JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. tOO,NO. Btt, PAGES 22,261-22,282, NOVEMBER t0, 1995 Geochemistry and geochronologyof ancient southeastIndian and southwest Pacific seafloor D. G. Pyle andD. M. Christie Collegeof OceanicandAtmosphericSciences,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis J. J. Mahoney Departmentof GeologyandGeophysics, WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution,WoodsHole Massachusetts R. A. Duncan Collegeof OceanicandAtmosphericSciences,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis Abstract. Within the Australian-AntarcticDiscordance(AAD), a boundaryexistsbetween isotopicallydefined"Pacific-type"and"Indian-type"mid-oceanridgebasalt(MORB) erupted alongthe SoutheastIndianRidge (SEIR). This boundaryhasmigratedwestwardbeneaththe easternmost AAD spreadingsegmentat a minimumrate of 25 mm/yr since4 Ma; however,its long-termhistoryremainsa matterof speculation. To determineif Pacific-typeuppermantlehas migratedwestwardbeneaththe easternIndianOceanbasinasAustraliaandAntarcticadriftedapart duringthe last 70 m.y., we presentnew Sr-Nd-Pbisotopedata,combinedwith traceelementand 40Ar-39Arradiometricage determinations, for samplesfrom Legs28 and29 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project(DSDP). Basalticbasementat theseDSDP sitesprovidesa recordof their upper mantlesourcecompositionand showsregionalvariationsconsistentwith uppermantleflow in this region.East of the SouthTasmanRise, all DSDP basaltshave 87Sr/86Sr (0.7025-0.7029) and206Pb/2O4Pb (18.80-19.48) ratiostypical of Pacific-typeMORB indicatingthat Pacific-type uppermantleexistedeastof theAustralian-Antarctic continental marginandbeneaththe Tasman Seaduringthe early stagesof seafloorspreadingin thisregion. Basaltsfrom DSDP siteswestof the AAD have high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7030-0.7035), low 206Pb/204Pb (17.99-18.10) and traceelement characteristics typicalof presentday Indian-typeSEIR MORB. Betweenthesetwo regions, DSDP basaltsrecoveredalongthe westernmarginof the SouthTasmanRise haveisotopic characteristics that are, in onecaseconsistentwith an Indian-typeMORB source(Site 280A) and, in the secondcase,transitionalbetweenPacific-typeandIndian-typemantlesources.The occurrence of seafloorbasaltswith transitionalor Indian-typeisotopiccharacteristics well to the eastof thepresentIndian-PacificMORB isotopicboundarywithinthe AAD stronglyimplies that Pacific-typeuppermantlehasmigratedwestwardinto the regionsincethe SouthTasman Riseseparated from Antarcticacirca40 Ma. propagation episodes, from both east and west, suggest converging asthenosphericflow towardsthe AAD [Vogt and The Australian-Antarctic Discordance (AAD) lies in the Johnson, 1975; Vogt et al., 1984; Phipps-Morgan et al., center of the Southern Ocean between Australia and Antarctica 1988]. In addition,the AAD is centeredon an arc-shapeddepth (Figure 1). The AAD hasbeenlong recognizedas an intriguing anomalythat stretchesacrossthe entire SouthernOcean basin, section of the global spreadingsystem becauseof its deep cutting obliquely acrossthe easternboundingfracturezone of axial bathymetry (4-5 km), rough (and in places chaotic) the AAD (Figure 2). This configuration suggeststhat mantle topography, low gravity signal, high upper mantle seismic dynamicsresponsiblefor the depth anomaly have existed at wave velocities, and intermittent asymmetric spreading least since continental rifting began at 96 Ma and possibly [Weisseland Hayes, 1971, 1972, 1974;Andersonet al., 1980; since 300 Ma [Veevers, 1982; Mutter et al., 1985]. Vogt et al. Forsythet al., 1987;Marks et al., 1990;Sempdrdet al., 1991; [1984] concluded that the present, transform-dominated Palmer et al., 1993; West et al., 1994]. Multiple ridge morphologyof the AAD has developedonly since 25 Ma. Introduction 1Nowat Department of Geology andGeophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,WoodsHole, Massachusetts. Copyright1995 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 95JB01424. 0148-0227/9 5/95JB-01424505.00 More recently, Marks et al. [1990, 1991] showedthat this depthanomalyhasmigratedwestwardat -15 mrn/yrfor the last 20 m.y. while remainingcenteredon the northwardmigrating SoutheastIndian Ridge (SEIR). Klein et al. [1988] recognizedthat a uniquegeochemical boundarybetweenIndian Oceanand Pacific Oceanmid-ocean ridge basalt (referredto as Indian-type and Pacific-type throughoutthe text), as definedby Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope 22,261 22,262 PYLE ET AL.' SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST 126øE 128øE ! PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,263 130øE !;:if:':' depth anomaly trace ........................................................... t.......... ,::::{! .......................................... •...................................................... 45os 5b ! '::' if 46øS I I I isotopic ! I boundary Indian.type 'zoae'12a-•.....• I : ? 3........ }• 'l'"""'•7J•?• ] I•....... ' ....................................................... }-"•...... • ••• Indian-•pe ' :. !* ••:•:•x,• ..... •?:: ...... ii•::i!i::iiiiiiiiii•::" • .:?::::•?:• ...... hypothetical trace .:?.............. •.... of•grafing...... •48ø8 .:•:::?:: ........ isotopic bounda• ":•::•?: ! ' 'N zoneA i N. ......... :....................................................... i 51øS Indian Ocean PacificOcean upper mantle upper m•.antle : i i i I i i I -/oo km I Figure 2. Schematic summaryof the SEIR tectonics withinthe easternAAD andwesternzoneA. Solidcircles areMW8801 dredgesitesthat haveIndian-typeMORB isotopic characteristics, open symbolsare thosethat have Pacific-typeMORB characteristics,and gray symbols are sampleswith transitional compositional characteristicsrecoverednear the present position of the isotopic boundaryalong-axis. The single open triangleis a R/V Vemacruise33 dredgelocationsampledandanalyzedby Kleinet al. [1988]. Off-axis samples from zone A (MW07 and MW20) analyzedin this studyare designatedby open circles with a cross. Small circlesindicateR/V Moana Wavecruise8801 dredgelocations without isotopic data. The easternboundaryof theAAD is markedby a largefracturezoneat -127ø-128øE.Eastof the AAD, the SEIR is referredto as zone A following WeisselandHayes[1971]. Rift propagationat 127.5øEiS shownby pseudo-fault offsetsof the magnetic anomalies (dash-dottedline). Migration of the isotopic boundaryand depth anomaly are schematicallyrepresented by shadedlines. Depth anomalytracewithin the AAD taken from Marks et al. [1990].The isotopicboundaryalong-axisis presentlylocatednearthe 126øEfracturezonewithinthe AAD. Of equal, or even greater, significance has been the variations[Duprd and Allbgre, 1983; Hart, 1984; Hamelin and Allbgre, 1985; Hamelin et al., 1986], presentlyexists beneath recognition that the isotopic boundaryseparatingIndian-type the AAD. More detailedsamplingof AAD spreadingsegments and Pacific-type MORB mantle has not remained stationary showed that the isotopic boundary presently lies near a [Pyle et al., 1992]. MORB from the present axis of the transform fault located at-126 ø E and that the transition zone easternmost AAD spreading segment have Pacific-type, or betweenupper mantle sourcesis <40 km along axis (Figures 2 transitional, isotopic characteristics, whereas off-axis and 3) [Pyle et al., 1992]. Crossing the boundaryfrom east to samples from 3-4 Ma seafloor have Indian-type signatures. west, 206pb/204pband 208pb/204pbabruptly decreaseand This requiresthat Pacific-type upper mantle has migrated -100 87Sr/86Sr increase as SEIR MORB with Pacific-type km westwardin the last 4 m.y. at a rate of -25 mm/yr (Figure characteristics progressively exhibit more Indian-type 2). Dredge samplingwithin and eastof the AAD is too limited characteristics(Figure 3); more gradualdecreasesare observed to distinguish whether this migration is simply a local for 207pb/2O4pband 143Nd/144Nd.The sharpnessof the perturbation of an isotopic boundarythat has always existed isotopic transition is remarkable considering this boundary beneath the AAD or whether it represents a long-term, separates two ocean-basin-scale upper mantle isotopic westwardmigration of Pacific MORB mantle, perhaps since domains. continental rifting south of Tasmania opened a path for 22,264 PYLE ET AL.' 0.7038 SOUTHEAST AAD (zoneB)iiiiliiiill INDIAN-SOUTHWEST zoneA 0.7036..... ISOTOPE 0.7034- BOUNDARY ......... 0.7032- ........ off-axis• 0.7030- ß ß ß•:'••study r.--h 0.7028 ........... 0.7026 • , , , • ....... recovereddirectly east of the AAD (Table 1). DSDP Legs 28 ........... ........... ::::::::::: 18.6 ......... 18.2 ":;Q this study - ß• ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 18.0 17.8 v:::. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..... ...... , , , , • , , , • ,:.:......... , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , and shallow intrusive basaltic .......... 