(1996) J. LIQ. CHROM.& REL. TECHNOL.,19(17&18),2'753-2765 REACTIONSOF ETHOXYSILANESWITH SILICA: A SOLID.STATENMR STUDY KlausD. Behringer,JanetBliimel* Institutder TU Miinchen Anorganisch-chemisches 85747Garching,Germany ABSTRACT Ethorysilanes are of growing interest in the fields of immobilizedcatalystsand chromatography.In spiteof this' the with silica surfacesare still not fully reactionsof ethoxysilanes explored. This contribution demonstratesthat besides the reaction temperatureand the degreeof drynessof the silica surface,the solventplays a crucial role during the silanization step: Optimal surfacecoveragecan, for example,be obtained or either without solventor with hydrocarbonslike iso-octane t'C and "Si pentaneunder mild reactionconditions. Hereby, iolid-state NMR spectroscopyservesas a porverful analvtical appliedfor the method. The modifiedsilica can be successfirlly purificationof bifunctionalphosphinesand their carbonylnickel complexes. INTRODUCTION Alko4vsilane reagents are imporlant for a variety of chemical applications:In the form of bifunctionalphosphinelinkers they canbe usedin order to imrnobilizecatalystson inorganic supports,l-?most often on silica.s The otherapplicationlies in the field of silanizedsilicafor chromatography.e-z4 2753 Copyright @ 1996 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2754 BEHRINGERANDBLUMEL The most powerful method in order to characterizesilanemodified siiica is solid-stateNMR spectroscopy-3-?Jr-2e Using Magic Angle Spinning (MAS,2'-21and CrossPolarization(Cp,tt-") the surfacerp"ii*, canbe detected rvithoutanydifficultiesarisingfrom thebulk material. The advantages ofalkoxysilanesascomparedto chlorosilanes, are that no acidic blproductsare formed upon reactionwith silica, which could destroy sensitivetransition metal complexeswhen they are immobilizedon silica or chromatographed.Furthermore,due to addition reactionsof alkoxysilanesto surfacesiloxanegroups,thereis no needfor "endcapping"in a further step.3l However,in contrastto the reactionsof chlorosilanes,comparativelyfetv studies deal with the reactions of ethoxysilanes with silica surfaces.o'5'1i'13'1s'22'24'31 Triethoxysilanesare most interesting.becausethey shouldprovidea strongbondingto the supportvia up to threesiloxanebonds. Up to now, the dependence of the numberof siloxanebondsformed on the reactiontemperatureand the degreeof drynessof the silica used has been primarily studied. In the following, we want to shed some light on the influenceofthe solventusedfor the silanizationprocedure. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION a) Solid-StateNMR Spectroscopy All the spectra were recorded on a BRUKER MSL 300 Nlv{R spectrometer,equipped with a 7 mm broadband double bearing MAS probeheadand ZrO2rotors. The modified silica was looselyfilled into the rotorsunder air. Crosspolarization(CP) and Magic Angle Spinning(MAS) with a rotationalspeedof 4 kHz was appliedfor all the spectrashown. The contacttimeswere5 ms 113C;,I ms 131P; or 6 ms (2esi),if not statedotherwise, andthe relaxationdelays4 s 1r3C"31P;,and 10 s (tnsi). For all measurements, 500 to 1000transientsgavesatisfactorysignatto noiseratios. All spectrauere recordedat roomtemperature(29SK). The 13C, 2esi, and 31PNlr,R. spectra were referencedwith respectto external solid adamantane. and NHaH2POa, respectively.For the exponential [(CH3)3Si]4Si. multiplication,line broadeningfactorsof 40 Hz (13C)and 60 Hz (2esi,31p) wereapplied REACTIONSOF ETHOXYSILANESWITH SILICA 2755 b) Preparation of the Silica The silica was dried in avacuum ofabout l0-2 Pa for 12 h either at 600 "C (SiO2(600))or 25 oC (SiOr(25) prior to use. All the experimentswere carried out with Merck silica 40 (specific surface area'.750m"/g; avetagepore size: 40 A: particle size 0.063 - 0.2 mm). All solvents