JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 98, NO. BI0, PAGES 17,649-17,665, OCTOBER 10, 1993 TemporalandGeochemicalVariability of VolcanicProductsof the MarquesasHotspot D. L. DESONIE1 AND R. A. DUNCAN Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis J. H. NATLAND 2 ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography, Universityof California,La Jolla The Marquesas archipelago is a short,NW-SE trendingclusterof islandsandseamounts thatformedas a resultof volcanicactivity over a weak hotspot. This volcanicchainlies at the northernmarginof a broad regionof warm and compositionally diversemantlethat meltsto build severalothersubparallelvolcanic lineaments.Basaltsdredgedfrom submerged portionsof volcanoes alongthe Marquesaslineamentdecrease in age from northwestto southeast.The new sampleage distributionyields a volcanicmigrationrate significantlyslowerthanthatexpectedfor Pacificplatemotionovera stationaryMarquesas hotspot.This and the aberrantorientationof the chain indicatedeflectionof the plume by westwardupper mantle flow. The interactionof this weak plumewith uppermantleflow accountsfor the temporaland spatialpatternsin Marquesan volcanism.The compositions of subaerialandsubmarine basaltsreflectthe mixingof at least two mantlesources,distinguished by Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopeand traceelementcompositions.There is a consistentevolutionarypatternat each volcano,from early tholeiitic to later alkalic basalteruptions. Tholeiitic and transitionallava compositions can be derivedby variabledegreesof partial meltingof a sourcecomposedof depletedmid-oceanridge basalt mantle (DMM) and mantle characterizedby radiogenic Pb (HIMU). Alkaliclavacompositions appearto be dominantly theresultof smallerdegrees of meltingof a moreradiogenic mantlesource(EMII). Large-scale meltingof the lowerlithosphere or upper mantle (DMM+HIMU) entrainedwithin a sheared,thermallybuoyantplume (EMII) could producethe tholeiitic and transitional basaltsfound in the main shields of the volcanoes,while alkalic basaltscould result frommeltingof mantleof EMII composition at theedgesof thehotspot. THE MARQUESASVOLCANICLINEAMENT In this paperwe reportnew 4øAr-39Arand K-Ar age The Marquesas lineament, the northernmostof the many hotspot lineaments of French Polynesia, includes 12 islands and at least eight seamountsthat extend for nearly 500 km north of the Marquesas Fracture Zone (Figure 1). These youthfulvolcanicconesrise up to 5000 m from 50- to 65-m.y.old oceanic lithosphere [Kruse, 1988] that formed at the ancestral East Pacific Rise (EPR). The Marquesas, and the other islandsof FrenchPolynesia,are on the westernsideof an unusually shallow region of thinner than normal lithosphere, termed the South Pacific isotopic and thermal anomaly (SOPITA), thought to be a zone of broad-scale mantle upwelling [McNutt and Fischer, 1987; Smith et al., 1989; McNutt and Judge, 1990; Staudigelet al., 1991]. Extreme compositionalvariationsare found for basaltson a variety of scales: between and among island groups, and within individual volcanoes[Bishopand Woolley, 1973; Liotard et al., 1986; Duncan et al., 1986; Vidal et al., 1987]. Volcanism above the Marquesas hotspot has been intermittent, is somewhat oblique to volcanism at other south Pacific lineaments[Croughand Jarrard, 1981], and is the only French Polynesianhotspottrack for which there is no known site of active volcanism. 1Now atLamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NewYork. 2Now atRosenstiel School ofMarine andAtmospheric Sciences, Universityof Miami, Miami, Florida. Copyright1993 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber93JB01562. 0148-0227/93/93JB-01562505.00 determinationsfrom eight dredgehaulsand the islandof Fatu Hiva in the Marquesas lineament, which revise the age progressionpreviously determined from studies of island samplesonly. Major and traceelementcontentsare consistent with fractional crystallizationfrom a range of primary basalt melt compositions. Isotopic ratios identify the parental mantlecompositionsas havingdepletedmid-oceanridge basalt mantle plus mantle characterized by radiogenic Pb (DMM+HIMU) and more radiogenic mantle source (EMII) signatures,in Zindler and Hart's [1986] terminology. We discussthese data in terms of possible dynamic models of mantle plume and lithosphere/asthenospheremelting and mixing. Age Relationshipsof MarquesasVolcanoes Previousresultsof K-Ar age determinations from the islands of the Marquesas[Duncanand McDougall,1974;Duncanet al., 1986; Brousse et al., 1990] have shown a southeastward migrationof volcanismalongthe Marquesaschainfrom 6 Ma at Eiao [Brousseet al., 1990; Caroff et al., 1990] through 1.3 Ma at Fatu Hiva [Duncanand McDougall, 1974]. The resultant volcanicmigrationrate of 104 + 18 km/m.y. closelymatches those calculated for other French Polynesian volcanic chains [McDougalland Duncan,1980]. It has been suggestedthat volcanismover the Marquesas hotspotdid not initiate at Eiao (Figure 1). Volcanismat ridges to the west of the MarquesasIslands along the Galapagos FractureZone and the Nova-Cantontrough,with agesof 13 and 30 Ma, respectively, has been proposedto have originated 17,649 17,650 DESONIEET AL.: VOLCANICPRODUCTSOFTHE MARQUESASHOTSPOT . ark Iti Huka Pou Nuku Huku Hiv; O8 ane Nao /FatuHiva 12 12 I I 141' 140' 139' 138' 137' ,6' Fig. 1. Bathymetricmap of the Marquesaslineament. Arrowsindicatelocationsof dredgehauls;after GEBCO Map 297, Centre National pour rExploitation des Oceans,Paris, 1973. Contour interval = 500 m, dotted !in, contour= 200 m. Insert indicatesthe location of the Marquesasbathymetricmap and showsmajor tectonicfeaturesof the Pacific Ocean basin: GalapagosFractureZone (GFZ), MarquesasFractureZone (MFZ), and the EastPacificRise. over the Marquesashotspot [McNutt et al., 1989]. A long, broad topographicand geoid swell extendswestwardfrom the Marquesas lineament through the center of the north-south trending Line Islands volcanic lineament. This feature, termed the Line-Crosstrend, has allowed speculationthat at least some of the centralLine Islandsformedabovethe Marquesashotspot [Croughand Jarrard, 1981]. Three of the volcanoes,with ages between38 and 60 Ma, show an age progressionwhich could be related to volcanism along the Marquesas-Line trend [Schlanger et al., 1984]. If so, the Marquesashotspot has producedvolcanic activity only intermittently. In contrast to the three other volcanic chains of the French Polynesian region (Society, Austral-Cook, Pitcairn-Gambier), no active volcanism has been found at the southeastern end of the Marquesasline [McNutt et al., 1989]. McNutt et al. [1989] proposedthat the most recent expressionof volcanism above the Marquesashotspot may be found at the northern ridge marginof the MarquesasFractureZone (MFZ). Furtherstudyof this ridge has shown that it is an old feature unrelated to hotspot activity (M. K. McNutt, personal communication, 1991). In September1991, however,freshglassybasaltswere dredgedfrom a seamountat the southeastend of the Marquesas lineament, 20 km north of the MFZ, now thoughtto be the present location of the hotspot (M. K. McNutt, personal communication,1991); radiometricages for thesesamplesare in progress(R. A. Duncan,unpublishedresults,1993). The duration of volcanism at a single edifice within this lineament is longer than that measured at other hotspot locations. Duncan et al. [1986] discoveredthat the 3.8-m.y. history of volcanism at the island of Ua Pou followed a petrogeneticsequencesimilar to Hawaiian volcanoes. Shield lavas exposedin stream valleys, road cuts and wave-cut cliffs around the perimeter of Ua Pou are part of a tholeiitic basalt phase of volcanism which occurred from 5.6 to 4.5 Ma. DESONIEET AL.: VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOF THE MARQUESASHOTSPOT Volcanism began again after a 1.6 m.y. hiatus with eruption of alkali basalts from 2.9 to 2.7 Ma, and finally more evolved lavas from 2.5 to 1.8 Ma [Duncan et al., 1986]. In contrast with Hawaiian volcanism, the magmatic production rate is independentof compositionand does not diminish with time, based on the age relationshipsof the compositionalphaseson eachof the Marquesanvolcanoes[Brousseet al., 1990]. 17,651 Samoa 0.707 0.706 0.705 GeochemicalVariability of SOPITA Volcanic Chains The south-central Pacific basin presents several remarkable geochemical and geophysical characteristics. This region (essentially French Polynesia) has thinner lithosphere [Nishimura and Forsyth, 1985] and shallowerdepths[McNutt and Fischer, 1987] than comparablyold lithosphereelsewhere. Slow lower mantle seismic velocities [Dziewonski and Woodhouse, 1987] directly beneaththe region correlate with an unusually high density of hotspot tracks. These volcanoes exhibit some of the most extreme isotopic compositions among oceanic basalts[Duncan and Compston,1976], which Hart [1984] and Castillo [1988] have related to large-scale convectiveupwelling from the deep mantle. Staudigel et al. [1991] have shown that the compositional identity of the volcanism has persistedat least since mid-Cretaceoustime and speculatedthat the diversity in the island and seamountbasalts is derived from long-term accumulation and isolation of subducted lithosphere deep in the mantle. In this interpretation, recycled material is delivered to the upper mantlebeneaththe regionvia plumeflow [White and Hofmann, 1982]. The Darwin Rise [McNutt and Judge, 1990] and the western Pacific Cretaceousatoll and guyot province [Smith et al., 1989] probably originated over hotspotsin this area. The term "superswell"has been used to describethis broad, shallow region of the Pacific correlatedwith deep mantle upwelling and excessintraplate volcanism[McNutt and Fischer, 1987]. Within the four volcanic lineamentsof French Polynesiaare some of the most extreme Sr and Pb isotopiccompositionsyet measured in ocean island basalts (OIB). The mantle componentsvisualized as endmember source compositionsin globally distributed oceanic volcanism [White, 1985; Zindler and Hart, 1986] must have developedfrom long-termisolation 0.704 Pitcairn 0.703 Is. PREMA ter Is. 0.702 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 206pb/204pb Fig.2. 