Department of Economics and Applied Statistics
Box 30001/Dept. 3CQ
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0001
(575) 646-1903;
Last Edited: 10/1/2013
Ph.D., Economics, University of Wyoming, January 1985
B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Economics (minor in Mathematics & English), San Diego State University, May 1980
Areas of Specialization:
Public Utilities, Regulation, and Industrial Organization
Environmental and Resource Economics
Public Finance
Quantitative and Statistical Methods
Academic Positions:
2012 – Present
Distinguished Achievement Professor, New Mexico State University
Professor of Economics, New Mexico State University
Associate Professor of Economics, New Mexico State University (NMSU)
Assistant Professor of Economics, NMSU
Instructor of Economics and research/teaching assistant, University of Wyoming
Academic Awards and Honors:
(1) Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, College of Business Administration and Economics, NMSU, 2007-08
(2) Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, College of Business Administration and Economics, NMSU, 1994-95
(3) Excellence in Funded Research Award, College of Business Administration and Economics, NMSU, 1991-92
(4) Patricia C. Christmore Teaching Award – college nominee, NMSU, January 1990
(5) Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Agriculture Economics and Economics Graduate Student
Organization, NMSU, 1987-1988
(6) Phi Kappa Phi, University of Wyoming, spring 1984
(7) Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award, Department of Economics, University of Wyoming, spring 1982 and also
spring 1984
(8) Most Outstanding Graduating Economics Student Award, Department of Economics, San Diego State University,
spring 1980 (9) Phi Beta Kappa, San Diego State University, spring 1980
Teaching Experience:
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics (Graduate)
Advanced Mathematical Economics (Graduate)
Mathematical Statistics
Economic Statistics
Industrial Organization
Advanced Microeconomic Theory (Graduate)
Seminar in Public Utilities Regulation (Graduate)
Mathematical Economics
Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (Graduate)
Econometrics (graduate)
Business Calculus
Introduction to Economics
Very Good
(1) Teacher’s familiarity with the subject
(2) Teacher’s ability to convey knowledge
(3) Teacher ability to stimulate interest
(4) Teacher’s enthusiasm
(5) Teacher’s rapport with students
(6) Teacher’s fairness in grading
(7) Organization of class
(8) Overall quality of teaching
Dr. Gegax has served on over 280 graduate oral exams over the last 29 years.
As Graduate Director of the Masters in Economics with a Public Utilities Option, Dr. Gegax works with Larry to secure
internships and permanent employment positions for the over 100 traditional graduates from this masters program.
Approximately 95 percent of these students are still employed at commissions or firms in the telecommunications, electricity
and natural gas industries.
Dr. Gegax also directed, developed and taught in the non-traditional format of the Masters in Economics with a Public Utilities
Option from 1988 to 1995. In this format, individuals – already working in the utilities area – came to NMSU for three
consecutive (condensed) 5-week summer sessions in order to earn their degrees. Twenty-five graduates – from commissions
and companies all over the nation – successfully earned their Masters in Economics with a Public Utilities Option under this
non-tradition format.
Dr. Gegax currently serves as Director for the Center for Public Utilities (CPU) and has been a member of the CPU since 1986.
The CPU is housed in the College of Business Administration and Economics at NMSU and has been in existence since 1978.
The CPU produces issues conferences, training courses, conference proceedings and instruction/training materials for directors,
managers and professional staff at firms and federal and state commissions in the telecommunications, electricity, natural gas
and water industries. Dr. Gegax, along with Dr. Larry Blank, develops the course outlines and objectives pertaining to, teach
in, and handle the logistics of running, these conferences. The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
(NARUC) officially sanctions the programs offered by the CPU. The only other university utilities training program sanctioned
by NARUC is at Michigan State University. In total, the CPU conferences average around 450 attendees per year and these
attendees come from all 50 states as well as many foreign countries. The CPU generates approximately $350,000 of gross
revenues per year. The CPU’s Advisory Council also serves as a conduit for procuring internships and permanent employment
for NMSU graduates with a MA in economics under the public utilities option.
