AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF RICHARD FREDRICK GATES for the (Name) in OCEANOGRAPHY (Major) MASTER OF SCIENCE (Degree) presented on V)?ni7fAi 4' 17(a (Date) Title: MAGNESIUM SULFATE ION ASSOCIATION IN SEAWATER Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Ricardo M. Py(kowicz The extent of MgSO4° association in an artificial seawater solu- tion corresponding to 34. 8% salinity was determined at 5°C, 15°C, and 25°C at one atmosphere pressure. The effect of pressure on the extent of MgSO4° association was studied at 25°C. The data also yielded the stoichiometric association constant of MgSO4° at 25°C and one atmosphere pressure. It also permitted the calculation of the thermodynamic solubility product of brucite as a function of tern- perature. Magnesium Sulfate Ion Association in Seawater by Richard Fredrick Gates A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1969 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy As in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Chair an of Department of Oceanography Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is Typed by Clover Redfern for V/ 7 Richard Fredrick Gates ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Dr. Ricardo M. Pytkowicz for suggesting this project and for his helpful criticisms throughout all phases of this work. His theoretical derivations provided the foundation for this work. I would also like to express my appreciation to Mr. Charles H. Culberson for his assistance in preparing the pressure system used in this work and to Mr. Dana R. Kester for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant GA-l252 and the Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr 1Z86(lO). TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. INTRODUCTION I II. THEORETICAL 5 Definition of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants and Activities Determination of the Free Magnesium at One Atmosphere Determination of the Free Magnesium at High Pressure Determination of the Stoichiometric Association Constant of MgSO4 III. IV. EXPERIMENTAL Free Magnesium at One Atmosphere Pressure Free Magnesium at High Pressure Electronics Preparation of the Brucite Solution Preparation RESULTS Data at One Atmosphere High Pressure Data V. DISCUSSION Comparison of Results with Previous Estimates Discussion of Errors Pressure Experiments 5 6 9 12 15 15 16 21 23 24 25 25 27 31 31 31 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY 34 APPENDIX Appendix I. 37 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Apparatus used for experiments at one atmosphere. 16 2. Apparatus used for experiments at high pressure. 18 3. High pressure system. 20 4. Electronics. 22 5. Linear relation of 6. Curve for calculation of enthalpy. and temperature. 28 39 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Composition of the experimental solutions. 2. Results at one atmosphere. 3. Molal concentrations. 4. Solubility product of brucite as a function of temperature. 30 5. High pressure results at 25°C. 30 6. Supplementary pressure results. 33 7 26 LIST OF SYMBOLS aA Activity of A. (A) Molal concentration of A. E Potential of pH cell. Easym Asymmetry potential of high pressure cell. F Free, unassociated, quantities. i Subscript designating the solution inside the glass electrode of the high pressure cell. K Thermodynamic Equilibrium constant. K Thermodynamic solubility product. K Ion product of water. KA Stoichiometric constant of A. w Apparent constant of A. o Subscript designating the solution outside the glass electrode of the high pressure cell. p Subscript designating the measurement at pressure. loga pH pH eq Equilibrium pH. S Slope of the glass electrode response. T Total, free plus associated, quantities. eff Effective ionic strength. Activity coefficient of A. 1 Subscript designating measurement at one atmosphere. * Superscript designating pressure at p. MAGNESIUM SULFATE ION ASSOCIATION IN SEAWATER I. INTRODUCTION A knowledge of the extent of ion pair formation between mag nesium and sulfate ions in seawater, as a function of temperature and pressure, will enhance our understanding of the structure of seawater, the effect of