87Sr/86Sr versus 206pb/204pb for southPacificspreading ridge basaltsand hotspotvolcaniclineamentswith mantlecomponents after Zindler and Hart [1986] shownin hatchuredboxes. Althoughdata from most island chains are grouped,data from each volcano in the CookAustral lineamentis shownas a separatefield but with the samedotted patternandprint. Basaltsfrom the islandof Ua Pou [Duncanet al., 1986] are tholeiitic basalts(solid circles) and alkalic basalts(solid triangles). Data sourcesare as follows: East Pacific Rise (EPR) [White et al., 1987]; Easter Island [White and Hofrnann, 1982]; Society Islands [White and Hofrnann, 1982; Cheng et al., 1987; Devey et al., 1990; W. M. White, unpublished data, 1990]; MarquesasIslands[Vidal et al., 1984;Duncanet al., 1986; Dupuy et al., 1987; Desonie, 1990]; Cook and Austral Islands [Palacz and Saunders, 1986; Nakarnura and Tatsurnoto,1988]; Pitcairn Island[Woodheadand McCulloch,1989];andthe SamoanIslands[Wright and White, 1986;Farley et al., 1990]; afterHart and Zindler [1989]. extreme heterogeneityis found within a single volcano. The quartz-normative tholeiites from Ua Pou are among the most depleted in 87Sr/86Sr foroceanislands yetfound,buttheyhave consistently higher Pb-isotope ratios than MORB. The more radiogenic Pb-isotope ratios of these tholeiites may be due to the incorporation of pods of a HIMU component within the DMM mantle source [Duncan et al., 1986; Hart and Zindler, of materials with variable U/Pb, Th/Pb, Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd; these 1989]. Alkalic lavas from the same volcano, however, are intermediate in Pb isotopic compositions and have highly are well representedin south-centralPacific lavas. Figure 2 shows spreading ridge and hotspot lavas from the region radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios, characteristicof an EMII source plottedin 87Sr/86Sr-2ø6pb/2ø4pb spacewith hypothesizedcomposition (Figure 2). The spatial variability of melt compositions across the mantle endmember compositions. DMM, depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle, is the low radiogenicSr and Pb, hotspots can be examined through sampling of globally quite uniform, endmember that gives rise to normal contemporaneous volcanoes within the region of current spreadingridge lavas. HIMU, the radiogenic Pb, unradiogenic activity. In the group of young volcanoesat the southeastend Sr component, was defined in part by basaltic rocks from of the Societieschain, betweenTahiti and Mehetia, an isotopic in 87Sr/86Sr perpendicular to thehotspot trackis found Mangaia and Tubuai in the Cook-AustralIslands,and appearsto gradient be present in Easter Island lavas and seafloor basalts from the in which values of 0.7060 at Rocard seamount to the north, EPR. EMII, with highly radiogenic Sr but moderate decrease to values of 0.7031 at Moua Pihaa seamount to the 2ø6pb/2ø4pb, is mostevidentin samples fromSamoabut is south [Devey et al., 1990]. Isotopic gradientsin the direction also strongly expressed in lavas from the Society and the of plate motion are also observed. For example, as mentioned = Marquesas Islands. EM I component, with moderately high above,at the islandof Ua Pou,tholeiiticbasalts(87Sr/86Sr = 0.7055)by> 1.5 87Sr/86Sr butlow2ø6pb/2ø4pb is represented by samples from 0.7027)predatealkalicbasalts(87Sr/86Sr Pitcairn Island and Rarotongain the Cook Islands. Compositional diversity is observed along and across lineaments, and on the scale of individual volcanoes. In the Cook-Austral lineament islands exhibit rather uniform compositions, whereas great isotopic diversity is found between volcanoes (Figure 2). In the Marquesas lineament m.y. Given the high plate velocities inferred from Pacific volcano migration rates [Duncan and Clague, 1985], this implies a sample spacingof 100 to 150 km acrossthe hotspot. Duncan et al. [1986] suggestedthat the composition of the eruptive products at Ua Pou was related to position of the volcano above a compositionally segregatedhotspot. 17,652 DESONIE ETAL.:VOLCANICPRODUCTS OFTHEMARQUESAS HOTSPOT NEW RESULTSFROMTHE MARQUESAS ISLANDSAND SWELL 19-2), alkali basalts (19-3, 19-11), and one basanite (19-8). The diversity of compositionsfrom this samplesite is similar to that observedon the island of Ua Pou. Hyaloclastiteswere Samplesand Analytical Methods dredgedfrom threelocations(DH 17, DH 18, and DH 21). Basalt samplesexamined in this study were dredgedfrom Samples used for age determinations and compositional submarineportions of the Marquesasvolcanic chain in March analyses were the freshest available, with slight to moderate and April of 1987 by the R/V ThomasWashington,expedition alteration and little or no interstitial glass. All CRGN 02 Crossgrain(CRGN 02). The objectivesof the programwere samples, except the potassic trachyandesites,are highly twofold: to study the thermo-mechanicalproperties of the vesicular. Tholeiitic basaltsinclude olivine (some embayed) lithosphere underlying the Marquesas lineament and to and abundant clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Fe-Ti oxides, determine the chemical composition of the early phase of clinopyroxene, and small amounts of interstitial glass are constructionof the volcanoes. A portion of the resultsof Sea found in the groundmass. Basalts (transitional series) are Beam swath mapping, a single channel seismic study, and similar to olivine tholeiites but include small laths of gravity and magneticsurveyswere discussedby McNutt et al. groundmassplagioclase. Abundant embayedolivine crystals [1989] and Filmer and McNutt [1990]. are found as phenocrystsand in the groundmassof alkali In this paper we report analysesof rocks recoveredin nine olivine basalts. Augitic clinopyroxene is abundant as well. dredgehauls of seamounts,banks,and the submarineportions Although DH 21 samples are classified chemically as alkali of islands from CRGN 02. Dredge locations from which olivine basalts, they contain no olivine, little clinopyroxene basalticrocks were recoveredare shownin Figure 1 and brief and have abundant small plagioclase laths in a trachytic descriptions of the dredge targets are given in Table 1. matrix. The highly vesicular tephrites contain abundant Previousstudiesof Marquesanvolcanismhave relied solely on clinopyroxene (rhomboid phenocrysts), and some olivine. samplesfrom the emergent portions of the volcanoeswhich Little or no plagioclase is found in the tephritic rocks. representlessthan 2% of the massof any edifice. Basanites are fine grained with abundant olivine, For petrologiccomparisonof dredgedlavas and glasseswith clinopyroxene, and plagioclase phenocrysts and those from emergent portions of the islands, initial basalt microphenocrysts.Vesicles in the basanitoidsare extremely classifications are those used by Liotard et al. [1986], round, and up to 1 mm in diameter. Highly alkalic samples following Feigenson et al. [1983] for Hawaiian basalts. contain abundanttitanaugitewhich is sometimessectorzoned Hypersthene-normative basalts are classified as tholeiitic if with normally and reversely zoned rims. Potassic they lie in the tholeiitic field on an alkalis versussilica plot trachyandesitescontain fine grained plagioclaselaths, minor and as transitional if they lie in the alkalic field. All clinopyroxeneand Fe-Ti oxides in a trachyticmatrix. nepheline-normativesamplesare alkalic basalts. Although all Age determinations by 4øAr-39Arincremental heatingand three compositional types are representedin the CRGN 02 total fusion experimentsand conventionalK-Ar radiometric sample suite (Tables 4 and 5), highly alkalic rocks (>30% datingmethodswere performedon 23 freshbasaltsamplesfrom normative nepheline), which are abundant among subaerial the CRGN 02 dredgecollectionand six samplesfrom the island samples,were not recovered. Rock nameswere then given to of Fatu Hiva. Samplepreparationand analysisof samplesby membersof each of these lava types using the International K-Ar and 4øAr-39Ar total fusion methods followed the Union of Geological Sciences classification based on their techniques outlined by Desonie and Duncan [1990]. major and trace element compositions, and normative and Experimental methods for 4øAr-39Ar incremental heating are modal mineralogies. Glasses were named based on their describedby Duncanand Hargraves[ 1990]. Air measurements to determine the mass discrimination factor, critical to positionon an alkalies versussilica diagram. The dredge hauls contained glassesand well-crystallized correction for atmosphericargon, were performed after each rocks. In general, the dredgedmaterial providedthe samerock two sample runs for total fusion analyses and before each types found on the islands;most individual dredgescollected stepwiseheating experiment. rocks of essentially uniform composition. For example, Becauseof the potential for potassiumaddition and argon nearly identical ages and compositions from all analyzed loss in seawater, K-Ar analyses on crystalline submarine samplesfrom DH 12 indicatethat only one flow sequencewas volcanicrocksprovideonly a minimumage. 