AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Karl Juhani Keipi in for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Forest Management Title: presented on December 8, 1975 TRANSFER PRICING ALTERNATIVES FOR ALLOCATING LOGS IN A FOREST PRODUCTS FIRM Abstract approved: (J uuriit n. The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that the transfer prices of the corporate resource, logs, should be their competitive market prices. This is what economic theory suggest. The study tests it in short term log allocation decision making of a typical, decentralized Pacific Northwest forest products firm. In a decentralized firm, the milling division and timber division are profit centers. The headquarters sets transfer prices and lets the milling and timber divisions determine the allocation of logs. The goal is to maximize the corporate profit which is the sum of the divisional profits. The transfer prices should be such that the corporate profit is as close as possible to the globally maximum corporate profit of a centralized firm under perfect knowledge. Three cases of decentralized organizations are studied: 1) mill dominance where the milling division dictates the quantity and quality of harvested logs to be delivered internally and has the right to purchase logs from the outside market; and the timber division harvests the required logs and has the right to sell harvested logs to the outside market; timber dominance where the timber division dictates, the quality and possibly the quantity of logs to be delivered internally and has the right to buy logs from and sell harvest-' ed logs to the outside market; and the milling division may determine their total log demands accepting the quality of supplied logs; 'mixed dominance where the milling division dictates the quantity and quality of internally delivered logs; and the timber division either harvests the' required logs or purchases them from the outside market, and has the right to sell harvested logs to the outside market. The results of the case study show.that the hypothesis of economic theory does not always hold. ly the market price. structure. The best transfer price is not necessari- It depends primarily on the organizational Under timber dominance the firm's best transfer prices 'always follow the harvesting costs, not market prices. Under mill and mixed dominances the best transfer prices are based on log market prices, with the transfer prices of individual log classes following their relative market prices. However, the best transfer price level may be equal .to, above or below the market price depending on the amount of logs available through harvest. Under mill dominance the best transfer price is below market price when the firm has a good or fair amount (above 80 per cent of the mills' total log need) of logs available from harvest. When the harvestable logs are particularly scarce, the best transfer price is above the market price. Under mixed dominance the best transfer price is market price when the firm has good or fair amount of logs available from harvest. a When the harvest- able logs are particularly scarce the best transfer price is above the market price. Mixed dominance is probably the most common of the three organizations among forest products firms. An average firm has good or fair amount (above 80 per cent of the mills' total log need) of logs available from harvest. Therefore, for a typical Pacific Northwest forest products firm the hypothesis does hold. The above observations are valid when the transfer price decisions are made under certainty: the prices, costs and production functions are known to the decision makers. But the results of the case study linear programming calculations suggest that even under uncertainty market price-based transfer prices bring the highest expected corporate profit in a mixed or mill dominant firm and cost-based prices in a timber dominant firm. In a mixed dominance firm the expected market price, in a timber dominant firm the expected harvesting cost is probably the best transfer price level. In a mill dominant firm the best transfer price level may be above, equal to or less than the expected market price. TRANSFER PRICING ALTERNATIVES FOR ALLOCATING LOGS IN A FOREST PRODUCTS FIRM by Kari Juhani Keipi A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillrneht of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1976 AC KNOt4L EDG EM ENT I wish to thank all who helped me in the formulation of the hazy ideas into clear objectives of this study. lam grateful to Dr. Norm Johnson,.Dr. Bill McKillop, Tom Stoffleand Dennis Dykstra for the many discussions to initiate the research. I thank Dr. Beuter, my major professor arid Dr. Halter for their good counsel in every step. Many practical men helped me first in developing the project framework and thenprovided data for the calculations. Of them I should especially mention Larry Chapman of Bohemia, Inc., Ted Nelson of Weyerhaeuser Co., Adam Ferrie of McMillan Bloedel Crown Zellerbach Co. Ltd., and Don Baack of My stay at Oregon State University was made financially possible by a generous scholarship of W.K. Kellogg Foundation and a research assistantship granted by the School of Forestry. Special thanks belong to Gil-Won Sona, my faithful friend, who encouraged and helped me in completing the theses. Greg Grimes, my collaborator of over half a year, developed the computer routines. II thank the international friends at Oregon State University with whom I have shared my life starting with wilderness experiences and extending to every area of mind and spirit. r 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS page INTRODUCTION 1.1. 1 BACKGROUND AND SCOPE 1 Decentralization 1 Divisional Dominance 2 Log Allocation Problem 5 Transfer Pricing Problem 7 1.2; OBJECTIVES 10 TRANSFER PRICING ALTERNATIVES 12 Cost Pricing 12 Market Pricing 13 Value Pricing 15 Negotiated Transfer Prices 15 Multiple Transfer Prices 16 THEORETICALLY OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE 18 3.1. 3.2. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE WHEN THERE IS NO OR A NONCOMPETITIVE OUTSIDE LOG MARKET 18 Derived Internal Demand 18 Marginal Harvesting Cost 20 Negotiated Transfer Price Under Bilateral Monopoly 23 Optimal Transfer Price When There Is No Outside Log Market 24 Optimal Transfer Price When There Is A NonCompetitive Outside Log Market 27 OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE WHEN THERE IS A COMPETITIVE OUTSIDE LOG MARKET 30 Optimal Solution rn A Centralized Firm 30 11 Mill Dominance 32 Timber Dominance 35 Mixed Dominance 37 "Market Price Rule" of Transfer Pricing 37 Optimal Transfer Price For A Firm With Several Milling Divisions 39 Optimal Transfer Price For A Firm With Several Timber Divisions 3.3. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICES FOR SEVERAL LOG CLASSES 43 Diagrams 44 Calculus 45 Mathematical Programming 46 Shadow Prices As Transfer Prices 46 Shadow Prices Plus Variable Costs As Transfer Prices 47 General Rule For Transfer Pricing? 4. 41 EXPERIMENT FOR TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS OF THE THEORY 48 50 4.1. CASE FIRM 50 4.2. PROBLEM FORMULATION 53 Centralization 53 Divisional Dominances 54 Solution Techniques 61 PROBLEM SOLVING 63 Objectives 63 Steps of Problem Solving 64 RESULTS 70 Harvesting Decision 71 Optimal Types of Transfer Pricing 74 4.3. 4.4. 111 Mill Dominance 74 Timber Dominance 77 Mixed Dominance 81 Best Levels of Transfer Prices 82. Mill Dominance 82 Timber Dominance 87 Mixed Dominance 89 Best Divisional Dominance 91 Conclusion 94 OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE ANALYSIS UNDER PRICE UNCERTAINTY 95 5.1. OBJECTIVES OF THE ANALYSIS 95 5.2. STAGES OF THE ANALYSIS 98 Actions 99 Sawntimber Price States and Their Probabilities 99 Veneer and Log Market Price States and Their Probabilities 5.3. OUTCOMES 101 105 Corporate Profit Outcomes 105 Utility Outcomes 106 DISCUSSION 110 Practice 110 Theory 110 Experiment 111 Comparison Between Experiment, Theory and Practice 111 Uncertainty 113 Extensions 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY 117 iv Appendix 1. LINEAR PROGRAM FORMULATIONS 124 1.1. Corporate Program 124 1.2. Divisional Programs Under Dominance Organizations 131 Mill Dominance 131 Timber Dominance 135 Mixed Dominance 139 Appendix 2. CASE FIRM DATA FOR THE LINEAR PROGRAMS 144 2.1. Timber Data 144 2.2. Milling Data 150 2.3. User Cost Computations 159 Appendix 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING COMPUTATIONS FOR DOMINANCE ALLOCATIONS 171 3.1. Simplex Input Computer Flowcharts 171 3.2. Examples of Computer Inputs and Outputs 177 Appendix 4. ALTERNATIVES TO DIVISIONAL DOMINANCE APPROACH FOR ALLOCATING LOGS IN A DECENTALIZED FIRM 188 4.1. Shadow Price Allocation 190 4.2. Decomposition Allocation 193 Equal Milling and Timber Division 193 Two Milling Divisions and a Dominated Timber Division 4.3. Price Adjustment Allocation Appendix 5. MULTIPERIOD LINEAR PROGRAM FORMULATIONS Appendix 6. JOINTLY OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICES FOR DIVISIONAL MANAGERS: A SPECIAL CASE 198 202 206 214 V LIST OF FIGURES Figure rage 1.1 Log allocation problem 3.l.a Internal demand for logs 19 3,1 .b Marginal harvesting cost 19 3.2. Log allocation, upper and lower bounds of negotiated transfer prices under bilateral monopoly 19 Log allocation and divisional profits when transfer price equals to, is greater than or smaller than the equilibrium price 25 Log allocation, internal and external log pricing when there is a competitive outside log market, in a price discrimination situation 25 3.3.a-c 3.4. 3.5.a-b 3.6.a-b 3.7.a-b 3.8.a-b 3 .9. a -d 3.lO.a-c 6 Log allocation and divisional profits under mill and mixed dominances whentransferprice equals to market price and is greater than or less than internal equilibrium price 31 Log allocation and divisional profits under timber dominance when transfer price equals to market price and is greater than or less than internal equilibrium price. Timber division alone dictates the quantity of logs to be used by the milling division 31 Examples of log allocation and divisional profits under mill dominance when transfer price is greater than or less than market price 33 Examples of log allocation and divisional profits under timber dominance when transfer price is greater thanor less than market price 33 Examples of log allocations and divisional profits under mixed dominance when transfer price is greater than or less than market price 33 Examples of log allocation and veneer, sawmill and timber division profits under mixed dominance when vi transfer price is equal to, greater than or less than market price 40 Log allocation and divisional profits of milling divisions and two timber divisions under mixed dominance when transfer price is market price 40 4.1 Case firm log allocation problem 51 4.2.a-d Information and log flows in centralized organization, under mill, timber and mixed dominance 55 Six divisional allocation problems and data needed for solving them 59 Corporate profit losses from decentralization with alternative transfer pricing types under Tnill, timber and mixed dominance 80 3.11 4.3 4.4.a-c 4.5.a-c Sensitivity of corporate profit losses from decentralization to changesin market-based transfer pricelevels under mill dominance and mixed dominance, and costbased transfer price levels under timber dominance when total harvest exceeds mills' total log need 83 4.6.a-c Sensitivity of corporate profit losses from decentralization to changes in market-based transfer price levels under mill dominance and mixed dominance, and cost-based transfer price levels under timber dominance when total harvest is much less than mills' total log need 85 5.1 Examples of utility functions of a risk averse and risk taking top management 107 Examples of two utility functions of a partially risk averse, partially risk taking top management 107 A.2.i User cost computations 160 A.2.2 Flow chart of subroutine SWITCH 165 A.3.l Simplex input computer routines 172 A.3.2 Flow chart of FORMAT PROGRAM for the milling division 174 A.3.3 Flow chart of FORMAT PROGRAM for the timber division 175 5.2 vii A.4.1.a-b A.4.2 A.5.l A.5.2.a-b A.5.3 Information and log flows of Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm organization of equal milling and timber divisions, and of two milling divisions and a dominated timber division 195 Information and log flows of price adjustment organization 203 A boundary of milling and timber division profits of several transfer prices, and a Jower milling division profit acceptance level 215 A lexicographic utility function of the milling division and corporate profits and the partitioning of several transfer prices to acceptable and nonacceptable 215 Exponential milling division, timber division and corporate utility functions for profits 215 viii LIST Of TABLES Table 4.1 4.2 Page Results of the harvesting cost computations: Choosing the nine tracts with the lowest harvesting cost to the linear programs 72 Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under mill dominance 75 4.3. Summary of log allocation toiiiills with alternative transfer prices under mill dominance 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 76 Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under timber dominance 78 Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under mtxed dominance 79 Best range for transfer prices for the case firm as a functIon of harvest level and divisional dominance, and suggestion of economic theory for transfer prices 92 Derivation of a combined distribution from subjective and objective veneer price probabilities 102. Derivation of a combined distribution from subjective and objective log market price probabilities 102 Profits of two transfer price alternatives under price uncertainty in mill dominance organization 104 A.2.i End product prices 152 A.2.2 End product recoveries 154 TRANSFER PRICING ALTERNATIVES FOR ALLOCATING LOGS IN A FOREST PRODUCTS FIRM INTRODUCTION 1. 1.1. BACKGROUND AND SCOPE Decentral ization Transfer pricing is a requirement that arises from interactions between decentralized sub-units. In a decentralized finii, inter- mediate products are transferred from the supplying division to the user division. Management literature abounds with reasoning why the top management might want to choose decentralization (cf. Argyris, p 239; Arrow (a) pp. 11-12; Arrow (b), p. 400; Baron, pp. 163-5; Dopuch and Drake, p. 1; Hirschleifer (c), p. 29; Marschak, p. 400; Martin, p. 94; Morris, pp. 18-22; Shillinglaw, p. 149; Whinston, p. 418). Horngren (p. 693) summarizes the benefits of decentraliza- tion as improving division managers' incentives, innovations and motivation in better daily decisions; facilitating fast allocation adjustments to changes in market conditions; providing more time to top management for strategic planning; training the division managers in independent decision making. Decentralization facilitates meaningful corporate resource allocation even when the headquarters has at most sketchy knowledge about production technology. Cor- respondingly, the major disadvantage of decentralization is dysfunctional decision making due to lack of congruence between top man- agement and divisional goals or due to lack of information. Another 2 disadvantage is the increased costs of information gathering (Horngren, p. 694). The divisions of a decentralized firm are profit centers-somewhat independent responsibility units. two problems: The top management faces (1) how to divide responsibilities and (2) how to coordinate the divisions. The delegation of responsibilities appears in the organizational structure of the firm. In this study, transfer prices serve for coordination of the allocation of the intermediate products. Total decentralization means minimum constraints and maximum freedom for the divisional decision making. Full centraliza- tion means maximum constraints and minimum freedom. Divisional Dominance In a decentralized firm it is of crucial importance for a division manager to know what level of managerial freedom he has. It affects immediately his divisional profit prospects and influences also in the long run his motivation to manage the division well. In a forest products firm where the intermediate goods to be allocated are logs the freedom of purchasing external logs may be delegated either to the mills or to timber division. If a division has this right it has prospects for better profits than if it does not have it. Naturally a division is the better off the more it can decide the firm's log allocation. Some firms are market oriented (mills prevalently determine the allocation) others resource oriented (timber division leads the allocation). In the two division forest products firm of this study there are three alternative decentralized organization patterns: miii dominance where the milling division dictates the quantity and quality of harvested logs to be delivered internally and has the right to purchase logs from the outside market; and the timber division harvests the re- quired logs and has the right to sell harvested logs to the outside market; timber dominance where the timber division dictates the quality and possibly the quantity of logs to be delivered internally and has the right to buy logs from and sell harvested logs to the outside market; and the milling divi- sion may determine their total log demands accepting the quality of supplied logs; mixed dominance where the milling division dictates the quantity and quality of internally delivered logs; and the timber division either harvests the required logs or pur- chases them from the outside market, and has the right to sell harvested logs to the outside market. In a centralized forest products firm the top management dictates all the activities. It determines the quantities and qualities of internal deliveries and external sales, and external log purchases. There are no divisions but rather nonautonomous departments. that are not profit centers. 4 Why have we chosen the dominance organization? Why not use some other structure of decentralization as transrer pricing framework where both divisions are true profit centers at the same time? have proved to be very common in divisional dominances because they practice according to Ferrie2, We use forest products firms executives (Baack, Liimatta, Taylor4 ; personal interviews). Purely negotiated allocation after top management has announced transfer prices has the same disadvantage as negotiated transfer prices in Chaper 2: it leads to bargaininci. Bargaining behavior is difficult to quantify. The best approach, game theory, has succeeded to produce workable solution techniques only for two person zero-sum games under perfect knowledge. This is insufficient for most log allocation situations. Other possible approaches are: shadow price allocation decomposition allocation price adjustment allocation Divisional dominance is superior to the three approaches. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in Appendix 4. Don Baack, Crown Zellerbach Co., Portland, Ore. Adam Ferrie, McMillan Bloedel Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., Canada Into Liimatta, Hines Lumber Co., Hines, Ore. 4). Sam Taylor, Boise-Cascade Co., Medford, Ore. 5 Log Allocation Problem Figure 1.1 shows the log allocation problem framework faced by the typical centralized Pacific Northwest forest products firm of this study. The sources of logs are timber tracts through harvest and the competitive outside log market through purchase. The tracts are owned by the company or obtained from public timber sales. In a decentralized firm the purchaser can be either timber division (timber and mixed dominance) or mill division (mill dominance). The logs have three possible destinations: they are used internally by a veneer plant, sawmill or sold to the outside market. always the timber division that sells logs externally. process the logs and sell the end products. It is The mills Log allocation comprises the decisions of what tracts to harvest, where to take the harvested logs, and what logs to purchase, where to use the purchased logs. It does not in this study include bidding for future public timber sales which is a long term decision. The allocation decision is made for three months--one quarter--but the mills consider also the following quarter: they have the option of producing veneer or sawntimber for inventory. Also in deciding about harvesting the timber tracts the opportunities lost from cutting them at various times, now and in the future, are considered. The longer a tract is available for harvest (in this study the maximum is five years-- the length of the firm's assumed cutting plan) the greater is the opportunity cost of harvesting. This is discussed in section 3.1 6 Centralized Firm: Decentralized Firm: No Divisions Autonomous Divisions Tlffiber Division Sell I Veneer Mill. Division / (Buy) / I 3 Veneer arvest Plants Logs at Mi llyard Use Use Harves Saanills ft Buy / Sell / n n II n II II II Other Firms pOther Firms I p _.-_j Lumber p Other Firnis L. -J Outside Log Market (Possible Responsi- bility Boundary) / Figure 1.1. Log allocation problem. (Possible Responsi- bility Boundary) \ 7 and Appendix 2.3. The short term character of the log allocation problem of this study can be seen in the problem formulations of Appendix 1. Transfer Pricing Problem In this study the transfer prices are the only means by which the top management can control the divisional log allocations. The headquarters' goal is to choose the transfer price among a group of alternatives that maximizes the top management utility. In a major part of this paper this is the same as maximizing the corporate profit. Log allocation through transfer pricing consists of two parts (cf. Jennergren, p. 23): finding the best transfer prices implementing the best transfer prices The best transfer prices can be found through information exchange between headquarters and divisions and also between divisions themselves. The information exchange would have the following stages: the top management announces a set of tentative transfer prices to both divisions the dominant division solves its log allocation problem given these prices and some guiding restraints from the dominated division; these restraints prohibit technically infeasible allocation to the dominated division 8 3) the dominant division announces its log demand (milling division) or supply (timber division) to the dominated division the dominated division solves its log allocation problem given the transfer prices from the headquarters and allocation enforcement from the dominant division both divisions report their profits to the top management the top management starts a new information exchange iteration by announcing a new set of transfer prices; the iterations end when all alternative transfer prices have been announced. If the firm has mill or mixed dominance the information exchange starts in stage 1 by top management asking the milling division man- ager the following question: "Assume you can get different classes of logs from the timber division at these transfer prices and you process them so that your divisional profits are maximized. What would your profit be?" The question to the timber division is: "Assume the log demand schedule by the milling division. What would your best profit be?" Under timber dominance top management would ask the timber division this question: "Suppose you could deliver logs at these internal prices and want to select the procurement program which maximizes 9 your divisional profit. What would your profit be?" The question to the milling division is: "Assume the log supply schedule by the timber division. What would your best profit be?" The information exchange between the divisions themselves is for their mutual coordination. The dominated division delivers information on its technically feasible log flows to the dominant division. Submitting this information guarantees that any of the enforced allocations by the dominant division could be put into action by the dominated division. Thus any transfer price leads to allocation feasible to both divisions. Of the set of feasible transfer prices the top management would choose and implement the one that in its decision making situation maximizes its utility (corporate profit). 10 1.2. OBJECTIVES The p r i m a r y o b j e c t i v e of this study is to test the hypothesis of economic theory that the log transfer prices of a profit maximizing firm should be the competitive log market prices. The hypothesis is tested in a case study of a typical Pacif- ic Northwest Douglas-fir region forest products firm. The log allo- cation problem is first solved given a centralized organization and under perfect knowledge. optimal log allocation. The resulting allocation is the globally This is the target of transfer pricing. An experiment is set up to find the, best transfer. prices from a great man,f candidates. The experiment simulates the information exchange actually taking place in decentrali'zed firms under mill, timber or mixed ominance. The transfer prices are based on log market price, harvesting cost or log mill value which are the types of transfer prices used in practice. objectives 1) The s e c o n d a r y are: to find the optimal transfer pricing types under all three divisional dominances; ' to find the best levels of'transfer prices of the optimal pricing types under all three divisional dominances; 3) to rank the divisional dominances. The criterion used for measuring the "optimality" or "goodness" of transfer prices and the ranking of an organization is the corporate profit. The profit is compared with the corporate' profit of 11 the globally optimal allocation and their difference is computed. We wish to find the transfer price and the divisional minimize the profit difference. dominance that The difference represents the impact of dysfunctional decisions caused by the lack of goal congruence between the corporate and divisional managers on the corporate profit. We do not try to measure the effect of different trans- fer prices or organizations on other disadvantages or advantages of decentralization. Their impact on the efficiency of a firms information system and divisional managers' motivation are beyond the scope of this study. The tertiary objectives are: to discuss the transfer price analysis under uncertainty when top management either maximizes the expected corporate profit, or its expected utility when the utility is a nonlinear function of corporate profit; to show the detailed calculations of the divisional log allocation problems for corporate profit or utility maxi- mizing firms that wish to find the best transfer prices in their own, specific planning situations. 12 2. TRANSFER PRICING ALTERNATIVES There is a great variety of internal pricing procedures in forest products firms today. The major types are cost-based, market-based value_based:andneqotiated transfer prices. Cost Pricing There are no comprehensive surveys of actual practices of transfer pricing in forest products firms. However, the discussion with executives have shown that the use of cost-based transfer prices is widespread in the Pacific Northwest forest industry, as in business firms in general (Baack, Ferrie, Fisher5, Liimatta, Nelson6 personal interviews; cf. Horrigren, p. 740). The most common of them are the variable harvesting costs as transfer prices. historical or standard variable harvesting costs. They can be Historical costs are actual costs of previous periods recorded in accounting books. Standard costs are target costs in the budget for the coming period. Standard costs are preferable for planning purposes because they are projections to the future (e.g. Schattke etal., p. 281). Historical cost pricing fails to provide incentive to control costs. Both historical and standard cost pricing result in very low timber division profit. R. Fisher, Most or all of the firm's profit is transfer- Bohemia Inc., Eugene, Ore. Ted Nelson, Weyerhaeuser Co., North Bend, Ore. 13 ed to.the milling division. This easily causes timber division manager to feel as a "second class" executive in the firm. incentives for good management. decisions. He may lose his Cost pricing then can lead to poor The situation is not much betterwhen the historical or standard costs as transfer prices include an allowance for timber division fixed cost and profit. Now the higher transfer prices result in greater timber division profit. But this profit is a standard planned profit by the top management. The timber division manager still has poor incentives for good management. He feels that his divisional freedom is restricted because he cannot plan his profits independently. rises: profit? When there is an allowance for profit the question What is a reasonable standard as a target of the divisional Is it an estimated "good" or "satisfactory" profit of timber divisions in other firms? or "average" Should it be higher than, the.same as or lower than thecompany's mills' profits? Cost-based prices do not vary between different log classes because harvesting costs vary little as a function of grade. Thus, cost-based transfer prices do not reflect the values of the logs at market or at mills. Market Pricing When a firm operates in a competitive log market it is tempting to use market prices to determine transfer prices. Unlike cost-based pricesthey naturally vary from log class to log class. Under market 14 pricing, decisions have to be made whether short term or long term, past or future estimated market prices should beapplied. The length of theallocation planning horizon naturally determines whether to use short- or long-term market prices. Si.nce the allocation decision is made for the future, some would argue that future prices should be used. But whose estimate is the best? Is it that of the analyst working at headquarters or that of the divisional decision maker? The former's estimate is lacking the contribution of the "feel' at the market that makes a subjective estimate often superior. The divisional prediction, on the other hand, may be misguiding, exaggerated or prejudiced. To avoid these problems in practice, historical log market prices are used often as transfer prices (Chapman7; personal interview). Market prices establish a ceiling for transfer pricing when top management wishes mills to buy predominantly internal logs. A lower price is justified when the timber division obtains economies of scale from large sized internal deliveries (cf. Cook, p.90). Transfer prices greater than market prices are seldom used in practice (Baack, personal interview), though they could be justified by the improved raw material availability the mills may obtain from the guaranteed steady flow of internal log deliveries. 7) Larry Chapman, Bohemia Inc., Eugene, Ore. 15 Value Pricing As cost-based transferprices favor the mills by being low compared to market prices, value-based prices favor timber division by being high. p. 69). Value pricing is popular among oil companies (cf. Dean, Due to the special structure of oil industry it helps to minimize, their tax burden and maximize the corporate profit. The interviews with Pacific Northwest forest products firms showed that the computatfonally difficult mill value-based prices are nonexistent in forest industry. They are computed by subtracting mills' direct processing costs from the log values at end product level or also subtracting allowances for mills' indirect fixed costs and profits. Allotting the allowances to different log classes is arbitrary and determining 'reasonable" profits for the mills difficult. The value- based transfer prices naturally vary from log class to log class. They also vary from mill to mill. Negotiated Transfer Prices Negotiated transfer prices without top management as an umpire and as the final decision maker have the disadvantages of bargaining. Bargaining increases the chances of misunderstanding and conflicts between the divisional managers. It causes the managers to present misguidedexaggerated and prejudiced pricing facts, and generates heat and bad temper. It rarely produces transfer prices that are not dysfunctional for the firm as a whole (Cf. Dean, p. 72). The procedure 16 also.requires a great amount of the executives' time (Cook, p. 93). Discussions with top management as an umpireare, however, quite common to find feasible internal prices and allocations for both divisions. They help top management to narrow down the alternatives of cost-, market- or value-based transfer prices for the execution. Multiple Transfer Prices A great majority of forest products firms prefer simple pricing practices with the same prices for logsof the same type for timber division as the supplier and all the mills as the users. Cost-based transfer prices, might, however, vary between mills as a function of the log transportation costs. On value pricing the transfer prices vary from mill toniill as a function of end product prices and recoveries of each mill. Top management might Want to apply different transfer prices for the seller and buyer. This could occur to encoura- ge transactions of certain types of logs. The reason might be risk sharing between divisional managers. A risk averse timber division manager could receive a low cost-based transfer price plus a lump sum for his log while a timber division manager as a risk taker pays the log market price. The harvesting costs vary little and thus cost- based transfer prices are subject to little risk. The coming period's log market prices are more uncertain and allocation based on them as transferprices is risky. Practice has shownthat price discrimination is poor business 17 within a firm (Dean, p. 66). It creats bad feelings between managers and friction in interdivisional relations. This study focuses on singular market-, cost- and value-based transfer prices set by top management. A price of the timber division as a supplier is the same as a price of the veneer plant or sawmill as a user of the internal logs. 18 I 3. THEORETICALLY OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE 3.1. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE WHEN THERE IS NO OR A NON-COMPETITIVE OUTSIDE LOG MARKET According to economic theory a firm will use each input in such quantity as to maximize its profits. Profits will be maximized when the amount added to the revenue of the firm by an additional unit of the input equals the amount it adds to cost (Stigler, p. 239). To demonstrate this for logs as inputs we develop the concept of derived internal demand and marginal harvesting cost of logs in Figure 3.1. We discuss the intrafirm log market of a forest products company but the analysis is applicable in any firm with an intermediate product. Derived Internal Demand We assume that the end products --veneer and lumber-- in a forest products firm consist of two inputs: includes all other production factors logs, and processing which such as labor and energy. Whether the end product markets are competitive or not does not change the analytical framework as long as they are independent (Hirsch leifer (a) , p. 176). - Here we assume competitive market. employ processing inputs as a function of log quantity. We We assume both technological and demand independence in the operations between supplier and demander. Technological independence means that the 19 Log end product or mill vulue or processing cost, $/t113F [V lIP C Log quantity, MBF Figure 3.l.a. Internal demand for logs. Note: [V = niaxirnun value of logs after processing when the end product market is competitive. MPC rnarginnl processing cost derived internal demand [V - MPG. tiC Ilarvestj ng cost, $/ FIB F i-User cost Logging and transportation cost Log quantity, by tract, 'IBE Figure 3.Lb. Marginal harvesting cost (MC). Log price, value or Cost, $/MBF tog quantity, MBF Figure 3.2. Note: IC MEM Log allocation, tipper (PT) and lower (PM bounds of negotiated transfer prices under bilateral monopoly. marginal harvesting Cost marginal expense of logs as inputs of a nnonopsoniistic milling division pint MRT den ned internal deisund = marginal revenue of a monopolistic timber division 20 operating costs of each operations by the other. division are independent of the level of Demand independence means that an additional external sale by either division does not reduce the external demand for the products of the other (Hirschleifer (a), p. 172). Internal log demand depicts the locus of points of the highest prices the mills can afford to pay for logs. It is the maximum value of logs before processing--the marginal log values after processing minus the marginal (variable) processing costs of the mills. The fixed processing costs will be relevant in deciding whether a process should be instituted or not, or whether it will be continued or not. short term allocation. They are irrelevant to That is why they are not considered in Figure 3.l.a. (cf. Solomons, p. 213). Marginal Harvesting Cost In a forest products firm the marginal cost of the intermediate product--log--is named the marginal harvesting cost. It is somewhat different from that normally found in economic text. In a forest products firm the technology requires that a tract is cut as a whole, not partially. The marginal harvesting cost function is thus discrete. Its each step is the average (direct) harvesting cost of a tract. The average harvesting costs for all tracts available for cut, ordered from smallest to largest, form the nondecreasing marginal harvesting cost (MC) function of the firm as Figure 3.l.b shows. It is the locus of points of the minimum prices the timber division would accept for 21 the logs. The harvesting cost of a tract consists of two part: the logging and transportation cost and the user cost which is the opportunities lost if the tract is cut in the coming quarter instead of in the future (Scott, p 6; Nautiyal, p. 338; Johnson, p. 10; Walker, p. 31) The logging and transportation cost of a tract is a common concept but the idea of user cost needs more explanation. In our log alloca- tion framework the forest products firm has tracts to be harvested in three categories: available tracts accessible for harvest available tracts not accessible for harvest tracts not available for harvest. In this study of short, three month, time horizon we are only interested in category 1: tracts with roads. purchased public timber tracts and company's own The second category concerns purchased tracts and company tracts with no roads included in the company's cutting plan for the next five years. The third group includes public timber sales to bid for within the coming five years and company timber to be harvested within the following five year period. We assume that decisions of bidding and the five year cutting budget for company timber have been made by log range planning. The decisions regarding road building are intermediate time range decisions. Short-term log allocation determines only whether the available and accessible tracts should be harvested during the coming quarter when 22 thealternatjve is to harvest the tracts during some later quarter. The public timber tracts are available for as many quarters as the sale contract states. The company timber is available for five years (, = 20 three month periods). In our log allocation framework of all the production decisions the timber harvesting decision is of longest term. action is irreversible: Harvesting as an once the trees of a tract have been felled the possibility of harvesting them later is gone. Timber deteriorates after cutting but can be held standing long periods without deterioration. In fact, standing timber may grow and increase in value. By harvesting just before the use the capital costs of logging and transportation are reduced. Thus we assume in this study that if logs are used in the future, harvesting will occur in the future also. Following Duerr (p. 203) we list the advantages of keeping tracts unharvested: the readiness to meet the mills future log requirements, the opportunity gain from future timber value increases, the value increase of the stand due to volume growth. The disadvantages of holding standing timber uncut are: the costs of interest on the investment in wood stock, the risk of fire and deterioration of wood quality, the opportunity loss from future timber value decreases. Guaranteeingthe mills' log demands for the future periods is a task of intermediate or long range planning. In this study we take advan- 23 tages (2) and C3)and disadvantagesl) and (2) into consideration through the user cost of eachtract. For every accessible tract we compute its discounted expectedvalue after stumpage for all quarters the.tract is available. To be ableto compute them, estimates are needed for future prices of sawntimber, veneer and logs in the outside market. The costs of logging, transporting and processing are estimated. The tree growth is predicted. From these we compute the expected discounted value of each tract in the best uses of the logs ineach period. The user cost is computed by subtracting the estimat- ed value of each tract in the best use of the logs in the coming quarter from its discounted value in the best use of the logs in the best quarter as shown in Appendix 2.3. The user cost is the temporal counterpart of the opportunity cost (Walker, p. 31). Negotiated Transfer Price Under Bilateral Monopoly Bilateral monopoly exists in the intrafirm market when the timber division is the only source of logs and the milling division their only destination. They negotiate the transfer prices and log allocation among themselves without the headquarters acting as an umpire Economic theory is unable to derive any "optimal" or "best" transfer price in this situation. The transfer pricing and allocation solution is based on the bargaining skills of the divisional managers. Figure 3.2 shows the derived internal demand for logs faced by the timber division. As a monopolist the timber division's marginal 24 revenue isJ'1RT and it would like to sellq mills. logs at price As a monopsonist the milling division's marginal expense of logs is MEM and it would like to purchase the timberdivision. logs at price M from The timber division can fulfill its desire only in case the milling division acts as if titive. to the T the log market were compe- Correspondingly the milling division can induce the transfer price and log allocation as a nionopsonist only in case the timber division acts as if the log market is competitive. Since neither of the divisions can induce the transfer price and log allocation the price may be any value between allocation any value between and M and T and the (Ferguson, pp. 281-2). Only by accident the price and quantity would be one desired by the top management. Negotiated transfer prices under bilateral monopoly lead easily serious dysfunctional log allocations. Optimal Transfer Price When There Is No Outside Log Market When there is no outside log market and the headquarters determines the transfer prices some of the dysfunctional log allocation of the bilateral monopoly is avoided. Top management considers the derived internal demand as its marginal revenue curve. cost curve is the marginal harvesting cost. Its marginal It maximizes its profit by ch.00sing a transfer price such that in the resulting log allocation marginal cost equals to marginal revenue. Since the top management sets the transfer price the' timber division has to accept Dt as its 25 Log value Log value or cost, or cost, $/MBF MC MC A A TP Bp nt C q14q1. Dint C Log quantity, q1 Log quantity, MUF tIN F Figure 3.3.a. Figure 3.3.b. Log value or cost, SI lB F IC A a Tp E D0t C M Log quantity, MBF Figure 3.3.c. Figures 3.3 a-c. Log allocation and divisional profits s,hen transfer once (TP) equals to (Fig. a), is greaten than (Fig. b) or smaller than (Fig. c) the equilibrium price (p ). Note: MC = marginal harvesting cost; = derived nterna1 demand. Log price, value or cost, $/tIBF p2 MC Ip = out I 'I. MR lRtt out i t. q Figure 3.4. mt Log quantity, MIlE Log allocation, internal and external log pricing when there is a noncoi'petitive outside log market, in a price discritsination situation (Johnson, p. 5a). 26 marginal revenue curve. The'.milling division cannot exploit the timber division by applying the marginal expense of logs-curve in the log allocation, either. Marginal cost equals to marginal revenue at equilibrium point D in Figure 3.3.a. The corporate profit maximiz- ing transfer price (TP) is the ordinate of this point, pe__the equiliis the quantity With this optimal transfer price q1 = brium price. of logs delivered from timber division to milling division. Quantity represents the amount of logs the milling division desires to receive and cIT the quantity of logs thetimber division wishes to Area ABD is the milling division profit and area BCD the deliver. timber division profit. The sum of transfer price TP is greatertharm equilibriumprice occurs between the divisions: e A conflict milling division wishes to acquire logs and timber division supply desire In Figure 3.3.b, these, ADC, is thecorporate profit. T logs. M If the milliny division's comes through its profit will be BCDE and milling division's profitABD The corporate profit is ACED which is less than the maximum profit by DEE. If the timber division's desire comes through its profit will be BCG and milling division's profit ABD and profit loss DGH. The corporate net profit is ACF-EGH which is less than the maximum corporate profit by FHG. equilibrium price maximum profit. When transfer price TP is less than the firm again incurs profits less than the e This is shown in Figure 3.3.c. Assuming that the timberdivision has to deliver the logs the millin division wishes 27 to aquirethe corporate profitloss Is FGH. Assuming that the. milling division has toaccept the logs timber division wishes to deliver the corporate loss corresponds to are DEF. The corporate profit losses from poor transfer pricing may diminish through divisional negotiations. Quantities closer to the optimal allocation. and may become But they may not because the final solution depends rather on the divisional managers' bargaining skills than economic theory. Analyses of divisional bargaining behavior are, however, beyond the scope of this study. Here we examine the optimal transfer prices assuming log allocation according to wishes of only milling division or only timber division. According to the terminol- ogy of Chapter 1 we call the first organizational structure mu dominance and the second timber dominance outside log market . In the absence of an mill dominance is equivalent to mixed dominance. The analyses indicate that under either divisional dominance the optimal transfer price is the equilibrium price. At the equilibrium price the corporate marginal revenue (Dut) equals to the corporate marginal cost (MC). There are no corporate losses from decentralizing the allocation if the equilibrium price prevails. Optimal Transfer Price When There Is A Noncompetitive Outside Log Market The marginal cost-marginal revenue rule of transfer pricing and log allocation holds also when there is a nOncompetitive outside log market. Figure 3.4 shows this. There MC is the corporate marginal 28 cost curve. But there are twocorporate marginal revenue curves, one for the internal logs (D1t) and one for logs to be sold to the outside market (MRout) which is derived from the outside log demand In economic theory this situation of several markets with differently shaped demand and marginal revenue curves is called price discrimination (Stigler, p. 209; Leftwich, p. 216). The total margin- al revenue (MRt0t) is the sum of the two marginal revenue curves. The optimum total log quantity procured is determined by equating the total marginal revenue and the(total) marginal harvesting cost, at point X. The abscissa of this point is the total harvest q. Econo- mic theory says that the firm will maximize its profit by allocating logs among the submarkets so as to equate its marginal revenue in each submarket with total marginal revenue at point X. Price in each submarket is determined directly from the submarket demand curve, given the submarket log allocation (Ferguson, pp. 280-281). Thus the optimal internal log delivery will be q1 and the external log sales q2. The optimal monopolistic outside market price is p2. The optimal transfer price, p1, is determined by the quantity allocated from internal deliveries q1, and the internal demand curve, which happens to be also the marginal revenue of internal log deliveries. The optimal transfer price is always the ordinate of point X. Price p1 is the optimal transfer price under both mill, timber and mixed dominance. It produces the same corporate profit in all of them as in a centralized organization. Using it prevents dysfunctional 29 decisions and causes the profit.losses of decentralization to bezero. We willshowthis in thenextsection, dealing with transfer pricing when there is a competitive outside log market. Whether the outside log market is competitive or not, the basis for log allocation and transfer pricing is the economic theory of price discrimination. 30 3.2. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE.WHENTHERE IS A COMPETITIVE OUTSIDE LOG MARKET Optimal Solution In A Centralized Firm The marginal cost-marginal revenue rule of transfer pricing and log allocation holds when there is a competitive outside log market. In this section we will see that this rule causes market price to be the optimal transfer price. For showing it we apply again the economic theory of price discrimination. Market pricihg may result in the allocation and maximum profit of a centralized organization. There may be no corporate profit losses from decentralization. First we wish to find the optimal allocation under centralization; this allocation is the target of transfer pricing. The log market price can be either a marginal cost or a marginal revenue for the firm as a.whole. It is marginal cost when logs are purchased from, and marginal revenue when logs are sold to the outside market. When the firm is a net seller of logs its total marginal revenue is the maximum of derived internal demand and market price: Its total marginal, cost is MC. max C Dint; MPJ. If Figure 3.5.a depicted the profits and log allocation of a centralized firm, the firm's total marginal revenue curve of logs would be ADE - MP, and marginal cost curve MC. When the firm is a net buyer'of logs its total marginal revenue is Dint and total marginal cost the minimum of the marginal cost and market price: 'nun [ MC; MP] If Figure 3.5.b depicts the profits 31 Log value Log value or cost, or cost, S/MB F S/MB F MC A A B e TP-MP B C mt Log quantity, q1 Log quantity, MBF MBF Figure 3.5.b. Figure 3.5.a. Log allocation and divisional profits under mill and mixed Figures 3.5.a-b. dcxninances when transfer price (TP) equals to market price (NIP) and is greeter than (Fig. a) or less than (Fig. b) internal equilibrium price (gain for tiraber division, loss for Log price, value or mills) cost, $/MB lost profit r B TP Log price, value or cost, $/[3F Lost profit [P - 0int l C g TP=I[P I t=x C It (q1) q Log quantity, (°q II ) Log quantity Mi[F [[3 F Figure 3.6.a Figure 3.6.a-b. log al locution end divisional profi t Figure 3.6.b under limber dominance i:hcn transfer price (II') equals to until price (II) arid is In) rntriinl equilibrium greater then (Fig. a) or lccc than (I the quantity of price (H. Timber division alone di taleS ii logs to be used by the vi 111 ry di cr51 32 and log allocation of a centralized firm,the firm's total marginal revenue curve would be Dt and the total marginal cost curve CD NP. The profit maximizing centralized firm's total wood procurement would be the abscissa of the intersection of total marginal revenue curve and total marginal cost curve. 3.5.a and b. This intersection is point X in Figures According to price discrimination theory the firm deter- mines its optimal log allocation between the internal and external markets by equating the marginal revenue in each market with the total marginal revenue at point X. (cf. Ferguson, pp. 280-1). result in a flow of logs to the mills and market in Figure 3.5.a. In Figure 3.5.b logs to the mills of which logs to the outside it would cause a flow of are internal logs. the optimal allocation of centralization. firm's profits would be ADEC and AEDC. This would This would, then be The corresponding maximum These are the target alloca- tion and profit to aim at in setting transfer prices. Mill Dominance When transfer p r i c e price equals market under mill dominance the log allocation and corporate pro- fit are the same as those of the optimal solution in a centralized firm. There are no corporate profit losses from decentralization. This is shown in Figure 3.5.a when themarket price (= transfer price) is greater than the internal equilibrium price The mills get all their logs internally (q) and timberdivjsion sells part of the 33 Redistributed 109 price, value or tog price, Cost, cost 5/Mgi profit Loot profit value or ,,/C s/Mu en-., P A l5'X H LIUfl B - C toil quan- tity, tlBf Figure Figures 3. 7.a-b. l 1TS Log quan- Figure 3.7. b. tity, 1191 [rumples of lnq allocation and divisional profits nuder p l'jnijranr chen transfer price is greater then (11g. a or less than (Fig. B) market price. Loot Log price, value or Redistributed profit cost profIt 5/tigi profit iog price, Lost FtC value or cost, redistributed profit 'IC 5/1113 F A 'H h l-\us-:2 GYV B quantity, MBF (q11) Figure 3.8.a. lIP ii_IHj iIIil;rr.'_;- Log quantity, q MBF Figure 3.8.b. Figures 3,B,u-b, Exaniples of log allocation and divisional profits undnr tiedor d.ju?ncC rheir transfer price it greater than (fig, a) or less than (fig. b) market price. Redistributed Leg price, vulvo or Redistributed profit Log price, or Lost profit tiC profit j Lost profit 'I 5/tII1P C c q1 c71.oij quautty, It F guin profit 1tust profit $/MulF A H B C ' \fl Figures 3.9 .a-d. lug price value or /llC Redistributed prof1it 5/1-1131 for mills but loss for tuber Loot profit divisioo MC A lp IP 9int 1 Figure 3.9.c. ttur Figure 3.9k. Redist rib rited Log price, valve or cost, Log quastity, p p tttup Figure 3.9.a. p1 1 og ibm- tity, uhf tog quantity, 11111 Figure 3.9.d. [cantleS of log al locations and divisional trofits under erju_desJiflgn rico transfer price is greater (Iran (Figs, a, In) or less than (Figs. c, d) ni,nrl,ct price. 34 harvest q) to the outside market(q_q). Timber division profit es. area ABD. There are no log purchas- is area BCE and milling division profit The corporate profit is their sum ADEC. When the market price ( = transfer price) is less than the internal equilibrium price in Figure 3.5.b, the mills get only part of their logs from the timber division harvest () and the rest is purchased from the outside market. The timber division profit is area BCD and the mills' profit area ABE. The corporate profit is their sum AECD. same as the maximum profit of a centralized firm. price ( This is the When the market transfer price) is the internal equilibrium price the allocation and profits are the same as for Figure 3.3.a. Undermjll dominancewith m a r k e t p r i c e transfer price above the divisional and corporate profits are the same as with transfer price equallingmarket price in Figure 3.5: there are no corporate profit losses from decentralization. The log allocations, however, differ: milling division buys,all its logs from the market (q) and timber division sells all harvested logs to the market (q). No internal log transactions take place. in Figure 3.7.a. b e 1 o w losses. But when m a r k e t t r a n s f e r p r i c e p r i This is shown c e i s the firm experiences profit In Figure 3.7.b the corporate profit loss is DEG. This is the lost profit to timber division when milling division forces it to deliver a total of q logs internally at the low transfer price. It would be more economical for the timberdivision and for the firm to 35 sell part of their logs to the.outside market. Area HBGE is the redistributed profit from timber division to milling division caused by the reduction of transfer price below market price. Timber Dominance When t r a n s f e r p r i c e p r I c e e q u a 1 s m a r k e t under timbr'r dominance a firm may or may not be facing corporateprofit losses from decentralization. Figure 3.6.a when market price ( the internal equilibrium price This is shown in transfer price) is greater than The timber division wants to harvest q1 logs and the milling division wishes to acquire logs. The timber division is indifferent between delivering to the mills or selling them to the outside market. If the organization is flexible enough to let the milling division inform the timber division about its log acquisition desire the allocation and corporate profit is the same as in the optimal solution of a centralized organization: are no corporate profit losses from decentralization. there But if this information flow between the divisions does not occur the lost corporate profit corresponds are EFG. When market price equilibrium price profit loss. ( = transfer price) is less than the internal there again may or may not be a corporate This is shown in Figure 3.7.b. indifferent between delivering quantity The timber division is of logs to the mills, If it does not know about the mills' desire to acquire these logs the 36 corporate.profit loss is are EFG. price When transfer p r i c e theprofit is above market losses from decentralization are substantial. Figure 3.8.a shows that the timber division wishes to deliver harvested logs to the mills. But it would also like to deliver an infinite amount of bought logs to them because for each unit delivered it makesa constant (TP-MP) net revenue. acquire only The mills would like to logs which would give them a profit of area ABD. But the dominant timber division forces themilling division and the whole firm to incur an infinite profit loss which will cause the firm to go out of business. Any transfer price below market p r i 3.8.b. c e is also disastrous for the firm as we can see in Figure Now the timber division wants to sell all harvestable logs to the outside market leaving the mills without raw material. The mills go out of business. tAte can conclude that timber dominance without clear minimum and maximum log requirements by the mills,enforced to the timber division, does not work unless transfer price is market price. Even if transfer price is market price timber division has to know desired allocations by the mills. occur. Otherwise corporate profit losses from decentralization 37 Mixed Dominance market When transfer price equals p r i c e under mixed dominance the log allocation and corporate profit. are the same as those of the optimal solution in a centralized and mill dominant firm. They are shown in Figure 3.5.a and b. There are nO corporate profit losses from decentralization. Iith p r i c e tion. t r a n s f e r p r i c e a b o v e in a r k e t the firm faces lost corporate profits from decentraliza- Figure 3.9.a and b show two examples of this. in both cases is marked by area DEG. The profit loss The.redistributed profit from milling division to timber division caused by the increase of transfer price above market price is BDEH. The mills are going to use and the timber division harvest amounts to p r i c e is b e 1 o w m a r k e t and d corporate profit losses incur. When p r i c e logs t r a n s f e r as in Figures 3.9.c In the figures their area is DEG. "Market Price Rule" of Transfer Pricing We have been using the price discrimination theory to find optimal transfer prices both when the outside log market is competitive and noncompetitive. According to that theory the optimal transfer price is the ordinate of the intersection of the total marginal revenue function and total marginal cost function. point X in figures 3.5 - 3.9. This intersection is In the figures it always lies in the 38 horizontal line depicting.the competitiveniarket price. It has to lie on themarket price line because that line its whole length part of either firm's total marginal revénüe curve or total marginal cost curve. The marginal revenues result from selling logs to the outside market, theniarginal costs from buying them from the outside market. But because the market price line is horizontal the ordinate of X is always the market price. price. Thus market price is the optimal transfer We have named the procedure of setting the optimal transfer price as the ordinate of the intersection of total marginal cost and total marginal revenue the "marginal cost - marginal revenue' rule of transfer pricing. calls it Hirchleifer(a), p. 176; (b), p. 108; (c), p. 34) 'marginal cost" rule. Inthis section we have seen that when there is a competitive outside ba market, optimal transfer price equals the market price according to these rules. It is optimal because it produces the same allocation and corporate profit as the optimal solution of a centralized firm. Through market pricing the corporate profit losses of decentralization are avoided under any of the three divisional dominance structures. The "marginal cost" rule then becomes "market price" rule. The log market price reflects the opportunity cost of the intrafirm transaction to the divisions. The timber division will not be ready to sell logs to the mills at a price lower than the market price (TP NP). Voluntary internal log deliveries occur only when TP Voluntary internal log acquisitions occur when TP MP. MP. The union of 39 thetwo sets of feasible solutions is TP = MP. Transfer price should then equal market price in order toavoiduneconomic allocations from both. one of the divisions' and corporate point of view. Optimal Transfer Price For A Firm With Several Milling Divisions The market price--marginal cost--rules of price discrimination hold for the cases where we have several milling or timber divisions (Ferguson, pp. 281, 272). We restrictour attention only to the organization of mixed dominance. The reasonings we are going to present apply also to the othertwo discussed organizations. We assume two independent internal users--veneer and sawmill divisions. Areas ABC and DEF represent the milling divisions' profits in Figures 3.lO.a-c. The summed mill profits are GHK. The timber division profit is HIJ in Figure 3.1O.a, HIJMK in Figure 3.lO.b and HIJ + LKM inFigure 3.lO.c. Symbols q and q5 represent veneer and sawmill divisions' internal demands for log, and internal and external supplies of logs. and q-1-5 timber division's The corporate profit = summed divisional profits are at their maximum when t r a n s f e r i S in a r k e t decentralization. divisions. p r i c é: p r i There are no profit losses from The analysis is similar for more than two milling C e Log value $/tBF 40 icy price, Log value value or cost, $/FIBF /MBF Veneer Division Sawriiil Division DvtlRv £ D A B Log quantity, MBF Figure 3.lO.a Log value, Log value, log price, $/FlriF S/ ia F value or cost Veneer Division Division Dv Lost profit D A B Redistributed profit Saivini 11 D /// lIni //, MC 1K JI. q5 1=il- Figure 3.lO.b Log value, Log value, s/liar Log price, value or cost, $/tIBF Veneer ,, Redistributed Profit Gain for nills , loss for timber division $/lBF Sasosi 11 Division Division D =MR DMR v v I/tost profit nt (/1//i, ,, '1/. /i/,,,', F MC I i-i P fiTffl1J, 1l11Ii!lIIliIL F TP D q5 qJ1q15 Figure 3.lO.c Figures 3.lO.a-c. Log quantity, PIIF Examples of log allocation and veneer, snwsmill arid timutmcr division profi Lu under vii ced mioni nancy wimes transfer price (TP) is equal to (Fig. ), greater than (Fig. b) or less than (Fig.c) market price (lIP). Log price, value or cost, Log cost Log cost s/air s/Fill 5/ MB I4C '.rc rlc A -'P A B 5 q TA Figure 3.11. 0int q11-q1 1iq111 Log quantity, IBI TB Log allocation and divisional profits of milling divisions and two titmer divisions (A, ii) under ni xed doaiimnnce when transfer price (1P) is market price (rr) 41 Optimal TransferPrice For A Firm With.Several Timber Divisions When the company has'several log sources the analytical allocation solution resembles a solution to a multiplant monopoly. Again, the firm maximizes profit by equating thetotal marginal cost to the total marginal revenue. This point is X in Figure 3.11. The abscissa of X is the total optimal procurement of logs by the timber divisions. Optimal allotment of log procurement among the different timber divisions requires each of them to procure that amount of logs for which the divisional marginal cost is equal to the ordinate of point X Figure 3.11 presents an example of log (cf. Ferguson, p. 272). allocation and profits of a mixed dominant firm with two timber divisions when transfer price is log market price. A and B deliver q logs internally. and q Timber divisions In the example the mills' log demand (q) exceeds the total supply from harvest and amount - is purchased from the log market. TI This allocation produces a total profit of area GEIK for the mills and area HIJ = ABC + DEF for the timber divisions. these area. The corporate profit is the sum of The allocation is such that each timber divisional margin- al cost is equal to the ordinate of X and point X lies on the competitive market price line. But according to price discrimination theory the ordinate of X is also the optimal transfer price. rn a r k e t p ri c e i s the optimal t r a n s f e r Thus, p r i c e. It produces an.allocation equivalent toa firm with a centralized 42 organization. ization. There are no corporate profitlosses from decentral- Theanalyses and results arethe same for amillor a timber dominant firm. 43 3.3. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICES FOR SEVERAL LOG CLASSES According to economic theory the rule of equalling marginal revenues and marginalcosts of logs holds also for profit maximizing firms with several log classes. Each class is employed to a point where its marginal mill revenue equals to its marginal procurement When the end product market is competitive the following cost. equalities must hold (cf. Friedman; p. 176): MR1 = (EP MLP - MPC1) = MC1; i = l,...,I where MR = marginal net revenue at mill of class EP = end product price, $/MBM i logs, $/MBF MLP1= marginal productivity of class i logs, MBM/MBF MPC= marginal processing cost of class i logs, $/MBF MC = marginal harvesting cost of class i logs, $/MBF Following the same reasoning as for the one log class allocation we would like to prove that if in a decentralized firm any class i logs are sold to the market or purchased from the market and delivered internally then class i optimal transfer price must equal to its market price. Could this hold for all i = l,...,I log classes? We try to answer this question by discussing three means of finding optimal transfer prices for several log classes: diagram (as in the previous section), calculus and mathematical programming. 44 Diagrams In order to use diagrams for finding the "optimal" or "best" transfer prices we wish to use the same internal demand-marginal cost framework as for the one log class situation. If we can show that the marginal log revenue MR1 for each log class is its derived internal demand Dt and if the marginal harvesting cost MC1 for each log class i is comparable with the MC in the one log class situation we can solve the problem for each class graphically as we did in the one log class situation (cf. Alchian and Allen, p. 452; Ferguson,p.366; Friedman, p. 177; Stigler, p. 240; etc.). MR But this requires that all for i = l,...,I are independent and all r'iC1 for i = l,...,I are also independent. components : MR1 for i = l,...,I are independent only if their marginal log productivities MLP1, and marginal log processing costs MPC for i = l,...,I, are all independent. Product- ivity--recovery--of each class is independent on the levels of other log classes employed. times. Log processing costs are functions of processing The time a log class spends in the process is independent of the amounts of other log classes processed (Baack, Chapman, Nelson; personal interviews). In short run the total processing time of a mill -- its capacity -- is limited. After the maximum capacity has been reached the marginal processing cost (of the next log unit) is infinity. The marginal cost of the log class of this unit is not independent on the quantities of other log classes employed. We can conclude that the marginal log revenue MR of each log class is not 45 its derived internal demand. The marginal harvesting costs of the log classes are not independent, either. Each tract now comprises several log classes. Every log class or none is subject to harvest because in a tract the felling of only one log class is not technically possible. interdependencies MC Due to these does not represent the internal supply of log class i by the timber division. The solving of the log allocation problems through internal pricing by using diagrams is impossible because of the resulting multidimensionality. Calculus Finding the optimal allocation and transfer prices by solving the simultaneous equations MR1 = MCi; is difficult. I = l,...,I The solution becomes even more bothersome when there are many mills with many end products as in our log allocation problem. This is one of the main reasons why practical men in forest productsfirms believe that economic theory has little relevance for log allocation. The theory's elementary acsumption is usually that a firm has a single input and a single output (cf. Hadley, p. 481). Where the theory proves the multi-input case in full generality,, the analysis is frequently too complex or too empty for use (cf. Hirschleifer, (b), p. 96). The statement, said about 20 years ago, is still valid despite the advances of calculus for solving multi-input, multioutput production problems. Unconstrained profit maximization is 46 unable to solve complex allocation problems. Even constrained optimization may be impossible through the traditional means--calculus. A good example of the deficiency of calculus is its inability to solve constrained or unconstrained log allocation problems with linear or piecewise linear harvesting or processing functions (cf. Henderson and Quandt, p. 334). Mathematical Programming Mathematical programming techniques have proved to be applicable for solving complex constrained resource allocation problems. Since this discovery economists have been mapping the similarities and dis- similarities of the traditional marginal, and mathematical programming analyses in profit maximization. Dorfman, etal.