ion pairs on colligative and transport properties, and the mechanism of acoustical energy absorption. From a structural point of view, the determination of the chemical model of seawater will need to be supported by the results of sev- eral experimental techniques, each with its own assumptions, in order to substantiate the final results. Published results on the ext;ent of MgSO4° formation in seawater at 25°C and one atmosphere pressure exhibit some scatter. Carrels and Thompson (1962) estimated that 87 percent cf the total magnesium in seawater exist as the free ion and that 11 percent exist as MgSO40. This result was obtained by making use of a mathe matical model which incorporated the dissociation constants and the individual activity coefficients of the major species in seawater. Platford (1965) concluded that 3 percent of the total magnesium in sea- water exist as MgSO40. He utilized an optical detection technique to determine the point of Mg (OH)2 precipitation, upon addition of NaOH 2 to carbonate free seawater. This method required a knowledge of the thermodynamic solubility product of brucite. Pytkowicz, Duedali and Connors (1966) estimated that 47 percent of the total magnesium in seawater exist as the free ion and that between 39 percent and 53 per-. cent are present as MgSO40. Their technique made use of a saturometer (Weyl, 1961) with which they measured the solubility of brucite in natural seawater containing carbonates. Their calculations also require a knowledge of the thermodynamic solubility product of brucite. Thompson (1966, personal communication) showed that 88 per-. cent of the total magnesium in seawater exist as the free ion. Thomp-. son used a cation sensitive electrode which was calibrated in solutions of known concentrations. Fisher (1967), based on the attenuation of sound, calculated that 9. 2 percent of the total magnesium in seawater exist as MgSO40. Pytkowicz and Gates (1968), using further solubil-. ity measurements described in this thesis, revised the earlier data of Pytkowicz, Duedall and Connors and found that 90 percent of the total magnesium in seawater are present as the free ion. Recently, Kester and Pytkowicz (personal communication) found that 89. 0 per-. cent of the total magnesium in seawater exist as the free ion while I 0. 3 percent exist as MgSO40. Their method made use of cation elec- trodes, sensitive to sodium, magnesium and calcium, in order to de-. termine the stoichiometric association constants for the major sulfate species (CaSO40, MgSO40, NaSO4). These constants were then used, together with Garrels and Thompso&s (1962) estimates of the carbon- ate and bi-carbonate speciations, in order to calculate the percent ages of free and of associated sulfate species in seawater. Fisher (1962) also studied the pressure dependence of the MgSO4° concentration. This work was done in magnesium sulfate so- lutions rather than in seawater. He made use of the four state model of Eigen and Tamm (1962) to explain conductivity data in these single salt solutions, and observed that the dissociation constant of MgSO4° increased with pressure while the degree of association decreased with pressure. A quantitative knowledge of MgSO4° ion pair formation in sea- water will help us to better understand the absorption of acoustical energy in seawater. Theories for this effect state that, as sound energy is transmitted through a fluid medium, it is ultimately converted to heat. The proposed mechanisms of sound absorption have been broken up into two categories by Lindsey (1960): 1. Viscous and heat conduction relaxations in which shearing effects between portions of the medium, during the corn- press ion and rarefaction cycles of the sound wave, form local thermal gradients which dissipate energy by heat con ducti on. 2. Thermal, structural and chemical relaxations in which energy is removed from the acoustical pressure wave and 4 used internally for a time sufficiently long to result in a permanent loss of energy from the wave. Liberman (1948) was the first to observe the absorption anomaly between fresh water and seawater, which occurs at frequencies below 1000 kc/sec. This anomaly was later