38.3-- :11iiiiiii} ,•.,,off-axisC) t8.. iiiiiiiill -7,sstdy 38.0 37.9 ßß 3,.8 37.7 '- .' I"'•"'I'"I -400 extrusive from Antarctica. .......... -500 recovered material from 10-70 Ma seafloor producedin a variety of tectonic settingsbetween the KerguelenPlateau (-100 ø E) and the Balleny basin (-170 ø E) (Figure 1). The locations of these DSDP sites on the periphery of the Southern Ocean between Australiaand Antarcticaallow the position of Indian-type and Pacific-type upper mantle through time to be determined, as well as the contribution of various hotspot mantle sources beneath this region as seafloor spreading progressed. Together, the geochemical and geochronological data presentedbelow provide limits to the regional distribution and migrationof Pacific-typeand Indian-type uppermantle during the developmentof the SouthernOceanas Australiaseparated 18.8 18.4 SEAFLOOR the AAD, are fundamental lingering questions. What seems most apparentis the basic observation that both the isotopic boundaryand depth anomaly have been moving westwardbut possiblynot at the same rate. To investigate the long-term history of the isotopic boundary and the regional implications for Pacific mantle migration into the SouthernOcean basin, we selectedsamples from 10 Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites surrounding this basin and two additional off-axis SEIR samples(-- 2 Ma) and 29 .......... PACIFIC -300 -200 Iiiiiiiiii ..... l."l'"•."t'" -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 KM Figure 3. Along-axis profiles of SEIR MORB isotopic composition plotted as distance (in kilometers) from the eastern bounding fracturezone of the AAD (heavy solid line). Open symbols represent Pacific-type compositions, solid symbols represent Indian-type compositions, and gray symbols represent transitional compositions recovered near the presentisotopic boundary within the AAD. These isotopic data are taken from Klein et al. [1988], Pyle et al. [ 1992], and this study (open circles with cross). Vertical solid lines designateaxial discontinuities;rift propagation in zone A and transform faults in the AAD. Note the distinct isotopic differences between the axis and off-axis samples within the easternmostAAD spreadingsegment.A similar contrast is not observedbetween axis and off-axis samples from zone A. The Analytical Methods Glasses from five DSDP sites (265, 266, 267, 278, 282), whole rock samplesfrom all ten DSDP sites,and dredgedbasalt glass from off-axis locations east of the AAD (MW07 and MW20) were analyzedfor major andtraceelementsby electron microprobe,X ray fluorescence(XRF), and inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Tables 2 and 3). Petrographicdescriptionsof the core samplescan be obtained from the DSDP initial reports volumes for Legs 28 and 29 [Hayes et al., 1975; Kennett et al., 1974]. All whole rock samples were trimmed to remove exterior surfaces, and sawn surfaceswere ground to remove saw blade contamination, thus obtaining the freshest possible material. This material was crushedin a jaw crusher with ceramic plates, washed in deionized water, dried, and hand-picked to remove alteration veins and vug material. Whole rock powderswere produced with a tungsten carbide shatter box at Washington State University. Glass samples were hand crushedin a ceramic mortar, sieved to -0.5 mm size fraction, washed and hand- picked to remove alterationand phenocrystphases. The major elementconcentrations of all glass sampleswere determinedusing a CamecaSX-50, four-spectrometerelectron microprobeat OregonStateUniversity (OSU). Eachreported analysis is the averageof five spot analysesthat have been normalizedto the glass standardBASL (Smithsonian standard present location of the isotopic boundaryand width of the VG-A99) run after every five samples. Whole rock samples transition zone along-axis is shown by a wide gray line which were analyzedfor major and trace elements (Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Ba, terminatesagainsta transformfault at 126øE. Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb, Ga, Cu, Zr) by XRF at Washington State University following standard methods [Knaack et al., 1991 ]. Additionaltraceelementanalyseswerecompletedby ICP-MS shallowmantle outflow from a shrinkingPacificbasin [e.g., using a Fisons PQ2+ PlasmaQuadat OSU. XRF and ICP-MS Alvarez, 1982; 1990]. If the isotopic boundaryhas only analyses of whole rock samples are of splits from the same recentlyarrivedbeneaththe AAD, thenthe presentassociation samplepowder. As these data are the first reportedICP-MS of the isotopic boundary with the AAD is coincidental. The analysesof geological samples from the OSU facility, we origin and long-term stability of the isotopic boundary,as compare the ICP-MS results to other analytical methods well as its relationshipto the depthanomaly,the presentAAD (Tables 2 and 3). Splits of four glass samplespreviously transformboundaries,and the mantledynamicsresponsible for analyzed by direct current plasma (DCP) and instrumental PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,265 Table 1. DSDP Sitesand Dredge LocationsSampledfor This Study DSDP Site Leg 28 Leg 29 MW8801 Latitude. S Longitude. E Magnetic Anomaly -Age,* Ma Core, m Recovery, % 264 34ø 58.13' 112ø 2.68' - 98 180 55 265 266 267 274 53 ø 32.45' 56 ø 24.13' 59 ø 15.74' 68 ø 59.81' 109 ø 32.45' 110 ø 6.70' 104 ø 29.30' 173 ø 25.64' 5b 6 15 13 15 23 38 36 17 14 14 6 20 14 16 34 56ø 33.42' 160ø 4.29' 12 33 11 50 279A 280A 282 283 278 51 ø 20.14' 48 ø 57.44' 42 ø 14.76' 43 ø 54.60' 162 ø 38.10' 147 ø 14.08' 143 ø 29.18' 154 ø 16.96' 31 23 47 55 69 5 5 15 4 70 100 50 43 20-01 07-01 49ø 31.20' 49ø 13.20' 127ø 35.40' 127ø 39.60' 1 2 1 2 dredge dredge * Magnetic anomalyage basedon the Kent and Gradstein[1986] timescale. Where no magneticanomaliesare apparent,age estimatesare thoseof the DSDP Leg Scientific Party. neutron activation analysis (INAA) were analyzed by ICP-MS along with the DSDP samples. The ICP-MS data are consistently within analytical uncertainty of the INAA and DCP methods. The XRF and ICP-MS trace element results generally agree, although ICP results are systematically high for Ba and low for Cu, Zn, Sr, and Y. Consistency between analytical methodsis particularly poor for elements at very low concentration. In such cases, the ICP-MS method is assumedto providebetterresultsbasedon analytical precision and greater control on matching standardabundancesto the sample concentration range. Isotope dilution abundancesof glasssamplesfor Sr, Rb, Nd, and Sm are alwayslower than the correspondingICP-MS result; this may be causedby sample inhomogeneity in small sample sizes (50-100 mg); incomplete samplerecovery after Pb column chemistry prior to Nd, Sm, Rb, and Sr spiking;and/or subtlematrix differences betweenstandardsand samplesin the ICP-MS analyses. These discrepancieshave no effect on our conclusions and efforts to determinetheir causeare in progress.Furthermore,Pb analyses by ICP-MS were rejectedbecausesuitable standardswere not available and subtle variations in Pb concentration are below our perceived analytical uncertainties. For ICP-MS analysis,samplesolutions were preparedfrom -60-80 mg splits of glassand whole rock powderdissolvedin tightly capped,15-mL Savillex teflon beakerswith -800 gL of a (1:3) HF:HNO3 acid mixture heated at -80øC overnight. Upon dissolution, beakers were uncappedand samples were driedon a hot plate to drive off HF. Following dry-down,the powderswere takenup oncein 6 N HC1 and redried. This cycle was repeated twice using 4 N HNO3 to break down fluorosilicate precipitates. The final dried powder was dissolvedin 10 mL of 2 N HNO3, from which a further 1:5 dilution in 1% HNO3 was preparedfor introduction into the ICP-MS instrument. Instrument drift was monitored and correctedwith a multiple internal standardsolution of Be, In, andBi addedto eachsampleto attaina run concentrationof 20 ppb for each element. Unknown element concentrations were determined using regression curves based on dissolved rock standardsfrom the U.S. Geological Survey (BIR-1, BHVO-1, BCR-1, W-l; recommendedvalues from Govindaraju[1989]) processedalong with the samples. The sample-standard concentrationrange was matchedby using multiple standards and dissolving 50, 75, and 100 mg of some individual standards.This method provides tightly constrainedstandard regression curves, allows evaluation of matrix effects and an independent assessment of "recommended" standard values (e.g., BIR-1) [see Jochum et al., 1994]. Sr, Nd, andPb isotope ratio and parent-daughter isotopedilution analyseswere performedon fresh glassesfrom DSDP sites265, 266, 267, 278, and 282 and two off-axis dredges recovereddirectly east of the AAD (Table 4). Core samples withoutglasswere subjectedto a sequentialleaching procedure to removealteration[Mahoney, 1987]. This leaching method differs from conventional single-step warm or hot acid techniquesby being considerablymore intense. A coarsely powdered sample (200-800 mg) is leached in 4N to 6N ultrapureHC1 and agitatedultrasonicallyfor 20 min. The acid (cloudedfrom the dissolution and suspensionof alteration material)is removedfrom the remainingsolid with a pipette, new acidis added,andthe powderis again agitatedand stirred. This proceduredissolvesor separatesfine particulatematerial (i.e., micaceousalteration minerals)andis repeateduntil the acid remains clear. At this point, the final solid is removed, rinsedwith ultrapurewateranddried,leaving typically 10% to 