(pp. 183-4) have come to the conclusion that the optimal resource allocation through linear programming, for example, is equivalent to that through the marginal economic analysis. Shadow Prices As Transfer Prices For every mathematical programming problem, which we call a primal, there is a dual problem. The dual variable values of basic feasible primal solutions can be interpreted as "shadow prices". A positive shadow price in a primal maximization problem indicates a revenue to be gained through adding one unit of a scarce resource. A linear or nonlinear log allocation problem for a forest products firm with constrained log availabilities of log classes produces shadow 47 prices for the log classes. The shadow prices indicate the marginal values of the different log classes as limited inputs. The shadow prices of the log avilability constraints would then be announced as transfer prices by the headquarters to the decentralized divisions (Arrow, (a) pp. 9, 13; Arrow (b) p. 405; Dowdie, p. 93; Koopmans, p. 73; etc.). This idea has originated from the theory of resource allocation of a decentralized socialist national economy. The theory has produced the following so-called Lange-Lerner rule: "To attain maximum social welfare in a decentralized socialist society, the state planning agency should solve the constrained maximization problem and obtain the shadow prices of all inputs and outputs. Publish this price list and distribute it to all members of the society. Instruct all consumers and all plant managers to behave as though they were satisfaction or profit maximizers operating in perfectly competitive markets." (Ferguson, p. 447; cf. Gordon, p. 20). Shadow Prices Plus Variable Costs As Transfer Prices Setting shadow prices as transfer prices has met criticism by theorists who have actually been working with practical problems. This criticism deals with how to use shadow prices as transfer prices. Appendices 4.1 and 4.2 discuss more the difficulties of computing shadow prices and alternative ways of using them as transfer prices. Dopuch and Drake (p. 345) state that announcing shadow prices as 48 transfer prices would lead the divisional managers ". . .to select the types of outputs" (logs by timber division; end-products by mills) "which should be produced, but the exact levels of outputs must be determined in alternative means." Solomons (p. 187) does not recommend the use of shadow prices in short term allocation. But when used, the transfer price should equal to the sum of shadow price and procurement variable cost (Solomons, p. 191). According to him a mathematical programming dual solution tells that the intermediate products (logs) are worth their shadow prices over their variable costs. When shadow prices are zero, transfer prices are equal to procurement costs. General Rule For Transfer Pricing.? The disagreement between the men of theory (Arrow, (b) p. 405; Dowdle, p. 93; Koopmans, p. 73), and Solomons (p. 191) confirms the nonexistence of a general all-pervasive rule for transfer pricing in the great variety of conditions where the forest products firms work today. Dopuch and Drake (p. 341) stress that the transfer prices should "reflect the opportunity costs of the intrafirm transactions'. The executives could consider the following general rule as the first step in the allocation analysis: The transfer prices should be equal to additional variable loq procurement costs plus opportunity costs of internal deliveries for the firm as a whole.(cf. Horngren, p. 733),. The shadow price of Solomons obviously is equivalent to the opportunity cost of internal deliveries. The shadow prices of Arrow, Dowdle and Koopmans have some other meaning. 49 When there is a competitive log market the opportunity cost of each log class is its market price less its harvesting cost (cf. Anthony et al., p. 274). This is in accordance with the axiom of Solomons and the general rule of Horngren. Koopnians (p. 93) is the first economist to elaborate the result that for one or several intermediate goods the transfer price should always equal the market price if a competitive market price exists. Most decentralization theorists have agreed with this result although there are few formal proofs (Anthony etal., p. 274; Arrow (b), p. 404; Cook, p. 88; Dopuch and Drake, p. 341; Hirschleifer (b), p. 32; Solomons, p. 199). Practical men do not always agree with the market price rule. Many of the Pacific Northwest forest products firms applying marketbased transfer pricing use slightly lower than log market prices. Most companies apply cost-based transfer pricing. The theorists usually assume few interdependencies between the divisions and a log market with infinite demand and supply at a constant price. In forest products firms these interdependencies between timber division and mills are great and neither in the short nor in the long run the competitive log market can supply or receive infinite amounts of logs. Market prices may in many cases be the most desirable transfer prices when competitive log market exists. In the following chapter we wish to see whether this is true for a typical , hypothetical forest products f i rm. 50 4. 4.1. EXPERIMENT FOR TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS OF THE THEORY CASE FIRM The hypothesis of this study is that the economic theory of transfer pricing holds for a typical, decentralized, corporate profit maximizing forest products firm. The theory suggests that the optimal log transfer prices should equal market prices if a competitive log market exists. The experiment for testing the hypothesis consists of three parts: constructing a case firm with its production and market functions, formulating the log allocation problems and solving the problems for alternative transfer prices. The corporate profit maximi- zing case firm has been constructed with Mr. Larry Chapman's cooperation using Bohemia Inc. 's veneer plant and sawmill in Coburg, Willa- mette Valley, Oregon,as a basis. The case firm's milling division consists of these two plants with their capacities, approximate recoveries, variable and fixed processing costs, and taxed. The case firm's timber division consists of the types of the firm's own and public timber sale tracts which are available for the Coburg unit's use. Examples of the actual numbers and sources of physical tract qualities, logging and transportation costs are listed in the appendices. As Figure 4.1 shows we now have a more complex problem than economic theory could easily handle. It consists of five log classes: four usable by the mills and one pulpwood class. There are 21 public 51 (Respoiisibi 1 ity botndary) lIMBER DIVISION MILLING DIVISIOII Sources of logs through harvesc Market 1 (Unfil led orders) Veneer plant products: 7 veneer and residue grades Market 2 ( Ant IC ipa ted LLLI 5 orders) 5 log I classes Saeinill products: 6 21 market) 1 uinbe r and larket (Unfi lied orders) 1 sale tracts 9 own fores tracts ses / residue grades public timber Slog / Farkd 3 / (Future / I\ I Market 2 (Ant ici- \ pa ted orders) arket 3 (Future market) ,"- 1T' Outside /iog market: 4 log class purchase 'murket S log class sales / market (possible responsibility (possible responsibility boundary) boundry) Figure 4.1. Case finn log allocation problem. 52 timber sale tracts and nine company-owned forest tracts ready for harvest in the quarter. The destinations of these logs are the companys veneer plant, sawmill or outside log market. There are four veneer and three residue grades of the veneer plant products. The sawmill produces four sawntimber grades and two residue grades. There are three veneer and lumber markets, as a function of time: -- unfilled orders for which exact prices and quantities are known -- anticipated orders with estimated prices, and known minimum quantities -- future market: producing for inventory with estimated prices, and inventory capacity as maximum total quantity. The log allocation decision is made for one quarter while for the longer term harvesting decisions a maximum period of five years is considered in order to estimate the possible opportunity losses of harvesting tracts during the coming quarter instead of later in the future. The computations are carried out with historical 1967-71 pric- es and costs instead of 1975-79 prices in order to avoid making price predictions. Predicting prices could be an objective for a separate, comprehensive study. 1967 has been chosen as the basis year because we want to avoid the market irregularities at 1972 government price control s. 53 4.2. PROBLEM FORMULATION Centralization The ideal transfer prices of logs result in the same allocation and corporate profit as the globally optimal solution of the log allocation problem for a centralized firm under perfect knowledge. Thus we have to formulate and solve a corporate log allocation problem given centralization. This produces a target for allocation and corporate profit through transfer pricing given divisional dominances. In a centralized firm there is one log allocation problem for the firm, formulated and solved by the top management to maximize the corporate profit. The top management's log allocation decisions are executed by the nonautonomous timber and mill departments. As Figure 4.2.a shows little internal information exchange is needed within the firm because top management is the only decision maker. Transfer prices are not necessary because there are no internal log transactions between profit centers. The information "exchange" contains only the one way flow of commands to the cost center departments dictating the quantity and quality of logs to be allocated from different sources to different destinations. A centralized firm's log allocation problem can be divided into three parts: availability and employment of internal logs availability and employment of external logs availability and employment of other inputs; processing and marketing of end products; selling of internal logs. 54 This partitioning emphasizes the separation of logs as a special 'corporate resource' from all other resources of the firm (cf. Jennergren, p. 21). It is the approach used for developing the corporate log allocation model for the case firm in Appendix 1.1. Another possible partitioning is: intrafirm part: external part: internal allocation functions log market conditions The internal part deals with hiring and employing all inputs except external logs for harvesting and milling activities. The out- come of the firm's processes--the sales of end products--belongs to this part also. The external part describes the prices of logs to be sold to or purchased from the competitive outside log market and the quantities of logs in the market available for purchase. This type of partitioning draws our attention to the firm's self sufficiency or dependence as a decision unit on the external world in its log allocation decisions. It is especially useful in formulating log allocation problems for decentralized organizations. Divisional Dominances Log allocation in a decentralized firm requires information exchange between the decision units. An information exchange iteration starts with the announcing of (1) the tentative transfer prices by the top management. At the same time the dominated division delivers (2) information of the bounds of its technically feasible log transaction solution set to the dominant division. These bounds appear as orofi t corpo-ate I - N N N. N. N 'trans far 'N .prices - profi ts". .. .-" profit milling division divisional l - . I I ing e log internal (_..giirchases demand Figure 4.2.b sales internal deliveries division ivisio,ivi ti:vbcr supply of mt. es log narket 'id"oduc t markets) log market sales "-"" ' markets) (eoduc (sales) deliaeries - 1-- .profits lrestraints1enforc- transfer' - log irit. Figure 4.2.a departisent L. timber I corporate profit demand -supoly - - - -= -I prices,. headquarters ' headquarters internal enforcing department milling - I N Notation: '' enforcing N " supply Figure 4.2.c profit division divisional timber demand I V log internal purchases purchases _ market) - log market markets) '1' log market N ---i information flow; ). log flow lnformation'and lcp floms in ccntrnlized organization (Fig. a), under mill (Fig. b), timber (Fig. c) and mixed Figure 4.2.d div.pfit sales internal deliveries demand division 1lT:nber supply ing enforc- p'c fit estr. of div iv jill sq dlvi sion p I dominance (Fig. d). 'N \. "i N transfer log I nternal lr) (of iIit. internal deliveries traiintsi 1res rofits lint. // / V " 'N \prices profits L9iLJi" Figures 4.2.a-d. sm-P- N trans fey prices profits 'N 'N N. .grices N.transfer 'N 4N -- headquarters L/ profi t Corpora to headquarters 1111111 ny divis ion 7 divisional' transfer,profit prices -profits 1' 56 allocation guidelines or restrictions to the dominant division. They guarantee that every allocation decided by the dominant division is feasible to the dominated division. The dominant division solves its log allocation problem given the transfer prices and the log guidelines by the dominated division. It announces (3) the enforcement of its decisions to the dominated devision. The dominated division solves its log allocation problems given the transfer prices, and log enforcements by the dominant division. The iteration ends by the divisions report- ing their (4) divisional profits to the headquarters. The next iteration starts by the announcement of another set of tentative transfer prices for logs. allocation follow. Steps (3) and (4), guidance and enforcement of Step (2) is not affected by the transfer price levels and does not need to be repeated. The iterations continue until the top management has announced all its alternative transfer price sets. At the implementation the top management chooses the set that gives the highest sum of the divisional profits. est corporate profit. set to the division. This sum is the high- The top management enforces the transfer price Finally, the divisions execute their allocation optimal with respect to the transfer prices. Figure 4.2.b-d show all four types of information flows under mill, timber and mixed dominances. It also shows the lo flows at the implementation of log allocation through transfer pricing. The information flows of Figure 4.2.b under mill dominance in the chronological order of their occurrence are: 57 transfer prices by the top management restraints of internal log supply by the timber division to the milling division enforcement of internal log demand by the milling division to the timber division 4) divisional profits from the divisions to the headquarters Correspondingly, the log flows under mill dominance are: 1) internal deliveries of harvested logs by the timber division to the milling division 2) sales of harvested logs by the timber division to the outside market 3) purchases of external logs by the milling division The information flows of Figure 4.2.c under timber dominance in the chronological order of their occurrence are: transfer prices by the top management to the divisions restraints of internal log demand by the milling division to the timber division enforcement of internal log supply by the timber division to the milling division divisional profits from the divisions to the headquarters Correspondingly, the log flows under timber dominance are: internal deliveries of harvested logs by the timber division to the milling division sales of harvested logs by the timber division to the outside 58 market 3) purchases of external logs by the timber division The information flows of Figure 4.2.d, under mixed dominance are the same as those under mill dominance; correspondingly, the log flows under mixed dominance are the same as those under timber dominance. (This is the reason for naming this organization "mixed dominance". ) Every divisional log allocation problem can be divided into four parts according to the divisionts self sufficiency or dependence on the outside world in its log allocation decisions. Accordingly, there are four sources of data to a divisional allocation problem: intradivisional part: internal allocation functions interdivisional part: --allocation guidance received by the dominant division from the dominated division or --allocation enforcement received by the dominated division from the dominant division external part: control part: log market conditions transfer prices Figure 4.3 shows the six divisional allocation problems of this study and the data needed for them. Purely divisional data to be used in the milling division allocation problem are end product market prices, milling costs, endproduct recoveries and processing times productivities of different classes of logs and outstanding end product orders. Purely timber as rcduct r.g Figure 4.3. end :roduct croers prOcessing times ccsts ri 11 orices v'arket er.d purely iisicnal pu rc na S log maxmum / cc dric under mid solve allocation problem under (solve allocation problem 1' dminvncn )under nih / / solve al boa- \ -tior problem 1. D IV IS r ON 1ILLI:G log \Purchases .._( /raxirum log class harvests n:a xi :v minimum (end maximum) total harvest I \ t ran s' price log /log class \ harvests log I Li I 0 I /solve allocatio problem under mixçd dominance rnce ocr timber ahlocation problem un- 5. \ocinance under nih ha rues t minimum and maximum total able in tracts class avail- maximum log costs 1og selling costs harvesting purely divisional data: / / rarkt / prices. / maximum / log purchases / O allocation enforceiunt from dominant allocation guidance fro:,i dominated control data: divisions transfer prices from hcadquarters to external data of log market condition interdivision-il data: to dominated division interdivisionel data: to dominant division intradivisional data for the internal part of the allocation problen divisional allocation problem under divisional dominance Nototi on: /soive ahboca- 4 DIV IS tO: T IbiS ER \. tics problem // (mills log dnends requi rem. total log mi 11 requ i rem. \ class / lii /mills demands (sills St /maximun ha rv e ruin) total (and maxi- Six divisional allocation problems and the data needed for solving them. - ,ark7L 60 division data are harvesting costs.and log class availabilities in different tracts, smallest and largest wanted total harvest during theperiod and log selling costs. Guidelines to the mills under mill andmixed dominances are the restrictions of iiii nimum and maximum total harvest and maximum log class availabilities in tracts through harvest. Under mixed dominance the mills have also to know the approximate maximum log calss availabilities to timber division of logs in the outside market. For the dominant timber division guideline restraints consist of minimum log class requirement to complete the unfilled edn product orders and mill total log requirement to help mills running at desired capacity. Without these guidelines an allocation suggestion by the dominant division may lead to infeasible solutions in the dominated division. Any allocation infeasible to a division is undesirable for the firm as a whole because it, i.f implemented, forces the division out of business. Enforcement restraints are mills' log demands under mill and mixed dominances and timber division log supply under timber dominance which the other party has to accept. Market conditions appear in the allocation problem formulation of the division purchase logs. that has the right to They are the log market prices and maximum log class availabilities of purchased logs In a decentralized firm, given a divisional dominance, log alloc- ation consists of two problems for the two divisions and the corporate 'mini" problem of adding divisional profits to find a corporate profit corresponding to a transfer price. Headquarters might choose only 61 one transfer price and the.corresponding allocation would be implemented. Headquarters might announce several tentative transfer prices, choose the one which produces the highest sum of the divisional profits, and the allocation corresponding toit is implemented. is the procedure in this study. This In order to find the optimal transfer prices among those in use in today's forest products firms we compute the corporate profit for each of them using the divisional log allocation problem formulations of Appendix 1.2. Solution Techniques Linear programming has been used to formulate and solve each of the allocation problems. The detailed formulations for, the firm as a whole under centralization and for both divisions under decentralization appear in Appendices 1.1 and 1.2. For our log allocation problem the underlying assumptions of linear programming either hold or can be worked around by special formulations. linearity, additivity The well-known assumptions of divisibility and determinism are not restrictive in our case firm (Hillier and Lieberman, pp. 136-138). and harvesting the functional relationships are linear. has particularly asked the practical men: bach Co., Both in milling The author Don Baack of Crown-Zeller- Adam Ferrie of McMillan Bloedel, Ltd., and Ted Nelson of Weyerhaeuser Co,m whether there are serious nonlinearities in short term log allocation problems as ours. They said they have not found any. The additivity assumption seems according to them hold to a satisfact- 62 ory degree. For example in milling all combinations of labor and logs have constant marginal productivities: one unit of labor and logs results in one unit of end products, hundred units of labor and logs result in hundred units of end products, etc. Divisibility assumption causes a difficulty in harvesting decisions because from a tract no amount of a certain type of logs can be cut without cutting a portion of other log classes. This problem is removed by adding a set of tract log class structure constraints as in Appendix 1. The deterministic nature of linear programs can be overcome through repetitive "sensiti- Studying log allocation under uncertainty in this vity" computations. way is expensive. For every particular allocation problem we know, however, that if formulated properly and if the other three assumptions hold the resulting best basic feasible solution is optimal. not necessarily the case in simulation approach. This is Attempts to create an allocation model in FORTRAN showed that simulation model of this type becomes complex. Thus the first successful run might be very expensive although successive runs have low additional costs. Due to the apparent advantages of linear programming it has been the major operations research tool for solving log allocation problems (cf. Bare, pp. 9, 28). Linear programming is used also in this study to solve both the corporate and divisional programs of Appendix 1 63 4.3. PROBLEM SOLVING Objectives In this section we assert the amount and type of computations that are necessary to reach the objectives set for the case study. The main objective of our experiment is to test the hypothesis whether transfer prices should equal to market prices under certainty in a typical corporate profit maximizing forest products firm. For the three division- al dominances we first find the optimal transfer pricing type :market, cost, value, or distorted market pricing. We call the corporate profit maximizing pricing type "optimal" because we exhaustively study all the types of transfer pricing appearing in the literature and in the practice in the forest products firms today. We have had plenty of ob- servations to find that, in varying situations, some pricing type is always the very best--optimal--for a divisional dominance. After finding the optimal transfer pricing types we study the sensitivity of the corporate profit to the changes in the transfer price levels of the optimal pricing types under the three dominance organization. We call the corporate profit maximizing transfer price level "best" because this level changes when log allocation conditions vary and there is no "optimal" transfer price for all situations. best transfer price level is especially sensitive internal logs available through harvest. The tO the amount of Comparing the corporate profits of the best levels of the optimal transfer pricing types of 64 the three organization we find the ranking of the divisional dominances. Observing whether the best transfer price level of the optimal transfer pricing type within the highest ranking organization is equivalent to log market price or not we finally conclude whether our hypothesis holds or not. Steps Of Problem Solving The f i r s t s t e p in arriving at the objectives of this study is to generate the data for the allocation problems. They are the same for the corporate linear programming problem under centralization of Appendix 1.1 and the divisional linear programming problems under divisional dominances of Appendix 1 .2. several sources as Appendix 2 shows. The data come from The computationally most complex of these data are the user costs of tracts. When summed with the logging and transportation costs they are used for deciding which tracts to include in the linear programs as shown in Appendix 2.3 and in the beginning of the next chapter. The s e c o n d s t e p program under centralization. is solving the corporate linear It produces the target allocation and corporate profit for the transfer pricing. This target is called the globlly optimal solution. The t h I r d s t e p is to name the transfer prices to be used in the divisional log allocation problems under decentralization. They are chosen so that for each divisional dominance the optimal 65 transfer pricing type can be found. Since the study uses 1967 prices and costs the 11 transfer price sets for the four log classes are 1967 values also. These represent all major transfer pricing types currently used by Pacific Northwest forest products companies (all types show unit prices for four log classes) A. Log market price based transfer prices: TP1 = log market prices ($100, 90, 68, 58) TP2 = 10 per cent higher than market prices ($110, 99, 75, 64) TP3 10 per cent lower than market prices ($90, 81 , 61, 52) TP4 = $6 lower than market prices ($94, 84, 62, 52) B. Harvesting cost based transfer prices: TP5 = logging and transportation cost($36.5,36.5, 36.5,36.5)8) TP6 = logging and transportation cost plus allowance for timber division fixed costs and profits ($64,64,64,64) C. Combined harvesting cost and market price based transfer prices: TP7 = logging and transportation cost plus allowance for Standard cost for the period Standard timber division fixed cost and taxes are $15,100 and the minimum timber division profit allowance before stumpage costs for the coming quarter is $265,400. log deliveries to the mills are 10,200 MBF. The acticipated 66 timber division fixed costs and profits in market price ratios ($94, 85, 64, D. 54)10) Log mill value based transfer prices:l1) TP8 = veneer plant log values ($114, 94, 76, 70) sawmill log values ($111, 107, 84, 82) TP9 = mill log values minus allowance for mills' fixed costs and profits: veneer plant log values ($96, 76, 58, 52) sawmill log values ($91, 87, 64, 62) E. Transfer prices with distorted relative market prices: TP10 = 10 per cent higher for the two best and 10 per cent lower than market prices for the two poorest log classes ($110, 99, 61, 52) TP11 = 10 per cent lower for the two best and 10 per cent higher than market prices for the two poorest log Log class 3 price is used as a basis because in the past its portion of the total harvest has been over 55 per cent. Log mill values before fixed milling costs and taxes for the last quarter of 1966. Standard fixed costs and taxes for the coming quarter are $25,200 for the veneer plant and $37,800 for the sawmill. $36,000 and $84,600. and 6800 MBF. The minimum profit allowances are The estimated mill usages are 3400MBF 67 classes ($90, 81, 75, 64) The transfer price alternatives have the following characteristics: TP1 The listed four prices represent the log market prices of the first quarter of 1967 for the four log classes usable by the mills TP2, TP3 A resource oriented top management may argue that transfer prices somewhat higher (TP2) than market prices should be used because milling division is gaining from having a secure, steady flow of logs, coming from timber division. Corresponding by a market orien- ted top management may defend transfer prices somewhat lower (TP3) than market prices because timber division is gaining from having milling division as its permanent customer. In both cases the top management consid- ers it important to maintain the relative market prices of the different classes of logs in the transfer prices. TP4 A very common practice is setting transfer prices less than log market prices by a constant. TP5, TP6 The most cornon pricing practice of forest products firms favoring mills in decision making is setting transfer prices to equal to the average harvesting cost. Harvesting costs do not significantly vary from log class to log class thus also their transfer prices are equal 68 TP7 One pricing possibility is to combine cost and marketbased transfer prices. The transfer price of the average log class (class 3) would be the average harvesting cost but for each log class the transfer price would follow its relative log market price. TP, TP9 The log mill value-based transfer prices, used by firms that favor timber division for decision making are difficult to determine. Their accurate computation requires advanced knowledge of end product prices,and end product shipments, recoveries, and processing costs. That is why historical data, not future proje- ctions, are usually used for computing them. TP10, TP11 A "radical" top management may want to exaggerate the market price difference between high and low quality logs. This is done in the transfer prices of the log classes in TP10. A "conservative' top management may wish to even out the market price differences between log classes, as is done in TP11. The f o u r t h s t e p is to solve the divisional linear programs for the 11 transfer prices. Appendix 3.1 shows the procedures for creating inputs for these programs. Appendix 3.2 presents examples of the linear program inputs and outputs. Based on the resulting corporate profits the optimal transfer pricing type is found for each divisional dominance. 69 The f i f t h s t e p is to name a range of price levels of the optimal transfer price types. The divisional linear programs are solved for them and the best transfer price level is found for each divisional dominance. From the results above we can decide which of the three divisional dominance types ranks highest. Finally, we conclude whether the hypothesis of economic theory holds for the case firm or not: price or not. should the transfer price be market This is done in the price analysis under certainty. s i x t h s t e p of our transfer 70 4.4. RESULTS The log allocation computations have been carried out in the order mentioned in the previous section. section follow the same order. Therefore, the results of this All the outcomes of the transfer pric- ing analyses are recorded as the differences between the log allocation corporate profits of the globally optimal solution and the summed We divisional profits of the allocations through transfer pricing. recall that the globally optimal solution is the target produced by the The centralized firm's optimal allocation under perfect knowledge. allocations through transfer pricing are the allocations produced by the alternative transfer prices in the decentralized case firm under mill, timber or mixed dominance. The outcomes then depict the corporate profit losses from decentralization. More specifically, they represent the impact of dysfunctional decisions made by the divisional managers. They are caused by the lack of goal congruence between the divisional managers and top management. Other advantages or disadvan- tages of decentralization do not appear in the results of this study. They belong to the sphere of psychology and are hard to measure. task here is The Lo find the transfer prices that minimize the measurable profit losses of decentralization under the three dominances. A summary of the globally optimal log allocation is presented in the last column of Table 4.3 and the globally maximum profit in the last row of Table 4.2. 71 Harvesting Decision The first step in the log allocation computations is to estimate the user cost of each tract. It shows the opportunities lost in the future periods if the tract is harvested in the coming quarter. computational details are presented in Appendix 2.3. Adding user cost to the tract logging and transportation cost produces the cost of a tract. The harvesting Column 5 of table 4.1 shows the average harvesting The tracts are ranked cost of all 30 tracts under consideration. according to rising average harvesting cost. The harvesting costs are used for two purposes: for narrowing down the number of tracts to be considered for harvest in the linear programs as objective function cost coefficients of the harvestable logs in each tract in the linear programs. Pilot computations have indicated that in the linear programs the harvesting of a tract depends greatly on its harvesting cost. They have shown that at any alternative log transfer or market price of this study at most the nine tracts with the lowest average harvesting costs of the 30 may be cut in the next quarter. Thus in the linear programs only these nine or fewer tracts are included to reduce the costs of computations. 4.1. A line separates the nine tracts from others in Table The tract harvesting revenue consists of three components: log class transfer prices, market prices and volumes. The results of the linear programming computations show that the harvesting schedule is, 72 Table 4.1. Tract Number 6 1 10 5 4 18 23 13* 11 17* 14 9 12 3 20 25 28 22* 19 2* 27* 24* 8 21* 30 29 16 26* 7 Note: Results of the harvesting cost computations: choosing the nine tracts with the lowest harvesting costs for the linear programs. Logging and Transportation Cost, $/MBF 28.00 29.00 22.00 31.00 28.00 34.00 26.00 19.00 21.00 28.00 31.00 25.00 23.00 36.00 39.00 24.00 30.00 35.00 34.00 33.00 31.00 34.00 33.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 36.00 24.00 36.00 User** Cost, $/MBF Tract Rank Quarter with Harvest(i) Acc. Highest Disc. ing Cost, to Incr. Tract Value Harv. Cost $/MBF 7 28.00 29.00 31.17 33.69 36.33 36.68 37.47 42.56 43.88 44.26 44.55 44.84 7 45.31 5 46.54 47.33 48.55 48.70 49.63 53.78 55.96 56.30 58.49 60.85 62.62 64.04 65.03 0 1 0 1 9.17 2.69 8.33 2.68 11.47 23.56 22.88 16.26 13.55 19.84 22.31 10.54 8.33 24.55 18.70 14.63 19.78 22.96 25.30 24.49 27.85 24.62 26.04 27.03 10 8 10 27.91 7 42.90 56.23 80.47 9 5 3 5 3 6 8 7 19 6 5 8 8 6 7 8 10 10 8 9 9 65.91 78.90 80.23 116.47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *Conlpany owned tracts **Ifighest discounted tract value over 20 quarters less the highest value in quarter 1 73 indeed, veryinsensitive to changesin harvesting revenues: log transfer and market prices, and rather insensitive to changes in tract log class composition. The 11 transfer prices produce at most two kinds of harvesting schedules for each divisional dominance. The more common schedule includes the tracts with the lowest harvesting costs. The other schedule differs froni it by only one tract, by the marginal tract which is accepted for harvest last, and may be cut only partially. The form of the timber division linear programs guarantees that whole tracts are harvested except the marginal trat. The tract log class structure constraints (e.g. constrains (2) of Appendix l.2.