Imaging Moving Targets from Scattered Waves This version includes a Jacobian that is missing in the version published in Inverse Problems 24 (2008) 035005 Margaret Cheney† and Brett Borden‡ † Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 USA ‡ Physics Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943 USA Abstract. We develop a linearized imaging theory that combines the spatial, temporal, and spectral aspects of scattered waves. We consider the case of fixed sensors and a general distribution of objects, each undergoing linear motion; thus the theory deals with imaging distributions in phase space. We derive a model for the data that is appropriate for any waveform, and show how it specializes to familiar results in the cases when: a) the targets are moving slowly, b) the targets are far from the antennas, and c) narrowband waveforms are used. From these models, we develop a phase-space imaging formula that can be interpreted in terms of filtered backprojection or matched filtering. For this imaging approach, we derive the corresponding point-spread function. We show that special cases of the theory reduce to: a) Range-Doppler imaging, b) Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR), c) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), d) Doppler SAR, e) Diffraction Tomography, and f) Tomography of Moving Targets. We also show that the theory gives a new SAR imaging algorithm for waveforms with arbitrary ridge-like ambiguity functions. PACS numbers: 41.20.Jb, 42.30.Wb 2 1. Introduction Many imaging techniques are based on measurements of scattered waves and, typically, overall image resolution is proportional to the ratio of system aperture to signal wavelength. When the physical (real) aperture is small in comparison with wavelength, an extended “effective aperture” can sometimes be formed analytically: examples include ultrasound, radar, sonar, and seismic prospecting. For the most part, these synthetic-aperture methods rely on time-delay measurements of impulsive echo wavefronts and assume that the region to be imaged is stationary. For an imaging region containing moving objects, on the other hand, it is well-known that measurements of the Doppler shift can be used to obtain information about velocities. This principle is the foundation of Doppler ultrasound, police radar systems, and some Moving Target Indicator (MTI) radar systems. The classical “radar ambiguity” theory [22, 5, 11] for monostatic (backscattering) radar shows that the accuracy to which one can measure the Doppler shift and time delay depends on the transmitted waveform. Ambiguity theory appears as the bottom plane in figure 1. There is similar theory for the case when a single transmitter and receiver are at different locations [22, 20, 21]. Some recent work [3] develops a way to combine range and Doppler information measured at multiple receivers in order to maximize the probability of detection. In recent years a number of attempts to develop imaging techniques that can handle moving objects have been proposed. Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) [10] uses a moving multiple-element array together with a real-aperture imaging technique to produce Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) image information. Velocity Synthetic Aperture Radar (VSAR) [8] also uses a moving multiple-element array to form a SAR image from each element; then from a comparison of image phases, the system deduces target motion. The paper [15] uses a separate transmitter and reciever together with sequential pulses to estimate target motion from multiple looks. Another technique [16] uses backscattering data from a single sensor to identify rigid-body target motion, which is then used to form a three-dimensional image. Other work [12] extracts target velocity information by exploiting the smearing that appears in SAR images when the along-track target velocity is incorrectly identified. All of these techniques make use of the so-called “start-stop approximation,” in which a target in motion is assumed to be momentarily stationary while it is being interrogated by a radar pulse. In other words, Doppler measurements are not actually made by these systems. Thus these methods appear on the back plane of figure 1. Imaging techniques that rely on Doppler data are generally real-aperture systems, and provide spatial information with very low resolution. A synthetic-aperture approach to imaging from a moving sensor and fixed target was developed in [2]. This Doppler imaging method appears on the left plane of figure 1. An approach that explicitly considers the Doppler shift is Tomography of Moving Targets (TMT) [9], which uses multiple transmitters and receivers (together with matched-filter processing) to both form an image and find the velocity. Below we develop a theory that shows how to unify these different approaches. In the 3 process, we will demonstrate how we can fuze the spatial, temporal, and spectral aspects of scattered-field-based imaging. The present discussion deals with the case of fixed distributed sensors, although our results include monostatic configurations (in which a single transmitter and receiver are co-located) as a special case. Methods for imaging stationary scenes in the case when the transmitter and receiver are not co-located have been particularly welldeveloped in the geophysics literature [1] and have also been explored in the radar literature [19, 21]. Figure 1. A diagram of various theories that combine spatial, spectral, and temporal aspects of scattered waves. In section 2, we develop a physics-based mathematical model that incorporates not only the waveform and wave propagation effects due to moving scatterers, but also the effects of spatial diversity of transmitters and receivers. In section 3, we show how a matched-filtering technique produces images that depend on target velocity, and we relate the resulting pointspread function to the classical wideband and narrowband radar ambiguity functions. We also work out the special cases of far-field imaging and narrowband imaging of slowly moving targets. Finally, in section 4, we show that for special cases, the theory developed in section 3 reduces to familiar results. We also show that the theory provides a new imaging algorithm for certain waveforms. 