Monte-Carlo modelling of Au nanocluster growth on graphene-oxide Peter Dawson,1 Gavin Bell,2 and Paul Mulheran3 1 Centre for Complexity Science, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL. of Physics, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL. 3 Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow, G1 1XJ. 2 Department The growth of Au particles on a graphene oxide substrate is examined through the analysis of experimental samples imaged by transmission electron microscopy, and modelling by kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. In order to recover the experimental observed bimodal distributions for island size s, point-island and two-dimensional models were simulated with nucleated islands being allowed to diffuse once they reached a certain size. The model successfully reproduces the bimodal distribution. The diffusion coefficient for these islands was found to be ∼ s−1.75 . I. INTRODUCTION tal TEM data to a kinetic Monte Carlo model of growth. We begin by analysing further the experimental samples of Pandey et al. In particular we generate probability density functions using kernel density estimation for the island sizes and capture zone areas. A simulation mode is developed to try and capture the experimental distributions. Whilst traditional island growth models consider nucleated islands to be static we explore the inclusion of a critical island island size at which islands can diffuse and various rules that govern this diffusion. Graphene is known to posses a range of unique properties1 . Graphene being of a two dimensional nature and having a low atomic number is highly electron transparent and therefore easily imaged using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) . Not only can graphene be studied using TEM but it also acts as perfect support for the imaging of nanoparticles and macromolecules due to its chemical inertness2–4 . However, it has been shown that nucleation does not occur homogeneously on a In 2011 Pandey et al6 , using physical vapour graphene substrate. Graphene is chemically in- deposition (PVD) deposited various metals onto ert so adsorbates only stick at surface defects5 . a graphene oxide substrate. The deposition rate Graphene oxide (GO) is a form of chemically F was kept constant throughout the experiment modified graphene (CMG) which retains many as was the temperature, presumably giving a of graphene’s interesting properties such as high constant adatom diffusion rate D. Using TEM electron transparency but is less chemically in- they observed various different morphologies ert. Unlike graphene, GO is known to be a good depending on the relative binding energies and substrate for the growth of nanoclusters and thin migration barriers of the adatoms on graphene. films as functional groups increase the energy We greatly extend their analysis but focus of adatoms/molecules making GO more ‘sticky’ only on the deposition of Au monomers. Rather than graphene. Though GO is heterogeneous in than forming a thin film across the surface of the nature it would appear that for the case of Au substrate, the Au monomers nucleate to form iscluster growth the growth process is not domi- lands. The size and shape of the distribution of nated by nucleation at defects6 . An application island sizes is dependent on the monomer covof metal nanoclusters grown on either graphene erage, θ defines as: θ = 0.75 nm means that the or GO is in single molecule gas detectors7 . amount of Au deposited would be equivalent to In this study, we examine Au nanocluster covering the substrate in a film of Au 0.75 nm growth on GO in detail, connecting experimen- thick. Fig. 1 shows bright-field TEM images for 2 coverages of θ = a) 0.15, b) 0.30, c) 0.75 and d) 1.5 nm. b FIG. 2: TEM image of Au deposited at 0.75 nm thickness on GO a). On the right b) is the processed image with Voronoi polygons imposed on top (blue lines). The blue dots are the centroids of the Au clusters from which the Voronoi polygons are constructed gons is of the form H(x; c) = cc c−1 −cx x e Γ(c) (1) FIG. 1: TEM images of nominally θ = a) 0.15, b) 0.30, c) 0.75 and d) 1.5 nm thick Au films on where c is a free parameter suggested by Kiang to be c = 4 but has since been calculated as c = graphene oxide. The focus of the analysis shall be on islands size distributions (ISDs) and on the island’s ‘capture zone’ distributions. An island’s capture zone (CZ) is the area surrounding an island from which a diffusing particle is more likely to diffuse to that particular island than any other island; assuming an isotropic diffusion process deposited monomers are most likely to encounter their geometrically closest island. These regions are closely approximated by the Voronoi polygons corresponding to the nucleation sites for each island (see Fig. 2 b). For the case of heterogeneous two dimensional island growth it has been observed that the individual islands grow at a rate proportional to the area of their capture zones, thus the ISDs may be estimated from the cell area in the Voronoi network8 . For the growth of Au on GO we have assumed a homogeneous nucleation process so the ISDs in general may not follow the CZ distributions. It was postulated