40% of the original volume, dependingon the extent of alteration. For tholeiiticbasaltsamples,the leachedpowderis usuallycomposedlargely of well-crystallizedplagioclaseand clinopyroxenewith very little alteredmaterial [Mahoney, 1987]. In orderto moreaccuratelyestablishbasement agesfor sites with poorly constrainedmagnetic anomaly age estimates, several whole rock samples were selected for 40Ar_39Ar incremental heatingagedeterminations (Table5 andFigure4). Rock chips 0.5-1 mm in size were irradiatedfor 6-8 hours in the core of the OSU TRIGA reactor and conversion of 39K to 39Ar by neutron capturewas monitoredwith hornblende standardMmhb-1 (520.4_+1.7 Ma) [Samson and Alexander, 1987]. Five to eight incremental heating steps were conducted,dependingon the sample potassiumcontent and expectedradiogenic40Ar. The isotopic compositionof Ar releasedat eachstep wasmeasured using an AEI-MS10S mass spectrometerat OSU. The low K content of MORB, combinedwith alteration, contributes to near-atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar ratios and, consequently, largeuncertainties in somecalculatedages. The reliability of a crystallization age is determinedfrom the relative concordance betweena plateauand isochron age calculatedfor eachsample.Plateauage estimatesare basedon 22,266 PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR Table 2. Major andTraceElementData for DSDP Legs28 and29 BasaltandSEIR DredgeBasaltSamples DSDPLegs28 and 29 site core interval split analysis* 264 15 Cl2 wr XRF ICPMS 265 17-01 18-01 61-63 41-49 glass wr Probe XRF ICPMS ICPMS 266 23-01 23-01 pc 5 76-82 glass wr Probe XRF ICPMS ICPMS 267 07-01 07-01 78-82 61-64 glass wr Probe XRF ICPMS ICPMS 274 44-02 45-02 88-93 110-114 wr wr XRF XRF ICPMS ICPMS 278 35-02 35-03 64-67 112-117 glass wr Probe XRF ICPMS ICPMS 279A 280A 13-02 48-54 23-02 106-110 wr wr ICPMS ICPMS wt% SiO2 TiO2 A1203 FeOt 55.08 1.53 17.32 9.62 49.51 1.63 16.67 7.87 50.07 1.58 17.14 7.50 50.32 2.18 13.92 10.92 51.05 2.28 14.77 11.62 50.95 1.31 14.62 8.98 51.88 1.32 15.80 8.73 51.11 1.71 17.82 9.17 52.00 2.01 17.05 9.64 49.89 1.01 15.44 8.23 50.43 0.91 18.19 7.24 MgO 5.22 8.36 9.40 7.18 6.37 7.86 7.87 5.17 6.05 8.73 7.96 CaO 6.88 Na20 K20 P205 3.00 1.17 0.19 MnO Total ppm Sc 0.11 100.11 0.12 10.51 3.27 0.60 0.30 0.14 11.12 3.45 0.64 0.25 0.19 10.35 2.96 0.25 0.26 0.20 10.40 3.11 0.35 0.27 0.17 0.15 12.39 12.31 2.63 0.13 0.13 0.15 11.00 2.95 0.31 0.12 3.35 0.12 0.15 0.11 7.87 3.40 1.27 0.47 0.15 13.39 0.13 13.29 2.31 0.10 0.10 2.46 0.18 0.08 98.86 101.29 98.52 100.42 99.16 101.45 99.75 99.88 99.35 100.87 50.95 1.42 15.66 9.49 48.68 0.90 19.04 8.50 0.14 8.36 11.50 3.01 0.22 0.16 0.10 10.47 7.65 3.13 0.07 0.06 100.91 98.59 V Cr Ni Cu Zn Rb 27.9 215 116 19 16 91 20.2 33.3 232 325 187 50 81 9.2 29.2 186 303 268 54 80 7.2 42.7 372 285 118 54 109 4.2 38.8 336 201 90 56 111 4.5 42.9 292 296 79 70 75 1.5 41.4 260 259 78 77 75 4.8 46.8 361 222 96 97 95 1.2 38.4 267 207 62 73 102 23.3 40.9 252 430 140 100 70 1.8 33.3 197 317 115 76 55 3.1 42.0 316 178 69 59 73 3.9 36.8 213 293 159 122 66 1.2 Sr 205 297 257 150 129 130 126 128 235 125 125 160 90 Y Zr Nb Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb 25 120 7.2 0.10 307 19.47 43.52 5.13 20.78 4.81 1.53 5.09 0.81 29 139 14.4 0.11 104 9.91 24.14 3.24 14.69 3.96 1.41 4.37 0.75 25 112 13.2 0.44 97 8.60 20.49 2.77 12.80 3.41 1.23 3.92 0.67 50 165 7.8 0.06 45 7.50 22.13 3.44 17.58 5.50 1.73 6.48 1.20 49 149 8.0 0.09 47 7.34 20.80 3.27 17.34 5.42 1.64 6.04 1.14 27 77 3.4 0.02 16 3.34 10.41 1.66 9.26 3.15 1.15 3.76 0.73 29 81 3.8 0.19 12 3.16 9.74 1.57 8.71 2.95 1.06 3.50 0.65 31 103 6.9 0.05 19 4.54 13.32 2.06 10.84 3.56 1.25 4.25 0.78 43 148 27.9 0.67 99 21.40 43.15 5.27 22.48 5.42 1.76 6.00 1.03 21 62 3.7 0.02 15 3.05 8.70 1.39 6.99 2.26 0.85 2.71 0.51 20 59 3.6 0.27 8 2.52 7.56 1.16 6.30 2.07 0.80 2.59 0.49 23 80 12.5 0.06 65 7.17 17.54 2.37 11.75 3.22 1.20 3.74 0.67 18 45 1.5 0.22 20 1.23 4.19 0.69 4.22 1.58 0.69 2.17 0.43 Dy 4.79 4.63 4.04 7.78 7.49 4.56 4.29 5.21 6.46 Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta Th U Pb 0.91 2.51 0.36 2.10 0.30 3.25 0.90 2.74 0.42 2.58 0.39 1.91 1.12 3.25 0.50 3.10 0.45 2.58 1.38 4.05 0.62 3.68 0.55 3.80 0.18 0.07 0.39 0.23 1.67 0.53 3.72 0.42 0.93 2.75 0.41 2.55 0.38 2.86 0.91 1.03 0.31 0.706 0.83 2.49 0.37 2.22 0.34 2.41 1.34 0.35 1.68 4.94 0.78 4.79 0.71 4.16 0.48 0.64 0.17 0.695 1.60 4.71 0.74 4.53 0.67 3.88 0.46 0.17 0.96 2.98 0.45 2.76 0.41 2.03 0.19 0.16 0.08 0.404 3.31 0.69 2.12 0.33 2.02 0.31 1.48 0.18 0.16 0.08 0.253 3.06 4.18 2.98 0.64 2.02 0.30 1.81 0.28 1.35 0.88 2.64 0.41 2.43 0.38 2.23 0.65 2.03 0.33 2.16 0.33 1.25 0.18 0.07 0.71 0.23 0.15 0.04 SampledesignationincludesDSDP site (264), coresection(15), andinterval(cm in core;CC, corecatcher;pc,basaltpiece). ?Major element determined onwhole rock(wr)splits byXRFandglass splits byelectron microprobe analyses. consecutiveincremental heating steps that overlap within analytical uncertainties (i.e., form a "plateau") and Results cumulatively include at least 50% of the total 39Ar released Age of Volcanism from the sample. The sample age is further evaluatedon Site 264 is located on the southern Naturaliste Plateau isotope correlation diagrams (i.e., "isochrons") which have the addedadvantageof independentage and initial 40Ar/36Ar [Ford, 1975], a shallow bathymetric feature believed to be estimates. A near-atmospheric initial 40Ar/36Arinterceptfor the isochron (i.e., 295.5) and an acceptablemeasureof goodnessof fit for the isochron to the concordantstep compositions are evidencefor reliableisochronage estimates. A more thorough discussionof 40Ar-•9Ar methodology [Duncan, 1991] andits generalapplicationto alteredvolcanic rocks can be found elsewhere [Dalrymple et al., 1981; McDougalland Harrison,1988]. either a small remnant of continental crust or a flood basalt plateau related to the Kerguelen hotspot [Mahoney et al., 1995; Colwell et al., 1994]. Samplesfrom this site are part of a basaltic andesireto rhyolite volcaniclastic sequence,lying beneath Cenomanian-Santonian chalks. A basaltic andesire clast from this sequenceproducedan apparent age spectrum with a plateaubetween 99 and 102 Ma (mean age 100.6 + 1.2 Ma) and a concordantisochron age of 99.6 + 1.2 Ma (Figure PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,267 Table 2. (continued) Southeast IndianRidgeDredgeSamples 283 282 20-02 80-85 glass Probe ICPMS 20-01 107-113 wr XRF ICPMS 18-01 135-138 wr XRF ICPMS zone A AAD 07-01 20-01 17-26 17-26 off-axis off-axis axis axis glass glass glass glass Probe XRF Probe DCP ICPMS ICPMS ICPMS INAA 23-01 axis glass Probe ICPMS 23-01 axis DCP INAA 26-01 axis glass Probe ICPMS area 26-01 axis glass DCP INAA 27-71 27-71 axis axis glass glass Probe DCP ICPMS sample setting split analysis ICPMS wt% 48.65 1.48 16.27 8.83 0.14 8.13 11.95 3.11 0.O9 0.13 98.78 50.18 1.50 17.83 9.18 49.20 1.85 17.75 10.20 50.14 1.89 14.17 10.18 0.16 0.21 5.86 8.18 11.75 3.51 0.19 0.12 100.29 6.67 3.56 0.76 0.19 50.87 2.03 14.53 10.41 50.62 1.36 15.49 8.44 0.17 0.17 0.15 7.32 7.25 8.37 11.64 2.52 0.09 0.14 10.61 2.79 0.11 0.22 51.34 1.12 16.26 9.18 11.54 98.26 98.99 35.4 207 266 152 53 70 4.2 162 30 101 3.1 0.24 12 3.13 10.88 1.83 10.00 3.24 1.21 3.82 0.70 46.2 319 261 59 60 92 12.4 177 24 117 7.4 0.25 34 5.23 14.76 2.13 10.79 3.20 1.21 3.62 0.67 38.7 344 85 64 88 22.0 98 41 133 37.4 342 218 103 57 91 15.0 110 42 145 6 3.85 12.80 7 4.82 12.50 15.90 4.35 1.45 12.90 5.08 1.57 1.10 1.15 4.66 4.23 4.86 0.98 2.90 0.45 2.73 0.40 2.29 0.88 2.63 0.40 2.58 0.38 2.87 0.15 0.05 0.41 0.18 1.01 3.06 0.49 2.88 0.43 2.22 0.08 0.07 0.02 52.39 1.20 16.24 7.56 0.13 0.17 0.15 MnO 7.71 7.88 8.10 MgO 10.86 2.93 0.03 0.15 98.57 51.1 1.4 15.55 8.52 10.95 2.87 0.10 0.15 99.08 11.10 2.94 0.07 0.18 99.72 SiO2 TiO2 AI20 3 FeOt CaO 2.95 0.10 0.17 98.76 Na20 K20 P205 99.96 Total ppm 4.70 0.63 3.40 0.23 0.08 4.76 0.76 3.59 0.26 0.07 38.4 292 427 105 76 69 0.6 118 27 79 1.2 0.01 3 1.91 8.05 1.41 8.91 3.09 1.19 3.87 0.77 35.8 252 360 103 74 70 105 30 90 3 1.90 9.20 7.80 2.94 1.14 0.75 37.4 228 380 157 88 74 1.4 103 23 61 2.4 0.02 17 2.06 6.89 1.10 6.51 2.39 0.95 3.05 0.60 34.0 193 332 140 83 75 109 25 73 14 2.40 7.23 5.92 2.39 0.93 0.61 4.03 3.11 0.42 2.14 0.12 0.07 0.11 0.431 0.90 2.58 0.41 2.53 0.38 1.79 0.15 0.14 0.04 0.275 36.0 283 348 119 56 78 0.9 112 32 96 2.1 0.02 9 3.06 11.06 1.84 10.57 3.73 1.34 4.38 0.87 33.0 250 300 117 55 70 112 33 100 7 3.31 11.19 9.88 3.74 1.29 0.95 5.66 0.53 3.35 0.52 2.77 0.15 0.14 0.05 32.0 230 325 129 57.9 61 143 26.4 89 10.3 3.53 10.8 8.86 3 1.09 0.71 4.45 1.20 2.57 0.40 1.82 0.14 0.15 0.11 34.4 260 371 129 58 64 1.0 142 26 84 2.4 0.02 12 3.13 10.46 1.69 9.41 3.05 1.15 3.69 0.69 3.28 0.51 2.77 0.23 0.10 0.35 0.96 2.87 0.45 2.66 0.40 2.16 0.16 0.14 0.05 0.414 Sc V Cr Ni Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy 2.77 0.41 2.07 0.1 0.1 0.29 Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta Th U Pb* Trace elementanalysesby ICP-MS or combinedDCP/INAA methods:Sc, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba by DCP and L-a,Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, Th, U by INAA (Pyle, 1994). All Pb analysesby isotopedilutionthermalionizationmassspectrometry. 