The overlap between the CPU activities and the MA in economics with a Public Utilities Option strengthens the content of the
Masters Program. The Masters Program is structured as to have a balance between theory and application. The input the CPU
receives from individuals who are currently “in the trenches” allows the Masters Program to be continually updated to reflect
real world conditions and applications as the “regulated” industries evolve. In the end, this produces a graduate from the
Masters Program with the up-front skills needed to make an immediate contribution to the employer.
Intellectual Contributions: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
“Econometric Benchmarking of Electric Distribution Utilities in the Philippines,” with Larry Blank and Ben Widner,
forthcoming March 2012, Asian Social Science.
“An Opportunity Cost Model for Electric Utility Efficiency Programs and the Development of Shared Savings Incentives,” with
Larry Blank, November 2011, the Electricity Journal.
“A Dynamic Model of Insurgency: The Case of the War in Iraq,” with Larry Blank, Carl Enomoto, and Cade Simmons, spring
2009, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, The Berkeley Electronic Press.
“Why Electricity Deregulation Failed in New Mexico,” New Mexico Business Forum, June 2006
“Municipalization Under Deregulation: A Cautionary Tale,” with David Daniel, The Journal of Applied Research and Public
Policy, Summer 2000.
“Price and Non-Price Conservation Policies for Urban Residential Water,” with Tom McGuckin and Ari Michelson, New
Mexico Journal of Science, V. 38, November 1998.
"Validating Conjoint and Hedonic Preference Measures: Evidence from Valuing Reductions in Risk," with Linda Stanley,
Journal of Business and Economics. Spring, 1997.
"Competitive Entry in the Electric Utility Industry: A Summary," with Kenneth Nowotny, Yale Journal on Regulation. Winter,
1993, 63-87.
"Perceived Risk and the Marginal Value of Safety," with Shelby Gerking and William Schulze, The Review of Economics and
Statistics. November 1991, 589-596.
"Industrial Cogeneration and Regulatory Policy," with Paulette Barclay and John Tschirhart, Journal of Regulatory Economics,
V.I, 3, September 1989, 225-240.
"Estimating Evaluations of Safety from Labor Market Data: A New Measure of Risk," with Shelby Gerking and William
Schulze, Seminarberrichte der Gesselschaft fur Regionalforschung, V.22, November 1985, 81-108.
"An Analysis of Interfirm Cooperation: Theory and Evidence from Electric Power Pools," with John Tschirhart, Southern
Economic Journal, V. 50, April 1984, 1077-1097.
Submissions to Peer-Reviewed Journals and Work in Progress:
“Assessing the FERC’s Sunk Cost and Original Purpose ‘Doctrine’ for Existing RTO Transmission Facilities,” with Larry
Blank, under review at Yale Journal on Regulation.
“Why do Electric Utilities Advertise?” with Larry Blank, Shaun McQuitty and Paul Turner
“Cost-Based Assignment of Demand-Related Costs to the Residential Energy Charge,” with Larry Blank
Intellectual Contributions: Book Chapters:
"Natural Monopoly Measures and Regulatory Policy," Public Utility Regulation: The Economic and Social Control of Industry,
Kenneth Nowotny, David Smith and Harry Trebing (eds.), Kluwer-Nijhof Publisher, Boston, 1989.
"A Critique of Ramsey Pricing," with Kenneth Nowotny, Public Utility Regulation in an Environment of Change, Patrick Mann
and Harry Trebing (eds.), Michigan State University Press, Ann Arbor, 1987.
Intellectual Contributions: Reviewed Published Reports for Public Consumption:
“An Analysis of Transferring Professional and Legal Staff from the Public Regulation Commission to the Attorney General’s
Office”; A report to the New Mexico Attorney General Gary King, filed at the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General and
the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission; this report was a requirement of the NMPRC as per House Memorial 63 from
the 2012 Regular Session of the New Mexico Legislature; September, 2012.
