Digital Terrestrial Television Transition Strategy for Brazil Kiev, Ukraine, 13-15 November 2000 Jarbas José Valente Superintendent, National Telecommunications Agency, Brazil Contents 3 Introduction 3 Today’s television broadcasting in Brazil 3 Horizontal and vertical market structure 3 Steps toward transition 3 The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition 3 Conclusion Introduction This presentation has the main purpose of providing an in-depth examination of the transition strategy that Brazil intends to pursue in the introduction of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) services while phasing out the rendering of analogue television broadcasting services. Today´s television broadcasting in Brazil 3 Brazil’s broadcasting services are characterised as those freely and directly delivered to the public in general; 3 Includes Radio and Television Broadcasting; 3 The ownership of a broadcasting company is allowed only to Brazilian citizens or those naturalised over a period of time more than 10 years; 3 Networks are mostly under private ownership but some nongovernmental and public entities also hold the control of a few of them. Today´s television broadcasting in Brazil TV density on Brazilian Territory Less than 60% 60 to 70% 70 to 80% 80 to 90% More than 90% Today´s television broadcasting in Brazil Existent Stations in Brazil STATION Quantity Generator 333 Relay Station (Biggest) (5 kW) 748 Relay Stations (Smallest) (250W) 7,840 Total 8,921 Today´s television broadcasting in Brazil Digital Planning Difficulties: 3 Database on TV spectrum allotment; 3 TV (VHF and UHF) Spectrum Congestion; 3 Differences between digital transmission power and analogue transmission power to cover a particular area; 3 Differences in the configuration of TV networks. Priorities in carrying out the Digital TV Planning 3 The TV in spectrum allotment database must be updated; 3 The worst cases, in terms of areas with TV spectrum congestion, must be identified; 3 Possible TV channels to be used by digital transmission must be defined; 3 Studies must analyse each possible TV channel, defining maximum power, restrictions, etc. Horizontal and vertical market structure 6.000 5.440 5.000 4.570 4.100 4.900 4.000 2.980 3.000 Revenues from advertising by all stations 2.020 2.000 R$ Milhões 1.000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 Average 1998: US$ 1.00 = R$ 1,21 1997 1998 Fte: Zenith Media Horizontal and vertical market structure Revenue of the main broadcasters in Brazil 520 Total 4.900 150 250 R$ milhões, 1997 250 250 880 2.600 0 500 1.000 1.500 Average 1997: US$ 1.00 = R$ 1,1164 2.000 2.500 Others CNT Record Bandeirantes Manchete SBT Globo 3.000 Fonte: Globopar, análise da equipe, 1998 Horizontal and vertical market structure Percentage egions Percentage of of the the broadcasters broadcasters revenue revenue following following the the Brazilian Brazilian rregions 40,00% 35,00% 37,30% 30,00% 25,00% 20,00% 15,00% 15,40% 10,00% 11,90% 9,70% 9,10% 5,00% 7,90% 6,90% 1,90% 0,00% 1) 3) 5) 7) South São Paulo (Capital) Rio de Janeiro Southeast (RJ and SP excluded) 2) 4) 6) 8) Center-west São Paulo - Interior Northeast North Source: Radio e TV magazine, 1998 Horizontal and vertical market structure Geographic coverage of the main broadcasters 41 69 CNT 92 Record Bandeirantes 72 Manchete 97 SBT 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Globo Fonte: Mídia Dados 97 Horizontal and vertical market structure % Age classes that view broadcasting programming 50/65 40/49 30/39 20/29 15/19 95 96 96 97 98 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Fonte: Mídia Dados 97, análise de equipe Horizontal and vertical market structure % Social classes viewing broadcast programming 70 95 98 99 99 0 20 40 60 80 E D C B A 100 Fonte: Mídia Dados 97, análise de equipe Steps towards transition 4 Resolution nr. 69, from 23/11/98 4 Approval of the Procedures to be followed during the Digital TV testing 4 Main outputs deriving from the testing 4 Definition and Presentation of the Technical Report (field and laboratory analysis); 4 Definition and Presentation of the Marketing and Technical Report; 4 Public Consultation - Digital TV standard; 4 International Agreement; 4 Technical Regulation for the Provision of Analogue TV and Relay TV Services; 4 Consolidation of the Basic Plans on Analogue TV, Relay TV and TVA; 4 The choice of the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Standard; 4 Technical Regulation on Digital TV; 4 Basic Plan for Digital TV (main stations); 4 Basic Plan for Digital TV (complete version); 4 Contribution to the question 11/2, SG2 of the ITU-D (The Decision-Making Process on Digital TV at ANATEL). Steps towards transition Key issues to be addressed in the choice of DTV Standard: 3 Screen Format; 3 Interactivity; 3 Mobility; 3 Television and Personal Computer Convergence; 3 Telecommunication and Television Convergence. What to take into account in the decision making - Strategic Factors: 3 Universal access to information for all social classes; 3 National integration and the preservation of the regional identity; 3 Latin American integration; 3 Technological co-operation; 3 Rapid economic development; 3 Rebirth of the parts and components industry. Steps towards transition What to take into account in the decision making - Technical Factors: 3 The digital television service must be, at least, equivalent to the currently distributed analogue television service; 3 Digital and analogue