Appendix N
Approved July 1, 2002
The purpose of this initiative is to clarify reservation processes and establish guidelines for block
user groups in regards to league scheduling, facility usage, contractual agreements, and fees for
these privileges.
-Contracted instructor relationships will continue to exist under current contractual/agreements
with fees being a minimum of 10% of gross receipts. Individual relationships may be negotiated
on a case by case basis with final signoff authority by the Park District General Manager. A
monthly audit will be required to assess levels of compliance.
-All contracted instructors are to conclude their business by 6:30pm on weeknights and not begin
business until 1pm on Saturdays & Sundays;
-The following sites will be considered "prime reservation" complexes for the following
organizations. These relationships shall exist until time and circumstance dictate otherwise.
"Vacant" days may be scheduled by any group as availability and demand dictate;
-Renaissance Park (USTA)
-Park Road Park (World Team Tennis)
-Freedom Park (Matchmaker Tennis) )
-Latta Park (Fuerstman League)
-Fees will be established for all block reservations and shall be charged accordingly per the
attached Exhibit A. A block reservation will be defined as an organized group, association, or
individual who reserves courts for organized play.
-No payment of fees will be accepted until league rosters are finalized. Coordinators will have
fourteen(14) days from first date of court usage to tender payment. Contracted partners shall
remit any payments on a monthly basis by the 15th of each month;
-All tournaments will be conducted at Renaissance Park unless specific approval is granted by
Senior Management (i.e. Senior Manager-Blaine Gregory);
-A tournament reservation fee will be instituted for Renaissance Park and all users will be
required to pay a deposit for reserving the facility (refer to Exhibit B).
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If the tournament doesn't "make", then the deposit is forfeited.
-50% of all courts will remain open to the public for play AT ALL TIMES. The exception to this
will be Renaissance Park where 100% of fifteen (15) total courts will be used for the USTA
Spring League use only. At all other time, Renaissance Park will maintain a 75% rule or three(3)
courts to remain open for public play at all times. Scheduled tournaments will likely necessitate
closing the entire complex for tournament facilitation. The following complexes will support
and sanction instructor and/or league play on these specifically identified courts:
Six(6) or more court complexes:
-Park Road Park (Courts 1-6)
-Freedom Park (Courts 1-6)
-Jeff Adams Tennis Center-Renaissance Park (Courts 1-12 and 1-15 -Spring Only
-Hornets Nest Park (Courts 1-6)
-Latta Park (Courts 1-6, Saturdays from 8am until 12noon)
Four(4) or more court complexes:
-Jetton Park (Courts 5-8)
-Mason Wallace Park (Courts 5-8 daytime only)
Three(3) or more court complexes:
-Sugaw Creek Park (Courts 4-6)
-Col. Beatty Park (Courts 4-6)
-Veterans Park (Courts 1-3)
-Tuckaseegee Park (Courts 1-3)
Two(2) or more court complexes:
-Mason Wallace Park (Courts 1-4) (Courts 1-2 on weeknights only)
-Reservation periods will be 1.5 hours long and begin with the first reservation period at 8am
each day: 8-930am, 930-11am, 11am-1230pm, 1230-2pm, 2-330pm, 330-5pm, 5-630pm, 6308pm, 8-930pm, and 930-11pm;
-No fees will be refunded for tournaments that are cancelled due to inclement weather. Rainouts
will be re-scheduled per court availability;
-All fees shall be deposited into a Capital Reserve Fund to be established for the sole purpose of
maintaining, improving, and developing existing and new courts
-All facility reservations shall be submitted directly to the department's Senior Manager in
charge of Athletics. He/she will then assemble Athletic Coordinator staff and
review/prioritize/assign annual reservations for each requesting association/coordinator. All
reservation requests will be submitted by December 1st annually. The department will attempt to
finalize all reservations by mid-December;
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