“Funding the Costs of Public Utility Regulation: A Summary of State Utility Commission Funding Characteristics in the U.S.
and Recommendations for New Mexico,” with Larry Blank; A report to the New Mexico Attorney General Gary King, filed at
the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General and to be distributed to the 2011 New Mexico legislative Session; November,
“Potential Restructuring of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission: A Summary of Other State Utility Commission
Characteristics and Recommendations for New Mexico,” with Larry Blank; A report to the New Mexico Attorney General Gary
King, filed at the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General and to be distributed to the 2011 New Mexico legislative
Session; August, 2010.
“Investigation of the Implementation of Intra-governmental Wheeling of Renewable Electricity,” written summaries and oral
comments on behalf of the state of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, with Larry Blank,
June 2008 – June 2009 workshops, Docket No. 2007-0176 at the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission.
“Rate Design Issues Surrounding Distributed Generation,” oral comments on behalf of the Hawaiian Electric Company,
October – December, 2004, Docket No. 03-0371 at the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission.
“Cost-Based Methodologies for Unbundled Regulation and Frequency Response Services for a Non-Standard Customer,”
expert written and oral testimony on behalf of the United States (Western Area Power Administration and the U.S. Department
of Justice), June – December 2004, in the United States Court of Federal Claims, Case No. 00238C, North Star Steel Company
(plaintiff) vs. the United States (defendant).
“Cost of Service Analysis for Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste and Gas: Final Report to the City of Las Cruces,” with Tom
McGuckin. A report to the City Council of Las Cruces, New Mexico and entered into the public record, September 15, 2003.
Based on this analysis, and supporting oral testimony by Gegax and McGuckin, the City Council voted 6 – 1 to adopt this
study’s recommended rate increases.
“An Analysis of Electric Deregulation and its Effects on Consumers: Why New Mexico’s Electric Utility Restructuring Act
Should be Repealed,” with Tom McGuckin, A report to the New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid, filed at the Office
of the New Mexico Attorney General and distributed to the 2003 New Mexico legislative Session, December, 2002. This
analysis contributed to the NM legislative repeal of the NM retail-restructuring act.
“Comments on WestConnect’s RTO Application to the FERC,” with Tom McGuckin; written testimony on behalf of the New
Mexico Attorney General; January, 2003.
“The Effects of California’s Electricity Markets On Western States’ Restructuring Efforts: The Case of New Mexico,” with
Paul Turner, filed at the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General and distributed to the 2001 New Mexico legislative
Session. This analysis contributed to the NM legislative delay of implementing the separations provision in the NM
restructuring act.
“Economic Analysis of Texas-New Mexico Power Company’s Customer-Choice Pilot Program,” with Tom McGuckin, filed at
the New Mexico Public Utilities Commission, fall 1999. This was the only retail electric customer-choice pilot program ever
implemented in New Mexico.
“Application for the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and for Approval of Rate Schedules,” direct written and
rebuttal testimony on behalf of Texas-New Mexico Power Company, filed at the New Mexico Public Utilities Commission, fall
“Alternative Cost and Water Allocation Methods: The Case of the Lower Arkansas River,” with Tom McGuckin, Lower
Arkansas Water Management Association Reports, summer 1997.
“Price and Non-Price Water Conservation Programs for Western Irrigation Districts,” with Tom McGuckin, U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation Reports. Fall, 1996.
“Economic Impacts of Retail Wheeling on the State of New Mexico,” with Suedeen Kelly and David Smith, December 1994,
filed at the New Mexico Public Utility Commission and distributed to the 1995 New Mexico legislative Session.
“Economic Theory and the Proposed Regulations Governing Independent Power Producers, with Kenneth Nowotny, written
testimony submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., on behalf of Southwest Public Service
Company, June- July, 1988.
“Accommodating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Mandates while Minimizing Ratepayer Impacts.” Western
Conference of Public Service Commissioners, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 3, 2013.
