French 3 Final Exam study guide Use your last quiz as a study guide

French 3 Final Exam study guide
Use your last quiz as a study guide as well. Make sure you understand how to do those items
you missed because similar questions will be asked on the exam.
Be familiar with Vocabulary 1 and 2 from Chapter 2
o use of the futur simple & futur antérieur forms
o responding to questions about future plans
o recognizing “profession” vocabulary in context
You will be asked to respond to the following prompts in complete French sentences:
1) You’re looking for a job. Describe five things you have to do in order to get one.
2) Describe the setting and plot of the film Joyeux Noël in at least six sentences using the following
la première
une trêve
les Allemands
les Français
Les Écossais
Remember: 10 extra credit points will be added to your exam if you can sing a Christmas carol in French
(memorized & with good pronunciation).