Rapid Prototype Co-Creation and Testing Mattias Arvola @mattiasarvola Institutionen för datavetenskap 1 DESIGN BRIEF 2 What is? DESIGN CRITERIA What if? NAPKIN PITCH What wows? id LEARNING GUIDE Le ar ni ng ea ch -c r un co la er s tio t n en pm tin g ot ot yp in g pr lo te s ve n de pt io to m us ap C R pt m ce su on As C g ng ys i ng al pi an in m to r n ap pi ai m m ap ns d ai Br in M y ch ne ue ur Va l Jo Visualization What works? T prototypes • It’s a prototype – Not the Mona Lisa • Set a deadline • Prototype only what you need to test your assumptions 3 Usability evaluations to test your assumptions about customers • Analytical thought experiments • Empirical co-creation or learning launches • Different metrics and different requirements on usability and ease of use 4 Usability (ISO 9241-11) • Extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. 5 User experience • "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. • According to the definition of usability, it is a quality attribute of the UI, covering whether the system is easy to learn, efficient to use, pleasant, and so forth. Again, this is very important, and again total UX is an even broader concept. https://www.nngroup.com/articles/definition-user-experience/ 6 UX and Growth • UX reduces friction • UX creates natural virality • UX research helps you understand your target audience better • Good UX is the key to great first impressions http://blog.usabilla.com/a-growth-hackers-perspective-on-ux/?utm_content=30039037&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin 7 Analytical inspection methods Mattias Arvola @mattiasarvola Institutionen för datavetenskap Linköpings universitet 8 Inspection methods • Heuristic evaluation • If there is time: • Cognitive walkthrough • Keystroke-level model 9 Heuristic evaluation 10 10 heuristics for usability (Nielsen, 1993;) 1. Visibility of system status 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design 2. Match between system and the real world 9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors 3. User control and freedom 10.Help and documentation 4. Consistency and standards 5. Error prevention 6. Recognition rather than recall 7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 11 1. Visibility of system status The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time. 12 2. Match between system and the real world The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. 13 3. User control and freedom Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo. 14 4. Consistency and standards Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions. 15 5. Error prevention Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action. 16 6. Recognition rather than recall Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate. 17 7. Flexibility and efficiency of use Accelerators – unseen by the novice user – may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions. 18 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility. 19 9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution. 20 10. Help and documentation Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large. 21 Heuristic Evaluation (Nielsen, 1993) • Take 3–5 experts and a validated set of heuristics • Evaluators familiarize with the heuristics • Go through the system once, quickly • Go through the system again, carefully • Identify problems in relation to the heuristics • Output: a list of identified problems related to every heuristic • Set the output from each evaluator together 22 • You get the best result if the evaluators are both usability and domain experts 23 How many evaluators? 24 Severity ratings Frequency: often or seldom Impact: easy or difficult to recover Persistency: problem every time or only the first time of usage 25 Severity on a scale 0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all 1 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project 2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority 3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority 4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be released 26 Co-creating and Testing Paper Prototypes Mattias Arvola @mattiasarvola Department of Computer and Information Science Start with the test scenarios • What are typical use scenarios? • Build the prototype to support scenarios you want to test • Don’t test too many tasks, and not too few • Make sure to have realistic tasks and data • If possible, balance the order • Always make a pilot test! 28 29 Paper prototypes Warfel, 2009 • ~80% of people in UX build paper prototypes • Versatile • Cheap • Fast • Easy • Manipulate on the fly • Collaborative • No hardware or software limitations • Anywhere, anytime 30 Weaknesses of Paper Prototypes Warfel, 2009 • Distributed work • Imagination required • Visual aesthetics 31 Materials • Plain white paper for base • Transparancies for rollovers and lightbox effects • Index cards for dialogues and widgets • Post-its for changing states, highlighting selections, or dialogues • Colored pens or markers (fine and broad point) • Scotch tape, glue stick or blu-tack • Dental tape for animations 32 Warfel, Todd Zaki. 2009. Prototyping: A Practitioner's Guide. New York: Rosenfeld Media.http://www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/ prototyping/ 33 Warfel, Todd Zaki. 2009. Prototyping: A Practitioner's Guide. New York: Rosenfeld Media.http://www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/ prototyping/ 34 T-prototypes • It’s a prototype – Not the Mona Lisa • Set a deadline • Prototype only what you need 35 36 Prepare test scenarios Rettig, 1994 • Draw on your user research on typical situations of use • Construct the prototype to support a few scenarios • Reasonably small set of functions but enough to allow meaningful tests • Make sure you use realistic scenarios and data: test them on someone • Make a pilot run! 37 A good task scenario Lewis & Reiman, 1993, 1994 • Change the speed limit on Canyon Boulevard eastbound between Arapahoe and 9th. • Calculate projected traffic flows on Arapahoe west of 6th assuming Canyon speeds between 25 and 55 in increments of 5 mph. • Specific • Describes a complete job • Test how different features of the interface work together 38 Select your users Rettig, 1994 • Representative in terms of for example: • • • • Education and training Computer knowledge Domain familiarity Typical tasks • Try to get the whole range of users 39 • Surrogate users • Sometimes hard to get • Politics involved • Ethics • Avoid friends and family and other clearly biased people Test set-up Rettig, 1994 40 Four roles that you rotate in the team Rettig, 1994 • Greeter: Make participants feel at ease and introduce them. Hand out test screener • Facilitator: Gives instructions, encourages the user to express thoughts during the test, keeps track of time 41 • Computer: Simulates the computer’s responses to input, spoken input simulates keyboard entry, don’t explain • Observers: take notes on index cards. One observation per card. Ideas for solutions on the same card Three phases Rettig, 1994 • A session typically lasts about an hour, depending on the size of the prototype • Getting ready • Conducting the test • Debriefing 42 Getting ready (and some ethics) • Greetings, introductions, refreshments, and icebreaking • Set expectations and explain: • paper prototypes • the equipment • what you will do with the data • think aloud testing • Assure anonymity 43 • Make sure that they understand they can quit at any time • Clarify that you are testing the design and not testing the participants • Setting up the camera to record the interaction with prototype but not people’s faces • Ask if there are any questions Uncovering the initial impression and mental model Greenberg et al 2012 • What is this product/system/website for? • What is your first impression? • Then briefly introduce the design and ask people to desribe their understanding, in detail, of every design element on the screen • If their explanations doesn’t match your intention you have a problem in people’s initial mental model that you need to address in a redesign 44 Conducting the test • The facilitator hands written tasks to the user. Tasks should be clear and focus on what the users want to acheive but describe not how. 45 • Facilitator encourages people to think aloud if they stops talking: • What are you thinking right now? • What questions are on your mind? The observers • May sometimes interject a question • Never laugh, gape, say ”a-ha”, nudge each other, or display any reaction • Intimidation and humiliation can ruin the relationship with the participant and spoil the test • Don’t ever explain or defend your design to the users 46 Debriefing • Discuss interesting behaviours that you would like the participant to explain without accusing the user • Ask your final questions • Gather impressions and participant’s thoughts on the design • Ask if the participant has any questions • Express thanks 47 Informed consent (more ethics) • You need to assure that your participants understand • that they agree to participate in the study • that it is volontary to participate • that they agree to immediatly raise conserns or discomforts during the session 48 • that their interaction is recorded for research purposes • how you will use the results and the recordings • that they will be anonymized • Consider using a form • Confirmed consent with minors include inform consent from their legal guardians Pre-test questions Usability.gov • • • • • • • 49 Male/female Age Income Education