JOURNAL VOL. 79, NO. 27 The Determination OF GEOPHYSICAL of the Index of Refraction RESEARCH Distribution SEPTEMBER 20, 1974 of Oceanic Particulates J. RONALD V. ZANEVELD, DAVID M. ROACH, AND HASONG PAK Schoolof Oceanography,OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 A method is describedfor determiningthe index of refraction distribution and the particle size distribution of suspendedparticles.The distributionsare obtained by breakingdown an observedvolume scatteringfunction into its contributingcomponents.The componentscatteringfunctionsare calculated usingMie theory. The componentfunctionsincludeall sizedistributionsand indicesof refractionthat can be expectedto be present.The method was applied to a volume scatteringfunction observedin the SargassoSea. Forty componentswere usedwith five differentindicesof refractionand eightdilYerentparticle size distributions.The resultant index of refraction distribution was bimodal. Components with indicesof 1.05 and 1.15 dominate the calculatedvolume scatteringfunction. The calculatedparticle sizedistribution falls within experimentally determined limits for the size distribution. The parametersthat determinethe light scatteringand attenuationpropertiesof a particle suspendedin the oceanare Calculation time increasesdramatically for multilayered spheres,however. shape,size,and internaldistributionof the indexof refracFor a collectionof spheres onecandefinea particlesizedistion. Lightscattering propertiesof theindividualparticlesare tributionf(D) dD giving the numberof particlesper unit difficultto measure.Techniquesfor studyinglargenumbersof volume with diametersbetweenD and D +dD. For nonmoredifficult. particles simultaneouslyhave thus been developed as a sphericalparticlesthe definitionof sizebecomes necessity.Optical measurementsare particularly well suited Sinceparticlesizedistributionsare usuallyobtainedwith an for the study of particles in the ocean, sincethere is no destructiveinteractionbetweenthe particlesand the light. Light scatteringby oceanicsuspensions is usuallydescribedin terms of the volume scatteringfunction/•(0) defined by - dI(O) counter. In our theoreticalconsiderationsof light scatteringit E dV wheredl(O)is the radiant intensityscatteredat an angle0 with respectto the incidentbeamfrom the volumeelementdV when it is illuminatedby a monochromaticirradianceE. Exceptfor the extremelynear-forwardangles(0 < 1o) the volumescattering functioncan readily be determined.Determinationof the particle characteristics from the volume scatteringfunctionis extremelydifficult owing to the great variety of shapes,sizes, and indicesof refraction. It is necessaryto make severalsimplifying assumptionsif any particle propertiesare to be calculated from observedoptical parameters. The theoretical link between observed and calculated instrument that measuresthe volume of a particle, the diam- eterof a nonspherical particlewill be takento be the diameter of a sphericalparticlewith the samevolumeas the observed particle. The instrumentmost commonly used for measurementsof the particle size distribution is the Coulter scat- is not necessary to know the sizedistributionbeforehand. The index of refraction of the suspendedparticlesis still largelyunknown,althoughgreatprogress in thisareahasbeen made in recentyears.The indexof refractionof particlesmay become a valuable indicator of the nature of the suspended particles.Alreadya qualitativecorrelationhasbeenfoundbetweendynamicfeaturesin the oceanandthe distributionof the index of refraction [Pak and Zaneveld, 1973]. Even if a givensuspended particleis homogeneous and can be characterized by one indexof refraction,a sizedistribution of particlescan only be characterizedcompletelyby a twodimensional index,0f refraction distribution, since for each size tering functionsis providedby Mie's [1908] theory. By using Mie's theory it is possibleto calculatethe light scatteringcharacteristicsof a singlesphericalparticlewith a uniform index of refraction.The light scatteringcharacteristics of a collectionof spherescan then be obtainedby summingthe contributionsof the individual spheresprovided they are separatedby a distance of about three radii or more [Van de Hulst, 