Monday, February 29, 2016, 12 Noon – 1 p.m.
LTC Cleveland, Lakeshore Conference Room (L147)
SGA Executive Committee Members Present: Anna Hebert, vice president; Cody Gaeth, president; Foua Hang and
Tammie Stahl, staff advisors
SGA Executive Committee Members Absent: Carly Moulton, Secretary (excused)
Student Organizations Attendance:
Auto Collision Club
Auto Maintenance Club
Business Professionals of America
Campus Christian Fellowship
Criminal Justice Student Assn
Dairy Club
Dental Assistant
Health Physics Society Student Chapter
Horticulture Club
Hospitality Club
IT Club
Lakeshore Chapter Student Nurses Assn
Lakeshore Culinary Assn International
Medical Assistant
Paralegal Student Association EXCUSED ABSENT
Phi Theta Kappa-Beta Lambda Sigma
Society Human Resource Mgmt. Student Chapter
United Web & Marketing Association
Weld Club
Wind Power Association UNEXCUSED ABSENT
Students Present: Kendra Krcma and Leanna Scholten; Dairy Club; Lisa Green and Claire Webster, Medical Assistant
Club; Grace Chitwood, Campus Christian Fellowship; John Schanilec, Auto Maintenance Club; Vanessa Drapes, SHRM
Student Chapter; William O’Neil and Tracy Neu, Horticulture Club; Cal Yakoubek, Weld Club; Priscilla Medina,
Hospitality Club; Michael Wagner, IT Club; Rachel Smith, Business Professionals of America; Tyler Foulk, Health
Physics Society Student Chapter; Val Root, Lakeshore Chapter Student Nurses Association; Mariah Matelko and
Nicole Merrik, Dental Assistant Club; James Worley, Lakeshore Culinary Association International; Vanessa Ceilley,
United Web & Marketing Association; Amanda Fernandez, PTK-Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter; DeWayne McFadden
and Derry Johnson , Auto Collision Club; Steven Schultz, Criminal Justice Student Association
LTC Staff/Guests Present: Wendy Nasgovitz, Nicole Yang, Doug Gossen
Welcome, Introductions & Roll-Call: Cody Gaeth, president, called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. Welcome
and introductions were made; Cody Gaeth, president, read the SGA meeting attendance policy and conducted rollcall.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Cody Gaeth, president, stated the minutes of the December meeting were posted
electronically; corrections to spelling of student names were verified, Cody Gaeth called for a motion to approve;
upon motion from Val Root, LCSNA, and second from James Worley, LCAI, the December SGA meeting minutes were
unanimously approved.
College Updates: Nicole Yang: Diversity Summit on Friday, April 8; all day event; all students are invited to attend at
no cost, courtesy of LTC. Brian C Johnson, a national speaker will be featured; there will be several other presenters
from around the state who will present on a variety of topics; includes box lunch; online registration required.
Wendy Nasgovitz: LTC looking to provide a student portal; student input session with free pizza on March 7 followed
up by all-student email survey. LTC seeks your input regarding the information access most important to students.
Student Organization Funding Requests: The following SGA student organizations submitted the required
paperwork by the February 24 due date and verified as requirement compliant to date; all were eligible to
present/request spring term funding:
Auto Collision Club: $500
Auto Maintenance Club: $375
Dairy Club: $500
Dental Assistant Club: $500
Lakeshore Chapter Student Nurses Association: $375
PTK-Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter: $500
Society Human Resource Management Student Chapter: $500
United Web & Marketing Association: $500
Weld Club: $500
Voice Vote: Cody Gaeth, president, called for a motion; John Schanilec, Auto Maintenance Club motioned to
approve student organization funding requests as presented; motion seconded by Michael Wagner, IT Club; Motion
unanimously carried.
Student Input: Student representatives briefly reported on a variety of activities including Auto Maintenance Club,
50/50 raffle on March 17, car wash in April and possible car raffle in spring/fall; SHRM Student Chapter hosting HR
Games for the first time ever at LTC on March 11-12; Auto Collision Club is looking into participating in Skills USA in
Madison on April 20.
SGA Officer Updates: SGA Spring Travel Grant Awards were approved for Business Professionals of America,
Campus Christian Fellowship, Dairy Club, Horticulture Club, Hospitality Club, PTK-Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter,
Society Human Resources Management Student Chapter and the Wind Power Association totaling $15,482; these
student organizations will be traveling to participate in competitions, conferences and service/educational field
trips. The officers also shared their experiences at the Wisconsin Student Government Legislative Seminar and
Student Showcase in Madison in mid-February.
Career Placement Center/SGA Advisor Update: Foua Hang shared information about Career Placement Center
services for students; Learn Lead Succeed Professional Development Conference on March 22, an SGA requirement
that at least two members of each active SGA student organization must register for and attend, includes keynote
by Jon Vroman-The Front Row Guy, employer/alumni panel and networking with 20+ employers; Lakeshore
Community Job fair is April 5, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Blue Harbor, Sheboygan, 50-60 employers; Health Care Mini
Career Fair at LTC on April 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. Tammie Stahl reminded everyone about upcoming SGA requirements;
if in doubt, review SGA site on Blackboard, requirements are all listed on page 3 in the SGA Official Handbook.
Review Next Steps/Meeting Date: Next official monthly meeting of the LTC SGA is Monday, March 28, 2016, 12 noon
to 1 p.m. in L147 (Lakeshore Conference Room). Spring term student organization funding requests are due
Wednesday, March 23, for presentation at this meeting.
Meeting Adjournment: Cody Gaeth, president, called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:59 p.m. It was
moved by Vanessa Drapes, LTC SHRM Student Chapter, and seconded by Amanda Fernandez, PTK-Beta Lambda
Sigma Chapter, to adjourn the meeting; Motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Carly Moulton, LTC SGA secretary.