ITU-T WORKSHOP “ICTs: Building the Green City of the Future” (Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010) An integrated mobile network supporting urban activities Phan Thanh Hoa, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 Outline From the current macro-cellular networks to different types of cellular networks A new paradigm for mobile networks A virtual single cell as the most advanced component of the integrated mobile network Fast handover scheme in the virtual single cell 1. Multicast–based Logical Macro Cell as a virtual single cell 2. Multiple polling scheme 3. Support by IP-based paging network Performance evaluation Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 2 Mobile network supporting Social activities Terminals Usage Stationary or Walking Conversation Downloading Expansion in future Fast moving Multimedia on cars and intelligent cardriving system Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 - Mobile VPN: LAN extension for moving office - Uploading for securities like a torched camera 3to protect criminals Divided use of cells for ubiquitous mobile communication services Present In future Micro-cells for busy areas Micro-cells for busy areas (Wifi Hotspots) Release of traffic of macro-cells Macro-cells for general communication purposes Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 Micro-cells along major roads Macro-cells for the areas outside of micro-cells 4 Wide area cover with macro-cells Macro-cellular network Hot spots & Fixed Mobile Convergence into any place :Connected micro-cells along main streets :No micro-cell along back streets Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 5 New paradigm for mobile networks Integration of cellular networks - Connected micro-cells configuring a virtual single cell for fast movers -Vertical handover between different mobile network types - Paging to any types of cells - Response to the paging from the smallest cell New paradigm IP -based paging net The Internet Macro -cellular networks (Ordinal mobile terminals) + Connected micro-cells Vertical handover (Fast mobile terminals) + Micro -cells ( Wifi Hotspots) (Stationary terminals) Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 6 Virtual single cell as a component (a) LMC (Logical Macro-Cell) as a virtual single cell unit. (M) Data and Polling response are multicast through core network R R P S (LMC#i-1) S M (C#i-1) LMC (C#i-2) Handover by new- (C#i) (M) cell-polling response LMC switchover as a virtual single cell P: Polling R: Polling response (LMC#i) S M S (C#i-2) (C#i-1) S M (C#i) M: Master cell S: Sub cell S (C#i+1) (b) Virtual single cell with Concatenated LMC. P&R LMC#i-1 - LMC#i LMC#i+1 Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 7 Switchover of Logical Macro Cell Gateway Through the same splitter. Multicasting tunnel Tunnel Switch Tunnel over Triggering Triggering BS #2 #1 #3 #3 #2 Logical macro-cell #1 Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 Tunnel Switch over #4 #3 #2 #3 #5 #4 #4 #5 8 PON as a terrestrial network of connected micro-cells network VPN Agent (OLT) Trunk fibers under control of an OLT. The Internet Office LAN VPN Server Splitter ONU ONU ONU Virtual single LAN covering service area with a diameter of 40km PON: Passive Optical Network OLT: Optical Line Terminal ONU: Optical Network Unit Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 9 Multicasting scenario for LMCs (a) Location DB . LMCid#k-1 BS#k-2 LMCid#k R D LMCid#k LMCid#k+1 BS#k-1 BS#k BS#k-1 BS#k BS#k+1 BS#k BS#k+1 BS#k+2 (4) MT # j MT address Serving BS Previous BS MT # k MT address Serving BS Previous BS (4) LMCid#k-2 LMCid#k-1 R D Header R BS#k LMCid#k Serving BS Previous BS (4) BS#k-1 LMCid#k-1 MT address D Central Control Node MT # i LMCid#k R Looking up the mapping Table LMCid#k LMCid#k+1 (5) BS#k+1 LMCid#k LMCid#k+1 LMCid#k+2 (3) (5) (5) BS#k-1 P (1) Timeout without Response Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 BSk+1 BS#k P (1) P Timeout without R (2) Response (1) 10 Avoidance of inefficient polling taking advantage of IP-based paging Cease of polling when no packet transfer continues Restart of polling after the registration from the terminal side Paging and registration when called from the network side Call The Internet IP-based paging network Paging service request Mobile network Mobile terminal Dormant Active session Paging Waiting for call Request with AP registration. Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 11 Handover latency (ms) Handover latency 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 Standard contention SynScan Multiple polling Parallel-polling 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of mobile terminals Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 12 Overhead caused by multiple polling Throughput as a fraction of channel rate Normal polling Multiple- polling 0.4 1000 bytes 0.35 0.3 0.25 500 bytes 0.2 0.15 200 bytes 0.1 0.05 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of mobile terminals Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 13 Affection of polling response multicast delay MT-200 bytes MT-500 bytes 45 BS-1500bytes 40 Throughput (Mb/s) MT-1500 bytes 35 BS-500bytes 30 25 20 BS-200bytes 15 10 5 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Polling response multicast delay (micro-second) Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 14 Concluding remarks Integrated mobile network and the IP-based paging network at the core will be a main scenario in the future mobile network Virtual single cell as an innovation in the integrated mobile network Virtual single cell can reduce traffic in the macrocellular network Virtual single cell allows high bit rate packet transfer to fast MT though it sacrifices a portion of BS throughput There can be hopeful mobile services like mobile LAN office Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 15