The Wages of Wins: Taking Measure of the Many Myths in Modern Sport: A Roundtable Discussion; Western Social Science
Association annual meetings; April 20, 2006; Phoenix, Arizona
“Base-Load Baseball Fans and Attendance: A Useful Measure of Die-Hard versus Casual Fans”; Western Social Science
Association annual meetings; April 16, 2005; Albuquerque, New Mexico
“Electricity Deregulation and Market Power in the Desert Southwest,” Market Power Conference, National Regulatory
Research Institute, Ohio State University, April 9-10, 2001, Columbus, Ohio.
“California’s Deregulated Energy Markets: Impacts on Western States’ Deregulation Efforts,” with Paul Turner, American
Economic Association Meetings, January 5-7, 2001, New Orleans.
“Fully-Distributed-Cost Pricing in a Stochastic Environment: Are Apologies Necessary?” American Economics Association
Meetings, January 4, 1991, New Orleans.
“Efficiency and Incentive Measures in Regulated Industries,” Discussant, American Economics Association Meetings,
December 29, 1990, Washington, D.C.
“Assessing the Impacts of Financial Regulatory Incentives on Electric Utility Investment in Conservation,” Western Social
Science Association Meetings, April 26-28, 1989, Albuquerque.
“Competition versus Regulation: The Role of Entry in Achieving Efficiency in the Electric Power Industry,” Conference on
Current Issues Challenging the Regulatory Process, April 14-17, 1986, Albuquerque.
“Alternative Methods for Valuing Safety: A Direct Comparison Between the Hedonic and Contingent Valuation Approaches,”
Regional Science Meetings, November 10, 1984, Denver.
“An Analysis of Interfirm Cooperation: Theory and Evidence from Electric Power Pools,” American Economics Association
Meetings, December 29, 1983, San Francisco.
“Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Approval of Electric Energy Efficiency Programs and Program
Cost Tariff Rider,” expert witness written and oral testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, winter 2012 2013, Docket No. 12-00317-UT at the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
“Application of El Paso Electric Company for Approval of New and Modified Energy Efficiency Programs,” expert witness
written and oral testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, summer 2012, Docket No. 11-00047-UT at the New
Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
“Rate Design Issues Surrounding Distributed Generation,” oral comments on behalf of the Hawaiian Electric Company,
October – December, 2004, Docket No. 03-0371 at the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission.
“Cost-Based Methodologies for Regulation and Frequency Response Services for a Non-Standard Customer,” expert witness
written and oral testimony on behalf of the United States (Western Area Power Administration and the U.S. Department of
Justice), June – December 2004, in the United States Court of Federal Claims, Case No. 00238C, North Star Steel Company
(plaintiff) vs. the United States (defendant).
“A Public Seminar on the Proposed Utility Rate Increases For the City of Las Cruces,” with Tom McGuckin, City Council
Chambers; Las Cruces, New Mexico; July 8, 2003.
“The Use of Industry Cost Yardsticks in Performance-Based Regulation: The Case of Philippine Electric Utilities,” a
presentation to the Philippine Energy Regulatory Commission; Manila, Philippines; March 26, 2002.
“Why New Mexico’s Electricity Restructuring Act Should be Delayed,” with Paul Turner, oral testimony to the New Mexico
Public Regulation Commission, September 26, 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
“California’s Electricity Markets: Lessons Learned for New Mexico,” with Paul Turner, oral testimony to the New Mexico
Legislative Council’s Economic and Rural Development and Telecommunications Committee, September 19, 2000, Las
Cruces, New Mexico.
“Deregulation Models Across the United States,” with Suedeen Kelly, Tom McGuckin and Paul Turner, the Office of the New
Mexico State Attorney General, Santa Fe, New Mexico; March 29-31, 2000.
“Economic Impacts of Retail Wheeling on the State of New Mexico,” with David Smith, oral testimony to the New Mexico
Legislative Energy Committee; November 21, 1995; Santa Fe, New Mexico.