Work title Location of workplace Knowledge of competing sites or products • Computer habits (platforms, activities, browsers, websites and applications often used) • Language skills • Domain knowledge • Technical knowledge • Contact info Observation protocol Usability.gov, Greenberg et al, 2012 • Pathways users take • Degree of success on the task scenario 0. not completed 1. completed with difficulty 2. easily completed • Look for places where participants have troubles 50 • Look for patterns of behaviour that tells you if the product was understood correctly • Review it afterwards on the video Debriefing questions Usability.gov Overall impression? What did you like best? What did you like least? If you got to decide what would be the first thing to improve? • Do you feel that there is anything missing? Probe for content and functions • • • • 51 • If you were to desbribe it to a collegue in a sentence or two, what would you say? • Final coments or questions? Analyzing the results Rettig, 1994 • Arrange the paper prototype on a big table • Pile the notes near the relevant interface component • Divide the labour of going through the piles to summarize and prioritize the problems • Go through the piles and agree on suggested changes 52 Redesign • Sketch down solutions and affix them directly on the relevant part of the paper prototype • Use that as a basis for creating a revised prototype, once more in paper, or perhaps moving on to HiFi computer prototypes 53 Paper Prototypes in Summary • • • • • Set up test task scenarios Prototype enough but not more Make a pilot test Introduce participants Be clear on the roles when conducting the test • Debrief participants • Analyze results and redesign 54 Summative Evaluation and Getting some Metrics Mattias Arvola @mattiasarvola Department of Computer and Information Science How to measure goal fulfilment when doing user testing • User tasks focus on important functions • Desired qualities must be tested for. • General usability qualities (ease of use, ease of learning …) • Specific qualities indicated by personas or stakeholders • inspiring • relaxing • engaging • ... 56 Ex: H&M and the Shopping mom • Effect goals: increase online shopping by: • reducing drop-out rate • attract more customers to the online shop • sell more to each online shopper. • User Goals: • Shop for herself and her family online (problem: product presentation, filtering not good) 57 • Be inspired and get tips on garments that fit together • Be able to see other’s ratings of children’s clothes • Price sensitivity: relatively high • Quality importance: relatively high • Trendiness importance: middling • General usability goals Metrics and Measurements • Is it possible to shop (for self/family)? • Does the subject feel inspired? • Are combination items noted by the subject? • Are ratings by other customers found? • Does the user feel that bargains can be found? • Is the rate of failed buying-tasks lower than the previous drop-out rate? • Is the SUS measure greater than 90? 58 Test tasks: ex shopping • Task focus: finding clothing for self/ family • Test task: Your son is outgrowing several old sweaters, you need to order at least one new. He is 140 cm tall, has several brown pants that should go with the new sweater (thus it should be brown or beige). He likes Spiderman and Cars. 59 Measurements for formative eval • Measure task completion • Observe what is happening to find problems • observe hesitations, suboptimal choices, muttered questions, confusion... • Try to understand why the user is confused... • Identify problems • was the intended item found, why not? Did it take a lot of effort? Was there information missing? Functions not found? • (why) 60 Measurements cont’d • Questions afterwards for qualities: • Intention to use: How probable is it that you would buy clothes from this site? Why? • How inspiring was the presentation of the clothes? Why? • To what extent do you feel you’ve made a good bargain today? Why? 61 Measurements for summative evaluation and learning launch • Task completion • at least 90% of the test users should complete task 1 (find the spiderman sweater). • At least 90% of the users should complete at least 5 out of 6 buying-tasks. (compare to current dropout) 62 • We will not measure time to completion, longer browsing might induce more sales. • Experience: Interview or questionnaire • How inspired did you feel by the things you found? not at all - a little - rather very • At least 75% of the users should feel ”very inspired” Summative cont’d • SUS - system usability scale. Research shows that a system that gets at least 90 will be recommended to other users (thus recruiting more users). 