1957]. The scatteringcalcutationshave been extended to include other simpleshapesand layeredspheres.It hasbeenshown,however [Holland and Gagne, 1970; Plass and Kattawar, 1971], that when one considersany sizedistributionof randomly oriented particles,the samesize distributionof sphericalparticleswill give comparablevolume scatteringfunctions,particularly in the forward hemisphere,when the other particle parameters of particlethereexistsa distributionof indicesof refraction.It are similar. results of the various authors and shows that the average in- is this two-dimensional distribution that one must ultimately obtain in order to fully understandlight scatteringby particulate matter in the ocean.The presentpaper is a steptoward obtainingmethodsfor the determinationof sucha distribution. Earlier investigations[Sasakiet al., 1960;Kullenberg,1972; Gordon and Brown, 1972; Zaneveld and Pak, 1973; Carder et al., 1972;Morel, 1973a]have dealt with the determinationof onevalueof the indexof refracti'onthat wouldbe representative of the entirecollectionof particles.The value of the index of refraction chosenis the value that best reproducesan observedsetof light scatteringcharacteristics, givenan observed or postulatedparticlesizedistribution.Table 1 summarizes the Nonuniformity of the index of refractionwithin a particle dicesof refractioncalculatedby variousauthorsfall either in will causethe light scatteringcharacteristics to differ markedly the range1.15-1.25or 1.01-1.05.This resultindicatesthat parfrom thosefor a particlewith a uniform index [Mueller, 1973]. ticle distributions are either dominated by inorganic and organic skeletal material witha highindexof refraction or by Copyright ¸ 1974 by the American GeophysicalUnion. the watery protoplasmof organic matter with a low index. 4091 4092 lANEVELD ET AL.: OCEANIC PARTICULATE This view is supportedby the fact that low index dominated and organic material. We then have particulateswere mostly observedin regionsof high productivity. •(0) = ,4,]1(D)•(0, D, m,) dD It has usually been assumedthat a low index of refraction is associatedwith particulatesof organicorigin and a high index of refraction with an inorganicorigin. This assumptionhasnot qA2]2(D)•( O, D, m2) dD been thoroughly tested. Organic particles such as phytoplanktonfrequentlycontainskeletalmaterialwith a high and index of refraction, so that assigningextremely low indices (1.01-1.02) to organic matter is probably incorrect. J(D) dD = f•(D) dD + A(D) dD 11 (3) where subscripts1 refer to organicmatter and subscripts2 referto inorganicmatter.One may vary the indicesm• and m•. If a volume elementcontainsN particles,each with a scat- as well as the limits D•u, D•, D•,, and D•.• until again the extering function fiE(O),then the scattering function for the perimentalcurvemost nearly matchesthe observedone. In the pastthis has beendone by trial and error; a more deterministic volume element is given by approach will be presentedin this paper. It is natural to try to expand the model to contain a large N number of components.We can group particlesaccordingto •(0) = •i=1 •,(0) (1) size distribution and index of refraction given THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The problemto whichwe directourselvesis, given/?(0)(but not necessarily the sizedistributionof the N particles),to obtain maximum information concerningthe indicesof refraction of the N particlesand the sizedistributionof the particles if it is not known. If we supposethat the indexof refractionof all the particles is the same, then (4) and N ](D) dD = • i=1 M • A•if,(D)dD i=1 (5) In many casesthe total sizedistributionfiD)dD is not known, in which case(5) is not a condition that needsto be satisfied. •(0) = A/(D)•(O, D, m) dD (2) As onlyfiD) dD and/?(0)or/?