GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 27, NO. 1, PAGES 25-28, JANUARY 1, 2000 DC trains and Pc3s: Source effects in mid-latitude geomagnetictransfer functions Gary D. Egbert,Markus Eisel Collegeof Oceanicand AtmosphericSciences,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis, OR O. SierraBoyd, andH. Frank Morrison EngineeringGeoscience,Universityof California,Berkeley,CA Abstract. Magnetotelluric(MT) datafrom two sites150 and 300 km southeastof SanFrancisco,California (geomagnetic dipole latitude: 43 degrees,L approximately1.9) showthat the usualMT assumptionof spatiallyuniformexternalmagnetic fields is violatedto a significantdegreein the period range 10-30 s. Inter-stationtransferfunctionsexhibit large systematictemporalvariationswhich are consistentwith a combinationof two distinct sources:electromagneticnoise due to the San FranciscoBay Area Rapid Transit (BART) DC electricrailway, and Pc3 geomagneticpulsations.There is a suggestionin the data that some of the Pc activity may actuallybe excitedby BART. The uniformsourceassumptionhasbeenquestioned[e.g., Andersonet al., 1976], and significantvariationsin the amplitudeandpolarizationof Pc3 pulsationsover distancesof only a few hundredkm have been documentedeven at low latitudes[Lanzerottiet al, 1981]. However, except at long periods(T > 1000 s) andhigh latitudes,mostsolidearthinduction studiesassumethat the spatial structureof natural sourcescan be safely ignored, provided TFs are averaged over a long enoughtime. Here we showthat for periodsof 10-30 s inter-stationTFs exhibit unphysicallyrapid variations with frequencywhich dependsystematicallyon local time. Sincethe solidearthis comparativelystatic,suchvariations in TFs must reflect variations in non-uniform source Since late1995researchers fromU.C.Berkeley havemain- geometry. rainedGPS synchronizedmagnetotelluric(MT) sitesat two rural locations adjacent to the San Andreas Fault (SAF) south of the San Francisco Bay Area. The northern site (SAO) is near Hollister, CA, about 150 km southeastof the center of the Bay Area. The southernsite (PKD) is near Inter-station Transfer Functions We analyzedthe data using robustmultiple stationTF methods[Egbert, 1997] to characterizesignal and noisein Parkfield, CA., about 150 km further southeast. Each site the array,to studypossibletrendsin TFs dueto slowchanges is instrumentedwith an EMI MT-1 system, consistingof in earthresistivity,andto searchfor possibleanomalousEM threeorthogonalinductioncoil magnetometers,two orthog- signals. Eisel and Egbert [1999] presentresultsfrom some onaldipolesto measureinducedelectricfield variations,and of thesestudiesand give a more completedescriptionof the Quanterradata loggers(digitizing at 1 Hz for this study). array. Here we estimateTFs using subsetsof the data to The array is being usedto explorethe possibilitythat elec- investigatemore rapid systematicvariationsof TFs. In Figure 1 we plot the variationswith period and local tromagnetic(EM) precursorsto earthquakesmight be gentime of amplitudeand phasefor the principal inter-station eratedby tectonicactivity alongthe SAF. A major rationale TFs estimatedusingall datafrom Juliandays 140-199 1997, for havingtwo stationswas to use data from one site to estimate the EM signalof ionospheric/magnetospheric origin a period when the array was fully functionalwith few sigto the ratio at the other site. By doing this one might be able to detect nificantnoiseproblems.Txx(•,y) corresponds the geographicnorth (east) magneticcomponentat the anomaloussignalsof smalleramplitude,andpossiblyextend of northernmost site SAO relative to PKD. Features referred to the reportedassociationbetweenanomalousEM signalsand in the following are numberedin Figure 1. Variationsare earthquakes to morefrequentsmallerevents. mostdramaticin the Txxcomponent,with a pronouncedamUnderlying this plan was the usual MT assumptionthat plitude low centeredon a period of about 13 s and at loexternalmagneticfields are spatiallyuniform, at least over cal noon (1). This correspondsto variationsin Hx having distancesof a few hundredkilometers. Under this assumpsmalleramplitudeat SAO than at PKD. At slightlyshorter tion the horizontalmagneticfieldsat one site(e.g., SAO) can andlongerperiods,and still in the middle of the day,the sitbe relatedto the thoseat the othersite(PKD) via a frequency uation