Saturn TWT - meeting #9 22 Oct 01, 11:00-12:30 PDT

Saturn TWT - meeting #9
22 Oct 01, 11:00-12:30 PDT
Meet-me line 818-354-5157
Led by Kevin Baines, with Dan Winterhalter, Jerod Gross, Scott
Reported by Ian S.
This meeting wrapped up Revs 7,8,10 and went on to 11,12.
Kevin B. announced to the TWT that he was instituting a mid-week
meeting, to be attended by himself and such other available
Saturn TWT project people and scientists as were available. The
purpose will be to look at the TOL and APGEN plot as modified by
the previous Monday's TWT decisions, identify remaining or new
problems, and draw up strawman solutions, so that the following
TWT telecon could get a faster start. The prototype midweek
meeting was held last Wednesday, and the next is scheduled for
Wednesday the 24th at 3:30 PDT.
Rev 7: Joe Burns said drop the ISS Mutual Event involving
Pandora, as the orbit uncertainty was too great. This leaves the
ISS ME involving Dione as the only "fixed" event in the TOL. The
other primes in the TOL should move a few minutes in order to
assure the success of the Dione ME. Note that the start of the
Saturn/Atmos segment is shifted to the end of the Madrid DL at
about 05-124/20:00.
Rev 8: Again the segment is shifted to the end of Madrid DL,
around 05-142/18:30. The primes are UVIS (Dione star occ), CIRS
Rev 10: Segment begins at end of GS DL (05-179/00:20). Joe Burns
dropped both ISS MEs, leaving UVIS EUVFUV, OpNav, ISS Saturn
1x2s, and CIRS DSCAL as primes.
Rev 11: So far it's not clear which DSN station the X-D TWT
wants to use to clear the SSR for Sat/Atmos, so the segment
start is TBD. The TWT needs to hear justification for UVIS
Impacts from Jeff Cuzzi, and for Radar obs (05-193/11:30-15:30)
from Loksi (?).
Rev 6 status: Bob West dropped his ISS Titan polarimetry in
deference to MAG's internal field measurements. Some CIMS
editing items are still outstanding.
Next Monday: Kevin B. will miss it. Go on to Revs 11 and 12.
Jerod G. will take a serious look at Rev 6 data volumes.