attributed to the presence of MgSO4° species in seawater by Leonard, Combs and Skidmore (1949). The methods and results of this work will also contribute to our understanding of the structural, transport and colligative properties of concentrated, mixed electrolyte solutions. Support is given to an ion association model, in which charged ions are capable of forming a new species of sufficient stability to last several molecular collisions. In the interpretation of the results it appears possible to sepa_ rate the nonspecific effects of ionic strength from the specific effects of ion association. The primary purpose of this work was to determine the behavior of MgSO4° ion pairs as a function of temperature and pressure and to check the earlier data reported by Pytkowicz, Duedall and Connors (1966). In addition, the present method permitted the determination of the stoichiometric association constant for MgSO4° and a calculation of the thermodynamic solubility product of brucite as a function of temperature. 5 IL THEORETICAL Definition of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants and Activities The thermodynamic equilibrium constant, K, for the reac- tion Axy B is defined by: xA+yB (1) x y (aA) (aB) (2) (aAB) xy where a is the activity of the species defined by the subscript. This constant is only a function of temperature and pressure and is independent of the interactions occurring in the solution. When AxBy is a solid, the thermodynamic solubility product is defined by: K = (aA)c(aB)Y In the solubility product the solid phase activity, (3) xy aA B which is a function of the mineral composition and particle size, is incorpo_ rated into the equilibrium constant. The solid phase activity is usually taken as unity in solutions with an ionic strength of less than 0. 2 (KortUm, 1965). For a given solution, the following equation, discussed by Pytkowicz, Duedall and Connors (1966), is valid: a=VF(F)YT(T) where a is the activity, theses represent molalities, y (4) is the activity coefficient, the paren_ F indicates free quantities and T indicates total (free plus associated) quantities. Determination of the Free Magnesium at One Atmosphere The determination of the extent of ion pair formation is based on the equilibrium pH of brucite, Mg(OH)2, in two solutions, A and B. Solution A contains only chlorides while solution B simulates sea- water. The difference in the solubilities of brucite in the two solu- tions is related to MgSO4° formation in solution B. The following cell was used for the studies at atmospheric pres_ sure: Ag_AgC1/HC1 reference / /GLASS/ / Brucite:Soln A or B:Satr'd KC1/KC1/Hg_HgCl The thermodynamic solubility product for brucite in the two solutions is given by Equation (6): (5) 7 (K ) Mg(OH)2 Mg)OH) 2 (aMg)(aOH) 2 (6) in which one assumes identical solid phase activities in each solution. This assumption will be discussed later. From Equations (4) and (6) one obtains: (aMg) (aMg) (aOH) Mg)(MBF 2 (7) Mg)(M)AF aOH) The compositions of solutions A and B are shown in Table 1 and are compared qualitatively below. Table 1. Composition of the experimental solutions. Total molal concentration Solution B Ion Solution A Na+ 0.473 Mg Ca++ K+ . . 0548 0106 .0102 Sr++ Cl 0.482 . . . . . 614 SO4 Br F . . . . Omitted in pressure runs. 0548 0106 0102 00009 564 0291 00086* 00005 roi = (Mg) (Ca)AT = (Ca)BT (8) (K)AT = (K)BT (Na)AT (Cl)AT 1= (Na)BT (Cl)BT These two solutions were constructed so that: effA eff effB (9) is the effective ionic strength, that is, the ionic strength taking ion association into consideration. The effective ionic strength of solution B was calculated from Garrels and Thompsons (1962) chemi- cal model of seawater, and that of solution A was calculated by assuming complete dissociation of the chlorides (Davies, 1962). The effective ionic strengths of solutions A and B were equalized by the addition of sodium chloride to solution A. The relationships that evolve from the above restrictions, Equations (8) and (9), are shown below: (10) (Mg) = (Mg) = (Mg) (11) Substitution of Equations (10) and (11) into Equation (7) yields: (aOH) (Mg) (Mg) (aOH) 2 (12) 2 One arrives at the following expression for