by Kiang9 that the scaled distribution of cell areas of Voronoi poly- 3.6110 for the case of random fragmentation. Though while one would expect to see scaling for different coverages in the CZ distributions, Mulheran and Blackman11 observed that in the case of homogeneous thin-film growth island scaling with substrate coverage is only approximate and coincidental. Monte Carlo simulations have been used to model surface growth since the early 1990s. They offer a distinct advantage over the numerical solving of rate equations, as rate equations implicitly require mean field approximations and assume that islands of the same size grow at the same rate. An initially empty lattice is used to represent the substrate. Monomers are deposited at a constant rate to random lattice sites. The monomers diffuse by hopping randomly to nearest neighbour sites. If two monomers meet they nucleate and an island begins to grow around them. The density of islands nucleated in the simulations depends on the ratio of monolayer deposition rate to the monomer hopping rate12 . This ratio, generally known as R = D/F, alone dictates the Monte Carlo simulation procedure, by changing the probabilities of the next 3 where θ is the coverage. Traditionally these islands are ’point-like’, but extended-island growth has also been studied11,14–16 . II. ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA We chose to concentrate our analysis on the lower coverages as islands begin to coalesce and cease to be circular at higher coverages (Fig. 3d). The island size distributions (ISDs) can be extracted from the bright-field images. The images were processed using tools available in Matlab; thresholding (converting the grey-scale image to black (substrate) and white (island)) was performed using Otsu’s method17 .It should be noted that a blanket thresholding of the image was not sufficient as have background gradients which cause shading. Thus the images were thresholded in sections. The islands areas were extracted from the thresholded images. The islands were assumed to be circular and their diameter was calculated. The island size d was then defined as the number of atomic diameters corresponding to the islands diameter, with 0.288 nm being taken as the covalent diameter of Au. The ISDs for samples at coverages of 0.15 nm and 0.75 nm at are shown in Fig. 3. The ISDs are bimodal with a lower peak for small islands and a higher peak for larger islands. We note here that all distributions in this paper are depicted as probability density functions calculated using Gaussian kernel density estimation. Standard irreversible aggregation of monomers produces uni-modal ISDs12 . Therefore, there must be some additional underlying Experiment 0.25 θ= 0.15nm θ= 0.75nm 0.2 probability density function step step being a deposition event or a monomer diffusion event. In typical growth experiments R ∼ 105 − 1010 . The higher the value of R the more a monomer can diffuse before the next deposition event, monomers can travel further increasing their likelihood of joining an existing island12 . The simulated island density N therefore decreases with increasing R. It has been shown13 that N at fixed monomer deposition varies as 1 N ∼ θ 1/3 R− /3 , (2) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 10 20 d − atomic diameters 30 FIG. 3: Island size distributions from Gaussian kernel density estimation obtained from images of Au deposited on GO at coverages of 0.15 nm (dashed blue line) and 0.75 nm (dot-dashed green line). process for the formation of a second peak in the bimodal ISDs. We hypothesise that there is a critical island size at which static islands begin to diffuse and coalesce with monomers and small islands to form this second peak. The scaled CZ distributions for samples at coverages of 0.15 nm and 0.75 nm are shown in Fig. 4. The scaled form of the distributions is shown, partly as it makes fitting curves of the form H(x; c) easier but also to identify if scaling behaviour is exhibited. If the CZ distributions for different coverages were to fall on top of one another this would indicate that the growth processes were scale free, i.e. there is no special length during growth. We however find ’pseudo-scaling’, the distributions are similar but upon fitting H(x; c) we note that c = 9.5 for the lower coverage and c = 12.1 for the higher coverage. The H; c = 3.61 curve is also plotted to emphasise that the islands are not randomly distributed in a Poisson process, but have 4 that enough monomers have been deposited to cover the lattice with a one monomer thick film of monomers. The average thickness of a gold monolayer relates these coverages to the experimental values: 0.15 nm coverage gives θ ∼ 50% and 0.75 nm coverage gives θ ∼ 250%. Experiment θ= 0.15nm θ= 0.75nm H(x; c=9.5) H(x; c=12.1) H(x; c=3.61) 1.6 probability density function 1.4 1.2 For point-island simulations the islands have no diameter so their size s is measured as the number of monomers they possess. Plots of the ISDs (Fig. 13) and the CZ areas (Fig. 12) are appended. The CZ areas are scale free and follow a distribution of the form H(x : c) though with c higher than the case of random fragmentation. The ISDs are distinctly uni-modal. The peak can be seen to shorten and shift to the right at higher coverage. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 x=CZ area / mean CZ area 4 FIG. 4: Capture zone distributions from Gaussian kernel density estimation obtained from images of Au deposited on GO at coverages of 0.15 nm and 0.75 nm. Curves of the form of H(x; c) are fitted to each distribution. A plot of the expected distribution for random fragmentation is also shown, H(x; c = 3.61). a degree of self organisation which comes about through the surface diffusion process. A linear correlation between island area and CZ area was also observed (Fig. 15 appended). These plots lend further weight to the idea that there is a critical islands size at which larger islands begin to diffuse. III. SIMULATION To begin with simple point-island simulations were carried out. These simulations were run for varying values of R. It was found that the island density does indeed scale as ∼ θ 1/3 R−1/3 (see Fig. 10 appended). It should be noted here that the coverage θ here is expressed as a percentage where θ = 100% means To further develop the model of island growth two directions were explored. The first was to change from modelling point islands to modelling two dimensional growth. The second change was to allow larger islands to diffuse with some given probability. The inclusion of this diffusion was justified as operators of the TEM had noted that under high electron flux, which increases the effective temperature of the substrate, large islands have been seen to move. Also previous studies have reported diffusion of large (100-720 atoms) extended-isalnd Ag clusters on Ag16 and Voter18 in 1986 found the diffusion coefficient for Rh clusters (larger than 15 atoms) on Rh to scale as s−1.76±0.06 . Allowing larger islands to diffuse created new parameters for the simulation. The ratio of diffusion to deposition R would still have to be optimised but now a critical island size scrit at which islands began to diffuse would have to be found, a rule for the probability of diffusion would also have to be established. Also when an island reached scrit it would change from a being two-dimensional circular island to a threedimensional hemispherical island as it was assumed that a transition of this type was causing larger islands to diffuse. The probability p of an 5 island moving was given by (3) IV. RESULTS The effects of the parameters scrit , R and α are discussed below for the case of extendedisland islands growth incorporating a transition from two to three-dimensions at scrit . This transition is necessary in order to still have islands at higher coverages, if only purely two-dimensional islands were grown then at a 100% coverage there would be only a film of monomers one monomer thick. Using the locations of the first peak and first trough of Fig. 3 an estimate for the size at which large islands become mobile scrit . The number of atomic diameters is roughly between 2.5 . dcrit . 3.5 converting to a hemispherical volume gives 4 . scrit . 11. Within this range the choice of scrit does not have a great impact on the ISDs provided it is near the high end of this range. This is discussed in the appendix, scrit = 10 has been used for the results below. probability density function where s = 1 corresponded to a monomer. The exponent α determines how much diffusion the larger islands undergo, if it were too small p would be come top large and smaller islands would be swept up by large islands which would coalesce, becoming very large. If α was too big p would be very small and the effects of movement would be lost. As we know from the static point-island case, island density increases as the amount of diffusion monomers can undergo decreases, dictated by R. We can safely assume that this relation also holds for island diffusion, increasing α, decreasing the probability of islands diffusing should, therefore yield higher island density. Higher island density should reduce the amount of small static islands as they get swept up by larger moving islands. 0.25 θ=0.15 nm, experiment θ=50%, simulation 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 d − number of atomic diameters 25 0.25 probability density function 1 if s = 1 p(s) = 0 if s < scrit 1/sα if s ≥ s . crit θ=0.75 nm, experiment θ=250%, simulation 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 10 20 d − number of atomic diameters 30 FIG. 5: Comparison of experimental ISDs (dashed blue lines) with simulation (dot dashed green lines) using the optimised parameter values, scrit = 10, R = 7.5 × 105 , α = 1.75. Fig. 5 compares the experimental data with the simulation results using the optimised parameter values of parameter values, scrit = 10, R = 7.5 × 105 , α = 1.75. For both the 0.15 nm data and the 0.75 nm data the position and height of the first peak in the bimodal distributions fits very well. The second peak has the right height, but is shifted to the right. The analysis leading to these choices for the parameters 6 is discussed below. The island density, N (Fig. 6) decreases with increasing α this is what one would expect as high α implies low island diffusion and was discussed for the static point-island case N is