4øAr-39Ar sampled. A few dredgehaulscontaineda greatervarietyof rock incremental heating experiments can provide a reliable types. The mostdiverse,DH 19, from a fault scarpon the south crystallizationage if a plateauin the age versustemperature side of the island of Tahuata, returned olivine tholeiites (19-1, spectrumis formed and appropriatestatisticalcriteria are met. TABLE 1. LocationandDescriptionof CRGN 02 DredgeHaulsin WhichBasalticRocksWere Recovered Station DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH 12 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 Latitudes, øS 10ø49.1 ' 10ø32.3 ' 10o26.0 ' 10o31.5' 10o23.8 ' 10o05.9 ' 9o39.6 ' 9ø13.6' 9o25.2 ' Longitudes, øW 138ø25.9 ' 138ø50.8 ' 138ø45.8 ' 138o48.7 ' 138o32.2 ' 139o08.8 ' 139o43.7 ' 140o07.6 ' 140o14.6 ' Depth, m 2985-3136 2442-2077 2307-1936 2437-2348 1992-1758 1936-1717 2524-2296 2036-1692 2780-2006 Feature small seamount 50 km southeast of Fatu Hiva scarpin basaldomewestof Fatu Hiva N-S trendingscarpbasaldomewestof FatuHiva scarpin basaldomesouthwestof FatuHiva southwest flank of Motu Nao flank of N-S trendingridge6 km southof Tahuata west flank Dumont D'Urville Nord rift zone smallconeon northslopeof Ua Pou riftzoneonsteep slope westof UaPou DESONIE ETAL.:VOLCANIC PRODUCTS OFTHEMARQUESAS HOTS POT For a plateau to be defined, two contiguous steps with calculatedages within lc• and representingat least 50% of the 17,653 a VG Sector thermal ionization mass spectrometerat Cornell University, following the procedureof White et al. [ 1990]. total39Arreleased fromthesample wererequired.If threeor more steps were used in the calculation an isochron age (36Ar/4øAr versus39Ar/4øAr) was also calculated. The 4øAr/36Arinterceptin eachof thesecalculations (Table3) shows no evidence for nonatmospheric, initial argon. (By virtue of the distribution of the few points used in the Age Determinations Analytical dataandagecalculations fromtheK-Ar and4øAr39Ar total fusionand incremental heatingexperiments are given in Tables 2 and 3. Figure 3 showsthe variationin age of regressions, threeisochrons yielded4øAr/36Ar intercepts less 12 islands and eight dredge sites with distance along the than the atmospheric value, 295.5, and resulting calculated agesare too old. In thesecaseswe acceptthe plateauage as the best estimate of the crystallization age.) Because of the expected young ages and only moderatepotassiumcontentsin lineament,measuredfrom the positionof DH 12. Samplesfrom CRGN 02 expand the age range previously seen at some volcanoes. Because the current location of the Marquesas hotspot relative to the Pacific plate is unknown, we use the someof theselavas,andthuslowamounts of radiogenic 4øAr, location of DH 12 as the youngest point in the Marquesas 4øAr-39Ar totalfusionexperiments weredoneonsomedredged lineament for plate motion calculations. DH 12 is the most southeasterlylocation from which ages have been determined; samples. the age of basalts from these seamounts is significantly Major and trace elementanalysesof the dredgedbasaltswere youngerthan thosefrom Fatu Hiva. carried out by X ray fluorescencespectroscopy (XRF) using Becausevolcanism at a single volcano can last for as much fused glass disks, as describedby Hooper [ 1981]. Rare earth as 3-4 m.y. in the Marquesas [Duncan et al., 1986] and the element (REE) and Hf concentrations were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) following the volcanic record at the various sites has been incompletely method of Laul [ 1979]. Five basalt fragments(14-1, 16-1, 16sampled, we have calculated the rate of plate motion over the Marquesas hotspot in three ways. For all calculations, the 2, 16-3, and 19-11), too small for analysis by XRF, were mostreliableage determinations available(4øAr-39Artotal powdered, fused under controlled atmosphere (QFM) and analyzedfor major elementsby electronmicroprobeat Oregon fusion or incremental heating for submergedbasalts, K-Ar for island samples) were used in a least squareslinear regression. State University. Compositionsof 13 Marquesanglasseswere In one calculation,the oldest age from each island and dredge analyzed by electron microprobe at Scripps Institution of location was used. In another analysis, only basaltsknown to Oceanography(Table 5). be of tholeiitic or transitional composition, and thus For analyses of radiogenic isotope ratios, 0.5- to 1.0-mm representing a common phase in volcano development, were chips of all sampleswere leachedin warm, distilled 6 N HCI for 1 hour to attempt to eliminate effects of seawater alteration. used. Regressionrates for both of these cases,which we take Sr, Nd, and Pb concentrates were then obtained from dissolved to estimate the time when the individual powdersby ion exchange,and isotopicratios were measuredon over the center of the hotspot,are identical at 74 + 6 km/m.y. volcanoes were located TABLE2. K-Arand40Ar-39Ar TotalFusion AgesforBasaltsFromCRGN02 Dredges andtheIslandof FatuHiva, MarquesasSwell Sample %K 40ArRadiogenic, x10-8mol/• % 40Ar Age_+1 o, Ma Radio[[enic CRGN 02 DH 12-1 DH 12-10 DH 12-11 DH 17-1 DH 17-2 DH 18-26 DH 18-40 DH 19-1 2.11 3.2 [n.d.] [2.02] [2.07] 1.49 4.9 4.4 [n.d.] DH 19-8 DH 21-8 DH 21-14 DH 22-1 2.31 15.8 [1.12] [n.d.] DH 24-4 DH 24-7 1.54 2.57 2.62 DH 24-8 [n.d.] 0.39 + 0.04 4.3 4.5 5.2 0.35 + 0.04 0.45 + 0.10 0.48 + 0.10 18.7 [1.14] [0.71] [n.d.] 0.73 4.4 15.0 29.6 30.2 0.84 + 0.03 9.4 4.1 4.9 1.31 _+ 0.12 0.74 + 0.12 1.27 + 0.03 6.9 1.57 + 0.05 4.9 1.58 + 0.08 26.1 1.76 _+ 0.10 11.4 25.1 3.13 + 0.14 2.81 + 0.04 32.8 27.4 31.9 2.49 _+ 0.04 2.97 _+ 0.04 2.96 + 0.03 7.8 2.45 + 0.14 Fatu Hiva FT01-02 FT 01-23 FT 01-39 FT 01-42 FT 01-61 FT 01-65 0.95 1.41 1.47 1.47 1.02 1.07 4.4 10.0 8.2 7.2 7.6 7.3 6.6 5.2 5.5 17.5 7.1 5.7 1.18 1.84 1.43 1.24 1.91 1.76 + 0.06 _+ 0.14 + 0.05 + 0.02 + 0.09 + 0.12 Agescalculated using thefollowing decay andabundance constants: )•e= 0.581x10'-10yr1; )•[5= 4.963x10-10yr -1; 40K/K= 1.167x10-4mol/mol. % K determined by atomicabsorption spectrophotometry, or calculated frommeasured 39Ar(in brackets; n.d.= notdetermined). 17,654 DESONIE ET AL.: VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOF THE MARQUESASHOTSPOT TABLE3. 40Ar-39ArPlateauandIsochron AgesFromCRGN02 Basalts Sample Plateau Age+ 1c•.Ma 39Ar, Integrated Isochron Age, Wei[[ht by1/o2 Wei[[ht b•,%39Ar%ofTotalAl•e,Ma DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH 12-17 16-1 17-1 17-5 18-13 19-2 19-3 19-8 0.76+_0.10 1.31 + 0.04 1.70 + 0.07 1.69+0.11 1.27 +0.10 1.74 +-0.08 1.97 +- 0.12 1.87+-0.05 DH 19-11 nonedeveloped DH DH DH DH DH 2.63 2.69 3.50 3.24 3.28 21-14 22-1 22-2 24-4 24-7 + 0.19 + 0.07 + 0.08 +0.09 + 0.07 N SUMS/(N-2) 40Ar/36Ar + lo,Ma 0.76+0.24 1.28 + 0.13 1.60 + 0.20 1.60+0.38 1.29+-0.20 1.58+0.23 1.86 + 0.19 1.83+0.06 100.0 94.7 87.0 100.0 67.0 96.2 99.4 99.4 0.76 1.22 1.73 1.60 1.92 1.58 1.82 1.82 0.60+0.05 1.22 + 0.03 1.54 + 0.37 1.25+ 1.52 2.28+-0.36 1.85+-0.12 1.75+0.18 1.60 .... 2.60 + 0.28 2.69 +- 0.24 3.43 + 0.16 3.36+0.20 3.27 + 0.17 73.8 92.3 75.2 81.8 94.6 2.61 2.87 3.85 3.12 3.23 3.57 + 0.12 3.17 +0.14 3.03 + 0.20 Intercept 6 4 5 6 4 3 2 5 0.3 0.0 0.8 3.1 1.0 0.7 2.4 295.6+2.4 296.5 + 0.7 283.4 + 9.9 298.1 + 11.0 286.2+2.5 291.6+0.5 293.4+-2.8 2 2 3 5 5 0.2 1.0 0.4 280.9 + 4.4 290.1 + 4.4 296.1 + 11.9 Corrected for 37Ardecaysinceirradiation, half-life= 35.1 days.Agescalculated usingthefollowingdecayandabundance constants: )•œ=0.581x10 -10yr-1; )•[J=4.963x10 -10yr-1; 40K/K=l.167x10 -4mol/mol. Neutron fluxmonitored withhornblende standardMMhb-1 (520.4 Ma). These estimates are low relative to those calculated from averagevolcanoagescompiledfrom all samplesfor which age determinationshave been performed. A third regressionof all 140 age determinations [Duncanand McDougall, 1974;Duncan available to them in their regression. Regressionlines were extrapolatedto zero age to determinethe currentlocationof the Marquesashotspot. For the regressionrate calculatedfrom the tholeiitic/transitional basalts the current hotspot location is et al., 1986; Katao et al., 1988; Brousse et al., 1990; Desonie, 37 km southeast 1990; D. L. Desonie,unpublisheddata, 1992] leadsto a rate of 93 + 7 krn/m.y. This rate is lower than (but within statistical uncertainty) the rate of 104 + 18 km/m.y. calculated by McDougall and Duncan [1980] who used all island data Marquesan basalts the current hotspot location is 49 km southeastof DH 12. In view of the more completesamplingof these volcanoes and the evidence for a common compositional sequenceat each center,we concludethat the most appropriate of DH 12. For the rate calculated for all Distance from DH 12 (km) 100 0 200 I 300 I 400 I I 7j +Katao et al., 1988 6 o Brousse etal.,1990 O DuncanandMcDougall,1974 and Duncan et al., 1986 5 ,•, A Desonie, K-Ar total fusion (unpub.) o [] 40Ar-39Ar andK-Artotalfusion • 4 ß 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating o II [] • o• •:•o o 74 63 Fig. 3. Basaltageversusdistance fromDH 12 for seamounts andislandsof theMarquesas lineament.Distances aremeasured alongthetrendof theMarquesas chain(N40øW).Solidsymbols represent rocksanalyzed by the40Ar-39Ar incremental heating technique forwhicha plateau agewascalculated. Opensymbols