is reversedwith larger amplitudesat SAO (2). In the dependent 2 x 2 transferfunction(TF) HSAO= T(o))H?KD. early morningandeveninghoursthereis a significantampliIf the externalsourcesare uniform (in someaveragesense) fication of Hx at SAO acrossthe 10-30 s band (3). From 2-4 the typically subtledeviationsof T from the identity matrix am theserapid variationswith frequencyalmostcompletely can be interpretedin termsof conductivityvariationswithin disappear (4). the earth. There are alsosubstantialvariationsin TF phase,with a 20 degreephasedepression centeredarounda periodof 15 s and local noon (5), and phase increasesin early morningandlate Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. eveninghours(6). Again phasecurvesvary smoothlyfrom Papernumbr 1999GL008369. 2-4 am. Notethatthe •.y variationsshowa strongasymme- 0094-8276/00/1999GL08369505.00 try betweendawn and dusk(7). There are a numberof other 25 26 EGBERT ET AL.: DC TRAINS AND PC3S o, 108 20 '• ß . () , 2 2 ½0), o 6 10 10 2 10 3 (c) 8 20 Fibare ]. Variationof intcr-station•s ' -2o 1 o.6 7 2o 9 101 10 2 10 3 -20 as a functiono• pcriodand local timc. (a) •mplitudc o• •.,-' (b) phascoYT,-•,-' (c) Amplitud•of •.y; (d) phas•of •.y. Numb•rsarcr•f•d to in t•xt. Not• th• diff•mnc•in scal•sus•dforT•- and•.y. possiblysignificantfeaturesin theseplotswhicharebeyond the scopeof this paper.For example,observethe line in all plottedcomponents at a periodof 4 s (8), andthe anomalous behaviorof the TFs in late afternoonat longerperiods(9). The multiple-stationprocessingmethodsusedhere treat all channelssymmetrically,so thereshouldbe no downward biasesin amplitudesof the predicted(SAO) channelsdue to noise in the reference(PKD) channels,as would occur with more conventionalTF estimationschemes[Egbert, 1997]. However, as a check we repeatedcalculationsusing each stationin turn as the local reference. Similar patternswere foundin all cases,provingthattheTF biasesof Figure 1 are not due to incoherent noise at either site. Source Gradients I ,.s I I 0 20 , due to BART Due to the diffusivenatureof EM propagationin the conductiveearth,inductionTFs areexpectedto varyslowlywith frequency.The rapidvariationwith frequency,andthe systematicdependence of the TFs on local time both require systematicvariationof the spatialstructureof the external sourcefields.In particular,theremustbe variableN-S gradientsin themagneticsources.The standardTF approachwith two predictingchannelsis justifiedby the assumption that sourcesare spatiallyuniformenoughto be represented by only two independentcomponents.The multivariatearray analysismethodsdescribedin Egbert[ 1997] can be usedto estimatethe actualnumberof independent coherentsources. Briefly, cross-products of the Fouriercoefficientscomputed from shorttime segments of all 10 channelsare averagedto form the 10 x 10 spectraldensitymatrix (SDM). Eigenvalues of the 10 x 10 SDM, scaledby estimatesof incoherent The temporal variability of power in the gradient fields (expressedin SNR units as describedin Egbert [1997]) is plottedat 10 day intervalsas a functionof local time (two hour resolution)for 1996-97 in Figure 3. Plotted on the side is the averageelectricpowerconsumptionof the BART system as a function of local time for Nov. 1998. Several fea- tures in this plot demonstratethat BART is the sourceof mostof the magneticfield gradients.First, for periodsof 25 s and longerthe gradientnoisepeakstwice per day, exactly when BART powerconsumptionpeaksduring the morning and eveningrush hours. Second,there is a pronouncedlow in gradientpowerfrom approximately0:00-4:00. Thesebins include the time when the BART systemshutsdown each evening(1:00-4:00). BART activity shouldthusbe minimal in the second two hour bin (2:00-4:00). However, we used UT for bining the data (and PST for labeling the figure), so from April-Octoberwhen daylight savingstime is in effect the minimum BART activity actually occursduring the first bin (1:00-3:00 PDT). Thesetimes correspondexactly to the minimumin gradientpower,witheventhechangefromPST to PDT clearlydiscernible.Finally,thereis oneten day periodfor whichgradientpoweris anomalously low. This interval includesa labor strikeby BART workers(days 251258, 1997), when the transitsystemwas shut down. We concludethat BART is the causeof the bulk of the gradient variationseenin the array. Note that evidencefor large