4), somewhatyoungerthan southernKerguelen Plateaubasalts (109-118 Ma) [Leclaire et al., 1987; Whitechurchet al., 1992] and somewhat older than Broken Ridge basalts (88-89 Ma) [Duncan, 1991]. Sites265, 266, and 267 are locatedon progressivelyolder seafloorof the AntarcticPlate alonga transectroughly normal to the SEIR between 105ø and 110ø E (Figure 1). Seafloor magnetic anomalies indicates ocean crustal ages of 14 Ma (A5), 25 Ma (A7), and34 Ma (A13), respectively[Hayesand Frakes, 1975; Vogt et al., 1984]. Layer 2 oceanic crust was penetrated at Sites 267 and 265, but at Site 266, intermixed basalt and sediment were recovered, suggesting magmas eruptedinto soft sediment, possibly slightly away from the spreadingaxis [Ford, 1975]. Magnetic anomaly patterns indicate seafloor production occurredat Site 267 during the earlieststagesof rapid seafloor spreadingin this region. The plateau and isochron ages are concordant(23.4 + 0.8 Ma and 23.3 + 3.1 Ma, respectively; Figure 4), but younger than the age estimate from magnetic anomaly identification. The age of the lowermost sediment at this site is mid-Oligocene [Hayes and Frakes, 1975], or slightly older than the basalt age determined in this study. The discrepancy between the magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic age estimates was noted by Hayes and Frakes [1975], who suggestedthat sills formed significantly off-axis at this location. Our radiometric dataare consistent with sill emplacementabout 10 m.y. after crustal formation. In the absence of suitable samples for further 40Ar-39Ar work on these cores, sites 267, 266, and 265 22,268 PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR << zz << zz << zz << zz << zz << zz '7 •••0 •• O0 • o 000000 000 O0 O0 << zz o .,,• ß o od 'odt-: • 'uS i i uSt-:cSei i i o o o o oo oc• .,,• o o i i i i i i i i i i i .,,• o o o oo o t• •,3 oo td . PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,269 Table 5. 4øAr-39Ar PlateauandIsochron AgeEstimates for BasalticSamples FromDSDPLegs28 and29, Southeast Indian Ocean and Southwest Pacific Ocean Sample Type Plateau Age, Steps Ma 264-15-cc 267-07-01 274-44-02 278-35-03 clast basement breccia basement 279A-13-02 280A-23-02 282-20-01 basement intrusive basement 100.6 23.4 68.3 25.8 39Ar* Isochron Age N Ma + 1.2 + 0.8 + 2.0 _+2.9 3 5 4 5 55 100 49 60 14.7 + 1.6 64.2 + 3.3 60.7 + 1.5 5 5 5 84 86 89 97.0 23.3 67.0 17.0 + _ _ + 4øAr/36Ar Sums Intercept (No2) 0.5 3.1 0.7 9.7 325.8 + 54.8 296.9 _ 7.9 299.8 _ 6.7 299.8 _+11.8 0.37 2.13 0.01 4.58 13.9 + 1.0 69.5 + 2.2 59.2 + 2.2 296.9 _ 0.8 294.6 _ 2.2 293.2 + 16.8 0.38 0.12 0.11 * Percent of total. are assumedto provide a record of the upper mantle in this region at progressivelyyoungerages,from -23 Ma to 14 Ma. East of the AAD, seafloor ages at DSDP sites range from -13 Ma to 70 Ma. The oldest seafloor in the region is associatedwith seafloor spreadingin the Tasman Basin (Site 283; A31,-69 Ma), but equally old volcanism is indicatedby the 40Ar-39Arsystematics of basaltsfrom Sites 280A and 282 along the western margin of Tasmania and the South Tasman Rise (Figure 4). Massive, pillowed, and brecciated basalts erroneouslylow, due to a suspectedleak in the extraction line) and an isochronage of 67.0 + 0.7 Ma (Figure 4a). These ages are considerablyolder than the magneticanomaly age estimate for seafloorbeneaththis site (A13, --36 Ma),but younger than the oldestrecognizedanomaliesin this region (A34, --84 Ma) [Mayes et al., 1990]. The measuredage at Site 274 is very similar to that at sites 282 and 280A, located at roughly the conjugate position of ocean basin opening, confirming that rifting, possibly associated with seafloor spreading, began at were recovered about 65 Ma. Site 280A at Site encountered 282 below late Eocene three massive sediments basalt units below and mid- Eocene sediments [Ovenshine et al., 1974]. Plateau and isochronages for Site 280A basalts(64.2 + 3.3 and 69.5 + 2.2 Ma) overlap, or slightly predate,thoseof Site 282 (60.7 + 1.5 Major Element Variations With the exception of the basaltic andesite from the NaturalistePlateau(Site 264), the DSDP Leg 28 and 29 basalts and59.2 + 2.2 Ma). The 40Ar-39Aragesof volcanismat sites have compositionstypical of basaltserupted in an ocean basin 280A and 282 are older than the paleontological estimate of setting. Major element variations of these DSDP basalts are middle to late Eocene age for sediments recovered above the complicatedby alteration in whole rock samples, and the wide basalts [Kennett et al., 1974]. The near-atmosphericinitial geographical distribution of sample sites precludes a direct 40Ar-39Arvalues(294.6 + 2.2 and 293.2 + 16.8) obtainedfrom petrogenetic relationship between these samples. the isochrons indicate that trapped (excess) argon is not a Nevertheless, the major elements provide a context in which significantfactor in the measuredage of these basalts. Given to interpret the trace element data, so we offer some general that no paleontological control is reportedfor the sediments observationsfor perspective(Figure 5). immediatelysurrounding the basalts,we believe the 40Ar-39Ar West of the AAD, unaltered glasses from Sites 267, 266, resultsrepresentthe best estimate for the age of volcanism at and 265 decreasein CaO/A1203 from 0.85 to 0.60 with these near-continental margin sites. decreasing age; a large variation for a limited section of At Site 279A on the Macquarie Ridge, concordant plateau spreadingridge which, together with variations in TiO2 and (14.7 + 1.6 Ma) and isochron(13.9 + 1.0 Ma) ages of oceanic FeOt (total Fe as FeO) at high MgO contents, must reflect crust (Figure 4) are slightly older than seafloor exposedfarther significant changes in degree of melting and/or source south on MacquarieIsland (11.5-9.7 Ma) [Duncanand Varne, composition beneath the SEIR. East of the AAD, a simple 1988], consistent with the formation of seafloor at both sites mid-oceanspreadingorigin for all the DSDP samples is less along a common spreadingcenter to the south. Recognized clear, and consequently,major element variations may partly anomalies to the east in the Emerald Basin are A12 and A13 reflect differences in tectonic settings. Basalts from the (-34 Ma), where Oligocene sediment directly overlies continentalmargin of Tasmania(282), the SouthTasmanRise basement [Ovenshine et al., 1974]. The poorly constrained (280A), and the Tasman Sea (283) are relatively primitive 25.8 + 2.9 Ma plateau age and isochron age (17.0 + 9.7 Ma) (10.5 to 8.0% MgO)and display a large range in CaO/A1203 for Site 278 basalt are consistent with the overlying mid(0.38 to 0.88). The low CaO/A1203 values most likely reflect Oligocene sediments. pervasive alteration and variable destructionof plagioclase The volcanic section at Balleny basin Site 274 is a and pyroxene. Less altered samplesare generally within the brecciateddeposit (mostly likely a slump feature) located on compositional range of present SEIR basalts dredgedeast of southwest Pacific seafloor older than A13 (36-39 Ma) [Ford, the AAD [Klein et al., 1991; Pyle, 1994]. 1975]. Drilling here sampledtwo geochemicallydistinct rock compositions. Low-temperature,hydrothermal alteration of Trace Element and Isotopic Variations the lower part of this core has producedsomewhat alkalic For the western DSDP Sites 267, 266 and 265, the rare earth whole rock compositions (i.e., celadonite-rich tuff), inviting comparisonto nearby Balleny Island basalts. A fresher upper element patterns of the basalts change from light rare earth zone yielded MORB-like compositions. A holocrystalline element(LREE) depletedto LREE-enrichedwith decreasingage basalt clast recovered from this upper zone produced an (Figure 6). There is also a general correlation between highly apparentplateau at 68.3 + 2.0 Ma (ignoring step two, which is incompatible trace element concentration and isotopic 22,270 PYLE ET AL.' SOUTHEAST • PACIFIC m -l•O•/-Pvr9• J¾O•,/J•9g (elM)o•V i INDIAN-SOUTHWEST (elM)o•V (el/q) ! i 'PS/O•/'PVr9 • .pS/O•/.PVr9œ i i i 'PS/O•/'PVr9 • ! i i i•i i i i i i i i i i q i i i (•IA[) •V (•IA[) •V SEAFLOOR PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST 0.90 PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,271 87Sr/86Srvaluesapproachingthose of Balleny Island lavas [Hart, 1988; Lanyon et al., 1993], whereasthe holocrystalline basalt clast (-67.0 Ma)is comparableto presentday Pacifictype SEIR MORB (Figures 7 and 8). The MacquarieRidge basalt(DSDP 279A) is very similar to basaltsfrom Macquarie Island[Griffin and Varne, 1980; Griffin, 1982; Lanyon et al., 1993], indicating that the Balleny hotspot may have influencedthis part of the Pacific-Antarcticspreadingridge 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 274 • since at least -20 Ma. This Balleny hotspotinfluencein not, however,apparentat Site 278 in the Emeraldbasin (-23 m.y.). The EmeraldBasin and Balleny Basin (DSDP 274-44) basalts have subparallel, flat to slightly depletedLREE patterns, convex-upcurvature betweenLa and Sm (Figure 6), suggestingthat they were derivedfrom a depletedMORB mantlesourcesimilarto present 0.40 day MORB eastof the AAD. These basalts also fall within or near the Nd-Sr, Nd-Pb, and Sr-Pb isotopic fields (Figure 7) definedby Pacific type MORB lavas from the SEIR (i.e., zone .50 A), but with somewhat •higher 2OSpb/2O4pb and2O7pb/2O4pb values (Figure 8). For seafloor basalts surroundingthe South Tasman Rise (Sites 280A, 282, 283), trace element data indicate a mantle sourcecomparableto, or more incompatible-element-depleted than, the MORB source beneath the Balleny and Emerald Basins (Figure 6). The weakly depleted rare earth element pattern of the Site 282 basalt resemblesthose of SEIR basalts from east of the AAD (Lan/Smn <1, Smn/Ybn>l, and Cen/Ybn -1, wheren denoteschondritenormalized)[cf. Schilling and Ridley, 1974]. By contrast, Site 280A basalt is strongly 11.0 10.0 9.0 LREE-depleted (Lan/Smn=0.49,Cen/Yb'n=0.50)relative to the 8.0 other DSDP samples but not as depleted in elements more incompatible than La as are some Pacific-type SEIR MORB 26• 7.0 280A east of the AAD. 