“Economic Theory and Applications to Public Policy in the Energy Industries,” Moderator, Conference on Current Issues
Challenging the Regulatory Process, March 8-10, 1989, Santa Fe.
“The Economics of Telecommunications,” Discussant, U.S. West Academic Seminar, August 2-5, 1988, Denver.
“Open Network Architecture and Deregulation,” Discussant, Mountain Bell Academic Seminar, October 21-23, 1986,
“Deregulating Electric Power Generation,” with Joe Kerkvliet, invited presentation to the New Mexico Public Service
Commission, May 14, 1986, Santa Fe.
“Electricity Technology, Regulation, Coat Allocation and Rate Design,” A Course Presented to the Dominion Virginia Power
Co.,” with Larry Blank; December 13 – 15, 2010; Richmond, Virginia.
“Embedded and Marginal Cost of Service Studies.” With Larry Blank, fall 2009, for New Mexico Stakeholders in the
Upcoming PNM Rate Case.
“Electricity Technology, Regulation, Coat Allocation and Rate Design,” A Course Presented to the Dominion Virginia Power
Co.,” with Larry Blank; December 8 – 11, 2008; Richmond, Virginia.
“Electricity Technology, Regulation, Coat Allocation and Rate Design,” A Course Presented to the Indiana Utilities Regulatory
Commission,” with Larry Blank; January 16 – 18, 2008; Indianapolis, Indiana.
“Revenue Requirements, Cost Allocation and Rate Design,” A training course for the Las Cruces Board of Utility
Commissioners,” with Tom McGuckin; September 24, 25, 26; Las Cruces, New Mexico.
“Revenue Requirements, Cost Allocation and Rate Design: A Training Course for the Maryland Public Service Commission;
with Larry Blank; April 4, 2007; Baltimore, Maryland.
“The Basics of Rate Design: A Course Presented to the Hawaiian Electric Company,” with David Smith, Tom McGuckin and
Larry Blank; October 16-19, 2000; Honolulu, Hawaii.
“Basic Cost Allocation and Rate Design in Electric Industry,” Conference on Regulation and the Rate-Making Process (Center
for Public Utilities), Albuquerque, New Mexico; September and May 1995 – present.
“Electric Utility Revenue Requirements, Cost Allocation, Rate Design and Industry Restructuring: A training course for the
Missouri Public Service Commission,” with David Smith; January 13-17, 2003; Jefferson City, Missouri.
“Basic Revenue Requirements, Cost Allocation and Rate Design: A training course for the Arkansas Public Service
Commission,” with David Smith; December 10-12, 2001; Little Rock, Arkansas.
“Electric Utility Revenue Requirements, Cost Allocation, Rate Design and Industry Restructuring: A training course for the
Colorado Public Utilities Commission,” with David Smith; October 22-25, 2001; Denver, Colorado.
“Cost Allocation, Unbundled Rate Design and Spot Market Implementation for the Philippines Electricity Industry: A training
Course for the Philippine Energy Regulatory Commission,” with Larry Blank, Michael Pitlock and David Smith; Manila,
Philippines; November 16-25, 2000.
“The Basics of Rate Design: A Course Presented to the Hawaiian Electric Company,” with David Smith and James Sarikas;
October 16-19, 2000; Honolulu, Hawaii.
“Cost Allocation, Rate Design and Market Power in the Electric and Natural Gas Industries,” Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission; Washington D.C.; (a) June 4-6, 2001; (b) April 12-14, 1999; (c) February 24-26, 1997.
“Applying Integrated Resource Planning: A Training Course for the North Caucasus Region of Russia,” with Ron Eachus;
National Resource Defense Council, spring 1994.
Training the new Las Cruces Utility Board Commissioners (with Tom McGuckin), 2007 – 2008, $40,000
"Alternative Institutions for Controlling Pollution on the U.S./Mexico Border," co-principle investigator (with Tom McGuckin),
$90,000; March 1,1993- to March 1,1994; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Southwest Center for Environmental
Research and Policy.