2. Model for Data We model wave propagation and scattering by the scalar wave equation for the wavefield ψ(t, x) due to a source waveform s̆(t, x): [∇2 − c−2 (t, x)∂t2 ]ψ(t, x) = s̆(t, x) . (1) For example, a single isotroic source located at y transmitting the waveform s(t) starting at time t = −Ty could be modeled as s̆(t, x) = δ(x − y)sy (t + Ty ), where the subscript y reminds us that different transmitters could transmit different waveforms. For simplicity, in 4 this paper we consider only localized isotropic sources; the work can easily be extended to more realistic antenna models [13]. A single scatterer moving at velocity v corresponds to an index-of-refraction distribution 2 n (x − vt): 2 c−2 (t, x) = c−2 0 [1 + n (x − vt)] , (2) where c0 denotes the speed in the stationary background medium (here assumed constant). 2 For radar, c0 is the speed of light in vacuum. We write qv (x − vt) = c−2 0 n (x − vt). To model multiple moving scatterers, we let qv (x − vt) d3 x d3 v be the corresponding quantity for the scatterers in the volume d3 x d3 v centered at (x, v). Thus qv is the distribution, at time t = 0, of scatterers moving with velocity v. Consequently, the scatterers in the spatial volume d3 x (at x) give rise to Z −2 −2 c (t, x) = c0 + qv (x − vt) d3 v . (3) We note that the physical interpretation of qv involves a choice of a time origin. A choice that is particularly appropriate, in view of our assumption about linear target velocities, is a time during which the wave is interacting with targets of interest. This implies that the activation of the antenna at y takes place at a negative time which we denote by −Ty ; we write s̆(t, x) = sy (t + Ty )δ(x − y). The wave equation corresponding to (3) is then Z 2 −2 2 3 2 ∇ − c0 ∂t − qv (x − vt) d v ∂t ψ(t, x) = sy (t + Ty )δ(x − y) . (4) 2.1. The Transmitted Field We consider the transmitted field ψ in in the absence of any scatterers; ψ in satisifies the version of equation (1) in which c is simply the constant background speed c0 , namely 2 in [∇2 − c−2 0 ∂t ]ψ (t, x, y) = sy (t + Ty )δ(x − y) . (5) Henceforth we drop the subscript on c. We use the Green’s function g, which satisfies 2 [∇2 − c−2 0 ∂t ]g(t, x) = −δ(t)δ(x) and is given by Z 1 δ(t − |x|/c) = 2 e−iω(t−|x|/c) dω g(t, |x|) = 4π|x| 8π |x| R where we have used 2πδ(t) = exp(−iωt) dω. We use (6) to solve (5), obtaining Z in ψ (t, x, y) = − g(t − t0 , |x − y|)sy (t0 + Ty )δ(x − y) dt0 dy =− sy (t + Ty − |x − y|/c) . 4π|x − y| (6) (7) 5 2.2. The Scattered Field We write ψ = ψ in + ψ̃ sc , which converts (1) into Z 2 −2 2 sc [∇ − c0 ∂t ]ψ̃ = qv (x − vt) d3 v ∂t2 ψ . (8) The map q 7→ ψ̃ sc can be linearized by replacing the full field ψ on the right side of (8) by ψ in . This substitution results in the Born approximation ψ sc for the scattered field ψ̃ sc at the location z: Z Z sc 0 ψ (t, z) = − g(t − t , |z − x|) qv (x − vt0 ) d3 v ∂t20 ψ in (t0 , x) dt0 d3 x Z Z δ(t − t0 − |z − x|/c) sy (t0 + Ty − |x − y|/c) 3 d x dt0 (9) = qv (x − vt0 ) d3 v ∂t20 4π|z − x| 4π|x − y| In equation (9), we make the change of variables x 7→ x0 = x − vt0 , (i.e., change to the frame of reference in which the scatterer qv is fixed) to obtain Z δ(t − t0 − |x0 + vt0 − z|/c) sc ψ (t, z) = 0 0 Z 4π|x + vt 0− z| s̈y (t + Ty − |x0 + vt0 − y|/c) 3 0 3 × qv (x0 ) d x d v dt0 (10) 4π|x0 + vt0 − y| The physical interpretation of (10) is as follows: The wave that emanates from y at time −Ty encounters a target at time t0 . This target, during the time interval [0, t0 ], has moved from x to x + vt0 . The wave scatters with strength qv (x), and then propagates from position x + vt0 to z, arriving at time t. Henceforth we will drop the primes on x. We introduce the notation b = R/R. Rx,z (t) = x + vt − z R = |R|, and R (11) To evaluate the t0 integral of (10), we denote by t0 = tx,v (t) the implicit solution of t − t0 − Rx,z (t0 )/c = 0, i.e., 0 = t − tx,v (t) − Rx,z (tx,v (t))/c . (12) The time tx,v (t) is the time when the wave reaching the receiver at z at time t interacted with the target that, at time t = 0, was located at x. This target, at time tx,v (t), is actually located at x + vtx,v (t). The evaluation of the integral is done in two steps: we first make the change of variables t0 7→ t00 = t − t0 − Rx, z(t0 )/c, which involves the Jacobian 00 ∂t 0 ∂t0 = 1 + R̂x,z (t ) · v/c We write µx,v (t) = 1 + R̂x,z (tx,v (t)) · v/c. With this notation, equation (10) becomes Z s̈y [tx,v (t) + Ty − Rx,y (tx,v (t))/c] sc ψ (t, z) = qv (x) d3 x d3 v 2 (4π) Rx,z (tx,v (t)Rx,y (tx,v (t))µx,v (t) Z s̈y t + Ty − Rx,z (tx,v (t))/c − Rx,y (tx,v (t))/c = qv (x) d3 x d3 v (13) (4π)2 Rx,z (tx,v (t))Rx,y (tx,v (t))µx,v (t) where, in the second line, we have used (12) to write the argument of s̈ in a more symmetrical form. 6 Expression (13) is appropriate under very general circumstances. In particular, this formula applies to wide-beam imaging where the commonly-used far-field approximations do not apply. Equation (13) also applies to rapidly-moving targets, where the start-stop approximation is not valid, and to very distant targets. Finally, this result can be used for arbitrary transmitted waveforms. 