Physics Postgraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee Meeting Minutes

PG SSLC Minutes (15/06/07)
Physics Postgraduate Student-Staff Liaison
Committee Meeting
Date: Friday 15th June, 2007
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: P521B
1. Welcome and Apologies
Malcolm Cooper, Geetha Balakrishnan, Oleg Petrenko, Helen Ireland,
Andrew Edmonds (chair), Stephanie Liggins (secretary), Bianca Barbu,
Antony Carver, Dean Keeble, Ruth Nicol, Robin Orman, Ben Parkinson
Valery Nakariakov, Robert Wicks
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes from the 11th May, 2007 were agreed.
Post the SSLC meeting of 11th May, it was discussed whether careers meetings should
be made compulsory for students. It was generally agreed that forcing this would not
be welcomed and that students were aware of the services available. Instead, major
advertising of the service should be supported and students advised that consideration
of their future would be discussed as part of their thesis planning meetings.
Postgraduate Funding
After contacting the Union and the Graduate School, Jocasta Gardner of the Graduate
School ( was provided as a suitable contact for students
wishing to investigate gaining additional funding support. Further information can be
gained from her.
From the 23rd June, the main library entrance will be unavailable and access will be
by the side door only (opposite humanities). Progress of the remodelling will be
communicated by and
will be regularly updated.
Action by the NMR group has been taken with regards to chemical safety in the NMR
labs and safety policies have been updated.
PG SSLC Minutes (15/06/07)
3. Academic Matters
2nd Year Students
2nd year students are reminded that they need to organise their assessed talks and are
encouraged to invite members of other groups to gain a good sized audience.
2nd Year Posters
The poster session was completed successfully although comments were made that it
was not enough of an event. A low academic turn out was noted and suggestions as to
how to motivate staff to attend were requested. It was commented that the style of
event on the concourse was appropriate to simulating a conference environment.
4. Socials
Postgraduate Party
It was requested that the SSLC organise a welcoming party for postgraduates starting
early in the department. The discussed idea was an in house event starting after a
seminar which could then develop into an outing. Having a definite event rather than
open ended social was decided to be appropriate, possibly a pub quiz at the end of
July. 10 postgraduates will be starting in July with a further 20 from October.
Therefore, a second welcome will be required.
It is noted that there are plans to hold a farewell party for third years in the next
month or so.
5. Any Other Business
Oundle School
Following the success of a previous showcase event to 6th Formers, teachers at
Oundle are wanting students to do small research projects with students related to
research done at the University. Gavin Bell is looking for volunteers to partake in
this and estimates that the time commitment will be 10 or 12 sessions of 4 hours
between October, 2007 and March, 2008. Postgraduates will be working with a
group of students and a teacher on a range of projects proposed by the University.
Time and travel will be paid. The initial investigation is to identify if students would
be willing to volunteer and if their supervisors would support this work.
Warwick School is also interested in a similar scheme but would prefer to work at
the University.
Suggestions as to how this can be managed considering
undergraduate final year project students also requiring lab space, is requested.
6. Next Meeting
12th October, 2007 at 12.30pm in P523.