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 Site 280A basalt has low concentrations of elementsmore compatible than La and a distinctive, positive Sr anomaly. The Site 283 basalt is typical of Pacific-type compositionsin 87Sr/86Srand 2O6pb/2O4pb but has slightly higher2OSpb/2O4pb and2O7Pb/2O4pb. Site 282 basaltfrom the MgO Figure 5. Selected major element variations of DSDP Leg 28 and Leg 29 samples. Glass samples are designatedby open symbols and whole rock samplesby solid symbols (triangles MW8801 basalt glasses;squares,Pacific-type DSDP samples; circles, Indian-type or transitional DSDP samples). Sample pairs from individual DSDP cores are connected by lines. western margin of Tasmania lie outside the SEIR Pacific-type isotopicfieldsdue to relatively low 2O6pb/2O4pb. In addition, the high 87Sr/86Sr,2OSpb/2O4pb, and 2O7pb/2O4Pb of Site 280A basalt, when compared to Pacific-type samples of similar 2O6Pb/2O4pb contents,indicatesan Indian-typemantlesource. Taken together, the South Tasman Rise basalts are Compositional fieldsfor AAD andzone A SEIR MORB glasses isotopically intermediate to SEIR Indian-type MORB from are indicated (upper field, zone A: lower field, AAD). Glass westof the AAD and SEIR Pacific-typeMORB from east of the samplesshow trendsconsistent with SEIR MORB glass data AAD. from the AAD and zone A. The Naturaliste Plateau Site (DSDP 264) was included in this studybecauseof its possible relationship to early rifting of composition(i.e., 87Sr/86Srand 2OSpb/2O4pb increasewith LREE enrichment;Figu?es7 and 8) indicating changesin mantle source composition;not simply variations in melting of a homogeneousmantle sourcebeneath this section of the SEIR. For DSDP basalts east of the AAD, trace element and isotopic variations require a variety of mantle sources. The Balleny Basin tuff (DSDP 274-45) and MacquarieRidge basalt (DSDP 279A) have LREE-enrichedpatternsand broad, convexup primitive-mantle-normalized patterns (Figure 6). Such patternsare thought to indicate a HIMU hotspot component in their source[Weaver, 1991]; most likely relatedto the Balleny hotspot [Lanyon et al., 1993; Crawford et al., 1994]. The Balleny Basin tuff (sample 274-45) has 2O6pb/2O4Pb and the easternAustralian-Antarctic continentalmargin. The 4OAr39Ar age determinationssuggest that volcanism on the NaturalistePlateauis related in time and spaceto Kerguelen hotspot volcanism, but compositional contrasts between NaturalistePlateaulavas and recentKerguelenhotspotproducts indicate very different mantle sources and/or petrogenesis (Figures 6-8). The strong depletion of Nb and Ta in the Site 264 sample indicates a subcontinental-lithosphere source [Thompsonet al., 1983], as do high 87Sr/86Sr,2OSpb/2O4pb, and2O7pb/2O4pb andlow 143Nd/144Nd isotopicsignatures that are well outside the range of oceanic basalts [Hawkesworthet al., 1990; Peng et al., 1994]. At Site 264, the Kerguelen hotspot signature is either overwhelmedby contamination or the plume's thermal effects were greater than any material contribution [e.g., Storey et al., 1992; Mahoney et al., 1995]. 22,272 PYLE ET AL.' SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 100 lOO :. 264 -110 ø E "-.,., !'" , ß 265 •.• 266 '-.• *:• • :'•:i•:•11•:::.:•'!i•! • ' 267 IndianOcean ::::•ii ::::::::..: , •:: AADIndia-type .... thisstudy lOO South Tasman Rise:. off-axis, Zone A Zone A /• /• /•, • •o• •o• SEIR Pacific-type •is study / Tasman Sea SEIR Pacific-type ........... •, MW07 ........... '•';:,•.. ........... %, ....ß....•...:.,-.,..•,.•,....•,•:.•:,•..,• .,,,,.......• ß,, 283 •:::::::-"::"'•'• ............... :'•'•:"• ......... ':'•:"' ....... _ • : • : 280A most'depleted'SEIR 100 lOO : MacquafieIslandOphiolite / basaltr•ge -Southwest Pacific :74_44 10 ...... lO I •a • T•;:La Pr P Zr SmTi Y Lu La Ce Pr Nd PmSmEu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu I Rb Th Nb K Ce Sr Nd Hf Eu Dy Yb Figure 6. Primitive mantlenormalizationdiagramsand chondritenormalizedrare earth elementdiagramsfor DSDP Leg 28 and Leg 29 samples. Normalizationvaluesfor primitive mantle are from SunandMcDonough [1989] and rare earth element normalizationvaluesare those of Boynton [1984] for "average"ordinary chondrites.The compositional rangeof MacquarieIslandOphiolitebasalts,AAD Indian-typeMORB (MW231, MW26-1, andMW27-71) andzoneA Pacific-typeMORB (MW07-01, MW20-01) are shownby shadedfields for comparison.The mostdepleted,primitiveSEIR Pacific-typeglasssampleanalyzedin this study(MW1726; seeTable3) is designated by a dottedline pattern.All datacollectedby ICP-MS duringthisstudy.Ta values for whole rock analysesare assumed equivalentto Nb on primitive-mantle-normalized diagrams(i.e., 264, 274, 279A, 280A, 283, 282); normalizedTa values for basaltic glass (i.e., 265, 266, 267, 278, MW07, MW20) are representative of resultsreportedin Table 2. UnusuallyhighRb abundances (relative to Ba andTh) andK concentrations (e.g., 283) are artifactsof alterationin somewholerock samples. Discussion type plume mantle [e.g., Hart, 1988; Weis et al., 1992, 1993], Balleny-type plume mantle (HIMU-type; terminology of Continentalrifting and openingof an oceanbasinrequires Zindler and Hart [1986]) [e.g., Lanyon et al., 1993], Pacific- flow of suboceanic asthenosphere into a region previously type depletedMORB mantle,andIndian-typedepletedMORB occupiedby subcontinental lithosphere.Oceanicuppermantle mantle. Alvarez[1982,1990]originallyproposed thatupper mustupwell from beneaththe zone of rifting and/ormigrate mantleflow, in thiscasefrom a shrinkingPacificOceanbasin, laterally as the oceanbasin developedbetween Australia and mustbe channeledbetween,or obstructedby, the roots of Antarctica.Whetherupwellingor lateral asthenospheric flow continentsthat reachhundreds of kilometersinto the upper dominatesthis processcan be assessedqualitatively by mantle [Jordan, 1975]. Excess volcanism associated with determining the regional distribution of geochemically hotspotsandlargeoceanicplateausmay also act to promote distinct upper mantle sourcesthrough time as Australiaand Antarcticadrifted apart. In this region, four distinct mantle uppermantleflow. Severalshallowbathymetricfeaturesin the Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific Oceans are related sourcescan be identifiedand tracedisotopically: Kerguelen- either to continentalremnants(e.g., South TasmanRise and PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,273 NaturalistePlateau)or to oceanicflood basalt provinces(e.g., KerguelenPlateau, Broken Ridge) [Storey et al., 1988, 1989; Mahoney et al., 1995]. Thus reconstructing the relative positions of these continental masses and hotspot-related features through time is important for understandingtheir influence on upper mantle flow during the opening of the type upper mantle has been migrating westwardat 25 mm/yr, the minimum allowed by our observations within the AAD [Pyle et al., 1992], the position of the isotopic boundary roughly coincides with the South Tasman Rise at approximately 50 Ma. As early rifting betweenAustralia and Antarcticaprogressed Southern Ocean basin. from west to east, Indian-type MORB mantle most likely flowed into the region from the west, as suggested by the recoveryof Indian-type basalts dredgedfrom -50 Ma seafloor Regional Plate Motions north of the SEIR [Lanyon et al., 1995] well east of the present Continental rifting and seafloor spreading between position of the isotope boundary. The dispersal of plume Australiaand Antarcticabegan at 110 to 90 Ma, propagating mantle associated with a voluminous plume head during the from west to east, following a period of continental extension early stagesof Kerguelen hotspotactivity likely facilitated an (amountingto >300 km) that began at -160 Ma [Powell et al., eastward flow of Indian-type upper mantle as the two 1988]. Roughly contemporaneous with continental rifting, continents separated. Farther to the east, the South Tasman the earliest manifestations of the Kerguelen hotspot are Rise remained an obstruction to the westward migration of recorded by flood basalt volcanism in western Australia Pacific-type upper mantle until the transitionfrom slow to fast (Bunbury Basalts, 105-130 Ma) and northeastern India spreadingcirca 42 Ma (A18). This transition,which coincided (RajmahalTraps, 116-117 Ma) [Baksi et al., 1987; Morgan, with rifting of the KerguelenPlateau from Broken Ridge and 1981; Mahoney et al., 