2.2.1. The Slow-Mover Case. Here we assume that |v|t and k|v|2 t2 are much less than |x−z| and |x−y|, where k = ωmax /c, with ωmax the (effective) maximum angular frequency of the signal sy . In this case, we have 2 |vt| b x,z (0) · vt + O (14) Rx,z (t) = |z − (x + vt)| = Rx,z (0) + R Rx,z b x,z (0) = Rx,z (0)/Rx,z (0). With (14), where Rx,z (0) = x − z, Rx,z (0) = |Rx,z (0)|, and R equation (12) becomes Rx,z (0) vtx,v b tx,v ≈ t − + Rx,z (0) · (15) c c which can be solved explicitly to obtain tx,v (t) ≈ t − Rx,z (0)/c b x,z (0) · v/c 1+R (16) The argument of s̈ in equation (13) is then ! b x,y (0) · v Rx,y (tx,v (t)) Rx,y (0) R tx,v (t) + Ty − tx,v (t) ≈ tx,v (t) + Ty − + c c c b x,y (0) · v/c 1−R Rx,z (0) Rx,y (0) = + Ty t− − b x,z (0) · v/c c c 1+R (17) The time dilation α̃x,v = b x,y (0) · v/c 1−R b x,z (0) · v/c 1+R (18) is the Doppler scale factor, which, as we see below, is closely related to the Doppler shift. With (17) and the notation (18), equation (13) becomes Z s̈y [α̃x,v (t − Rx,z (0)/c) − Rx,y (0)/c + Ty ] sc ψs (t, z, y) = qv (x) d3 x d3 v (19) (4π)2 Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0)µx,v (0) 2.2.2. The Slow-Mover, Narrow-Band Case. Many radar systems use a narrowband waveform, defined by sy (t) = s̃y (t) e−iωy t (20) where s̃(t, y) is slowly varying, as a function of t, in comparison with exp(−iωy t), where ωy is the carrier frequency for the transmitter at position y. 7 For the waveform (20), equation (19) becomes Z ωy2 sc e−iωy [α̃x,v (t−Rx,z (0)/c)−Rx,y (0)/c+Ty ] ψN (t, z, y) = − 2 (4π) Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) × s̃y (α̃x,v (t − Rx,z (0)/c) − Rx,y (0)/c + Ty ) qv (x) d3 x d3 v Z ωy2 eiϕx,v e−iωy α̃x,v t ≈− s̃y (t + Ty − (Rx,z (0) + Rx,y (0))/c) qv (x) d3 x d3 v 2 (4π) Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) (21) Here we have used the facts that s and the denominator are slowly varying to neglect v/c in those factors. Thus we replace αx,v by 1 in the argument of s, and we have collected the time-independent terms in the exponent into the quantity ϕx,v = ky [Rx,y (0) − Ty + α̃x,v Rx,z (0)] , (22) where ky = ωy /c. If we write the Doppler scale factor (18) as α̃x,v ≈ 1 + βx,v , where b x,y (0) + R b x,z (0)) · v/c βx,v = −(R (23) then the quantity ωy βx,v is the Doppler shift. We note that the Doppler shift depends on the b x,y (0) + R b x,z (0). bistatic bisector vector R With equation (23), we recognize (21) as the familiar superposition of time-delayed and Doppler-shifted copies of the transmitted waveform. 2.2.3. The Small-Scene Case. A common situation is the one in which the transmitter-totarget and target-to-receiver distances are large in comparison with the scene dimensions (see figure 2). We take the origin of coordinates to be at the scene center. Then, in the so-called “far-field” or ”small-scene” approximation, |x + vt0 | and k|x + vt0 |2 are assumed to be much less than either |z| or |y|, where k again corresponds to the (effective) maximum wave number for the signal sy , and we have |x + vt|2 Rx,z (t) = |z − (x + vt)| = |z| − ẑ · (x + vt) + O . (24) |z| Figure 2. The geometry in the far-field case. This shows a case in which the scene is not too large. In this approximation, equation (12) reduces to |z| x + vtx,v tx,v ≈ t − − ẑ · c c (25) 8 which can be solved explicitly to yield tx,v (t) ≈ t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c . 1 − ẑ · v/c (26) The argument of s̈ in equation (13) is then Rx,z (tx,v (t)) Rx,y (tx,v (t)) |y| yb · x yb · v t + Ty − tx,v (t) + Ty − ≈ tx,v (t) − − − c c c c c 1 + yb · v/c |z| ẑ · x |y| ŷ · x = t− + − + + Ty (27) 1 − zb · v/c c c c c We see that when |v|/c 1, the Doppler scale factor becomes αv = 1 + yb · v/c ≈ 1 + (ŷ + ẑ) · v/c . 1 − zb · v/c (28) We note that the signs here appear different from those in equation (18) because Rx,z (0) = x − z points in a direction approximately opposite to z = z − 0. The scattered field is Z s̈y [αv (t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c) − |y|/c + ŷ · x/c + Ty ] sc ψf (t, z, y) = qv (x0 ) d3 x d3 v (29) (4π)2 |z||y|(1 − ẑ · v/c) 2.2.4. The Small-Scene, Narrowband Case. With a narrowband waveform (20) and the small-scene approximation (24), equation (29) becomes Z ωy2 sc ψfN (t, z, y) = − s̃y (t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c − |y|/c + ŷ · x/c + Ty ) 2 |z||y| (4π) × exp − iωy [αv (t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c) − |y|/c + ŷ · x/c + Ty ] qv (x) d3 x d3 v Z ωy2 exp(iϕfx,v ) exp(−iωy αv t) (30) ≈− (4π)2 |z||y| × s̃y (t + Ty − (|z| − ẑ · x + |y| − ŷ · x)/c) qv (x) d3 x d3 v where ϕfx, v = −ωy [αv (−|z| + ẑ · x) − |y| + ŷ · x] /c. If the transmitter is activated at time −Ty = −|y|/c, so that the transmitted wave arrives sc at the scene center at time t = 0 and if we evaluate ψfN at t0 = t − |z|/c, we have Z −ωy2 0 sc 0 ψfN (t , z, y) = eiϕ̃x,v e−iωy αv t s̃y (t0 + (ẑ + ŷ) · x/c)qv (x) d3 x d3 v (31) 2 (4π) |z||y| where ϕ̃x,v = −ωy [αv ẑ + ŷ] · x/c (32) Again if we write αv = 1 + βv , where βv = (ŷ + ẑ) · v/c, we see that equation (31) is a superposition of delayed and Doppler-shifted versions of the transmitted signal. Much previous work has dealt with the case of far-field, single-frequency imaging of a stationary scene. For a stationary scene (v = 0, which implies αv = 1 ), and a single frequency ωy = ω0 (which corresponds to s̃ = 1), (31) reduces to the well-known expression ψω∞0 (t, z, y) ≈ e−ik0 t F∞ (ŷ, ẑ) , (4π)2 |z||y| (33) 9 where the (Born-approximated) far-field pattern or scattering amplitude is Z F∞ (ŷ, ẑ) = e−ik0 (ẑ+ŷ)·x q(x) d3 x . (34) where k0 = ω0 /c. We note that our incident-wave direction convention (from target to transmitter) is the opposite of that used in the classical scattering theory literature (which uses transmitter to target). 