Future Internet Security utu e te et Secu ty Michel Riguidel, (Telecom ParisTech, France) michel.riguidel@telecom‐paristech.fr ITU‐T Workshop on "N "New challenges for Telecom Security Standardizations", h ll f T l S it St d di ti " Geneva, 9 (afternoon) to 10 Feb. 2009 Bio & Areas of interest • Bio – Telecom ParisTech – Michel Riguidel (Professor, Department Head) – Michel Riguidel is the Head of the Department of Computer Science and Networks, at Telecom ParisTech (Ecole tT l P i T h (E l Nationale N ti l Supérieure S éi d Télé des Télécommunications, i ti www.telecom‐paristech.fr ) in Paris, where he lectures in security and advanced networks. – His research is oriented towards security of large Information Systems and N Networks and architecture of communication systems (Grids, Security of the Future k d hi f i i (G id S i f h F Internet, Trust and Advanced Networks). – In the IST Integrated Project of FP6, he is Key Researcher of the Secoqc Integrated Project (Development of a Global Network for Secure Communication based on Quantum Cryptography), responsible of the Network Architecture. – In the FET of the FP6, he was the Security & Dependability Task Group Leader of the Beyond the Horizon Project. – In Italy, he is scientific member of the international Think tank on In Italy, he is scientific member of the international Think tank on telecommunications ThinkTel (www.thinktel.org). – He has several patents in security (firewall, watermarking and protecting CD ROM). – He published recently two books “La sécurité à l’ère numérique” (édition Hermès Lavoisier) and “Le téléphone de demain” (édition Lavoisier) and “Le téléphone de demain” (édition Le Pommier). Le Pommier) • Areas of Interest – He contributes to the FP7 European Project : Inco‐trust http://www.inco‐trust.eu – The future Internet The future Internet – The security, dependability, trust and privacy of the future Internet February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 2 Digital hybrid urbanization : holistic future Internet holistic future Internet No more monochromic, mono‐technology security Current Internet WDM‐IPv4‐IPv6‐MPLS Post‐Beyond 3‐4G Services Hooked to several infrastructures Internet of Things Galileo‐GPS‐Glasnos Clock and Position Clock and Position February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 3 Plates tectonics : Continental drift for scientific disciplines Convergence of disciplines Tools, Methodology Security Dependability Trust Divergence of conceptual models Trust is a binary relationship Trust is a binary relationship February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 4 Internet is broken : how to heal the future fragile communications ? how to heal the future fragile communications ? Privacy Security Mobility EfficiencyTrust IDS Honey‐pots Honey pots PKI SSL Fi Firewall ll IPv4 Digital signature IPv6 TCP IETF 3GPP virus IPSec spam Packet Web February 2009 DNS Anti‐virus Patches XML MPLS Michel Riguidel, Paris URL Router 5 The new landscape in security New standard bodies Trans‐continent Domino effects Quantum Crypto for Virtual Organizations distribution of secrets Illi it Illicit computations t ti Spontaneous massive attacks Zetta bytes of data identification Physical attacks y IP addresses on individuals ONS Overlay, P2P, Grids XML, Message, document DDoS Asymmetric cryptography Intrusion, Malware Illi it Illicit content t t Computer virus Computer virus February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 6 Future Internet : I Incremental or Disruptive Approach ? t l Di ti A h? Upgrade Internet++, B3G++ => Patch & Go Clean slate => rethink & radically design Hostile context RFC 934 576.2b SSL++ T Tranquil context il t t IPSecV9 Next Generation IDS Antivirus‐spam & botnet February 2009 proprietary PKI For security : radical redesign Authentication with trusted clocks and position Authentication with trusted clocks and position Distribution of secrets using Quantum Crypto Trust instrumentation (at the design level) 7 Michel Riguidel, Paris Digital world roadmap: at a crossroads of intangible & invisible entities at a crossroads of intangible & invisible entities Further Expansive Attitude Expansive Attitude Science convergence Nano‐Bio‐Info‐Cogno‐Socio‐Quantum 2020‐2025 Effervescence, chaotic period Future Internet and Future Web Polymorphic pervasive Polymorphic, pervasive 2015‐2020 I Reclusive Attitude Digital Convergence Architectures, protocols, formats 2008‐2010 2008 2010 traceable intangible Cyber‐systems February 2009 Physical & Digital Physical & Digital reconciliation Michel Riguidel, Paris Invisible Ecosystems 8 Hidden Web, Deep services : death of the 7 layer model death of the 7 layer model Old Internet : flat architecture Future Web : distributed “aggressive” services gg First Drawing of Internet (1962) Michel Riguidel, Paris February 2009 Example : Skype architecture 9 The Web evolution • Old Web : importance of the underlying protocols Computers connected (Web pages, Web sites) – 1986 : ancient Web : (Wide 1986 : ancient Web : (Wide Electronic Board) Electronic Board) – 1991 : Web (Berners‐Lee) • Web with text • 1995 : first success (Java encapsulated) • Bandwidth issue (wait wait wait) Bandwidth issue (wait‐wait‐wait) • 2000 : high data rate • Web with Multimedia Catastrophic event in the protocol world in 2000 : • Web2 (Multiparties, Virtual), “Semantic” Web, … Web Http decreases, P2P protocols raises drastically • Future Web : importance of mobility, context and reinvestment of Humans & b i f bili d i f & Reality Computers (Mobile, Multimedia), networks at large, within physical world – profound evolution in parallel with Future Internet f d l i i ll l i h F I • Geography : Mobility, Ubiquity – Reconciliation with nomadicity (vocal Web) – Search engines with locality, smarter search engines : Post‐Google engines • History : Memory of the web (Next Generation of the Deep Web, Hidden Web) Hi t M f th b (N t G ti f th D W b Hidd W b) – Stochastic XML (see P Senellart PhD Thesis December 2007, Paris) • Knowledge • • Representation, Visualization Search engines Social computing Natural language technology Search engines, Social computing, Natural language technology – Web of intentional