: Documentation
Test documentation shall be provided to CLT Technology Services on CD-ROM and printed.
The CD shall be clearly marked on the cover and on the CD itself with the words “Test Results”, the
project name, and the date of completion (month and year). Testing must be performed within a 30 day
window prior to the Final Inspection. Software required to read the test results shall be provided on the
same CD.
The information shall be indexed by major headings.
The test equipment by name, manufacturer, model number and last calibration date shall also be provided
at the end of the document.
Unless the manufacturer specifies a more frequent calibration cycle, an annual calibration cycle is
required on all test equipment used for this installation.
Testing documentation shall include a printed description of the test method used and the specific settings
of the equipment during the test.
When repairs and re-tests are performed, the problem found and corrective action taken shall be noted,
and both the failed and passed test data shall be co-located in the documentation.
Cabling: Testing: Backbone
Cabling: Testing: Backbone: Fiber
The Communications Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, field-test
instruments and equipment required for the complete testing, identification and
administration of the work. In addition to the tests detailed in this document, the
contractor shall notify CLT of any additional tests that are deemed necessary to
guarantee a fully functional system. The contractor shall carry out and record any
additional measurement results at no additional charge.
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with this document. This includes testing the attenuation and
polarity of the installed cable plant with an optical loss test set (OLTS) and the installed condition of the
cabling system and its components with an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR). The condition of
the fiber endfaces shall also be verified. Testing shall be performed on each cabling permanent link
(connector to connector).
All tests shall be documented and submitted to the TSO including OLTS dual wavelength attenuation
measurements for multimode and singlemode links and OTDR traces and event tables for multimode and
singlemode links.
All testing procedures and field-test instruments shall comply with applicable requirements in the latest
versions of:
 ANSI Z136.2, ANS for Safe Use of Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode
and LED Sources
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ANSI/EIA/TIA-455-50B, Light Launch Conditions For Long-Length Graded-Index Optical Fiber
Spectral Attenuation Measurements
ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-59A, Measurement of Fiber Point Discontinuities Using an OTDR.
ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-60A, Measurement of Fiber or Cable Length Using an OTDR.
ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-61A, Measurement of Fiber or Cable Attenuation Using an OTDR.
ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7, Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Singlemode Fiber Cable
ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14-A, Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Multimode Fiber
Cable Plant.
TIA 568-C.0 Generic Telecommunications Cabling
TIA 586-C.1 Commercial Building Cabling
TIA-568-C.3 Optical Cabling Components
Manufacturer specifications and recommendations
Trained technicians who have successfully attended an appropriate training program, which includes
testing with an OLTS and an OTDR and have obtained a certificate as proof thereof shall execute the
tests. These certificates may have been issued by any of the following organizations or an equivalent
 Manufacturer of the fiber optic cable and/or the fiber optic connectors.
 Manufacturer of the test equipment used for the field certification.
 Training organizations (e.g., BICSI, A Telecommunications Association headquarters in Tampa,
Florida; ACP [Association of Cabling Professionals™] Cabling Business Institute located in
Dallas, Texas)
The TSO or their designated representative may select a random sample of 10% of the installed links. The
TSO representative shall test randomly selected links and the results are to be stored in accordance with
this document. The results obtained shall be compared to the results provided by the Communications
Contractor. If more than 2% of the sample results differ in terms of the pass/fail determination, the
Communications Contractor under supervision of the TSO representative shall repeat 100% testing of all
fiber. The expense incurred to re-test will be borne solely by the Communications Contractor.
Each cabling link shall be in compliance with the following test limits:
Optical loss testing
Backbone (multimode and singlemode) link
The link attenuation shall be calculated by the following formulas as specified in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-C.1.