the percentage of free magnesium in seawater by introducing K into Equation = aHaOH (12): 2 Percent free magnesium (M g ) BT x 100 (aH)B 2 X 100 (13) (aH)A Therefore, in order to calculate the amount of free magnesium in seawater, one just needs to know the equilibrium pH of brucite in the two solutions. pH measurements in seawater do not yield the thermodynamic hydrogen ion activity. However, Pytkowicz, Kester and Burgener (1966) showed that it is the reproducibility rather than the accuracy of pH measurements which matters in oceanographic practice. Determination of the Free Magnesium at High Pressure The determination of the percentage of free magnesium in seawater at high pressure was attempted with the following cell: inner compartment outer compartment AgAgC1/Soln A:Brucite//GLASS// Brucite:Soln B/Ag-AgC1 (14) 10 The observed EMF of the cell at any pressure is given by: log (aHaCi) + E a s ym log (aHaCi) - S E=S where and i (15) 0 1 refer to the inside and outside of the hydrogen ion o sensitive membranes. S is the electrode slope which is independent of pressure (Disteche and Disteche, 1967; Culberson, 1968). The value of S was assumed to be the theoretical value, as given by Bates (1964). By subtracting the potential at pressure from that at one atmos- phere, one arrives at: E-E p log =S (aHaCl) (aHaCl) 1 (aHaCl) (aHaCl) 0 The subscript p E as ym * E + (16) a sym i and the superscript measurements, and 0 * refer to high pressure is given by: - E asym asym = E asym (17) pH = - log [aHI (18) Introducing; into Equation (16) yields: E-E S (y1mi) (yim1 * (pH-pH.) + * pH + log ) o (Y1m1) (y1m1) 0 LEasym S (19) 11 In order to simplify this expression the following assumptions were made: 1. The molal concentration of chloride ion does not change with pressure. (m1) 0 * (mci) (mCl) (20) (mrn) i 2. The ratio of the activity coefficients inside the glass shell should be approximately equal to the ratio outside the glass shell. ''Cl (21) The validity of this assumption will be discussed later. Then, the logarithmic term in Equation (19) becomes zero, and one obtains: pH. pH E-E -E asym PS - (pH-pH.) (22) at asym , (E-Ep) and (pHo -pH.) one atmosphere, it is possible to calculate pH. - pH and to arrive From a knowledge of E 1 at an expression, similar to Equation (13), for the percentage of free magnesium in seawater at high pressure: 12 Percent of free magnesium = at pressure (aH) *2 x 100 = 10 - 2(pH-pH) 1 (aH) (23) One must bring into consideration the affect of pressure on an individual ionic activity c oefficient. 8 in y. V1-V. T, m (24) RT to discuss the validity of Equation (21). V. is the partial molar vol- ume of the ion in the test solution, and is the partial molar volume of the ion in its standard state. Equation (21) is valid if in solution A is nearly the same as in solution B. Owen and Brinkley was only a function of ionic strength. Gui- (1941) assumed that berson (1968) showed that 'NaCl values in seawater and in single salt solutions were nearly identical, provided that the ionic strengths of the solutions were the same. In view of these observations and the fact that the ionic strengths of solutions A and B were made equal, it seems reasonable to assume that Equation (21) is valid. Determination of the Stoichiometric Association Constant of MgSO4 Three association constants can be defined for the reaction: Mg + SO MgSO4° (25) 13 1. Thermodynamic Constant (aMgsoo) K= 2. Stoichiometric Constant K 3. (26) (aMg)(aso) (MgSO40) (Mg)(SO4) Mg)SO4) =K MgSO4° (27) Apparent Constant (MgSO40) K (Mg)(SO4) =K 'MgSO4° (28) The need to estimate single ion activity coefficients can be avoided by the use of concentration constants, which are preferred over activity constants by Rossotti and Rossotti (1961). Kester and Pyticowicz (1969) showed that concentration constants are independent of composition and are indeed constant at a given effective ionic strength. The stoichiometric association constant of MgSO4° was calculated from the following cubic equation, which is derived in Appendix I: A(Kg50O)3 + B(Kgsoo)2 + C(Kgsoo + D = 0 The constants are given by: (29) 14 A = { (MgSO4°)T(SO4)J(Mg)3 B = (MgSO4°)(Mg){1+K (30) 5Q[ (MgSO40)+T(Ca)- T(SO4)J + KNSO [(MgSO40)+T(Na)-T(SO4)] } (31) + K50 (32) C D NaSO4 (MgSO40)+T(Ca)+T(Na)-T(SO4)I } =KQ.KQ(MgSO4°)3 (33) 15 IlL EXPERIMENTAL Free Magnesium at One Atmosphere Pressure The cell described by Equation (5), and shown in Figure 1, was prepared by the following procedure: 1. The brucite crystals were washed in the experimental solution under consideration and immersed into a thermostated beaker containing the experimental solution. Z. A stopper holding the electrode pair was inserted in the thermostated beaker so that the glass membrane lay just above the crystal layer. 