used were rigorously dried by standardprocedures. c) Silanization Procedures All the silanization reactions were carried out follorving this scheme: 1 g of silica rvas suspendedin about 50 mL of the indicated solvent. Then I mL of the ethoxlsilane was added and the reaction mixture stirred for 12 h at the temperature given in the text. Finally the supernatant solution lvas decanted and the silica was washed three times with pentane, before it was dried in vacuo lbr about 4 h. RESULTS 1. lrc cP/wtAS spectra Ali the studiespresentedherewerecarriedout with trimethylethor.v-silane (3). The silica (1), vinyltriethoxysilane(2), and 3-chloropropyltriethoxysilane 'C 'C (SiO2(25))' in order to (SiO2(600))or at 25 was dried in vacuoat 600 pure When condensesurfacesilanol groupsor to removeadsorbedwater.o ''C Cp/lvtAS (Cftr=gi1rt'(OE0. (2) is reactedwith both types of silica. the spectraof the materialsshownin Fig. I result. The 13CNMR signalsat 16.6ppm and 58.4 ppm stemfrom the methyl ethory-groups.'' and methylenegroupsof residualsilane- or surface-bound aL 129.7and 135.1ppm, with their rotationalsidebandsand, Tlre resonances therefore,larger CSA (ChemicalShift Anisotrapy,tt'") canbe attributedto the This assignmentis in accordwith CH: and CH carbonatoms.respectively.32 r3C the halfuidths of the vinyl carbonsignals. The CH groupgivesa broader becauseit is lessmobilethan the CH2group,which can rotateabout resonance, the Si-CHaxis. While. in the caseof rigorouslydried silica (Fig, I B), a large amountof etho4ygroupsis retainedon the surface,silicascontainingmore Si-OH groups leadto a lower ratio of EtO groupsto vinyl groups(Fig. I A). The analogous (3) is reactedwith silica. Again, observationis made.whenCl(CH2)3Si(OEt)i 2756 BEHRINGERAND BLITMEL PPH Figure L 75.5 L,ItIz r3CCPA4ASspectraof vinyltriethoxysilane(2) after reactionwith SiOd25)(A) andSiOd600)(B). Detailsseetext andExperimentalSection. of ethorrygroups(17.0and 58.3 ppm) arevisible besidesthose the resonances (25.8 ppm) of the CICFI: (45.8 ppm). CH2Si (8.8 ppm), and CHaCH2CH2 signals. 2. The Influenceof ReactionTime WhenSiOz(600)is treatedwith an excessof pure 2 for 12 h at 60 'C. after washing and drying. a material results, whose 2eSi CP/]vtASspectrumis displayedin Fig. 2 A. Adding againan excessof 2 and stirring the slurry for threemoredaysat 60 oC"leadsto the 2esiCPA4ASspectrumshownin Fig. 2 B. While the signal intensitiesof the HO-SiO3and SiOa 2eSiresonances at -102 and -ll0 ppm are somewhatsensitiveto changesof the contacttime, as describedin ref..r3the signal intensitieswithin the silane regionwere not REACTIONSOF ETHOXYSILANESWITH SILICA 0 -100 -50 2757 -tso PPil 'nsi CP[r4ASspectraof SiOd600)after reactionwith Figure 2. 59.6 MIIz (2) for 12h (A) andfor 3 days(B). a, b, andc denotesilanespecies vinyltriethoxysilane Section' rvith l, 2, and3 siloxanebonds.Detailsseete$ andExperimental alteredwithin the rangeof contacttimesfrom 5 to 12 ms. Both spectraof Fig. 2 are recordedwith a contact time of 6 ms and the samebatch of silica is ernployed. Therefore,a rough estimateof quantitiesshouldbe feasible. While the silanol signal is shrinking somewhatwith prolonged heating of the material, the overall signal intensity in the silane region remains roughly unchanged.The assignmentofthe resonancesa, b,and c€ig^. ?) at -65.7, -71.6,ind-79.8 ppm is madein analogyfor exampleto refs.'12'13'2t'" The more resonance siloxane bridges to the support are formed, the lower is the at -65.7ppm conespondsto (CHz=CH)Si(OE0r-Ofrequency.The resonance {SiO2} exclusively,while cross-linkingmight takeplacein the caseof the other with morethanonesiloxanegroup. two resonances When silica SiOr(25)is appliedfor the samereactions,the intensitiesof the silane signalsb and c are greater,while the sum of the silane signal intensitiesis somewhatlower than in the caseof SiO2(600). The analogous trendsare observedin all the abovereactions,when the chloropropylsilane3 is usedinsteadof 2. The silane signalscorrespondingto a, b. and c have the chemicalshifts -51.5,-58.7,and -65.7ppm. When all the materialsdescribed oC in toluene in this paragraphare treatedwith an excessof Me3S(OE| at 80 2esi CPIVIASspectrado not evenshowtracesofsurfacebound1. for 12h. the 2758 BEHRINGERANDBLUMEL Figure 3. 