inversely proportional to monomer diffusion rate. Indeed as α increases the island density curve begins to approach the α = ∞ case corresponding to static islands. Graphical analysis can then be used to determine the qualitative effect that R and α have on the ISDs. −3 N − island density [per (lattice site)2] 4 x 10 α=∞ α=1.25 α=1.5 α=1.75 α=2.5 α=3 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 θ − percentage coverage 300 FIG. 6: Island density plots from extended-island simulation for different values of R with α = 1.75 and scrit = 10. Fig. 7 shows the effect that varying α has on the the ISDs. As expected the island density decreases as α goes up. The shape of the distributions is changed quite dramatically. For α = 1.25 the small island peak is larger than the big island peak, with increasing α this begins to change and at α = 1.75 the small island peak is now below the large island peak, a situation more reminiscent of the experimental ISDs. When α = 2.5 the small island peak has practically disappeared, island density at θ = 100% is around three times higher than the α = 1.25 case, leaving us with a distribution almost made up entirely of large moving islands. The static island case of α = ∞ is almost recovered for α = 3, the distribution is distinctly uni-modal. As coverage is increased the larger peak moves to the right, lowers in height and broadens whilst the smaller peak stays reasonably fixed though its peak does also lower. This is interpreted as the large islands moving around merging with one another and with small islands thus becoming even larger. R increases the amount of diffusion for monomers and large islands. The effects of changing R can be seen by comparing in Fig. 8. As before increasing R reduces the island density it also shifts the large island peak to the right and lowers it down. This is a similar effect to increasing α but without such a pronounced effect on the overall shape of the distribution. A value of R = 7.5 × 105 provides the best comparison with experiment. As well as comparing the ISDs the capture zone distribution is also a feature we would like to recover from simulation. The CZ area distributions shown in Fig. 9 for α = 1.75 and R = 7.5 × 105 are reminiscent of the experimental distributions of Fig. 4. Indeed the curve fitted to the 0.75 nm coverage (corresponding to θ = 150%) data can also be successfully fitted to the simulation data at high coverages. However we observed that 0.15 nm (corresponding to θ = 50%) coverage data had a slightly shorter, wider distribution with c = 9.0. This is not recovered by simulations at θ = 50% but wider, shorter distribution can be seen for low coverages. The correlation between CZ area and island area is discussed in detail in the appendix. It gives further evidence for the correctness of the model and the existence of scrit . 7 0.2 0.1 0 α=1.5 0.25 0.2 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters α=1.75 0.25 0.2 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.4 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% 0.2 0 0.2 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters α=2.5 α=1.25 0.25 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters probability density function probability density function 0.3 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% probability density function 0.3 0 probability density function α=∞ probability density function probability density function 0.4 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters α=3 0.3 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 d − number of atomic diameters FIG. 7: Plots for ISDs from extended-island simulation for different values of α with R = 7.5 × 105 . The multiple curves on each plot show the peak of large islands moving to the right as coverage increases. Extended−island Simulation θ=50% 0.2 1.6 1.5 × 106 1.4 2.25 × 106 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 d − number of atomic diameters θ=150% 0.2 25 7.5 × 105 6 1.5 × 10 2.25 × 106 0.15 θ=10% θ=50% θ=150% θ=250% H(x; c=12.1) 7.5 × 105 probability density function probability density function probability density function 8 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 d − number of atomic diameters 25 FIG. 8: ISDs from the extended=island simulation for varying R with α = 1.75 and scrit = 10 for θ = 50 % and θ = 150 %. As R increases the second peak in the distributions shifts to the left. V. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS We have shown that static point-island simulations are insufficient to reproduce the bimodal experimental ISDs. Indeed it has been established that not only is it necessary to use extended-island models but that the inclusion of large island diffusion is essential to produce the bimodal distribution. The form of this diffusion coefficient is the most important parameter governing the distribution shape. Our choice of a s−α rule seems to have captured the qualitative form of the experimental ISDs with α = 1.75. However the distributions we have do not perfectly match those of experiment. The distributions of small and large islands in the experiment are far wider than those of the simulation; the simulation has no intermediate regime, islands