1983; Duncan and Richards, 1991; the final rifting stage of the South Tasman Rise, most likely Pringle et al., 1994]. Seafloor spreadingbetween Australia marks the beginning of upper mantle flow from the Pacific and Antarcticabeganat -96 Ma and progressedin two phases into the Indian Ocean basin. [Candeand Mutter, 1982; Veevers,1987; Royer and Sandwell, In contrastto the Kerguelen-SEIR system, hotspot activity 1989]. Seafloor magnetic lineations record an early slow in the southwest Pacific appears to have been much less spreadingphase (-9 mrn/yr, full rate) from 84 Ma (anomaly voluminousand not closely associatedwith spreading. Three 34) through 43 Ma (anomaly 18) [Cande and Mutter, 1982], separate, age-progressive volcanic lineaments have been duringwhich time the eastern part of Broken Ridge and the documentedin this region; one along the eastern Australian northeastern Kerguelen Plateau were constructed by a continentand two others,the Tasmantidand Balleny seamount Kerguelenhotspot centered on or near the SEIR [Cande and chains, that originate in the Tasman Sea [McDougall and Mutter, 1982; Leclaire et al., 1987; Schlich and Wise, 1989; Duncan, 1988; Johnson, 1989; Eggins et al., 1991]. The Duncan, 1991]. At 43 Ma, spreadingabruptlyincreasedto >60 Balleny hotspot has produceda discontinuousvolcanic chain mrn/yr(full rate) and has graduallyincreasedto -74 mrn/yr at that has been traced from the Balleny Islands back to -36 Ma present [Vogt eta!., 1984; Royer and Sandwell, 1989]. The [Duncan, 1981; Duncan and McDougall, 1989] where it was SEIR eventually separatedBroken Ridge from Kerguelen located beneath the east Tasman Plateau (i.e., a small Plateau at 43 Ma (A18) to 35 Ma (A13), establishing the bathymetricfeature east of the South TasmanRise) [Lanyon et presentconfigurationof the SEIR spreadingcenter(Figure 9) al., 1993]. Of these eastern hotspots, only the Balleny [Lawveret al., 1992; Royerand Sandwell, 1989]. Throughout hotspot has encountereda mid-ocean spreadingcenter as it this period, the Kerguelen hotspot was very active and is moved from the Australian Plate to the Antarctic Plate between likely to have had a significant compositional influence on 10 and 20 M a. the upper mantle throughoutthe region. East of the AAD, spreadingin the Tasman Sea from 84 Ma Distribution of Mantle Sources (A34) to 55 Ma (A24) and the inceptionof spreadingalong the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge at -84 Ma (A34) [Veevers, 1984; The distribution of Indian-type Pacific-type and hotspot- Hayesand Ringis, 1973; WeisselandHayes, 1977; Mayes et al., 1990] coincided with early slow spreading between type mantle is recordedmost effectively by the isotopic composition of the DSDP basalts. Basaltic glasses from the Australia and Antarctica. The Tasman Sea and the Pacificthree sites near -110øE, west of the AAD, are isotopically Antarctic spreading systemsmay have been continuous until identical to those of present-day AAD basalts [Klein et al., -55 Ma (A24), after which TasmanSea spreadingceasedand 1988; Pyle et al., 1992] and Indian-type MORB from the SEIR transformmotion along the MacquarieRidge progressively in general [Cohen et al., 1980; Michard et al., 1986; Dosso et offset the two systems [Weissel et al., 1977; Stock and al., 1988], especiallyin having low 206pb/204pbrelative to Molnar, 1982, 1987]. Since Miocene time, northward nearby Pacific-type MORB. In general, 208pb/204pb, migrationof the SEIR away from Antarcticahas produceda 207Pb/204pb, and 87Sr/86Sr increase and 206pb/204pb and seriesof short spreadingsegmentsoffsetby a seriesof large transformfaultsthat connectthe Pacific-Antarctic Ridgeto the easternSEIR. Rifting of a small continental fragment, the SouthTasmanRise, markedthe final separationof Australia fromAntarcticabetween42 Ma (A18) and36 Ma (A13) [Royer and Sandwell, 1989; Lawver et al., 1992 ]; radiometricdata reportedhere indicate that this separationbegan at about 65 Ma. The South Tasman Rise remained an obstruction to circum-Antarcticdeepwater circulationuntil late Oligocene time (-30 Ma) [Kennett et al., 1974]; however, when it ceased to act as a barrier to uppermantleflow is unknown. If Pacific- 143Nd/144Nd decreasewith decreasing age of eruptionat -110 ø E, suggesting that a Kerguelen-type contaminant becomes more abundant in the MORB source as seafloor spreading progressed.That is, the youngestdrill site (Site 265) exhibits the most Kerguelen-like contaminated MORB composition. This is particularly noteworthy becausethe most Kerguelenlike MORB signature might be expected for the oldest site (Site 267) if an initial Kerguelenplume head with a radius of -1000 km [e.g., Griffiths and Campbell, 1990; Coffin and Eldholm, 1993; White and McKenzie, 1989] progressively grew and dispersedbeneath this region of the SEIR during the 22,274 PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST iEPR •!.i...11• [MORB :i! ................... .{..:.......,.[,,..,,,, o". ß west of AAD Aoff-axis dredges, Zone n -+12 -+11 0.51320-• /ii k: ....... •:• ii:i•. :-• [ •"% Indian } SEAFLOOR decreasing age instead strongly suggests that Kerguelen hotspot material was not present (or at least less abundant) beneath this section of the SEIR until the spreading rate increased after-43 Ma. Faster spreading rates may have enhancedor even initiated the eastwardmigration of material derived from the Kerguelen plume. Moreover, this limited samplingof SEIR MORB at -110øE throughtime is consistent with the Kerguelen-type signal being carried eastwardwithin early stages of seafloor spreading. Eruption of Keruelen influencedMORB compositionsmight be expectedinitially if Kerguelenmaterial upwelledbetweenthe westernAustralian and Antarcticcontinentsduringthe slow spreadingphaseof SE Indian Oceandevelopment. Furthermore,the spreadingridge environment could concivably dilute this hotspot signature with time, resulting in progressively less hotspot-like compositions. The increasein a Kerguelen-likesignaturewith 0.51325 PACIFIC OSouth Tasman Rise [] eastof SouthTasmanRise :; •*%, -+10 :(•Indian-type SEIR, AnD - +9 - 0.51295 27•X Ba!ie•v • •,,•. -- +6 -- +5 •x St.Paul 0.51290 :: 0.51285 +7 rosterdam aikalicbasalt ' ' ' 0.7020 I .... ', .... 0.7025 , 0.7030 +4 I ' ' ' ' ', .... 0.7035 0.7040 0.7045 87Sr/86Sr 15• 0.51325 +12 EPR oO 1•'1I ......... :.': ........... MORB 0.51320 i 0.51315 /" '5, ....... '%',,,,,,, :!,,'... ,... ß " 'n '" "53 0.51310 _ +8• 0.51305 /••i[267::O• •:•"'"•"0'-"'• 274 Q• 0.51300 0.51295 0.51290 X .... 0.51285 >• • I •/ W 17.5 18.0 18.5 +7 - +6 - +5 aikali• has_air I 17.0 - 19.0 +4 20.0 19.5 206Pb/204Pb 0.7050 0.7045 • 0.7040 r• 0.7035 '• t•265 t Tasmanian X•ooOOø'%. .......... % IS' alkalic basalt 0.7030 ß,,,, '. 0.7025 •(•.••'•:'A• .................... ,•.•..• ............. .•;^....... ? •4 • • ._,:•.;282 • •. ,/" Ba!ieny ,,.,•2..8....3...y:. , ):....,., • ...... ........ ,.,..,/:"'EPR• 171.0I ..................... ZoneA .,•s. MORB ....... •.......... •. , ................... PAR 4. [ 17 5 I I 18.0 I I 18.5 206Pb/204Pb I i 19.0 I i 19.5 I 20.0 PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST •' •.c•' 15.7 • • • •I 15.5 SEAFLOOR Amsterdam 22,275 I 2Zglele St. Paul Is. n-Heard •-) •-•15.6• I • PACIFIC /•A•.... •///••• ' . ] •'•8• 279• ••,• •' • .......... • •, . ,'• • •_0•••• I •!eny I ............ -•a•anian Is.II alk•icbasalt 265• ' ' •/• - • ......... 15.4 Indian ........... '-'•" •'"•'•'•= ::•274 •:•?:'Zone A .............................. EPR rosterdam St. Paul 39.0 - Is. • • ,.• 38.5•• 38.0 J //• • J .::• [-1279AJ Tasmaman • • 28•'• alkalicbasalt Hear ,_,.•.•. iit 27••.•/:::::" S IS'Ei•,/•:/•}• •} •..•?/Zone A lnd•n .,,,•f•5 ....... .... • ,,,• 267• 37.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 206Pb/204Pb Figure 8. Pb-Pb isotopic variations for Leg 28 and 29 DSDP basement samples (fields and referencesas in Figure 7; symbolsas in Figure 5). The NorthernHemisphereReferenceLine (NHRL) is an averagePb-Pb trend through oceanicbasalt compositionsfrom the northernhemisphere;A 8/4 and A 7/4 •e calculatedrelative to this line [Hart, 1984]. the ambient Indian MORB mantle as Australia and Antarctica separated,ratherthan advectedby excessplumematerial. This may indicate that the continental roots of Australia and Antarctica obstructedeastwardflow of early Kerguelen plume head material prior to rifting. The 65-70 Ma basaltsfrom the Tasman Sea and the Balleny basin have isotopic characteristics and trace element similarities to Pacific-type MORB from east of the AAD, indicating that Pacific-type mantle existed adjacentto the easternmargin of Gondwanabefore Australia and Antarctica rifted. The compositional effects of the Balleny hotspot are evident in basalts from the MacquarieRidge (Site 279A) and Figure7. (opposite) TheœNd-87Sr/86Sr, œNd-206Pb/204pb, and87Sr/86Sr-206Pb/204pb variations for Leg28 and29 DSDP samples.Indian-typeMORB is characteristically higherin 87Sr/86Sr,lowerin 143Nd/144Nd, and higherin 208pb/204pb, 207pb/204pb contentat a given206pb/204Pb valuerelativeto PacificandAtlantic MORB [e.g.,DupreandAllegre,1983;Hart, 1984;HamelinandAllggre,1985;Hamelinet al., 1986; Michard et al., 1986;Priceet al., 1986;Dossoet al., 1988;Kleinet al., 1988;Mahoneyet al., 1989, 1992]. Only PacificMORB from the EPR is represented by the Pacific field shown (i.e., excludesGorda,Juande Fuca, and Galapagos spreading centers).PacificOceanMORB samplesrecovered closestto the regionof this studyare represented by thefield for Pacific-Antarctic Ridge(PAR) [FergusonandKlein, 1993]. A compositionalfield for SEIR MORB westof 110øE(dottedfield) is shownfor comparison to AAD andDSDP data. Pacific-type(dark shadedfield labeledzoneA) andIndian-type(lightshadedfield labeledAAD) MORB fields from vicinity of the AAD are shown.The doublearrowsbetweenthesefieldsmarka mixingtrenddefinedby SEIR samplesdredged near the present-dayisotopicboundary(dredgesMW05 and MW06, seeFigures2 and 3). Note that the Site 282 basaltcompositionlies within the mixing array definedby presentday SEIR MORB lavas. Arrows with dotted pattern show the general trend in SEIR compositionsthat appearto have hotspot contaminants in their source (i.e., Kerguelen-likeor Amsterdam-St. Paul-like). Compositional fields for hotspots surroundingthis region are KerguelenIsland [Weis et al., 1989; Gautieret al., 1990; Storey et al., 1988]; HeardIsland [Barling and Goldstein, 1990]; St. Paul and AmsterdamIslands(W. White, personal communication, 1994); Balleny Island [Hart, 1988; Lanyon et al., 1993]; Tasmaninnalkalic basalt (13-46 Ma) [Ewart et al., 1988]. 