Conferment of the Degree of Honoris Causa Joseph Calleja

Conferment of the Degree of
Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa)
the significant contribution made by
Joseph Calleja
as one of the world’s finest tenors who, at only 34 years of age, has sung an impressive number of roles and performed on most of
the world’s leading opera stages, thereby becoming Malta’s highly acclaimed cultural ambassador, bringing joy to millions and
serving as an inspiration for the young by showing how excellence can be achieved through sheer hard work and the cultivation of
one’s natural talents,
a meritorious candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) of this Alma Mater.
Now therefore, by virtue of the powers vested in us by the Law and Statutes governing this University, the said distinction of
Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) is being conferred on
Joseph Calleja
on this second day of November of the year of Our Lord 2012.
Methodus conferendo Gradui Academico
Doctoris in Studiis Litterarum (Honoris Causa)
Adiutor a libellis, in suo loco erectus, stante ante propriam sedem Canditato, sic ait:
Praeclarissime domine, placuit auctoritatibus Universitati moderandae praefectis dignum te declarare qui
laureae insignibus decoreris.
Statim a Decano, in medio circuli stante, haec formula legitur, Candidato coram ipso praesente:
Tuum in conspectum, Magnifice Rector, adducimus hunc lectissimum Dominum, omnibus laureae insignibus,
more institutoque majorum, a te honestandum qui, a conciliariis et senatoribus hujus Universitatis dignissimis
praesentatus, te mox rogabit ut, tibi attributa potestate, eum Doctorem in Studiis Litterarum (Honoris Causa)
renunties, atque in eiusmodi censu cooptatum adscriptumque nomines atque edicas.
Hac postulatione facta, ab Illmo. Rectore confertur gradus juxta formulam, ut sequitur:
Ab Illmo. Rectore pronuncianda dum confert Candidato laureae insignia:
Ut itaque Deus, exoratus, vertat bene, nobis attributa auctoritate, te Doctorem in Studiis Litterarum (Honoris
Causa) eo jure censeri et esse quo optimo sunt creati alii, edicimus et pronunciamus, tibique omnibus honoribus,
cum laurea coniunctis, fruendi et utendi facultatem facimus.
His expletis, Illmus. Rector Candidato insignia dabit, nempe, togam, pileum, dicens:
Cape jam collatae tibi dignitatis ornamenta, et quid illa instituto majorum portendant intellege.
Gesta sic togam hanc, ut norint omnes te in Doctorum Collegium allectum esse.
Sit tibi liberalis pileus hic, veluti ornamentum laureum, quo donabantur post certamen victores.
Quantopere vero te de dignitate adepta in totius academici coetus nomine gratulamur, testetur tibi hic noster
Procedure for the Conferment of the Degree of
Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa)
The Registrar proclaims the Resolution of the Senate and the Council of the University.
She then calls on the Honorary Graduand to approach the Dignitaries so as to be vested with the symbols of the
academic honour decreed.
The sponsor then approaches the dais and pronounces the following words:
Rector, we are presenting this distinguished personage so that you confer the academic honour of Doctor of
Literature (Honoris Causa) in the manner and tradition of our University. In accordance with the will of the
Senate and of the Council, I am requesting that you, Rector, with the authority that you hold, declare him Doctor of
Literature (Honoris Causa) so that his name be recorded in the book of graduates.
Following this pronouncement, the most Distinguished Rector proceeds to confer the Degree by first addressing the Honorary
Graduand thus:
By the authority vested in me, I declare and proclaim you to be enrolled and considered as Doctor of Literature
(Honoris Causa) by the same supreme law as others have been chosen. We give you the opportunity of enjoying
and using all the honours which are connected with the degree.
Subsequently, the Rector bestows the symbols of the Doctorate saying:
Take now the insignia of merit conferred on you, and understand what they mean according to the tradition of the
Wear this gown so that all may recognise that you have been chosen for membership of our college of graduates.
Let this cap be a sign of intellectual merit, analogous to the crown of laurel bestowed for excellence, in the past.
Indeed, insofar as we, in the name of the whole academic gathering, congratulate you on the merit received, let
this embrace be a testimony to you.