3. The beaker was tilted back to move the crystals onto the side of the cell, and the glass electrode was pushed down so that the crystals would cover the glass membrane when the cell was uprighted. A small vent in the stopper, which was sealed during the measurements, allowed for a volume displacement of water. Care was taken to avoid exchange of CO2 during these steps. The reasons for this precaution are discussed later. The possibility of a contact potential between the glass mem- brane and the crystal surface was examined. pH measurements were taken until equilibrium was reached with the glass membrane in the crystals and also with the membrane in the bulk solution. In both 16 [ass Rubber stopper Styrofoam plug Vent 'test S olutioi Brucite Beaker Glass membrane Water from constant Tiperature bath Figure 1. Apparatus used for experiments at one atmosphere. 17 cases the equilibrium pHs were identical, regardless of the place_ ment of the glass membrane. The contact technique was used in most measurements because of a more rapid equilibration in the interstitial waters. The pH of the above cell, described by Equation (5), was calcu lated from the equation (Bates, 1964): PHeq where S1 and pH5 f (EeqEs) S2 pH5 pH5 E2-E1 1 (34) refer to the buffer solutions. The electrodes were checked before and after each run with two or three Beckman buffers. The pHs of the buffers at 25°C were 7.413, 4. 00 and 7. 00. Free Magnesium at High Pressure The preparation of the Ag_AgCl electrodes and the cell design for the high pressure measurements were based on the work of Culberson and Pytkowicz (1968). The asymmetry of the pressure cell, described by Equation (14) and illustrated in Figure 2, is caused by differences between the outer and inner surfaces of the glass mem.. brane and by differences in the Ag..AgCl electrodes. This potential was used as a criterion to distinguish between good and faulty electrodes. The electrodes were considered good if the absolute value of the symmetry at one atmosphere was less than one millivolt, and the Rubber stopper Silicon stopcoc grease tors Dber stopper it Test tul Solution I Beckman G. P. gass electrode shell con rubber nale contact con stopcock grease .AgC1 ution A Glass membrane icite Figure 2. Apparatus used for experiments at high pressure. 19 change in the asymmetry per 500 atmospheres was less than 0, 8 millivolts. The asymmetry potential was measured with the following cell: Ag-AgCl/O. 7lm NaC1 + 0. Olrn HC1//GLASS//0. 71m NaCl + 0. Olm HC1/Ag-AgCl (35) Once this cell was assembled, it was placed in a pressure bomb contaming high resistance and low viscosity transformer oiL The pressure bomb was then placed in an AMINCO Temperature Bath (±0.05° C) and connected to the pressure system. This system consisted of an Enerpac Hydraulic Pump and a Crosby Pressure Gauge, and is shown in Figure 3. For the actual experimental measurements with brucite, the pressure cell was prepared according to the following scheme: 1. Brucite crystals were washed in solution B and then dropped into the glass electrode shell (containing solution B) in or- der to just cover the membrane portion of the electrode. 2. The internal Ag_AgC1 electrode was then inserted with care so that no air bubbles remained. Silicon stopcock grease was used around all the stopperglass interfaces to ensure good seals and to act as a lubricant during compression cycles. 3. The remaining brucite crystals were washed in solution A 20 Crosby pressure gauge 0-20, 000 psi 1. Mecca ele ctrical terminals AMINCO non-rotati stem valve Enerpac hydraulic pump P- 228 Stainless steel pressure bomb Plexiglass plates Aluminum rod AMINCO constant temperature bath Figure 3. High pressure system. 