University of Malta Faculty of Medicine and Surgery List of Current Ph.D Dissertations No. Name of student Dissertation Title 1 Attard Pizzuto Maresca Innovative Tools to Investigate Risk in Pharmaceutical Processes Professor Anthony Serracino Inglott Co-Supervisor: Professor Lilian Azzopardi 2 Azzopardi Neville The Immune System, Disease Severity and Osteoporosis in Crohn’s Disease Professor Godfrey LaFerla Co-Supervisor: Dr Godfrey Grech 3 Baldacchino Shawn Biomarker-driven therapeutic groups sensitive to pp2a activators in Cancer patients Dr Godfrey Grech 4 Camilleri Angelique Diana Rescuing Parkinson's Disease in vivo using Natural Polyphenols and Plant Extracts. Dr Neville Vassallo 5 Camilleri Robert Development of a Risk Statification model for the management of Suspected Acute Poisoning Professor Michael Sammut Co-Supervisor: Professor Joseph M Cacciottolo 6 Cassar Analisse 7 Craus Johann 8 Ellul Pierre Investigating the effect of insect conditioned media and its constituents on terminal differentiantion of leukaemia Biological, Genetic and Inflammatory Markers for Gestational Diabetes Phenotypic Expression in Maltese Crohn's disease patients and the role of NOD2/Caspase - activation recruitment domain 15 (CARD15) gene variants Supervisor Dr Pierre Schembri Wismayer Professor Josanne Vassallo Professor Godfrey LaFerla University of Malta Faculty of Medicine and Surgery No. Name of student Dissertation Title Supervisor 9 Ghio Stephanie Development of Tau Aggregate Inhibitors for Alzheimer's Disease Dr Neville Vassallo 10 Grech Victor A review of Global Secular Trends and Latitude Gradients in sex ratios at birth over the past 50 years. Dr Julian Mamo 11 Mizzi Clint How does Informatic Analysis of Next Generation Whole Genome Sequences on Critical Families and Populations serve to Identify Globin Gene Control Mechanism? Professor Alex Felice Professor Simon Attard Montalto Co-Supervisors: Dr Julian Mamo Professor Andrew J Pollard Professor A Serracino Inglott Co-Supervior: Professor Victor Ferrito 12 Pace David Vaccine prevention of serogroup C meningococcal disease in childhood 13 Sammut Bartolo Nicolette New Pathways for Development Steroids 3 rd March 2016