scaleBART EM fieldshasbeenreportedpreviouslyat sim- ilar periods[Fraser-Smith andCoates,1978;Egbert,1997], at stationscloserto the SF Bay Area. That therearesignificanteffectseven300 km awayis perhapsmoresurprising. Pc3s noiseamplitudefor eachdatachannel,correspond to signalThe daily variationof gradientpower seenin Figure 3 is to-noise(SNR) ratiosof independentcoherentEM sources. The numberof eigenvaluessignificantlyabove 0 dB thus significantlydifferent for the 15 s band, where there is only providesan estimateof the numberof independent signal a single broad peak in the middle of the day. This peak, components M resolvedby the array. For quasi-uniform which is also somewhatevident in the adjacent9 and 25 s (MT) sourcesM shouldbe 2. For the SAO/PKD arrayM = 4 from 10-300 s (Figure 2). For the two dominanteigenvectots (not shown), the horizontal magnetic componentsare roughlyuniformacrossthe array,consistentwith the usual MT assumption.Eigenvectors threeandfour are dominated by gradientsin the EM fields,showingthatthereare significant time-variablegradientsin the magneticsourcesfrom 10-300 s. bands,doesnot go away during the BART strike Thus there are significantlocal gradientsin magneticvariationsnear a period of 1:5s in the middle of the day that do not appear to resultfrom BART. These are exactly the periodsand local timeswherethe magneticfieldsare actuallyanomalously large at PKD, the southernmostsite (Figure 1). This sort of amplitudevariationcannotbe reasonablyexplainedby passivepropagationof EM fieldsfrom a sourcein the Bay Area. EGBERT ET AL.' DC TRAINS AND PC3S 27 mately 7.3 and 5.3 s. These are quite plausibleperiodsfor ß 1.2 •. .............. I x--• ......... the second and third harmonics ':¾':":'•'-'" • .... ..... The 15 s field line resonanceis moststronglyexcitedduring daylight hours, with peak amplitudesoccurringaround local noon. Effects on TF bias and gradientpower do not correlatewith BART powerconsumption,andpersistthrough the BART strike. ThesePc3sthusmustobviouslybe excited by natural sources. The peak at local noon, and minimum duringthe night, is consistentwith otherobservationsof local time variationsof low latitudePc3 intensity[e.g.,Lanzerotti et al., 1981], andwith the proposalthatradialpressure wavesin the magnetosphere due to variationsin the solar wind excitefield line resonances at low latitudes[e.g., Yu- ..... . . . •-10 ...."•'.'•.": • -20 ............. -30 ß . . . • .... .=-•.-- ...... :'" . • ..... • ...... ....................... • ....... 3 10 ' mode. Discussion • 0.8 ....AmPlitude-....x....................... e 0" .•P•a•e'... of the fundamental ß" 30 Period (s) Figure 2. Eigenvaluesof the scaledSDM for the PKD/SAO momoto, 1986]. Superposed on the resonanceeffect is an upwardbias in a•ay provide clear evidencefor coherentnoisefor periods from 10-300 s. TF amplitudewith a corresponding peakin phase,extending overa broaderrangeof periods(10-30 s). The upwardbias can be quite extreme(on averagea factorof 3 from 5-6 am), We suggestthatthenarrow-band enhancement of themag- but disappearswhen BART stopsrunning. This peak thus netic field amplitudesat PKD resultsfrom natural sources, clearly resultsfrom magneticfields which originatewith namelyPc3 geomagneticpulsationsdue to resonanceof hy- BART, and havelarger amplitudes(and phaseleads)at the dromagnetic(HM) Alfven wavespropagatingalong field siteclosestto the source(SAO). The biasin TF amplitudes lines [e.g., Chen and Hasegawa,1974]. Rapid variationof and phasesdue to the BART fieldsis largestand most obthe resonantperiodwith latitudecan resultin spatiallylo- viousduringeveningand early morninghourswhen other calizedmagneticvariationamplitudemaxima [e.g., Baran- EM signals(in particularthe naturalsourcePc3s)are weak. sky et al., 1985]. In Figure4 we plot amplitudeand phase However,Figure 1 showsthat mid-day TFs are also biased of T.•.