21 and dropped into the outer compartment containing solution 4. A rubber stopper holding the glass and external electrodes was inserted, so that the glass membrane was positioned just above the crystal level. 5. The cell was then tilted, and the stopper pushed in so that the crystals would cover the outer membrane surface when the cell was uprighted. A small vent, which was sealed during the experiment, allowed for displacement of excess solution. Silicon grease was applied as mentioned above, and the completed cell was then placed in the pressure bomb. Electronics The leads from the electrodes were connected directly to an Orion Digital pH Meter, Model 801, with a precision of ±0. 1 my or ±0. 002 pH units. For the runs at one atmosphere the millivolt read- ings were taken directly off the Orion meter; however, for the high pressure experiments a recording system was placed in the circuit. This consisted of a Heathkit Recorder, modified to yield one millivolt full scale, and a Leeds and Northrup volt potentiometer, which was used as a source of bucking potential. 2z Leads from electrodes Orion digital pH meter model Leeds & Northr volt potentiometer Figure 4. Electronics. Heathkit servorecorder 23 Preparation of the Brucite The brucite was obtained from Ward's Natural Science Establishment. The crystals were ground to size with a porcelain mortar and pestle (the hardness of porcelain is given as 6 1/2 and that of brucite as 2 1/2, Hurlbut, 1961). Large quantities of brucite were ground and then sieved between 40 and 60 mesh copper screens (the pore sizes were 0. 42 mm and 0. 25 mm respectively). The crystals were then quickly washed in distilled water in order to remove any adhering powder and dried at room temperature. It was assumed that this procedure would minimize any differences in the solid phase ac- tivity of the crystals used in separate experiments. The formation of a cloudy white precipitate was noticed during the preliminary runs with natural seawater and Nevada Massive Bluff Brucite. Replacement of the natural seawater by carbonate-free arti- ficial seawater did not eliminate the formation of the precipitate; how- ever, it greatly reduced its amount. X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on the precipitate, after it had been decanted off and concentrated by centrifuging. The analysis showed that the precipitate was predominately aragonite. In addition, x_ray analyses were con- ducted on the various types of brucite that were available. Nevada Massive Bluff Brucite was found to contain a substantial amount of dolomite, MgCa (CO3)2. Quebec Platy Brucite showed no evidence for either dolomite or magnesium calcite impurities. For these 24 reasons Quebec Platy Brucite and carbonate-free artificial seawater were used in the actual runs. Precautions were taken in handling the crystals to avoid formation of any carbonate impurities on their surface. Once the crystals had been moistened, the high equilibrium pH of brucite in water would enable CO2 to dissolve, and the resulting carbonic acid could easily react with the brucite to form a magnesium carbonate species on the surface of the crystal. The quick washings just prior to use removed any such species. Solution Preparation A chloride solution, A, and an artificial seawater solution, B, were used as the two experimental solutions. Both were made from Baker Analyzed Reagents, and their compositions are shown in Table 1. Solution B, the artificial seawater, was prepared by the method of Kester etal. (1967), with the following exceptions: 1. NaHCO was replaced by a molar equivalent of NaCl. 2. Boric acid was omitted. 3. KBr was replaced by KC1 in the pressure runs due to the affect of Br on Ag_AgC1 electrodes. This solution was made equivalent to a seawater of 34. 8 parts per mule salinity. Its effective ionic strength was calculated to be 0.680, by the use of the Garrels and Thompson's (1962) model. 25 IV. RESULTS Data at One Atmosphere The results for the percentage of free magneisum in seawater at one atmosphere are presented as a function of temperature in Table 2. Values were obtained at 5°C, 15°C and 25°C in an artificial sea- water solution corresponding to seawater of 34. 