22,276 PYLE ET AL.: SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 120 ø 90 ø 90 ø 267 " .-KP ......... '...... :............... :..... i...... t•....... '...... "................................. 60 ø 60 ø 60 ø 60 ø 30 MA 120 ø 90 ø 90 ø 90øE WB 60 ø 60 ø 'TS ,: , , , , , , , 60 ø 60 ø 50 MA Figure 9. Tectonic reconstructionsof the SoutheastIndian Ocean and SouthwestPacific Oceanat 50 Ma and 30 Ma [Lawver et al., 1992]. These reconstructions show the locationof the DSDP sitesrelative to continental boundaries andoceanic plateaufeatures (shaded areas)priorto andfollowingthe transitionfromslowto fast spreading in theregion.At -40 Ma, spreading ratesincreased asKerguelen andBrokenRidgePlateaus rifted andthefinal separation of the SouthTasmanRisefromthe Antarcticcontinentoccurred.KP, Kerguelen Plateau;BR, BrokenRidge;NP, Naturaliste Plateau;90E, NinetyeastRidge;STR, SouthTasmanRise; TS, TasmanSea;LHR, LordHoweRise;B Is.,BallenyIsland;MR, Macquarie Ridge. PYLE ET AL.- SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST Balleny Basin (sample 274-45)' however, the older Balleny Basinsample(274-44) and the EmeraldBasinbasalt(Site 278) PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,277 idea of westwardmigration of Pacific-type mantle into the region [Alvarez, 1982, 1990]. The low 206pb/204pb compositionof Indian-typeMORB is Volcanism surroundingthe South Tasman Rise is of critical to our interpretation of mantle sourcefor the DSDP particularinterest becauseit appearsto be associatedwith samples [Mahoney et al., 1989]. A distinction between early rifting of this feature. Lanyon et al. [1993] suggested Indian-type and Pacific-type compositionsin DSDP samplesis show no such influence. that the east Tasman Plateaumay actually be a volcanic feature more difficult producedby excessivevolcanism of the Balleny hotspot, chosen a few key incompatible elements such as Ba, Th, La, and Zr to determinemantle sourcesignatures. These elements are fairly resistant to alteration and are available for both modernSEIR MORB andthe DSDP samples. Unfortunately, Ta rather than a remnant continental fragment like the South Tasman Rise, based on the compositional similarities of TasmanianTertiary alkalic basaltsand Balleny hotspot lavas. Furthermore, continental-lithosphericmaterial might be expectedto have contaminatedseafloorbasalts eruptedclose to the continental South Tasman Rise, in a similar fashion to thatobserved at the Naturaliste Plateau(site 264). The highly incompatible-element-depleted, typical MORB signaturesof the SouthTasmanRise samplessuggestthat contamination by continental and/or hotspot material has been insignificant along this continental margin region. Similarly depleted to demonstrate with and Nb can not be used because trace elements. Ta values for We have whole rock samaplesare contaminated(i.e., tungsten carbideshatter-box) andNb data are lacking for SEIR MORB. This leads to a heavy relianceon Ba, which may be suspectin older samplesowing to contamination from seawater alteration. Nevertheless, coherencebetweenhigh Ba in the DSDP samplesand high Th and La, elements which are both much less susceptible to alteration, suggests Ba abundances are in large part basalts have been recovered from ODP sites 765 and 766 in the representativeof magma composition(Figure 10). Indian-type SEIR MORB are enriched in Ba and Th Argo Basin and in the Red Sea, suggesting that such compositionsmay be commonly associatedwith early phases concenration relative to Pacific-type SEIR when plotted against less incompatible compatible elementssuchas La or of seafloorspreading[Luddenand Dionne, 1992; Elssen et al., Zr. The DSDP sample data show no such contrast in trace 1989; Schilling et al., 1992]. Whether DSDP basalts from the South Tasman Rise are elements.In fact, all of the DSDP basalts,including those east classified as Pacific-type or Indian-type depends,to some of the South Tasman Rise, have trace element characteristics degree, on the criteria used to define these upper mantle which overlap the Indian-type SEIR MORB range. :reservoirs. The Site 283 basalt (Tasman Sea) is well within the Furthermore, the boundary between Indian-type and Pacificisotopic range of other Pacific-type MORB samples from the type mantle is apparent from highly incompatible element region, but for sites 280A and 282, the isotopic designationof ratios for presentday SEIR MORB, which covary with isotopic the basalt source is less clearly defined. Although the Site composition (Figure 11). A similar coupling between trace 280A sampleis high in 206pb/204pbrelative to Indian-type element compositionand isotopic ratios is not apparentin the MORB, its higher 208Pb/204pb, 2ø7pb/204pb,and 87Sr/86Sr DSDP sample data; the DSDP samples can be divided on the and206pb/204pb but have Ba/LaandBa/K20 valuesplace it outsidethe entire Pacific OceanMORB field, in basisof 87Sr/86Sr the range of "enriched" Indian MORB and ocean island ratios which are more like Indian-type compositions. A more compositions. We regard these characteristicsas indicating an detailed examination of the SEIR MORB trace element data is Indian-type mantle sourcefor Site 280A basalt. Characterizing forthcoming. For our present purposes, distinctions between the sourceof Site 282 basalt as Pacific-type or Indian-type is Indian-typeand Pacific-typeMORB traceelementsarelimited more subjective because its 206pb/204pb, 208pb/204pb, to large ion lithophile elements (LILE) more incompatible 207pb/204pb, and87Sr/86Sr areall within the greaterPacific than La. Direct comparison of DSDP trace element data with MORB field. However, its 206pb/204pbis low relative to that of SEIR MORB may be problematic given the variety of present-dayPacific-type MORB from the SEIR and plots in a analyticalmethodsutilized and a mix of both glass and whole region intermediate to the Indian- and Pacific-type MORB rock analyses. Some analytical bias may exist between ICPfields definedby SEIR samplescollectedwithin and east of the MS and INAA/DCP analyses (cf., SEIR MORB glasses) (see AAD [Pyle et al., 1992]. Similar intermediatecompositionare Figure 11). Also, alteration of older seafloor samples make Ba displayed by samples collected near the present isotopic and K20 values suspectfor whole rock analyses. At present, these limitations requirethat DSDP samples be identified as mixing between Pacific-type and Indian-type mantle (double Indian-or Pacific-type MORB based soley on isotopic arrows;Figures7 and 8). Age corrections would lower the Pb characteristics. The presenceof Indian-type trace element signaturesin all isotopicratios, moving the Site 282 data point sample farther from Pacific-type SEIR compositions. SEIR Pacific-type the DSDP samplescan be explained in either of two ways. (1) MORB is relatively restricted in composition, low in The trace elementratios actuallyrecord physical differencesin 87Sr/86Sr, 208pb/204pb, and 207pb/204pb for a given melting processes, rather than compositional differencesin 206pb/2O4pb when comparedto the overallPacificMORB field. the mantle source.To fractionate highly incompatible element We conclude that the Site 282 basalt source is transitional ratios like Ba/La, Th/La, or Ba/K20, much lower degreesof between Indian-type and Pacific-type MORB mantle based on mantle melting are requiredfor DSDP basalts relative to the restrictedisotopic range representedby the presentPacific- Pacific-type SEIR MORB assuming the Pacific-type mantle type SEIR MORB. The intermediatenatureof both Site 282 and trace element composition has remained unchangedin this 280A isotopic compositionssuggeststhat their mantle source region; or (2) Pacific-type SEIR mantle has evolved may have existed near an earlier isotopic boundary between chemically since emplacement of DSDP basalts east of the Indian-type and Pacific-type mantle or that the boundary was AAD. For example, the relative LIIF, enrichment(i.e., higher Ba, K20, Th, Ta) of ancientPacific-typeMORB has apparently less well defined during the early stages of continental separation.In either case, these data are consistent with the been removed by melting processesand/or modern Pacific- 22,278 PYLE ET AL.' SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR typeSEIRMORB is derivedfrom a moreLILE-depleted mantle sourcewhich has migratedinto the region over time. It is also 250 LC Ba/La- • 200- 12.5 PM Ba/La -10.2 J ••OIB a ~ 9.5 150- Mantle ••© 50- -ß • ß ..:...,....:...,,:.:.:.::,:.:..a >:---,,:.:.:. ....... .. , , 2 4 '": ....... i ocO o,, ,,, .... 