59.6 MtIz 2esi CP/MAS spectra of SiOr(600) alter reaction with vinyltriethoxysilane(2) in the solventsindicated.Details see text and Experimental Section. 3. The lnfluence ofthe Solvent In order to study the influenceof the solvent,silica SiOr(600)can be reactedwith 2 and 3 underidenticalreactionconditions(80 oC, 12h) but using diflerentsolvents.namelyCCla,iso-octane,toluene,and triglyme.In analogous runsat 25 oC,ether,acetone,andpentaneis applied. 'nsi Threerepresentative CpArtASspectraof the materialsare displayed in Fig. 3. Sincethe silanesignal intensitiesare not very sensitiveto the CP parameters used.a rough quantitativejudgmentmight be allowed. In the case REACTIONSOF ETHOXYSILANESWITH SILICA 2759 ofthe solventsether,acetone,and triglyme,no silanesignalscouldbe detected in the 'nsi CpATIASspectra(Fig. 3, top trace). CCla gave a spectrum analogousto the onewhentoluenewasapplied(Fig. 3, middlespectrum),while pentaneresultedin comparablesilanesignalintensity,but with a ratio of about 1 : I of speciesa and b. jso-Octaneleadsto maximal silanesignal intensity and the nearlyexclusivepresenceof speciesa boundby one siloxanebridgeto the support. The surface coverage,however,does not reach the one found rvhensilica is treatedwith 2 without any solvent(Fig. 2). The resultsof the reactionsof 3 with SiOr(600)parallelcloselythe onesfound for 2. When the materialsdescribedin this andthe previousparagrapharetreatedwith triglyme at 80 oC or rvith acetoneat 25 "C for 12 h. the overall surfacecoveragewith silanesdoesnot change. 4, Chromatographic Purification of Complexes Phosphines and their Nickel Bifunctional phosphines, like PhzP(CeHq)SiMe2fi/OEt(1) and (5) and their carbonylnickelcomplexes.33 Ph2P(C6H4)Si(OE03 are diffrcult to purifu. Most often'theydo not crystallizeand due to their weight,thev cannot be sublimed. Ordinary chromatographydoesnot help here,because4 and 5 are immobilizedon silica. Silane modified silica, however,is suitablefor the purification of thesespecies. While commercialMe2SiClz-modified silica leadsto major lossof phosphines,optimalresultshavebeenobtainedwith the silica modifiedwith I and describedin Ref. 31. For example,when 4 is applied to a column packedwith Me3Si-Oimpuritiescan be removedby elution with all pentane:soluble {SiO2}/pentane. this solvent. Due to strongadsorptionof 4 on the stationaryphase,it doesnot migratewith pentane.The adsorptioncanbe seenin the "P CPA4ASspectrum afterdrying the columnmaterial. The narrow linewidth and the NMR behavior are indicative of merely The phosphinesand nickel complexescanbe elutedas adsorbedphosphine.3'34 a narrow bandby applying a solventmixture of pentaneand TIIF in the ratio 8 6tNi : 2. The purity of the nickel complexescan. for example.be checkedby NMR spectroscopy." Stronglycoloredorange-brownimpurities stay on the coitrmn,while the phosphinesand their complexesare elutedas colorlessoils. There is usually only minimal loss of the substratesand the absenceof phosphinespecieson the stationaryphasecanagainbe checkedby 311CPfir4AS spectroscopy. 