Academic Writing Lecture 2 Rita Kovordanyi (Nahid Shahmeri, Magnus Merkel)

Academic Writing
Lecture 2
Rita Kovordanyi (Nahid Shahmeri, Magnus Merkel)
Department of Computer and Information Science
•  Summaries, critiques
•  Writing student reports
•  Language
•  Proofing and revision
•  Citations and references
•  Plagiarism and how to avoid it
•  Coming week: Write a summary in class
1.  Write a summary of a research article
2.  Write a critical review of a different article
Start with brief summary, as a way of saying: ”This is my
understanding of the paper”
Discuss pros and cons of the technique/solution described in the
The discussion-part should be at least 60% of the total text
•  Should focus on the most important and most relevant aspects
of the original text
•  Condense into 400 words in your summary
•  Should present the points of the original article accurately
•  Present in your own words!
When you write a summary
•  Helps if you can see the previously described structures in the
article you are summarizing
•  Identify important milestones/important points in the paper
What was the main point or objective of the paper?
What was the intended audience?
What is the problem described?
What is the solution?
How was the solution evaluated?
•  Describe these briefly in your summary, in your own words
•  Make sure you are not biased (= neutral tone)
Summary vs. critique
•  Summaries should provide an accurate, unbiased account of
the content of the source material
•  Critiques should also contain an evaluation
Critical review
•  Common structure of a critical review
1.  Short summary
Max 30-40% of the text
2.  Evaluation
At least 60-70% of the text
•  Critique means critical evaluation
•  Both positive and negative
•  Well-grounded in facts / logical argumentation
Critical review
•  Part 1: Description / summary
•  Topic or question addressed
•  Aim and research questions of the article
•  The method used to answer the research question or solve a
technical problem
•  The evidence used to support answers
•  The conclusions reached in the text
Critical review
•  Part 2: Critical evaluation
•  Scientific achievements
Is the question clearly formulated?
Is the question relevant?
Is the scientific methodology appropriate?
Can the conclusions be justified?
Does the text give new knowledge?
•  Presentation
Is the text well structured?
Are graphs and tables informative?
Critical evaluation part
•  The evaluation should be fair
•  Not your personal views, but reasonable, logical evaluation
•  Follow the rules of the particular scientific field
•  Empirical research
Are the conclusions supported by the results?
Other ways to interpret the results?
Results may be relevant for theories that have not been mentioned
•  Engineering
Performance of the technique / solution presented
Costs or effort vs. benefits
Relationship to other techniques / solutions
Submit through Urkund
•  Urkund – tool for discovering plagiarism
•  Comparisons with database and the web
•  Teacher is informed of similar pieces of texts
Percentage match of each piece
Link to the original text
•  You will get email from Urkund, asking if you want to add your
draft to the database
•  Answer No, otherwise you risk 90% match when you submit final
•  Be consistent!
•  American or British English?
•  Passive or active voice?
•  Past tense or present?
•  Learn “connectives” that can make your text cohesive
•  Use proofing tools and other people for proofreading your text
•  If you feel you need help with the English:
•  Academic English support at LiU (
Reports as examination
•  Convince your teacher that you understand the ideas and the
topic you write about
•  Do not repeat the original text or the teachers words
•  Express your own understanding of the topic
•  Use your own words!
Repeating the exact wording ≠ understanding
Reports as examination
•  Potential problems
•  Collaboration when not permitted
If report must be written individually
•  Plagiarism
Copying or “borrowing” text or thoughts
OK to build on other peoples text if referenced correctly
•  Charges of cheating are brought before the Disciplinary Board
at Linköping University and can result in suspension
Correct referencing
•  Other’s text or thoughts
•  Write in your own words + insert reference
… these techniques require manual labelling (Liu, 2014; Wang, 2011)
… can be approximated as … (Carl Lowell, personal communication)
•  Cite + insert reference
.. was so pointedly expressed by Lars Ericsson:
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, …“
(Ericsson 1978, p 23)
•  Do not cite unless there is a point with showing the exact original
•  When you rewrite a piece of text using your own words but
retaining the general message
•  Paraphrasing is plagiarism if the referencing is left out OR if the
wording is too close to the original
•  Make sure you keep the gist of the original text (but not the
wording of the text)!
Paraphrasing examples
•  Original text (from Lu, 1997):
“Descartes introduces the possibility that the world is controlled by a
malicious demon who has employed all his energies to deceive him.”
•  Paraphrase:
Descartes suggests that the world is controlled by an evil demon who
may be using his energies to deceive (Lu, 1997)
•  Plagiarism: even though the citation is provided, the sentence
still has exact wording (italicized)
Paraphrasing examples, cont'd
•  Original text (from Lu, 1997):
Descartes introduces the possibility that the world is controlled by a
malicious demon who has employed all his energies to deceive him.
•  Paraphrase:
Descartes thought that the evil power who rules the world may be
creating an illusory experience in the beholder (Lu, 1997).
•  Comment: Not plagiarism: the paraphrased portion is fully
rewritten, and a citation is provided
Correct referencing
•  Your own previous texts
•  Reference
… as described in our previous studies (Kovordanyi and Roy, 2011)
•  Your own ideas
•  State clearly that these ideas are your own (if not stated clearly, the
reader will expect a reference)
E.g. In this work I suggest a new technique for …
E.g. We argue that …
•  Many different styles
•  APA
… as demonstrated by Carlson and coworkers (Carlson et al, 2010)…
Carlson, A., Betteridge, J., Kisiel, B., Settles, B., Hruschka Jr, E. R., &
Mitchell, T. M. (2010). Toward an Architecture for Never-Ending
Language Learning. In AAAI (Vol. 5, p. 3). Retrieved from http://
Note that the title (of the
journal) is italicized
… as demonstrated by Carlson and coworkers [4] …
[4] A. Carlson, J. Betteridge, B. Kisiel, B. Settles, E. R. Hruschka Jr,
and T. M. Mitchell, “Toward an Architecture for Never-Ending
Language Learning.,” in AAAI, 2010, vol. 5, p. 3.
When not to reference
•  Your own ideas
•  Your own conclusions
•  Your own reflections
•  Your own analysis
•  Your own experience
•  Your own observations
•  etc.
•  When using ”common knowledge”
•  The earth is round…
Reference! (other’s ideas)
•  Somebody else's new concept
•  Somebody else's general idea
•  Somebody else's chain of reasoning
•  Somebody else's table
•  Somebody else's figure
•  etc.
Tables and figures
•  All tables and figures must be cross-referenced in the text
•  E.g. … as can be seen in Figure 3, the average temperature…
•  E.g. The average temperature increased with … (Figure 3).
•  Tables usually have a table heading just above the table
•  E.g. Table 1: The average temperature increase per year...
•  Figures have a figure caption below the figure
•  E.g. Figure 3. A plot of the average temperature …
•  Give credit where credit is due
•  Acknowledge people who have helped with
Data collection
Statistical analysis