(0) alone are known, it is clearly impossibleto determinetheft(D) dD without a number of apwherefiD) dD is the normalizedsizedistribution (one particle proximations, and even then one cannot be assuredof ohper unit volume) of the particles,A is the total number of taininguniquesolutions,sincethe shapeof the volumescatterparticlesper unitvolume,m is the index of refraction of the par- ing function is-only a weak function of the size distribution ticles relative to water, and fl(0, D, m) is the scatteringfunc- and index of refraction. The integral tion for a particle with diameter D and relative index of refraction m. The D, and Du are the smallestand largestdiameters, respectively,of particlesthat are presentor from which a con(6) I, i = ],(Dffi(O, D, mi) dD tribution to the scatteringfunction is expected.The fl(0, D, m) functionsare obtainedfrom Mie theory. By performingthe integration for severalvalues of the index of refraction relative has been shown to be [Morel, 1973b]a smooth function of C to water m, one may choosethat value of m for which the ex- for the range of valuesexpectedin the oceanwhenJ•(D) dD is perimental volume scatteringfunction fl(0) most closely ap- Junge-typedistributionJ•(D) = ND -cdD. Similarly, I o is a proximatesthe theoreticalone. This approach is the classical smooth although possiblydouble-valuedfunction of mi. It is one for which the resultsare shown in Table 1. An improve- thus reasonableto assumethat a limiti•d number of theseIo ment over assumingthat all particleshave the same index of componentscan be used to reconstru,t observedscattering refraction is to postulatethat the particlesconsistof inorganic functions that are also reasonably smooth. We may then fD •u 1 fD D•u choosethe appropriatem• andJ•(D) dD in (4). The valuesof m• TABLE 1. Calculated Relative Indices Particulate or Material Japan Trench 600 m 1500 m 2650 m 3000 m Sargasso Sea Mediterranean Baltic Sea Phytoplankton Sargasso Sea Eastern equatorial Index Relative of Refraction 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.20 1.1S to 1.20 1.04 to 1.0S Pacific of Suspended Matter Calculated Location of Refraction 1.02 to 1.04 1.0S - 0.01i 1.02 to 1.05 Reference Sasaki et al. [1960] Sasaki et al. [1960] Sasaki et al. [1960] Sasaki et al. [1960] Kullenberg [1972] Kullenberg [1972] Kullenberg [1972] Carder et al. [1972] Gordon and Brown [1972] laneveld and Pak [1973] Sargasso Sea Diameter of 52.S v Diameter of >2.S V Numerous areas Tongue of the ocean 1.01 - 0.01i Brown and Gordon [1973a] 1.1S 1.03 to 1.0S 1.1S to 1.20 Morel [1973b] Brown and Gordon [1975b] mustspanthe rangeof indicesthat oneexpects to find;this range is 1.00-1.20 relative to water. Ideally, one would constructtheft(D) to be very narrow distributions,sinceeachsize range has its own index of refraction distribution; N would then be the number of size steps.Anothe• lessgeneral but more tractable approach is to let theJ•(D) be Junge-typedistributions.The limits of integrationalsoinfluencethe shapeof the scatteringfunction; the summationin (4) thus may include the same size distribution but with various upper and lower limits of integration. When the particle size distributions appropriate to the problem under considerationhave been chosenas well as the indicesm•, one can then determinethe index of refraction distribution by minimizing the difference between the experimentally observedvolume scatteringfunction and the sum ZANEVELD ETAL.'OCEANIC PARTICULATE 4093 of the chosencomponents.That is, if the observedvolume fore not imposed.The programwasfreeto choosetheAo that scatteringfunctionis givenby/•e(O)and L is the numberof minimizethe squareof the differencebetweenthe observed data points, the quantity L k--1 ß A,ii,(D)/•(Ok, D, mi)dD -- •Se(Ok) (7) is minimizedby adjustingthe coe•cients Ao. The technique employedis a rapidlyconvergingdescentmethoddescribedby Fletcher and Powell [1963]. The determination of the coe•cients A o then constitutesa determinationof the indexof refractiondistributionas well as the particlesizedistribution by means of (5). APPLICATION A volumescatteringfunctionmeasuredby Kullenberg[1968] in the SargassoSea at a wavelengthof 632.8 nm has been analyzed extensivelyby Gordonand Brown [1972] and Brown and Gordon[1973a]. In the earlier paper theseauthors concluded that the best fit (averageerror of about 20%) to the scatteringfunction was obtained by a distribution of •D) dD = 3.3 X 10• D -• dD and an index of refraction of m = 1.05 - 0.01•. The size limits consideredwere0.08 and 10 u. In the later paperthe authors concludedthat a bestfit (averageerror of about 19%)wasobtained and calculatedvolume