8 parts per mule salinity. The molal concentrations of free magnesium, total sulfate and magnesium sulfate ion pairs as a function of temperature are given in Table 3. The concentration of MgSO4° was calculated from the equation: (Mg++) (MgSO40) (Mg) (36) The stoichiometric association constant for MgSO4° was calcu- lated from Equation (29), using a method of successive approximations on a Monroe Programmable Calculator, Epic 3000. The values of KCSO0 and KNSO * 4 were taken to be 10. 8 and 2. 02 respec- tively (Kester, personal communication). The resultant Kg50o was found to be 9. 5 ± 1 at 25°C and one atmosphere pressure. The calculation of the thermodynamic solubility product of bru- cite as a function of temperature, Table 4, was made by the expres_ sion: Table 2. Results at one atmosphere. Experiment Electronics I II III IV V VI VII Heathkit Keithley Orion Orion Orion Orion Orion Temperature ( C) 23 ±1 25. 00±0. 05 25.00±0.05 25. 00±0.05 15. 00±0. 05 15. 00±0. 05 pH eq (ASW) 9. 41 ±0. 01 9. 337± . 002 9.316± .002 9.330± 9. 631± 9. 633± pH eq (Cl 9. 37 ±0. 01 9. 314± . 002 .002 9.289± .002. 9.309± .002 . 002 . 002 . 002 9. 606± 9. 610* 002 9.993± .002 9.965± .002 Average percent Temperature free magnesium 5.00±0.05 25. 00±0. 05 15. 00±0. 05 5. 00±0. 05 . pH ) eq 0. 04 0. 023±. 004 0.027±. 004 004 025±. 004 0. 023±. 004 0.021±. 0. 0.028±. 004 Percent free magnesium 83±8 90±8 88±2 91±2 89±2 90±2 88±2 90±2 90*2 88±2 Table 3. Molal concentrations. Temperature (°C) 25. 00*0. 05 15. 00±0. 05 5. 00±0. 05 Total Total 0. 0548 0. 0548 0. 0548 0. 0291 0. 0291 0. 0291 Mg SO4" Free Mg++ 0. 049±0. 001 0. 049±0. 001 0. 048±0. 001 MgSO4 o 0. 005±0, 001 0. 005±0. 001 0. 006±0. 001 N.) C.' 27 [KspIIMg(OH) = Mg)(MFoH] 2 (37) The activity coefficient for the free magnesium was obtained by the mean salt method (Garrels and Thompson, 1962) using the data of Latimer (1938), Landolt (1936) and Harned and Cook (1937). Figure 5 shows that the solubility product of brucite varies linearly with ternperature, The enthalpy of this solubility reaction was calculated from: dlnK dT A plot of slope ln K -AH/R. against l/T, RT2 (38) Figure 6, yields a straight line of The resulting enthalpy is 2. 33 Kcals/rnole. High Pressure Data The results at pressure are shown in Table 5. These results suggest an increase in the degree of association of MgSO4° with pressure at 25°C. 11. 30 11. 20 11. 10 5 10 15 20 Temperature (°C) Figure 5. Linear relation of and temperature. 25 l/T x fl 4fl 0.350 0.360 .Z5. 60 -25. 7C in K sp - 25. 8( _2_ 9i Figure 6. Curve for calculation of enthalpy. Table 4. Solubility product of brucite as a function of temperature. Temperature 25. 00 ± 0. 05 15. 00 ± 0. 05 5. 00 ± 0. 05 Activity coefficient Free Mg Average of Mg ++ Solution (molal conc. 0.36 0.36 Chloride 0. 0548 9. 304 14. 005 tificial seawater 1. 99 x l0 7. 8 x 10 0. 049 9.328 14. 005 2, 104 x 10 7.9 x 0.38 0.38 Chloride 0.0548 0.049 9.608 9.632 14. 355 1.799 x l0 14. 355 1. 901 x 1O 6.7 x i0 6.7 x 1O' 0.39 0.39 Chloride 0. 0548 Artificial seawater 14. 739 1. 683 x 1O 0. 048 9.965 9.993 14.739 1.795 x 1O Artificial seawater pH pK eq w a K OH- sp 10 6. Ox iO 6. Ox 10 Table 5. High pressure results at 25° C. Experiment I II III Pressure (atm) 500 1000 1000 1000 Percent free Mg 64 53 51 56 0 31 V. DISCUSSION Comparison of Results with Previous Estimates There is good agreement between the results of this work and those of Garrels and Thomspon (1962), Thompson (1966), Fisher (1967) and Kester and Pytkowicz (1968) for the percentage of free magnesium at 25° C and one atmosphere pressure. No explanation was found for the discrepancy between the present results and those of Pytkowicz, Duedall and Connors (1966). Temperature was found to have a negligible effect on the extent of MgSO4° formation, within the limits of experimental error. These results cannot be interpreted without a detailed knowledge of the hy- drated structures of the ion pair and of the magnesium and sulfate ions. The stoichiometric association constant for MgSO40, 9. 