Document 13115838

Name of Initiative Creative Brief Kick off: Street date: Objective (What are we trying to accomplish with this specific piece?) Target (Who are we trying to reach? Age, gender, income, etc. Demographics.) Target Insight (What do we know about them that will make them interested? Psychographics.) Brand Essence (Which of the Smith brand pillars best relates to this initiative? World-­‐class Faculty and Research, Experiential/Reality-­‐
based learning, Entrepreneurial Spirit; Community) The Promise to the Target (elevator pitch) The Central Idea (inspirational statement about the ONE thing that is most important in this sell and will motivate the Target to act) Support (What makes the Promise believable to the Target? Facts and figures that support the Central Idea) Competitive Environment (Challenges to success, industry trends; other campaigns) Deliverables (The goods – what we are creating/providing) Campaign Watch Outs (clichés, concerns, messaging and/or imaging to avoid) Tone (Describes the quality, look, feel and/or attitude expressed by the creative) Desired Outcomes (opt.) (This should pay off the objective) Project Lead: Production Budget: 