(B)) secure that the log classes even of the marginal tract are felled in proportion to their volume. It is economically infeasible to cut only one log class from a tract with several classes. The company's own and public timber sales tracts are treated equally in the computations, except that the company tracts are avail- able for harvest a total of 20 periods because the assumed company's cutting plan is for five years, but as an average the public timber is available for harvest only from three to nine quarters. The user cost tends then to be higher for own timber tract than kublic tract lowering the own tract's ranking for harvest. tract among the ten There is one company highest ranking tracts for harvest of Table 4.1. Tracts available only during the coming quarter and the partly cut marginal tracts from the previous quarter would always be harvested. Our case firm does not, however, have such tracts. 74 In the short term log allocation of the case firm the (sunk) stumpage costs are excluded from the harvesting costs. Due to this exclusion the procurement costs of internal logs tend then to be lower than those of external logs which are purchased at the market price. This causes internal logs to be preferred to external logs. The maximum harvest constraint (e.g. (3a) of Appendix l.2.(C)) is for every run of the experiment at the upper limit indicating that it is the most efficient element in determining how many tracts are cut. Optimal Types Of Transfer Pricing Mill Dominance Under mill dominance market-based transfer prices.minimize the corporate profit losses from decentralization. Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4.a on p. 73. This we can see from In the table, column 3 presents the summary of the linear program outputs: the before fixed cost, tax and stumpage corporate profit as a sum of the divisional profits. The transfer prices are ranked according to these profits in column 5. Market-based transfer prices obtain ranks 1-5. lowest ranks. Cost pricing gets the The ranking of the transfer prices according to profits would not change from the above after fixed costs and taxes because they are the same for each alternative. It does not change after stumpage, either, because including different stumpage prices cause only minor deviations in the harvest pattern. The computations have shown that under mill dominance the corporate profit is quite sensi- 75 Table 4.2. Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under mill dominance, dollars. Profits before stumpage, fixed costs and taxes Mill Timber division Firm division Transfer price andtype Market pricing Cost pricing Cost/market pricing Value pricing Distorted market pricing 3 Profit loss from decentralization Rank 4 2 TP1 191 ,682 389,981 581 ,663 -2,625 4 TP2 156,341 424,169 580,510 -3,778 5 TP3 233,573 349,749. 583,322 -966 3 TP4 226,255 357,068 583,323 -965 2 TP5 501,333 53,820 555,153 -39,135 11 TP6 254,101 309,819 563,920 -20,368 10 TP 215,806 367,520 583,326 -962 1 TP8 132,270 444,947 577,217 -7,071 8 TP9 222,179 358,062 580,241 -4,047 6 TP 210,756 355,573 566,329 -17,959 9 200,915 378,027 578,942 -5,344 7 7 10 TP11 Centr. CX) alloc. = global opt. *Note: 5 1 .. .. 584,288 0 = difference between column (3) profit and the globally optimal profit (X) of centralization. MB F. logs Saw - logs tx 0 4411 x32 x42 0 4411 4411 2101 0 2101 2101 331 x22 3072 3072 3072 331 0 0 339 o 0 339 3 TP3 o 339 2 331 11 1 TP4 xl2 1x mill Veneer k TP7 TP2 Transfer TP9 rice TP11 TP8 0 4411 0 4553 0 4273 4273 2101 0 1614 2577 331 2577 3072 3066 670 0 0 339 7 0 0 3072 3072 0 334 6 0 0 0 339 5 0 0 339 4 0 4553 1542 2512 2801 1714 0 0 3072 0 0 339 9 TP10 670 2421 0 334 8 Rank according to corporate profit TP1 1 780 2284 2181 0 4245 0 808 331 0 3073 2363 3072 4272 0 2578 0 0 339 Centr. alloc. = global opt. 911 0 104 11 T P5 0 0 339 10 T P6 Summary of log allocation to mills, with alternative transfer prices, under mill dominance, Allocation, X. j = log ciassjk Table 4.3. 77 tive to the availability of internal and external loqs. figure concern a log need. The table and situation where total harvest exceeds mills' total The optimal transfer pricing type under mill dominance for our case firm is, however, always market pricing. Figure 4.4.a illust- rates the profit losses from decentralizations of column 4 in the table. It shows that profit losses from decentralization can be in- significant by choosing market-based transfer prices but very substantial especially with cost pricing. Table 4.3 summarizes the allocations of the four log classes to the mills. The last column is the target: the globally optimal allocation of a centralized organization under perfect knowledge. The other columns show the transfer prices according to their corporate profit ranking in Table 4.2. The farther away is the allocation from the global optimum the poorer is the corporate profit. This rule generally holds for the table although it only shows sutiaiiaries of allocation, not the exact sources and destinations of logs moved. Timber Dominance Under timber dominance cost-based transfer prices minimize the corporate profit losses from decentralization. 4.4.b show this. Table 4.3 and Figure In the table, column 3 again presents the sunuary of the linear program outputs: the before fixed cost, tax and stumpage corporate profit as a sum of the divisional profits. Cost-based transfer prices obtain the highest ranking according to these profits 78 Table 4.4. Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under timber dominance, dollars. Profit before stumpage, fixed costs and taxes Mill Timber division Firm division Transfer price andtype Market pricing Cost pricing Cost/market Value pricing Distorted market pricing 1 2 3 Profit loss from decentralization* 5 1P1 149,355 405,914 555,269 -29,019 6 TP2 40,492 485,795 526,287 -58,001 11 TP 224,571 331,728 556,299 -27,989 5 TP4 210,697 343,994 554,691 -29,597 7 TP5 486,883 83,359 570,242 -14,046 2 TP6 206,451 363,877 570,328 -13,960 1 TP7 195,154 361,501 556,655 -27,633 4 TP8 -23,848 587,937 564,089 -20,199 3 TP9 170,286 376,349 546,635 -37,653 8 TP10 121,103 435,230 541,993 -42,295 10 TP11 106,776 437,834 554,610 -39,678 9 ) Centr. alloc. = global Rank 4 (x) .. .. 584,288 0 opt. *Note: = difference between column (3) profit and the global optimal profit (X) of centralization. 79 Table 4.5. Profits with alternative transfer pricing types under mixed dominance, dollars. Profit before stumpage, fixed costs and taxes Mill Timber Firm Division Division Transfer price and type 1 / Market pricing Cost pricing 2 3 Profi t loss from Decentralization* TP1 191,612 392,611 584,223 -65 2 TP2 118,385 465,841 584,226 -62 1 TP3 262,263 321,958 584,221 -67 4 TP4 253,177 331,045 584,222 -66 3 TP5 629,263 -107,303 521,960 -62,328 TP6 335,893 186,067 521,960 -62,328 TP7 235,980 345,735 581,698 -2,573 5 TP8 12,280 538,297 540,577 -43,711 9 TP9 209,977 353,974 563,951 -20,337 7 TP10 211 ,229 364,236 575,465 -8,823 6 TP11 197,559 361,779 559,338 -24,950 8 10 Cost/market Value pricing Distorted market pricing Centr. alloc. = global (X) .. .. 584,288 0 opt. *Note: Rank 5 4 = difference between column (3) profit and the globally optimal profit (X) of centralization. 2.000 5.000 10 .000 15 .000 20.000 Profit loss. 2.000 5.000 10.000 15,000 20,000 Profit loss. $ Value pricing C/M' Cost pricing Market pricing Figure 4.4.b. TV5 TV9 1P7 TV5 TV5 1P1 IF2 IF3 104 Figure 4.4.a. I pri cing C/H" Value Cost pricing TV Market pricing TV TV ii 0 1P1 IF2 TP3TP. r 0 transfer price (S/MOP) Transfer price (S/MOP) Distorted nkt. pricing TP1ØTP1 Distorted mkt. pricing 0 P1 0TP1 2,000 5,000 10.000 15.000 20.000 Profit loss. $ C/11' TP7 Transfer price (S/MOP) Distorted mkt. pricing TV10 TV11 cost based average transfer price for all log classes following the relative Oarket prices of the classes shaws the best transfer prices. C/H Value pricing IF3 TV9 Corporate profit losses frcri decentralization with alternative transfer pricing types under mill (Fig. a). timber (Fig. b) and mixed (Fig. c) dominance. Fipure 4.d.c. Market pricing Figures 4.4.a-c. P5 TV6 Cost pricing TP1 IF2 TP3 OP4 81 in column 5. poorer. The other transfer pricing types perform considerably These rankings hold for profits after fixed costs, taxes and stumpage. Figure 4.4.b illustrates the profit losses from decentral- ization of column 4 in the table. It shows that profit losses from decentralization can be significant with cost-based transfer prices and very significant with the other pricing types. The table and figure deal with a situation where total harvest exceedes mills' total log need. The computations have shown that cost pricing is, however, always the optimal transfer pricing type for our case firm under timber dominance. Mixed Dominance Under mixed dominance market-based transfer prices minimize the corporate profit loss from decentralization. show this. Table 4.4.and Figure 4.4.c In the table, the corporate profits of the first four transfer price allocations approximately reach the globally maximum profit. The cost-based transfer prices rank poorest but also value- and distorted market price-based transfer prices perform very poorly. The rankings hold for profits after fixed costs, taxes and stumpage. Figure 4.4.c illustrates the profit losses from decentralization of column 4 in the table. The table and figure deal with a situation where total harvest exceeds mills' total log need. The computations have shown, however, that market pricing is always the optimal pricing type for our case firm under mixed dominance. 82 Best Levels Of Transfer Prices Mill Dominance Extensive computations have helped to analyze the sensitivity of the corporate profit losses of decentralization to the transfer price Under levels of the optimal pricing types in the three organizations. mill dominance usually transfer price slightly below market price minimizes the corporate profit loss from decentralization. 4.5.a shows this. Figure In the figure, the profit loss is at its minimum when transfer price is lowered below that best level. When transfer price is greater than market price only moderate profit losses occur until it is raised to a level where the mills are forced to curtail their production. The transfer prices of the four log classes follow the relative market prices in Figure 4.5.a. Computations have been carried out also with transfer prices of all log classes differing from market prices by a constant(for example TP4). They result in high- er corporate profit losses of decentralization than the procedure of maintaining the relative market prices of the log classes (for example, TP3). Therefore, in all the sensitivity analyses the transfer prices follow the relative market prices of the log classes. If the log market price is known the top management would choose a transfer price slightly less than market price. But if there is It any market price uncertainty the decision becomes more difficult. is evident that a conservative top management might choose a transfer price equal to or even greater than the expected market price. It 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 loss, $ .Profi t 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 loss, $ Prof i t cm 0 cm cm cm 0 transp. Costs 50 C- C to a 0' '5 Cd * 6 6 NIP+ 64 en Ci to cm 70 en 0' 0 to timber dlv. cost ¶tTcrage 0 en to Ci cm Figure 4.5.b. 5 cm Ci Figure 4.5-u. ,to 18 MPI- price = $68/iBF lP+ 12 -0 N. C- C-C-to 0' Cd cc Cd N. to cm to Market ton 3' * Lflto U tOto tip-rip- .0 to 12 'IP- to 0 Cd0to-n to 18 C- cm 0 6.5 0 Logging are to 0 to cm 24 Cd 0 C- _ cc 7, en Li Ci cm 80 - to IP+ MP+ 33 24 NJ N. cm cm 85 - cc O 90 Fcc 0' 0 100 24 classes, S/MBF for all log Uote: 8 to to to cfl to Cd 6 12 Figure 4.5.c. 6 * Market* price = $68/MBF * 18 MP+ riP+ 33 I-iP+ 24 priCe, $/liBF Log class 3 transfer changes in market-based transfer price levels under mill dominance (Fig. a) and mixed dominance (Fig. c), and costbased transfer price levels under timber dominance (Fig. b) when total harvest exceeds nulls total log need. * lP-f+MP+ to to U Sensitivity of corporate profit losses from decentralization to * 12 to cc * shows the best transfer prices. Figures 4.5.a-c. Transfer price price, $/MBF Log class 3 transfer 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Profit loss, $ 84 does so in order to avoid the risk of high profit losses resulting from a possible underestimation of the market price level. The next chapter discusses this phenomenon more. The results of the pilot sensitivity computations have shown that except on the market price levels the transfer price decision may depend on the amount of logs available for the mills. It depends espec- ially on the level of the maximum allowable harvest because internal logs are preferred to a external timber in our firm with lower average log harvesting costs than average log market prices. That is why an experiment was set up to study the best transfer prices at three levels of harvest. The maximum amount that can be spent for external logs is At an average log market price of $68/MBF $350,000, a constant. external purchases correspond to 50 per cent of the mills' total log need of 10,200 MBF. Thus the purchase-need ratio (P/N) is .50. The three harvest levels, chosen for the experiment, are 15,000 MBF, 9,500 IvIBF and 7,500 MBF including the pulp logs, not usable by the mills. Without the pulp logs (l6 per cent of total volume) the harvest levels are about 12,600 MBF, 8,100 MBF and 6,300 MBF. Thus the harvest -need ratios of usable logs to the mills (H/N) are 1.25, .80 and .60 Figure 4.5.a shows the corporate profit losses of decentralization with varying transfer prices at the highest harvest level , when total harvest exceeds mills' total log harvest by 25 per cent. the next harvest level , Results for when the total harvest is 20 per cent less than mills' total log need, are very similar to those of the first harvest Profit 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 loss, $ Profit 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 loss, $ nd transp. cost Logging t 36 5 0 to 18 M?- to 45 55 7 lIP+ 0 18 MP+ 64 Figure 4.6.b. tiniber div. cost * 75 Figure 4.6.a. = $68 price Market I en tO Total average 7 MP- en "S 85 F.. to 100 03 03 log classes, $/MBF Transfer price of all price, $/MBF Log class 3 transfer Prof i t 18 lip- tO to 03 = * n rip+ 18 0 Figure 4.6.c. 68 price Market 4. 717 Ip- en 0 "SO. . tO to 0' price transfer Optimal tO to price, $/MBF Log class 3 transfer (J'1 cc Sensitivity of corporate profit losses from decentralization to changes in rnarket'based transfer price levels cnder mill diinance (Fig. a) and mixed dc.-snance (Fig. c), and costbased transfer price levels under tirber dominance (Fig. b), when total harvest is much less than mills total log need. Note: * shows the best 6ransfer prices. Figures 4.6.a-c. 2,000 5,000 - 10,000 - 15,000 - 20,000 loss, $ 86 level: transfer price slightly less than market price is the best one. But with H/N =.60, when mills' total log need is 40 per cent greater than total harvest, the best transfer price level is different. With purchase-need ratio of only .50 there are only ten per cent (.60 + .50 - 1.00 .10) of total logs excessive to the mills' need. The change in the best transfer price level for our case firm then occurs for P/N = .50 when .60H/N .80. In this situation--when logs are particularly scarce--transfer price slightly above market price minimizes the corporate profit loss from decentralization. 4.6.a shows this. Figure In the figure, profit loss is at its minimum when the transfer price is ten per cent higher than the log market price. It becomes substantial when transfer price exceeds this best level. When transfer price is equal to or somewhat less than market price only moderate profit losses occur. To summarize the best transfer prices of mill dominance at different harvest levels (Table 4.6.): When harvest exceeds or is somewhat less than mills' total log need transfer price should be five to ten per cent below market price. When harvest is much less than mills' total log need, causing extreme scarcity of internal logs, transfer price should be about ten per cent higher than market price. For the two lowest harvest levels all the log purchasing possibilities (about 50 per cent of the mills' total log need) are exhausted. There- fore the "best" transfer prices above may not hold for them with a higher, for example, infinite purchasing possibility. The computations 87 indicate that with it the best transfer prices may he greater than the above recommendations. Timber Dominance Under timber dominance usually a wide range of cost-based transfer price levels minimizes the corporate profit loss from decentralization. Figure 4.5.b. shows this. In the figure, the profit loss is at its minimum when transfer price varies between the smallest average harvesting cost ($28-30/MBF) of a tract and the highest transfer price ($75/MBF) the mills can afford to pay before starting to work at less than capacity. The latter transfer price is greater than the total average timber division cost ($64) which is the highest possible 'harvesting cost" in the case firm. Thus any cost-based transfer price is the "best" transfer price under timber dominance. The choice of the cost-based transfer price is independent of the fluctuating log market prices, and also changes in harvesting costs. This insensitiv- ity is a good property in a world of price and cost uncertainty. The choice of the transfer price level is somewhat sensitive to changes in the amount of logs available, especially in the amount of logs available through harvest. internal A similar experiment as under mill dominance has been set up to find the best transfer price at three levels of the maximum harvest. Thus the harvest-need ratios(H/N) of usable logs to the mills are 1.25, .80 and .60. purchase-need ratio (P/N) is a constant .50. At the same time the Figure 4.5.b, discussed 88 above, shows the corporate profit losses from decentralization at Fl/N .80 the result is the same: any harvesting cost level is the 'best' transfer price. But with H/N = .60, when total mills' log need is 40 per cent greater than total harvest, the result is different. The ch- ange from a range of "best" transfer prices to a single best price then occurs for P/N = .50 when .60H/N .80. In this situation--when logs are particularly scarce--transfer price just below the highest price the mills can afford to pay for the logs before starting to oper- ate at less than capacity minimizes the corporate profit loss from decentralization. Figure 4.6.b shows this. In the figure, profit loss decreases slowly with rising of the transfer price to its best level. It becomes substantial when transfer price exceeds this best level To summarize the best transfer prices of timber dominance at different harvest levels (Table 4.6): With harvest exceeding or being somewhat less than mills' total log need the transfer price can be any average harvest cost between the lowest harvesting cost of a tract and the maximum transfer price the mills can afford to pay for the logs before starting to work at less capacity(MAX). This price ($75) is higher than the total average timber division cost ($64) which includes the (variable) harvesting costs, fixed costs and an allowance for timber division profit. With harvest being much less than mills' total log need causing particular scarcity of internal logs transfer price (MAX). For the lowest harvest level all the log purchasing 89 possibilities (about 50 per cent of the mills' total log need) are exhausted. Therefore the "best" transfer price above for it may not hold with a higher, for example, infinite purchasing possibility. Mixed Dominance Under mixed dominance usually a range of market-based transfer prices minimize the corporate profit loss from decentralization. Figure 4.5.c shows this. In the figure, the profit loss is at its minimum when transfer price varies from twenty per cent below to twenty per cent above the market price. It becomes very substantial when the transfer price is lowered below the best range. When transfer price is greater than market price only moderate profit losses occur until it is raised to a level where the mills are forced to shut down. The transfer prices of the four log classes follow the relative market prices in Figure 4.5.c. Pilot computations have been carried out also with transfer prices of all log classes differing from market prices by a constant . They result in higher corporate profit losses of decentralization than the procedure of maintaining the relative market prices of the log classes. Therefore, all the sensitivity analyses of transfer price levels are done following the relative market prices of log classes. Log market price uncertainty does not affect the choice of a transfer price because of the insensitivity price to the exact market price level. of the "best" transfer However,if there is extreme 90 uncertainty about the market prices, a conservative top management might choose transfer prices lightly above the expected market price. It does so because a possibly too low (for example, market price minus $18) transfer price, results in greater profit losses than a possibly too high (for example, market price plus $18) transfer price. The choice of the transfer price level is somewhat sensitive to changes in the amount of logs available, especially of the amount of internal logs available through harvest. A similar experiment as under mill and timber dominances has been set up to find the best transfer price at three levels of the maximum harvest. Thus the harvest-need ratios (H/N) of usable logs to the mills are 1.25, .80 and .60. At the same time the purchase-need ratio (P/N) is a constant .50. Figure 4.5.c, discussed above, shows the corporate profit losses of decentralization at H/N = 1.25. With H/N = .80 the result is simi- lar: any transfer price within a range around the log market price is the "best". But with H/N = .60, when total mills' log need is 40 per In this cent greater than total harvest, the result is different. situation-- when logs are particularly scarce--transfer price slightly above market price minimizes the corporate profit loss from decentralization. The change from a range of "best" transfer prices to a single best price then occurs when .60 this. H/N .80. Figure 4.6.c shows In the figure, profit loss is at its minimum when the transfer price is ten per cent higher than the log market price. It becomes substantial when the transfer price exceeds this best level. When the transfer price is equal to or somewhat less than the market price only 91 moderate profit losses occur. To summarize the best transfer prices of mixed dominance at different harvest levels (Table 4.6): With harvest exceeding the mills' total log need the transfer price, should be within a 20 per cent range from the market price. With harvest being somewhat less than mills' total log need the range is ten per With harvest being much less than mills' total log need, causing cent. extreme scarcity of internal logs, transfer price should be about ten per cent higher than market price. Best Divisional Dominance The most common of the three divisional dominance structures in practice is probably the mixed dominance. It is also the best of them according to our measurements of goodness. The measurements are based on (1) the corporate profit loss from decentralization of the best transfer price level of the optimal pricing type and (2) the insensit- ivity of this profit loss to changes in the transfer price level. The criteria are then the height of the shortest bar and the difference between its height and the height of the other bars surrounding it in Figures 4.5.a-c and 4.6.a-c. According to both criteria mixed dominance (with market pricing) is the most preferable organization. It brings the lowest corporate profit losses from decentraliz- ation. Under conditions fo certainty it is better than the other two organizations. The low level of corporate profit losses is maintained at a wide range of transfer prices. It then performs well when the 92 Table 4.6. Best range for transfer prices for the case firm as a function of harvest level and divisional dominance, and suggestion of economic theory for transfer prices.* Harvest level Organization and its optimal transfer pricing typ e Mill dominance; Timber dominance; Mixed dominance; market pricing cost pricing market pricing TP Harvest exceeds .90MP mills' need by .95MP 25 per cent Harvest is 20 per cent less than mills' need .9OMP Harvest is 40 per cent less than mills' need TP TP HC . mm ** .95. MP l.lOMP ** HC TP MAX .80MP TP MAX .90MP . mm .80MAX TP 1 .20.MP TP 1 .lOMP TP ** TP l.lOMP MAX Suggestion of economic theory for all harvest levels and dominance: TP = MP Note: *TP = transfer price MP = market price (average of $68/MBF for four log classes) HCmjn = lowest unit harvesting cost among all tracts MAX = the highest cost based transfer price the mills can afford to pay before starting to operate at less than capacity (this was $75/MBF for our case firm which is above the over-all average timber division cost of $64/MBF that includes average variable cost over all available tracts, fixed costs and profit allowance for timber division) **For these entries the log purchasing constraint (about 50 per cent of the mills' total log need) is limiting; therefore these 'best" transfer prices may not apply to a situation with a higher constraint, for example, with an infinite log purchasing possibility. 93 basis of pricing: log market prices are known only with uncertainty. According to the first criterion mill dominance (with market pricinc,) performs better than timber dominance (with cost pricing). the second best divisional dominance. We rate it Timber dominance offers low but steady corporate profits at a very wide range of cost-based transfer prices that can be determined accurately. offer high corporate profit. transfer price level . At best mill dominance can But the profit is sensitive to the The transfer price is based on market price that can usually be estimated only imprecisely. These results are valid for a firm with good or fair amount (above 80 per cent of the mills' total log need) of internal logs available from harvest. Many firms belong to this category. When the internal logs become more scarce, however, there is less and less difference between the corporate profits of the three divisional dominances. But only at an extremely low level of self sufficiency of logs the top management would be indifferent in its choice of a divisional dominance. 94 Conclusion The results of the case study show that the hypothesis of economic theory does not always hold. The best log transfer price is not necessarily the market price in a corporate profit maximizing forest products firm. It depends on the organizational structure, and on the amount of harvestable logs available. This is shown in Table 4.6 which summarizes the results of the case firm transfer price analyzes. Under timber dominance (col . 2) the firm's best transfer prices follow harvesting costs, not market prices. Under mill dominance (col.l) the best transfer prices are based on log market prices, with the transfer prices of individual log classes following their relative market prices. However, in our experiment the best transfer price level is slightly below or above the market price. ance (col. 3) the best transfer prices are based on Under mixed dominlog market prices, with the transfer prices of individual log classes following their relative market prices. When the internal logs are particularly scarce the best transfer price is above market price. The best transfer price is the market price when the firm applies mixed dominance, the best of the three organizations studied here, and the logs are not particularly scarce. Mixed dominance is probably the most common of the three organizations among forest products firms. An average forest products firm has a good or fair amount (above 80 per cent of the mills' total log need) of internal logs available from harvest. does hold. Therefore, for a typical forest products firm the hypothesis 95 5. 5.1. OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICE ANALYSIS UNDER PRICE UNCERTAINTY OBJECTIVES OF THE ANALYSIS In the previous chapters of this study we have assumed that all the prices, costs and production functions are known to the decision makers. In practice a firm's management is facing uncertainty in log allocation. His knowledge of especially log and end product market price is imperfect. The purpose of this chapter is to show that the top management's transfer price choice under price uncertainty is not necessarily its choice under price certainty even when the expected market prices are the actual "uncertaintyt' prices. We wish to show that the corporate profit (R ) of the expected market prices may not be the expected profit (E(R)) of the market prices. This phenomenon is well known in the literature of decision making under uncertainty. We can state this fact for our example as follows: R = f (E(mp), E(sp), E(vp)) E(R) = E (f (mp, sp, vp)) where mp, sp and vp are log, sawntimber and veneer market prices; E(mp), E(sp), E(vp) are their expected values. The hypothesis that R= E(R) holds is quite common among the forest products firm's managers. It only hold if the corporate profit is very insensitive to changes in 96 market prices. When it does not hold, choosing a transfer price becomes an elaborate task. The log allocation problem has to be solved and corp- orate profit obtained for all alternative transfer prices and every possible long and end product market price level that might occur. Obviously log market price uncertainty will have a very significant effect on corporate profits in organizations where transfer prices are based on the log market prices: in mill or mixed dominance firms. Of the two, corporate profit is more sensitive to changes in the marketbased transfer prices under mill dominance. Market price uncertainty thus may affect most the transfer price choice in a mill dominant and least in a timber dominant firm. It clearly has effect also on the choice of the organization. We construct an example of two transfer price alternatives, IF1 (transfer price is log market price) and TP3(transfer price is 10 per cent less than log market price), under mill dominance. From Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4.a we see that under price certainty TP3 is preferred to TP1 . In the previous chapter we stated that under log market price uncertainty a "conservative" top management might choose a transfer price equal to or greater than the expected market price. We came to this suggestion because the possible profit losses are smaller for transfer prices above the expected log market price than for transfer prices below it. In this chapter we show formally that the suggestion is justified 97 even for a top management indifferent to risk--not necessarily conservative. Moreover, even a top management, ready to take risks, would prefer 1P1 to TP3 which is contrary to the transfer pricing analysis under certainty of Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4.a. 98 STAGES OF THE ANALYSIS 5.2. The stages of choosing transfer prices under market price uncertainty for a profit maximizing top management are: 1 . Choosing transfer price actions Naming market price states Deriving state probabilities Computing the corporate profit outcomes for all state-action combinations Computing the expected corporate profit for each transfer price action Choosing the action with the highest expected corporate profit. When the top management chooses transfer prices that maximize the expected corporate profit it is indifferent to risk of achieving profit. But top management may not be indifferent to risk. It may be risk averse which means that the increase of satisfaction of an increase in profit is greater for small profit levels that a similar increase for high profit levels: the top management's utility function for corporate profit is concave. Correspondingly, a risk taking top management's utility function is convex. The stages of choosing transfer prices under market price uncertainty for a top management whose utility to corporate profit is nonlinear are below. Top management now maximizes expected utility, not expected corporate profit in choosing a transfer price as follows: 99 1-4. (as for a corporate profit maximizing top management) Deriving the top management's utility function to corporate profit Computing utility of the corporate profit outcome of each state-action combination Computing the expected utility of each transfer price action Choosing the action with the highest expected utility Actions Our example of optimal transfer price analysis under uncertainty concerns two alternative transfer price actions, TP1 and TP3 in a mill dominant organization. According to the economic theory, TP1 (market price) is the optimal price. and Figure 4.5.a), better than TP1. According to our experiment (Table 4.2 TP3 (transfer price less than market price) is We have chosen mill dominance as the organization because under it the corporate profits are most sensitive to changes especially in log market prices. Sawntimber Price States And Their Probabilities We assume uncertainty in sawntimber, veneer and log market prices. Sawntimber price states and their probabilities result from the sawntimber marketing manager's subjective valuation. Veneer and log price states and their probabilities are derived from the veneer marketing manager's and log the log sale manager's subjective market 100 assessments, and'bjective" predictions, carried out by the top management, conditional to the subjective sawntimber prices. Sawntimber prices are taken as the basis because they predict the forest industry market situations best. The price states are discrete because typical- ly subjective price evaluations are discrete, A continuous state space would theoretically give more precise results but it would increase the computational burden excessively. Top management receives the subjective sawntimber price states and their probabilities from the sawntimber marketing manaqer--the best Top management does not believe expert on these prices in the firm. costly regression analyses would improve the price estimates antly. signific- The sawntimber marketing manager is convinced that the relative sawntimber grade prices (sp) remain stable.l2) We assume that within each state the prices are uniformly distributed. Grade 3 subjective sawntimber price states and their probabilities are: Sawntimber price, $/MBM -61.5 State name1 Subj. Probab. C B Expected price = $72 = B A A' Sawntimher grade price ratios are: sp1 .98 .003 .232 .560 .183 .022 C' 61.6-68.5 68.6-75.5 75.6-82.5 82.6+ sp3, sp4 = .50 C = low price, 1 .000 1.84 sp3, sp3 B = intermediate price, A high price. 