Link Attenuation (dB) = Cable_Attn (dB) + Connector_Attn (dB) + Splice_Attn (dB)
Cable_Attn (dB) = Attenuation_Coefficient (dB/km) * Length (Km)
Connector_Attn (dB) = number_of_connector_pairs * connector_loss (dB)
Maximum allowable connector_loss = 0.75 dB
Splice_Attn (dB) = number_of_splices * splice_loss (dB)
Maximum allowable splice_loss = 0.3 dB
The values for the Attenuation_Coefficient (dB/km) are listed in the table below:
Type of Optical Fiber
Multimode 62.5/125 µm
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OTDR testing
Reflective events (connections) shall not exceed 0.75 dB.
Non-reflective events (splices) shall not exceed 0.3 dB.
Magnified endface inspection
Fiber connections shall be visually inspected for endface quality.
Scratched, pitted or dirty connectors shall be diagnosed and corrected.
All installed cabling links shall be field-tested and pass the test requirements and analysis as described.
Any link that fails these requirements shall be diagnosed and corrected. Any corrective action that must
take place shall be documented and followed with a new test to prove that the corrected link meets
performance requirements. The final and passing result of the tests for all links and channels shall be
provided in the test results documentation.
The field-test instrument shall be within the calibration period recommended by the manufacturer.
Optical loss test set (OLTS)
Multimode optical fiber light source
Provide dual LED light sources with central wavelengths of 850 nm (30 nm) and 1300 nm (20 nm)
Output power of –20 dBm minimum.
The light source shall meet the launch requirements of ANSI/EIA/TIA-455-50B, Method A. This launch
condition can be achieved either within the field test equipment or by use of an external mandrel wrap (as
described in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-C.1) with a Category 1 light source.
Singlemode optical fiber light source
Provide dual laser light sources with central wavelengths of 1310 nm (20 nm) and 1550 nm (20 nm).
Output power of –10 dBm minimum.
Power Meter
Provide 850 nm, 1300/1310 nm, and 1550 nm wavelength test capability.
Power measurement uncertainty of  0.25 dB.
Store reference power measurement.
Save at least 100 results in internal memory.
PC interface (serial or USB).
Administration of the documentation shall include test results of each fiber link. The test result
information for each link shall be recorded in the memory of the field-test instrument upon completion of
the test. The test result records saved within the field-test instrument shall be transferred into a
Windows™-based database utility that allows for the maintenance, inspection and archiving of these test
records. These test records shall be uploaded to the PC unaltered, i.e., “as saved in the field-test
instrument”. The file format, CSV (comma separated value), does not provide adequate protection of
these records and shall not be used. The database for the complete project shall be stored and delivered
on CD-ROM prior to Owner acceptance of the building. This CD-ROM shall include the software tools
required to view, inspect, and print any selection of the test reports. Circuit IDs reported by the test
instrument should match the specified label ID.
The detailed test results documentation data is to be provided in an electronic database for each tested
optical fiber and shall contain the following information:
The identification of the customer site as specified by the end-user
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The name of the test limit selected to execute the stored test results
The name of the personnel performing the test
The date and time the test results were saved in the memory of the tester
The manufacturer, model and serial number of the field-test instrument
The version of the test software and the version of the test limit database held within the test
 The fiber identification number
 The length for each optical fiber
 Optionally the index of refraction used for length calculation when using a length capable OLTS
 Test results to include OLTS attenuation link and channel measurements at the appropriate
wavelength(s) and the margin (difference between the measured attenuation and the test limit
 Test results to include OTDR link and channel traces and event tables at the appropriate
 The length for each optical fiber as calculated by the OTDR.
 The overall Pass/Fail evaluation of the link-under-test for OLTS and OTDR measurements
 A picture or image of each fiber end-face
 A pass/fail status of the end-face based upon visual inspection.
Cabling: Testing: Backbone: Voice and Paging
The backbone copper cabling will be tested end-to-end for compliance with Category 5e performance
specifications as stated in the TIA/EIA 568-C.2. The test equipment used will be in compliance with
industry standard Level II test equipment, and the TIA/EIA 568C.2 test procedures. Test results must be
provided the TSO in electronic and printed format.