scatteringfunctions.The program not only determinesthe index of refraction distribution but also the resultant particle size distribution. The resultant particle size distribution and its componentsare shown in Figure 1. The componentsas well as the result of the 40-componentfit using the Fletcher-Powellminimization technique are shown in Table 2. Although all 40 componentswere found to be present, only 7 contribute significantly to the calculated volume scatteringfunction. These are componentswith a relative index of refraction of 1.05 and exponentsof 3.5, 3.7, and 3.9, componentswith an index of 1.075 with exponentsof 3.7 and 3.9, and componentswith an index of 1.15 with exponentsof 3.5 and 3.7. Componentswith indicesof 1.02 and 1.10 were essentially not present. The calculated and observedvolume scattering functions and the componentsof the calculated scatteringfunction are shown in Figure 2. The averageerror was only 13.4%, and the maximum error was 28.3%. The experimental error was estimatedto be 30% by Kullenberg. The major contribution to the calculatedvolume scattering function is due to the particleswith an index of refraction of 1.15, especiallyat the larger angles.At the smaller anglesthe contribution of the 1.05 component rapidly increases.The 1.075componentcontributesbut little at any angle,and ignoring this component would not greatly affect the calculated scattering function. The most striking result is that so few componentsare chosen by the minimization program, es- with •D) ,o8I dD = 4.83 X 10• D -• dD The indices of refraction used were 1.01 - 0.01i from 0.1 to 2.5 • and 1.15from 2.5 to 10.0•. Kullenberg'sscatteringfunction thusappearedidealto testour method,sinceit wouldpermit comparisonwith an earlier determination of an index of refraction distribution. The Mie scatteringcurveswere obtained from an excellent set of tablescomputedby Morel [1973a].The tablescontain volume scattering functions for Junge distributions with parameters C of 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 4.2, 4.5, and 5.0 and for indicesof refraction relative to water of 1.02, 1.05, 1.075, 1.10, and 1.15. The integrationsin the table are carried out between limits of a = 0.2 and a = 200, where a = 2=D/X. These values representdiametersof D• = 0.04 um and Du = 40 um at the f(D) wavelengthunderconsideration.Although thesetablesdo not permit us to vary the limits of integration (which do have a slight influenceon the shapeof the scatteringfunction) and also do not contain imaginary componentsof the index of refraction,the choiceof scatteringfunctionsstill permitsan excellentfit to the experimental distribution. The calculatedscatteringfunction was thus given by //50 /050 •c(O) = • '• Aii13•.i(O ) i=l 1075 i=l 10-4 i i 1 i 001 Ol io io where /•o(0) representsa tabulatedvolume scatteringfuncD tion. The/•o were normalizedto 104particles/mi. In our minimizationapproachfor this particularproblem, Fig. 1. The calculatedtotal particle size distribution(uppermost no conditionswere imposedon the sizedistributions.We did curve) for the scatteringfunction shownin Figure 2 and the particle not assumethat a size distributionfor the particulatematter size distributions for the componentswith indices of refraction of was known. A conditionsuchas that shownin (5) wasthere- 1.050, 1.075, and 1.150. 4094 ZANEVELD ET AL.:OCEANICPARTICULATE TABLE 2. The Values of the Coefficients of the 40 Components Providing the Best Fit Scattering Function Observed in the Sargasso Sea Relative Exponent of Junge Distribution 1.02 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.0 1.64 5.83 1.39 7.74 2.60 1.80 x x x x x x 1.79 x 4.58 x Index 1.05 10-7 10-7 10-16 10 -21 10-14 10-12 10-11 10-24 1.45 1.30 4.41 6.30 4.98 1.42 1.68 7.02 x x x x x x x x of Refraction 1.075 10-7 10 -7 10 -2 10-2 10-3 10-9 10-14 10-13 4.92 1.65 2.88 6.02 3.06 9.75 7.34 3.30 x x x x x x x x to a Volume 1.10 10-7 10 -12 10 -10 10 -3 10-2 10-13 10-8 10-12 2.92 1.69 4.06 3.49 2.31 1.28 4.17 3.12 x x x x x x x x 1.15 10-13 10-10 10 -9 10 -12 10-20 10-14 10-8 10-11 9.33 1.43 1.10 6.27 2.13 6.54 3.81 8.70 x x x x x x x x 10-9 10-8 10 -1 10 -2 10-8 10-9 10-11 10-10 The coefficients are normalized to 104 particles/ml