101 Veneer And Log Market Price States And Their Probabilities Top management has also acquired knowledge of subjective veneer and log price states and probabilities from veneer marketing department and timber division log sales manage. The headquarters has carried out regression analyses for quarterly veneer and log market prices with sawntimber price as independent variable. As an outcome from the regression analyses we get objective veneer and log market price probability distributions. It is believed that the historically stable relative veneer grade (vp.) and the log class (mp.) prices remain unchanged for the coming period14. The following linear regressions give the best fits of veneer and log prices for quarters of 1950-66 and 1961-66, respectively: vp3 (t) = .413 sp3 (t) mp3(t) R2=.98 R2=.97 .873 sp3 (t-l) Corresponding to the five sawntimber price states we get the following objective t-distributed predictions and standard deviations of veneer and log market prices: Sawntimber price (sp3), $/MBM C' Veneer price prediction (vp3), $/MBM = 58 C= = 72 = 79 A' = 86 B A Std. dev. of prediction 14) 24.0 26.9 29.8 32.7 35.5 3.72 Log market price prediction (mp3), $/MBM 50.6 56.7 62.8 68,9 75.1 7.19 Veneer grade price ratios are: vp1=l.77 vp3,vp2=l.14vp3,vp4= .73vp Log cTass price ratios are:mp1=l .47mp3,mp2=1 .33mp3,mp4=.85mp3. Table 5.1. Derivation of a combined distribution from subjective and 102 objective veneer price probabilities. Normalized Veneer price intervals, /MBt1 State Subjective name* prob. disn. Objective prob. disn. Combined combined distrib. distribution -19.5 0 .010 0 0 19.6-22.5 0 .029 0 0 22.6-25.5 0 .107 0 0 25.6-28.5 S' .007 .216 .0015 .008 28.6-31.5 S .106 .276 .0293 .164 31.6-34.5 M .542 .216 .1169 .656 34.6-37.5 G .285 .107 .0305 .171 .060 .029 .0002 .001 0 .010 37.6-40.5 40.6+ Total Expected .1.000 price 0 0 1.000 .1784 1.000 =33=M *Note: small , M = medium; G S Table 5.2. great. Derivation of a combined distribution from subjective and objective log market price probabilities. Log Market Normalized price internals, State Subjective Objective Combined combined nanie prob. disn. prob. disn. distribu. distribution $/t4BF . -43.5 0 .013 0 0 43.6-50.5 0 .068 0 0 50.6-57.5 0 .209 0 0 57.6-64.5 L .086 .420 .6361 .366 64.6-71.5 1 .149 .209 .0313 .317 71.6-78.5 H .380 .068 .0258 .262 78.6-85.5 0 .395 .013 .0054 .055 Total Expected 1.000 1.000 .0986 1.000 price 68 = I L = low, I = intermediate, H = high, 0 = very high. 103 Top management wishes to give weights of half and half to the subjective and objective price probability distributions of the regression analysis. The combined subjective and objective veneer and log prices probability distributions are derived in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. Each objective probability has been computed from the t-distributed veneer and log price prediction (cf. Eidman J., p. 191) From the tabulation of sawntimber price probability distribution on p.100 we see that the expected sawntimber price is $72/MBM, corresponding to state B. In Tables 5.1 and 5.2 expected veneer and log market prices are $ 33/MBM, corresponding to state M, and $68/MBF, corresponding to state I, respectively. The joint state space includes the five sawntimber market price, five veneer market price and four log market price states with positive probabilities. total of 5 x 5 x 4 = 100 states. Thus we have a A joint state probability is computed by multiplying the probabilities of the individual sawntimber, veneer and log market price states forming the joint state. Some of the joint states and their probabilities are listed in Table 5.3. Due to the symmetry of the state probability distributions the expected joint log price is $68/MBF, sawntimber price $72/MBM and veneer price $33/MBF. The"expected joint state" then is IBM. 439.3 221.1 183.1 153.4 105.8 l-tA1 H3G HBM HCM 1,i 503.0 516.5 329.4 329.4 329.4 329.4 133.8 289.4 251.2 231.5 211.8 173.6 Expectec profit !3i 1CM L4 LBS L81 LSS Lc.M. Ncte: lBS 580.5 560.9 541.2 518.8 523.8 71.1 - 6.5 70.9 51.3 31.6 109.1 14.2 52.4 72.1 91.7 129.9 35.5 93.1 112.8 150.7 105.0 299.0 299.0 299.0 299.0 299.0 349.7 349.7 _349.7 349.7 349.7 352.9 352.9 352.1 352.9 387.8 Expected profit* 204.0 261.9 242.2 281 .5 319.7 176.0 253.2 233.6 213.9 291 .5 168.3 246.9 227.4 286.6 225.4 irm 575.9 503.0 580.5 550.9 541.2 618.7 525.7 563.7 - 603.0 583.3 641.2 521.2 599.8 579.6 639.5 613.2 Profit before fixed cost, taxes and stum ace 1V. limber dlv. H=high 1= intermediate price: price: Sawetirber Stnp.age paid varies from L- an average it is $3LI0'3F for the about fi>:eci uxosts ,rd tees are: L1ow Qvery high Log market $94,333 total 65.7 - 6.5 70.9 51.3 31.6 109.1 16.1 S1ow Mintermediate Grhigh 81.000 056 034 .134 025 044 048 00 .148 .037 73.7 54.0 038 .040 .025 .096 Q3] .020 State probability 93.4 131.6 11.6 90.2 70.7 129.9 103.5 after fixed cost, taxes & sturoace oaid4' Firm profit All states are lOgs the mills use cuarterly. $15,200 hnrrcrm of $15 ,.00 tici d0visic:n 10,230 $63,003 Veneer price: rr.iJitmg division A=high Brintemnediate C=low Cniy states with probability .02 or greater of all 100 states are presented here. included in calculating the expected profits. The states are: 329.4 390.0 390.0 390.0 390.0 601.3 581.7 562.O 390.0 L9. 211.3 191.7 172.0 639.5 545.1 622.4 602.7 650.3 614.6 249.6 439.3 439.3 439.3 459.9 154.7 0E1 State Profit before fixed cost, taxes and stumpaqe Miil.div. Timber dlv. Firm Firm profit after fixed cost, taxes & stumpane paid' ($90,81,61,52) under price uncertainty in mifl dominance organization, Transfer once 31C9 market price less l0 Profits of two transfer price alternatives TP1log flarket price (Sl00,90,53,58) b1e 5.3. 105 5.3. OUTCOMES Corporate Profit Outcomes The divisional before fixed cost, tax and stumpage profits of the 15 joint state-transfer price action combinations of Table 5.3 have been computed with the linear proqrmas of Appendix 1.2. (A-B). The rest--85 outcomes for the two transfer price actions and states with a probability 15 outcomes. of occurrence -- are interpolations of the The corporate before fixed cost, tax and stumpage profits are computed by summing the corresponding two divisional profits. For intermediate and long term decisions the headquarters is accustomed to work withafter fixed cost, tax and stumpage corporate profit. These profits have significance in the utility analysis of the following section. Therefore, they are calculated in Table 5.3 although fixed cost and taxes are constant for the two transfer price alternatives and stumpage paid is a sunk cost. The corporate profit outcomes of each action and joint state, and each corresponding state probability are the ingredients in calculating the expected corporate profits. From the last row of Table 5.3 we see that in our example an expected profit maximizing top manaqement prefers TP1 to TP3. This result is contrary to that of the expected state IBM where top management would choose TP3 instead of TP1. Thus the headquarters should be careful in making transfer price decisions based only on the expected price information. It should rather analyze 1 06 the profit outcomes of all essential price states and calculate the expected corporate profits for all transfer price actions. It would choose the transfer price alternative maximizing the expected corporate profit. This type of uncertainty analysis is important under mill dominance but less important under mixed and timber dominance where the corporate profit is rater insensitive to changes in market prices. Utility Outcomes Maximizing expected corporate profit means that the top management is indifferent to risk. (Halter and Dean, p. 45). It has a linear utility function for profit If the top management maximizes its utility and the utility function for money is nonlinear it might or might not choose TP1 as the transfer price. Halter and Dean (pp. 32-53) and Halter etal. (pp.54-61) describe well how to find utility functions of decision makers through interviews. Figure 5.1 shows examples of a concave utility function (u1) of a risk averse and a convex utility function (u2) to the after fixed cost, tax and stumpage corporate profit of a risk searching top management. Figure 5.2 presents examples of two utility functions of combined risk aversion and risk preference (u3, u4) to the after fixed cost, tax and stumpage corporate profit. The utility outcomes are computed by inserting the corporate profit outcomes (of Table 5.3) to the utility functions. The expected utilities of the alternative transfer price actions are calculated from utility outcomes and joint state probabilities (of Table 5.3). The 107 Top management utility (u) 100 = 1.188 M - .0033 80 60 u2 = .19 M + .0028 40 20 -40 -- 40 80 160 200 120 220 Corporate net profit after stumpage paid (M), $1 000 -20 -40 Figure 5.1. Examples of utility functions of a risk averse (u1) and risk taking (u2) top management. Top management uti1ty (u) U. - .M 2.50 - r 2 100 = 1.38 M - .019 M2 + .0009 N3 80 60 40 20 80 -40 40 U3 -20 80 120 160 200 220 Corporate net profit after stumpage paid (N), $1,000 U4 -40 Figure 5.2. Examples of two utility functions of a partially risk averse, partially risk taking top management. 108 transfer price is chosen that maximizes the expected utility. The functions produce the following expected utilities for the two transfer price actions: Utility function Expected utility for TP1 Expected utility for TP2 U1 57.90 57.60 - choose TP1 U2 30.95 30.55 - choose TP1 66.56 66.46 - choose TP1 244.84 242.88 - choose TP1 In this case the form of the utility function does not affect the choice of the transfer price: TP1 is always preferred to TP3. Several other types of utility functions tested gave the same result. It does not change even when the state probability distribution is greatly distorted. Although the form of the utility function does not in this example affect the transfer price choice it would be easy to costruct situations where it might (cf. Halter and Dean, p. 47; Raiffa, p. 68). From this chapter we can conclude that under price uncertainty the headquarters should be careful in making transfer price decisions based only on the expected price information. It should rather analyze the profit or utility outcomes of all essential price states and calculate the expected corporate profit or utility for all transfer price actions. It would choose the transfer price alternative maximiz- ing the expectedcorporate profit or utility. The management may feel 109 that there are other sources of uncertainty in loq allocation: log class distributions in the tracts, recoveries, harvesting or milling costs, etc. The states, their probabilities, and profit and utility payoffs for each transfer price action should be determined in a similar fashion as we have done under price uncertainty. The expected corporate profits or top management utilities are compared and the transfer price action is chosen that gives the highest expected profit or utility. 110 6. DISCUSSION Practice f'lost Pacific Northwest forest products firms use harvesting cost- based transfer prices for their internal log transactions. market-based transfer prices are quite common. Also The cost-based transfer price level varies greatly from firm to firm. In some firms it can be the average logging and transportation cost, in others the average total timber division cost including an allowance for a 'normal" timber division profit, etc. The market-based transfer prices are generally slightly below or at the market price level. The discussion with the executives have also indicated that of the three decentralized organizations studied, mixed dominance is the most common. The log allocation is hardly ever totally based on transfer prices. the top Usually management does not set only the transfer prices but some quantitative restrictions on internal log transactions as well . These firms call themselves decentralized and the divisions bear the name "profit center." In many cases they are not, indeed, truly decentral- ized. Theory According to economic theory of a corporate profit maximizing firm, log market price is always the optimal transfer price. Applying any other pricing types, as cost or value pricing, leads to corporate profit losses. Setting a market-based transfer price exactly at the 111 true market price level maximizes the corporate profit. The theory suggests that the mill and mixed dominances are equally acceptable organizations. Timber dominance is inferior to the two. These recommendations are based on many simplifying assumptions. The theory operates with a single input-single output firm or with a firm where the inputs or the outputs are little or not at all interdependent. The decision makers are assumed to have perfect knowledge about the allocation situation. In practice the managers make decisions in multi-input multi-output firms under conditions of uncertainty. Experiment The transfer pricing analyses for the corporate profit maximizing case firm of this study show that market pricing is the optimal transfer pricing type. The best transfer price level is equal to or slight- ly lower than the log market price. The best organization is mixed dominance. analysis. The case firm log allocation is a multi-input multi-output The input and output dependencies of the linear programs reflect the best knowledge of the author. The log allocation decisions are assumed to be made under certainty. Comparison Between Experiment, Theory and Practice The results of the experiment agree fairly well with the recommendations of the theory: the optimal transfer pricing type is market pricing, the best organization mixed dominance. The greatest disagree- 112 ment concerns transfer prices under timber dominance: the experiment proposes cost pricing,the theory market pricingin practice in forest products firms the most common transfer pricing-organization conibination is cost pricing under mixed dominance. Closer examination in these firms has shown, however, that they are not truly decentralized but the log allocation quantities are somewhat enforced directly by the top management. Obviously the top management does not want to delegate decision making to the divisions in fear of great profit losses from decentralization due to dysfunctional decisions. The case study has shown that the fear is justified. Cost-based transfer pricing under mixed dominance leads to great profit losses. 15) In these firms either the organization should be changed to For an average one log class timber dominance firm the experiment and the theory may not contradict. This can be seen in Figure 3.6. There market price equal to marginal harvesting cost at point X. This cost is the average harvesting cost of the most expensive tract to be harvested (cf. Figure 3.l.b). highest average tract harvesting cost. It is the For an average profit maximizing firm it would be somewhat below the highest transfer price the mills can afford to pay before starting to go out of business ( MAX in Table 4.6). For an average efficiency one log class firm the market price would then be within the recommended cost-based transfer range of Table 4.6. 113 timber dominance while maintainingthe cost pricing of internal logs; or preferably thecost pricing should be changed to the market pricing while maintaining mixed dominance. After these changes true decentral- ization can be reinforced without great risk of dysfunctional log allocation. Uncertai nty The results'of the case study of Chapter 4 apply in log allocation through transfer pricing under certainty. In practice the decisions are always made under conditions of uncertainty. it is, however, evident from the results of the many case study sensitivity analyses that even under uncertainty market pricing produces the highest corporate profit in a mixed or mill dominant firm, and cost pricinq in a timber dominant firm. A major advantage of using cost-based transfer prices and applying timber dominance is a high level of accuracy in the corporate profit estimation in changing price and cost conditions. is a low expected (average) profit. A major disadvantage On the other hand, a great advantage of using market-based transfer prices and applying mixed or mill dominance is a high expected profit and a great disadvantage, especially under mill dominance, a low level of accuracy in the corporate profit estimation. The transfer price-organization choice depends on the top manage- ment's preference to the expected corporate profit and to the risk 114 involved in arriving at it. According to interviews the managers rate But a high high the certainty connected with obtaining a profit. expected profit is usually a more important requirement. If the top management is indifferent to risk--its utility is a linear function of profit--it chooses the transfer price--organization combination that maximizes the expected corporate profit. If it does not appear to be indifferent to risk--its utility is a nonlinear function of profit-first the exact form of the utility function must be found. Then the top management chooses the transfer price-organization combination that maximizes its expected utility. Whether the top management is indiff- erent to risk or not, extensive sensitivity analyses become necessary to aid decision making under uncertainty as the examples of Chapter 5 show. Extensions There might be situations where the case firm results of Chapter 4 may not apply. This happens, for example, when the top management wants to make long term transfer pricing decisions. Then a multi- period model as that in Appendix 5 should be formulated and solved. Top management may be best conceived as a group of division managers. Then group decision theory can be applied for choosing transfer prices. Appendix 6 presents a special case of group decisions. The decentralized organization of a company might be different from any of the three structures of the case firm: possibly top 115 management wishes the divisions to have equal rights in log allocation There are three approaches after the announcement of transfer prices. to find optimal transfer prices inthat case: decompositions methods, divisional trading, or price adjustment procedure. in Appendix 4. They are discussed The current decomposition algorithms are more decentral- ized information gathering than decentralized decision making tools because in the execution corporate headquarters enforces the log allocation. We have not based the allocation on divisional trading to avoid the disadvantages from bargaining. Game theory which would cre- ate the best trading model framework is not developed far enough today to solve complex nonzero sum games. Price adjustment procedure is the mostpromising of the three approaches. It has the disadvantage of alternative optima which may increase the cost of the information exchange within the firm. optimal solution. Besides that, it does not guarantee an Its objective is rather to equate internal supply and demand than to maximize the corporate profit. Despite these short- comings the divisional trading and price adjustment methods are promising procedures which might apply to other kinds of log allocation problem than those discussed in this study. Price adjustment is an especially attractive method to problems with nonlinear utility functions of the decision makers. Managers of decentralized forest products firms might not agree with the results of the case firm in Chapter 4, for still some other reasons: their fir.m is much larger or smaller in size, it contains 116 several other mills or only one mill, thetimber tract composition or mill recoveries or end products are different, etc. If.the differences are substantial enough to justify the costs of the necessary computations, analyses of similar nature as in this study should be done. 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, T. C.: Log Prices in Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon, 1963-73. 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Jenneryren, (A) p. 1): Maximize K (0) tk (xk) k=O subject to Xk Xk, fork O,...,K K g ' (xk) a k=l where Xk = vector of the (j = 1,... ,J) classes of logs to be allocated from the timber department (k=O) to the milling departments (k = 1,... ,K) tk(xk) = profit function of department k Xk = the set of feasible log allocations of department k gk(xk) = log requirement vector for classes j = l,...,i of the (k = 1,... ,K) milling departments a = vector of the (j = l,...,J) log classes available 125 The corporate profit is the sum of the departmental net revenues which can be linear or nonlinear functions of the logs allocated. Constraints (1) indicate the feasible log allocations to the timber department and mill departments. Constraints (2) show the availabil- ities of logs. When the objective function and constraints are linear the problem becomes (cf Dantzig, p. 448): (B) Maximize K (0) Y pkXk k=O subject to Bkxk kl -- for k bk Akxk 0,... ,K a where = vector of department k net revenues for the (j = 1,...,J) classes of logs xk k = 0,...,K = department k requirement coefficient matrix for the departmental resources, k bk 0,... = vector of department k resources, k = 0,... ,K = milling department k log requirement coefficient matrix, k = xk,a = as for problem (A) 126 Coefficients p1< for the mills (k = l,...,K) indicate the net revenue per log unit from processing logs and selling end products. For timber department (k=O) they denote the wood procurement costs for internal deliveries and net revenues for purchasing logs. The first constraint set shows again the departmental resource (labor, machine capacity, etc.) availabilities, and the second constraints the availabilities of the scarce corporate resource, logs. The corporate program for the centralized case firm log allocation is based on the general structure of formulation (B) but much more detailed: (C) Maximize end product sales revenues M K N ep (o) k=l m=1 kmn e kmn processing and acquisition costs of internal logs ' - K '1 (Pcjk + hcjjk) X..k il J='l processing and acquisition costs of external logs (pcJk + mp) Xojk j'l l net revenues from external sales of harvested logs I J (m + jl - sc - hc0) x0 127 subject to EU end m = 1,...,M; n = l,...,N for mn\ product orders (lb) EL ekmn . k N (2) J I ekmn ib ri< - for (3) recoveries Xjjk = 0 k = 1,... ,K; m = l,...,M tjk i0 for Tk Xijk k = l,...,K processing times K X. (4) for i 1,... ,I; 3K (5) log availability on tracts k=0 / mp. X0.k ; external log availabilities jl k1 K K (6) x. ijk for I - d x k=b X1 i=l j=l k=0 :T = 0 tract log class structure = 1,...,I; j = l,...,J-1 2. Id ij+lk maxim urn k and minimum harvest K . i=l j=l k=0 13 XL 1 28 where the variables are: ekmn = processing of end product m at mill k for market n, MBM - k = l,...,K; m l,...,M; n = l,...,N (K = no. of mills) Xjjk = harvesting of class j logs in tract i Ci = l,...,I) for mill k (k = l,...,K), or purchasing of class j logs from outside market (i=O) for mill k (k = 1,..., K), or harvesting of class j logs in tract i ,I) for outside market (k=O), MBF - i (i = 1, = 0,... j= l,...,J; k = 0,...,K where the objective function coefficients are: epkmn = net selling price of end product m at mill K for market n, $/MBM Pck = log class j processing cost at mill k, $/MBF hcJk = log class j harvesting cost in tract i for destination k, $/MBF = log class j market price, $/MBF sc. = cost of selling class j logs to outside market, $/MBF where the constraint coefficients are: r km = recovery of end product m from class j logs at mill k, MBM/MBF = log class j processing time at mill k, shifts/MBF k d = ratio of log class quantity to log class j+l quantity j in tract i (= XiX1+i) 129 where the constraint right-hand-side constants are: EUmn = maximum demand of end product m in market n, ELmn = minimum demand of end product m in market n, MBM Tk = tOtal number of eight-hour shifts available during the 1BM planning period at mill k = amount of class j logs available in tract i, MBF = total amount of money at which outside market logs can F be purchased, $ XU = maximum desired total harvest, MBF. XL = minimum desired total harvest, MBF The objective function in this formulation is more complex than that of problem (B). The firm's revenues result from end product The sales (first term) and log sales to other firms (fourth term). possibility of log sales was missing from the classical resource allocation formulations of (A) and (B). The costs consist of har- vesting and processing costs and costs of purchasing logs from the outside market (third term). The first, "divisional", constraint set for the mills of problem (B) is represented by constraints (3). (la)- It is hard to make a distinction between timber division and "corporate" constraints. Closest to "corporate" constraints of log availability as we saw them in the first constraint set of problem (B) are constraints (4), (5) and (7b). Constraints (6) and (7a) would then be wood procurement "divisional" constraints. Constraints (6) guarantee that all log classes of the tracts are cut in their 130 existing proportions. cutting others. None of the log classes can be cut without In centralized log allocation problem (C) is solved and the allotments are announced by the headquarters. 131 Appendix 1.2. Divisional Programs Under Dominance Organizations Mill Dominance When the mills are dominant they determine their internal log Timber division has to deliver the demand given transfer prices. logs demanded through harvesting of timber tracts. from the outside market. Mills buy logs Under mill dominance, the milling division has the following log allocation linear program: (A) (0) sales revenues Maximize Th -' epknln ekmn nl n kl processing and acquisition costs of internal logs K tJ kl - (Pcik + tPik) xJk processing and acquisition costs of external logs K (pc.k + mp.) X0 Y - k j=l k=l subject to (la) e k=l kmn EU for m = mn end product orders (lb) kl ekmn ELmn for m = 1,... ,M; 132 (2) rjkm (xljk + xojk) = 0 ekmn recoveries j'1 fork=l,...,K;m=l,.. ,M J (3) t. 5 3k (x 13k + processing times 03 j=l for k=l,...,K K J mp. (4) j=l k=l F external log availability ' K x1 (5) k=l k x for j = 1,... ,J internal log availability J.K XL (6). minimum harvest j=l k=l where the variables are: ekmn processing of end product m at mill k for market n, MBM - k = l,...,K; m = l,...,M; n = l,...,N Xljk = class j logs delivered internally for mill k, MBF - j = 1,... ,J; k = 1,... ,K xOJk = class j logs purchased from outside market for mill k, MBF - j = 1,... ,J; k = 1,... ,K where the constants are: epkmn PCjk rjkm tik as in the corporate program, Appendix l.l.(C) tPjk = log class j transfer price for mill k, $/MBF = log class j market price, $/MBF 133 Tk, F, X1 as in the corporate program, EU, ELmn Appendix l.l.(C) X = maximum amount of class j logs available through harvest, MBF In this formulation the objective function lacks the detailed tract-by-tract log class variables of the corporate program. Mill- ing division revenues and costs result from sales of end products and purchases of internal or external logs. delivered logs are gathered under x1 All the internally -variables. ing these logs equals to transfer prices tp.... purchased logs are denoted by variables x0 The cost of buy- The externally and their prices by mp. as in the corporate program of Appendix l.l.(C). (la)-(3) are the same as milling constraints (la)-(3). Constraints Constraint (4) here shows the availability of outside market logs as (5). Restraints (5) and (6) are guidelines to wood acquisition which guarantee feasible harvesting by the timber division. Under mill dominance the timber division has the following log allocation linear program: (B) Maximize net revenues from internal deliveries of harvested logs I J K il ): k'l (0) (tPjk - hck) Xijk net revenues from external sales of harvested logs (mp + i:l jl - sc - hc10) x0 134 subject to K k0 for X.. 1J 1JI\ i = l,...,I; j = log availability in tracts l,."'J K K Xjj+lk = 0 Xjjk - d1 l,...,J-1 = l,...,I; j i tract log class structure for k'O k=O Id K k0 uk -=1 j maximum XU x.. ) and minimum harvest K XL k i=l j=l k=0 (4) Xjjk Xjk for j = l,...,J; mills' demand k = 1,... ,K where the variables are: Xijk = harvesting of class j logs in tract i for mill k 1,... ,K), or harvesting of class j logs in (k tract i for outside market (k=0), MBF - i = 1,... ,I; j l,...,J; k = 0,... ,K where the constants are: tPjk = log class j transfer price for mill k deliveries, $/MBF hcJk sc l.l.(C) as in the corporate program, Appendix 135 Xi., XU, XL as in the corporate program, Appendix l.l.(C) = log class j internal demand by mills [comes from Xjk the optimal solution of program (A)], MBF Timber division revenues and costs result from internal deliveries and sales to the outside market of harvested logs. Restraints (l)-(3b) are wood procurement constraints (4), (6), (7a), (7b) of the corporate program in Appendix l.l.(C). Restraints (4) are the internal log demands enforced by the mills. Timber Dominance When the timber division is dominant it determines the internal log supply. ket. Its sources of logs are timber tracts and outside marThe timber division has Mills have to use the logs supplied. the following log allocation linear program: (C) Maximize net revenues from internal deliveries of harvested logs -----------------------.. --------------------------------------------- jk - hcJk) Xjjk (°) net revenues from internal deliveries of purchased logs -- (tpjk - mp) Xbjk + jl kl net revenues from external sales of harvested logs -I + J 3 il j'l (mp. - Sc. 3 hc. . 130 ) x. 130 136 subject to K for X.. (1) " k=O i = l,....,I; log availability in tracts j = K (2) Y k=O K x. ijk - d. x. ij+lk kO tract log = class structure for = l,...,I; j = l,...,J-1 i 13K 5" ' il j=l k=O I 3 maximum XU X and minimum harvest K / / Xj.XL i=l j=l k=O 3 (4) external log availability F mp. XO.k j=1 k=1 3 I. j=l i=O = for Xk k = l,...,K mill capacity I ' Xjjk_Xjk for mill minimum j = l,...,J; log 1=1 requirements k = l,...,K where the variables are: xlk = harvesting of class j logs in tract i (i = 1,..., I) for mill k (k = 1,... ,K), or purchasing of class j logs from outside market i (i for mill k (k = 1,... ,K), or harvesting of class j logs in tract i (I = 1,... ,I) for outside market 137 k (k=O), MBF - = 0,... ,I; j = 1,...,J; k = 0, i where the constants are hciJk tPjk d. . 1] 5C as in (B) as in (B) X, XU, XL, Xk as in (B) Xjk = amount of class j logs needed by mill k to satisfy the unfilled end product orders, MBF F as in (A) Xk = amount of logs needed to fill mill k capacity, MBF Timber division revenues and costs result from internal deliv- eries of harvested or purchased logs, and outside market sales of harvested logs. Restraints (l)-(3b) are the same wood procurement constraints as in program (B). Constraint (4) shows the availabili- ty of outside market logs as (4) in program (A). Restraints (5) and (6) are guideline constraints of milling which guarantee that enough logs are available to fill the existing end product orders, and mi mills' current capacity is fully utilized. Under timber dominance the milling division has the following log allocation linear program: (D) Maximize processing and acquisition costs of logs sales revenues -- -------- - (0) m1 L epkmn ekmn kl -. -.- -- .----, -,- (PcJk + tPjk) Xjk - jl kl 1 38 subject to K Y (la) 4EU e for m = l,...,M; end product orders K (lb) ' k=l for EL ekmn m = l,...,M; n=l,...,N J N (2) rjkmxjk=O ekmn n=l recoveries j=l for k = l,...,K; m = l,...,M 3:Ji for k = 1,... ,K tik Xjk LTk Xjk for X.k j = l,...,J; processing time timber division supply k= where the variables are: = processing of end product m at mill k for market ekmn n, MBM --k = l,...,K; m = = class j logs, all delivered by the timber division Xjk for mill k, MBF - j = 1,... ,J; k = where the constants are: epkmn EU , mn Xjk tPjk Pcjk EL , mn rkffl tjk as in (A) as in (A) T k = log class j internal supply by the timber division to mill k [comes from the optimal solution of 139 program (C)], MBF Milling division revenues and costs result from end product sales and internal log purchases. Constraints (la)-(3) are the same as in mill problem under mill dominance (A). Constraints (4) are the internal log supply enforcements by the timber division. Mixed Dominance Under mixed dominance the milling division determines the mills The timber division has to fill mill needs by total log needs. procuring logs internally or externally. buys logs. Only the timber division Under mixed dominance, the milling division has the following log allocation linear program: (E) Maximize processing and acquisition costs of logs sales revenues (0) k1 (pck + tPjk) Xjk epkmn ekmn - jl k=l subject to K (la) e k=l kmn EU mn end product form = l,...,M orders I n = / (lb) e EL n=l,...,N form = 1,... ,M; 140 recoveries rjkm Xik = 0 - l for k = 1,... ,K; m = 1,...,M J Xj< ' for T< k = l,...,K processing times j =1 J K nip. x j (4) j=l k1 external log availability F ojk K x1 . J 3 internal log availability K Ji x for minimum harvest XL uk k='l Xljk + x (7) j = 1,... ,J for X. . iJr k=l j ojk - x. 3k one log source: timber division 0 = l,...,J; k = 1,... ,K where the variables are: = processing of end product ni at mill k for market ekmn n, MBM --k = l,...,K; m = l,...,M; n = = class j logs all delivered by timber division for Xjk mill k [= x ajk + x bjk as shown in constraint (7)] where the constants are: epkmn EU , nm F, Xaj tPik PCjk EL , mn r.k as in (A) and (D) as in (A) and (D) T k XL as in (A) 141 Milling division revenues and costs result from end product sales and internal log purchases as in (D). Constraints (l)-(3) are the same as those of programs (A) and (D). Constraints (4), (5), (6) and (7) are guideline constraints of wood procurement which guarantee that timber division will be able to deliver enough internal (x1) and external (x0) logs to the mills. Under mixed dominance timber division has the following log allocation linear program: (F) Maximize net revenues from internal deliveries of harvested logs il 3:l kl (tPik - hcJk) Xiik net revenues from internal deliveries of purchased logs (tPik - j1 + m) Xojk k=l net revenues from external sales of harvested logs T + (mp - - hc0) x0 sc subject t Xjjk = 1,... ,I;. for k=O avilability in tracts j = K x. k0 for - d. x. k=O I +lk = = l,...,I; j = 1,... ,J-1 tract log class structure 142 K. 3 I X.XU maximum and minimum harvest i=1 j=l kO 13K .-XL j .i' j=1 k=O i= (4) Xik j1 k1 (5) Xjjk iO Xjk = external log availability F for j = 1,... ,J; mills' demand l,...,K k where the variables are: Xijk = harvesting of class j logs in tract i (i = 1,... ,I) for mill k (k = l,...,K), or purchasing of class j logs from outside market (i=O) for mill k (k = 1, ,K), or harvesting of class j logs in tract i = 1,...,I) for outside market (k=O), fiBF (i - i = U,...,I; j = 1,... ,d; k = 0,... ,K where the constants are: tPjk mp hck sc as in (B) and (C) X., XU, XL as in (B) and (C) Xjk as in (B) F as in (A) and (C) Timber division revenues and costs result from internal deliv- eries of harvested or purchased logs, and outside market sales of harvested logs as in (C). Constraints show log availabilities 143 through harvest as those of programs (B) and (C). Constraint (4) shows the availability of outside market logs as (4) in programs (A) and (C). the mills. Restraints (5) are the internal log demands enforced by 1 44 Appendix 2. Appendix 2.1. CASE FIRM DATA FOR THE LINEAR PROGRAMS Timber Data The timber price data come from the Oregon State University Extension Service for 1967. Timber cost and quantity data come from Bohemia Company's Coburg unit's bookkeeping, the cost data 1967, and the quantity data for 1967 and later periods. are for The timber division log allocation problems are in two parts in this study. The main part consists of the timber division linear programs of this section. 