Cabling: Testing: Backbone: CATV
Contractor will test the completed CATV riser and horizontal distribution system to verify compliance
with the published design specifications. All testing will comply with National Cable Television
Association Standards (NCTA) and/or Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers Standards
(SCTE) recommended practices. Coax cabling shall be tested for continuity and loss. Test results
between the MDC and tap will be tested at 750mhz. Test results must provide the length of each run and
the amount of loss with an acceptable loss not greater than 3.05db loss per 100 feet. Test results must be
provided CLT Technology Services staff in electronic and printed format.
Cabling: Testing: Horizontal
Cabling: Testing: Horizontal: Category 6
Every cabling link in the installation shall be tested in accordance with the field test specifications defined
in the most recent version of EIA/TIA 568-C.2.
The installed twisted-pair horizontal links shall be tested from the TR to the WAO against the “Permanent
Link” performance limits specification as defined in the CAT 6 Standard.
100% of the installed cabling links must be tested and must pass the requirements of the CAT 6 Standard
and as described in the Standards. Any failing link must be diagnosed and corrected. The corrective action
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shall be followed with a new test to prove that the corrected link meets the performance requirements.
The final and passing result of the tests for all links shall be provided in the test results documentation.
The test equipment (tester) shall comply with the accuracy requirements for the level III field testers as
defined in the CAT 6 Standard. The tester including the appropriate interface adapter must meet the
manufacturer specified accuracy requirements.
The tester shall be within the calibration period recommended by the manufacturer.
The tester interface adaptors must be of high quality and the cable shall not show any twisting or kinking.
The Pass or Fail condition for the link-under-test is determined by the results of the required individual
tests. And Fail or Fail* result yields a Fail for the link-under-test. In order to achieve an overall Pass
condition, the results for each individual test parameter must be Pass or Pass*.
The TSO or their designated representative may select a random sample of 10% of the installed links. The
TSO representative shall test randomly selected links and the results are to be stored in accordance with
this document. The results obtained shall be compared to the results provided by the Communications
Contractor. If more than 2% of the sample results differ in terms of the pass/fail determination, the
Communications Contractor under supervision of the TSO representative shall repeat 100% testing of all
Category 5e cabling. The expense incurred to re-test will be borne solely by the Communications
Test results must be provided CLT Technology Services staff in electronic and printed format.
Cabling: Testing: Horizontal: Category 5e
Perform testing of Category 5e cables with a level IIe tester meeting EIA/TIA 568-C.2. Tests will include
the following: Wire Map, Cable Length, Attenuation, NEXT, Power Sum NEXT, Power Sum ELFEXT,
Propagation Delay, and Delay Skew.
Cabling: Testing: Horizontal: CATV
Contractor will test the completed CATV horizontal distribution system to verify compliance with the
published design specifications. All testing will comply with National Cable Television Association
Standards (NCTA) and/or Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers Standards (SCTE).
Coax cabling shall be tested for continuity. Test results between each tap and WAO will be tested at
750mhz. Test results must provide the length of each run and the amount of loss with an acceptable loss
not greater than 6.15db loss per 100 feet.
Cabling: Materials
CLT preferred materials are listed here, and reflect the standard components currently in use. Preapproval by CLT Technology Services is required for all proposed substitutions.
Cabling: Materials: Technology Preferred Vendors
(This table is not meant to be an all inclusive parts list. If at any time you need assistance with
determining the appropriate part or number please contact CLT Technology Services Office.)
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Modular Jacks
RJ 45 T568B pattern Categories 6 and 5e
4 port flush faceplate kit
Raceway 4 port Horizontal flush faceplate
Patch Panels
48 Port Metal Modular Cat 6 with
Strain Relief
Mid-span Injector Panels
24 Port Mid Span Injector Panel with power supplies to Panduit
provide full PoE Power (15.4W/Port) to each port. For use
with the Wireless System cabling and other designated
PoE applications.