are either clearly in the large island peak or the small island peak. This probably is a result of the diffusion rule which does 0 0 1 2 3 x=CZ area / mean CZ area 4 FIG. 9: Capture zone distributions from extendedisland simulation with α = 1.75, scrit = 10 and R = 7.5×105 for different values of coverage θ . A distribution of the form H(x; c = 12.1) is fitted for the high coverage covers, this compare with the experimental distribution from the 0.75 nm coverage sample. not allow small islands to move until they have reached scrit , making this quite a sharp transition. Perhaps a softer diffusion rule, possibly allowing small islands to diffuse with a probability drawn from a Gaussian distribution would yield results more akin to those of the experiment. The pseudo-scaling observed in the experimental CZ distributions does appear to have been captured by the simulations, though at an earlier coverage. While the correlation between CZ area and island size area does lend further support for our hypothesis of a critical island size, this analysis seemed to over estimate the magnitude of scrit . An obvious extension of this work would be to try large island diffusion rules of different forms which would not result in such a hard cut-off between mobile and immobile is- 9 VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS lands. The morphology of the Au islands could also be examined as it is unlikely the islands are true hemispheres but probably shallower I would like to thank EPSRC for funding domes. More experiments could be carried out with varying temperature and deposition rate, to and Dr. Paul Mulheran and Dr. Gavin Bell change R and see if the ISDs vary in different for their supervision and guidance over the past three months. growth environments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. K. Geim and K. S. Novoselov, Nature Materials 6, 183 (2007). N. R. Wilson et al., ACS Nano 3, 2547 (2009). Z. Luo et al., Nano Letters 10, 777 (2010). J. Lee, K. S. Novoselov, and H. S. Shin, ACS Nano 5, 608 . H. Zhou et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 944 (2010). P. A. Pandey et al., Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 7, 3202 (2011). G. Lu, L. E. Ocola, and J. Chen, Nanotechnology 20, 445502 (2009). P. A. Mulheran and J. A. 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Voter, Physical Review B 34, 6819 (1986). 10 APPENDIX A: POINT-ISLAND SIMULATIONS −3 16 x 10 −3 N − island density [per (lattice site)2] As mentioned in the main body of the text, point-island simulations were the simplest simulations that could be implemented. Many of the results found for these simulations could be assumed true for more complex simulations later. For instance, in the case of static island growth the result that increased probability of monomer diffusion (higher R) lowers the island density, N is shown in Fig. 10. From this result one would then safely assume that once islands are also allowed to diffuse with some probability that increasing this probability, which in our case manifests itself in decrease in α would also cause the islands density to lower, Fig. 11. Indeed, the island density at high coverage is far lower for lower values of α, as α is increased the density begins to converge on the static island case of α = ∞. 16 x 10 α=∞ α=1 α=1.5 α=1.75 α=2.25 α=3 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 50 100 150 θ − percentage coverage 200 FIG. 11: Island density plots for different values of α with R = 7.5×105 and scrit = 10 from point-island simulation. N increases with increasing α, and will eventually converge on the static case of α = ∞. R= 7.5 × 105 14 R= 1.5 × 106 N − island density [per (lattice site)2] To compliment the analysis of the extendedisland simulations, results for the point-island R= 3.0 × 10 12 simulations are shown with the same parameters as those used for the extended-island simulations, though the ISDs for static point islands 10 are also included (α = ∞), Fig. 13. For ease of comparison the average island size savg is shown 8 in the legend. In the static case there is only one peak and 6 savg is low. As coverage is increased this peak drops and moves to the right as expected. As 4 α is increased there is only one noticeably high peak for small islands, there is then a wide range 2 0 50 100 150 200 of large islands of different sizes, this shape θ − percentage coverage tends to preserved as coverage increases. The average island size drops with increasing α, this FIG. 10: Island density plots for different values of is consistent with an increase in island density. R from static point-island simulation. Lines of the The probability density for α = 1.75, the result form N = θ 1/3 R−1/3 have been fitted. N decreases found to best reproduce experimental data for with increasing R. the extended-isalnd case, in no way resembles its extended-island counterpart. Finally as α is R= 2.25 × 106 6 11 θ=10% θ=25% θ=50% θ=150% H(x;c=7) probability density function 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 x=CZ area / mean CZ area 4 FIG. 12: Capture zone distributions from pointisland simulation with α = 1.75, scrit = 10 and R = 7.5 × 105 for different values of coverage θ . A