greater than 1 • in diameter. peciaily since the shapesof the componentscatteringfunc tions do not changevery much when one of the parametersis varied. Since the slope of the Junge distribution is different for the componentswith indicesof refraction of 1.05, 1.075, and 1.15, the percentagesof the total representedby a given index of The presentresultsclearly indicate a bimodal distribution, with a 1.15 index of refractioncomponentand a 1.05-1.075 index of refraction component; all otherøindices are unimportant. This result is not unexpected,since previous calculations summarized in Table I showed a similar distribution. One interpretation of this observation is that the organic refractionare a functionof size.Thesepercentages are shown matter present had an index of around 1.050 and the inin Figure 3, which indicatesthat the high-indexparticlescon- organic and organic skeletal material had an index of 1.15. stitutea larger percentageof the total with increasingparticle Our average error was only about 13% as compared with size. The total particle size distribution had an exponent of 19% for the model of Brown and Gordon [1973a]. Their conabout 3.6, which falls in the range(3.4-4.1) observedby Gor- tention that the large particles must consist mostly of indon and Brown [1972] for the particulate matter in the surface organic material is supported by our results. Attaching water of the SargassoSea. The amount of particles per physicalsignificanceto a bestfit must be done with great care, milliliter larger than I/• was found to be 3.2 X 103.This quan- however, sincethe many independentparametersinvolved in tity is a factor of 4 lessthan the minimum observedby Gordon the determinationsof volume scatteringfunctionscan be comand Brown [1972]. As the scatteringfunction and the particle bined in severalways to obtain calculatedscatteringfunctions size distribution were measured neither at the same time nor at the samelocation,this resultliesentirely within expectedfluctuations in the particle concentration. that are similar to observed ones. As our calculationsindicatethat almostno particleswith an index of 1.02 were present,the choiceof an indexof refraction of around 1.01 for organic material is probably too low. Furthermore, organic matter containsskeletalmaterial that has an index of refraction similar to that of inorganic matter. Our results show that the index of refraction for skeletal and in- organic material must be about 1.15 or higher. It is thus likely that a pure plankton culture would show a bimodal index of 70-- io 2 •3(e) •% ,o -3 so t t //50 50 4O Ii • //50 % /050 30 20 / 050 /075 io 10-6/ 0 ,1 I 20 I I 40 I I 60 I I 80 J 1075 o o• Fig. 2. The experimental volumescatteringfunctionobservedby Kullenberg(dots), the calculated40-componentbestfit (uppermost curve) to the experimentalcurve, and the contributionsto the total scatteringfunction by the 1.050, 1.075, and 1.150 index of refraction components. o• •o •o •oo D Fig. 3. The percentageof the total numberof particlesas a function of particle diameter in microns with the componentindex of refraction as a parameter. ZANEVELD ETAL.:OCEANIC PARTICULATE 4095 refraction distribution, most material (watery protoplasm) the sizedistribution of the suspendedparticles. If the sizedishaving an index of refraction between 1.02 and 1.05 and a tribution has also been determined experimentally, the smaller fraction of the material having an index of refraction difference between the calculated and the observed size disaround 1.15. tribution may also be minimized. The method was applied to a volume scatteringfunction obDISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS servedin the SargassoSea by using40 componentscovering Although the principalpurposeof this paperis to presenta the most likely indices of refraction and particle size dismethod for determiningindex of refraction distributions,the tributions. The method was successful in predicting a bimodal index of refraction distribution deserves some compreviously observedparticle size distribution and index of re. The resultant index of refraction disment. Phytoplankton consist of hard calcareousor siliceous fraction distribution. shellsand soft watery protoplasm.The hard shellsprobably tribution was bimodal, with a component in the range have a relative index of refractionin the neighborhoodof 1.15, 1.05-1.075 and a componentof 1.15.The total particle sizediswhereas the protoplasm has a relative index of refraction of tributions had an exponent of 3.6 in the Junge distribution. 