UTP Category 5e Plenum Rated Cabling per 1000’
UTP Category 6 Plenum Cabling per 1000’
Surface Mounted Raceway
Twin-70 Base (8' Long)
Cover (8' Long)
Inside Corner
Outside Corner
Right Angle
End Cap
Tee (Divided)
Entrance End
Base Coupler
Cover Coupler
Device Bracket
Wire Retainer
Duplex Power Faceplate
Power & Communications Pole 11Ft
Power & Communications Pole 13Ft
Power receptacle Addition Kit
Termination Blocks withstand-off legs
66 Blocks
Communications Rooms
19” Equipment Rack, black 19” w x 84” H
Panduit, CPI Chatsworth
Rebox with lock, 36/42” H x 28” W x 10” D
Panduit, Hubbell
Wall Mount Equipment Cabinets, 24”W x 24”, 36” or 48” CPI/ChatsworthH, x 18” or 30” D. Provide with locking doors, fan kits, Cube-IT Series
vertical wire management, surge suppressed power strips.
Equipment Cabinet, black, single compartment, with
Great Lakes
vented Plexiglas locking front door, and fan equipped
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solid split rear door, solid sides as required by placement.
Provide surge suppressor outlet strip, internal vertical wire
managers. Cabinet Dimensions: 29”W x 30”/36”D x 84”
Equipment Cabinet, black, two compartments, with
Great Lakes
vented Plexiglas locking front doors, and fan equipped
solid split rear doors, solid sides as required by placement.
Provide surge suppressor outlet strip in each compartment
, internal top-load vertical wire managers for each
compartment, on both sides. Cabinet Dimensions: 28”W x
30”/36”D x 84” H
Equipment Cabinet, black, two compartments, with
Great Lakes
vented Plexiglas locking front doors, and fan equipped
solid split rear doors, solid sides as required by placement.
Provide surge suppressor outlet strip in each compartment
, internal top-load vertical wire managers for each
compartment, on both sides. Cabinet Dimensions: 28”W x
30”/36”D x 84” H
Horizontal Cable Management Panel 4”x5” Front & Rear Panduit
Vertical Wire Management System 8”x 8.5” x 84”H
Vertical Wire Management System 12”x 12” x 84”H
Vertical Wire Management System 8” Door
Vertical Wire Management System 12” Door
19” Rack mount Surge Protector Horizontal/Vertical
12” Ladder Tray 5’11” Section
Homaco, CPI/Chatsworth
Rack Mount UPS Units
Backbone Cable
Multimode - Indoor/outdoor, tight buffered, with water
resistant features, with interlocking aluminum armor and
overall plastic sheath, rated for plenum environments.
Fiber shall be 62.5/125 um, graded index, FDDI rated.
Singlemode - Indoor/outdoor, tight buffered, with water
resistant features, with interlocking aluminum armor and
overall plastic sheath, rated for plenum environments.
Fiber shall be 9/125 um, Zero Water Peak, Dispersion
Rack Mount Fiber Panels equipped with ST/LC Adapter
panels and connectors
12 Adapter Panel Capacity
Wall Mount Fiber Panels equipped with ST/LC panels
and connectors
2, 4 or 8 Adapter Panels
Fiber Panel Components
Adapter Panel 6 ST with phosphor bronze split sleeves
Adapter Panel 6 LC Duplex with phosphor bronze split
Liebert GXT3 Series
ST Fiber Optic Connector, Multimode, ceramic ferule,
Panduit, Corning
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
CommScope, Corning, OCC
CommScope, Corning, OCC
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field polish
LC Fiber Optic Connector, Singlemode, ceramic ferule,
cam type
ST field polish termination kits
Raceway for Horizontal Pathways
T70 Base (8’ or 10’ Long)
T702 (Twin 70) Base
TG-70 Base (8’or 10’ Long)* Base & Cover Included
NOTE: For T70, T702 (Twin 70) and TG70 base,
cover and divider wall part #s the last digit(s)
indicates the length, whether 8’ or 10’.**Note With
T702 no divider wall is needed
Cover (8' or 10’ Long)
T70 Raceway Divider Wall (8’ or 10’ Long)
TG-70 Raceway Divider Wall (8’ or 10’ Long)
Indoor Multi Pair Category 5 Copper Cable
25 Pair Plenum
25 Pair Non-Plenum
Outdoor Multi Pair Category 5 Copper Cable
25 Pair Outdoor Rated
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Panduit, Corning
Superior ESSEX
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Systems: CATV
The CATV installer should be level 3 SBCA certified. The CATV distribution system will consist of all
equipment necessary to provide all channels of Time-Warner Cable to required areas of the building.