Things • Things will display their public life cycle, will blog (for maintenance) February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 10 Virtualization – Incarnation dialectic • Virtualization of properties • Network concepts incarnation – Heterogeneous infrastructures – Mobility, security … – Situated services, context – Neighbors, Topology Resilience of the Ambient Intelligence : ecology of virtual ontologies (V2V) Management of global security, Transparency A virtual community Resilience of non functional properties : architecture, mobility, configurability, QoS, … Logical entities Resilience of functional objects : centralized trusted infrastructures (PKI, DNS, …) Responsibility, bl Accountability bl Physical entities February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 11 Computational Cryptography Traditional hierarchical ladder of the current internet Governmental organizations Re‐equilibrium of forces within the future internet (attacks, cryptanalysis) Massive externalized furtive computer power running within the anonymous networks confidential illicit computations p Standalone end‐user amateur Hacker February 2009 New Crypto with computation computation, history and geography ? Alice and Bob are no more alone in this world: They have witnesses, alibis, trajectories Michel Riguidel, Paris 12 They leave traces … Security & Trust Suspect behaviour Maximum trust value Trust 1 0 Number of interactions 1st Threshold 2nd Threshold Dissociation between both Infrastructures/Instrumentations of Trust & / Security/Dependability February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris T t C ti Trust Continuum 1st Threshold to modify behavior Threshold to stop interacting 13 2nd Regular: artefacts for individuals & enterprises for individuals & enterprises Traditional security to be improved and revisited (architecture & protocols): ( p ) Classical Cryptography February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris Engineering Security 14 Dwarf : tiny program simple artifact scarce resource tiny program, simple artifact, scarce resource The digital world is g neither fractal nor scalable … For tiny objects, Emergence of self * models models self‐ at the collection level Stochastic Security Strong security at the collection level (architecture) St it t th ll ti l l ( hit t ) Cheap weak security at the individual level February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris (massive & simple algorithms) 15 Huge, Giant : Complex systems inextricable problems Complex systems, inextricable problems Semantic security for Complexity & human values February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris Trust 16 Virtual & Real world: Proportional Responsibilities across the whole chain Proportional Responsibilities across the whole chain Attacks swing between virtual and reality, back and forth avatar What is biometry (voice, picture) when digitized ? Just 1 and 0 On the future Internet, the audio video content On the future Internet the audio video content will be quite sensitive and highly valuable February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 17 Privacies : Compartmented Multi‐identities Compartmented Multi identities You have multiple roles: a citizen, an employee, a consumer, a provider a parent, a patient, a victim, a player … , p y All these roles have their own privacy Physical identity(ies) & C b id i (i ) Cyber identity(ies) must be considered separately and as a whole separately and as a whole February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 18 Evolution of languages : complexification of abstract typing of abstract typing 1955 1958 1965 Flottants, Integers : Lists : Independent Organization of memory In memory with strings Pointers: Structures Statics heterogeneous 1986 1992 Pointers: Notion of objects Programs autonomous d dynamic i Dennis M. Ritchie John Backus Fortran February 2009 Bjarne Stroustrup John Mac Carthy Lisp C Michel Riguidel, Paris C++ Java 19 Evolution of Networks : Post‐IP, Post‐Google complexification of abstract typing of links of abstract typing of links 1960‐2000 Traditional Network Graphs Of nodes and links Of nodes and links Markov, Poisson February 2009 2000‐2010 2010‐2020 Ubiquitous computing Plate 2D Topology (P2P) Flow of content Geography 2020‐2030 3D Fluid, Plastic A 3D space Programmable, Porous Media History dynamic, semantic d i ti Architecture programmable Ecosystem Michel Riguidel, Paris 20 Intercontinental Thought : new models beyond an idyllic, pre‐scripted vision of future networks y y ,p p • Neither unique nor providential solution – Model, counter‐model, alter‐model Model counter model alter model – Arrival of China and India on the IT scene • Multipolar Vision Dictatorship of the single thought In computer science • change in concerns (demographic, development) • change in power – Alter‐models • the pseudo‐libertarians (“Naives of the Internet”) • repression pure players (some governments). All IP v4/v6 All IP v4/v6 • C Cyberspace & Cyber‐governance (Κυβερ b &C b (Κ β : rudder) • Multidisciplinary Vision – Technology free rein? • descriptive of order • no control and regulation becomes self‐ reflexive • normative of order • governing is defining order multidisciplinaire – In technologies, we talk about • often : what is • not often : what ought to be or what could be not often : what ought to be or what could be February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 21 Research at the international level • Research, based on progress & human values – Awareness of A f • what is achievable (technical) • what is acceptable (civilized ethics, democratic values) Technology – Countries: bearers of a variously facetted humanism Usage • to be instantiated in the communications or protection tools Societal factors • Knowledge, partitioned for choice – Users’ awareness to grasp the security & Users awareness to grasp the security & intimacy stakes Economy Legislation • The choices: multiple, ephemeral and adaptable • Defining the demarcation line: movable – Users’ behavior to be taken into account • imagining and anticipating the effects on the behavior of both individuals and groups February 2009 Michel Riguidel, Paris 22