LINDA LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Public Meeting Date: 1/26/16 GROUP 1 COMMENTS CONCEPT MASTER PLAN 1. I love it all! 2. Leave more trees. No parking spaces. More trails. No basketball/tennis court. Smaller play areas than large one. Protect wildlife. 3. Would like it left natural with little impact on wildlife trails. 4. Yes to natural playgrounds! 5. Can we connect to the greenway network? Yes please! 6. Effect of park on the value of homes? Please post an estimated effect on house prices. 7. Putting green for golf. 8. Park & Rec explore acquiring lakefront lot for community amenity. 9. Need trash and recycle containers and dog waste bags. 10. Small lake inside the park will be very good. 11. Need loop trail with distance marker. 12. If adult fitness is included, keep it very simple / very basic – not mechanical type. 13. Nice to help amphibians with an _______?______ pond wetlands are needed. 14. Walking trail around the park will be for exercising. How long is the trail? 15. Please post online the plan with any change. 16. Love the nature play. Would love to see a toddler play structure. 17. Jogging trails with distance signs. 18. Our little 4 month old will love this – the idea of a green space! 19. Please put a public bathroom. 20. Yes to park and allowing bikes on the pond trail to increase connectivity. Maybe not bikes on the secondary trails. 21. Simple fencing to delineate the park’s woodlands from the property owner’s woodlands. 22. Love adult fitness ___?___/___?___. 23. Nature base play for children. “Movable play” – opportunities for stream play – fort building. 24. Water/fountain play (and to drink). (Yes – second this!) 25. More trash cans and Mutt mitts and recycle bins. 26. Yes to park. Trails and benches great. (Yes – second this!) 27. Do not put “Park” signs anywhere, as not to invite outsiders. CONCEPT PLAN / AMENITY AREAS 1. Thank you! 2. Make sure that Field #2 is divided into smaller sections, so no football/soccer games. 3. Community gardens. 4. No parking! We just want walkers and drop-offs! (ditto) 5. Be sure area is left for wildlife, esp. deer. 6. Cover/shade for playground (the sail-like things). 7. I love the trails and disc golf course. Best things ever! 8. Could we have a “natural” playground? Similar to Reedy Creek’s playground near their nature center. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Split rail fence. Dowd’s property and Mahanie’s (sp?). Connect to the greenway systems. `Public bathroom. Flower beds for beauty. Garden areas also for beauty. Would love to see rubber mat around play structure instead of mulch or rubber mulch. No basketball court or goals. Great. I support the park – need dog pick-up stations. No playground. No adult equipment. Move back 300 ft. Dog stations. Nature playground. Native flora plaques. Garden areas. Could trails be extended for walkers? Community garden with deer fencing and water available. Huge gazebo for all of us at once! Dog park! Nature signs for trees, plants that are native to the area. Maybe along the trail. Take away all invasive plants: English ivy, kudsu, poison ivy, privey, nandina bushes. Totally support the park. Yes dog poop trash bins and regular trash bins. I think the community gardens might be unnecessary? We have large lots. Leave lots of trees. Please share Post It comments with residents. GROUP 2 COMMENTS CONCEPT MASTER PLAN 1. Need loop trail with distance marker. 2. Correct Francis to Frances. 3. Move all facilities further away from Linda Lake Drive to give room for drop-off of people and etc. 4. Take down as few trees as possible. Smaller “fields” rather than one big field of play to cut down on large football or soccer games from people outside neighborhood. No parking spaces. Make it official “wildlife” habitat. 5. No basketball court. No tennis court. No skate park. More trails. 6. National Wildlife Guidelines for deer, owls, mice, heron, fox, so humans don’t run off the natural inhabitants. 7. Love the adult fitness area! 8. Dog park area. 9. Bicycles, ____?____ along walking trails. 10. 2 ping pong and chess tables under the roof. No parking. Security cameras. 11. Low activity areas e.g. no basketball, baseball. 12. Need dog walking areas and bags. 13. Make blue paths wider (sim. To yellow) for more walking length. 14. No basketball courts. No fields. Play area natural. Smallest picnic shelter. 15. Perhaps re-orienting the Linda Lake Playground would make sense given proximity to neighboring property. Also, a barrier/fence along property line might mitigate privacy/security concerns. 16. Clean the creek? 17. Buffer? ____?_____ of _____?____. 18. Maintain as much natural area as possible. 19. Trash containers? Dog pick-up bags? 20. Running/walking trails: include a loop. Have distance markers (and make loop measurement a distance that’s easy to multiply). (1.25 or 1.50 miles) 21. Retainer wall. 22. Please put a bathroom. 23. Do not put a bathroom. 24. Mile marker on trails. Tennis court. Basketball court. Exercise stations with instruction for equipment use. 25. Play area – keep natural. 26. No community garden at entrance. 27. No garden at entrance. 28. Garden competes with triangle at Terry Lane. CONCEPT PLAN / AMENITY AREAS 1. Add speed bumps on Linda Lake Drive. 2. Thank you! Bring the park!. 3. Not so noticeable from Linda Lake Drive, so cut through traffic won’t know it’s there. 4. No to garden at front. 5. Yes to gardens, dog areas, natural playground. GROUP 3 COMMENTS CONCEPT MASTER PLAN 1. Put park here. 2. Split rail fence. 3. Change guardrail to fence. 4. Move back 500 feet. 5. Gravel turn around at Applecross for vehicles to drop off. 6. Shelter for Applecross side of park. 7. Split rail fence. 8. Walking trails. Educational signs throughout. 9. Frontage along Linda Lake must be beautiful. Caution about garden here. 10. Nature play area boulders. Swing set. _________ garden. Shelter with grills. 11. Balance of amenities. 12. Benches along trails. Trail signage “red trail”. Bike rack. Gardens: butterfly and habitat. CONCEPT PLAN / AMENITY AREAS 1. Move park back. 2. Unloading area for cars – off street. The garden club needs to unload tools, bags of fertilizer, etc. 3. Where are the dog walking areas? Grove Park and Ravenwood have lots of dog lovers. 4. How about dog cleaning stations? 5. Probably no need for a community garden – we all have large lots. 6. Some type of shelter/picnic table on the Ravenwood side off of Applecross. 7. Move everything back 50 feet from Linda Lake side to give room for car to drop off people and food, etc. 8. Yes to trails and benches. No to community gardens.