represent datagenerated by40Ar-39Ar orK-Artotal fusionexperiments. Two leastsquares regression linesarepictured:onewitha slopeof 74 km/m.y.calculated fromoldestages at eachvolcaniccenterandonewith a slopeof 93 km/m.y.calculatedfrom all availableMarquesas agedeterminations. A third regression line for all tholeiiticand transitional basaltsamplesfor whichageshavebeendetermined, alsowith a slope74 km/my,is not pictured. The interceptof eachregression line with thex axisshowsthe predictedpresentlocationof the Marquesas hotspot southeast of DH 12. Islandlocations in thisfigureandin Figure12 areindicated by thefollowingsymbols: Bc J. Goguel(BJ), Hatutu(H), Eiao (E), NukuHiva (NH), Ua Huka(UH), Ua Pou(UP), FatuHuku(FH), Hiva Oa (HO), Tahuata(T), Motane (M), and Fatu Hiva (FH). DESONIEET AL.: VOLCANICPRODUCTSOFTHE MARQUESASHOTSPOT velocity for Pacific plate motion over the Marquesashotspotis our new estimate of 74 km/m.y. We later discussimplications for motion of the Marquesas hotspot with respect to other Pacific hotspots. DH 19 is the only dredge haul that containsrepresentatives of tholeiitic, transitional, and alkalic magma types. Lack of stratigraphicinformationfrom dredgesamplingdoesnot allow relative position of the three compositional phases of volcanism to be known. Ages of each of the three phasesof volcanismcan be comparedwith the sequencefoundon Ua Pou where tholeiitic shield lavas predatealkalic cap rocks [Duncan et al., 1986]. The youngestsamplesfrom DH 19 are tholeiitic (19-1:1.58 + 0.08 Ma; 19-2:1.70 + 0.08 Ma), but the agesare similar to ages from transitional(19-3:1.97 + 0.12 Ma) and alkalic (19-8:1.87 + 0.03 Ma) basalts. Although at Ua Pou a distinct age versuscompositionrelationshipis seen, samples from DH 19 show that the two compositionaltypes sometimes overlap in time, perhaps especially during the submarine construction of the volcanoes. New sampleswere also collectedfrom the emergentportion of the islandof Fatu Hiva duringthe CRGN 02 expedition. Age determinations, performed by K-Ar methods, expand the age rangepreviouslyseenat that edifice and are includedin Table 2. Compositional analysesfor this sample suite are planned [K. Johnson,personalcommunication,1992]. Twenty new K-Ar age determinationswere also performedfor emergentsamples from the island of Ua Huka [H. Barsczus, personal communication, 1991 ]. ChemicalVariability of MarquesanBasalts Previousstudiesof MarquesasIslands samples[Bishop and Woolley, 1973; Liotard et al., 1986;Duncan et al., 1986; Vidal et al., 1987] have documenteda range in compositionfrom tholeiitic to alkalic basalts, including compositions as evolved as trachytes and phonolites. Although quartz normative tholeiitic basalts (-1% quartz) are found on the islandsof Ua Pou [Liotard et al., 1986] and Eiao [Caroff et al., 1990], most tholeiitic basalts from the Marquesas have olivine-normative compositions [Liotard et al., 1986]. The tholeiitic basalts can be distinguishedfrom alkalic basaltsby lower rare earth element (REE) concentrations,especially in the light REEs, and by lower total incompatible element concentrations and ratios [Liotard et al., 1986]. Isotopic compositiondoesnot uniformly correlatewith major and trace element composition. In general, however, alkali basalts show more radiogenicSr and moderatelyradiogenicPb, and tholeiitic/transitional basalts have relatively unradiogenic Sr and variablePb, indicatingderivationfrom mantlesourceswith distinctSr/Rb and U/Pb histories[Dupuy et al., 1987]. The distributionof basalt compositionsalong the lineament gives a picture of the general petrologic developmentof a Marquesanvolcano. Drill holes throughthe volcanicpile on the northwesternmost(oldest) island of Eiao (Figure 1) have sampled moderately alkalic basalts in the upper 900 m and quartz-bearingtholeiites in the lower 100 m [Caroff et al., 1990]. Tholeiitic basalts have also been collected from the exposedshield areasthat underliethe alkalic cappinglavas of the central islands of Ua Pou [Liotard et al., 1986], Nuku Hiva and Hiva Oa [Duncan, 1975]. In dredge hauls on two younger volcanoes, tholeiitic basalts have been recovered where only alkalic basaltshad been found subaerially:at Tahuata (DH 19) and Fatu Hiva (DH 14) (Figure 1). Transitionalbasaltsare often 17,655 found within the volcanic shield formed principally of tholeiitic basalts. A closer look at Fatu Hiva, the southeasternmost(youngest) island (Figure 1), shows that a full quarter of the volcanic edifice has collapsed below sea level. Deep submarinefault scarpsboundingthe flanks of this volcano have exposed tholeiitic (DH 14) and transitional basalts (DH 16). We combine these observationsto conclude that the bulk of the submergedshieldof a Marquesanvolcanois composedof hypersthene-normative tholeiitic and transitional basalts that grade into, or are overlain after some break in volcanic activity by alkalic basalts. Sea Beam swath mapping [McNutt et al., 1989] defined the location of several small cones southeast of Fatu Hiva, close to the inferred location of the hotspot. We cannot be certain if the compositionof these cones (DH 12) representsthe compositionof the initial phase of Marquesanvolcanismor if that initial phaseis buried by DH 12 volcanism. Ages and chemical compositionssuggestthat DH 12 sampledonly one flow. Substantial crystal fractionation is indicated by the wide rangeof MgO content(11.16-2.52 wt %) and Mg numbers(67- 37) [=100 Mg+2/(Mg+2+Fe+2)](Tables4 and 5) of the submarine lavas. None of the lavas, even the most primitive amongthe dredgedsamples,appearto have fractionatedolivine alone. The more primitive lavas (Mg numbers >60) can be divided into three groups based on major and incompatible trace element concentrations,and Sr and Nd isotoperatios. The liquidsparentalto each of thesethree groupshave resultedfrom variable melting conditions (depth, percent melting) of compositionallydistinct sources. More evolved rocks can be related to these parental compositions by fractional crystallization of primarily olivine, clinopyroxene, and relatively less orthopyroxeneand plagioclase(Figure 4). In Group I, the least fractionatedlavas are tholeiitic basalts(DH 14, 19-1, 19-2); they are relatively depleted in incompatible elementsand show unradiogenicisotope ratios, especiallySr. Based on major element compositions(49% SiO2, 9.5% FeO, 2.0% Na20), the parentalliquidsfor theselavaswere generated by about 20% partial melting of somewhatdepletedperidotite at 12 to 16 kbar pressure(40 to 60 km depth) [Falloon et al., 1988]. The most primitive lavas of Group II are mildly alkalic or transitional in composition (DH 12, 17, 18, 19-3)and exhibit relatively unradiogenicisotopic ratios. Parental lavas for the strongly alkalic group, Group III (DH 22, 24) are relatively enriched in incompatible elements and have relatively radiogenic isotopic ratios. Parental liquids (43% SiO2, 11.5% FeO, 2.8% Na20) for these lavas must have come from deeper than 60 km, after rather small degreesof partial melting (<5%) [Falloon et al., 1988]. The drop in CaO/A1203 with decreasingMg number (Figure 4) seen in the compositionaltrends for each group, indicates clinopyroxene fractionation. Although similar fractional crystallization paths are observed in all lava groups, the parental compositionsin each group cannot be derived from one another by that process because of the diversity of CaO/A1203 at a given Mg number. Instead,variabledegreesof partial melting of a mantle source with rather constantmajor element composition could produce the observed trend of decreasingCaO/A1203 with increasingMg-number within the parentallavas within each group [e.g., Falloon et al., 1988]. In a plot of Y versusNb (Figure 5) parentallavasclusterinto three groups, each similar to the other in Y content but with variable Nb content. Because isotopic ratios for each of the groups are different, .variationsin Nb, the more incompatible 17,656 DESONIE ET AL.: VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOF THE MARQUESASHOTSPOT TABLE 4. Major ElementAnalysesandCIPW-NormativeCompositions for CRGN 02 Basalts 12-1 FTI 12-6 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-17 14-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 17-1 17-2 FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI 18-13 17-5 FTI MTN Major ElementAnalyses SiO2 TiO2 AI20 3 FeO 51.73 2.26 17.44 8.29 Fe203 1.38 MnO 0.20 MgO 2.84 CaO 7.19 Na20 K20 P205 4.98 2.54 1.28 Total 100.13 Mg number 38 51.53 2.20 17.48 8.16 1.36 0.20 2.93 7.01 4.74 2.82 1.25 99.69 39 51.64 2.27 17.56 8.30 1.38 0.20 2.52 7.20 5.23 2.55 1.32 100.17 39 16.67 35.75 17.98 2.36 0 7.24 0 10.60 1.97 4.18 2.96 15.07 36.68 16.91 4.10 0 8.59 0 9.45 2.00 4.31 3.12 51.67 51.60 2.27 2.27 17.51 17.68 8.24 8.25 1.37 1.38 0.20 0.20 2.77 2.89 7.19 7.17 4.98 4.92 2.58 2.56 1.29 1.29 100.07 100.11 37 38 51.23 2.26 17.41 8.20 1.37 0.20 2.89 7.17 4.97 2.85 1.29 99.85 39 49.10 1.97 13.26 9.63 1.44 0.14 11.16 10.01 2.42 0.57 0.21 99.76 65 48.49 3.84 14.67 10.23 1.53 0.15 6.54 8.79 3.18 1.55 0.69 99.50 50 48.90 3.78 14.44 8.95 1.34 0.12 7.57 9.90 2.72 1.16 0.41 99.16 48 48.17 4.14 14.69 9.97 1.50 0.16 5.73 10.17 2.82 1.26 0.50 98.96 57 46.37 3.87 12.31 10.31 1.72 0.16 9.63 9.53 2.53 1.80 0.53 98.76 62 43.57 3.66 11.28 9.88 1.65 0.16 9.59 8.98 2.33 1.66 0.50 93.26 63 46.36 3.85 12.25 10.48 1.75 6.86 23.02 23.77 0 0 18.35 11.84 5.39 1.94 7.18 0.97 7.45 23.86 23.70 0 0 19.24 9.02 4.64 2.17 7.86 1.18 10.64 19.14 16.92 1.23 0 21.75 0 18.01 2.49 7.35 1.25 