2760 BEHRINGERANDBLUMEL DISCUSSION 1. Addition or CondensationReactions? Figure I showsthat in the caseof rigorouslydried silica SiOz(600),more etho\y groups are retained than with SiO2(25). This rough quantitative interpretationshouldbe allowedregardingthe high mobility of all the groups present20'2r'24 and,keepingin mind, that both spectrahavebeenrecordedunder identicalconditionsand theydisplaytlte samespecies.Therefore,theseresults with the triethoxysilanes2 and 3 follow the trend already observedfor the 1.31However,the resultsfor 2 and 3 are not that clearcut. monoethoxysilane For example,the ratio of vinyl to ethoxygroupsas found in spectrumI B is about I : 2 which meansthat on averageone ethoxy group of originally three is lost during the immobilization. Therefore,the addition reaction of the is not the only reaction triethoxysilanegroup to surfacesiloxanegroups3r'33 reactionwith residual taking placehere. Theremustbe eithera condensation surfacesilanol groupsor somecrossJinkingbetweenadjacentsurfacebound silanes. On the other hand, in the caseof SiO2(25),there are more OEt- groups presentthan there shouldbe, accordingto the corresponding2esi CfnU,LS spectrum. This again, corroboratesthe assumptionof addition reactionstaking place."':'o Theseresults,however,meanthat there is alwaysa variableamountof etho\y gxoups present and, that determinations of surface coveragesby elementalanalysisare not very reliable without the knowledgeof the ethorJ" groupratio, asdeterminedby '3C CPA{AS spectroscopy. 2. The ReactionTime and Temperature When silanemodifiedsilica is heatedfor a prolongedperiodof time with additional ethoxysilanepresent,the surfacecoveragewith silane does not increasesubstantially,which can be seen in Fig. 2. This meansthat the ethoxysilanesalreadycover the silica surfacewith maximal density,even if they are boundby only one siloxanebond to silica. The alreadysurface-bound vinylsilanegroups,due to stericalreasons.preventthe attackof further silane reagent. This assumptionis further corroboratedby the finding. that no traces of MerSi groupscanbe foundon the surface,when the materialof spectmm2 A is treatedwith 1. This meansthat a) no endcappingis necessary or possible when alkoxysilane reagents are used to modi$ silica and b) that REACTIONSOF ETHOXYSILANESWITH SILICA 2761 should lead to the same dense surface coverage as monoethoxysilanes triethoxysilanes.However,prolongedheatingin the caseof the latter leadsto the formationof additionalsiloxanebonds,which might makethe bondingto the supportstrongerand enhancethe lifetime of chromatographicmaterialsor immobilizedcatalysts. The formationof morethan onesiloxanebondto the supportis facilitated when the amountof surfacesilanol groupsis increased. This meansthat in contrastto the formationof the first siloxanebond,rvherethe additionrea.ction the formation of one or to surfacesiloxanegroupsseemsto be preferred,3l'33 probably due to steric reasons- adjacent two more siloxanebridgesneeds silanol groups. This assumptionis corroborated,for example.by the signal intensity of the surface silanol signals, which diminishes on going from spectrum2Ato2B. 3. Which solventshouldbe chosen? The aboveresultsand Fig. 3 show, that given one tlpe of silica, the solventappliedplaysa crucial role regardingthe surfacecoverageu'ith silanes and the number of siloxanebonds formed. While polar solventslead to if at all, the unpolarsolventspentaneand iso-octanegive minimal coverages, 'nsi CPA4AS spectra(Fig 3). in the silane regions of the large signals However,maximalsignalintensitiesare obtainedwithout any solvent(Fig. 2). We interpretthesefindings as being the resultsof strong adsorptionof the The strongerthe adsorptionon the surface,the solventson the silica surface.3T attacking ethoxysilanereagents.However,once is towards denser the shielding not formed, are brokenby polar soh'ents,sincethe they bridges are siloxane with polar solvents(results,3.)' same after treatment stays the coverage surface This assumptionof strong adsorptionof polar solventson the silica surfaceis corroboratedby the linewidth