3. Imaging via a Filtered Adjoint We now address the question of extracting information from the scattered waveform described by equation (13). Our image formation algorithm depends on the data we have available. In general, we form a (coherent) image as a filtered adjoint, but the variables we integrate over depend on whether we have multiple transmitters, multiple receivers, and/or multiple frequencies. The number of variables we integrate over, in turn, determines how many image dimensions we can hope to reconstruct. If our data depends on two variables, for example, then we can hope to reconstruct a two-dimensional scene; in this case the scene is commonly assumed to lie on a known surface. If, in addition, we want to reconstruct two-dimensional velocities, then we are seeking a four-dimensional image and thus we will require data depending on at least four variables. More generally, determining a distribution of positions in space and the corresponding three-dimensional velocities means that we seek to form an image in a six-dimensional phase space. 3.1. Imaging Formula in the General Case We form an image I(p, u) of the objects with velocity u that, at time t = 0, were located at position p. Thus I(p, u) is constructed to be an approximation to qu (p). The strategy for the imaging process is to write the data in terms of a Fourier Integral Operator F : qv 7→ ψ sc , and then find an approximate inverse for F. In the general case, we write the data (13) as Z 0 (iω 0 )2 e−iω [tx,v (t)+Ty −Rx,y,v (tx,v (t))/c] Sy (ω 0 ) 0 −1 sc dω qv (xq ) d3 x d3 v (35) ψ (t, z, y) = 5 3 2π Rx,z,v (tx,v (t))Rx,y,v (tx,v (t))µx,v (t) where we have written sy (t) in terms of its inverse Fourier transform: Z 1 0 sy (t) = e−iω t Sy (ω 0 ) dω 0 . (36) 2π We note that by the Paley-Weiner theorem, S is analytic since it is the inverse Fourier transform of the finite-duration waveform s. The corresponding imaging operation is a filtered version of the formal adjoint of the “forward” operator F. Thus we form the phase-space image I(p, u) as Z I(p, u) = eiω[tp,u (t)+Ty −Rp,y (tp,u (t))/c] Q(ω, t, p, u, z, y) dω ψ sc (t, z, y) dt dn z dm y (37) 10 where n = 1, 2 or 3, depending on the receiver configuration, and m = 1, 2, or 3, depending on the transmitter configuration. This image reconstruction operator can be interpreted in terms of filtered backpropagation, where Q is the filter. The specific choice of filter is dictated by various considerations [1, 23]; here we make choices that connect the resulting formulas with familiar theories. In particular, we take the filter Q to be (4π)2 (38) Rp,z (tp,u (t))Rp,y (tp,u (t))µp,u (t)αp,u (t)J(ω, p, u, z, y)Sy∗ (ω) , Q= 2 (iω) a choice which leads (below) to the matched filter. The matched filter is well-known [22] to be the optimal filter for enhancing signal-to-noise in the presence of white Gaussian noise. The quantity J depends on the geometry and is chosen (see below) to compensate for a certain Jacobian that appears; α is the Doppler scale factor for the point (p, u) and is defined by b p,y (tp,u (t)) · u/c 1−R αp,u (t) = . (39) b p,z (tp,u (t)) · u/c 1+R In allowing (37) and (38) to depend on the transmitter y, we are implicitly assuming that we can identify the part of the signal that is due to the transmitter at y. In the case of multiple transmitters, this identification can be accomplished, for example, by having different transmitters operate at different frequencies or, possibly, by quasi-orthogonal pulse-coding schemes. We are also assuming a coherent system, i.e., that a common time clock is available to all sensors. For a limited number of discrete receivers (or transmitters), the integral over z (or y) in (37) reduces to a sum. Interpretation of Imaging as Matched Filtering. In the case when the geometrical factor J˜ = J/ω 2 is independent of ω, we can use (36) to write the imaging operation of equation (37) as Z 2 I(p, u) = −(4π) s∗y [tp,u (t) + Ty − Rp,y (tp,u (t))/c] Rp,z (tp,u (t))Rp,y (tp,u (t)) ˜ u, z, y)µp,u (t)αp,u (t)ψ sc (t, z, y) dt dn z dm y × J(p, Z = −(4π)2 s∗y [t + Ty − Rp,z (tp,u (t))/c − Rp,y (tp,u (t))/c] Rp,z (tp,u (t))Rp,y (tp,u (t)) ˜ u, z, y)µp,u (t)αp,u (t)ψ sc (t, z, y) dt dn z dm y × J(p, (40) which has the form of a weighted matched filter. To obtain the second line of (40), we have used (12) to write the argument of s in a more symmetric form. 3.1.1. The Point-Spread Function for the General Case. We substitute equation (35) into equation (37), obtaining Z I(p, u) = K(p, u; x, v) qv (x) d3 x d3 v (41) where K, the point spread function (PSF) is Z 1 K(p, u; x, v) = eiω[tp,u (t)+Ty −Rp,y,u (tp,u (t))/c] Rp,z (tp,u (t))Rp,y (tp,u (t))Sy∗ (ω)µp,u αp,u 2π 11 J(ω, p, u, z, y) × dω (iω)2 Z 0 (iω 0 )2 e−iω (tx,v (t)+Ty −Rx,y (tx,v (t))/c) Sy (ω 0 ) dω 0 dt dn z dm y . Rx,z (tx,v (t))Rx,y (tx,v (t))µx,v (t) (42) Since Sy is smooth, we can carry out a stationary phase reduction of (42) in the variables t and ω 0 . If we denote by φ the phase of (42), then the critical points are given by ∂tp,u ∂ Rp,y (tp,u (t)) ∂ Rx,y (tx,v (t)) ∂φ 0 ∂tx,v =ω − −ω − (43) 0= ∂t ∂t ∂t c ∂t ∂t c ∂φ Rx,z (tx,v (t)) Rx,y (tx,v (t)) Rx,y (tx,v (t)) 0= = t + Ty − − (44) = tx,v (t) + Ty − 0 ∂ω c c c where in (44) we have used equation (12). These two conditions determine the critical values of ω 0 and t which give rise to the leading-order contributions to equation (42). We denote by t∗x,v the value of t determined by (44). We rewrite equation (43) by differentiating (12) implicitly: ∂tx,v b x,z (tx,v (t)) · v ∂tx,v −R ∂t c ∂t which can be solved for ∂tx,v /∂t to obtain 0=1− ∂tx,v 1 = b x,z (tx,v (t)) · v/c ∂t 1+R With (46), we see that the terms in brackets in (43) are of the form b x,y (tx,v (t)) · v/c ∂tx,v ∂ Rx,y (tx,v (t)) 1−R − = αx,v (t) = b x,z (tx,v (t)) · v/c ∂t ∂t c 1+R Thus we find that equation (43) implies that αp,u (t∗x,v ) ω0 = ω αx,v (t∗x,v ) and that, moreover, the determinant of the Hessian of the phase is 2 ∂φ α ∂t2 x,v 2 . = −αx,v αx,v 0 The result of the stationary phase reduction of equation (42) is Z Rp,z (tp,u (t∗ ))Rp,y (tp,u (t∗ )) ∗ ∗ ∗ S (ω) K(p, u; x, v) ∼ eiω[tp,u (tx,v )+Ty −Rp,y (tp,u (tx,v ))/c] Rx,z (tx,v (t∗ ))Rx,y (tx,v (t∗ )) y 3 αp,u (t∗x,v ) µp,u αp,u (t∗x,v ) ω J(ω, p, u, z, y) dω dn z dm y. × Sy 3 (t∗ ) αx,v (t∗x,v ) µx,v αx,v x,v (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) The quantity in square brackets in the phase of equation (50) can also be written Rp,y (tp,u (t∗x,v )) Rp,z (tp,u (t∗x,v )) Rp,y (tp,u (t∗x,v )) = t∗x,v + Ty − − (51) c c c Rx,z (tx,v (t∗x,v )) Rx,y (tx,v (t∗x,v )) Rp,z (tp,u (t∗x,v )) Rp,y (tp,u (t∗x,v )) = + − − + Ty c c c c where in the first line we have used the definition (12) of t and in the second line the definition (44) of t∗ . tp,u (t∗x,v ) + Ty − 12 We write equation (50) as Z αp,u −iω∆τy,z (x,p,u,v) ∗ ω K(p, u; x, v) ∼ e Sy (ω)Sy αx,v 3 µp,u αp,u × R(x, y, z, p, u, v)J(ω, p, u, z, y) dω dn z dm y 3 µx,v αx,v where k = ω/c and where c∆τy,z (x, p, u, v) = Rp,z (tp,u (t∗x,v )) + Rp,y (tp,u (t∗x,v )) − Rx,z (tx,v (t∗x,v )) + Rx,y (tx,v (t∗x,v )) + cTy (52) (53) and Rp,z (tp,u (t∗ ))Rp,y (tp,u (t∗ )) R(x, y, z, p, u, v) = Rx,z (tx,v (t∗ ))Rx,y (tx,v (t∗ )) (54) 3.1.2. Relation between Point Spread Function and Ambiguity Function in the General Case. In equation (52) we use the definition of the inverse Fourier transform Z Sy (ω) = eiωt sy (t) dt (55) ˜ 2 with J˜ independent of ω, converts (52) to which, in the case when J = Jω Z Z αp,u αp,u −iω∆τy,z ∗ αp,u e Sy (ω) exp i ωt sy (t) dt K(p, u; x, v) ∼ iω −iω αx,v αx,v αx,v ˜ u, z, y) µp,u αp,u dω dn z dm y × R(x, y, z, p, u, v)J(p, µx,v αx,v Z α p,u = ṡ∗y t − ∆τy,z (x, p, u, v) s˙y (t) dt αx,v ˜ u, z, y) µp,u αp,u dn z dm y × R(x, y, z, p, u, v)J(p, (56) µx,v αx,v Equation (56) can be written as Z K(p, u; x, v) ∼ Ay αp,u µp,u αp,u ˜ n m , ∆τy,z (x, p, u, v) R(x, y, z, p, u, v) Jd zd y αx,v µx,v αx,v (57) where Ay is the wideband radar ambiguity function [17] for the waveform ṡ, defined by Z (58) Ay (σ, τ ) = ṡ∗y (σt − τ )ṡy (t) dt Equation (57) is a general form appropriate to any target environment and any finite-duration interrogating waveform. For a narrowband waveform (20), the ambiguity function is Z 2 Ay (σ, τ ) = ωy s̃∗y (σt − τ ) s̃y (t) eiω̃t e−iωy τ dt (59) where ω̃ = ωy (σ − 1). Since s̃y (t) is slowly varying, Ay (σ, τ ) ≈ ωy2 Ay (ω̃, τ ), where Z −iωy τ Ay (ω̃, τ ) = e s̃∗y (t − τ ) s̃y (t) eiω̃t dt . (60) 13 In this narrowband case, the point-spread function of equation (57) can similarly be approximated by Z αp,u µp,u αp,u ˜ n m 2 − 1 , ∆τy,z R(x, y, z, p, u, v) KNB (p, u; x, v) ∼ ωy Ay ωy Jd zd y αx,v µx,v αx,v (61) where ∆τy,z is given by (53). 3.2. Imaging in the Slow-Mover Case In the slow-mover case, we write equation (19) as Z 0 (iω 0 )2 e−iω [αx,v (t−Rx,z (0)/c)−Rx,y (0)/c+Ty ] sc ψs (t, z, y) = − Sy (ω 0 ) dω 0 qv (x0 ) d3 x d3 v 25 π 3 Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) (62) where outside the phase, we have neglected v/c and thus replaced µx,v (0) by 1 in the denominator. The imaging formula in the slow-mover case is Z I(p, u) = eiω[αp,u (t−Rp,z (0)/c)−Rp,y (0)/c+Ty ] Q(ω, p, u, y, z)ψssc (t, z, y) dω dt d3 y d3 z (63) The corresponding point spread function is Z 1 0 s eiω[αp,u (t−Rp,z (0)/c)−Rp,y (0)/c+Ty ] e−iω [αx,v (t−Rx,z (0)/c)−Rx,y (0)/c+Ty ] K (p, u; x, v) = 2π ω 02 × Sy∗ (ω)Sy (ω 0 )RJµp,u 2 dω dω 0 dt dn z dm y (64) ω In (64), we apply the method of stationary phase in the t and ω 0 integrals. The critical set is 0 = αp,u ω − αx,v ω 0 0 = αx,v (t − Rx,z (0)/c) − Rx,y (0)/c + Ty (65) 2 and the Hessian of the phase is −αx,v . The leading-order contribution to (64) is thus Z Rx,y (0) − cTy s K (p, u; x, v) ∼ exp ik αp,u + Rx,z (0) − Rp,z (0) − Rp,y (0) + cTy αx,v 3 αp,u αp,u ∗ Sy (ω)RJ 3 dω dn z dm y (66) × Sy ω αx,v αx,v where k = ω/c, or, in terms of the ambiguity function, s K (p, u; x, v) ∼ Z A αp,u αp,u n m s , ∆τy,z (x, p, u, v) R(x, y, z, p, u, v)J˜ d zd y αx,v αx,v (67) 14 under the assumption that J˜ = J/ω 2 is independent of ω. We note that the delay (second) argument of the ambiguity function can be written as Rx,z (0) − Rp,z (0) αp,u Rx,y (0) Rp,y (0) s + − Ty − + Ty (68) ∆τy,z = αp,u c αx,v c c αp,u Rx,y (0) Rx,y (0) Rp,y (0) αp,u Rx,z (0) − Rp,z (0) + −1 + − − − 1 Ty = αp,u c αx,v c c c α x,v Rx,z (0) − Rp,z (0) Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0) αp,u Rx,y (0) = αp,u + + −1 − Ty c c αx,v c u−v R (0) x−p x,y b x,z (0) + R b x,y (0) + b x,y (0) + R b x,z (0) ≈ · αp,u R · R − Ty c c c where in the second line we have added and subtracted Rx,y (0)/c. If the target scene is not too large, the transmitters can be activated at times −Ty chosen so that Rx,y (0)/c − Ty is negligible. 3.3. Imaging in the Slow-Mover, Narrow-Band Case. Under the slow-mover, narrow-band assumptions, the data (21) can be written Z 2 iϕx,v −iωy αx,v t e s̃y (t + Ty − (Rx,z (0) + Rx,y (0))/c) ωy e sc ψN (t, z, y) ≈ − qv (x) d3 x d3 v 2 (4π) Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) (69) The corresponding imaging operation [from equation (40)] is Z 2 Icl (p, u) = −(4π) e−iϕp,u eiωy αp,u t Rp,z (0)Rp,y (0) ×s̃∗y (t + Ty − (Rp,z (0) + Rp,y (0))/c) ψNsc (t, z, y)J˜ dt dn z dm y (70) The operation (70) amounts to geometry-corrected, phase-corrected matched filtering with a time-delayed, Doppler-shifted version of the transmitted waveform, where the Doppler shift is defined in terms of (23). Under the assumption that J˜ is independent of ω, the point-spread function is Z Kcl (p, u; x, v) = ωy2 s̃∗y (t + Ty − (Rp,z (0) + Rp,y (0))/c) eiωy [βp,u −βx,v ]t × s̃y (t + Ty − (Rx,z (0) + Rx,y (0))/c) exp (i[ϕx,v − ϕp,u ]) Rp,z (0)Rp,y (0) ˜ J dt dn z dm y × Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) (71) In the second exponential of equation (71) we use (22) to write ϕx,v − ϕp,u = ky [Rx,y (0) − Ty + (1 + βx,v )Rx,z (0)] − h ky [Rp,y (0) − Ty + (1 + βp,u )Rp,z (0)]]i cl = ky − c∆τy,z + βx,v Rx,z (0) − βp,u Rp,z (0) (72) where cl c∆τy,z = [Rp,z (0) + Rp,y (0)] − [Rx,z (0) + Rx,y (0)]. (73) 15 is the difference in bistatic ranges for the points x and p. If in (71) we make the change of variables t0 = t + Ty − (Rx,z (0) + Rx,y (0))/c and use (60), then we obtain Z Kcl (p, u; x, v) = cl ωy2 A ωy [βp,u − βx,v ], ∆τy,z exp (iωy [βp,u − βx,v ][Rx,y (0)/c − Ty ]) × exp (−iky βp,u [Rx,z (0) − Rp,z (0)]) Rp,z (0)Rp,y (0) ˜ n m Jd zd y Rx,z (0)Rx,y (0) (74) We note that the narrowband ambiguity function of (74) depends on the difference of bistatic ranges (73) and on the difference between the velocity projections onto the bistatic bisectors b x,y (0) + R b x,z (0)) · v/c − (R b p,y (0) + R b p,z (0)) · u/c. βp,u − βx,v = (R For the case of a single transmitter and single receiver (a case for which J˜ = 1) and a point target [which enables us to choose Ty so that the exponential in the second line of (74) vanishes], and leaving aside the magnitude and phase corrections, (74) reduces to a coordinate-independent version of the ambiguity function of [18]. 