Systems: CATV: Incoming Signal
CLT will contract with the Time-Warner Cable to provide incoming CATV signal to the system. All
designs should reference the current Time-Warner analog CATV channel lineup to insure compatibility.
Systems: CATV: Channels
Local Cable Feed
Systems: CATV: Components
Components of the system may include but not be limited to:
 Modular Headend system for modulators
 Modulators
 Demodulators
 Combiners
 Amplifiers
 Taps
 Low Pass Filter
 70” Equipment rack, five shelves, power strips and other required hardware
All CATV active components shall be provided by the CATV Service Provider. .
Systems: CATV: Design
Overall system design and installation is the responsibility of the CATV Service Provider. The Service
provider shall submit a proposed system design to the TSO for approval prior to installation.
Systems: CATV: Completeness
The Communications Contractor / CATV Service provider shall provide all materials, components, etc. to
provide a fully functional and operational system. Exceptions are items provided by CLT. These items
will be provided by CLT, but are to be installed and tested by the Communications Contractor.
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Systems: CATV: Performance
The Communications Contractor shall provide all components and materials to consistently and
comprehensively attain the appropriate signal strength throughout the CATV Distribution System within
the Contractors’ Scope of Work. Acceptable signal strength is deemed to be 5-10db flat at all CATV
The Communications Contractor/Service provider shall test all CATV outlets to certify the performance
recorded according to the signal strength required above. Any CATV outlet that does not meet the signal
strength requirements will be resolved by the vendor prior to acceptance by the TSO. All aspects of
system including, but not limited to, camera broadcast and TV reception must be demonstrated to the
TSO prior to acceptance.
Systems: CATV: Testing
Refer to sections D.6.2.3 and D.6.3.3 for physical cable test requirements. Signal strength testing should
be performed on channels 4, 64, 80-84, and 89 on every CATV outlet. Results for each channel on each
outlet should be provided to CLT in digital and printed form.
Systems: CATV: Training
The Communications Contractor shall thoroughly train all media center staff on how each component of
the installed CATV system works as well as how the overall CATV system operates. They will also train
personnel on how to setup the camera and broadcast from designated locations. Printed documentation
must be provided to all trainees
Systems: CATV: Warranty
The CATV distribution system will be warranted by the Communications Contractor to be free from
defects and workmanship for a period of one year following acceptance of the system by CLT. Materials,
repairs, and adjustments will be performed at no cost to CLT.
Systems: Paging
Systems: Paging: Equipment
The Communications Contractor shall furnish and install the following items, including, but not limited
to, speakers, horns, speaker enclosures, speaker cabling, wire guards, microphone stations and other
related items.
Systems: Paging : Manufacturer of Choice
Equipment supplied by Atlas Sound (speakers) and IED (microphone stations), shall be considered as
meeting all specifications and as the base bid. CLT must approve alternate systems. Bidders supplying
any other system shall make aware their intentions and provide all information, including catalog cuts,
shop and working drawings, data sheets, and a demonstration of the proposed system features. The
Communications Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring complete compatibility with the existing
Paging System and must demonstrate this compatibility and functionality to the TSO. This information
must be presented to the TSO as to allow sufficient time to review all material prior to acceptance of bid.
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Systems: Paging : Documentation
The Communications Contractor shall provide complete drawings detailing all interconnections, panel
wiring diagrams, and specification sheets and any other pertinent documentation.
