MINUTES Student Activity Fee Board Meeting Friday, October 10, 2010 111 HUB

Student Activity Fee Board Meeting
Friday, October 10, 2010
111 HUB
Board Members:
Jack Rayman, Senior Director, Career Services; Chair, Student Activity Fee Board
Careen Yarnal, Faculty Senate Committee on Student Life, Penn State University Park
Matthew J. Swatchick, Director of Student Affairs, Penn State Schuylkill
Marika Marrett, CCSG Representative, Wilkes Barre
Mohamed Raouda, CCSG President
Jimmy Baker, CCSG Representative, New Kensington
Paul Ferrera, CCSG Representative, Altoona
Mark Donovan, UPAC Chair
Colleen Smith, UPUA Representative
Jon Lozano, GSA Representative
Mark Cannon, UPUA President
Mary Edgington, Senior Director, Union and Student Activities
Ken Miller, Sr. Director of Student & Enrollment Services Rep, Behrend Campus, CCSG
Welcome and Roll Call
Roll call was taken.
Adoption of the Agenda
A motion to accept the agenda was made by Mohamed Raouda and a 2nd by Jon Lozano.
All were in favor.
Adoption of the Minutes
A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jay Arcuri and a 2nd by Mohamed Raouda.
All were in favor.
Announcements by the Chair
Jack stated that we would be trying to be as GREEN as possible for these meetings and
he would be bringing minimal copies of materials to the meetings.
Jack announced that we would be retiring at the end of December and that a new Chair
would be appointed to the Board. He has asked the Vice President to appoint someone
soon so that they could participate in the meetings ahead of his retirement.
Jack asked the group if someone would be willing to be the parliamentarian for the Board
and Jon Lozano volunteered to be this person.
Public Comments (10 – 15 minutes)
No comments from the Gallery.
Discussion Items
Item 1 – Proposed amendments to the Handbook – Legal Services
Colleen began the discussion with a statement that after meeting with Carolyn Larrabee,
that she feels these proposed amendments to the handbook are justifiable.
A question was raised about the funding of legal services based on the broader scope of
the office. Jon stated that she is prepared to recommend various issues to other lawyers
as necessary. Jack stated that this office may ask for additional resources.
Careen Yarnal joined the meeting and introductions were made.
Colleen asked if Carolyn was permitted to practice outside of the three mandates that are
currently set forth in the legal services definition. Mark Cannon stated that if the
proposal passed that this would be a non issue. Colleen stated that she believes these
changes will benefit the students. Mark Donovan stated that if resources become tight,
that equal access may not be provided to all students.
A motion was made by Colleen Smith to accept and adopt the amendments to the
handbook to the Legal Services section and a 2nd by Jon Lozano. All were in favor.
Items for introduction and initial discussion only
1. Club athletics and Intramural Sports – Mohamed Raouda
Refer to section 5 on page 9.
Mo asked if Varsity Sports should be funded by SAF if a campus has general funds
allocated towards that particular sport. The board read the paragraph on page 9 and
determined that these funds were for a new sport not supported by general funds and only
for the first three years. Matthew stated that this in not long-term funding but just start
Mo asked if travel is included in this or could it be separate from sports. It again was
determined that if it is a new sport then yes they could ask for travel support. Discussion
about specific situations transpired. Mo asked if the board felt threes years was enough
support for a new sport.
Marika stated at their campus they do not get enough money for their sports and that they
have requested additional funding and have received it.
Jack asked for more specific details about Mo’s question and he stated that this was
enough information to take back to his constituencies. Additional discussion ensued
about specifics, such as officials, ball persons, clock persons and refs. Jack asked if the
board would be comfortable taking this discussion to a subcommittee meeting.
A motion was made by Mohamed Raouda to create an investigation on #5, page 9 to
discuss clarification on varsity funding and a 2nd was made by Paul Ferrera. All were in
Jay recommended that Mo get more information from his group that asked the question
and to bring to the subcommittee meeting.
2. Preliminary discussion about setting the fee for next year.
Jack stated that the board should begin discussion on setting the SA Fee for the
2011/2012 school year. A lot of people are not aware of the fee breakdown. He shared
information on the past fees. Jack shared that tuition has increased by 5.9%, 4.5% and
Jon asked if the debt service to the HUB was going to increase and the answer was no.
Jack felt that it would be beneficial to determine the fees for next year before the end of
this year. Also, a discussion on the new initiatives for Legal Services should happen to
determine if additional money is needed by that office. Jack recommended that the board
begin to investigate the cost of living and doing some research to prepare for the
discussions. Mo asked if some documentation could be sent to the committee and Jack
stated that he would send some information for review.
Jack would like to make a proposal to the Vice President to appoint a chair prior to the
end of the year.
A motion was made by Jon Lozano to make a recommendation to the Vice President to
appoint a chair to the Board for the spring semester and to have this person sit on the
board during the fall semester and a 2nd by Mohamed Raouda. All were in favor.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mohamed Raouda and a 2nd by Mark Donovan.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Heide Port.