Awassa Island Awassa Island Energy Task:  

Awassa Island Energy Task:
Awassa Island
N il
 Jimma
 Assosa
10 km
Facts about the island:
The current situation:
Currently all the electricity is generated in a large gas power station  in the West of
the Island. The gas is obtained via a pipe line from an offshore platform . The
electricity produced is usually sufficient for the needs of the island but last year there
was a blackout when demand exceed the supply during a particularly cold winter.
Awassa island has a population of 10,000 which is expected to increase over the next
25 years.
Information about the island
Weather: The wind is from the SW and is strongest in the mountains 
where it is an average of 15 mph. However, each year there are about
25 days, usually in the summer, when there is almost no wind at all. On
average there are 5 hours of sun shine a day.
Distribution of Population: The capital city of the island, Gonder  and the main port,
Asossa  are where most of the population live but there are smaller towns at Wurabe
 and Jimma . These are linked together by a reliable network of roads .
Geography of the Island:
 In the NE of the island there is a famous surf beach . The
indigenous Pointy Nosed Dolphin’s main habitat is about a mile
out to sea.
 The largest river on the island is the Little Nile. On the
edge of the mountains this falls over a waterfall of height
100m. The river eventually flows into a huge estuary . As well as being home to
some rare birds, the estuary provides the main source of fish for the island.
Indeed, the nearby town of Jimma is heavily reliant on the fishing industry for jobs.
 The mountains  are a popular recreation area. The rural communities make
their livings from tourism. The two largest lakes are located close
together and are connected by spectacular waterfalls.
 Much of the island is boggy. However, a large area of untouched forest 
provides a habitat for the Northern Deer, an endangered species. Just south of the
forest is a rocky area, which would provide the solid foundations required for a
nuclear power station.
Group response exercise:
Method of
Wave Power
Solar Cells
Key Advantages
Key Disadvantages
Wind Turbines
Nuclear Power
What is your proposed solution and why do you think that it is the best solution?
Find an Energy Solution for Awassa Island.
You are the scientific advisor to the government of Awassa Island and are asked to
produce a report on how the amount electricity being produced on the island can be
Consider water, wind, solar and nuclear energy as ways of producing the electricity.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantaged of each type of energy.
Criteria for Success
A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible methods for
generation electricity on the island.
For each method you should consider the following:-
Environmental impact
Renewable/ non- renewable
Visual/ noise pollution
Jobs, economic impact and public opinion
The location
Discuss possible solutions with your group. On the sheets provided complete the table
with your advantages and disadvantages for each method of generating electricity and
mark on the map where you think they should be located.