Systems: Paging : Authorized Installer
The installer shall be an authorized dealer and installer of the supplied equipment with full warranty
Systems: Paging : Warranty
The Communications Contractor shall provide a 2 year warranty of the installed system against defects in
material and workmanship. All warranty material and labor will be provided at no expense. Warranty
period shall begin on the date of CLT acceptance.
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Inspections: Submittals
All material and design submittals must be reviewed by the TSO for approval.
Inspections: Pathways
All pathways shall be inspected by the TSO prior to the installation of cabling. Inspections may be
performed on a space-by-space basis if requested by the Electrical Contractor. Pathways which do not
meet specifications will not be approved. Approval of pathways is required prior to cable installation.
Inspections: Rough Installation Substantial Completion
All cable plant and systems installations shall be inspected by the TSO prior to termination. Inspections
may be performed on a space-by-space basis if requested by the Communications Contractor. Cabling
that does not meet specifications will not be approved. All cabling issues must be resolved prior to
Inspections: Final Inspection
All Work for the installation shall be completed prior to acceptance by the TSO. System performance
must be fully demonstrated during this inspection. Inspections may be performed on a space-by-space
basis if requested by the Communications Contractor. Work that does not meet specifications will not be
approved. All communications project related issues must be resolved prior to acceptance by CLT.
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The following documentation, at a minimum, will be provided to CLT Technology Services following the
 As built floor plan identifying cable routing, outlet locations and identifications (include all
outlet labels). A laminated copy of the as built of the area served will be mounted in each
closet, or as otherwise directed by the TSO.
 As built site plan of the entire site showing the updated backbone pathways. A second
laminated copy will be mounted in the MDC.
 An electronic AUTOCAD copy of the as built drawings.
 A paper copy of test results for each outlet cable and backbone cables of all types.
 A CD copy of test results for each outlet cable and backbone cables of all types. Software
needed to read results shall be provided on the same CD.
 Copies of all warranty certificates i.e., Panduit, CommScope, Corning, etc.
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Warranty: Electrical
All electrical work referenced within the project specification will be warranted that all materials and
equipment furnished under the contract are in good working order, free from defects, and in conformance
with system specifications. All installations must conform to the manufacturer’s official published
specifications. The warranty shall begin at the systems acceptance date and remain in effect for a period
of 1 year from that date. The electrical contractor agrees to repair, adjust, and/or replace (as determined
by the TSO to be in its best interest) any defective equipment, materials, or other parts of the system at the
electrical contractor’s sole cost. CLT will incur no costs for service or replacement of parts during the
warranty period. All third party warranties shall be passed through from the electrical contractor to CLT.
The electrical contractor will warrant and supply evidence that the installation of materials and hardware
will be made in strict compliance with all applicable provisions of the National Electric Code, the rules
and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, and state and/or local codes or ordinances
that may apply, as well as the requirements of this document.
The electrical contractor will warrant that the system will function as specified in the approved
manufacturer’s Technical Description Guide.
Warranty: Technology
All technology work referenced within this specification will be warranted that all materials and
equipment furnished under the contract are in good working order, free from defects, and in conformance
with system specifications. All installations must conform to the manufacturer’s official published
specifications. The warranty shall begin at the systems acceptance date and remain in effect for a period
of twenty-five (25) years from that date for installed cabling and associated passive hardware, and 2 years
for any and all active systems components. The Communications Contractor agrees to repair, adjust,
and/or replace (as determined by the TSO to be in its best interest) any defective equipment, materials, or
other parts of the system at the Communications Contractor’s sole cost. CLT will incur no costs for
service or replacement of parts during the warranty period. All third party warranties shall be passed
through from the Communications Contractor to CLT.
The Communications Contractor will warrant and supply evidence that the installation of materials and
hardware will be made in strict compliance with all applicable provisions of the National Electric Code,
the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, and state and/or local codes or
ordinances that may apply, as well as the requirements contained in this document.
The Communications Contractor will warrant that the system will function as specified in the project
construction documents, approved manufacturer’s Technical Description Guide, and this document.
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