Final Exam Schedule, Fall 2013 (10/3/2013)

Final Exam Schedule, Fall 2013 (10/3/2013)
Exam conflict exist ONLY for 1) two exams on same calendar day and 2) at discretion of Law School Registrar and/or Associate Dean.
Preliminary schedule - see note at the bottom of page 2
Friday, 11/22
Classes End
Monday, 12/2
Stop Day ~ No Exams
Saturday, 12/7
8:30 AM Contracts §1
Contracts §2
T. Lambert
R. Barondes
F Bowman
1:30 PM Patent Law
Basic Business Principles
D Crouch
M Cherry
8:00 AM
1:30 PM Basic Tax
Administrative Law
E. Hawley
R Reuben
8:30 AM Constitutional Law §1
Constitutional Law §2
C. Esbeck
D. Abrams
1:30 PM Bankruptcy
Sales & Leases
Intellectual Property
R Phillips
M Berry
P Davis
8:30 AM Torts §1
Torts §2
P. Peters
D Mitchell
1:30 PM Employment Law
Internet Law
R. Gely
T Lambert
D Crouch
No Exams
8:30 AM Professional Responsibility*
Environmental Law
B Trachtenberg
M Berry
1:30 PM Secured Transactions
Children & the Law
Wrongful Convictions
W Freyermuth
D Abrams
R. Uphoff
8:30 AM Civil Procedure §1
Civil Procedure §2
C. Esbeck
R. Oliveri
1:30 PM Business Organizations
R Barondes
P Litton
8:30 AM Estates & Trusts
Complex Litigation
D English
L Dessem
1:30 PM Health Care Org & Fin
Int'l Comm. Arb.*
S Strong
8:30 AM Lawyering
Death Penalty Law
Employment Discrimination
All Sections
P Litton
M Cherry
1:30 PM Criminal Procedure
Family Law
R. Uphoff
8:30 AM Immigration Law
Advertising Law
J. Salinardi
1:30 PM Electronic Discovery
Landlord/Tenant Law
R Diamond
M. Carney
See next page for Take Home Exam details
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NOTE: Take Home Exams Listed Below
Administrative Law - R. Reuben - 4 hr take home
Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day between Tuesday 12/3 and Tuesday 12/10.
Exams must be returned within 4 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30.
Conflict Management - P. Ladehoff
Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day.
Exams must be returned within 4 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30.
Conflicts of Laws - M. Dragich
Students may pick up the exam in Rm. 203 beginning at 8:30 on any exam day.
Exams must be returned within 4 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30.
Elder Law - D. English
Exam to be distributed the last day of classes. Exams to be returned by the last day of finals (12/13) in Room 203 not later than 4:00.
Evidence -F. Bowman - 8 hr take home
This exam to be taken on Tuesday, December 3 ONLY ~ To be handed out at 8:00 am in room to be announced.
Students will pick up this exam in a room to be announced beginning at 8:00 am and must be returned no later than 4:00 pm that same day.
Food Law - M. Dragich
Student may pick up exam in Rm 203 beginning at 8:30 am on any exam day.
Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30.
International Commercial Arbitration
Student may pick up exam in Rm 203 beginning at 8:30 on December 11.
Exams must be returned within 6 hours to Rm. 203, but in no case later than 4:30.
Professional Responsibility - B. Trachtenberg
Multiple Choice portion of the exam will be administered on Dec. 9 at 8:30 to 9:30.
A take-home portion will be distributed at the end of the in-class portion and will be due within 6 hours after being distributed.
Note: The schedule reflects the professor's plans regarding exams as of the date printed above. It is possible that a professor might decide to give a final exam in a class that
is not currently listed, decide to change the exam from a regular exam to a take-home, or decide to make other changes regarding how the students will be evaluated in the
course. Be sure to confirm with the professor at the start of the semester.