5 ± 1, agrees well with that found by Kester and Pytkowicz (1968), 10. 2±0.5. The solubility product of brucite at 25°C, 10 agreement with the value obtained by Hostetler (1963), 11, is in good 15 Discussion of Errors Garrels and Thompson (1962) estimated that only 1 percent of the total magnesium in seawater is bound in carbonate and bicarbon- ate ion pairs. Therefore, the absence of carbonates in this work 32 should not greatly affect the extent of MgSO4° formation. The possible affect of MgOH+ ion pair formation was investigated with the use of the dissociation constant of MgOH+ (Davies in Hamer, 1959). It was calculated that only 0. 4 percent of the total magnesium would be tied up as MgOH+. This effect can be neglected. Pressure Experiments The pressure results are anomalous in terms of the generally accepted enhanced ionization of weak electrolytes with pressure (Lown etal. , 1968). They also differ greatly from those of Fisher (1962) which show a decrease in the degree of association in solutions of MgSO4° with increasing pressure. An assumption that is incorporated into the calculation of the percentage of free magnesium at high pressure is that the free activity coefficient of magnesium is equal in the two solutions. This im- plies that the activity coefficient at high pressure is only a function of the effective ionic strength. While Kester and Pytkowicz (1969) have shown a similar assumption to be true at one atmosphere, it is not necessarily applicable at high pressure. An additional implication of this assumption is that the effect of enhanced association or dissociation of ion pairs at high pressure on the effective ionic strength is negligible. The apparent increase in MgSO4° association would cause an eight percent decrease in 33 the effective ionic strength. Additionaldata regarding the effect of pressure on the other ion pairs present in seawater is required before the change in effective ionic strength can be rigorously calculated. An additional determination of the percentage of free magnesium at pressure was made with the following cell, to observe the effect of pressure on the solubility of:brucite: Ag-AgCl/ 07 im NaC1 0. Olm HC1//GLASS// Brucite:Expt. Soin. /AgAgCl (39) The physical arrangement of this cell was similar to that of the earlier one. The equilibrium pH of brucite at pressure was given by: pH where subscript 1 = pH1 + [E1-E -1E asym ] (40) p refers to equilibrium at one atmosphere. The results are shown in Table 6. They show that the solubility of brucite decreases slightly with pressure in the chloride solution, and that it increases slightly with pressure in the artificial seawater. The data further supports the increased association of MgSO4° with pressure. Table 6. Supplementary pressure results. Equilib. pH Solution @l000atm Chloride A.S.W. Equilib. pH pH=pH -pH1 @ 1 atm 9. Z67 9. 304 -0. 037 9.340 9.3Z8 0.012 Percent free Mg++ 70 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bates, Roger G, 1964. Determination of pH: Theory and practice. New york, Wiley. 435 p. Culberson, C., D.R. KesterandR.M. Pytkowicz. 1967. Highpressure dissociation of carbonic and boric acids in seawater. Science 157:59-61. Culberson, C. 1968. Pressure dependence of the apparent dissociation constants of carbonic and boric acids in seawater. Master's thesis. 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By substituting Equation (45) into Equation (42), one obtains: (Na+) = T(Na) - K;SO(Na+)(SO) (48) which simplifies to: (Na+) T(Na) (49) l+KNsQ(SO4 _) Further substitution of Equation (45) into Equation (49) yields: Kso T(Na)(SO4) (NaSO4) l+K180(SO4' ) (50) A similar argument, using Equations (43) and (46), can be used for calcium in order to obtain: K80T(Ca)(SO (CaSO40) = l+K30(SO _) _) (51) Rearranging Equation (47), so that, (SO4 (MgSO40) )= (Mg)Ko (52) and substituting Equations (50, 51 and 52) into Equation (44), one obtains: 39 T(SO4) = (MgSO40) (M g±+)Ko K'CaSO4 T(Ca) 1- (MgSO°) (MgSO40) (Mg)K0o . II l+KaSO (MgSO40) (Mg++)K0 4 f... (53) ° By performing the appropriate algebraic manipulations, Equation (53) can be reduced to a cubic equation in terms of Kgg0o Equation (29): A(Kgsoo)3 + B(Kgsoo)2 + C(Kgso o) + D 0