Mr René Mifsud M.Sc. (Exeter) is coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Division. He has worked in all the clinical settings in Malta and was previously Head of Occupational Therapy services at St Vincent de Paule Residence from 1991 to 1998; as well as President of the Malta Association of Occupational Therapy in 1995 and 1996. He has a special interest in adult neurorehabilitation and geriatrics while his educational and research interests include occupational therapy theory, professionalisation, bridging of the education and practice gap, clinical reasoning and professional terminology. Mr Mifsud has been coordinator of the Division of Occupational Therapy Studies since 1996 and spearheaded the efforts to set up of the current undergraduate occupational therapy programme in the late 1990s. He is also a member of the editorial board of the journal of the Malta Association of Occupational Therapists and has written the last three editorials. <> January 2009