Greenwatt Technology Making Funds Work Support for Innovation and Growth Universities of Warwick and Coventry May 13th 2015 Mike Woollacott Greenwatt Technology Creative thinking; practical solutions! Low carbon and renewable energy project managers working with farmers, industry, universities, schools and local authorities. Low carbon planning Energy audits Renewable energy solutions Low carbon transport Sustainable buildings Sustainable resource management Key Project Areas Sustainable buildings Energy Efficiency PROJECTS Waste Transport Renewable Energy Water Usage Key Project Areas Sustainable buildings PROJECTS Energy management and buildings Lighting Heating Building fabric and insulation Metering and controls Energy management and buildings Smart Energy Campus Grid Sustainable new buildings (BREEAM/EPC) Sustainable refurbishment EPC+ Air Source Heat Pumps Solar PV 249kWe AD Smart Energy Buildings Solar PV Sunny Portal Inverter Electric car Loads Home manager Router Appliances Heat pump and store Micro-CHP 8 Key Project Areas PROJECTS Transport Green Campus Funding Public sector funding support for chargepoints: • 75% funding for fast and rapid • New round of applications from July 2015 Electric vehicle subsidy: • £8k for vans • £5k for cars • battery and hybrid models Sustainable Transport Renewable fuels Green Transport Plan Low Emission Vehicles Warwickshire Rural Electric Vehicle Project (WREV) Supporting 35 rural businesses: Feasibility study providing business case for electric vehicles (EVs) Grant towards the lease costs of an EV Installation of a free charging point Monthly reports and helpline support Electric Vehicles for Rural GP Practices Project partners / funders Electric Vehicles for Warwickshire GPs “to assess the applicability of electric vehicle (EV) technology to the rural transport environment” EVs being used as: a pool vehicle for GPs on home visits and meetings The Revel Surgery, Brinklow delivery vehicle for pharmacy staff community taxi service to/from surgery • Multiple short-journeys • Each vehicle fitted with a data logger • Dedicated charging point at each surgery Bidford Health Centre First UK electric bus trial • • • • Week long trial on Park and Ride Stratford upon Avon Compared a fully electric with a standard diesel bus, both identical in design and appearance Compared their respective emissions, fuel consumption and running costs. Tested reactions of passengers, drivers pedestrians, motorists, local businesses The Project Partners and Funding Greenwatt Technology Johnsons Coaches The Optare Group Stratford on Avon District Council Stratford Town Trust Warwickshire County Council Stratford EV Town Project Funding: Stratford on Avon District Council Sustainable transport fuels on farms Renewable fuel sources: • AD biogas upgraded to biomethane • Electric power from renewable generation • Biodiesels /bioethanols • Hydrogen – from renewable generation Farm fuels – what about hydrogen? Balancing the Grid project Nissan Leaf – 26kW battery Power for a house for 2 days! Key Project Areas PROJECTS Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Technologies ELECTRICITY Wind turbines Solar PV Hydro power COMBINED HEAT AND POWER HEAT Heat pumps Biomass Biogas/AD Solar thermal Renewable Energy Projects Solar Photovoltaic Business Park 17kW solar Livestock barn 25kW Commercially-funded projects with Govt incentives Commercial Projects ~ solar PV Size kWpeak Capital cost £ KWh per annum* Generation Tariff p/kWh Export tariff p/kWh Annual Income 70% use 30% export Payback (years)* 30 36,000 25,500 11.71 4.85 £5,178 7.0 50 57,500 42,500 11.71 4.85 £8,630 6.7 100 110,000 85,000 9.98 4.85 £15,789 7.0 200 200,000 170,000 9.54 4.85 £30,830 6.5 250 225,000 212,500 9.54 4.85 £38,537 5.8 Funded by Govt ‘Feed in Tariff’ Scheme Renewable Energy Projects Biomass Funded by Govt ‘Renewable Heat Incentive’ Scheme Community Energy Projects Alcester Community Energy Project (ACE) Funded by DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change). Grant from the Local Energy Assessment Fund (LEAF) to Alcester Town Council Community Energy Community benefits from renewable energy projects: • Protection against rising fossil fuel prices • Make money for the community • Reduce community carbon emissions • Improve community well-being • More local jobs Smart Local Grids Smart local grids My tips for project funding? A lot of good funding sources out there for good initiatives – but: • • • • • • • • Be prepared and aware of launches + deadlines! Examine all possible sources of project funding! Target funding efforts carefully – read the criteria! Build partnerships early – and in writing! Beware of match funding commitments! Identify resources for bidding – and delivery! Ensure outcomes and benefits clearly identified! Make sure project is needed and justified! Thank you very much for your attention