Egypt ‐ Fo ocus on m modern lan nguages

Egypt ‐ Fo
ocus on m
modern lan
ond level L’Egyp
pte ancienn
ne: 1500 BC
C (Il y a 3500
0 ans!) nciens Egyp
ptiens. Ils ad
dorent les enfants, les ffilles La famille est très importantee pour les an
commee les garçonss. Les Egyptiens conssidèrent les enfants com
mme un cad
deau de die
eu. Ils aimen
nt les grand
des ns et des talismans pou
ur avoir dess bébés ! familless et utilisentt des potion
En génééral, il y a beeaucoup d’eenfants dan
ns la famillee. Mais il y aa beaucoup de maladiees mortelles et beauccoup d’enfants ne survvivent pas.
Il fait très chaud en
n Egypte et les petits eenfants ne p
portent pass de vêtemeents. Quand les enfants reçoivent d
des vêtements, c’est un
n signe de m
maturité. marier à l’âge de douze ans et un ggarçon à quaatorze ans. Une fillee peut se m
Find out more at: h
main.html www.ed Egypt ‐ Focus on modern languages
Second level 1. The ancient Egyptians really value family. Did they prefer sons over daughters though? 2. Children are considered a gift from God. (People prayed to have children and offered gifts to the gods and to their ancestors.) What other things did people do to have children? a) Breed storks b) Use pots to grow special herbs c) Use potions d) Wear amulets 3. People had lots of children but lots died because of lots of illnesses. Can you spot the paragraph in the text which says this? Underline it. Which French words in the sentence mean “lots of…” ? (It’s repeated 3 times.) 4. Can you make up a sentence of your own with “lots of…” in it? Use your vocabulary record or a dictionary if you want. (Have you noticed the two different spellings for the second word?) 5. Why do young children wear no clothes? 6. What is a sign of maturity: a) receiving a vest b) receiving clothes c) receiving a vessel 7. What can boys do at 14 and girls at 12? 