9.82 17.27 15.42 1.32 0 20.92 0 18.21 2.18 6.95 1.18 10.52 18.37 16.63 1.83 0 21.87 0 19.12 2.13 7.31 II AOB II AOB 0.16 9.99 9.50 2.57 1.78 0.53 99.22 60 51.21 2.21 17.28 8.13 1.36 0.22 2.91 7.00 4.92 2.79 1.27 99.29 39 CIPW-Normative Compositions or ab an ne lc di hy ol mt il ap Group Type 15.01 37.01 17.73 2.78 0 8.05 0 10.45 1.83 4.29 3.03 II KT 18-26 MTN II KT 18-40 MTN II KT 15.25 36.89 17.81 2.85 0 7.93 0 10.07 1.99 4.31 3.05 15.13 36.84 18.60 2.60 0 7.17 0 10.58 2.00 4.31 3.05 II KT II KT 19-3 THU 16.87 33.77 16.81 4.53 0 8.72 0 10.20 1.81 4.30 3.06 3.37 20.48 23.64 0 0 19.95 11.79 14.38 2.09 3.74 0.50 9.16 26.91 21.18 0 0 14.66 6.00 10.64 2.22 7.29 1.63 II KT I OT II B II B 19-8 THU 19-11 THU 21-8 DMD 21-14 DMD 19-1 THU 19-2 THU 47.40 3.37 13.06 9.96 1.49 48.25 2.93 12.02 10.47 1.57 48.34 2.91 11.81 10.08 1.51 47.48 3.19 11.30 9.91 1.49 45.07 3.73 13.74 10.92 1.64 48.33 3.82 14.74 10.01 1.50 48.68 3.57 15.50 10.38 1.56 0.30 9.48 9.24 2.99 1.77 0.56 0.20 10.06 10.56 2.09 0.88 0.34 0.16 9.93 10.53 2.08 0.95 0.34 0.16 11.30 10.40 2.32 1.19 0.40 0.18 7.55 10.91 3.20 2.78 0.65 0.18 5.28 10.03 2.69 1.95 0.55 99.62 63 99.37 63 98.64 64 99.14 67 100.37 56 98.92 46 10.46 20.76 16.99 2.46 0 20.41 0 18.68 2.16 6.40 1.33 II AOB 5.20 17.69 20.82 0 0 23.81 13.34 9.88 2.28 5.56 0.80 I OT 5.61 17.60 20.08 0 0 24.26 14.28 8.30 2.19 5.53 0.80 I OT 7.03 19.63 16.91 0 0 25.86 2.80 17.97 2.16 6.06 0.95 II B II B 1.25 II AOB 16.49 34.84 16.83 3.68 0 8.06 0 10.46 1.79 4.20 3.01 II KT 22-1 UAP 22-2 UAP 22-3 UAP 24-4 UAP 24-7 UAP 24-8 UAP 47.59 4.09 15.30 11.39 1.71 43.43 3.46 12.92 11.26 1.69 42.88 3.31 12.57 11.48 1.72 43.43 3.33 12.81 11.55 1.73 44.58 44.35 44.29 3.37 15.12 3.42 15.04 3.38 15.47 10.41 1.56 10.56 1.58 10.21 1.53 0.19 4.05 8.42 4.07 1.75 0.78 0.19 4.58 9.26 3.58 1.37 0.77 0.23 9.92 12.30 2.53 1.86 0.45 0.20 10.26 11.70 2.69 1.93 0.43 0.26 9.95 11.91 2.82 1.96 0.43 0.22 6.10 10.02 4.07 3.09 0.75 0.22 5.87 9.93 4.52 3.16 0.20 5.56 9.77 4.20 3.25 0.76 0.78 98.95 41 99.83 42 100.05 61 99.17 62 100.17 61 99.29 51 99.41 50 98.65 50 9.71 0 16.52 12.33 1.33 31.46 0 18.04 2.50 6.29 1.02 III TE 10.04 0 16.51 12.93 1.21 32.37 0 17.30 2.51 6.32 1.02 Ill TE 18.26 3.08 13.86 16.99 0 25.46 0 11.25 2.26 6.40 1.78 Ill BT 18.67 1.32 11.42 20.01 0 27.09 0 10.36 2.29 6.50 1.80 III BT 19.21 2.68 13.76 17.80 0 24.41 0 10.34 2.22 6.42 1.85 III BT Major ElementAnalysis SiO2 TiO2 AI20 3 47.92 3.76 12.23 FeO 10.15 Fe20 3 MnO 1.52 0.17 MgO 10.00 CaO 10.42 Na20 K20 P205 Total 2.56 1.22 0.52 100.47 Mg number 64 CIPW-Normative Compositions or 7.21 ab an 21.66 18.28 ne 0 lc 0 24.25 di hy ol mt il 2.41 16.10 2.21 7.14 ap Group 1.23 II Type B 16.43 4.14 14.92 12.43 0 28.58 0 12.92 2.37 7.08 1.54 III BT 11.52 22.76 22.39 0 0 19.57 5.12 7.01 2.17 7.26 1.30 II B 10.34 31.35 18.86 1.68 0 14.84 0 11.04 2.26 6.78 1.85 I AOB 8.10 29.28 21.63 0.55 0 16.03 0 12.22 2.48 7.77 1.82 I AOB 10.99 0.04 18.40 11.58 0 32.24 0 16.73 2.45 6.57 1.07 Ill TE ,! FTI = Fatu Hiva, MTN = Motu Nao, THU = Tahuata,DMD = DumontD'Urville, UAP = Ua Pou, TH = tholeiitiicseriesbasalt,TR = transitionalseriesbasalt,ALK = alkali seriesbasalt,OT = olivinetholeiite,B = basalt,AOB = alkali olivinebasalt,KT = potassic trachyandesite, TE = tephrite,BT = basanite. element, cannot be explained by only different degrees of partial melting of a single sourceand must reflect a range of source compositions for the primitive lavas. Linear trends exist betweenthe primitive and more evolved lavas within each group that reflect fractionation of minerals in which both elementsare equally incompatible. Isotopic and Trace Element Compositions Sourceheterogeneityhas been implicatedfrom trace element and isotopic compositions of island samples from the Marquesaslineament[Liotard et al., 1986;Duncan et al., 1986; Dupuy et al., 1987; Vidal et al., 1987]. The diversity of DESONIEET AL.: VOLCANICPRODUCTSOFTHE MARQUESASHOTSPOT 17,657 TABLE 5. ElectronMicroprobeAnalysesandCIPW-NormativeCompositions for CRGN 02 DredgedBasalts 12-10 FTI 14-1 FTI 16-1 FTI 17-1/5 FTI 18-20 FTI 18-60 FTI 19-1 FTI 54.53 2.14 17.00 48.99 2.17 14.00 51.12 4.22 14.11 46.39 4.31 14.02 45.12 3.25 17.51 47.81 3.75 15.24 48.79 3.31 13.00 8.26 0.20 9.65 0.14 11.23 0.15 11.27 0.16 10.46 0.24 10.51 0.14 11.42 0.14 19-7 FTI 21-1C DMD 21-1,B DMD 22-3 UAP 22-5 UAP 46.86 3.20 17.45 46.91 3.80 15.14 48.12 3.66 15.50 48.24 3.77 15.43 44.67 3.27 17.51 10.05 0.13 11.88 0.20 11.81 0.19 10.70 0.15 10.28 0.20 24-1/7 UAP ElectronMicroprobeAnalyses SiO2 TiO2 AI20 3 FeO* MnO MgO 3.14 CaO 6.36 Na20 K20 P205 4.60 2.67 0.91 Total 6.43 10.07 2.82 0.56 0.23 96.93 Mg number 44 Q 3.90 10.20 3.11 1.43 0.51 3.97 2.98 0.60 4.69 11.13 3.37 2.00 0.50 5.86 3.35 4.69 4.55 4.19 8.57 8.57 8.88 8.73 9.64 2.53 0.88 0.34 3.75 3.20 0.88 3.63 1.37 0.58 3.12 1.54 0.58 3.37 2.06 0.56 3.88 3.63 10.11 9.30 4.20 3.17 0.59 4.43 3.74 0.72 97.30 98.70 98.23 97.38 98.33 98.14 97.08 97.80 98.10 97.88 96.93 50 41 49 44 48 41 44 45 44 45 44 44 0.00 15.76 38.73 18.07 0.09 6.23 2.79 2.43 0.91 5.27 10.91 9.63 0.21 96.99 0.00 Or Ab An Ne Di 3.82 7.92 44.95 3.07 17.17 4.24 3.31 23.84 26.06 0.00 21.46 14.34 23.59 18.79 0.00 11.99 CIPW-normativecompositions 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.44 22.17 20.06 2.24 25.08 17.59 7.34 21.15 14.21 21.06 11.80 23.01 20.53 2.97 21.67 5.19 21.39 23.69 0.00 23.96 23.02 13.06 19.26 10.10 14.5 Hy 0.00 12.54 13.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 Ol Mt I1 9.94 1.85 4.07 2.59 2.17 4.13 0.00 2.53 8.03 7.50 2.53 8.20 6.93 2.36 6.18 7.51 2.36 7.13 0.00 2.57 6.30 7.82 2.26 6.09 Ap Group Type 2.10 II TA 0.23 I OT 2.10 II B 1.18 II AOB 1.34 II AOB 0.79 I QT 2.03 III HAW 1.39 II BT 0.00 8.09 28.87 20.96 0.99 15.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.09 26.38 23.72 0.00 13.01 12.16 26.02 20.88 1.34 19.19 0.00 18.71 4.64 19.56 16.73 22.05 0.00 22.07 4.27 15.91 17.99 21.38 10.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.13 2.26 6.96 7.67 2.4 7.17 0.00 2.31 6.22 5.62 2.17 5.84 1.27 III AOB 1.36 III BT 1.66 III BT 11.05 2.68 7.23 1.34 II AOB 1.34 II B FTI = Fatu Hiva, THU = Tahuata,DMD = Dumont D'Urville, UAP = Ua Pou, TH = tholeiitiic seriesbasalt,TR = transitionalseriesbasalt, ALK = alkali seriesbasalt,QT = quartztholeiite,OT = olivinetholeiite,B = basalt,AOB = alkali olivinebasalt,TA = trachyandesite, BT = basanite, HAW = hawaiite. 70 1.0 60 "-7 • 0.5 0.4 0.3 30 • . 10 • decreeing degre • paaial melting ' ' g0 ' ß GroupI ß GroupII ß GroupIII • o [] Group I Group II a Group III 50 40 70 Mg-number I II 30 Fig. 4. CaO/AI20 3 versusMg numberfor CRGN 02 lavas. Cross indicates composition of glasses,other symbols representwhole rock compositions. Lines are shown connecting whole rock and glass compositions from the sine samplewith samplenumberon the connecting line. Whe• the mostp•mitive compositionswithin a trend •e tholeiitic, thoselavasand their possibledifferentiates•e called Group I; where the most p•mitive compositionswithin a trend •e •ldly •k•ic, thoselavas and their possibledifferentiates•e called Group II. Group III refers to p•mitive alk•ic lavas and their possibledifferentiates. Directionsof the changeof liquid compositionswith olivine (ol), clinopyroxene(cpx), and plagioclase(plag) •moval •e shown. A•ow iMicates the composition• ch•ge of liquids with decreasingdegreeof p•ial melting of a single homogeneoussource. Rocks and their glasses•e related by c•stal fractionation. All lavas appear to have undergoneol and some cpx remov• exceptDH 17-5 which hashad olivine •mov• only. 20 20 ..... do do Nb (ppm) Fig. 5. Y (ppm) versusNb (ppm) for CRGN 02 basalts. Arrows show fractionation relationships within the three compositional groups as describedin Figure4. Solid symbolsrepresentlavaswith Mg number>60. Marquesaslineament is nearly as great as in all OIB globally. A similarlylargevariation is foundin 143Nd/144Nd, buta much smaller range is found in Pb isotope ratios. A plot of eNd versus87Sr/86Sr for Marquesansamples(Figure 6a) incompatible trace elements, reported in Table 6, and radiogenicisotoperatios (Table 7) found in CRGN 02 dredged samples supports this idea [Desonie, 1990]. Within the submarine samplesuite87Sr/86Srrangesfrom 0.70328to 0.70551, and the total Sr isotopic variation within the demonstratesthat the tholeiitic basalts have less radiogenic $r than the transitional and alkalic basalts. Although tholeiitic and alkalic basalt isotopic compositions are distinct, mixing betweentwo sourcesis prevalent. At Ua Pou and Tahuata (DH 19) tholeiitic/transitional and alkalic basalts are clearly separated in isotopic composition space, emphasizing the 17,658 DESONIEET AL.' VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOFTHE MARQUESASHOTSPOT TABLE 6. Trace ElementAnalysesfor SamplesDredgedon CRGN 02 12-1 12-6 FTI FTI 12-10 i2-11 12-12 12-17 16-2 17-1 17-2 17-5 18-13 18-26 FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI FTI 18-40 FTI FTI FTI 567 0 0 22 116 6 10 60 13 1225 11 94 44 133 464 254 537 79 24 59 234 6 29 30 605 6 292 31 112 276 327 380 46 22 60 228 10 7.1 44.9 85.2 43.9 9.2 3.02 1.01 1.91 0.26 8.4 48.8 103.0 64.2 10.6 XRF Ba Cr Cu Ga Nb Ni Pb Rb Sc Sr Th V Y Zn Zr 569 1 14 20 112 3 8 57 12 1231 9 106 44 132 439 577 2 17 24 113 5 10 49 7 1222 12 94 44 137 460 584 0 36 27 114 4 7 58 13 1247 10 115 43 155 452 592 0 20 22 110 3 8 55 10 1235 10 119 43 132 439 565 1 14 23 114 2 7 56 10 1225 8 108 45 133 448 555 0 6 24 114 2 8 56 8 1227 9 106 44 128 459 246 376 66 23 64 236 7 29 22 673 6 259 30 120 289 34 249 390 65 21 62 269 8 29 