Visit to Uppsala University Library, 10 of Feb to 15

Visit to Uppsala University Library, 10th of Feb to 15th of Feb 2013
The first purpose of the visit was to access literature on the Swedish trade with China in the 18th
century not accessible in British libraries. The second purpose was to prepare a paper I was giving at
the Royal College of Art in London on the history of colours and colour nomenclature. This included
looking at 18th century print relating to the art of dyeing, including Johan Linders’ Swedish Art of
Dyeing. With Domestic Herbs, Gras, Flower, Leaves, Barks, Roths, Plants, and Minerals. (Swensks
Färge-konst, Med inländska Örter, Gräs, Blomor, Blad, Löf, Barkar, Rötter, Wäxter och Mineralier)
from 1739. I spent four days in the University Library of Uppsala (Carolina Rediviva) photocopying
and photographing material.