3.4. Imaging in the Small-Scene Case 3.4.1. Imaging in the Small-Scene Wideband Case. Our filtered-adjoint imaging formula reduces to Z I∞ (p, u) = eiω[αu (t−|z|/c+ẑ·p/c)−|y|/c+ŷ·p/c+Ty ] × Q∞ (ω, p, u, z, y) dω ψ sc (t, z, y) dt dn z dm y (75) where we take the filter to be Q∞ (ω, p, u, z, y) = −(4π)2 ω −2 |z||y|(1−ẑ·u/c)Sy∗ (ω)J(ω, p, u, z, y)αu .(76) To determine the point spread function, we substitute (29) into (75) to obtain Z I∞ (p, u) = exp (iω[αu (t − |z|/c + ẑ · p/c) − |y|/c + ŷ · p/c + Ty ]) Q∞ (ω, p, u, z, y) Z × exp (−iω 0 [αv (t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c) − |y|/c + ŷ · x/c + Ty ]) ω 02 Sy (ω 0 ) dω 0 dωqv (x) d3 x d3 v dt dn z dm y . (77) 25 π 3 |z||y|(1 − ẑ · v/c) For smooth Sy , we can apply the method of stationary phase to the t and ω 0 integrations in (77). The critical conditions are × 0 = ωαu − ω 0 αv 0 = αv (t − |z|/c + ẑ · x/c) − |y|/c + ŷ · x/c + Ty (78) and the Hessian of the phase is αv . This converts the kernel of (77) into Z ω α Jα3 (1 − ẑ · u/c) ∗ u u f K∞ (p, u; x, v) ∼ exp −iω∆τy,z Sy (ω)Sy dω dn z dm y (79) 3 αx,v αv (1 − ẑ · v/c) where ∆τf is defined by |y| − ŷ · x − cTy f − |z| + ẑ · p − |y| + ŷ · p + cTy c∆τy,z = αu |z| − ẑ · x + αv 16 αu αu − 1 (|y| − cTy ) − ŷ · x−p = αu ẑ · (p − x) + αv αv αu αu = αu ẑ · (p − x) + − 1 (|y| − cTy ) − ŷ · − 1 x − ŷ · (x − p) αv αv αu αu = (αu ẑ + ŷ) · (p − x) + − 1 (|y| − cTy ) − − 1 ŷ · x αv αv u−v ≈ (αu ẑ + ŷ) · (p − x) + · (ŷ + ẑ) ŷ · x c (80) where we have made the choice Ty = |y|/c in the last line and where we have used (28) to write αu ≈ 1 − (u − v) · (ŷ + ẑ)/c . (81) αv To write (79) in terms of the ambiguity function, we assume that J˜ = J/ω 2 is independent of ω and use (55) to obtain Z α αu (1 − ẑ · u/c) u f K∞ (p, u; x, v) ∼ ṡ∗y t − ∆τy,z dt dn z dm y , y ṡy (t)J˜ αv αv (1 − ẑ · v/c) (82) Using (58), we obtain for the wideband small-scene point spread function Z K∞ (p, u; x, v) ∼ Ay α u αv f , ∆τy,z ˜ u, z, y) αu (1 − ẑ · u/c) dn z dm y . J(p, αv (1 − ẑ · v/c) (83) We note that (83) no longer involves a ratio of ranges, because now the corresponding ranges are referenced to the scene center and not to the individual point x or p. 3.4.2. Imaging in the Small-Scene, Narrowband Case. In the case of a narrowband waveform (20), we use the matched-filter interpretation of the imaging formula: Z (4π)2 |z||y| 0 I∞ (p, u) = e−iϕ̃p,u e+iωy (1+βu )t (1 − ẑ · u/c)s̃∗y (t0 + (ẑ + ŷ) · p/c) 2 −ωy ψ sc (t0 , z, y)J(ωy , p, u, z, y) dt0 dn z dm y (84) Inserting (31) into (84), we obtain for the point-spread function Z 0 (NB) 2 K∞ (p, u; x, v) = ωy ei(ϕ̃x,v −ϕ̃p,u ) eiωy (βu −βv )t s̃∗y (t0 + (ẑ + ŷ) · p/c) (1 − ẑ · u/c) 0 n m ×s̃y (t0 + (ẑ + ŷ) · x/c) J˜ dt d z d y (1 − ẑ · v/c) In the first exponential of equation (85) we use (32): ωy ϕ̃x,v − ϕ̃p,u = [[(1 + βu )ẑ + ŷ] · p − [(1 + βv )ẑ + ŷ] · x] c = ky [(ẑ + ŷ) · (p − x) + ẑ · (βu p − βv x)] where ky = ωy /c. (85) (86) 17 In (85) we also make the change of variables t = t0 + (ẑ + ŷ) · x/c, use (60) and βv = (ŷ + ẑ) · v/c to obtain α (1 − ẑ · u/c) u ωy2 A ky (ŷ + ẑ) · (u − v), (ẑ + ŷ) · (x − p)/c αv (1 − ẑ · v/c) × exp [i(ϕ̃x,v − ϕ̃p,u )] exp (−iky (βu − βv )(ẑ + ŷ) · x) J˜ dn z dm y , (87) (NB) K∞ (p, u; x, v) Z = Here we see clearly the dependence on the familiar bistatic bisector ŷ + ẑ. 4. Reduction to familiar special cases 4.1. Range-Doppler Imaging In classical range-Doppler imaging, the range and velocity of a moving target are estimated from measurements made by a single transmitter and coincident receiver. Thus we take z = y, J˜ = 1, and remove the integrals in (87) or (74) to show that the point-spread function is simply proportional to the ambiguity function. In particular, for the case of a slowly moving distant target, (87) reduces to the familiar result ω (u − v) · ŷ (p − x) · ŷ c (NB) KRD (p, u; x, v) ∝ Ay 2 ,2 (88) c c We see that only range and down-range velocity information is obtained. 4.1.1. Range-Doppler Imaging of a Rotating Target. If the target is rotating about a point, then we can use the connection between position and velocity to form a target image. We choose the center of rotation as the origin of coordinates. In this case, a scatterer at x moves as q(O(t)x), where O denotes an orthogonal matrix. This is not linear motion, but we can still apply our results by approximating the motion as linear over a small angle. In particular, we write O(t) = O(0) + tȮ(0), and assume that O(0) is the identity operator. In this case, the velocity at the point x is Ȯ(0)x, so in our notation, the phase-space distribution is qv (x) = qȮ(0)x (x). For the case of two-dimensional imaging, we take ŷ = (1, 0), and O is given by " # " # cos ω̇t sin ω̇t 0 1 O(t) = , Ȯ(0) = ω̇ , (89) − sin ω̇t cos ω̇t −1 0 so (88) becomes ω (u − v ) (p − x ) c 1 1 1 1 ∝ Ay 2 ,2 ω ω̇(pc − x ) (p c − x ) c 2 2 1 1 ∝ Ay 2 ,2 . (90) c c Thus we have the faimilar result that the delay provides the down-range target components while the Doppler shift provides the cross-range components. Note that even though the velocity v1 = ω̇x1 can be estimated from the radar measurements, the cross-range spatial components are distorted by the unknown angular velocity ω̇. (NB) KRD (p, u; x, v) 18 The PSF depends on only two variables, which implies that the image obtained is an R approximation to q(x1 , x2 , x3 ) dx3 . 4.2. Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar (ISAR) Modern ISAR methods do not actually require Doppler-shift measurements at all. Rather, the technique depends on the target’s rotational motion to establish a pseudo-array of distributed receivers. To show how ISAR follows from the results of this paper, we fix the coordinate system to the rotating target. Succeeding pulses of a pulse train are transmitted from and received at positions z = y that rotate around the target as ŷ = ŷ(θ). The pulses typically used in ISAR are high range-resolution (HRR) ones, so that each pulse yields a ridge-like ambiguity function Ay (ν, τ ) = Ay (τ ), with Ay (τ ) sharply peaked around τ = 0. Equation (87) reduces to Z (p − x) · ŷ(θ) (NB) 2 ˜ dθ . KISAR (p, u; x, v) = −ω0 Ay 2 J|y| (91) c where we have written ωy = ω0 because the pulses typically have the same center frequency. Note that the set of all points p such that (p − x) · ŷ(θ) = 0 forms a plane through x with normal ŷ(θ). Consequently, since Ay (τ ) is sharply peaked around τ = 0, the support of the integral in (91) is a collection of planes, one for each pulse in the pulse train, and ISAR imaging is seen to be based on backprojection. Because knowledge of ŷ(θ) is needed, ISAR depends on knowledge of the rotational motion; it is typically assumed to be uniform, and the rotation rate ω̇ must be determined by other means. Useful information can be obtained from the PSF as follows. If we approximate the HRR ambiguity function by Z A(τ ) = exp(iωτ ) dω, (92) B where B denotes the bandwidth, then we find that (91) becomes Z Z (NB) ˜ dω dθ KISAR (p, u; x, v) ∝ exp(i2ω(p − x) · ŷ(θ)/c)J|y| B Z ∂(ω, θ) ˜ d2 ξ J|y| ∝ exp(i(p − x) · ξ) ∂ξ (93) where we have made the change of variables (ω, θ) 7→ ξ = 2ω ŷ(θ)/c. This is a twodimensional change of variables, so again the PSF depends on only two variables, and the image involves a projection of the third variable onto the other two. ˜ [i.e., the The factor J of (87) should be chosen to be the Jacobian |∂ξ/(ω, θ)| = ω 2 J(θ) reciprocal of the factor |∂(ω, θ)/∂ξ| appearing in (91)]. The narrowband approximation uses ω ≈ ω0 , so the result is Z (NB) KISAR (p, u; x, v) ∝ exp(i(p − x) · ξ) d2 ξ (94) Ω where Ω denotes the region in ξ-space for which we have data. This region Ω is a sector of an annulus with width 2B and angular extent corresponding to the angular aperture. The 19 form (94) is useful for determining resolution of the imaging system. In particular, the Fourier components of the target that are visible correspond to the values of ξ that are obtained as ω ranges over the frequency band of the radar system and θ ranges over the angles of view. 4.3. Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) SAR also uses high range-resolution pulses, transmitted and received at locations along the flight path y = y(ζ), where ζ denotes the flight path parameter. For a stationary scene, u = v = 0, which implies that βu = βv = 0. In this case, (74) reduces to Z (R 2 p,y(ζ) (0) − Rx,y(ζ) (0) Rp,y(ζ) (0) ˜ (NB) J|ẏ| dζ (95) KSAR (p, 0; x, 0) ∝ Ay 2 2 (0) c Rx,y(ζ) where again Ay (τ ) is sharply peaked around τ = 0. Thus backprojection over circles Rp,y(ζ) (0) = Rx,y(ζ) (0) (see figure 3). SAR imaging reduces to Figure 3. For SAR, we consider a stationary scene and a sensor that (in the start-stop approximation) does not move as it transmits and receives each pulse. Between pulses, the sensor moves to a different location along the flight path. If we again approximate the HRR ambiguity function by (92), then we find that (95) becomes Z 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) − Rx,y(ζ) (0) Rp,y(ζ) (0) ˜ (NB) J|ẏ| dζ dω KSAR (p, 0; x, 0) ∝ exp i2ω 2 c Rx,y(ζ) (0) Z 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) ∂(ω, ζ) ˜ ẏ| dξ J| ∝ exp(i(p − x) · ξ) 2 (96) Rx,y(ζ) (0) ∂ξ where we have made the Taylor expansion Rp,y(ζ) (0) − Rx,y(ζ) (0) = (x − p) · R̂p,y(ζ) (0) + · · · and the change of variables (ω, ζ) 7→ ξ = 2ω R̂p,y(ζ) (0). Again J should be chosen to be the reciprocal of the Jacobian |∂(ω, θ)/∂ξ|, and we note that the reciprocal |∂ξ/∂(ω, θ)| is indeed ˜ with J˜ independent of ω. of the form ω 2 J, Again the fact that the PSF depends on two variables gives rise to an image of a projected version of the target. 20 4.4. Doppler SAR Doppler SAR uses a high Doppler-resolution waveform, such as an approximation to the ideal single-frequency waveform s(t) = exp(−iω0 t) transmitted from locations along the flight path y = y(ζ). If we transform to the sensor frame of reference, then the entire scene is moving with velocity u = v = −ẏ(ζ) (see figure 4). Figure 4. For Doppler SAR, we use a frame of reference in which the sensor is fixed and the plane below is moving with a uniform velocity. Although the stationary phase analysis of section 3.1.1 does not technically apply to a single-frequency waveform, it does apply to the time-limited waveforms that are used in practice. Consequently the analysis of section 3.1.1 applies to a realizable system. For a high Doppler-resolution waveform, Ay (ν, τ ) = Ay (ν), where Ay (ν) is sharply peaked around ν = 0. In the monostatic case, (74) reduces to Z (NB) KHDR (p, −ẏ(ζ); x, −ẏ(ζ)) ∝ Ay ω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)] exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) 2 Rx,y(ζ) (0) J˜ dζ (97) b x,y(ζ) (0) · v/c = 2R b x,y(ζ) (0) · ẏ(ζ)/c. Again the where from (23), βx (ζ) ≡ βx,−ẏ(ζ) = −2R b p,y(ζ) (0) · ẏ(ζ) = R b x,y(ζ) (0) · imaging process reduces to backprojection over hyperbolas R ẏ(ζ). R If we again approximate the ridge-like ambiguity function by A(ν) = exp(iνt0 ) dt0 , then (97) becomes Z (NB) KHDR (p, −ẏ(ζ); x, −ẏ(ζ)) ∝ exp it0 ω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)] exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) Z ∝ 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) 2 Rx,y(ζ) (0) J˜ dt0 dζ exp i(p − x) · ξ exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) ∂(t0 , ζ) J˜ dξ × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) 2 Rx,y(ζ) (0) ∂ξ (98) 21 where we have made the Taylor expansion βp (ζ) − βx (ζ) = (p − x) · ∇p βp (ζ) and then made the change of variables (t0 , ζ) 7→ ξ = t0 ω0 ∇p βp (ζ). We note that again J should be ˜ where J˜ is independent of ω0 . Again the image involves a projection. |∂ξ/∂(t0 , ζ)| = ω02 J, 4.5. SAR for Other Ridge-like Ambiguity Functions In the above scenario, SAR reconstruction can be done with a sensor moving along the path y = y(ζ) while transmitting other waveforms. In particular, waveforms (such as chirps) can be used which produce a ridge-like ambiguity function along any line ν = ητ in the delayDoppler plane. Then (74) reduces to Z (NB) Kη (p, −ẏ(ζ); x, −ẏ(ζ)) ∝ Ay ω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)] − 2η(Rp,y(ζ) (0) − Rx,y(ζ) (0))/c J × exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) 2 (0) Rp,y(ζ) dζ × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) 2 Rx,y(ζ) (0) (99) which corresponds to backprojection over the planar curve Lp (ζ) = Lx (ζ), where b p,y(ζ) · ẏ(ζ) + ηRp,y(ζ) (0) Lp (ζ) = −ω0 R (100) The curve Lp (ζ) is the intersection of the imaging plane with a surface generated by rotating a limaçon of Pascal (figure 5) about the flight velocity vector. We note that for a slowly- 3 2 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 -2 -3 Figure 5. A limaçon of Pascal. The origin is located at the transmitter position y. moving sensor and a side-looking beam pattern, the curve obtained from the limaçon is almost indistinguishable from a circle. R If we approximate the ridge-like ambiguity function as A(ν − ητ ) = exp[iω(ν − ητ )] dω, then (99) can be written Z (NB) Kη (p, u; x, v) ∝ exp (2ω[Lp (ζ) − Lx (ζ)]/c) J˜ × exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) 2 Rp,y(ζ) (0) × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) 2 dω dζ Rx,y(ζ) (0) 22 Z exp ([x − p] · ξ) J˜ exp (iω0 [βp (ζ) − βx (ζ)][Rx,y (0) − Ty ]) 2 (0) ∂(ω, θ) Rp,y(ζ) dξ × exp (−ik0 βp (ζ)[Rx,y (0) − Rp,y (0)]) 2 Rx,y(ζ) (0) ∂ξ ∝ (101) where we have made the Taylor expansion Lp (ζ) − Lx (ζ) = (p − x) · ∇p Lp (ζ) + · · · and have made the change of variables (ω, ζ) 7→ ξ = 2ω∇p Lp (ζ)/c. 4.6. Diffraction Tomography In this case the data is the far-field pattern (34). Our inversion formula is (84), where s̃y = 1 and there is no integration over t. The resulting formula is Z Ik0 (p) = eik0 (ẑ+ŷ)·p Qk0 (ẑ, ŷ)F∞ (ŷ, ẑ) dŷ dẑ (102) where Qk0 is the filter chosen according to [6]: Qk0 = k03 |ŷ + ẑ| (2π)4 (103) which corrects for the Jacobian that is ultimately needed. Here the factor of k03 corresponds to three-dimensional imaging. The associated point-spread function is obtained from substituting (34) into (102): Z Z ik0 (ẑ+ŷ)·p Ik0 (p) = e Qk0 (ẑ, ŷ) e−ik0 (ẑ+ŷ)·x q(x) d3 x dŷ dẑ Z k03 eik0 (ẑ+ŷ)·(p−x) |ẑ + ŷ| dŷ dẑ q(x) d3 x = 4 Z(2π) = χ2k (ξ)eiξ·(p−x) d3 ξ q(x) d3 x (104) where χ2k denotes the function that is one inside the ball of radius 2k and zero outside and where we have used the Devaney identity [6] Z Z k3 iξ·r 3 χ2k (ξ)e d ξ = eik(ŷ+ẑ)·r |ŷ + ê0 | dŷ dẑ . (105) 4 (2π) S 2 ×S 2 The proof of this identity is outlined in the appendix. The two-dimensional version is [7] Z Z ∂ξ iξ·r 2 ik(ŷ+ẑ)·r χ2k (ξ)e d ξ = e (106) ∂(ŷ, ẑ) dŷ dẑ 1 1 S ×S 0 where ŷ = (cos θ, sin θ), ẑ = (cos θ , sin θ0 ), and ∂ξ p 2 ∂(ŷ, ẑ) = 1 − (ŷ · ẑ) . (107) 4.7. Moving Target Tomography. Moving Target Tomography has been proposed in the paper [9], which models the signal using a simplified version of (21). For this simplified model, our imaging formula (70) reduces to the approach advocated in [9], namely matched-filter processing with a different filter for each location p and for each possible velocity u. 23 5. Conclusions and Future Work We have developed a linearized imaging theory that combines the spatial, temporal, and spectral aspects of scattered waves. This imaging theory is based on the general (linearized) expression we derived for waves scattered from moving objects, which we model in terms of a distribution in phase space. The expression for the scattered waves is of the form of a Fourier integral operator; consequently we form a phase-space image as a filtered adjoint of this operator. The theory allows for activation of multiple transmitters at different times, but the theory is simpler when they are all activated so that the waves arrive at the target at roughly the same time. The general theory in this paper reduces to familiar results in a variety of special cases. We leave for the future further analysis of the point-spread function. We also leave for the future the case in which the sensors are moving independently, and the problem of combining these ideas with tracking techniques. Appendix A. The Devaney Identity in R3 This proof of (105) follows [6]. First we note that for r ∈ R3 , Z 2k Z Z χ2k (ξ) iξ·r 3 eiξ·r d2 ξ̂|ξ| d|ξ| e dξ= |ξ| 2 0 Z S 2k sin |ξ|r = 4π |ξ| d|ξ| |ξ|r 0 8π 1 − cos(2kr) 8π = 2 = 2 sin2 kr r 2 r where we have written r = |r|. Using Stone’s formula [14] Z 1 sin kr = eikŷ·r d2 ŷ , kr 4π we can write (A.1) as Z Z χ2k (ξ) iξ·r 3 k2 eik(ŷ+ẑ)·r d2 ŷ d2 ẑ . e dξ= |ξ| (2π)2 (A.1) (A.2) (A.3) Next we write Z iξ·r 3 χ2k (ξ)e Z χ2k (ξ) iξ·r e |ξ| d3 ξ |ξ| Z 2 Z Z k iξ·r −iξ·r0 ik(ŷ+ê0 )·r0 = e e e dŷ dê0 |ξ| d3 ξ dr 0 . 4 (2π) dξ= (A.4) Carrying out the r 0 integration results in δ(ξ −k(ŷ + ẑ)); finally, carrying out the ξ integration results in (105). 24 Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research, by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research‡ under agreement number FA9550-06-1-0017, by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, and by the National Research Council. References [1] N. Bleistein, J.K. Cohen, and J.W. Stockwell, The Mathematics of Multidimensional Seismic Inversion, (Springer: New York, 2000) [2] B. Borden and M. 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