25 655 6 243 31 123 282 249 391 71 23 63 257 7 30 24 670 5 275 34 122 289 34 25 783 4 217 30 128 316 INAA Hf La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu 12.2 93.9 198.6 98.2 16.5 5.07 1.55 3.39 0.43 (La/Sm) N 3.51 Group Type II M 12.4 91.8 199.9 103.0 15.2 4.96 1.94 3.10 0.40 11.5 92.6 187.4 98.9 16.3 4.90 1.61 3.57 0.45 12.3 95.2 190.8 97.2 16.4 5.07 1.58 2.71 0.42 12.5 93.5 196.2 96.6 16.1 5.17 1.43 2.86 0.44 3.72 3.51 3.58 3.58 II M II M II M II M 12.2 91.0 192.7 93.5 15.5 5.02 1.68 2.84 0.46 7.7 36.7 85.3 47.7 8.1 2.94 0.88 1.94 0.18 3.63 19-2 THU 19-3 THU 19-8 THU 21-8 DMN 21-14 DMN 133 522 75 18 32 234 6 19 32 436 3 259 29 104 198 144 522 73 17 35 224 4 19 28 435 2 256 29 96 199 262 711 82 20 43 296 6 29 31 504 6 267 27 108 221 616 147 49 22 88 110 8 77 27 820 10 307 35 120 331 311 3 41 30 69 8 6 27 16 877 2 238 50 169 447 263 4 14 26 60 0 8 21 22 873 5 280 45 154 394 9.5 81.2 151.0 76.5 10.9 3.54 1.51 2.57 0.26 12.4 49.4 109.8 81.6 16.0 5.33 1.94 3.09 0.42 8.1 44.0 92.9 47.1 9.3 3.14 1.18 1.68 0.23 7.5 43.5 92.0 50.4 9.4 3.35 1.27 2.05 0.25 12.1 94.8 188.8 89.8 16.0 4.90 1.59 3.32 0.39 2.93 2.85 3.66 3.93 3.85 3.66 II B II AOB II AOB II AOB II M II B II M 19-1 THU 6.6 34.6 69.8 37.9 8.3 2.72 0.95 1.96 0.25 22-1 UAP 22-2 UAP 22-3 UAP 24-4 UAP 24-7 UAP 24-8 UAP 557 406 11 20 72 145 7 55 35 710 8 353 30 103 201 525 392 16 18 71 148 7 59 31 685 8 339 28 102 199 562 355 31 21 70 153 8 61 29 684 9 338 26 107 199 709 117 28 23 100 54 7 85 23 947 10 267 32 114 302 743 124 28 21 100 51 12 88 19 952 12 268 32 116 301 755 99 28 23 103 40 10 91 21 1002 11 266 35 118 315 5.7 67.6 111.1 54.4 8.1 2.64 1.03 2.55 0.29 5.5 59.4 103.7 49.2 8.2 2.48 0.92 2.20 0.29 5.9 61.8 102.5 47.8 8.3 2.33 1.06 2.55 0.28 7.5 77.2 145.5 72.9 10.0 2.96 1.05 2.40 0.29 7.7 86.0 154.7 67.1 10.4 3.22 1.00 2.31 0.30 5.09 III BT 3.37 1.12 2.45 0.42 3.01 II AOB XRF Ba Cr Cu Ga Nb Ni Pb Rb Sc Sr Th V Y Zn Zr INAA Hf La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu (La/Sm) N 6.7 32.7 69.3 41.6 8.1 2.52 1.01 1.90 0.28 2.48 5.0 25.4 49.7 29.3 6.5 2.16 0.97 1.91 0.29 2.42 6.0 33.6 67.7 43.3 7.2 2.46 0.98 1.55 0.18 2.86 4.58 Group I I II III Type OT OT B BT 1.91 I AOB 11.3 43.2 98.1 77.4 14.2 4.80 1.64 2.95 0.38 1.88 I AOB 4.47 4.58 III 5.12 III III 4.76 III TE TE TE BT 8.0 78.2 153.8 62.6 10.1 3.12 1.20 2.92 0.39 4.76 III BT FTI = Fatu Hiva, THU = Tahuata,DMD = DumontD'Urville, UAP = Ua Pou, OT = olivine tholeiite,B = basalt,AOB = alkali olivinebasalt,M = mugeariticbasalt,TE = tephriticbasalt,BT = basanatic basalt. close physical proximity of the sourcesfor the two magma types, and their availability during constructionof individual volcanoes. Closer inspection of the diagram reveals a significant geographic pattern to the compositions. At constant end, the87Sr/86Sr becomes moreradiogenic across the Marquesaslineament,from southwestto northeast(Figure 6b). The presenceof tholeiitic samplesat all positionsshows that this isotopic gradient is not strictly a function of the degree of partial mantle melting. Intriguingly, the cross lineament St-isotopic gradient at the southeast end of the Society chain [Devey et al., 1990] is also increasingly radiogenicfrom southwestto northeast. The same separationseenin Sr and Nd isotopiccomposition for Ua Pou and DH 19 alsoappearsin 87Sr/86Srversus 2ø6pb/2ø4pb (Figure7a). In thesediagrams, tholeiiticand some transitional samples plot near a mixing line between DESONIE ETAL.:VOLCANIC PRODUCTS OFTHEMARQUESAS HOTSPOT 17,659 TABLE 7. Sr, Nd andPb IsotopicCompositions for CRGN 02 Basalts Group 12-1 12-17 14-1 16-1 16-3 17-1 17-5 18-13 19-1 19-3 19-8 19-11 21-14 22-1 22-2 24-4 24-7 24-8 II II I II II II II II I II III II I III III III III III Type 87Sr/86Sr143Nd/144Nd end M M OT B B AOB AOB B OT B BT B AOB TE BT BT BT BT 0.703737 0.703753 0.703490 0.703909 0.703473 0.703650 0.703628 0.703759 0.703673 0.704180 0.705506 0.705198 0.703276 0.704920 0.704915 0.705042 0.704955 0.705052 0.512835 3.8 0.512886 0.512842 0.512869 0.512864 0.512860 0.512840 0.512875 0.512818 0.512690 0.512744 0.512895 0.512700 0.512727 0.512703 4.8 3.9 4.5 4.4 4.3 3.9 4.6 3.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 1.2 1.7 2.9 0.512714 1.5 206pb/204pb 207pb/204pb 208pb/204pb 19.448 19.444 19.522 19.651 19.677 19.530 19.542 19.485 19.334 19.260 19.133 19.286 19.323 19.146 15.590 15.554 15.592 15.621 15.598 15.602 15.615 15.605 15.535 15.571 15.632 15.614 15.562 15.620 39.119 39.025 39.163 39.283 39.331 39.158 39.202 39.193 38.867 39.257 39.183 39.294 38.977 39.086 19.203 19.167 19.218 15.606 15.558 15.624 39.175 39.015 39.240 TH= tholeiitiic series •asalt, TR= transitional series basalt, ALK= alkaliseries basalt, OT= olivine tholeiite, • = basalt, AOB = alkali olivinebasalt,M = mugeariticbasalt,TE = tephriticbasalt,BT = basaniticbasalt. Valuesarerelativeto the following standards with2oerrorinparentheses: E&A= 0.708020 (3.093x 10-5), LaJolla= 0.511840 (6.693x 10-5), NBS 981' 206pb/204pb = 16.906(0.016),206pb/204pb = 15.448(0.020),208pb/204pb = 36.558(0.109). Vidal et al., 1984 Duncan et al., 1986 et al., 1986 I ooDuncan Vidal et al., 1984 0.707 • • CRGN 02 dredges Dupuy et al., 1987 CRGN 02 dredges ,-,'_- Ss & 0.705 1 '"S S• 0.7041 0.703(a) •DH19• .?.?.:................................?.:: (a) 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 center northeast 0.707 - center 0.706 southwest 0.705 southwest 0.704 (b) (b) 0.703 0.702 0.•03 0.704 0.•05 0.•06 0.•07 0.708 87Sr/86Sr Fig. 6. EpsilonNd versus87Sr/86Srfor Marquesan basaltswith (a) compositionalfields for Ua Pou and DH 19 and (b) geographictrends acrossthe volcanic lineament. Solid symbolsindicate tholeiitic basalts. Major elementdata were not availablefor analysesof Vidal et al. [1984] so normative compositionscould not be determinedfor these samples. Islands in the southwesterngroup of the lineament include Ua Pou, Dumont D'Urville, Tahuata, Motu Nao, Fatu Hiva, and the seamount at DH 12. The centralgroupincludesEiao, Hatutu, Hiva Oa, and Motane; the northeastern groupincludesBc J.Goguel,Ua Huka, andFatuHuku. 0.702 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 2o6pb / 2o4pb Fig.7. 87Sr/86Sr versus206pb/204pb for Marquesan basalts, with (a) compositionaltrends for Ua Pou and DH 19 and (b) geographictrends acrossthe volcanic lineament. Tholeiitic basalts are shown by solid symbols. Islandsare groupedgeographicallyas describedin Figure 5. Proposedcompositionsof mantle componentsfrom Zindler and Hart [1986] are shown in cross-hatchedboxes. 17,660 DESONIE ET AL.: VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOF THE MARQUESASHOTSPOT intermediate,and Group III lavas show the converse. Such a relationship is consistent with either melting of two compositionally distinct mantle sources (one generally DMM+HIMU-like, the other EM II-like), followed by mixing of the melts, or variable melting of a single source that is heterogeneous on a small length scale (kilometer or less). A general trend in incompatible element ratios across the lineament, complementaryto the isotopic gradients, is also seen. For example,in an incompatibleelementratio-ratioplot (Figure 9) the southwestand northeastgroups of volcanoes show separateand distinct compositions,varying from a low Ba/La, high K/Rb component(easterngroup) to a high Ba/La, low K/Rb component (western group). The central region ubiquitousand becomesdiluted by the higher degreesof appearsto be a zone of mixing betweenthe southwesternand melting involved in producingthe tholeiitic basalts,or it is northeastern compositions. The covariation of isotopic and trace element ratios with derived from a spatially separatepart of the hotspotthat is tappedprincipallyduring the later volcanicstageof volcano mixing and degree of partial melting is further explored in construction. Both endmembers seem to be of regional Figure 10, where œNdis plotted against (La/Sm)N. Isotopic significance. The first (DMM + HIMU) composition is seenat ratios are not affected by variable melting or crystallization, Easter Island, some of the Cook-Austral islands, the whereas incompatible element ratios may be controlled, posterosionallavas at Tahiti [Cheng et al., 1987; R. A. especially by melting. œNd values for hypothetical source Duncan, unpublisheddata, 1987], as well as the Ua Pou endmembersfor melting were chosento match the composition tholeiites; the second (EMII) appears in the shield lavas at of the most EM II-like basalt (DH 19-8) and an arbitrary Samoa, the Society, the Marquesas,and some of the Cook- compositionbetweenDMM and the mostDMM+HIMU-like Ua Austral Islands(Figure 2). Pou tholeiite [Duncan et al., 1986]. The (La/Sm)N values for A geographicpatternto the isotopicvariationscan also be these endmembers were estimated from the same basalt recognizedin Figure7b. Samplesfrom the southwestern sideof compositionsby consideringratios necessaryto generatethe the Marquesaslineamentshowa largerHIMU componentwhile basalts with less than 25% melting of spinel peridotire the central samplesare more EM II-like and the northeastern [Falloon et al., 1988]. The (La/Sm)N ratios for hypothetical2 DMM and HIMU while more alkalic compositionsexhibit a strongEMII influence[Dupuyet al., 1987]. It hasbeennoted recently [Hart et al., 1992] that lavas from many hotspot provinces define sublinear Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic arrays that converge toward depleted compositions,implying mixing between mantle plumes and the depleted upper mantle (asthenosphere and/or