2016 Gatlinburg Conference Poster PS-21

2016 Gatlinburg Conference Poster
Title: Characterizing Objective Quality of Life and Normative Outcomes in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Latent Class
Exploratory Analysis
Authors: Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, Jinkuk Hong, Leann E. Smith, Renee A. Makuch, Jan S. Greenberg, Marsha R. Mailick
Introduction: There is currently little consensus about how best to assess normative outcomes and objective quality of life (QoL)
in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Past outcome research has found that very few adults with ASD achieve the
conventional markers of adulthood - becoming employed and self-supporting, living independently, establishing one's own
family, developing a network of friends, contributing to the community. Some have called for a reconceptualization of QoL for
adults with ASD, but little empirical research has been conducted that can inform such a reconceptualization or identify
strategies for improving the QoL of adults with ASD. The current study aims to construct a unified definition and
conceptualization of normative outcomes and objective QoL for adults with ASD by: (1) characterizing the heterogeneity of
normative outcomes and objective QoL; and (2) identifying predictors of positive normative outcomes and good objective QoL.
Methods: 180 adults with ASD between the ages of 23.72 and 60.47 (M=34.06, SD=7.99) were drawn from a longitudinal study,
the Adolescents and Adults with Autism Study (AAA; Seltzer et al. 2003). Three indicators of normative outcomes (employment,
independent living, social engagement) and four indicators of objective QoL (physical health, quality of neighborhood, family
contact, mental health issues) were assessed using a dichotomous scale and entered into an exploratory latent class analysis in
order to determine groups of adults with ASD who were similar in their normative outcome and objective QoL profiles. A
simultaneous logistic regression was then run to test the association between intellectual disability status, age, daily living skills
(Waisman Activities of Daily Living), autism symptomatology (Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised), and executive functioning
(Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function).
Results: Findings of an exploratory latent class analysis identified three discrete groups - Greater Dependence, Good Health, and
Greater Independence - of adults with ASD in terms of normative outcomes and objective QoL. The Greater Independence group
experienced the most favorable normative outcomes, while the Greater Dependence group experienced the worst. The Good
Health and Greater Independence groups experienced the most favorable objective QoL while the Greater Dependence group
experienced the worst. In addition, findings indicate that better daily living skills (Good Health vs. Greater Dependence:
exb(B)=1.110, p<.001; Greater Independence vs. Greater Dependence: exp(B)=1.175, p<.001) and better executive function
(Good Health vs. Greater Dependence: exp(B)=.966, p<.05; Good Health vs. Greater Independence: exp(B)=.964, p<.10) are
associated with membership to outcome groups with better normative outcomes, when controlling for ID status, age, and autism
Discussion: This research proposed a broad conceptualization of normative outcomes and objective QoL that takes into account
many facets of life, is long-term in nature, and may be variable over time. Interestingly, our findings indicate that normative
outcomes and objective QoL for adults with ASD may be quite nuanced; having good normative adult outcomes may not
necessarily lead to good subjective and objective QoL, and vice versa. Notably, there appears to be a relatively strong
association between better daily living skills and membership to a group with improved normative outcomes and objective QoL.
These findings have important implications for future research and for interventions designed to improve outcomes and QoL in
adults with ASD.
• Seltzer, M. M., Krauss, M. W., Shattuck, P. T., Orsmond, G., Swe, A., & Lord, C. (2003). The symptoms of autism spectrum
disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33(6), 565-581.