2.3. The other part contains the user cost computations of Appendix It serves for creating the harvesting cost data. These are used for reducing the number of alternative tracts for harvest in the linear programs from a total of 30 to nine as shown in Table 4.1. following is The a short discussion of the wood procurement data used in the case firm linear programs. The study concerns five old-growth Douglas-fir log classes which roughly correspond to the new USDA Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station gradinq rules (Lane et al. (a), pp. 3-5). We follow the notation of timber division linear program formulation (C) of Appendix 1.2 for logs of class j, x. The symbol for logs from tract i varies from 610 to 5200 MBF. is x. The size of the tracts The log volumes (MBF) of the nine tracts with the lowest harvesting cost, used in the linear programs are: 145 Tract Logclass 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 X1 10 9 288 199 10 150 10 218 10 X2 56 54 480 527 10 216 348 437 761 X3 333 369 2304 527 267 138 2263 1529 571 X4 167 153 672 857 326 24 871 2186 2473 X5 44 315 1056 290 107 72 418 Total 610 900 4800 2400 720 830 495 600 3910 5200 4310 The log market prices of the first quarter of 1967 for Benton County in Oregon, used in the linear programs, are (Oregon...): Log Class Log Grade mP $/MBF Relative Price x1 No. 2 Peeler 100 1.47 x2 No. 3 Peeler 90 1.33 x3 No. 2 Sawlog 68 1.00 x4 No. 3 Sawlog 58 .85 x5 Pulp Log 22 .33 To simplify the computations, log class 3 observed market price is used as an "indicator" price and those for others are generated by multiplying it by the relative prices. The relative prices above follow.wellthose of the whole area of Western Washington 146 and Northwestern Oregon (Adams, p. 5). sc We assume that the log selling price is not the same as its purchasing price. mill. The above figures are FOB at the purchasing The log selling costs are $3/MBF for all log classes. Pulp logs (x5) cannot be used by the mills and are always sold to the outside market. hc The harvesting costs for tract i consist of two components: logging and transportation, and user costs. Stumpage prices in short term log allocation of our study are sunk costs. For public tiniber tracts they have been paid at the time of purchase. For including the firm's own tracts in the five year cutting plan from where they have been taken to the log allocation problem their stumpage values have been already considered. Douglas-fir stumpage paid for the tracts is $34/MBF. The average The first quarter of 1967 average stumpage price is $52/MBF (Hamilton). Logging and transportation costs are assumed to be $l9/MBF to $39/MBF per tract as shown in Table 4.1 . Tracts which cannot be harvested in winter have infinite logging and transportation costs and are not included in the harvestable tracts of this study. User cost computations are discussed in Appendix 2.3 and their outcome is shown in Table 4.1. The harvesting costs are the same for all log classes in a tract. One log class cannot be 147 harvested separately from the others. XU, XL The dependence of the best transfer prices on the harvest level has been studied by setting the maximum harvest (XU) to 15,000 MBF, 9,500 MBF or 7,500 MBF. Because the amount of pulp logs is about 16 per cent of the timber volume on tracts the maximum harvest of logs, usable to the mills is 12,600 MBF, 8,100 MBF or 6,300 MBF. This means that the total harvest is 25 per cent above, 20 per cent less or 40 per cent less than the mills' total log need (about 10,200 MBF). The minimumharvest is dictated by the need of keeping the company's loggers employed. It varies from 2,500 MBF to 8,500 MBF. It does not have any significance in the allocation decisions, however. The harvesting cost is usually iuch lower than the log market price. This causes harvested, internal logs to be preferr- ed to be bought, external logs. In the linear program solutions the harvest incurs always on its upper limit, XU, and XLconstraints are degenerate. The upper limit of periodic external lo purchases is $350,000. It is the minimum of the highest possible exchange of logs for money in the market at market prices or the maximum amount of money allowed by the headquarters for log purchases because of the firm's marketing strategy. 148 At the average log market price of $68/1BF the $350,000 corresponds 5.0 per cent of the mills1 approximate total log need of 10,200 MBF. The desire of keeping the mills running at capacity Xk, Xjk requires that they are provided a certain amount of logs. The Bohemia Inc.'s Coburg veneer plant is working in one shift and sawmill in two shifts. Given their average productivities the maximum quarterly capacity of the veneer plant is about 3,420 MBF and that of the sawmill 6,900 MBF. our case firm. These capacities are used for The timber division faces these volumes under timber dominance in the log delivery r a I n t s. g u i d i n g c o n S t - It has to deliver those amounts of logs in order to fill themills' capacities (Xk). The timber division also has to deliver certain amounts of certain classes of logs to the mills so that these can through conversion satisfy the quarterly unfilled orders (ekml) of end products. g u I d I It faces these volumes under timber dominance in the n g c o n s t r a i n t s. The log requirements depend on the amount of unfilled orders and the log recoveries. The approximate requirements (Xjk) are: Log class Veneer logs, MBF Sawloqs, MBF x1 300 400 x2 500 900 x3 300 700 x4 150 900 149 Under mill or mixed dominance the timber division must deliver the logs demanded by the mills. Symbol Xjk represents also these demands in the right hand sides of the log C o n s t r a i n t s. e n f o r c e m e n t Table 4.3 consists of some Xjk values which also represent the summaries of the log allocation under mill dominance. In this short term, one quarter log allocation analysis we assume that the mills' log kept constant. starting and ending inventories, are That is why the linear programs do not have any symbols for log inventories. Anticipated fixed costs and taxed of wood procurement do not appear in the linear programs because they are the same for every organization and transfer price alternative at the corporate level. quarterly expected fixed cost and taxed are $15,100. Timber division The reason for the low figure is the non-existence of the firm's own harvesting machinery. We assume that logging is contracted to other firms. Appendix 3.2. (E) shows the use of the data presented in this section for an example linear program. output of that program. Appendix 3..2.(G) presents the 150 Appendix 2.2. Milling Data - The end product prices and recoveries come from several studies done recently in the Pacific Northwest forest products firms. The processing cost, processing time, capacity and end product demand information comes primarily from Bohemia Inc. The logs are committed to four veneer grades (e16...,e41) on 3/8-inch basis and four sawntimber grades (e12,. . . ,e4). Veneer quantity unit and sawntimber unit thousand board feet. is thousand square feet In this study symbol MBM (thousand board measure) is used for both of them. These have been adopted from Forest Service studies (Lane et al. Chapman of Bohemia Company (personal interview). (a), p. 7) and Larry Veneer plant produces three types (e51,...,e71) and sawmill two types (e52,...,e62) of residues. End Product Grade End Product A Veneer e12 B Veneer e22 11 Veneer 21 e31 C Veneer C41 D Veneer Sawn- / Grade Select: B,C and D Select Shop: Factory Select, No.1 Shop, No. 2 Shop, No. 3 Shop Moulding t i mb e e32 Dimension: Select Structural Construction, Standard , e51 Iindergrade Veneer 42 Veneer ' Utility and Economy Peeling Cores residues e71 Pulp Chips Sawntimber. residues ( e5 e62 Sawdust Pulp Chips 151 The veneer and sawntimber grades are produced for three markets. These markets are not functions of place but time in this study. Mar- ket 1 contains the unfilled orders (from last quarter of '66), market 2 anticipated orders (of first quarter of '67) and market 3 production for inventory (for second quarter of '67). The following is a short discussion of the milling data used in the case firm linear programs. epkmn The sources of veneer (k1) and sawntimber (k2) prices are the price indices of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for 1967. The quarterly veneer prices (ep11 to ep14) have been computed as . functions of these indices from the regression equations of Beuter's dissertation (pp. 137-8). The sawntimber prices (ep21. to ep24.) come from the same source. Beuter, however, has thirt- een regression equations that produce as amany sawntimber prices. Our four sawntimber prices are weighted average of the prices of the thirteen grades. The weights are approximate shipment volumes. They have been adapted from Beuter (p. 121). Regression analyses show that the relative veneer and sawtimber prices vary little from quarter to quarter. Therefore, for all three markets (m is one to three) veneer grade three and sawtimber grade three prices are chosen as "indicator end product prices'. From market three end product prices a storing cost, $5/MBM per period, is subtracted to get the net selling price. The price for other grades are computed by multiplying 'grade three prices for the first quarter of '67 by the observed 1952-66 relative prices. The veneer and 152 Table A.2.l. End product Veneer grades , Market 1 dues resi- Relative Market 3 price 47.8 58.4 55.5 1.77 e2 30.6 37.6 35.4 1.14 e31 27.0 33.0 30.9 1.00 e 19.7 24.1 22.2 .73 $.32/cu.ft. 20/cu. ft. I $.13/cu.ft. len Sawntimber grades Sawntimber Price, $/MBM Market 2 e11 [e51 Veneer resi- End product prices L e12 128.8 132.5 131.1 1.84 e22 68.6 70.6 67.9 .98 e32 70.0 72.0 69.4 1.00 e42 35.0 36.0 32.7 .50 $.09/cu.ft. dues $.13/cu.ft. . 153 sawntimber relative prices come from regression analyses with very high r-squared (over .95) values. presented in Table A.2.l. The end product prices are The residue costs have been obtained from several firms. PC We assume that the variable processing Costs are direct jk function of processing time and log class (Chapman, personal interview). By multiplying the processing time requirements (tjk) of the log classes (j) at mills (k) by the following constants we get the processing costs: r. j km Veneer logs Sawlogs 1540 t11 = $26/MBF 1460 t12 1315 t21 = $23/MBF 1370 t22 = $26/MBF 970 t31 = $l9/MBF 1235 t23 = $24/MBF 1020 t41 = $20/MBF 1285 t42 $28/MBF $25/MBF The recoveries have been recorded as functions of and log top diameter. log class However, for this study only the recoveries of the average diameter have been used for each log class. They are weighted averages of USDA Forest Service recovery studies for old growth Douglas-fir in western Oregon and Washington, and northwestern California (Lane et al. (b), (c)). The weights are the end product grade log volumes of these studies. product recoveries appear in Table A.2.2. The end Sawntimber residues Total Sawntimber grades resi dues Veneer Total Veneer grades End Product Table A.2.2. 10.0 .14 .19 11.3 44.78 cu.ft./MBF 43.40 cu.ft./MBF e52 100.0 13.1 75.9 5.5 5.5 34.20 cu.ft./MBF 17.15 cu.ft./MBF 1.45 1.10 40.8 .08 46.41 cu.ft./MBF 15.00 cu.ft./MBF .08 100.0 100.0 63.8 25.2 8.3 2.7 Per Cent 10.24 cu.ft./MBF 2.90 1.85 .73 .24 .08 MBM/MBF 14.1 14.42 cu.ft./MBF 1.42 .16 .58 .20 33.8 14.34 cu.ft./MBF 100.0 30.0 .42 1.40 17.9 .25 .48 44.95 cu.ft./MBF 10.88 cu.ft./MBF 2.56 cu.ft./MBF 100.0 28.2 30.5 22.5 18.8 Per Cent e52 e42 e22 42.1 e12 .59 47.60 cu.ft./MBF 9.57 cu.ft./MBF 2.40 cu.ft./MBF e71 e61 e51 2.98 .84 22.9 .72 e41 100.0 .91 30.0 .94 e31 3.13 .67 21.0 .56 .66 26.1 .82 MBM/MBF Log Class Log Class 2, X2 Log Class 3, X3 e21 e11 Per Cent MBM/MBF Log Class 1, X1 End product recoveries. 100.0 86.8 7.5 3.4 2.3 Per Cent 100.0 32.3 60.2 5.6 1.9 46.22 cu.ft./MBF 18.87 cu.ft./MBF 1.61 .52 .97 .09 .03 66.41 cu.ft./MBF 21.99 cu.ft./MBF 23.60 cu.ft./MBF 2.60 2.31 .20 .09 .06 MBM/MBF Log Class 4, X4 155 Based on discussions with the supervisors of the Bohemia t. jk Company Coburg mills, Ted Nelson of Weyerhaeuser Company and Dobie's dissertation (pp. 60-69) the following processing time functions have been developed: Veneer logs .154 = .00346 t. \ID + - .0217 \1D Sawlogs .143 = .000156 t. D. + D. + .0074121 '3 where t = log class j processin.g time, shifts/MBF = class j logts top diameter Di The period of time a log needs to be processed thus only depends on the log diameter. The average diameters and the resulting process- ing time requirement (eight-hour shifts per MBF) of the four log classes are: Log class Diameter, inches Veneer log processing time, shifts/MBF Sawlog processing time, shifts/1BF x1 37 .01692 .01916 x2 31 .01748 .01817 x3 22 .01962 .01945 x4 22 .01962 .01945 Following the example of the veneer plant and sawmill of Bohemia Inc. in Coburg.the veneer plant and sawmill ofour case firm work in one shift and two shifts, respectively. In an average 156 In the veneer plant there are there are 22 work days per jiionth. then 66 and in the sawmill 132 shifts available in the cominq qua rter. EUmn ELmn We assume that the end products (m) may be sold to three markets (n) which are a function of time. and ELmn the lower limit of these sales. EUmn depicts the upper Market 1 (n=1) comprises the unfilled orders of end products that must be promptly satisfied: EUm1 = EL1 anticipated orders. .. Some of them are from old customers and their Market 3 (n=3) includes produc- lower limit is known: ELm2 tion of inventory. EUm3 Market 2 (n=2) includes the The inventory capacity has an upper limit: The following summarizes the end product sales limits: Unfilled orders, , MBM = EL EU ml ml 300 0 300 200 e31 200 100 e41 100 70 300 100 e22 700 200 e32 600 100 e42 500 400 e11 veneer 12 sawritimber ) Anticipated orders, ELm2 MBM Production for inventory,EUm3, MBM 800 } 1900 } 157 XL The desire to keep the loggers employed requires certain minimum These requirements are included in the harvest activities. g u I d I dominance. MBF. c o n s t r a n g i n t s to the mills under mill In the calculations they vary from 2,500 MBF to 8,500 They did not have significance in calculations. These constraints seldom were effective. X Under mill or mixed dominance the milling division has to consider the limited volumes of the different log classes available through harvest before dictating its internal log demands to the timber division. These maximum volumes (X) are included in milling division g u i d i n g c o n s t r a i n t s. The internal log availability to the mills depends directly on the log class distribution of the tracts and the total maximum harvest by the timber division. The following volumes were used at the two extreme maximum harvest levels as the X values for the four log classes usable to the mills: Log class Harvest = 15,000 MBF Harvest = 7,500 MBF x1 670 500 x2 1780 1100 x3 6340 2600 x4 3510 1400 These figures were found through pilot calculations. They were 158 given as high values as possible when at the same time maintaining feasibility in the timber divisions log allocations. Under timber dominance the mills receive lou supply announcements (X.) from the timber division. c e m e n t c o n s t r a i These are included in the n t s e n f 0 r - to the milling division. Their function corresponds to that of the enforcement constraints (sums of log allocation) to the timber division under mill dominance presented in Table 4.3. Anticipated fixed costs and taxes of milling do not appear in the linear programs because they are at the corporate every organization and transfer price alternative. level the same for The milling division quarterly expected fixed costs and taxes are $63,000. Appendix 3.2JF) shows the use of the data presented in this section for an example linear program. output of that linear program. Appendix 3.2.(H) presents the 159 Appendix 2.3. User Cost Computations The opportunity cost of harvesting a tract--its user cost--is the difference between the current estimated average tract value and the future expected discounted value with the harvested logs to be delivered to their highest value use. of five years (20 quarters ) For company-owned tracts a total period is considered, for public timber tracts a period as long as the sales contract is valid before expiration. The sum of the average logging and transportation cost for a tract in a quarter and its user cost is the tract harvesting cost in that quarter. Figure A.2..l depicts the general user cost computation process. For the case study a more specific Tract Opportunity Cost Program (TOC) has been written. The program first arranges data for computations: log and end product market prices, log volumes, recoveries, growth rates, logging and transportation, and milling costs. These data are used for computing discounted tract unit values for each quarter which are the basis for determining the best harvest schedule. The tracts are scheduled for harvest in the quarter having the highest discounted value while cutting at most the maximum allowable harvest. The assumed allowable periodic maximum harvest is 14,000 MBF. Since the average pulp log portion in the tracts is 16 per cent this means about 11,800 MBF of logs usable to the mills--l5 per cent above the average mills' capacity of 10,200 MBF. case firm is a net log seller. We thus assume that the The following is a short comment on 160 I /MPtsct/ / TC0 / / I pc.jk Class j log value at market in quarter t II km j I R. jkm t Class j log value at mill k in quarter / TC.k t Check that each quarter some logs are going to all mills k Find best destin, for class logs in j t quarter t .° 1 Coniputo log Compute tract i disc, value vol. for class j and total vol. for tract i inquarter t in quarter t Check that total harvesting constr. is satisfied for V. / / Find bestquarter t* for tract i to be harvested quarter 1) each quarter t Discounted value of each tract at its best Notation: Notation: t = log transp. cost from tract i to outside Compute the market inquarter diff. between discounted valt, $/MBF LC = tract i logging ues of quarters for ea. tract i = user, cost of tract cost inquartert, t* and $/MBF MP,t = class j log market price in quarter t, $/MBF = class j log selling cost to the market in quarter t, /MBF Figure A.2.l. 1 1 Ur cost = opportunity cost of harvesting tract User cost computations. TCjk = log transp. cost from tract i to mill k in quarter t, R = recovery of class j logs to end product in at mill k in $/ riB F j km quarter t, i1BM/MBF Dt = discount factor V. 0 = initial volume of class j 13 G. 13 log on tract i = net volume growth percentage of class j logs on tract i in quarter t = class j log process cost in quarter t, $/MBF EPkt = end product m price at mill k in quarter t, $/MBF PCik 161 the other assumptions about the inputs to the user cost computations of Figure A.2.1: TCiot, TCjkt, LCit 1 The logging and transportation costs for quarter are the same for each tract and destination as those of Appendix 2.1. Their yearly increase is assumed to be 5.8 per cent--an estimate made in Bohemia Inc. MPt The log market price for the "indicator" log class 3 is the same for quarter 1 as those of Appendix 2.1. For the other 19 quarters they are the recorded prices of Benton County, Oregon, with a minimum of $69/MBF in quarter 2 and a maximum of $lO3/MBF in quarter 10 (Oregon...). For quarters 2-9 the prices of other classes follow those of quarter 1. For quarters 10-20 they are assumed to follow the relative prices: Log class Relative price .xl 1.35 x2 1.28 x3 1.00 x4 .88 x5 .45 These relative prices mirror a slight decrease in the differences between the recorded prices of the log classes from 1967 to 1971 162 SC The log selling costs are supposed to remain constant $3 for k all log classes and all 20 quarters. The log processing costs are assumed to increase 5.5 per cent PC. jk per year from those of the first quarter 1967 in Appendix 2.1. EPkmt The relative end product prices through the 20 quarters. remain those of Appendix 2.1 The recorded veneer grade 3 prices vary from a low $32/MBM in quarter 2 to a high $68/MBM in quarter 9. The recorded sawntimber grade 3 prices vary from a low $74 in quarter 2 to a Rjkmt high $117/MBM in quarter 9. The recoveries are assumed to remain unchanged at the levels of Appendix 2.1 through the 20 quarters. The rate of interest in the discount factor is assumed to be six per cent per year. V. 13 The quarter 1 volumes of log classes for some tracts are listed in Appendix 2.1. Gt 13 In the high volume Douglas-fir.old growth tracts the percentage volume growth is small. The trees are also susceptible to rot. The tracts are divided into six groups with respect to their 163 assumed yearly net growth percentages: Tract group Log class l 2 1 .46 .70 2 .61 3 4 5 6 2.22 1.70 .31 .67 .50 1.75 1.59 .44 .51 .27 .38 .69 1 .40 .58 .49 4 .26 .31 .12 .96 .76 .62 5 .05 .09 .03 .10 .11 .16 3 Based on Oregon State University studies on tree growth it is assumed that 70 per cent of the yearly growth incurs by the end of the spring (2nd, 6th,..., 18th) quarter and 30 per cent by the end of the summer (3rd, 7th,..., 19th) quarter (Bill Emmingham, per - sonal interview). The company tracts are available the whole five year period (20 quarters). t The public timber sale tracts are available from three to nine quarters, as an average seven quarters. Table 4.1 shows the periods when the tract values are at their highest. After finding the optimal timing of the harvest of all tracts the difference between the value of each tract in the best quarter and quarter 1 is computed. of quarter 1. The difference is divided by the tract volume This is the unit loss from cutting a tract the first quarter instead of later in the future--it is the user cost. of quarter 1 The sum logging and transportation costs and user cost is its 164 harvesting cost, used in the log allocation linear programs. The tracts are ordered according to the harvesting costs from smallest to greatest as Table 4.1 shows. The rank of each tract indicates its number (i) in the log allocation linear program. Pilot timber division linear program computations have shown that for the case firm, a tract with a lower harvesting cost is almost always preferred to be cut for one with a higher cost. Therefore, of the 30 tracts available only the nine tracts with the lowest harvesting costs have been chosen for the linear programming computations. The Tract Opportunity Cost program then serves for computing harvesting costs for each tract and reducing the costs of the linear programming calculations by decreasing the number of alternative tracts to be cut. The program routines follow. The most complex of these, subroutine SWITCH is flow-charted in Figure a.2.2. PROGRAM TOC Computes discount factors, logging and transportation costs, and processing costs. Coordinates user cost computations and produce output. SUBROUTINE PRICESET Reads prices of indicator log class (class 3) and indicator end products (veneer and sawntimber grades 3), and generates price tables, given the relative log class and end product market prices. designed for uncertainty studies. Originally 165 ) ( Start S., Generate a list of all tracts scheduled for harvest on best period (1), and compute nextbest period (NP) for each tract. 4, Compute differences between the discounted values of each tract's scheduled harvest at period I and next-best harvest at period NP. Remove tract N from the list. 1 Find the tract (N) in the list having the smallest differences. .1 Remove tract N to its next best harvest period (NP). oe s the period tract N is moved to NP) now harvest more han maximum cut? Yes Reschedule this tract back to the present period (I). Does the present period (I) now harvest less than maximum No cut? Yes Figure A.2.2. Flow chart of subroutine SWITCH. 166 SUBROUTINE VOLUME Sets up recovery tables. SUBROUTINE TREES Sets up log volume tables for 20 quarters (periods) simulating tree growth from quarter 1 log volumes. SUBROUTINE COMPUTE Computes log values at mills and at outside market for each log class and each quarter. Selects the best log uses for all 20 quarters. SUBROUTINE MAXCHECK Computes discounted tract unit values for each quarter each tract is available for harvesting. Records the period with the highest discounted value to be the quarter of harvest. Checks that total harvest is less than maximum cut (14,000 MBF) for each quarter and computes the iser cost and harvesting cost of period 1. SUBROUTINE SWITCH (I) Determines tract(s) to be removed to next best harvest quarter to reduce harvest quantity on quarter 1 below the maximum cut (14,000 MBF). FUNCTION SUM(I) Computes the total quantity of harvest on quarter (period) I. FUNCTION XMIZE(K,I,NQ) Determines the next best harvest quarter (period), NO, for tract K, scheduled to be harvested on period I. Computes the difference (XMIZE) between the discounted values for quarters I and NQ. Tract Opportunity Cost Program 053 FOPIRAN 0FIN I 09/12/75 VFRSION T.t3 PFOI 167 2367 COIIMO'I I (,O'cMOM PV(7.2)).PS(6,20).'U(5,0).Ct4Vf5.2C).CMf5,Zo34 LT43C.20).RECVVIS.73.RECVS(5.'.).QISC12O3.0V1(30,20). NUt 30) .UN (5, 3) .1330,5. 20) ,LY( 30.33 , Ut,) 30) 'V I 3 Zo 5) PROGOA(4 TOC t)CIUI)E COP4MOW REII. CO3'ION iiI? 13 1. ),OS(6.20),PMIS.201 10149073 Pv(7, C09'13U 'CIT (30, Z) .IF .f.MV35,20) CIISt3,20). VJ (5 .7) ,QECVS (5,',) ,OTSC(?0), Dill 30. 20). 't1XT)ju).TTB(50).(l,I(5,3),It30.5.2O),IK(3C.S),OCl30I. ' i)T1414S13N 3CV(5).SCS)5) DiTiIS'JcZF,.,? .?)..t000.), Ic'CO. ?5..2'. ......1503.) I) flhIlUsION 01.17 (.10 I .HC(3C ) it. I]1C'i.u1'.6739 OISC(iI'i. 15 OcT10 1.?,:?1 17 otcc(r)rr.(r-1)/'01C 10 5 ?rj,5 1)') 'CV) I) C4V 31, 1) 20 2t 1) usc.' (1) I 5 J?.2) CHY (1, 3) rC.MV (1, J-1) 'DC 22 OcT 23 SCMSN.J)rC,rlS(T.J-i(DC PtA(T(5,7) (I.t.T 6731 5 TI.3) jr,,fl U 1'. 1 '3 1)3 00 23 )(,t) c(j,3Q) 103(3 (OF?.?) 7 2' 3 CIT (1. 3) C1T( 1, 3-1) '0 33 T57[FSjr) COLt. 31 CIII "iC1CFT C.II IVOIIIM7 37 3t. 35 C3LI C0"PIJTE CO'.I 3', C 35 C C 3' XCkt.Cl< ia co'lpulE 0PP0'1U11ITY COST ((IC) AND WAQVEST!35 COST (OCIT) 00 57 )(5,13 3-) '3 'I 'K Ii's (K I 5 rc'lXT ('0) oKivT(K,T)-I1VI(K.1) ((CIT (Y)'CIT(K,i) 17 r)Q I-"IK):OCI'0! 'CLO('0,i) 'I. 10 1rI.29 11'I1J'It. 00 '3 ((IC (3) IT H (K)) K' 3 I 9 COr4T1PUC IF It. S JrTBU 1 II GOlDS 507'3(T)70'3(K) SIT'3(cc)'J SOC 11) zOC (K) 501 3k) .5'cXT (T('MXT(K) (1) 'OS (1) 3,3.151' 5951(K) '3 T0CIT(t) TOCLT )T)'OCLT(K) 50CtT(X)rI SHC('0)zT SHC)I)'HC(K) TzHC(I) 10 CO5)t'J SO) I OC It) ad I ( I '4C ( ) ,95r( 1) W'0 II U 10 2N (TO U (1 2tr'Onil(:1S03010 or-c H0RVESTtN(.00iT5//ITt..3V1?.2.2It2)) I I lOLL ((II 1735 OulTJt TRIISOM 6' 1,3 C0cl-O)1 'a."") l.'3' (rICIUDS C09r1073 ((SAL 0 n5(f,,Ø),p(6.J),rr-t;I5 ?0),I'MS(5,20), ccIocc p(7,7 1. .001 NO.20) 'CLI )3U,Zt) .PFCVV(S.7).RSCVS(5.5) ,cTtcC23I I, K (3 Q 5) (t( 3 35) 4 (4 11(0) '5) c 1) 33) l((( (5 3) 5. 3 30,5 20) V)i.Z0,5) 'CO'MO)') eIcE)cc't0U 1T(3O).R1'T(6.5) C I. READ PERIOD 1 LOG VOl.1)915 FOR EOCN TRACT C Si 1' 1 7: C 75 C 1'' C 73 C 7', C N PEA05.t) ((t.(I,J.i),J'I,5) .t1,30) rosclATI5F7.0) II 350W 11,015 F0 GROWTH RATS OASIS 1051 AVOILA(IE HA'VFST PFPTI)O roo TRACT 1113 10011 FOW AP'I'IUAL 1,PQWT(I PATS 7AflI5,flhl.!TF) 2 F,)Q$tiT (331 'I PSAHS,3)RCT 3 )q t. i'l.S 7', 77 74 (3) I, (:i.j3 SI 57 rt?rIct. i3 F', I I(<,J.l 3 57 I(rntftt.UE IK.J.I'3('L('.i,I'2) Ut SI '. l'2.?0.'. 1.3K. J.1-I)'((0.7)'i.I I,IF )K.J,I'/)'L(". J.!'i) IT Sq. 10)C0T0'. Si AS 90 91 c059'3I(TINF PRTCET oiLU'3r cori'i0I 'N 'CO"13,1 it. PEAL I ()rI'3't 'CIT (33.2c)) 1(UVV(5.7),PCCVS(5.6) D!SC(23).DVT'35,21 .CC( .31), 't01 (30) .110(33) ,l(S.3) .L(30.5.201 .11(310.',) 0 '0)1.20.") irlEOSIC)" scALs1nq.)) Tract Opportunity Cost Program (cont.) C 05T() PNC5S Or I D(CU0 C C f)I5, I) (21) 3,J) Eli!) PRO!)tJ(T5 )I,,2O) 168 P10(5.11 ((°V(!, 31 Jt ?) .0.7) 'fl PEfl.i)(°(.T,J),J1,C, 1)1 P110(5,1) ()PS(j,J),J1,2Jl.I'5.f,l 121. 132 133 1). C C PRICES Of' PEII C 125 105 127 LOC. CLASS 0IIOIC1TO PEAol.1))pMc.J) 1 rO"'41T(2F5.0) 11 13 C C)fIDUTE V.''iECP PRICFS FRUM INOICAIOP VENEER C ill C It! 113 fl,') K) lit. 2 J't.21 CO 2 T1.'. 115 Ii', it? lii it) 121 1)2 ('V I I 3) PV I I 2 Cr)&T I WUF C JI I) 'SC AL AP CO'(PUTE SIWNT!MPEP PRICES FRU'4-INUICA000 cowuTrpil(1 C C 3 Jt.20 00 -123 00 3 12'. It,'. 125 Pj,JIPS(3,,J)SCALARIK,2) 12' I2 I CONTINUE 12) C 112 C 111. C COMPUTE 'IARI(ET P°ICES FUQ'I INOTCAT()P LOS CLASC !NOEXQ t. J1.2C IJ.EQ.9)IN0EX'DiOFX4 13! ifl l3. IY' 1", 137 131 01 Trl.5 00 t(I.i). 31'lTo. i10TtiCEX. 1'.) 1*1. '(#1 CONTInUE '. 153 Pl(2,1)'17. 1'.. II.; pp!i..11r55. 1'. 'S'JAROUTTNI (VOLUME ROUTINE TO CDM('UTE RECOVERY VOL'IME lADLES RECOVERY RATIOS. VOM - PRV PECOVtPY PATTO' F'JP VEILK 055 P:r.ovPv DATIn15 FO SAW'1T4'1F'1 IflCVV r PCOVE'1Y VOLUME -TARLE F VENEER RCCOVEPY V0t.U'IE TABlE FOR SAwuT TlEQ PECV3 IIJCUJOE COMMON PEAL I COrIPIOS °vI?.!CI.PS.20 P'16.2O ,CP'V)5.20).CMSIS.20! cLT(3o.2o).pECvV(s,7).pFv5(5.c),oIscI2o),tJvI(1o.?oI. 'NAT (21) .118(30) 1!.I5..).) .L(30.5.20) (_l(-) i0.S).00) 30). 'V(T.Zl.S) CO''ON 01H1rjSIOti RAV(t.),P,RS('..1 RCin(s. t)RJ.4S t FGNMAT('.Ft.. )-)EAD (S 2) RF.CVV,RFCVS 152 I '.1 2 cO?.1AT(''..2) 15'165 0') 0') It.'. 5 3 J'I.'. WECVV (I, J) PLC VV It, 2) PBV(i) .11 3 RF.CVS(I.J) RET,'IS(t,J)'RRS)I).Oi 16-. I6F FM!) iF." JfSOCIIYTIE CO,l.'UTE I 6 17) C 171 17) 11' C C 17'. 0 C 175 C 17.. C 177 171 17) II) ill C C C 1P'. 1 - pOUT1N COMPuTES LOS VALUE TABLES rop CLASS I ON 2(0100 J T'4I (.055 O 1(t.J.Tl V(2.J.1) V)1.J.I) LOT, AT VFPIEEP PLANT 'lAL'J[ LOG VALUE AT SAWMILL (.00 SELLIMT, °V,tCE = COST CF )IILLI!H', VENEER C'l'I(I, II COIl Oc MILLING LUMBER Cr1511.3) OESI USE FITS LOG ROUTINE MUST MAINTAIN NOT LF.SS TNAN ONE AN!) NOT MORE TWiN TV!) LOS CLASSES r.OINC TO EACH MILL. Alto lkft.J) C C C br, CLASS FIVE (11351 BE SOLO. C C INCLUOE s PEAL L COPIWON CO' "AM C0'0'I CflM'1PI COIIMIT'l - PV,7O),P5(E,2I).2M)5,I.CM'lI5.2O).t'5(f,.2hI 'CLTITO.201.Q1C'JV(5.7) PECv;S c.t1I';r.)281 011(39 701. M(30I.TTR)3O).NP4(..L)3O,.20),IK)I0.).0C(3). CP l'l)N ''1(1,20.51 COl'OP4 I '11 tIE HG TON '1(20 51 LN (I) I AT 00 Ii VIi,J.t1.V(I,J.t)RECVV(I.K)PV(1.3) Ir(,(.Tu.7,c.0T02 V(2.JI)rV(2.J.I)'RECVS(X.'PS((.J) - 2 I 97 - 00 2 19! 11 1I.5 V I I J. 0) rV 12.J.II '0. I 'It j '17 101 1 O1 I J.1.2) IA) 193 rQtJ-TI.I'JE V(l,J.'T).V(l.J,I)'CPlV(T.Jl - V (2 J I) 'V (2 2.1) -CHS (I V (3,2 I) PM)!. 2) -3.- I CONTINUE 0') '.0 J1.2) LU(lI.TLNI2I'LN(3)'3 - 2) - Tract Opportunity Cost Program (cont.) 2t I-I,'. iBtc=V11,J,1I :, n=t 00 211 2). 1. Q 3 V:. 3 1(I(tC..VtK,J,t)I(O103 iK(J, 1)''< 205 20'. )IIC,=v(J(,J.TP 1 co4TU4I ?C7 210 169 ,.LV(J,1) '. 1if) LPflK)I LF(LU(t1 .GE.tlC,0TOtO 9 I1.5 21) 211 212 21' 21'. 21. Do 21'. 3, I '( I -VII 3 1) IFt0.r,F.SMALI_,'orog 217 210 SIOALIrO '1) 223 221 72? 225 'I 22. 775 22'. 1 27 11 221 21) PU=T LPfltIr1U(1)1 LIUI) -1t'I-1 1((J,N1)1 S(111t'lEIQO (10 10 1=1,5 V(L'4(21.EQ.2)101fl18 0=Vl1.J, 1) -V(7,J,1) 23 rALL0 23. 71; 205 717 700 1,ID.Vti,J,I,-V3,JT) 2.7 2.1 7'.? 2'.( 2'.'. 2.5 2'.'. I=1 19 CQ'ITIIIJF: lrfo.G1.suALL,ofo1q £'IIILrD 23' LN(1)1N(1)-1 23 2'.' 2'.' S11Lt.110) 03 23 t1.5 0=V(F,.J,II-I!(2,J.I) 751 2,2 25! 1F(D.G,SMALL)G0T079 25'. 255 255 U0=1 23 C0;T1NIJE 27 tN(ZILP4(2)'l L'l Ufl 250 750 751 50T0'.Q 3) 17(LN(2).17.3)GOTO'.Q 37 S(1ALL1100 251 252 761 Dl) 35 t'1.5 26'. IF (11< (3.0) .NF.2)G011139 I'(L(t.Eq.2IGoTo3 2'.c D=V(2,J,t)-l1J,I) IF)D.C,0.SMOLL)G01018 ¶rlALLD tirl 255 26' 260 253 773 271 27? CrV(2.J,1I_V(3.J.J) 3 1)O.5E.SHALUGOT039 SMALL.0 273 N3 27. 77.5 27, NII 39 C0JT1N1,E LU(2)=LN(?)-t 277 770 273 703 701 252 203 20. 205 20, 207 700 COM'O'1 LiI'lI 1 154)'4) J'(LN(2).f:Q.))c,01017 '.0 r.oT1iu RETUPtO ItO)) SUOtOOUTIN{ 'IATCHECK I4CLUO( C0tl'ION C C011UTE D!C0U?ITE0 VALUES (flY!) C C P101 C04l0'O L (0'10N PV(7,2Q) ,P5(5,7Q) ,PM(S,20) .C'IV(5,201 .(l5 (5,20). CLO (1O.2Q),PfCOV(5,7),prCS(5,S) ,DTSC(20( .0'/1 (30,70) 4X70(,13(30I,Wu(5,3),L130,5,20) L'((30,5),OC(301 V13,20,5) co'1o' 0) 1 Krl.30 701 291 L4r!T5(' (115'-tIIOt) 203 SH=5O=0. 2_Ia !t.LA 00 2 ii,S 21' 00 1 21. 215 295 297 290 201 331 331 3-)? 'NSN*I )K.J,t).VIN.I,J) 2 SOSO.LIK.J,1) C C STLECT 01st P19100 10 HARVEST (MAT) C IFoOIG,G1.0VI(K,I)IGOTOI 373 30. 3-35 335 307 lEO 1 C C 00 5 ('1.20 3-jO 31.) 311 312 313 COHTI';UF CF1CCK ROR 'IAXT'I'J'i 0(11 bR EACW °IRIOt) C 5 1)1'.000..LT.SUM(0I)CALL SWTTCW(!, (0T1TINUC RITU'II0 Tract Opportunity Cost Program (cont.) 314 315 C0MIOM S'J(POUTIHL 'WITCHCT) INCLUDE COIIMr)P4 ' REF,L 31'. ST1AL11E103 MTO 31? 31' 3!.) 321 12? 323 1). 325 327 121 C GEIICHATI (_TSI 01 Al.). TRACTS INS '44°VESTLO CN ENIO) 11 r 0130011(3 VAlUE DIFFIRENCES BETWEEN PERIODS Uk REST 0111005 NP NEXT (lEST P1PtO0S PIT SIIOSCRIPT FO LIST C fl C C C C C 00 1 K1,3 MTHT41 323 33) 331 337 (fl 31'. 335 33, 337 333 131 3d.) 0SM(Ht)X(IZ1l(.t,'UP((lT)) C C 3.'. 345 34'. 347 3'.' 343 C' A3 174 SUALLESI OICCO'J'l(Ffl vA'uE DIrFEWENCE F"ACT WITH LEAST SIC,N!FTCAHT 5IIITCH SElECT N C 14115 TRACT$S NEXT BEST PERIOD NI C ARRAY INDEX FOR )ITH 1)1801 145 C C tr(o.00.SllAL1)GnTot P4r1< NIHP)T1T) NI-MI '41 3'.2 343 I. C)HPIIPI Pv(7,?3).PSI7,,2) r'Ht5,?T) rMvlc,pD,,CHSIS,20. CtT (30.20) ,RICVV)5,7).RECVS(5 7,).OIt(20) .041(39,20) M01 30) 11013,?) ,T((5.3).LT0,,20) .LK(TO.51.0C(30) 1130) N30) ,N°l30) I1H171SION 1. CONTINUE C S34!TCH N-TN TPACT AND CHECk TO SEF IF SWITCH FO(JLR.0 C C UP C C C C 7, 1.-Il N-TN 1'ACEiS UC1 1(151 0111)0(1 IF SO. TAkE NEXT REST (PACT TO SWTTCHJOF IF HOT. CHCk TO SEE IF WERE OCUC I' SO. I(IORE THIS TRACT AP13 TAKE WE1T. P4)7T(74)r)4 35) IF(5UM(NI).LT,I7,303.)&0T02 35'. 7411(N)zt SHAIL-574(NS)rXHIZE(N.T,14p1N5)l 00 3 l('l,Mt Tr)SHALL.1T.SM(K))GOTOJ. 351 35? 353 DVI 5 3-'S 11SIllKI 3',', 35' 354 35) iSrk I COIITINUI 1010. 36C 35? C P.3 0 31-S C C C 3E. '51, 37,7 I.NI)rT)VI(N,I)P1. (F THE LAST SWITCH PUT THE I-TN FFRIOO 101 TOTAL U'lflER THE 1.310 UhF PXIHUM CUT. fF 50. PFT'jP. CHECk TO SEE IF 7401, T9Y THE PIlOT TRACT WITH LEAST STF,NTFICANI SWITCH. 2 II (SUNlIt .LT.11.000.)RETUR9 SM I NA I' SM) 'IT I 37,3 117<7 1451 NK I 741) 373 371 NP'PIS) N((IT) 374 375 I 740 STIALL'1C100 IT 14 1 (,3T05 37! 375 377 371 371 t 4') FUNCTION 5074(1) C C C C CO'I'ON 333 3 4'. 355 345 00 5 Jr1,I. ST1UFSHI1F,t(K,J.1) 345 I SR E TURN 140 '39) 391 317 I'll 00'IMPII CO''OM 3.11 431 41! 7,31 '2'. 'CS t. S CONTINUE A CONTINUE SUNSM8F 347 395 115 INCLUDE COMNON WEAL COON 3S1 33! 39. H.RV1ST ON PELIOO I. tQH'IoN PV) 1,73) ,S(o,2)) PM(5,?3) .014/(5.70) C1(S(5.20) C11I!0.,?Q).RECVV(5.?I,RECVS(I.7,),OISC(20).OVIUO.20), 74xT1301.TTR(3I).NN(5,3),L(3O,5.20),LKI3Q.5),0C130), (3,20 5) SURF '0. 00 ( I(1,3Q Ic(M1T(k) .01.1)10101. C0'I'ON C04'ON 39? 303 COIPIJIE SUN OF LOS OUA7ITXTIES FROP4 TRACTS SCHEDULED FOR UHCTIO'l XIII2C(K.I.N0) C 0 C C C OITERTITNE 14FYT BEST PERIOD FOP k-TN TRACT WARVEIT 0I P0flQ I. 11401001 COtIMON RI:AL SCI4EDUIFO FOR TO NEXT 131ST FAPTOD i CO,1'4flr4 PV(7,?O).P5(c,,?9),fl..1(5,70),CNV(5 201.(:r.(1,2O(, CLTI30,701 RICV'JS,7,PECVSS.cI.0I5C1231 031130,20), .3! (30) 1T830 ,s.n .LU0.S,2QI ,LXtJO.SI .011301 IAIjtEjQQ 1 J'1,20 0'OVI I7.T)-OVTl(,i) 00 UII.F.O.J)GOTOO (F(o.1T.0.,r,OTQI IrID.CE.SMALL)GOTO1 S'IAIL'O llqrJ 7,37 1 CONTINUE '.13 PETLIRPI 1110 401 '.00 SET 719 113041 XHIZE EQUAL. 