lithosphere).Hart et al. [1992] found that the depletedmaterialin thesemixing arrays,however,was not strictly DMM, but a compositionfalling betweenDMM and HIMU (which they termed FOZO, for "Focus Zone"), exactlyas we seefor the Marquesasarray. In the presentcase the EMII componentis more strongly expressedat lower degreesof partial melting. Thus either this componentis Samplesshow more of a DMM component. Samplingin the to 25% equilibriummeltsof theseendmembersourceswerethen Marquesaschain,however,hasbeenbiasedtowardthe western calculatedand displayedas mixing lines in Figure 10. The region and the full compositionalvariability of the eastern resultsshow that the Marquesanmelt compositions(corrected region must await further studies. for low pressurecrystalfractionation)can be accommodated by Basalts from the CRGN 02 sample collection can also be simplebinary mixing of the two sourcesif degreeof melting distinguishedin large-ion lithophile element ratio diagrams, varies from 20% (tholeiites) to less than 2% (basanites). suchas Zr/Nb versus(La/Sm)N(Figure8), whereGroupsI, II and Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show enrichments III are clearly separated. The trace element and isotopic relative to MORB in all Marquesan basalts (Figure 11). variability is remarkablyhighly correlated:GroupI lavashave Compositionsvary rathersmoothlyfrom moderatelylight REE highZr/Nb,lowLa/Smandlow 87Sr/86Sr, GroupII lavasare enriched(Group I, [La/Sm]N=I.9 to 2.4) to stronglylight REE enriched(GroupIII, [La/Sm]N=4.5to 5.1). GroupI basaltshave 14 6 '.703 2-i•55....-:•• .70367 .7 0365 '"••. "' '"/" 7 03 7 4.70363.... '":':----'•.70418 12 10 8 6 ...:•....•0551 ß70504[."•.....!.••iil..•_ 70505 ß70492.70504 •n•":'•::....-•... -:... ;'.-:,:.ii:.•' 70492 ' Vidaletal., 1984 Duncan et al., 1986 Dupuyetal., 1987 thisstudy I • • • (La/Sm) N } 6 Fig.8. Zr/Nbversus (La/Sm) N with87Sr/86Sr indicated forCRGN02 lavas. Basaltsof the three trends(GroupsI, II, and III) clusterbetween EMII and DMM/HIMU components. 0 ' 160' 260' 360' 4(•0' 560' 61•0700 K/Rb Fig. 9. Ba/La versusK/Rb with geographictrendsacrossthe volcanic lineament. Islandsare groupedgeographically as described in Figure6. Tholeiiticbasaltsare shownby solidsymbols. DESONIE ET AL.' VOLCANIC PRODUCTSOF THE MARQUESASHOTSPOT lO 17,661 1000 - ß GroupI & Group I UAP tholeiites DMM+HIMU c•19-1 ß 19-2 ß GroupII ,•,1 'i iI Ii • ß :. ß 21-8 GroupIII •..,•.,,.. :••________•...• •.,,.,.. 100 o 21-14 . •*•'"'"•" • "[3 .... ?4x•.,,.• 10= _ _ _ (a) _ _ 1000 ß Group II •_•,'*• + 18-13 '•'•,'.:• •,'....•••,•'•,q•_• EMII 20%10% 5% ' i ' k' ' '••••r• 2% ' ' 6 DMM+HIMU and EMII components are approximately end- [] 18-40 1000 _ [] Group III 19-8 ß 22-1 8, (La/Sm)N - 1, andend - 1, (La/Sm)N -1.7, respectively.A mixingline for the componentsis shown. The horizontallines indicatepercentof partial meltingof a DMM+HIMU or an EMII compositionwith curved linesconnecting equivalentdegreesof melting. Tholeiiticsamplesare the resultof higher degreesof meltingof a more dominantlyDMM+HIMU source;alkalic samplesderive from lower degreesof meltingof a more EM II-like _ x 18-26 (b) (a/Sm)N8.0 Fig. 10. EpsilonNd versus(La/Sm)N for CRGN 02 basalts.To adjustfor shallowlevel fractionationeffects(La/Sm)N composition was calculated for parental liquids (Mg number = 65-70). Compositions for 12-1 o 12-17 100_ .......••,•1,••--•,, ,,.,,..,...., ...... ,,,..., .,,,,.. o 24-7 _.1 ..... + 24-8 •t source. . 24-4 ........... •g-• --•m,,,.• Ua Pou tholerites ns "••,........,• 10-: (c) patterns very similar to the Ua Pou tholeiites (field shown by Liotard et al. [1986]); the slightly concave-downwardlight REE portion is reminiscent of Hawaiian tholeiites [e.g., Budahn and Schmitt, 1985]. The progressivefanning of these patterns to higher light REE contents at approximately constant heavy REE contents from Group I to II to III is consistentwith decreasingpartial melting of peridotitc within the spinel to garnet stability fields. A few of the more primitive Group II lavas (e.g., 19-3) show lower heavy REE contents than the Ua Pou tholeiites, and the Group III lavas show patterns with slight concave-upwardcurvature, indicative of garnet control during melting. All the Group III lavas, largely basanites, are evolved (Mg number 50-62) and their primitive melts would have had significantlylower heavy REE contents, reflecting residual garnet in the region of melting. Within each group patterns are easily related by fractional crystallization, dominantly of olivine and clinopyroxene, consistentwith the major element fractionationpaths (Figure 4). The lack of any significant Eu anomaly suggeststhat plagioclaseaddition or removal was not a major factor in the petrogenesisof these suites. DISCUSSION Volcanism that has built the Marquesas lineament is understandablein terms of Pacific plate motion acrossa quasistationary hotspot, maintained by a plume of upwardly convecting mantle. The individual islands and seamounts of this chain show a clear age progression and orientation La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu Fig. 11. REE patternsfor all Marquesasdredgedsamples:(a) patternfor Group I trend lavas, (b) patternfor GroupII trendlavas,(c) patternfor Group III trend lavas. Chondrite normalized after Nakarnura [1974]. REE patternsfor tholeiiticbasaltsfrom the islandof Ua Pou are shownas a dotted field. generally similar to other Pacific hotspot lineaments, and Marquesas basalt compositions fall within the range for hotspot-related volcanoes elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean basin, particularly the French Polynesian region. Several aspectsof this volcanic province are remarkable,however, and provide new clues about the dynamic behavior of plumes and the thermal structureof hotspots. First, the Marquesas chain is short and began to grow only about 6 m.y. ago, in contrast with longer-lived and more vigorous activity over the Hawaiian and Easter hotspots,and, to a lesser extent, the Cook-Austral and Society hotspots. Some evidence suggeststhat the Marquesas hotspot was more active earlier (60 to 30 Ma) and producedvolcanoesthroughthe region of the central Line Islands [Crough and Jarrard, 1981; Schlangeret al., 1984], on strike from the MarquesasIslandsin the direction of Pacific plate motion. In this case, the plume flux must have varied considerably, perhaps in conjunction with changing vulnerability of the overlying lithosphere to melt penetration [Pollack et al., 1981; McNutt et al., 1989]. Buoyancyflux calculationsof Sleep [1990] would suggestthat 17,662 DESONIEETAL.:VOLCANICPRODUCTS OFTHEMARQUESAS HOTSPOT the Marquesasplume is one of the most vigorousin the ocean basins. His estimatewas made by determiningthe buoyancy flux for the entire South Pacific Superswell and dividing the value by the number of hotspots (5) found within the Superswell [Sleep, 1990]. However, the Superswell is not caused by the coalescing of the individual hotspot swells within the region; abundanthotspotvolcanism is found within the Superswell possibly because the lithosphere was previously warmed, allowing it to be penetrated by the hotspots[McNutt and Fischer, 1987]. Therefore calculating the buoyancy flux of a single hotspot in this manner would seriously overestimate the value for that hotspot. The Superswell may, in fact, be a longer-lived phenomenonthan any of the hotspotscurrently found in the region [Staudigel et al., 1991; Larson, 1991]. Second, the orientation of the chain is rotated clockwise about 30ø from the directionexpectedfrom rigid Pacific plate motion over a hotspotthat is fixed with respectto other Pacific basin hotspots[Duncan and Clague, 1985; Gripp and Gordon, 1990]. Coupled with this aberrantgeometry,our best estimate of plate velocity acrossthe hotspot (volcano migration rate) is significantlyslower (by 30 mm/yr) than the rate expectedfrom age determinationsin other Pacific lineaments. McNutt et al. [1989] have proposed that the orientation of the Marquesas chain results from the coincidence of a limited region of weakness in the oceanic lithosphere located between the Marquesasand Galapagosfracture zones (Figure 1) and aligned parallel with the ancient spreadingaxis (NNW), and the path of a weak Marquesashotspot. What could cause such a proposed "window" of vulnerability is unspecified. Because of the putative low plume flux and small melt productionrates at this hotspot, magmas normally cannot penetrate the old, thick oceanic lithosphere. However, eastward sublithosphericflow from the hotspot as the more vulnerable section of Pacific lithosphereapproached(6 Ma), direct vertical supply when the two coincided,and westwardflow from the hotspotas the plate window receded(today) could producea volcanicchain rotated clockwise relative to the plate motion vector (Figure 12). The orientation would depend on the width of the "window" in the lithosphereand on how far plume material could flow from the hotspot to the vulnerable lithosphere. An alternative possibility (which we explore below) is that the weak Marquesas plume is more susceptibleto shear by horizontal flow in the upper mantle and has been displaced to the southwestrelative to strongerPacific hotspots. Third, we observein the Marquesasbasaltsan unusuallylarge range in isotopic compositions,which is strongly correlated with major and trace element contents. A common petrogenetic sequence in volcano construction is seen throughout the lineament, from tholeiitic and transitional lavas