reduction of suspensionNMR signals, whenphosphinemoietiesaredetachedfrom the supportby polar solvents.38 The aboveresultsalso demonstrate,that regardingthe surfacecoverages. aromaticsolventslike toluene,which are commonlyusedfor the silanization procedures,are not optimal. The surface coveragesare greater when hydrocarbonslike iso-octaneor pentaneare used. Thesetwo solventsare indicativeof an influenceof solventviscosityon the numberof siloxanebridges formed. The less viscouspentaneprobablyallows greater mobility of the surface-boundsilane and, therefore, sterically facilitates the formation of further siloxanebonds. 2762 BEHRINGERANDBLUMEL 4. Chromatographyof Bifunctional Phosphines Chapter 4 of the Results section shows, that silica modified with alkoxysilanereagentscan be applied for the successfirlchromatographic purification of bifunctionalphosphinesand their complexes. Although the proceduredescribedis not a real reversephasechromatography, it is still very useful.simpleandeffective. As in the caseof 1, the ethoxysilanegroupsof 4 and 5 do not removethe silanesalreadybound to the supportvia siloxanebonds. Since no acidic blproductsare formedduring the silanizationstepwith ethoxysilanereagents, no phosphoniumsaltsareformedon the stationaryphase. CONCLUSIONS In this contribution,it is dernonstrated by solid-stateNMR spectroscopy, a) the solventapplied that during the silanizationof silica with ethoxysilanes determinesthe surfacecoverageand number of siloxanebondsformed, and b) that the numberof siloxanebondsformedis further dependenton the reaction time and temperature.and of the degreeof drynessof the silica. Silica modified with trimethylethoxysilane can be applied for the purification of phosphines andtheir nickel complexes. bifunctional ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS (DFG), the Fonds der We thanli the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft Industrie. Leonhard Lorenz foundation the and the Pinguin Chemischen foundationfor financial support. Also, we are thankful for a genereoussupply of Me:SiOEtfrom WakerChemieGmbH. REF'ERENCIS l . F. R. Hartley.SupportedMetal Complexes,D. ReidelPublishing Company.Dordrecht,Holland, 1985,and literaturecitedtherein. P. Kleinschmit,P. Panster, Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed. Engl.,25, U. Deschler, 236(1986). J. J. 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Naturforsch.,50b, 1723(1995). ReceivedJanuary22, 1996 AcceptedFebruary15. 1996 Mamrscript4097 JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES HPLC TLC Capi IIary EI ectrop horesis Supercritical Fluid Techniques MembraneTechnology Field-Flow Fractionation Preparative& Analytical Separations formerly Journal of Liquid Chromatograryhy JOURNALOF LIOUIDCHROMATOGRAPHY Editor:Dr. Jack Cazcs EditorialSecretary:ElcanorCazcr tu bx 2lEO CherryHill, Ncw Jerscy OAO3I AssociateEditors: Dr. HaleemJ. lssaq NC|-kederick Cancer Research Facility Frederick, Maryland Dr. StevenH. Wong Johns Hopkins Hospital Depertment of Laboratory Medicine Division of Clinical Chentistry Myer & | 25 600 itotth Wolfe Street bltimore, Maryland 21 2O5 The Jownal of LiquddChromatographycontainsan outstanding selectionof critical,analytical,andpreparativepapersinvolving the applicationof liquid chromatographyto the solutaonof problemsin all areasof scienceand technology,as well as papersthat deal specificallywith liquid chromatographyas a sciencewith in itself. Entire issues are devoted to special topics on liquid chromatography, including an annual directory of LC manufacturers, suppliers,and services.In addition,eachissue offers book reviews, liquid chromatographynews, and a calendarof meetingsand exhibitions. For subscriptioninformationwrite the PromotionDepartment: MARCELDEKKER, INC. 270 MADISONAVENUE NEWYORK,NY 10016