10 THE DIFFERINCE RETWIIP4 OIS00074TEQ VALUES FOR PERIODS I 0)40 HO. 3)40 170 171 LINEAR PROGRAMMING COMPUTATIONS FOR DOMINANCE ALLOCATIONS Appendix 3. Appendix 3.1 . Simplex Input Computer Flow Charts The simplex program of the Oregon State University CDC 3300 computer, under direction of a control deck, receives the linear programs' inputs, optimizes the problem and outputs the results. Due to the large size of the problems, simplex program inputs are created by computer, as is shown in Figure A.3.l. Parametric cost, price and right-hand-side data are in the CONSTANTS deck or in function definitions associated with the FORMAT PROGRAM. The actual parameter changes are, however, made by the SIMPLEX CONTROL deck directing the SIMPLEX PROGRAM how to process the INPUT. Constraints may be added or deleted by changing the Fortran FORMAT PROGRAMS. In order to optimize the parametric linear programs as economically as possible, two characteristics of the SIMPLEX PROGRAM are used. First, it has the ability to declare more than one objective function, and chooses one of them for the optimization process at the time of program execution. This is usable as long as the constraint coeffici- ents and right-hand-sides remain the same in iterations. Second, names are defined for constraint coefficients and right-hand-side constants. These names are assigned numeric values which may be changed between parametric runs. In all milling division runs, the names are defined, but we have not needed to reassign their values for this study. 172 F 0 RMAT PROGRAM CONSTANTS SIMPLEX CONTROL INPUT Figure A.3.l. SIMPLEX PROGRAM (*REXX) Simplex input computer routines. 173 Figure A.3.2. is a flow diagram of the FORMAT PROGRAM used in developing simplex input for themillirig division problems.Procedure 1 generates the DEFINE statements for the end product recovery and processing time constraint coefficients. These could be redefined at some additional points 9... as many times as required, but that has not been necessary for this study. Point 2 shows the guiding restrictions by the timber division under mill or mixed dominance. It shows enforced allocations by the timber division under timber dominance. Procedure 4 uses end product price defining functions and end product demand requirements to produce coefficients for the end product column vectors. Procedure 6 uses transfer price and processing cost functions, and recovery and processing time definitions from procedure 1 to compute coefficients for the log column vectors. In mill dominance calcul- ations the market prices of purchased logs are inserted using a text editors. Figure A.3.3. is a flow diagram of the FORMAT PROGRAM for generating timber division simplex input. First, data are read from the CONSTANTS deck. These are used in procedure 2 to generate DEFINE state- ments for the linear programs' coefficients. These are changed in later DEFINE statements (procedure 7...) for the parametric runs. Procedure 4 uses data for log availabilities on tracts from point 1. It computes coefficients for constraints which insure that in harvested tracts all log classes are cut in their existing volume proportions. Points 3, 5, and 6 generate the actual simplex input that uses the defined names from procedure 2. 174 (Begin Generate parametric constraint 1-Recoveries -Processing time function L coeffi ci ent dpfinit1innc 'I, (Read timber division guiding or enforcement 2 requi rements / Write 3 row name and sign declarations 'I, Compute end product objective function and nonparametric constraint coefficients / / / 4 '-End product demand requi rements -End product price functions f Write / end product 5 column vectors / / -Processing cost function -Transfer price function -Recovery and processing time definitions from procedure 1 Compute objective function and nonparametri c constraint 6 coeffi ci ents 'I, 7 8 Write log / column vectors / 1 / Write constraint I / rhs's / -Availability of logs in market (under mill dominance only) -Guiding or enforcement requirements from (2) -Storage capacities of end products for market 3 -Mill capacities (processing times) Generate new 9 pararnetri c constraint 10 ( End Figure A.3.2. coeffi ci ent definitions Flow chart of FORMAT PROGRAM for the milling division. 175 ( Begin /'Read market prices, transfer prices, harvesting costs, log availabilities on tracts, guiding or enforcement requi rements \I! Generate parametric constraint and objective function coefficient definitions 3 / Write row name declarations/ ompu e arv-s -in proporti onal i ty 4 constraint coefficients Write column vectors 5 6 / Write constraint rhs's / \J( 7 Figure A.3.3. Generate new parametric constraint and objective function coefficient definitions Flow chart of FORMAT PROGRAM for the timber division. 176 The simp'ex input for both milling and timber divisions are created using FORMAT PROGRAMS. The final adjustments to fit them to the individual organizations are made using a text editor. 177 Appendix 3.2. Examples of Computer Inputs And Outputs This appendix presents an example of the linear programming computations. Of the numerous transfer price alternatives, of three dominance organizations and of three harvesting levels it concerns transfer price TP9 under mixed dominance when total harvest (15,000 MBF) exceeds mills' total log need (about 10,200 MBF). For other linear programming computations, only minor changes are needed. Of the thirty original timber tracts available for harvest, those nine with the lowest harvesting cost are included (cf. Table 4.1). For the first seven of these, the tract log class structure constraints (2) of the Appendix l.2.F formulation are missing. For them, the log availability constraints (2) are equalities instead of inequalities. done in order to reduce the costs of computations. This has been It has been found in pilot calculations that under mixed dominance, for all alternative transfer prices, tracts 10 to 30 are harvested and tracts 1 to 7 are always harvested when total harvest exceeds mills' total log need. Milling Division FORMAT PROGRAM A. 0S3 FuTRAN VESI0N 3.12 08/15/75 2241 I 2 P3O(,RAM MULP LNILGL0 IJ,C 3 4 S 6 U11l.IlI )N 4) S I 13 ,lJ (2) ,C ('.,2,2) .0(2 C ,E (2) ,oPi10) '. I .10 (2) 0814 (3?I1,.13,.Uj,.I3) C 1tfYi: /531, 2)16) (U: 1HV,lIflI , 7 3 !IUIIV 2 HS , 3(ICHS) 1, (05Cr').) C (C:Jd3,UJ,26j,tjU,O,23J,1u0,fu,i00,700,600,500. 8 406) 150,2:3, II 9 It 12 RESI 5), ORES (6) DIII: N 1)1 EVIL) 178 (I) ill, ihO) (:f.O1),8)jflQIJ1l0S), (ErSil 10 CALL. DEINL.R(0l ,5HPINF ) - C 13 14 15 16 it C C 18 C 19 C (,ULUINS OR ENIORCELIENE REQUIEMEN1S REAO REAO(1,20)L.V,_3 20 FORli4l(Ll)15) C ROW NAME AND SIGN DECLARATIONS W010E(10,1( (1,1:1,1)) 26 1 FOI3T(OWSI'1J1/ 1311)) 2)) (3, 3:1 .4) .1 1,2) , COPES (JI , j, 5) )3 1) FOQ'IOIU.(t rVlEl(,'.Ct rSfl1)5U rA3)/0<FV 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 10 2 -LE11 r1L21 :L.L,I :LL41 rLL12 OUY HQO/ 'I'L1.cL2 cL,3 CLt. LL22 rLL.32 FS PTV <PTS/ LL420/ COLUIINS') 27 28 C 2') C (NC PPOOIJCT COLUM C 3) DO .5 31 32 00 3 VECTORS 1:1,2 00 3 Jr), KI,4 00 5'. 11:1 13 1FU.EQ.2Iu1O'. 33 34 QPIII)rlP(K,J, 11) 36 3? 60105'. 30.'(Ii)rSP(K,J,El) CONTINUE 5. 38 3WP11L.(10.5)IJU),K,J,O(J),C(K,J,i),E(JC,UU),K,U(I),K,J 3') '.0 5 EUHA1(A1,21l, 1X,AtI, 1'.,IX,A5,A1 ,I1, 41 42 11 F0RMAT(l+,10(t00LL,F4.Z,1X)A4t1t) 4'. 00 12 I1,Z 45 46 47 48 65 12 3:1,4 DO 55 I('l,l) OF)! .(Q. 2)6)1013 UPILI)rOFPIJ.1i)-VSS 6010', 4') 50 13 I')1I):FP(J,1(I-SSC 51 1.2 5, GOIIFINUE 53 12 14 5'. 55 50, C 57 58 C 6! 68 5 1'1,2 00 6 J:t,'. DO 1') 11:1,15 I)DEA11Lt0I)(Jl (r1iI(IJ,1) 19 QPCI IC:- CIP(J, 1,01) POJ, 1,1)) P'ITL (1: .7) 13(L) ,J,r,u(1( .0,1, lUtE ),'<,J,(i(IC ,K,K=1 .4). '1-3 (LI J. I (11.0)' (1 [C I 1:1, 10) l-03M(.0 )OLIAC.1tt0 P11A1. 1o211.'.(IX.AL,11, ix, 1lL,Li,A1,I.)Ji.))LA1, 7 '201,11(0 0/11,51.?)) IF(1.EQ.2C60703 70 71. 1 73 77 70 7') 00 81 82 83 8'. 85 80, 87 88 09 90 91 WRITE)1J.-0)11H1_)..J,1,J,I,J,J,j,J FORIIAT(ILOAI,Z1L! )..L!211! 1 DV L/11/IJV CO LOI1OCO dIV L$I&CV LVO j,) 11 60106 7'. 75 /5 b L:L,2 0)) 0') 5') 72 1',CUC IC .3,0,1 11,0(1) ,J,U(I),J, (1I,QP( 11),! Cr1.10) LOG COLUNC) VECTORS 10 51 62 53 65 t'11E CII F0'OIAHCHF,lt 11,2NF,A1,JH 1 .81,11,0 -10/IHFAI,L1, 10(t 0011,13.2)) C 5.') 65 -j/A1,2I1 'ii)' O1l,F.Z)) ,t111L(j0.l(1R(S(I),(1I,RES(1),I1r1,1U)',1R(1),11,5) 1,3 5 10 P-U ,J, I,J,J,J (Eli), 10)10(1.1.3,1 LLO2I1O 150 LsI15O FUF13T(lL0A1.211 Cl1I.ILUU: PU (C 13,25)(11, J, i.J, In .4) I 25 F1)RHST)CLLOCLL* LLO2ELI -10) CHS LOIIOCS LStiO 10) ,Jnj,2) P31(1(10.15) 15 FORMATIORHS) DO 16 IL1,13 1:11 )FCi.EQ.10CI:3 PRITEC1O .17)1,1, CJ,LV(II,31 .3:1 .1.),!, CJ,LS(I1 ,J) ,J1,4) IJ FOR311),HILLOEIO FV lOu 13 1)00 P10 56 P15 1320/ 15 '1'-I!LL,11,',(. _0*1E,15)/MLLLOII,'.(0 LS1i. IS) I lJR100C1o,5o) 18 FORMAT(OEOF) CALL (XLI 1)10 Milling Division FORMAT PROGRAM (cont..) 92 93 SUBROUTINE OEFLPIER(IC) C C C C C C 9'. 95 9') 9/ 98 99 DEFINE SrATLrnNr GERt,TOR FUR ENU P000UCI RECOVERY VOLUMES TAULE 160 C huit C 102 1, 00 2 1L,4, 109 U=OtA;1EIR(1) 110 101 00 113 114 105 116 3 CUNTINU . 5 F090Iu. LO CASSi2 OIAMETER CLASS131 FOR DIAME.TERF8.2) TrT;1 (0,1) 03 6 K1,7 111 118 1. 119 120 125 126 127 128 129 V(KI(At1LL(Kj3,J,t) k11E(t ,1j(If, K,V(K,K1,'.) 10 FI?VA0('.(1,(((1tt,FlQ,5,jx,) 2 WR110(1o,lj)t,r t.V(5(,[,V(6) 11 FOYM0T(LH(j1tZ*11.5,2H Lt1S0AFjU.5,2H 1I1CSF10.5) 132 133 12 WRI((10.12) FOR1AT(tEOF) RETURN ENO 13'. FUNCTIoN YP(0,J,K) C TRANSFER PP(CE FUNCTION C C C C I C X C 10 C C MULTIPLIER P 118111181145 MA11KETPP ICE PRIPORTIO1IALITY CLOSS r LOG MILL (1VEr4EE8, 25AWNTIMPEP) J C On1JECTIVE FUnCTION DEFINTIOT) 110149CR TRA?lFEP PRICE OTREFISTOM 147 [)4 711 (prI (4),L t',,2) '.?05'(9 2:150, 1 .0(00) 32 3929611 8,1., 0. 8529411765) 00 TA (Ll4. 76,58 , 52 .91 , 8? 149 150 151 152 153 ,6'. , 52) OA(A(Dr1.,1?., 18.,2'.. 33.,45.,-j.,-j. ,0.,-1.) TrL(I,J) 1PT RETURN 15'. ETIO 155 162 163 KrL,b 03 9 9 13, 131 lt.I. ,Krj ,t,) 3 Fo29AIt1HrL1tL:tj.5,2H L1iUV$F1u.5,2u LIIVCOYFIU.5,2H LIIOCV Ft.5) 1T1(0,2) 12'. 154 160 V(K)TA0LE(K.8,J,t) WRI TEl 10, 7)11 K ,V( (i 7 121 122 123 11.8 K-L,lL IAULE(L,K,IUt3oTo'. .1 IF(3.LI. JK 112 156 157 1&,hi.i.),V(7) 13 FQRIAT(l')F3.7) 1113 146 TA'3..E( FORiAT (15F5.2I WRITE(15, I0)TAJLE 1. 006 1'.. 11.5 I A0L. OEFO0 WRI TONG I)EFINE STATEMENTS , WRITE OCFL4E STATEMENTS ONLY 0IMENSIO4 1.5 1.2 143 READ , IF'Itc.IIE.u)(,oro[o R000(,,I(IAuj.E 107 141 TABLE ACT.L,JN LNUTCATJR 0 0 103 035 136 137 138 13) 140 RECOVERY IC C FUNCTiON VIP(J,c) MARKET 3 VEUFEa PRISE FUNCTION C C C C J LOG CLASS K U3JLC(11E FJN3T loll DEFINITION lUNGER VFP C VENEER FUTURE PRICE (MARKET 3) C OIMENS[3r1 0(.),D2(4),U3(z,) 16'. '6b.5, (.4,31. (005..8, 32. 7,28. 9,23.3) 7,21.0) , (U 165 166 167 166 169 170 171 172 173 , 1 VFPO(J) RETURN 2 VFP02(J) RETURN 3 VFP03(J) RETURN ENO 17'. FUNCTION SFP(J, C) 171 C MARKET 3 sAwNrrIlo(R PRICE FUNCTION J LUG C,ASS 1?) C K 118 180 o9J1:r.TIv FUllTION 1(UFTNIT!OTI 13110CR sSwTlIIiiAEp (InURE PRICE UIARKII 3) SFP C C 1111 I)IMUTIIOFI 103 .111 [62 180 186 187 186 189 190 131 192 ((AlA (Cl: I) I, I, 01 I 4) .1)'.)'.),7J.L,ij. .(U4'121.b.66.11,G6.j,33.l'j 1 1.FP0(J( PEIURN 2 SFPDt(J) RLTURU 1 SFP'D4(J) RETURN END 179 Milling Division FORMAT PROGRAM (cont.) FUHt'TION Vc'([.J,K) A93 19'. C 195 C 197 195 159 C C C C 1)6 200 201 VE.HELR PRIEL FUICTIOPI L0. CLASS 1 J K VP C MA8K1 (1 00 2) O)JLCTIVE FUNCtION DEFINITION (IUHOER VLNtLR PRICE DIHENSIN D(t,,2),02(4) ,1J3(4) ,,.8,5d.b,2?.rJ,tq.7, 0616(0 203 0ATl(Dl:h3.(,'.k.J,36,26.3) DAT A (OS53. 1, 3.. 2, 31. U. 21.9) CTTO(1,L,1,1,t,t,t,1,1,t,2.3),K lu's 205 206 207 1 VPO(I,J) 209 2 RETURN V't)2(I) RETURN 216 211 262 3 vP03(I) RETURN END 263 FUNCTION SP(T,J,K) 21'. 219 216 217 268 210 C SAWUTIIIBER (R(CE FU'lTI0N C C I C U C K C C SP 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 220 UIMEP4SIOrI 0(4,2),D1t'.),04t',) DATA (0 :125.5,68.S,T0.0,35.0, OATA(D1ls9.4,77.5,?h0,39.'j) D4Ti,(D',11Y.6,63.7,65.0,32.5) IF (J.E1. t)GOTOL COT:)(6,1.L,1,L,i,1,1,1,1,2,3),K 5P=)(J,J) I. ?30 RETURN SPrL)1(I) ktIURFI 2 3 SPD', (I) 23'. RETURN 235 END FUNCTIO9 PC(I,i,T) 236 237 238 C 240 241 242 C T C C PC PROCESSINI, C)51 FUNCT ION I LUG CLASS C C C 243 24'. 246 2'.? END C C C C C C C C C THIS Fu1CTtoIl WAS DESIGNED FOR PAROtIETRICALLY CHANGIN; RE';ToE V VOL UHE, T'ROCESS INC TITlES 8)10 PROCISSINO COStS AS A FUNCTION OF LOG DIAMETER DIMENSION (1(4) (D37.,$j.,22,,22.) END C 280 251 LOG CLASS UIRMIIER = LOG DIAMETER RETURN 2&'O 282 I DIAr1ETERO(j) C C 275 276 217 278 270 FUNCTION D.IA)IEIER(I) LOG OIAIETER F(HCFIUN DATA 26'. 27'. PROCLSING C3S1 DIMENSION 0(..lI RETURN 265 26)' 267 268 272 273 POC[SiIH& 1IH OATA(rJr6536.b$,1315.79, 9,8.40,10t9.37, l'.b1.35,1310.59,1203.93,j285.35) 250 270 211 MILL (1VENEER1 2SAWNTIHOER) U 248 240 252 253 254 259 256 257 258 299 250 261 262 263 It 00 2) O9JEUTIOE FUTJCTION DEFINITION DJHBER SA(rITIH31R PRICE 132.9,7.6,72.0,"s.u) 231 232 233 2'1 L0(. (;LASS MARKt.T FUNCTION TN(O,J) C C C P0CESSIPlC TIME FUTISFION 0 U IN LOG DIAMEtER MILL )1rVENER8 2SAWNTIMQER) POOCESSIRI TIi1 DAtA (S10.U3012A35),(S2,.t1jO'.),(SJJ.jU7,A26) DATA (V1,..u2A'.'.3) .(V20.IXJJ) , (VJQ.U2L)'58) 6010(1.2) ,J 6 5SURT(J) JVtslV2/SsVS TH9 3. 'T / 39 RETURN 2 PS1'D.52/0s93 TH=9.1/(. RETURN END 180 181 Timber Division FORMAT PROGRAM B. 0S3 FORTRAN 08/14/75 VFRSOH 3.12 212. I PROGPAII 101)' 4 COHOU AL)q,;i,tP('.,2) ,DM(4,2),HCI9) ,MP(5) J1I1CN10N ID() REAL 2 5 6 7 8 DATA C C READ(6,1)AL 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 FORMAT(3F5.0) C THTFfl)E STAIEIITIIIS FOR LOG AVAOLIBILIIY RHSAS GENERATE C C C wRITE(10,2)((t,J,AL)I,J),J1,5),Ij,9) 2 FOR9AT(5(AXL211,F8.Q,IX)) CALL PR)FIT CALL IPRICE C ROW NAII C WRITE(t0,3)(tt0(I),J,J=t,4),t=1,2),0(I,J,trj,4),Jj,2), H (I.J,J I ,5),It,9) 23 2'. 25 26 30 31 32 33 AND SIGN DECLARATIONS C 22 27 28 29 (ID.IHV,LHS) INPUT LOG AVATLATIILITIES AND HARVESTING COSTS C 10 11 12 13 14 (P 3 FOPMAI(AROMSY/tZFIPR3FIT/8( DA1,I1)/8(t (5(1 <LI2IIH WRITE(1O,6)(I.I,I 111,9) '11flI I. FO .TTIArPYIIYA rPI10t) W1TE(t3,5) 5 FORMAT (1 <HO 'RANE 7000 <0UY/COLUiNSt) rPItC C C COLUMN VECTOR GENERATION C DO 16 IL,9 00 6 J1,4 00 7 K1,2 3. 35 36 37 30 8 WRITE(10,8)[,J,K,t,J,K,I,J,1O(K( J,J,K FOQFIATII(IL3ItY PIPROFIT T311A L2I1 I 211t 7 CALL CUIS(t,J,K) '.2 9 FOMMAI(IHL3IIY ((PROFIT YP211 43 45 1f,WRITE(1U,1f) 49 00 1.0 KrI,2 00 60 Jt,'. 60 WRIT(1U,F.t)),K,J,K,tO(K),i,J 17 FORIIAT(IH 1,8 50 91 EORMA((ULO211 MPR3FII PH2Il./ OtAt,Ij$ I OUT PIPYII) WEITE()0,,0)(([,J,I,J,I'1,4),J1,2) 50 FORMATIa(tsY2Ilt S211 52 53 1.). -lA/il) 5'. C RHS GE1IERATIQO C C 59 60 61 HR I TE (10 , Tilt 10 FO II. C C I C C C K J C X1t211)() 15000 OUT 350 i100t/IEOF /1 = IPACT PIIJM)IER = LOG CLASS PtA). LU CIIMMO1I I tJP'T.5) 7) I_ 2(5) 0 (II. U1) 11 LII) .1 DAtA IL1=5,i,I,3,2),(L2r5,2,(.L.,5) )CO-'-I.) DATA (L1HC,tH0,1IlA,tHO,1HD,1HA,11(A,tHC) 80 At 02 83 MLL(J) NL2(J) CA=LIJ)I,H)/L1J(I,N) 1r(J.E).1)CA-1. 8'. 85 8, 9. 1,1 = LOG USE (tVEMEER, 2=SAWNTIP-IDER, 3=MARKET) CC(ISTRAINTS CENTRATES PARTIAL LOG COLUMN VECTORS WITH WIlICIP INSURE HA I IN PARTIALLY CUT TRACTS, ALL LOG CLAGSCS ARE HIRVESTED IN THEIR F.XISIING VOLUME PROPORTIONS C C 93 I HAPVEST1NG PROPORIIOUOLITY CONSTAINT COEFFICIENT GENERATOR C 78 92 J= I 5 SUBROUTINE CCIS (t,J,K) C C C 77 09 90 91 J, 1, J f(tLOGSA5(211 L2I1 [NO 71. 87 80 113 CALL EXIT 65 71. 75 I Eli' IAT(?(tLO3SA',(2H O31,I1,1X,At/OIt)/l 7I.UGS 6'. 69 70 71 72 73 13)1(1 , WRITE (10, LII (110(1) ,J , 10(1), I,J"l,'.) ,Irl,2) 62 63 60 It) CAll. C0iS(T,J,K) 47 67 ((9 J5 WPTTE(10,q)T,J,K,I,J,1,J 46 66 L2IIt I 6 CALL COIIS(I.J,'<) 44 57 50 I DA1,I1t I St k'3 40 41 Sb HI) (fl 39 95 S2Ii)/ GOIO)t,t.1,/,Z) ,J IiHITE(lJ,3)1,J,(,I,L()) CO,I,L(J5),C8 3 FORMA.T(IHL3IIA PAII,A1,F3.0 PI1,A1,FJZ.8) 1 RETURN 2 WRITE(10,4)1,J,K,I,L(J) CA I. FOMAT(1HL3I1 PtII,AL,F12.8) P.EIURN END 182 Timber Division FORMAT PROGRAN (cont.) SUIORO)JTINE F9OFIT OS 96 91 98 9') 100 C READS LOG NA".K(T C REAL PIP DATA)tt0) 101. REA)(2,2)MP 2 FORMAT(SFS.0) 11=1141 WRIEE(t0,3)II 3 F0PMAT( 'EP()FIT DEFEPIITTOPI13) 105 106 107 100 109 WRITE(13.t0)(t,MP(I ,Irl,14) 110 111 112 113 10 FORPIAT(14(tMPOII,F9.2,IX)) 00 6 In,') 00 5 J=(,5 SF(J)MP(J)-HC(I)-3. 6 W9ITE(t0.iH1,J,F(J),J1,5) 11'4 115 116 117 118 7 FORMAT(5(tYP211,F8.2,1X)) RETURN END 5U0901)TIUE TPRIr,E C P1105 1 (ANSIER PRI.CS APP) Cr PAlES .OLFTNF STATENEN1 FOR ILL COEFFICIENT INVOLVING TRANSFER PRICES C C C °FAL PIP' 125 Cr)M'PON 12? DATA(It')) REAP) (".1 )DM ER 'L 19,9), TP(l.,2),ON(14,2),IIC(9) ,MP(5) OIP1FNI9i) 1)15) 125 12) 129 1 FSRiAI (sr5.) 131 132 133 9 110 I1 12 1140 2 1141 1142 1143 I. 11.'. 3 1146 1147 1148 1149 F ORPIA I (A (PRICE DEFT)) I TIOPI 3) 0) 7 K=1,2 Jrj,l. 1 Lr)K-1)144J 1 F)J)nII(L)-MP(JJ 7WRITE)1A,12))J,K,F(J),Jnjl.) 150 139 1145 1141 WIIrr(1i ,q)It 00 1314 135 136 137 1,ENEP.AIFS DEFINE STO1EMENOS DIMENSION F(S) DATA(HC=26.,29.,31.t1,33.69,36.32,36.68,37.'il,'42.56,63.88) 103 12'. API)) COMMON 4LM,5),TP(14,2),OM.,2),HC(9),MP(5) 101 102 119 120 121 122 123 pqicES FOR ALL COEFFICIENTS INVUI.VI6G LOG MARKET PRICES C C AT(,(/PHtHj,F15.7,jX)) FOP R'T 11(13,2) (1, DPI (I) .11,5),( t,OM(t+t. ) , I:1, 5) FORMAl P. ('ADA!) ,P9.0, IX)/',(ASOI1,F9.U, IX)) 0) 3 01) 14 KnJ,O F)P(=TP(J)-P5O(K) W1tF.(tJ,fl(K,J,F(j),i=1,I,),(K J,F(J414),j41,l.) 5 FORMAl I. (?Tt2()A1AFA.2,1X)/14(I2jjt2AF0.2,jX)) W'1EC (11) ,J.j). II. FORP)TL1.EOF) RE 1URN EN)) 183 CONSTANTS Milling Division Constants: 19 19 I, '5 11'. '32 C.. O C to' 000 '35 3,4 1, 0 CC .3 60 17 5'. 7? 97 16 71 (43 33) 150 '33 29 29 1') 19 39 37 Jot jo 00001, 10 37 65 7,1, 'I. 1,7 0, 0(4 2" '$7 5! 70 57. 73 10'. '31 110 [52 '.5'. ',90 '1'. 57 16 17 37 '0'3 25 13 19 62 33 21 68 60 59 62 38 20 29 22 113 559 61 62 02 16 23 16'. '.7', 26 7 '34 '3'. 12', 11 1') 51.3 49 10 75 79 16 3" '.9 62 56 1,6 7,7 131 116 30 5)'. 12 15'. 1'. 16', 1'. 155 '7 2'. 570 132 8 1? 8 161 3?5 358 12 118 213 30 , 0 7 13119 1fi 1') 5,_C 13 30001 011017 CCC I S o0 1'. 130 19 31 3'. ccc i 0&j 1( 00610 13113 00003 19 1, 9'. 69 10 93 '4', 75 87 14 53 '3) .07 11 (41 (43 12 89 100 13 16 13, 7 9 17 29 41 52 9 08 71 '3 79 13 7'. '31' 77 51 53 10', 33 85 ", '15 7'. 171 ii'. o 150 30 11.9 73 5: .395 47'. 46') 710 53 38 '.2 St 52 '0 13 1') 20 19 12 161 13, II,'. 3') 59' 153 13 175 05 11 2'. 1', 113 1(5 I" '49,4 lb '.3 179 '+59 ICC .11. £00.'? 03,3. 03 000 3'. C 012, 17, 1') o to 21, 13 ; 1002? 011 2 CC , 21 .51 30001 3'. 001,31 01332 17 5 '-.1 .31 '43 3 5 oc 0003'. 'ISO'S 10 3 16 '3 C 335 131 .1 3.3 OOli 31 05050 00051 78 OOJ4S .37 31 1'. 7,7 71 15 01, '31 47 50 79 0 7 94 CCC 15 13 11 11 '8 5 3 19 3 I; '3 5, .32 3'. "C, '.3 '.1 '.9 75 1') 6 (4 7 3 7, ll) 17 29 73 '.7 (40 5 112 09 29 25 36 68 7'. 79 82 6 21, 1S 3 111 ;5 48 57 56 67 19'. 39 27 32 131 1'I, 63 733 '.9 195 106. 17') 111 1"l 053 .5510 121 1.38 16 117 l'12 110 11 103 107 1'') '.', 2/5 312 700 23. 2.34 227 p3', 253 379 1', 13 26 ill, 21 '.65 1'.? 31') 15 67 617 7347 0(311.09 1(16 PAGE IS MOLP 0614 FPOFI 1(333 1,73) 00031 00000 1/00 OCt03 .3'.Q COb'. 1.75 236 1°2 1'.'. 121 323 111 1'. I.C6 "5 71'. 11 577 69'. S '.39 519 510 537 2? 17'') 2 (4 0 11 17 '."O 27' 25 25 3', 7,35 19? 69 1216 275 759 '53 2 1. 1.3 6735 17'. 2 (4 "C' 7,') 1' '2 10 21 52 65 55 21 25 1 1 1 1 1 7 1. 92? .3 06 5 13371 6 123 42/ 611 7, '3 25 1(9 331 .309 338 335 j7'4 3(44 .337 10.9 . 1 33 211 '.3 i'41 52 191 06 173 .33 106 7? 61 5', 55 33 1') .23 308 '.2 205 9') 85 07 2) 536 1' 22 191 22 177 1') 2 1113 15 13 55 3') 135 (4 101, 6 .196 '.1" Os's ')2 5? '.31 347 39 13? 35'. 3.0 '.31, 1 TUIP DATA 70034 (31301 2 F0 905A'l (PREVIOUS P0(E LUM 5) 003.09 00006 00007 06308 1'lO Timber Division Constants: 90 08 56 22 5 FOP TOIP PTXOG'CAM DATA 000,4 (37111 '0 31'. 5 10(41, 51, 70,. St 58 3? 52 62 9 2927 3131 D. 21. 3.3 3 232 112 14 1'. 177 17 153 10 11 3 1! 2 tSr, 113 0 1'. 13 10 132 110 6'. 1 SIMPLEX COTROLS Milling Division Simplex Control: 00001 0 0 I) 0 7 0l) 303 0 3 33 ) 0 0 00 5 11 3' 1 0 3' 0400f 00008 0 :j t 03010 00011 03512 0 3 31 3 '3 0 0 1 1. 0 0 3 1 , DEl 1330 , 0' 10 jt413IJ (.0 10 .R'tZO 13 511 III 11,1' 30 lit ,L='J,C'?O TI! lF, .3.3 I MOle 02= (0) ox it F, (3,! J 01 Out 0311,1" 20 0101. MILP TPMNL2 MOO tiIiF,013J'O2 13.370.1)1 1111130.3.1 MOLP TPMP-t8 3100 (11/F 0(1.3 '7) .3 (1 '30 1'IJI , 1= 2 3 T111133.3.1 IULP TP"HP-2', MAO [ti1?E,OI.'J'O(4 000 3.5 13.131 Ph r , I. "20 00018 MAO I 'II IF, ORJ'O5 00517 o 301.0 T(IIF,3.1.1 MOLP 0031P_33 03)3 PlJ1,L=IC0 Timber Division Simplex Control: 000)1 00002 (30003 TItLE.3.7.1 (IOLP rp=Mp-'.5 30009 COt 22 OUTPIJI .L"20 (AS (30131,1=20, S=3O 0ou0 7 O 002:. EMO O 3 3 2 '0 06621 00023 'lOX I'll! 20,OL'J"06 DEFINI I"tO I'(PIJI f =10 009 Is!N, 1 =30 GIL ,C+2J1L2O 11111,3....? 0006 31'.x IMOZE 00008 00009 740 1012 0.310(31 ,120 07.31 S3U 1,1320, 333 IPSO) 03000 03302 OI004 0000', 00005 35404 00007 34008 00009 00311 00011 03012 03133 0)00 I, 00030 00006 OJOtO 03300 03009 10200 03001 ('3520 03020 05025 00004 03037 £00233 03097610 Co355 0 (000 (.05 1100% .46000 1003 .0203-0 1117 1101 ,Gl0i 4.03210 tIC" (0,33.300 (VU .02000 IV'. .05(120 1)'.) (5,03:100 .11100507030 311 .5331.1 (.132 3. 1.37 .01 033? 001 00', 035 09', 007 090 009 003 S2 '53 '5', =01 =03 '03 =0', 'SI 'Cll'/'SJ '03(0 'cs oF 2r3.r'T0'l'1S '11(1 1L71 =1130 '111,0 '1102 =1122 =1132 '1102 'LI '12 '13 '1'. '100 '3(3 =sv 0 020_C JUJ2ULS VII '105010' lC3 '.7.50 02 VI) VI 03113 03) 000.00 12030 C3')S', 33037 313(1 2V40 3301,1 000,2 32153 31-3','. 03-063 035'', 1(31,2 03148 020',') 335") 03)03 03302 22,52 37fl9' 7.30.0 32o56 30057 10550 03;S'l 53260 02060 OIJ'll' (111(1 37,00 .91,000 110'. .;'?Or.O 41.000011 .11.00) .0191, 1)1:3 1110(10013', '100 CLI,0' fll01'l(.'0 CLII;.; 01.00 1,7000 (.05-0 (307 VS .90000 (.211, (5000 L 200 .010,0 .100 3.93003 120') 1(0.0000 03:0 40.10010 021 .40342 1,02 .?r,053 13:09.57000 1/05.10,003 1231 .00007 (.217 06.05010 LL3'1 30,97000 022 LOG CLVII 3 1112(111.0 GLOSS ', (00 000"E0Cl( (2.00 .10207. 1222 .73303 13.'', 1371 .05010 130.1 1.05003 .0351,2 .001 030 13.00053 1 (CV I'(.20010 137.0 00.0000) .001000 1150 1000 .0 000 1 353 0 .10000 12., I. .1900) 132 .01955 3.20') 11,40000 17'S 30.10003 LOG CUSS I, 0)097.11.8 CLASS 5 107 00430.0(3 02.00 153) .04,17 1/10.01033 ('03 .7)300 I'll. 0.3)303 11.1 .01400 LI/jO 39.00000 1'.CO 20.301150 107.0 81.201000 1031 . 030o0 1,02 .03000 L'.LS .00000 1',S'. .00000 ('.3 .41905 LOS'S 19.10000 1400; 39.70000 1 III LIII 112 00030 00031 000(2 184 Milling Division INPUT E. VI -1 47,83 021 "0021-Il' 253 VII . 30.0.3 72 ('1 ((3 02 '8 30.00 (03 03 -1 03) 01 27.0') 02 27.93 03 0,1 '13312):')' 003 06 -1 V.3 01 l').72 02 19.70 03 71-37 01 -t 50.1,1 07 VI) 05 09.03 03 232 '-(O'J.93(S' 200 70(11 02 -1 027 01 31.00 132 37.03 03 ',33i)33.l)' 200 1 10,) 007(1 03 1 037 (00 02 3.0.30 03 002 '000355' (I ('10(0 0'. -1 4.02 0'30'105' 07.00 0', 00.63 0'. 27.03 0', 07.0005 07.0004 01.8000 3,0.0340 30.00 010, 30.60 07 00.3.0 00 07.80 09 30,60 09 47.00 03 30.00 0') 27.110 27.0006 20.0007 I'O.70 04 19,70 00 27.0009 19.7009 27.03 00 09.70 00 50.43 015 17.0.00', 37.6000 09.70 07 55.',O 07 37.0007 77.00 07 19.70 08 50.1,0 U'. 133.7004 50.40 00, 33.000', 33.00 05 035 37.6006 33.0006 33.0007 1,0.00 4800.03033033.0 CO 37.60 08 33.00 08 20.10 00 120.33 07 60.10 08 70.00 03 35.00 Cl 04.10 07 24.10 00 0,2 III 10 00 24.13 03 24.0) 00 24.10 06 001 '140210' 333 51 -1 S;1 00 170.03 02 12V.60 00 120.0)04 170.7305 120.8006 023.8007 SOt '0700(6' 700 02-1 3,0.1,0 0', 0,0.63 05 003.0004 10.1.1 0? 000 01 63.60 03 ('0.1,0 02 501 '1)O'3/13l' 1,53 SI -1 70.03 00 70.0) 03 70.33 04 Sit 0) 73,03 05 70.00 07 70.00 06 S'.l '(3777.0' 553 0', -I 35,22 02 .25.8) 03 05.0005 30.0005 30.0001 39.00 0'. SI ('1 33l,''001('1)I5' 12') 7(3(1 01 -1 512 01 13.5:) 0'l 1.12.0) 03 132.50 04 132.01 (35 332.50 00, 132.00 07 137.50 CO 921 '"7215';' 27.-, 0002 03 -1 10.60 03 70.6004 70.3,:) IV 70.1,30'. 70.5006 70.60 17 70.63 00 7.20 00 5(2 '00111140' 113 '13(1 03 72,00 08 012 00 72,23-22 70.3000 72.0005 70,0000 72.00 07 72.05 03 0-2 '301131,0' '.00 51(31 50 -0 7.3 36.00 07 31,3150 34.03 06 0) (6.00 02 36.03 01 300.000% S.03 3' ,(1, co .3', 03 .05 s' .35 5% .10 05 ..os 37 .3'; 0)3 .30 03 .35 00 .35 1.'! -1 u-i so 1 .25 (2 04 .22 .32 .20 00 .21 00 .23 .70 00 .1,) 30.633 C) 07.6019 30.1.000 32.00 C9 20.10 09 128.80 34 63.60-09 70.00 03 30.00 CO 2',.IO 03 170.00 CO 67.10 03 70.00 00 30.0000 25.00 CO '.7,70 30.80 27.00 19.70 50.60 37.60 33.00 25.00 120.80 65.60 70.00 30.00 132.00 00 .132.50 70.6000 70.60 135.50 09 70.6009 72.0009 72.00 03 36.00 C) 36.00 09 72.03 30.03 30 -1 3016'. Cl 01 .1302 .1303 VS 3'. .1.1 1'', .1345.03117 .0.003 .03 01 .1)05.13 CIV -1 5.) -i 01 .109 00 .1') (00 .00 0'. .01 05 .2500 .09 07 .0') (10 .0') 00 .0070 .0300 3070,3 03,65 3000.6 CII 320033 55).'l J,'2 0173 10,0'. J',J(l. 60306 -20,17 £0000 2,,'l/') 73354 00231 03102 5004.) 70034 00235 00006 0000) 01500 0004') 00530 01341 033'(3 00013 0009', 00094 033(4 00017 000'(8 03049 00100 00101 33102 04003 03103, 00103 00106 00107 00135 00009 03010 00111 00112 00113 0011'. .00010 00118, t011? 00110 00110 00)23 00071 00013 00(73 0537', 2)131 021(0 07130 -3St30 341,13 120(3, 00135 201.1'. 00137 34130 103 .30 I'S 0') CO .20 35.1 1 1.5.7 3 I 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1002 1132 1142 ((II 1 1 1 50 135') COO L3CS 13 1 ('.7 So 13.51 5,0 11.02 53 L4SI 37, 160'. 1.04 -07.01 07 -/t.'JI 03 111.2 00 1142 111.2 I 013 (,1,5') 1113% 1400 1'. -59,00 00 -65.00 C'. -00.00 07 -60.00 06 -01.00 07 -87.70 09 -03.00 00 -07.00 1 1(11 Oil III II (.321 '17 1t03 33 (003 0,, Liv'. 190101 -120.00 02 -110.03 03 -3118,00 C'. -107.00 05 -03.00 06 -81.00 07 -172.00 06 -127.00 09 -320.00 00 -022.00 1311 ((00 003 1)11 'JO LII'! C') LIOn I'll 11110 10(20 III 121 VI .001 071700 13 L71'3 2'. 121'. 1970331 '93.00 (12 -171.00 01 -','..03 0', -09.00 05 1,021 UUO '10 (.1.30 00 1220 CO 13310 01(0 I2CV 10001110 031 10 1901 VI' 1(0003 1.105 0'. 130'. LUll 01 -77.01 00 -05.00 33 -0.9.37. 0', -53.0005 L'131 000 33 LIII 30 13J0 CV 1300 dIV L1CV 1 . -00.03 00 - -08.0007 -59.00,03 '39.00033-103.00 00 -99.00 -77.00 00 -71.0009 -67.0003 1 11.130 1/14310 CO IOIIU 011(3 L"CV "9 (.0II:1';OLISO';I 1(12'IS VI,''.) LI';l';',l.i';'. I'll? ((1 '111.07. '2 -1l',.20 03 -110.00 0'. -100.00 05 111,1 11117 937 1(7.' (90 'I'; - 02? '.3 513 1(00 (I'll LII:', (III 52 l,"',1'; 3,1 5'. 123', ((I -',n.IIO II.' 11,0,0 (-111 I'll '33 1-033 31)0 0,3 113,' to II II (LII LIII 'I LIII -! 11.03 1171 "0 1 -11'..43 '21 12)') 0(1, (20) 751 I 1 3 1 bOO 1122 t (3.02111.2 -1 ('13.1010 001 II 0:330 III 66760 132 (.001 12 17)5 (.3 6340 1'. 1 1,5 '61.00 07 '019.00 06 -010.00 09 -106.00 00 -119.00 50 00 0 9 00 05 -63.0006 -(0.00 01-013.40 VO -013.00 08-300.00.03 -I13.'.O 59 00 06 47 00 07 04 30 05 80 00 09 97 00 00 08 00 50 00 06 30 00 07 07 00 06 0 00 09 83 00 00 8? 00 - - - 1112 (.3.12 -6 80110 001 350000 (''0 '.503 13 S - -'(2.30 (1', "0 0(1103 1.11", 130, 2 1I.S2 59 SO 1000 C'IS.L'.CS IL'.l 1,1 "1 1110 1102 -I 1.61. -'05.00 06 -72.0306 -74.0009 -78.00 0) --70.00 1 11,0 1,",2 U-JO -50 17.1.2 1(11.11 LI 42.00 07 -33.0001 3 III 1101 III'.' ((0 -1)1.7-I HH -77.00 9'..CO 06 -'.5.00 06 1 01 1.01 03 ('.27 03 ('.00 0'. 140'. -77.0000 -1,',,Jl 33 -1,J,,30 0'. -6l.,)3 05 1111,1 ('IS ('.3 30 0 0 .7 3_0 '7.01 000,0 00143 001',2 30153 001, .13 3.1 .00 3', .13 05 .1306 .13 00 .13 (10 .03 09 .13 00 .03 IllS -0 01 -1 00,0) 05 60.50 CO 50.330 00.50 06 50.5) 07 50.7.0 07 50,1(0 09 1,0.50 02 50.53 00 50.5) 03 ('3 -1 33 (0.'.O 04 30.4005 30.0006 30.307 30.40 00 30,1,009 32.4100 30.60 30.40 02 30.40 0)3 0.3 -1 6 23,910 04 25.93 00 20.00 03 20.90 25.90 06 25.90 00 75.90 09 123 01 2500 02 25.90 03 25.93 07 ('0'. 30 0' -, 87,300', 17,30 -02 17.30 07 1.7'. 01 17.3300 17.3306 07.30 08 17.3001 07.30 00 17,3) 17.30 03 151 (3 SI "1 FS1 01 030.10 13 124.10 03 154.10 04 126.1) 00 120.10 06 126.03 07 126,13 08 121.00 09 106.1) 00 120.13 1.32 1.5 1 52 -1 1,7,fl7 02 62.93 05 62.90 07 62.90 08 62.330 09 62.90 Cl 62.333 152 20 62.93 03 62.03 0'. 62.90 05 11,1 15 53 -1 61.43 41 1.4.40 07 64.',) Co 64.40 40.0,0 03 66.40 0') 1.03 01 0.',.40 07 60.1,0 03 6',.',0 05 64.60 06 13', 15 1 ".'. -1 27.10 03 27,70 07 27.70 03 27.71 114 27.73 00 235.7306 27.70 09 27.70 00 07.7) 00.73 00 1.0'. Ct 705 1)1 VI 1101 07 1100 V.) 1013 0'. 110'. 0110 II') 1101 01 '102.04 '12 111.33 33 '(7.3.00 0', -102.00 05 -93.00 00, -01.00 07 -122.00 00 -120.00 09 -026.00 00 -Ilo.00 LIII (.111 I UI 1001 CO 1100 COO 1100 11 1021 li') I 101 020 VI 1200 0? 1007 '/3 1003 0'. 170'. 1171 03 -59.00 07 -1,0.03 00 -'35.0) 0'. -89.0) 00 -00.03 06 -60.00 07 -1(9.00 00 -339.80 69-110.03 00 -'39.07 1121 1121 01 3.730 001200 CIII 171.0 10 P10 13) VI (lIt 00 1307 VI 1103 V'. 1300 1001 ''1 1031 01 -77,30 3' -(5,00 03 -79.05 3'. -63.30 05 -51,,03 06 42.00 01 -77.03 00 -77.00 09 -87.00 00 -77.03 U/ 1330 Co 137.0 COO 3.31.0 13 1031 1131 1001 ((03 ('00 041 VI 1471 02 1,02 00 11,53 VI. 1401, 1141 Cl -72.00 0) -63.7.3 00 -00.00 0'. -54.03 05 -40.03 06 -33.00 01 -72.00 03 72.0O 09 '122.70 03 -352.00 11.1 11'.) 1 UI 141/ CS 150)) CII I'll 00 I'll (02 91 1001 0? 115? .53 1003 1'. ItS'. 1112 00 1013 01 -11(00 0' -015.30 35 -110.40 95 -104,33 04 -50,53 06 -03,00 07 -019.00 08 -119.00 00 -028.00 00 -(19.00 511 1)50 (II'S 1105 11 1 1112 1102 1127 335 703 323' 01 (.751 023.257 53 1753 51, 17335 102701 -113.025? -12.20 03 -94.30 0'. -92.13 05 -83.00 06 -71.0007-113,00 00-113.0009 -(16.00 00 -113.00 1122 1172 50 LI'S') 03(3 LOGS 17 1032 (II) 1 I' 00 132 01 (151 52 1(92 03 1953 5'. 135'. 1032 01 -VIVO III -33.30 03 -04.00 3'. -66.02 05 -59.00 06 -41.00 0? -80,00 05 -32.00 09 -90.20 00 -88.00 110 ('I 80 I'll 101 01 10 -;V'1'/;.' 00(0 1.00 10 5233.? .1,2 .1510 - Timber Division INPUT F. 001)01 00)1 01)00 I. 0,3) 0001)3 708110.0 (hOtS 01,11 10 l)')'i. 700080)1 6), 01 13 335 XLI'. 10 XLI 1) 31,') 002'. 9 OLOI 0. XL,!) .1. C .2 OX CU? XLOI 288 0132 0(0 011) 1,0/ XI'S 15)) 81.1,2 11 211, 1',') /L'.2 06 01',? 0000'.. XL',) 60007 O 01538 8,),) XLI) 00000 00611 0001,! 011)1 00 11)2 'l''IOFCT 00111)1100) ))10 11)3.1)0 1)72 20.80 CC 1) 1" 717) 58.00 1023 01)116 XP'01 00.1) 1, IOu 0') 00011) 00015 ))u1 7 OualS 01)1 1') 00020 00221 03023 U U a 2" 00025 00 02). 01)007 1)1)01) Ii 0002') 0O,.Jd 12231 20282 00,0 .5 3 00 a 30 00,31) ('0 23)' 0803 7 ,2u30 1)03.0 Cu 8'.) 1)01)1,2 0)1)1)1,3 1)000 000,6 1)61, 00,47 0(043 1) 00 0 1 00252 1)0.53 01)6,4 00 a 55 ,031)51. 10057 01)060 0)059 00060 00161 0301.2 Ou 108 0010) 00 399 0011)1 00192 01193 00, 11)'. 001')'.. 00 1') 1, 00197 00198 00 19) 10.1 20 0 00 20 0 00232 00200 1)0200 01)1)05 1)3220 0010? 00200 00201 00213 00211 00212 0') 203 021)0,'. 00215 00216 02717 00210 00219 02226 00 22 1 00 22 0 00 223 00221. 06 221; 00226 00 21) 7 0)1220 00 22') 01)210 01)231 00 2 32 1001)33 1151 03 Xl.!? 0")) 00.00 0l'L? 60.25 0I'o2 6,.03 1)33 1,3.31 001,2 £a.69 yr,2 0'30 X'S) 0)1,6 21)1,3 XL?'. 111)3 571 019', XL',.) 710 1 II") 09.00 8'13 5.01 ('.13 63.31 11,3 5I..,0 8(01) 00.3? 011,2 2,10 8"',) 61.03 Y)'74 '.',.30 ['1)73 ['"01 01).',', XI'!)? 6',. '.1. X'13 01)1 '.3.12 87)3 03.12 II'')? '105000. 0tF01i11109 1 '110 -0.21) '((21 -10.19 P5)) 7'),) I'll I'll) 31 -).o) 1(132 0071 21)) ) lot1101 I? 811 312 611 2007 69.10 1121 '.5.0,1 02.60 1312 1,2,11 1,21 07.31 1,22 57.08 7520 50.00 60.53 55.03 '.2.11 63.31 33.01 (.1.06 102,.' 1,7.63 1211 62.11.! 3222 63.1)3 0131 211 212 311 312 011 -3.00 "106 .010 022 5').)') '7.28 5,.),') 152'S,-.'.) 1)3,30 11,21 .17.13 .35.3? 11,72 0101 2,.01 1701 5,.0j 1172 53.6', 1831 2700 1712 11)11 60.,', 11110 50.10 51)20 1.7.11 192 11)12 1-111 1512 01)1' 027 010', 267 XLS', 30) 2173 011 iLl) 218 0182 0101 X'a3 210', -013', 50.30 .10,53 '.9.53 33,00 ','..9'. 32.12 03.12 1)3 130 1,20 /.1.00 68,00 1171, .17.03 01'11, 30.00 0)'26 33.91 9)3', 31.10 II'',', 20.50 1(5', 05.12 ['OIl, 27.53 1)70 22.01, 7(0', 21,12 01'')', -10.01) P81,1 -0.01) 0(102 '3 73 130 016 331 732 331 332 '.30 032 1)31 532 020 51? '3), 73.2 801 11)2 31)1 1)02 00', 3)31 Si,', 30..)) 1151 32,0,, 5)1,2 31,3!) 35.1.0 121,0 1,'',?. 20.53 13,1 .12,0311)',? 0'..31 1'.',l 30. 31 3062 21.1,) T"',l 27.19 1502 20.32 11,0) 27,31 1!.-.,! 2-).'..) 1761 1)1,,'..) 1/03 15.5', 11161 21.'.'. 1(156 0.02 1951 20.12 1952 16? 0115 253 0.2', 1,12 1)135 8',? 0.1'S 3.'), 210,, ,'', Oil 61,72 21110 0185 2013 X195 55.00 27.00 1015 20.00 1025 2.0..13 0135 70.31 11'65 111.1,8 Y1'5S )'),31) 11'60 17.03 )('75 12.0'. 1P85 11.12 1P95 -5.00 0.60 301.6 0 20.00 .13.10 2.1.30 10.30 23.03 13.1)3 03.31 20.31 00.1,0 25.1,1) 02.12 22.32 1',.53 20.53 1.'.', 8.02 ('1.''. 18.12 05.11) 151''!l)"l P '001 1)112 ''303 '01', 0171 =0192 1(153 0105 '011 ':;21 =531 "8,1 =51? =822 =232 =502 'LII '112 '113 'Li'. '1.15 '[01 -'11? 'L13 '-1,'6 '173 '131 '0)1 '1,3 '1)', 099 'Lot 'LI'? =16.1 =1'', '155 '151 'L'2 '103 '10', LO', 'LOt 01.62 '163 1.11.!, "LOS '3.71 '1.70 L7.' 'LI', '175. 111.32 IL 13 '1'), 'L85 '191 '1)2 '11)1 'I,-)', =)5 "')A 01')) '8/0 IrS;) 01')I '('50 "'(0 -"I'll) 'I'') 18O2L 1013 ?'JY C CL (''115 L5t1 1177.0011 1911 LOt I. 10 6 036 1 S11 1 11)01 '1)5 01 I'S,'. -1.01633393 01)1? P.'6Ji11 1912 L'01 1 III) 0 02) 1 S.12 1 09)? "SC 01 (''02 -1.222)08)0 (''1)11 01.10,1)33)!) 1-11.1 t,,',jriT 9051 Li! 1 1110 1 1)2!. oi',r11 1',21 1320 I)') 1 1903 'SC 01 .01310)0. 01 11)0 LII.) 8813010 10'S? 1)2 1 [10 .1)13101,0 L1)23 1')0 -i P38 01)2 1 S21 I DS1) 1 522 11)3,: P30 1 0 11)31 5110)011 0931 11.11 III) 1 O'JS 1 5)1 1 .801,0503 1721 ''8 -1 71)6 Ii) 1 023 6 ,3.. -t L1)32 11)013011 11)32 L'J.1 .01720.110 01)32 '90 -0 1'3C 1503 /188011 0093 L'13 1 I))) I .057,1313 L331 '90 -1 PSC L8-.','/i'COI',I 13'.! 2'3' 1 IllS 0 01', i 1)01 1 .21)08)165 1')'.) I'll L)o2 1100)011 03'.? Li'. 1 lU 1 054 0 a42 I .2330)001, L5,270'l 013.3 C"S5F1' 9)'J'. 0')', 1 1-10 1 -.2308)1,2 L'1',3 0))) 13) 1)810811 0 130 I'll 1 1111 1 01)43 790. 1.5373731'. 0:111 Hi'')l80t 0811 1)80 1 COY M't L-311 111'401 10 '(131 1)12 1 OUX M'2 183 11)30 ).,Li 1 lI)'OO) II ['11,1 3(13 1,0.1 1091)0)) 1'l!',l 00'. 1 'lilY lIi. 1. 1 )i)'= '11 0(102 5s1 1 0122 l"5U) II 01)22 .152 0 0,33,! 1,1)113 7)130 01)3 131 817001131 88142 1)3', sot ?;10 -i 921 521 '1 5)1 2)1 -1 511 Sot -1 :;I1 2.12 -L 1160 1" 1 111)3 II',! OIlY- ["3 1 0U0 071. - - 0.32 522 -t 11)2 1).),! -1 5'.,! S',2 -1 RI'.; LOIS LII 0111 112 61.11 113 1111 LI'. XL)'. 1)9 XLI'.) 1,!!. 012', L,3.;;t .11 0)01 1011 1),',' L23 0101) [01 XLI'. 71.3'. (.1', 3)30 11)12030 01.31 Li,! .1..),' ,,.Il 1,113 LI', LI,,, 01',', L'.',Xl.'.'l LI);-;L'.I 0100 162'I,)',!L',) XL'.) LOS 812', ,O 33 II 8'.', I',) 81.1 L',.' 5.. 111 ,01'J 15. XL'''. SI ',', 1,,' 011.0 L)'.. LII 81.).) ('1 (III L6I 'L'S 1.1.', 10 23-0 17581.1', of'; XL7'0 01 XLII LI.! ,17! ,,73 0'.?.) LI)..,. 06 011.0 10', 610'. 81.3'. LII'. LII 11,11 182 81,1, 193 ,L,)3 002',l o,-,;; 00,02 L,1,;1 1')) OIlS 1-I,! 8)''.: 11)1 51)3 1')'. OL I'. 1')', Xl')', 00 23', 0023', 00 2,16 0623/ 0. 71,3 00 00', 0001'.'. 001)1.6 003 00'.- Xl'. LOS, 0!') 6)11 [[VI VI),. 1)-I, LII,.') 1180 (-('0 032 '2)12 1)01 303 3S'. 30'. L0,'I IC) II) 11)1)00 008 .1531,00 1)1.1,', 6', 315 1056 2)0 007 /0 '.10 020 '.1)5 -9.00 -10.00 -12.1/ -10.1,') -17.1)2 1!.l,'1 '0.0.1,7 -23,56 -1)',. 01) 185 186 Milling Division OUTPUT G. 00/truES 01 09.1 lOtOlilt II) 3.C.1 .001.0 TP 8585 = 1500IF0l1 15.1111 ROWS SECT 0055 IN)) ROil O1_ 0,? 2 2 03 1 00. 2 07 05 05 00 Vt REPORT UPPER LIMIT IRVIL SLACO ACTIVITY 209972. 1121055 -233077.5 12)01, 501 0)5' 1111)00 P 15SF P 15SF -0,'. 7)00. 1141.01, 551 1SF P1510 555 lIP P 1580 200527. 550'.21 351355.015..)), 4005,53.7721,27 1.3055,7. 135130 174358.393755 2 209977.117,1. 2 7 7 167391 2'00309 209917. 112101, 2 0)977 , 11 20055 100470 105)37 -295501.. 150/0 .41041.5.777 '.77 -516997. 1.50633 -55)90,51., 31,3)1,5 -201)77.117134 55055' 00)50 MO 'SF 105SF 01155' Ill SF 2J1917. 102505 -142390. 705309 -2391.17. 107036 III ISP Ill liP F 84 F F 0008, 071 1010 -1.1 0000 Pill F P 11SF 01557 P IMP F V2 009977.017106 -50. 403 00 -44 5 330 4 -33.000(0 -74.100'.) F -132 .500 03 -76.06301, Col F -0 .2 00 00 Cliv' P SO C'13 F Si F 52 livi -72.00030 -36. 130 00 -0.30007 F PU, FT J 870.00002 ft (,) 8 I) i'TSJ'. tl?1 U F 01SF 1900. ITO CO 66. 