"Comprehensive Environmental Policy Analysis: An Inventory of Southwest Environmental Problems," co-principle
investigator (with Richard Cabe), $160,000; March 1, 1991- March 1, 1992; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the
Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy.
"Assessing Risk Costs for Nuclear Waste Transportation," co-principle investigator (with Tom McGuckin), $75,000; March 1,
1990 – December 31, 1991; U.S. Department of Energy.
Academic Service – Reviewer for:
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Southern Economic Journal
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Water Resources Research
University Service:
(0) College Promotion and Tenure Committee, NMSU, September 2007 to present
(1) Chairman, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, NMSU, September 2005 to present
(2) Director, Center for Public Utilities, NMSU, July 2004 to present
(3) Department Curriculum Committee, Economics, fall 1997 to present
(4) Graduate Director, Masters in Economics, Public Utilities Option, NMSU, June 1988 to present
(5) University Library Committee, fall 2001 to present
(6) Acting Department Head, Economics, Summer 2000
(7) Head, Department Faculty Recruiting Committee, spring 2000
(8) Technical Coordinating Committee, Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy, Sept. 1992 to May 1995
(9) Agricultural Economics and Economics Graduate Curriculum Committee, NMSU, September 1987 to May 1990
(10) University Research Council, NMSU September 1988 to August 1990; and September 1994 to August 1996
(11) University Faculty Senate, NMSU, March 1987 to August 1990
(12) Graduate Studies Committee, NMSU September 1986 to September 1988
(13) Faculty Advisor to Delta Sigma Pi (business fraternity), NMSU, December 1985 to September 1988
(14) Liaison to the Department of Agricultural Economics, NMSU, September 1985 to September 1987
“In the Matter of the Adoption of Amendments to Rule 17.9.572 NMAC, Renewable Energy for Electric Utilities,” expert
witness written comments on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, spring 2013, Docket No. 11-00218-UT at the New
Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
“Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Approval of Electric Energy Efficiency Programs and Program
Cost Tariff Rider,” expert witness written and oral testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, winter 2012 2013, Docket No. 12-00317-UT at the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
“Application of El Paso Electric Company for Approval of New and Modified Energy Efficiency Programs,” expert witness
written and oral testimony on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, summer 2012, Docket No. 11-00047-UT at the New
Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
“Potential Restructuring of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission: A Summary of Other State Utility Commission
Characteristics and Recommendations for New Mexico,” with Larry Blank; A report to the New Mexico Attorney General Gary
King; summer – fall 2010.
“Suggested Revisions to the New Mexico Public Utility, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Acts,” on behalf of the New
Mexico Attorney General, spring – summer 2010.
In the Matter of Entergy Arkansas Inc.’s Application for Approval of Changes in Rates for Retail Electric Service, Case No.09084-4, expert testimony with Larry Blank, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, spring 2010.
In the Matter of Public Service Company of Colorado’s Application for Approval of Changes in Rates for Retail Electric
Service, Case No. 09AL-299E, expert testimony with Larry Blank, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, fall 2009.
“Third Party Arrangements for Renewable Energy Development, NMPRC Case No. 09-00217-UT, on behalf of the New
Mexico Attorney General, fall 2009
“Is the SPP RTO in the Public Interest of New Mexico Ratepayers; NMPRC Case No. 07-00390-UT,” with Larry Blank, on
behalf of the New Mexico Attorney General, fall 2009
“Investigation of the Implementation of Intra-governmental Wheeling of Renewable Electricity,” written and oral comments
on behalf of the state of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, with Larry Blank, June 2008 –
June 2009, Docket No. 2007-0176 at the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission.