6 i ,,, 8 o , ..... t .... , 10 i,, ,, i,, ,,, .... 12 14 16 t ,, 18 20 , , 22 1.8 1.6 i LC ThlLa ~. 14 PM Th/La ~ 0.12 1.4 0// OIB 1.2 1.0 0.8 / / / N-MORB • 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 AAD. La (•r m) 14ø l 120 -'l- OIB LC ß Ba/Zr - 1.25 [ Ba/Zr5.83 100 -[- / / / . ß [] PM 60 40 [/ 0 / •_ O 25 50 ß 75 __ • 100 125 •.................................. N-MORB ........:.:,,x ............ '....... 150 175 Ba/Zr- 0 08 200 225 275 250 Zr (ppm) 140 OIB Ba/K20~ 240 120 100 '. LC Ba/K20 - 290 • Ba/K20 -230 • O * O 40 ...... s-.'.'-': ........ N-MORB Ba/K20 ~ 88 I 0.10 0.20 0.30 The resultsof this study suggestthat it is unlikely that the isotopeboundaryhas remainedwithin the AAD throughoutthe opening of the SoutheastIndian OceanBasin becausebasalts from the western margin of the South Tasman Rise have transitional or Indian-type isotopic characteristics. The recoveryof Indian-type MORB from 38-45 Ma seafloor north and east of the AAD strengthenthis conclusion[Lanyon et al., 1995]. All thesedata supportthe hypothesis that the isotopic boundary was located east of the AAD in the past. Similar reasoningcan be used to infer that the depth anomaly and the isotopeboundaryare decoupled. The depth anomaly intersects the Australian continent near 140ø E [Veevers, 1987], far to the west of the South Tasman Rise. If the depth anomaly and the isotopeboundaryresultedfrom the sameprocess,then the South Tasman Rise basalts should have unambiguousPacifictype MORB isotopic signatures. The most direct geochemical evidence for mantle flow outside the AAD is the apparent eastward migration of Kerguelen hotspot components beneath the SEIR after spreadingrates increasedbetween Australia and Antarctica. The oldest MORB sample from -110 ø E (DSDP Site 267) is depletedin composition,very similar to ambientIndian-type MORB from the AAD. Apparently, the Kerguelenplume head 60 0.00 easternmostspreadingsegment within the AAD [Pyle et al., 1992]. Multiple ridge propagation events and the westward migration of the depth anomaly are also likely surface expressionsof uppermantle flow towardthe AAD [Vogt and Johnson, 1973; Weissel and Hayes, 1974; Forsyth et al., 1987; Klein et al., 1988; Marks et al., 1990, 1991]. On the basis of presentdata, the isotopic boundarymay relate to the upper mantle dynamicsof the region in one of three ways: (1) it may have alwaysexistedbeneaththe AAD (as definedby the bounding fracture zones) since seafloor spreading began, although its position is susceptibleto small-scale, east-west perturbations; (2) it may be associated with the depth anomaly, in which case small-scalefluctuationsin mantle flow causing short-term variations in the rate of westward migration; or (3) it may have migrated westwardindependent of the depth anomaly and only recently arrived beneath the Th/La ~0.05 .......... 0 Flow The strongest evidence for westward migration of the Indian-PacificMORB isotopic boundaryremainsthe isotopic differencebetweenon- and off-axis MORB samples from the N-MORB La (ppm) 20 possiblethat the northwardmigrationof the spreadingsystem continuallypositionsthe SEIR axis over parts of the upper that have alreadyexperiencedmelting,contributingto a longterm depletionof the Pacific-typeMORB sourcein this region. 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 t 0ø80 K20 (wt. %) Figure 10. (opposite) Incompatible element variation diagrams(Ba-La, Th-La, Ba-Zr, and Ba-K20) of DSDP samples relative to SEIR MORB glasses from the AAD and zone A. Variations in Ba, La, Th, and Zr are selectedhere becausethey are fairly resistantto alterationand are well representedin SEIR MORB andDSDP sampleanalyses.Whole rock Ba abundances appearunaffected by alterationandvaryconsistently with fresh basaltic glass data. SEIR MORB glassesdefinetwo distinct groups(Pacific-typesmall open circles; Indian-typesmall solid circles);however,similar differencesare not apparentfor the DSDP trace element data. Ratios for average lower crust (LC), oceanisland basalt (OIB), primitive mantle (PM) and MORB are taken from Sun and McDonough [1989] and Taylor and McLennan [1985]. PYLE ET AL.' SOUTHEAST INDIAN-SOUTHWEST PACIFIC SEAFLOOR 22,279 boundarybetween Indian-type and Pacific-type MORB mantle has migrated westwardin the last 4 m.y. On the basis of the westwarddisplacementof the AAD depth anomaly, multiple rift propagationepisodes,and the small-scaledisplacementof the isotopicboundary,mantle flow from the SouthwestPacific into the southeastIndian Ocean basin is entirely reasonable, and the isotopic data presentedhere suggestthat it is highly [] 279A probable. The present sample distribution is insufficient to unequivocally trace large-scale flow of Pacific-type upper 280A [] 278 mantle or to describe the development of the isotopic zO [] 274-44 274-45 [- boundary through time. However, several important constraintson upper mantle flow in this regioncan be stated. øz•oo •o o o Pacific-type 1. Pacific-typemantle appearsto have been presenton the 19.50easternmarginof Gondwanaprior to seafloorspreadingin the 18.50 19.00 18 2820 16- 264 • 12 ß 265 ß ß Indian-type • 8 I S 266 []283 267 ß0 ß ß•ß• 50 • 18.00 Tasman Sea and Southwest Pacific Ocean, at least since -70 Ma 206pb/204pb 300 279A [] o 280A 264 .• 0.7134 •'- 250 (A34). This observation is consistent with, but not proof of, the postulatedmigration of Pacific mantle into the southeast IndianOceanbasinsincerifting of the SouthTasmanRiseat -40 200 278274-44 150 ßO266 i o •ß ß0267 O265 ß 100 o o• ø 3 282 [] 274-45 oo %oo[--1 283 Ma. 2. Volcanism at DSDP Sites 280A and 282, along the western margin of Tasmania, appearsto be related to early rifting of the SouthTasman Rise -60-70 Ma. Basalts from thesesitesare compositionally similar to presentday basalts from the vicinity of the AAD and are transitional between Pacific-type and Indian-type MORB in their isotopic signatures. The eruption of lavas with "mixed" Indian-type and Pacific-type MORB characteristicsfar to the east of the present isotopic boundary further supports the notion of Pacific-typemantlemigrationwestwardafter the SouthTasman 0.70220.70240.70260.70280.70300.70320.70340.70360.7038Rise rifted. Thesedataalso suggestthat Indian-typemantle 87Sr/86Sr Figure 11. initiallymigrated eastward as theAustralian andAntarctic Ba/La-206pb/204pb and Ba/K20-87Sr/86Srplots of SEIR MORB and DSDP data (symbols as in Figure 10). In present-daySEIR MORB glasses,the boundarybetweenIndiantype andPacific-type SEIR MORB is most apparentin Sr and Pb isotopes and is observedwith some incompatible element continentsprogressivelyrifted from west to east. 3. Isotopic and trace element data show a progressive "enrichment" trend in old SEIR lavas (-25 Ma to 15 Ma) between 100øE and 110øE, suggesting that the dispersion of Kerguelen-relatedmaterialwas initiatedand/orpromotedby an increase in spreadingrate. Migration of Kerguelen hotspotratios (e.g., Ba/La andBa/K20). Mixing trendbetweenthese two MORB reservoirsnear the presentboundary(shown by related contaminants beneath the SEIR appears to be the of uppermantleflow relatedto continentalrifting doublearrow) is identifiedby transitional trace element and consequence rather than a direct result of excessplume input. isotopic signatures.Isotopically, DSDP samplescan be categorized as Indian-type,Pacific-type,andintermediate (e.g., 280A and 282), but their trace element signatures are Acknowledgments. We appreciate the time and efforts of K. Spencer,Z. Peng,andG. Waggonerin the SOESTisotopelab. The ICPMS analyseswere completedwith the aid of A. Ungerer and the expert inconclusive.Analytical bias is illustratedby points with lines. Ba/La is systematicallylowerin DCP-INAAdata(small attention of L. Hoganhelpedin the40Ar-39Aranalyses. We thankL. open andsolid circles)relativeto the ICP-MS results(line Gahagan and L. Lawyer for furnishing made-to-order plate showsdisplacement) for the samesampleglasses.The low reconstructionsfor this region of the SouthernOcean and B. West for Ba/La ratiosof someIndian-typeSEIR MORB is primarily due help in editing the final reconstructionfigures. R. Lanyon and A. to INAA La uncertainties at low concentrations. These Crawford providedunpublisheddata with some welcome insightinto analytical problems serve to highlight the difficulty in volcanismsurroundingthe SouthTasman Rise. Thoughtfulsuggestions distinguishingsubtle trace element distinctions between by F. Frey, E. Klein, and two anonymousreviewersgreatlyimprovedthe content and presentationof this manuscript. 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