Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-PLEN-041 FOR: Presentation or Information SOURCE: ITU-T AGENDA ITEM: PLEN 6.5 CONTACT(S): ITU-T IPTV GSI Standards and IPTV Forums/Consortia Activities Chae-Sub Lee Chairman ITU-T SG 13 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlight of Current Activities ITU-T has taken leadership role in collaborative approach to developing global IPTV standards over past years ITU-T PTV Focus Group invited collaboration from all organizations. Was open to all parties IPTV GSI continued work with all members to promote consistent set of standards As a result, there has been generally good collaboration with many regional standards development organizations (ATIS IIF, ETSI TISPAN, DVB Project, IETF, etc.) to build on existing IPTV related specifications and address gaps in IPTV standards. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 2 Highlight of Current Activities Some Industry Consortia/Forums continue to work “outside” the standards bodies, with little/no action to collaborate or align activities. E.g. the Open IPTV Forum develops documents often quoted as “standards”, but with no reference/collaborations with ITU-T IPTV GSI activities. MultiServices Forum (MSF) has work on IPTV architecture and interoperability testing, in collaboration with ATIS IIF, but independent of ITU-T IPTV FG/GSI initiatives. IPTV Forums being set up in other countries Result is industry confusion which IPTV standards to follow ! Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 3 Open IPTV Forum Issue Formed over year ago to promote IPTV technology by several companies, mostly members of GSC involved SDOs. Mandate includes collaboration with standards organizations, but there was no engagement with ITU-T IPTV FG or GSI activities. ITU-T Recommendations are not even referenced (E.g. Recs. Y. 1910, 1901, J. 700, H.700 series etc.) Open IPTV Forum architecture/interfaces and terminology not aligned with ITU-T Recs. ( Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 4 Multi-Services Forum Issue Multi-Services Forum (MSF) focused on Global MSF Interoperability (GMI) testing event for IPTV. Some interaction with ATIS IIF activities for this event, but not with ITU-T IPTV GSI. MSF GMI testing was based on MSF IPTV architecture/interfaces documents. Interface protocols were typically mostly standards based (e.g. IETF). Testing did not go through IIF or ITU-T approvals process Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 5 Strategic Direction ITU-T IPTV GSI management and members need to communicate with IPTV Consortia/Forums to identify potential for industry confusion/market fragmentation if standards are misaligned/overlapping. Forums/Consortia perform a valuable role in promoting IPTV technologies and engaging broader interests and membership (e.g. consumer electronics vendors), but need to ensure consistent set of IPTV architecture/interfaces and requirements. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 6 ITU-T Recommendations for IPTV IPTVQoE/QoS IPTV General IPTV Content Protection X.1911 req & arch for security Y.1901 Service Req X.iptvsec-2 (secure transcode) Y.1910 IPTV Functional Arch X.iptvsec-3 (Key mngmnt) Y.sup5 (Service use case) Q.Iptvsa (signaling arch) G.1080 IPTV QoE G.1081 Performance Monitoring G.IPTV-PMPD (PM parameter) G.IPTV-PMMM (PM measurement) IPTV Multimedia Application and End System (H.700-799 Series) H.700 (IPTV Overview) H.IPTV-CDER (content error-recovery) H.770: Service discovery IPTV Terminal H.720-729 Middleware H.730-739 H.720 Overview Network H.IPTV-ProComp: Profiles and Compliance AP Event handling H.740-749 H.IPTV-DSMW Distributed MW H.IPTV-AEH AP Event handling J.702 Legacy J.701 Broadcast MW H.IPTV-AM Audience Measurement H.IPTV-TDES.2 Basic H.IPTV-WBTM Web-based MW H.IPTV-TDES.3 Full-fledged H.750 Metadata H.IPTV-TDES.4 Mobile Multimedia App. Framework H.760-769 H.IPTV-MAFR2: IPTV-BML Home Network H.622.1 (Home NW) H.IPTV-RM (HN Remote Mgmt) H.IPTV-NGN-RM (NGN based HW) Y.IPTV-TM (traffic mngmnt) Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw (net conrol framework) Y.iptv-netcontrol-arc (net control arch) Y.iptvintwrm (interworking) H.IPTV-MAFR4: CEA-2014 H.IPTV-MAFR5 MHEG-5 H.IPTV-MAFR9: Ginga 7 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability Next Steps/Actions Send communications to all IPTV related Forums/Consortia to invite cooperation/collaboration to align basic set of IPTV architecture/interfaces and terminology specifications with the ITU-T . Advise common membership of the potential for IPTV related industry confusion if conflicting architectural specifications are developed outside of the global standardization processes fostered by the ITU-T. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 8