Survalent Technology Commissions Outage Management System for Lodi Electric Utility

May 10, 2010
Survalent Technology Commissions Outage Management System for Lodi Electric Utility
MISSISSAUGA, ON — May 10, 2010 — Survalent Technology, a leading provider of smart grid solutions
to utilities, announced today that it has commissioned a new Outage Management System (OMS) for Lodi
Electric Utility. Lodi Electric Utility, Lodi California, is a customer-owned city-operated utility providing
reliable electrical energy to residential, commercial and industrial customers since 1910.
The new OMS is completely interoperable with the existing Survalent SCADA system and Lodi’s
Customer Information System (CIS). “The existing Survalent SCADA system operates the medium
voltage electrical network,” states Mike Roth, Vice President Sales Western Region, Survalent
Technology. “The new OMS expands the scope of operation of the system to include the low voltage
electrical network down to the customer meter. When there is a SCADA operation on the medium
voltage network, Lodi’s dispatchers instantly can see what customers are affected and where to dispatch
crews.” The new OMS includes customer call management, crew assignment and automatic generation
of work orders.
“The new OMS from Survalent is expanding the SCADA system functionality from the substations
downstream to the consumers ensuring an increased reliability of our service” said Abel Palacio, Electric
Utility Supervisor at Lodi Electric Utility. Approximately 30,000 of Lodi’s customers are on the OMS.
“One of the primary drivers behind the Smart Grid initiative is interoperability between the different silos of
utility information systems,” states Steve Mueller, President, Survalent Technology. “Interoperability
between SCADA, OMS and CIS will allow Lodi Electric Utility to reduce outage durations, increase
efficiency, and improve reliability and customer satisfaction.”
About Survalent Technology
Survalent Technology is the leading provider of real-time smart grid management systems for enabling
visualization, optimization and improved operations for utilities. For over four decades, we have helped
more than 300 utilities use operational data to increase reliability, efficiency and customer service. With
our proven and reliable SCADA, Outage Management (OMS), Distribution Management (DMS) and
Substation Automation solutions, utilities transform data into actionable intelligence. We partner with
utilities across the globe to create mission critical solutions that will achieve the promise of the Smart
Grid. Learn more at