05 000 5115SF 551)50 137.00000 551 1sF 800.00000 19(0.12000 (.6. 00 10) 132.00000' F LL3I -0 .133 0) -0. lqOO'J -0.1300311 1373.70)131 1055.677 910 - I I 01.0,1 -S .873024 F' 88i '.120 F .132 P 11',2 7. F 1.0' ç . (c) 1'. .1 9521 - (.0) SO 6 U B ..,..(,) Ill)) COLUOPO '' Vill 5211 831 ( .1 012) F F F F 8 1 3 0 B. 802 V',3 3 Sit.) F F F F 5/i t S31 I 0413 5121 8 S201, 1. S32 I S',ZJ 528 9 L,.., CO C,S)'2J 50 1 F.000J 001) IV? 173 II 8 8 8 B II 1j0 -'-'-' Is', tilt 0 701.2561.76 71 . 23 9 510 200 01.5002 71 7 017094 7263 .31,1101. 303. 033000 560.100 601. 0736015 500.030090 619 8, 71,2 77 200. 000103 5402.505002 755 ,3,,4)09 1701,3.672577 "7 V 00 CC 0 65)0;) 0 27 EU 5, 03 0 10 '700 13 0 575 01,0 5, 0 0 100000 120 021710 5,,) 1.03000 090 COO 000030 1?? 'flU 7) 0 10 6231.00 72 002610 31, 764)70. 725.51, 130 00 0 1.90 (3 0 110'I12.O'J0'.'i 6010 605 ('0 0 'JO) 7) 2 U 1 8 B B I 1. 7 1)502 50 15552 1 11111 I. ISO/I B k I SI 5 St 0 II -ass 3(0.00003 330.00160 20,. . Cl) £0 170.00006 200.30078 107.011073 71.00030 305.06000 760.5)91,74 103.10000 5.00 . 100 00 1 00 . 063510 200.'siOOO I £0 . 51511)00 65.0. 00210 UPPER ).0S'IT 360 .00 3100 330 . 00 100 0 .200.000310 100.05 3 00 0 01'lF 001SF P1115' 00SF 200.000005 700. 00 0 00 600. 00 0000 500.300000 F 11SF P1550 P lIP 1.50 510 0 11,5, 03 0 0 iSP P 0 55 F p P5N P P 1SF P 1)17 0' I'll O 1150 P 11SF 6 .5 3904 3.70000 8.71,3 0'. 2.30300 1.0 0000 6. 260 8', 7 .300 00 13 230 1.'. 1.00000 6 . tOGS) 6.40300 1 3 .3005'. 7 .0, 510 00 I .3 00 02 .501', 57 P1550 01550 015SF 010SF 1. 03') 3') P 15SF .06'. 52 P 10 01150 1.50 03 5 P 1110 I' 11,0 8 O 1550 5' 1150 5,1.01511 I, .4 00 00 P 110 F 01550 5)155 10)10 -05 0,53 00 10.6(008 13.5390', 6.60000 P ISO P1)40 P 1SF P1150 05550 P )550 II 115 7550 8070656 COST P 10SF I' iosr 7)2?. 1.55275. 3'031 -77 -51.5 LOWER 111100 P005' 8 339. .22157 101,5 5101'F 505 07.0)0 -'5') 51)0 (0) .077 -II'S o 115.7 I'S o 5 1913.06255,0 05555 4000.000000 P 05SF P 11SF -113 150117 -555 1)0 5,0 -07 III)) 7,5 0 -122 0510650 O 301,5.'0S,7',41 . 670.00000'0 1700.000000 6340.000000 3010.000030 150030.000600 01557 SIlO 015 0 55 0115/ 7110005 131) 0,50 1016.377756 3511.t,61Yh1 511sF '.51111)01 - 17? 1,s VI;;.) 334. '.2015 1 . 15)31 357700 I. U LS51.1 C 70 5'.) 0 2)0000 001030 17 300 1.55 0 175, 016000 1131 (.1/? 11.1? 11,2 IV 5,0 0 3? 600 03 0 700,5'?. 01.7103 504'. 00 7 1110)1' COlUMNS SECTION P.Er001 130(03 50)000 8 8 1147) 0508. 03)70 77 11.31 1112 15.22 11.171 150. 000 303 703 £77. 2)0)0 '.31.733)39 2460.539109 COJEC JIVE 0805.15) 303 IC 0002 300.670023 200.000300 I II. I hilt IL',Ol' 31.0002 020800 0280 255676 I. 0 I 1)551 18.70.062 01110 5' ISIS' r'0sSr '15,0 o tO P I .1933'lT 8.105001 5 69302', 187 Timber Division OUTPUT Fl. 1.C.2 00/15/71 0010 Oil')) 1101100(1 5007100 10085 111(1 IO20L SLACK ACOJVI1Y P1I'-(OI'I I - 0 37.3-173.110505 -351973.505505 1102 F 003 ovi 003 002 ISO 10010 LilliT UPPER L1I(1T 141 01 DUAL DCOIV1T 1. 000 70 P1_liE " 301.5 (13000 1 2927.00(00. 393.01.000 2'327. 0000.00 3931. 6600.00 10220 . 11(170101 33'.. 092000 3060.075200 330 F (ç' (I 00101122 - LOGS 1111<11101 010,1 - 1 000000 -11. .11 00 03 33'. .0 3002 -7.00000 -3. 000 00 -6.00600 -3. 00(120 -1 00070 301,7.00001 2027 .0 26 01 3331.00330 1. 00 DuO F- 01-7 520 031 F 5'0 012 022 330 F P 5.2 Ill 11? F 11'. 0.. 7(0003 333.1.000.. 157. 5013065 '.0.050200 0 113 F F I 115 j F -146 192 11 0 121.7.00'.', r 0 [0 0931'. P'3C1(.POD) 0 0 15003.000001 1251.55.500052 U OUO - (il 0 1012 1)21 17.000000 0 05.200000 1 1122 1123 II LiOl II I I 1050k 115? f 11.3 -. 3" 1003 1912 - 1903 1021 II 1923 1031 '1432 1 L I. I U 933 101.1 '133 190.3.. LULl'S 1 1(30 11122 1 Ok 0 1302.83909') 310 521 1 522 53 01.2 5O1 S11 .502 0. 1'1:Ul 0 I 1 500- 0 1 11(301 10'.2) '.3.110035 11.l?1'000 76.101231 0 331..0U3303 1 30(5. 00000.1 0 19'.'.. 10.100) 3030.003003 1. II (0....,.4671( 1 0 0 ' PIll' 01(19 0 0 0 -15.3(7302 -03'..!, -25.5/2009 1'. .50 7517 O100CLC COST 3. 000 00 I') 'II' l'IOF 11110 011.0 - 11(00- F I iF 0; (0 .0 0000 .00000 01100 .0 00 00 01(1 3.00060 Fill' P001' P 1SF PIN? ('11? Pill' P OAF 00111' 01 IF 00)11 I' 1)19 Fill? or loll? I'll'? 11111 poor 10110 FOlIO 1)01' I' 1)11 - I'S.)? PIlE - 0 P 001 F 01)11' - 0 .0 0)51 roll? (1 22.41204 11'.'. 1208 -23 .5 3? 61 01119 0 18.1000-00 0 57 . I. 0 245 0(110 POlIO 21. 1C!C0C .1 -0 0111.8 11(111 O 0 (1 15-100 00200 352000 .00030 0 -0. Ool 00 -4. 0?u0 4. 0u000 1 0 0 1 50.1.121,0 UCl't'lOT -20. 095LQ -'.. 076220 -00. 0,10000 -10. 0060)3 -1. 003.0(1 -0.00000 1) - '.5 .979(65 10010 (I'll 0 11. 0 Zo 019 0 0 0 1 00217 0 0 0 121.7401'.'. - 0 SLOT 1-OIl 30!. 020050 (.3 I. .08000 II (11 1)0 ',3.i20-O0 0 1 8000.000000 53.121.130 0.1.59306 0 117.113111 11.0.03150? 1 1902 111(2 - 0 0 02.120030 '.7.12301(0 0 0 1 U -9.520.100 '.0.000000 1 1 01(10 37. .001)00 2'.. 2.30030 3'.. 00(1.30 27. 000w,0 (1 8 Il 10.02 1,1(01 ' II 1 1 0 19)'. 510 001 333.600001' 0 107.000060 II 010110 59. 0005)1 69. 320.00 110. 100030 35.300-3u 0 0 1 II, 1 0 3 3000 371.13 2',! 3.013000 495 003033 OIOIF (.3.0301-36 19. 00000 58. 301.03? 0 1 8 O 1(3 'iàoOoôóO 11(110 P7. -L6 0-70 C 1 107 00600 5 111110 0 0113000101 0807110 180 111' 1.'. . 011070 0 0 0 2200'.'.. 1.09058 COLUIllIS COLUOPI 113? 1133 7. 5'.SLfl', 573.83o0-3'l '.35.i.I,I,.,4 135',. 7(1112 373.200856 1111. 2113'1Q3 0 (CII £31) 0'. j.).'.00550 II 19'. 1.1, 10.000000 60.032060 333.200030 067. (P00(30 7.I,593'(5 191.150131 0 1') 333. 0020010 10 070000 56.603000 10.000700 U 110(10 1(0(1 (101 Ill IF II:, 01110 P 11(1 Pill F 3.00000 3.00000 3.00222 3.00010 3.00000 3.00)10 188 Appendix 4. ALTERNATIVES TO DIVISIONAL DOMINANCE APPROACH FOR ALLOCATING LOGS IN A DECENTRALIZED FIRM There are several alternatives for divisional dominance for solving log allocation problems through transfer pricing in a decentralized forest products firm. One of theiii is divisional negotiations after top. management has announced some transfer prices. same disadvantage as negotiated transfer prices: ing. It has the it leads to bargain- Finding solutions to bargaining problems is beyond the scope of this study. Other suggested approaches are: shadow price allocation decomposition allocation price adjustment allocation Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in this appendix. Shadow prices, meaningful as transfer prices, are hard to find. When implemented they easily lead disequilibrium of internal demand and supply of logs. This results in uneconomic decisions. Decomposition approach does not provide the divisional managers freedom to execute the allocation. It involves a great number of information exchange iterations between headquarters and divisions which is time consuming and expensive. Also price adjustment method requires iterations. It does not necessarily lead to a feasible optimal allocation in a finite number of steps. Divisional dominance is the decentralized log allocation approach used in this study. It produces always an equality of internal demand 189 and supply. It provides the dominant division with full freedom of making log allocation decisions given some transfer prices. Divisional dominance procedure does not necessarily require information exchange iterations. The actual market or timber resource oriented organizations of forest products firms today are close to the dominance formulations presented in Appendix 1 .2. 1 90 Appendix 4.1. Shadow Price Allocation If the headquarters has perfect knowledge about the divisional production function, prices and costs, it could solve the corporate problem, as in Appendix 1.1., and find the optimal allocation. If the company is centralized headquarters announces the optimal allocation. Transfer prices do not have a role in log allocation. The information and log flows are as those of Fig. 4.2.a. Top management might, however, try to follow the resource allocation theory of a socialist decentralized economy, discussed in Chapter 3. It would announce shadow prices as log transfer prices. Or the sum of the harvesting cost and shadow prices could be used as transfer prices as suggested by Solomons (p. 191). The divisions would choose their log allocation schedules by maximizing their profits independently on each other given these transfer prices. The sum of their profits would be the corporate profit. These procedures have been developed for simple problems with only a few sources of logs. For every source there is a log availability constraint and a shadow price. The opportunity cost character of a shadow price lets us quess that the shadow prices might vary from log class to log class. Ideally each log class would come from only one source so that there would be as many shadow prices as there are log classes. It would be wrong to assign different prices for homogeneous logs from different sources. 191 Shadow price procedure Our does not work for our, case firm. allocation problem of Appendix 1.1 has, one one hand, log availability constraints for homogeneous logs from different sources (constraints These sources are the several tracts. (4)). For 1 tracts and 3 log classes we have I x 3 constraints with I xJ shadow prices although we are looking for only 3 shadow prices. No theoretically correct way has yet been presented in management science literature for taking 3 "average" or "representative" values for the I x 3 shadow prices. There is also a shadow price connected with the overall harvesting possibility constraint (7a). price? Could we use its shadow as a log transfer It is not desirable for transfer price, either, because it suggests only one price for all the log classes. Even if the problem of identifying shadow prices as transfer prices was solved their implementation would cause problems. sion 'manager A divi- might not agree about the outside market prices, costs, capacities, etc., with the top management's "perfect knowledge". He would then allocate logs differently from what the optimal centralized solution suggests. An outward sign of the resulting allocational dis- harmony between divisions is the inequality of internal log supply and demand. This disharmony causes the shadow price allocation to fail. It can be avoided by negotiating and readjusting the prices or inducing additional restrictions to the divisions. Both the decomposition allocation and price adjustment allocation approach are based on readjustments. They are discussed below. Charnes, Clower and Kortanek 192 (p. 310) call additional corporate restrictions preemptive goals. Baron (p. 171) uses term guideline constraints. The guiding and enforcing constraints of log allocation under divisional dominance belong to this category. They have been discussed in Chapter 4. 193 Appendix 4.2. Decomposition Allocation Decomposition theory was redeveloped in 1960 when Dantzig and Wolfe (pp. 767-778) created their linear program decomposition algorithm. Since then it has been extended to nonlinear programs. But perhaps a more important extension of this purely computational method has been its use in the economic theory of decentralization (Dantzig, pp. 455466). Baumal and Fabian (pp. 1-32) have presented the exact structure and numerical examples of Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm in decentralization. Several algorithms have been developed which resemble it (e.g. Balas, pp. 847-873 Hass, pp. B3l0-B331; Whinston, pp. 405-447). Before this algorithm decomposition methods--also then suggested to be used in decentralization--were based on gradient adjustment procedures. The convergence of these procedures to optimum took infinite iterations (i-lass, p. B3l2). Jennergren has compared the theoretical properties of several mathematical decentralized resource allocation methods. He ranks Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm as the second best of them for linear programs after divisional trading procedures (Jennergren, p. 84). Equal Milling And Timber Division We wish to see whether optimal corporate allocation can be found while letting the divisions maximize their profits independently of each other, without any external enforcing or guiding constraints for a division to allocate logs. This would seem to mean more divisional 194 freedom than a divisional dominance allocation allows. Figure A.4.l.a. shows the information and log flows of the procedure. Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm is an iterative method. It should converge to an optimal solution after one feasible solution has been found (Dantzig and Wolfe, p. 772; Fabian, pp.5, 24-31). Burton etal., p. 310; Baumol and The algorithm has the following steps: The headquarters announces aset of tentative transfer prices or the log classes. It asks the profit maximizing timber division about its profits and supply schedule and the profit maximizing milling division about its demand schedule given these prices. The divisions solve their divisional allocation problems independently of each other, and report back to headquarters their optimal allocations and profits. Depending on whether the milling or timber division buys logs the mills solve problem of type (A), or (E) of Appendix 1. The timber division solves problem of type (B) without constraint (4), or (C) of Appendix 1.2. The headquarters uses divisional allocations and profits as an input to a master program. The master program finds the weighted average of the divisional allocations which yields the highest corporate profit. For every acceptable solution internal log demands must equal to supplies. produces a shadow price for each log class. The program Nonnegative 195 I laflocS trial transfer prices mill. division I (sale (end product markets) divisional profits Iand div. orofits headquarters internal enforcingJ._l9g_ j log deli veries supplies = demands at execution transfer prices sales -.--.-_------- i / allocation proposals and divisional profits timber division > log market pur- 'chases div. profit Figure A.4.l.a. _tri a ltransferpriCes - ---1 'allocation Iproposals and their - - - - - 1 sawmi 11 veneer division tend product markets) sales division 1profits dlv div. profit .rofit 't 'ii headqua rters I. enforcing intj log supplyJ corp. profit i trial tio.n allocation and profits I - deliveries w timber division transfer prices internal log = demands at execu- sales log market 1 div. profit pu r- chases Figure A.4.l.b. Figure A.4.l.a-b. Notation: Information and log flows of Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm organization of equal milling and timber divisions (Fig. a) and of two milling divisions and a dominated timber division (Fig. b). --+information flow -+ log flow 196 shadow prices are announced as new log transfer prices. Negative prices are announced as transfer prices with zero val ues. The divisions solve the sub-problems and report their optimal allocations and profits to the headquarters as in step 2. The iterations continue until some master program solution gives the same solution as the previous one. From that point shadow prices would not change in new iteration, either. The last iteration produces the optimal convex combination of the allocations of all previous iterations. At the execution step the headquarters enforces the optimal log allocation. This step reveals the most obvious disadvant- age of Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm. In execution... division managers must be told what combination of their proposals they must employ. There is no automatic motivation mechanism which will lead division managers to arrive at such a combination of outputs of their own volition." (Baumol and Fabian, p. 14). The divisions, although enjoying decentral- ization in the information exchange phase, have no freedom to actually allocate logs. in the execution. The master program is: (A) Maximize Transfer prices do not play any role 197 I K t t R (°) k=O Mk t=l subject to T K M0t (l) tl kl ' k K I k=i t=i XM = 0 - forj =1,...,J T Mkl (2) fork= t= 1 where the variables are: Mkt = weights to be given to division k allocation at iteration t --k = 0 is timber division; divisions; k = l,...K are milling t = l,...,T are information exchange iterations where the constants are: Rkt = division k profit at iteration t, $ jk = timber division supply of class j logs to mill k at iteration t, MBF xjkt = mill k demand for class j logs at iteration t, MBF 198 Constraints (1) equate the internal supply and demand of logs and produce the J shadow prices for the next iteration. Constraints (2) guarantee that for each division, the sum of the convex combination weights is one. Although an optimal allocation can be found the algorithm may require thousands of iterations for an ordinary linear programming problem (Charnes, Clower and Kortanek, p. 297). Pilot computations for milling division of Appendix l.2.(A), timber division of Appendix 1.2. CC) and the master program (A) above have shown that this is a serious problem. The shadow prices of the master program constraints (1) which equate internal log supply and demand oscillated irregularly from small negative to large positive numbers without seeming to converge. Inclusion of guiding constraints to the divisional problems does improve the algorithm performance. Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm does not work in orqanizations where log supplier and log user divisions can independently send their allocation suggestions in response to transfer prices set by top management. Two Milling Divisions And A Dominated Timber Division Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm has originally been designed for firms with a nonindependent raw materials procurement division (timber division) and autonomous milling divisions (cf. Baumol and Fabian, pp. 1-32). Dantzig, p. 455). This organization is shown in Figure A.4.l.b (cf. The driving force of the decomposition algorithms 199 are -infeasible allocations for the timber division. This has resulted in one of their names: "infeasibility-pricing decomposition method," The infeasibilities produce nonzero used by Balas (pp. 847-873). shadow prices which are used as transfer prices in the iteration. The master program then includes only the milling divisions' allocations and profits. The objective is to find the optimal convex combination tf milling divisions'internal log allocation suggestions given some transfer prices. The following formulation is for an organization where the K milling divisions buy external logs: K (B) Maximize k=i tl subject to 1i\ U) K T t I x ki tl J K . ljk k T (3) ) T j k=l t=l Mt forj=l,...,J a. 3 mp. x j=l L- t NI = 1 ojk L M F k for k = l,..,K t=l where the variables are: = weights to be given to milling division k allocation at iteration t -k=l,..., =l,...,T 200 where the constants are: = milling division k profit at iteration t,. $ Rk. = milling division k internal log demand of class j logs at Xljk iteration t, MBF = milling division k purchases of external class j logs at Xojk iteration t, MBF = class j log market price, $/MBF mp = availability of internal class j locis, MBF F = total amount of money at which external logs can be purchased,$ Constraints (1) show the log availabilities of internal logs. They produce the J transfer prices which are used in the iteration. (J+])th Constraints (2) show the availabilities of external logs. Constraints (3) guarantee that for each milling division, the sum of the convex combination weights is one. The decomposition algorithm did not produce very good results in an experiment with the case firm. The corporate profits were about $40,000 less than those of the best mill dominance allocation which this decomposition approach resembles. It took,however, less than ten iterations to arrive at this optimal sol uti on. Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm and other decomposition methods based on it may be useful in solving some types of log allocation problems. In those problems, the timber division is a nonautonomous part of the headquarters and the company has several milling divisions. For reach- 201 ing the objectives of this study decomposition algorithms cannot be used. They have the most undesirable property that the divisions have no freedom to execute the log allocation. this right to itself. The headquarters reserve Transfer prices are used for collecting info- rmation to the headquarters but not for executing the top managenient's decisions. 202 Appendix 4.3. Price Adjustment Allocation It is appealing to think a firm as a miniature economy. nal The inter- log supplies and demands would be direct functions of their prices. Headquarters could act as the famous "invisible hand" of Adam Smith in quiding allocation proposals by divisions towards equilibrium. This guidance would occur through transfer prices only to minimize top management's interference as is shown in Figure A.4.2. Price adjust- ment procedure is an iterative process based on these ideas. It has the following steps (cf. Jennergren, pp. 30-31): 1 . The headquarters announces a set of tentative transfer prices for the log classes. It asks the timber division about its supply schedule and the mills about their demand schedule given these prices. The divisions solve their allocation problems and report back tothe headquarters their optimal allocation and profits. Depending on whether the milling or timber division purchases log mills solve problem of type (A) or (E) of Appendix 1.2. The timber division solves a problem of type (B) without constraints (4), or of type (C) of Appendix 1. The headquarters compares supplies and demands. If they do not match, it computes and announces a new set of tentative transfer prices: 203 I- - trial transfer prices I milling allocation di vision proposals enforci n (end product market) div. profit 11' headquarters sales) / transfer internal log deliveries prfes at execution corp. jrofi t 1, Ltri al transfer L prices / timber division ales ' allocation proposals Figure A.4.2. Notation: div. profit log market purchases Information and log flows of price adjustment organization. - --> information flow > log flow 204 tp. t+l [0; tp max + t) Ft X ( k'l where tt+l 13k X - k1 ojk J = trial transfer price of class .i logs at iteration t+l $/MBF tp t . . trial transfer price of class j logs at iteration t; $/MBF Xljkt = internal demand of class j logs of milling division k at iteration t, MBF Xojk internal supply of class j logs to milling division k at iteration t Ft adjustment factor expressing the size of the movement from transfer price at iteration t to new price at iteration t+l; FtOfort=l,...,TandFt=0fortT+l. - j = 1,...,J; k l,...,K; t = l,...,T The divisions solve the sub-problems and report back to the headquarters their optimal allocation and profits, as in (2). The iterations continue until the internal supplies and demands match. The last iteration produces the optimal trans- fer prices, optimal allocation and maximum corporate profit under price adjustment procedure. At the execution step the headquarters announces the optimal transfer prices. The divisions allocate logs as they indicated in the last iteration. 205 Price adjustment procedure is a simple method. It is economically more meaningful than decomposition allocation where divisions do not have the true right to allocate. It does not deny freedom from one of the divisions as does dominance allocation (Jennergren, p. 40). The procedure may require a great many of information exchange iterations. The most important drawback of the price adjustment procedure is that it only works when divisional profit functions are strictly concave (Jennergren, p. 40; cf. Kortanek, p. 74). This results from the phenomenon known as alternative optima (Hadley, p. 99). It causes distorted results in iterative linear programming problems. Price adjustment method does not then necessarily lead to a feasible optimal solution in a finite number of steps. used in this study. This is the reason why it is not 206 Appendix 5. MULTIPERIOD LINEAR PROGRAM FORMULATIONS As examples of possible multiperiod (say, 5 years with 20 quarters) decentralized log allocation formulations we present the millThe ing division and timber division programs under mill dominance. mills determine their internal log demands each period given transfer The timber division has to deliver the prices by top management. Mills buy logs from the logs demanded by harvesting timber tracts. The milling division program resembles that of outside market. Appendix l.2.(A): (A) Maximize sales revenues K M T t (0) zpkm t t Zkm m=l k'l tl costs of purchasing and processing internal logs - 0 - -------------------------------------------------------- - K -' T t V' tPjk Xljk tt 3 f - K T t 5 lJk jk tt j=l k=I t=l j=l k=1 t=l costs of purchasing and processing external logs 0 c' -'K L c'T t mpk X.k OK T v t t f j=l k=l t=l - t t t pC.k ? j=l k=l t=l subject to K (la) kl t km - Zk = S t-1 t - for m = 1,... ,M; t = 1,... ,T desired end product buffer stocks 207 K (ib) ELt Zkm for minimum end product order m = 1,... ,M; k= 1 t = 1,... ,T 3 km jl - rJkffl (qt q.t) recoveries 0 for m = 1,... ,M; k = 1,... ,K; t = 1,... q.t) LT (i processing time for k = mpt jl Ft Xik external log availability fork=1,...,K T K for ] k=l t=1 (6) 3KI x j=1 k'1 Uk t t (7) + XO.k X]jk 1,... ,T t t - - 0Jk internal log availability minimum harvest desired log buffer stock at mills t-1 t - Uk tXLt fort 3 - Lik for j = l,...,J; k = 1,...,K; t = 1,... ,T where the variables are: Zkm = end product m sales from mill k in period t, MBM Xljk = class j internal logs received by mill k in period t, MBF Xojk = class j external logs purchased from outside 208 market to mill k in period t, MBF qt = class j internal logs processed at mill k in period t, MBF qt class j external logs processed at mill k in period t, MBF 'km = end product m processed at mill k in period t, MBM --j = l,...,J; k = m l,...,M; t=l,...,T where the coefficients are ZPkm = net selling price of end product m at mill k in period t, $/MBM pcjkt = log class j processing cost at mill k in period t, $/MBF mpjkt = log class j market price at mill k in period t, $ /M B F tPjk = transfer price of class j logs to mill k in period t, $/MBF = discount factor for period t rjkm = recovery of end product m from class j logs at mill k, MBM/MBF tik = log class j processing time at mill k, shifts/MBF where the constraint right-hand-side constants are: Smt = desired end product m buffer stock in the end of period t, MBM 209 ELt = minimum demand of end product m in period t, MBM Tk = total no. of eight-hour shifts available during each period at mill k Ft = total amount of money at which outside market logs can be purchased in period t, $ maximum amount of class j logs available internally in period t, MBF XL .. t = minimum total harvest in period t, MBF = desired mill k log class j inventory in the end Ljkt of period t The milling division anticipated profits before fixed costs and taxes are discounted end product sales net revenues minus costs of using internal or external logs. tion of internal q0. The mills are involved in acquisi(x0..t) logs, logs (x1..t) and external t) are processed to end products are sold each period t. t) ( (q1t, and end products (z. t) The mills maintain both end product and log inventories which prevent stockouts in the changing periodic raw material acquisition and end product demand conditions. Constraints (la) and (7) regulate procurement and production according to buffer stock requirements. Constraints (lb) show the unfilled or antici- pated minimum end product orders. milling processes. in the mills. Constraints (2) and (3) regulate Constraint (4) depicts the log market situation Constraints (5) and (6) are guidelines of wood acquisition which guarantee feasible harvesting by timber division. 210 Under mill dominance the timber division has the following multiperiod linear program which resembles the program of Appendix 1 .2. (B): (B) Maximize discounted net revenues from internal deliveries of harvested logs J I T K ijk i=l j=l k=l t=l ijk discounted net revenues from external sales of harvested logs J I + \ T L.. ( t mp i=1j=l t=l t sc. j - ft hc3) 3 - subject to I K t -, (1) k=0 t=l ijk LX.. - 13 t for i = l,...,I; j = log availability in tracts ,... K xk - (2) t dijt Xij+lk = 0 k=0 tract log class structure for i = 1,...,I; j = l,...,J-l; t = 1,... ,T 1 3 Y V' T K i=l j=l k=O t=l 3 I T (4) maximum and minimum harvest x.k xLt l tl IT? x. il t=l XUt ' T K j1 ' kt x. kt = Xkt 13 for j = l,...,J mills' log demand 211 where the variables are: Xijk = harvesting of class j logs in tract i for mill k (k = l,...,K), or for outside market (k=O) in period t, MBF ---i = 1,...,I; j = 1,...,J; k = O,...,K; t where the coefficients are: hcjjkt = log class j logging and transportation cost in tract i sct for mill k in period t, $/MBF cost of selling class j logs to outside market in period t, $/MBF = log class 3 market price in period t, $/MBF tPjk = transfer price of class j. logs to mill k in period t, $/MBF = discount factor of period t dijt = ratio of log class j quantity to log class j + 1 quantity in tract i and period t (= where the constraint right-hand-side constants are: = amount of class j logs available in tract i and period t, MBF xut = maximum desired harvest by timber division in period t, MBF XLt = minimum desired harvest by timber division in period t, MBF Xjk = log class j internal demand by mills in period t, MB F 212 Timber division anticipated net revenues are the discounted net income from internal and external log sales minus cost of harvesting and selling external logs. The harvesting cost includes only the periodic logging and transportation costs. Computation of user costs as in Appendix 2.3 is not necessary in the multiperiod problem. The number of tracts (I) is not fixed for all periods but new public or company timber tracts enter the computations in any period 1...20 when theybecome accessible for harvest through road building. Although of longer term than the programs of Appendix 1 this formulation does not try to optimize such intermediate and long time range decisions as road building and bidding. The idea behind pro- gram Appendix 1.2.(C) was to solve a one period problem repeatedly when the time comes to decide quarterly harvesting of accessible tracts. costs. The myopia is partly overcome by the inclusion of user The idea behind this program is to solve a, say 20 period, problem repeatedly when the time comes to decide quarterly harvesting of accessible tracts. The myopia is overcome by inclusion in the computations of tracts which come accessible after period The gains through increased precision of using a multiperiod 1. in- stead of a one period model may not be great, however, since there still remains the task of finding expected values for the uncertain future prices, costs, etc. immensely. The computational burden also increases As a result of several computational experiments the writer recommends that linear programming or other mathematical 213 optimization techniques than two periods. might notbe applied for problems with more To reduce the costs of timber division calcula- tions simple FORTRAN simulations resembling user cost computations of Appendix 2.3 instead of mathematical programming could be used. This recommendation holds especially for small firms with limited research and development budgets. C-, 214 Appendix 6. JOINTLY OPTIMAL TRANSFER PRICES FOR DIVISIONAL MANAGERS: A SPECIAL CASE A major part of this study has dealt with a corporate profit maximizing top management choosing transfer prices. The level of top management satisfaction is a linear function of the corporate profit as a sum of the divisional profits: Uc = alco = a(Mmd + where u0 Mco top management utility Mmd Mtd = corporate, milling division and timber division profit a = constant Figure A.5.l . shows the before fixed cost, tax and stumpage divisional profits of the ten best transfer prices under mill dominance as an example (column 3 of Table 4.1). The optimal transfer price is TP7 with the highest sum of the abscissa (Mmd) and ordinate (Mtd) Top management might, however, set a minimum limit for a division's profits. This could happen when the division manager has an influen- tial position in the top management. In Figure A.5.l., for example, only transfer prices producing a milling division before fixed cost, tax and stumpage profit over $230,000 could be acceptable. the points above line b viould be feasible. Then only The requirement causes TP3 to replace TP4 as the optimal transfer price. The top management preferences can be depicted by the lexicographic utility function of Milling division profit, $1000 215 _TP 260 p3 240 b p4 p p2 P 340 320 Figure A.5.l. 360 400 420 40 'G0 Timber division profit, $1000 A boundary of milling and timber division profits of several transfer prices, and a lower milling division profit acceptance level (b). Top myt. utility Hilling division profit, $1000 .80 TP6 260 I 0 .60 Ic' 240 I Acceptable transfer prices .40 TP 220 TP9 .20 200 TP alP4 T7 Nonacceptable trans fer prices F 550 560 Figures A.5.2.a. and b. 580 570 Corporate profit, $1000 550 560 570 580 Corporate profit, $1000 A lexicographic utility function of the milling division and Corporate profits and the partitioning of several transfer prices to acceptable and nonacceptable. Utility utd (c=200) 1.00 u0 (c=300) .80 .60 .40 .20 200 Figure A.5.3. 400 600 800 Exponential milling division (Umd) ProfIt, $1000 timber division (utd) and Corporate (uco) utility functions (u = 1 - elk) for profits (M). 216 It is linear for milling division profits greater Figure A.5.2.a. than $230,000.. Top management utility for actions producing mill profits less than or equal to that amount is negarive infinity. Only transfer prices TP3 and TP6 remain acceptable as we can see in Figure A.5.2.b. If top management consists of a group of profit maximizing divisional managers it might seek for a Pareto-optimal transfer price. In our example it is found on the piecewise linear boundary of Figure A.5.l. Transfer prices TP9 and TP10 are dominated by others and lie to the left of the boundary. Every boundary point has a supporting tangent line or h1M + h2Mtd = k 1td = k Mmd - where h1 1; h1,h2, k are constants The Pareto-optimal point has a supporting tangent line with a slope h1*/h2*. Constants h1* and h2* cannot be determined "objectively" but their values are found through bargaining between divisional managers (cf. Raiffa, pp. 204-5). If top management consists of utility maximizing division managers who are not indifferent to risk the analysis of Figure A.5.l. is not possible. Replacing divisional profits by divisional utilities would become necessary. comparisons. Dean, p. 52). But this would lead to interpersonal utility Interpersonal utility comparisons do not work (Halter and Raiffa has presented, however, a special form of expo- nential utility function of conservative group members. He has 217 demonstrated that from the utility function of the individuals, a group function can be constructed that produces a Pareto-optimal solution (Raiffa, pp. 210-11). The utility function of the n individ- uals (1) and group (co) are of the following form: Ui = = 1 - e1iki n M/ - Uco (M0) = 1 - e i=l Figure A.5.3. shows possible divisional and corporate utility functions for the before fixed cost, tax and stumpage profits of forest products firm. a The optimal top management transfer price is found by maximizing the expected corporate utility of function Uco as in Chapter 5 of this study.