63 SystemUsabilityScale(SUS) IthinkthatIwouldliketousethissystemfrequently. Ifoundthesystemunnecessarilycomplex. Ithoughtthesystemwaseasytouse. IthinkthatIwouldneedthesupportofatechnical persontobeabletousethissystem. IfoundthevariousfuncBonsinthissystemwerewell integrated. Ithoughttherewastoomuchinconsistencyinthis system. Iwouldimaginethatmostpeoplewouldlearntouse thissystemveryquickly. Ifoundthesystemverycumbersometouse. Ifeltveryconfidentusingthesystem. IneededtolearnalotofthingsbeforeIcouldget goingwiththissystem. 64 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Calculating the SUS value • SUS gives a summary value. The values of individual questions give no information. • Algorithm: Each question contributes 0-4 points. Question 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are calculated as mark-1. Question 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 calculated as 5-mark • Multiply w 2,5 for total value: 0-100 65 Testing your personas • Remember: they still contain many assumptions • When you do customer co-creation and user testing, you have a customer/user within reach... • Compare assumptions to reality: ask relevant questions of your participants before and after testing 66 Two more analytical inspection methods Mattias Arvola @mattiasarvola Institutionen för datavetenskap Linköpings universitet 67 Cognitive Walkthrough 68 • Focus on novices and ease of learning • Construct a task: What are the goals of the users and break it down to subtasks • Act as the user would and document problems in each subtask 69 GOAL INTENTION SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS EXECUTION! 70 4 EXPECTATION Norman’s action cycle EVALUATION INTERPRETATIO N PERCEPTION! 1. Input to the walkthrough • Who are the users? • What are the tasks? • What sequences of action do the tasks consist of? • What does the user interface consist of and how is it laid out? 71 • Task: I want my calls to be forwarded to my colleague who has the phone number 013 – 28 9998. • Sequence of actions: 3. Write 490, press green receiver. Phone: blip blip blip, ”Calls…”, connection tone 1. Choose the Phone app Phone: shows list of latest calls 4. Press *21*99… Phone: beep, beep, beep 2. Choose Keypad Phone: Shows keypad 6. Press *21*9998# Phone: bip-bip-bip-bip 5. (Go back to 3) 7. Press the red receiver 72 • User interface: The phone is an iPhone with touch screen, on this professors desk. Instructions for the phone services are at the university site • Anställd->Servicetjänster->Telefonväxeln>Telefonguide för MEX-telefon. • http://www.liu.se/insidan/telefonvaxeln/mexguide? l=sv 73 2. Gather the evaluators and 3. Go through the sequences of action for every task • Create a credible story for what the users would do 1. Will the user be able to create the right effect? 2. While the user notice that the right action is available? 3. Will the user connect the right action with desirable effect? 4. If the right action is performed, will the user recognize it as progress to solving the task? 74 4. Write down important information and 5. Revise the interface • What the users need to know • Assumptions about the users • Notes and design ideas • A believable successful performence 75 Will the users know what to do and how? • Knowledge in the head • A natural part of the task • Experience • Knowledge in the world • The system tells the user what to do and how • Notices affordances • Everything else looks wrong 76 KLM 77 The Keystroke-Level Model • Estimate the time it takes to perform a simple data input for experienced users • Focuses on efficiency in performance of completely predictable ways of usage • Sequence of operations • Operations is assigned a time 78 K, press key or button Best Typist (135 wpm) --- 0.08 seconds Good Typist (90 wpm) --- 0.12 seconds Poor Typist (40 wpm) --- 0.28 seconds Average Skilled Typist (55 wpm) --- 0.20 seconds Average Non-secretary Typist (40 wpm) --- 0.28 seconds Typing Random Letters --- 0.50 seconds Typing Complex Codes --- 0.75 seconds Worst Typist (unfamiliar with keyboard) --- 1.20 seconds P, Point the mouse to an object on screen --- 1.10 seconds H, Hand from keyboard to mouse or vice versa --- 0.40 seconds M, Mental Preparation --- 1.35 seconds R(t), User waiting for the system to respond D(n0,l0), Draw n0 straight line segment with mouse of total length l0 centimeters --- 0.9n0 + 0.16l0 79 • Set to boldface shortcut: Press CONTROL K --- 0.60 Type ‘b’ K --- 0.60 Release CONTROL K --- 0.60 Total --- 1.8 secs • Set to boldface Format pulldown menu: Point to Format menu with mouse P --1.10 Press and hold down mouse button K --- 0.60 Move down to Bold P --- 1.10 Release mouse button K 0.60 Total --- 3.40 secs 80 Analytical inspection methods • Heuristic evaluation for general usability problems • Cognitive walkthrough for novice users • KLM for analysis of efficient performance 81 www.liu.se