that consistentlyform the main shield-building volcanic phase, to terminal alkalic and basanitic lavas. (The composition of initial submarine eruptions is less clear, but mildly alkalic lavas are found at the site of most recent activity, DH 12.) Marquesantholeiitic lavas are among the least radiogenicin Sr in Pacific islands,but show moderately radiogenicPb, and reflect a mantle sourcecompositionlying on a mixing line betweenDMM and HIMU. Alkalic lavas,by contrast,show very radiogenicSr and manifestmelting of EM II mantle. The major element variationsresult largely from the thermal structure and conditions of melting across the hotspot: tholeiitic magmas develop from relatively large degrees of mantle melting at shallow depths,while alkalic magmasderive from smaller degreesof melting at deeperlevels [e.g., Falloon et al., 1988]. REE patternsare consistentwith this sequence and indicate melting progressing from the spinel to garnet stability fields with time. This presumablycorrespondsto the location of any individual volcano over the center and trailing edge, respectively, of the hotspot [Duncan et al., 1986]. But while changesin the major element contentsof magmaswith time are controlled by phase equilibria of rather uniform peridotite composition, isotopic and, to a lesser extent, trace element compositions require melting of compositionally BJ BC MI UH / Zone a •Fr, acture Fig. 12. Plan view of the Marquesasvolcaniclineamentshowingthe hypothetical effectof plumeshearby westwardupper mantleflow. The orientation of the chainis rotated30ø clockwise(74 km/m.y.)andthe volcanicageprogression is slowerby 30 km/m.y.,compared withthatexpected fromfixedhotspots (105 km/m.y.). Thisfeature,plusbroadening of themeltingregion andinferredcompositional segregation withinthe hotspot,couldresultfromwestwarddeflectionof the plumeandentrainment of uppermantlealongthe plume axis. Small circle is the locationof the deepmantleroot of the plume, dashedlines show directionof uppermantleshear,andshadedcircleshowspresenthotspot,segregated by flow into plume(hachured) andupper mantle(graystippling)compositions, aspredictedfromexperiments by Griffithsand Campbell[1991]. The locationof DR 12 is indicatedby "12";islandlocationsshownas symbolsasin Figure3 with the additionof Bc Clark (BC), Matu Iti (MI), Dumont D'Urville (DD), and Motu Nao (MN). DESONIEET AL.:VOLCANICPRODUCTS OFTHEMARQUESAS HOTSPOT distinct mantle sources. These sources may be physically separate regions of the hotspot (center, periphery) or be intimately mixed and expressedby variable degreesof melting. How can we accountfor theseaspectsof the temporal,spatial and compositional variability of Marquesan volcanism? We considerthree possiblemodels: 1. All compositional variations are contained within a heterogeneous,but well-mixed plume. These heterogeneities may be primordial or acquired through subductionof altered oceanic lithosphere and sedimentswith variable Rb/Sr, U/Pb and Sm/Nd, and accumulationin the deep mantle over very long time scales[White and Hofmann, 1982]. Magma compositions are then controlled through variable partial melting of the heterogeneous plume. That is, the lower melting fractions(EM II-like, alkalic) dominate at low degrees of partial melting (hotspot edge), while the more residual material (DMM-like, tholeiitic) dominates at higher degrees of partial melting (hotspot center), following the "plum-pudding mantle" rationale for melting-compositioncorrelationsfor EPR basalts [Zindler et al., 1984]. We cannot,however,proposeany strong argumentwhy the HIMU component(long-term enrichmentof U over Pb) should be associatedwith DMM and larger degrees of partial melting. 2. The plume has a uniform composition(EMII) and, over cooler parts of the hotspot,this compositiondominatesmelts. Over the center of the hotspot higher temperatures lead to assimilation and melting of the lower lithosphere, which dominates magma compositions. The lower lithospheremust then have DMM+HIMU composition. Some supportfor this idea comes from detailed studies of EPR basalts [White et al., 1987; Graham et al., 1988], where Pb isotopic compositions appearto streak from DMM toward HIMU (Figure 2). Hence material added to the lower oceanic lithosphere as the plate cools and thickens could contain both DMM and HIMU components. However, unlike Hawaii, where posterosional lavas are isotopically depleted but LREE-enriched so small degrees of melting of oceanic lithosphere can be invoked to explain their origin [Chen and Frey, 1983], the amount of lithosphere necessary to produce the LREE-depleted and isotopically depleted shield lavas in the Marquesas would be enormous. Geophysical evidence regarding significant lithospheric melting is equivocal. Fischer et al. [1986] estimateda compensationdepthof 45 + 5 km for loadingof the Marquesas volcanoes, implying convective thinning of the base of the underlying lithosphere. Calmant and Cazenave [1987] calculated an elastic thicknessfor the lithosphereunder the Marquesas somewhat thinner than the global trend, and concludedthat weakeningby thermal erosion had occurred. In the most recent analysis of gravity and bathymetric data, however, McNutt et al. [1991] claim to detect no thinning or weakening of the oceanic lithospherebeneath the Marquesas region. 3. The plume is EMII composition,but is weak (relatively cool and low buoyancy flux). Horizontal flow in the upper mantle, generally from spreading ridges toward subduction zones,will shearthe plume [Richardsand Griffiths, 1988] and in the processupper mantle (DMM+HIMU) will be warmed arounda boundarylayer and entrainedinto the axis of the plume [Richards and Griffiths, 1988; Griffiths and Campbell, 1991]. This producesa compositionalsegregationat the hotspotsuch that plume material (EMII) resides at the edges and upper mantle (DMM+HIMU) occupiesthe center. Temperatureswill still be highest in the center of the hotspot, leading to the 17,663 largest degrees of melting (tholeiites), and cooler toward the edges, producing smaller degrees of melting (alkalic basalts and basanites). Plume flux may actually be irregular: the Marquesaschain could representa small pulse of material with waning flux toward the present. We can dismiss the first model, that all compositional diversity results from variable melting of an intrinsically heterogeneous plume. The sequence of melt compositions repeated at each volcano along the lineament seemsto require too regular a distribution of heterogeneitieswithin the plume; the spatial scale and relative proportion of components available for melting must have been nearly constantthrough the history of Marquesan volcanism. This seemsunlikely in view of the difficulty of thorough subsolidus mixing of subducted material, even on billion-year time scales [Gurnis and Davies, 1986]. Also, we would expect isotopic compositions to lie on mixing lines between low melting fraction material (EMII and HIMU) and residual material (DMM). Instead, the apparentmixing line identifies EMII and DMM+HIMU as melting endmembers. The DMM+HIMU componentreflects involvement of the upper mantle sourcefor spreadingridge melting, as seen in the streaking from DMM toward radiogenicPb compositionsalong the East Pacific Rise [White et al., 1987] and in Easter Island lavas [White and Hofmann, 1982]. This compositionis a common endmember for hotspot chains distributed throughout the Pacific basin (Figure 2) and points to an upper mantle contribution to melting in all cases[White, 1985; Hart et al., 1992]. The remaining two models both acknowledge mixing of plume and upper mantle material. Assimilation and melting of the lower lithosphere over the center of the hotspot, and entrainment of upper mantle into the axis of the plume are difficult to distinguish because they produce identical spatial patterns in melt compositions. To explain the Ua Pou tholeiites by assimilation of lower lithosphere, however, would require greater than 1:1 proportions of oceanic lithosphere (composition of primary melts for EPR lavas [White et al., 1987] and plume melts (primary melt compositionfrom DH 19-8 + 15% olivine added). Given the more refractory composition(and higher melting temperatures) of the lower lithospherecomparedwith the plume material, it does not seem possible to dilute the plume melts to such an extent. This level of wholesale heating and erosion of the lower lithosphereshould also be manifest in weakeningof the plate under the volcanic chain [Fischer et al., 1986; Calmant and Cazenave, 1987] but latest evidence denies this [McNutt et al., 1991]. Large amounts of lithosphere melting are not consistentwith the physical evidencefor the intermittentand relatively small volcanic production over the Marquesas hotspot. Woodhead [1992] has proposed substantial lithospheremelting and mixing with plume melts to explain geochemical variability seen within the Marquesas Islands. Lithospheric melting is favored becauseof the very regular successionof distinct compositionalchangesat nearly every island along the chain, and an apparentcorrelationbetweenthe elapsedtime betweenvolcanicphasesand the magnitudeof the compositionalshifts. Accordingto Woodhead [1992], longer repose times should allow greater pooling of plume melts, which overcomes the assimilation of lithospheric melts. However, the long reposetimes indicate a waning plume flux which should lead to proportionally greater dilution by lithosphericmelts. 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