distribution of the form H(x; c = 7) is fitted for the data. increased even further the ISD for the static case is recovered. The effect of increasing R on the ISDs is not shown here but it is the same as for the the extended-island case, the peaks move to the left and fall in height. The island density also decreases as expected. The inclusion of island diffusion does not seem to have a noticeable affect on the CZ distributions. Fig. 12 shows the scaled CZ area distributions at difference coverages collapse onto each other indicating there is no characteristic length scale that is dictating their form. A curve of the form H(x; c = 7) seems to fit reasonably well, this is a shorter wider distribution than that found for the experimental data or in the extended-island simulations. 12 probability density function θ=25% ,savg−33 θ=50% ,savg−52 θ=150% ,savg−108 0.03 0.02 0.01 100 200 300 s −number of monomers α=1.5 θ=50% ,savg−122 θ=150% ,savg−340 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.05 100 200 300 s −number of monomers α=2.25 θ=50% ,savg−76 θ=150% ,savg−193 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 θ=150% ,savg−512 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 100 200 300 s −number of monomers 400 100 200 300 s −number of monomers α=1.75 400 θ=10% ,savg−26 θ=25% ,savg−56 0.04 θ=50% ,savg−105 θ=150% ,savg−286 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.05 θ=10% ,savg−21 θ=25% ,savg−43 0.04 θ=50% ,savg−173 0 400 θ=10% ,savg−37 θ=25% ,savg−89 0.05 θ=10% ,savg−29 θ=25% ,savg−66 0.04 α=1 0.04 0 400 probability density function 0 0.05 probability density function θ=10% ,savg−18 0.04 0 probability density function 0.05 α=∞ probability density function probability density function 0.05 100 200 300 s −number of monomers α=3 400 θ=10% ,savg−18 θ=25% ,savg−34 0.04 θ=50% ,savg−56 θ=150% ,savg−128 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 100 200 300 s −number of monomers 400 FIG. 13: Plots for ISDs for different values of α with R = 7.5 × 105 and scrit = 10 from point-island simulation. The multiple curves on each plot show the peak of large islands moving to the right as coverage increases. 13 APPENDIX B: CRITICAL ISLAND SIZE Varying the critical island size scrit has some obvious consequences. When scrit is low the first of the bimodal peaks will be small as islands will reach scrit quickly and begin to diffuse, they will diffuse faster than at high scrit as the rate of island diffusion is inversely proportional to island size. This in turn will make the second peak increase faster. From the ex- scrit=1 scrit=8 probability density function APPENDIX C: CAPTURE ZONE AREA ISLAND AREA CORRELATION From experiment (Fig. 15) there is a correlation between CZ area and island area. This implies a degree of ‘smooth’ growth occurs inside what must therefore be fairly static CZs. This is evidence for larger islands being effectively immobile enforcing the need for α to be high enough to kill off the diffusion of larger islands. These plots also lend further weight to the idea of a critical island size. This is most noticeable in the 0.75 nm coverage data where there is a thinning out of the density of island areas from ≈2-3 nm2 which then thickens again with larger area. This would suggest that the islands stay static until they reach an area of 2 nm2 which corresponds to a width of ≈ 5 atomic diameters, which is slightly higher than the estimates taken from the ISDs. 0.25 scrit=10 0.2 perimental data the range of scrit is limited to 4 & scrit . 11. The effect of varying scrit within this range is shown in Fig. 14 as well as an example of low scrit = 1 and high scrit = 25. There is not much difference in the results for scrit ≈ 10 so this value was chosen for the rest of the simulations. scrit=12 scrit=25 0.15 0.1 0.05 The simulation appears to capture the CZ area - island size correlation , Fig. 16. The effect of having a critical isalnd size is also evident at higher coverages .The bulk of the large FIG. 14: Plots for ISDs for different values of scrit islands appear to grow at the same rate as the with R = 7.5 × 105 and α = 1.75 from extended- large bunch moves to the right with increasing island simulation. coverage, this is equivalent to the large island peak moving to the right in the ISDs of Fig. 7 . 0 0 5 10 15 20 d − number of atomic diameters 25 14 Experiment 50 θ =0.15 nm CZ area [nm2] 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Island area [nm ] 7 8 CZ area [nm2] 80 9 10 θ =0.75 nm 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Island area [nm2] 30 35 40 45 FIG. 15: Plot of CZ area against island area for θ = 0.15 nm and θ = 0.75 nm experimental data. There is a correlation between CZ area and island area. 15 120 θ=10% 100 100 80 80 CZ area [nm]2 CZ area [nm]2 120 60 40 20 0 θ=50% 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 0 5 Island area [nm]2 160 10 15 20 25 Island area [nm]2 200 θ=150% θ=250% 150 120 CZ area [nm]2 CZ area [nm]2 140 100 80 60 100 50 40 20 0 10 20 30 Island area [nm]2 40 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Island area [nm]2 FIG. 16: Plot of CZ area against island area for θ with R = 7.5 × 105 , α = 1.75 and scrit = 10 from extended-island simulations.