systems must have an adequate coexistence during the transition period; 3 Flexibility for introduction of new applications must be taken into account in the long-run. 3 Implications of the digitalisation process on different TV networks: 3 The digital television service offered in different networks must be compatible; 3 The integration of programs and functionality between these different networks must be considered; 3 Must carry rules should be duly applied. Steps towards transition What to take into account in the decision making - Economic Factors: 3 Impact on the Broadcasting Industry Value Chain; 3 Determinant factors for the promotion of the digital television; 3 Cost to the Broadcasters; 3 Cost to the Consumers; 3 Potential market of each digital television system. What to take into account in the decision making - Social and Cultural Factors: 3 The role played by the television in the life of the citizens; 3 The convergence from the cultural point of view; 3 Expectations of the users on the digital television; 3 Others cultural and socials factors. Steps towards transition What to take into account in the decision making - Scenarios under analysis by Anatel: 3 Scenario I - HDTV programming only and low interactivity 3 Scenario II - SDTV programming only 3 Scenario II a - Multiples programs 3 Scenario II b - SDTV interactive 3 Scenario II c - SDTV with free and paid services 3 Scenario II d - SDTV with free and pay TV services and others telecommunication services 3 Scenario III - Hybrid model 3 Scenario III a - SDTV / HDTV 3 Scenario III b - SDTV shared with Educational Stations 3 Scenario IV - Mobility in any of the last Scenarios Steps towards transition Cost to be considered by Broadcaster - Studio 3 MPEG Converter 3 MPEG Multiplex 3 Digital Camera 3 Digital VTR 3 Monitors 3 Servers 3 Etc. Total cost for Studio is between 200,000 and 1,000,000 US$ Source: CPqD. The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition Cost to be considered by broadcasters for Relay Station 3 Infrastructure 3 Tower 3 Housing, power supply, air conditioner 3 Reception 3 Satellite antenna 3 Satellite receptor 3 Microwave link 3 Transmission 3 Transmitter 250 W 3 Transmitter 5 kW 3 Antenna 250 W The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition The current Brazilian Television Plan Licensed Planned already included Planned new inclusions Total TV RTV TVA Total 333 8,588 25 8,946 654 2.060 ----- 2,714 4,500 8,500 ----- 13,000 5,487 19,148 25 24,660 The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition Marks to TV video quality during simulations to the public Regions Marks to current TV video quality Marks to current TV video quality with a conversor Marks to Digital TV video quality Center-west 3,9 6,8 9,4 South 3,8 6,6 9,3 Southeast 4,0 6,9 9,5 Northeast 4,4 6,8 9,2 North 3,8 6,5 9,1 The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition Per Capita Income (in US$) Less than 2,000 US$ 2,000 to 4,000 US$ 4,000 to 6,000 US$ More than 6,000 US$ National Average is around US5,020 The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition TV Sets industrial sales 2.500.000 2.000.000 1.500.000 2.150.000 2.000.000 1.700.000 2.100.000 2.000.000 1.300.000 1998 1999 2000 1.000.000 1.000.000 500.000 0 1º Quad. 2º Quad. 3º Quad. Source: ELETROS The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition VCR’s industrial sales 700.000 680.000 660.000 690.000 600.000 500.000 400.000 360.000 430.000 395.000 1998 1999 2000 340.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 1º Quad. 2º Quad. 3º Quad. Source: ELETROS The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition TV Receiver Market - Mercosur Country Homes (1,000) TV sets (1,000) Brazil 37,000 53,768 Argentina 8,900 10,600 Uruguay 970 1,750 Paraguay 700 530 10,570 12,880 Sub-total Mercosur (except Brazil) The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition 3 Brazilians are keen on high technology appliances; 3 Brazil’s consumer electronics industry, along with Mercosul, encourages the local production of equipment; 3 Most of the international TV equipment suppliers (Americans, Europeans e Asians) are presently established in the country; 3 The local production of equipment is an important factor to balance Brazil’s international trade in electronics goods, parts and components. The economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition The analysis considered of the Transition Costs for Consumers 3 Interviews; 3Statistics model; 3 Assumptions: prices, opportunities, etc. Transition Costs for Consumers 3 The cost must be adequate to the Brazilian Society; 3 The consumers equipment must allow a variety of configurations to meet the needs of the Brazilian Society, such as: 3 Higher interactivity; 3 Lower interactivity; 3 Full multimedia applications and services, etc. Conclusion Thus, considering the summary of the Brazilian Television Market presented here in terms of today’s television broadcasting, horizontal and vertical market structure, steps toward transition and the economic analysis on the digital terrestrial television transition, the Brazilian administration believes that owing to sharp intra- and interregional differences in the consumption power of the Brazilian population, prices and features, of set-top boxes and other related equipment, are likely to have to adapt to the reality of the Brazilian market, in this sense the participation of the Brazilian population has been of great importance in the process .