“Current PJM/MISO Transmission Rate Design is Unjust, Unreasonable, Preferential and Unduly Discrimination,” with Larry
Blank, on behalf of the American Electric Power Service Company, Complaint and Motion for Consideration of American
Electric Power Service Corp., FERC Docket Nos. ER05-6-100, EL04-135-103, EL02-111-120, EL03-212-116, September,
“Application of the Potomac Electric Power Company for Authority to Revise Its Rates and Charges for [Distribution] Electric
Service and for Certain Rate Design Changes,” with Larry Blank and Tom McGuckin, evaluation on behalf of the Maryland
Public Service Commission, Case No. 9092, May – June, 2007.
“Developing Integrated Resource Planning Rules for the State of New Mexico,” on behalf of the New Mexico Attorney
Generals Office, New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Case No. 05-00189-UT, Spring – summer 2006.
“Evaluation of the Potential Municipalization of Electric Distribution for the city of Maitland, Florida,” with Tom McGuckin,
evaluation on behalf of the Maitland City Council, June, 2005.
“Calculation of Ancillary Services Rates for the Western Area Power Administration’s new Open Access Transmission Tariff –
Desert Southwest Region,” with Tom McGuckin, evaluation on behalf of WAPA – DSW, May – August, 2005.
“Application for a Change in Entergy-New Orleans Electricity and Gas Base Rates and Charges Under the Formula Rate Plan,”
with Tom McGuckin, evaluation and written testimony on behalf of the City of New Orleans, April – September, 2005, Docket
No. UD-01-04 at the New Orleans City Council.
“Rate Design Issues Surrounding Distributed Generation,” oral testimony on behalf of the Hawaiian Electric Company, October
– December, 2004, Docket No. 03-0371 at the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission.
“Cost-Based Methodologies for Unbundled Regulation and Frequency Response Services for a Non-Standard Customer,”
expert written and oral testimony on behalf of the United States (Western Area Power Administration and the U.S. Department
of Justice), June – December 2004, in the United States Court of Federal Claims, Case No. 00238C, North Star Steel Company
(plaintiff) vs. the United States (defendant).
“Cost-of-Service Rate Design for the City of Las Cruces Utility Services,” with Tom McGuckin, for the City of Las Cruces
Utility Division, spring 2002 to fall 2003
“Recommended Changes to the New Mexico Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act: A Desert Southwest Market Power
Analysis,” with Tom McGuckin, for the Office of the New Mexico Attorney General, June 2001 to August 2002
“Implementing Electricity Restructuring and Unbundled Distribution Prices in the Philippines,” with David Smith, Larry Blank,
Bob Burns and Mike Pitlock, for the Department of Energy and U.S. Agency for International Development, Spring 2000 to
summer 2002.
“Economic Analysis and Implementation of Customer-Choice and Distribution Unbundling Pilot Program,” with Tom
McGuckin, Texas-New Mexico Power Company, spring 1998 – fall 1999.
“Application for the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and for Approval of Rate Schedules, direct written and
rebuttal testimony, Texas-New Mexico Power Company, spring – fall 1997.
"Price and Non-Price Water Conservation Programs for Residential Water Use," with Tom McGuckin, American Water Works
Association. Spring 1996.
"Alternative Electric Industry Restructuring Plans for the state of Texas and Stranded Cost Estimates for Particular Utilities,"
June-October, 1996, Southwestern Public Service Company, Amarillo, Texas.
"Price and Non-Price Water Conservation Programs for Western Irrigation Districts," with Tom McGuckin, October 1995-June
1996, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
"Economic Impacts of Retail Wheeling on the State of New Mexico," with David Smith and Suedeen Kelly, August-December
1994, New Mexico Public Utility Commission.
"A Southwest Market Power Analysis," with Kenneth Nowotny, fall 1991 – spring 1993, Southwest Public Service Company.
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Marital Status:
17 September 1955
Lafayette, Indiana
San Diego, California
Married to Betty Jo Randazzo (born 10/06/1966, married 1/26/1996)
Children: Laramie Anne Gegax (born 12/06/1996 – died 10/23/2006), Dylan Walker Gegax (born 5/26/1998),
Jessa Riley Gegax (born 7/12/2000)