1.01-1.05. If phytoplanktonare present,one might expectto Acknowledgment. This investigation has been supported by the find particleswith an index of refraction that is somevalue be- tween the indices for hard shells and protoplasm. Optical propertiesdo not, however,averagein a linear fashion.A par- Office of Naval Research through contract N00014-67-A-0369-0007 under project NR 083-102 with Oregon State University. REFERENCES ticle that consists for 50% of material with an index of 1.04 and for 50% of material with an index of 1.10 does not have a scatteringfunction like that of a particlewith an index of 1.07. According to our present resultssuch a particle appearsto scatter more like two particles, one with an index of 1.04 and one with an indexof 1.10.This hypothesiscan be testedby examination of the scatteringfunctionsof phytoplanktoncultures and the determination of their index of refraction dis- tributions. The observationthat mostof the larger particlesappearto be inorganicor consistof phytoplanktonshellsis contraryto expectation.Yet the sameresult was obtainedby Brownand Gordon[1973a], usinga different method. These authorshave also soughtto explainthe observation.Of all the scattering functionsanalyzedby using our method, the SargassoSea sample is the only one in which the inorganicsdominate the large size ranges. No general conclusionsconcerningparticulate matter in the ocean should thus be drawn from the analysisof the SargassoSeasample.The SargassoSeasample provides, however, a useful test of our method, since an unusual observation was confirmed. Brown, O. B., and H. R. Gordon, Two component Mie scattering modelsof SargassoSeaparticles,Appl. Opt., 12, 2461-2465, 1973a. Brown, O. B., and H. R. Gordon, Comment on method for the deter- mination of the index of refraction of particles suspendedin the ocean, J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 63, 1616-1617, 1973b. Carder, K. L., R. D. Tomlinson,and G. F. Beardsley,Jr., A technique for the estimationof indicesof refractionof marine phytoplankters, Limnol. Oceanogr., 17, 833-839, 1972. Fletcher, R., and M. J. D. Powell, A rapidly converging descent method for minimization, Brit. Cornput.J., 6, 163-168, 1963. Gordon, H. R., and O. B. Brown, A theoretical model of light scattering by SargassoSea particulates, L.imnol. Oceanogr., 17, 826-832, 1972. Holland, A. C., and G. Gagne, The sc. attering of polarized light by polydisperse systems of irregularparticles,Appl.Opt.,9, 1113-1121, 1970. Kullenberg,G., Scatteringof light by Sargasso Seawater,DeepSea Res., 15, 423-432, 1968. Kullenberg,G., A comparison betweenobservedandcomputedlight scatteringfunctions, 2, Rep. 19, 15 pp., Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 1972. Mie, G., Beitr•ige zur Optik trfiber Medien, speziel Kolloidalen Metal16sungen,Ann. Phys., 25, 377-389, 1908. 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The assumptionof a Junge distribution for such a Pak, H., and J. R. V. Zaneveld, The Cromwell current on the east side population will lead to erroneous results. It has not been possiblewith present instrumentation to separate the organic from the inorganic fraction before a reliable particle count is made. If as is the case with the SargassoSea example the total particle size distribution is a Junge type, it is thus reasonable to assume that the components also have this type of distribution. By meansof the Fletcher-Powellminimizationtechniqueit is possible to determine the best fit to an observed volume scatteringfunction by using a large number of component scatteringfunctions.By judiciouslychoosingthe component scatteringfunctionsone can interpret the fit in termsof the index of refractiondistributionof the suspendedparticlesand of the Galapagos Islands,J. Geophys.Res., 78, 7845-7859, 1973. Plass,G. N., and G. W. 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