•computedusingdata from daylighthoursduring the upwardsin thebroader10-30s bandwhenBART is running. BART strike. The oscillationin amplitudeand dip in phase From 2-4 am when no trains run and excitation of Pc3s is seenin this figure between10-20 s is essentiallyidentical weak the externalinducingfieldsare mostnearly uniform, to the schematicdiagram usedby Waters et al. [1991] to andinter-station TFs bestbehaved(Figure 1). justify useof cross-powerphasefor estimationof Pc3 resoThere are significantissueswhich deservefurtherstudy. nancefrequencies.Using the well-defineddip in the phase In particular,why is the bias so stronglypeaked in frecurvefor the BART strike(Figure4), andfollowingBaran- quency'?The inductioncoils usedmaintaingoodsignal-tosky et al. [1985] and Waters et al. [1991], we estimate the noiseratios(30-50 dB) to at least3000 s period(Figure 2; resonantfrequencyfor the latitudemidwaybetweenthe two see alsoEgbert [1997]), so this cannotbe due to instrument sites(42.99ø geomagneticdipole;L = 1.89) to be about 15.5 sensitivity.It is possiblethat the biasesare reducedat pes. There are additionallocal minima in phaseat approxi- riods longerthan 20-30 s becauseof the steepincreasein Strike, Strike. BART Power TA. JI O'cPda STAp JI .c TAPJI .c P•a oJaAp JI OcP•a Usage 42 s 9s 10 10 i 5 20 • 0 20 0 15s -• 68s lO=• ! , 10 I I 20 0 25 s 10 102 • I 20 ," i • lO • 2o 20 ß 50 150 1996 250 366 100 200 300 50 1997 5 150 250 366 1996 10 100 200 . 20 40 60 MW 300 1997 JuJ•m 15 dB Day Figure 3. Powerin magneticfieldgradients in SNR unitsvs. localtimeandJuliandayfor 1996-1997for sixperiods.Times of poordataqualityarewhite.The BART strikeis indicatedby theredarrows,anddaylightsavingstime is indicatedby the lightbluebarsat thetop.Averagepowerconsumption of BART (in MW) is plottedvs. localtimeon theright. 28 EGBERT ET AL.: DC TRAINS • 20 10• 10•' 10:• Period(s) AND PC3S to the motionof the trainsand to cyclingof motorsusedto controlspeed. Although nominallythe returnpath for currentsis in the runningrails, significantcurrentleakageinto the groundseemsinevitable. As a whole the systemis a complexnetworkof very long groundeddipoleswith temporally varying geometryand currentinputs. A complete understanding of how BART generates magneticfieldsover sucha largeareawill requireaccountingfor returnpathcurrentsleakinginto the conductivelyheterogeneous earthand ocean,aswell ascurrents,andpossiblyHM oscillations,inducedin the ionosphereby thesetelluriccurrents. Figure 4. Amplitudeandphaseof Txx,with statisticalerror Acknowledgments. The Berkeley SeismologicalLaboratory bars, computedusingdata from days 252-257, duringthe assistedin data acquisitionand archiving,and Russ Klein kindly BART strike. The threedistinctphaselows (arrows)are in- providedBART powerconsumptiondata. This work was partially terpretedto be the fundamentaland first two harmonicsof supportedby USGS NEHRP grants1434-HQ-97-GR-03026 (G. D. the Pc3 field line resonance Egbert) and 1434-HQ-97GR-03076 (H. E Morrison). Comments of two anonymousreviewersimprovedthe clarity of thispaper. powerof naturalsourceswith increasingperiod.These(presumablylongerwavelength)sources maysimplyoverwhelm the BART signals.The mostintriguingpossibilityis thatthe peak in the BART componentof the TF biasresultsfrom the samesort of field line resonanceeffectsresponsiblefor localizedamplificationof HM wavesin the Pc3 band. We haveclearevidencethatmagneticfieldsgeneratedby DC train activity are seenat distancesof at least300 km. Given this largelengthscaleit is almostcertainlynecessary to includethe conductingionosphere(only 100 km above)in anyanalysisof EM propagation. This conclusion is strongly supportedby the distinctasymmetrybetweenearly morn- References ing andlateeveningbiasin the •.y component of theinterstation TF (Figure 1, (7)). We have shown that bias at these local times almost certainly results from BART, so this asymmetrysuggeststhat propagationof the EM fields from their ultimate sourcein the Bay Area to Parkfield is influencedby the spatialpatternof conductivityin the ionosphere. But can this be treatedas a passiveconductoras in solid earth inductionstudies?Or might the sort of HM dynamicswhich allow for Alfven wavesbe relevantto the descriptionof suchlong distancepropagationof largescale anthropogenic EM sources?DoesBART actuallyexcitegeomagneticpulsations? MT impedancesfrom siteswithin 100 km of the SF Bay Area havebeenpreviouslyobservedto be seriouslybiased by the finite spatial scalesin the BART sources[Egbert, 1997]. Very subtlebiasesin MT impedances havealsobeen detectedat Parkfield[Eisel and Egbert, 1999]. The nature of the bias(a steepincreasein apparentresistivitywith period, phasesdroppingto near zero) is consistentwith the impedanceexpectedin the nearfield of a groundedelectric dipole. 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