Ed u ca tionDepa rtm ent Dr G Young Director of Education Falkirk Council Education Services McLaren House Marchmont Avenue POLMONT FK2 0NZ HM Inspectors of Schools Sa u g htonHou s e Broom hou se Drive Ed inbu rg h EH11 3XD Telephone:0 131-244 8437 Fa x:0 131-244 8424 a rchie.m cg lynn@ s cotla nd .g ov.u k Da te: 20 Ju ne 20 0 0 ___ _____ Dear Dr Young FOLLOW-UP TO THE INSPECTION OF HEAD OF MUIR PRIMARY SCHOOL, FALKIRK COUNCIL The report on Head of Muir Primary School was published in May 1998. HM Inspectors visited the school in January 2000 to evaluate progress made in responding to the main points for action in the report. Overall, very good progress has been made towards overtaking the main points for action, and no further visits will be made by HM Inspectors in connection with the report of May 1998. You should note, however, that further work is required to improve the arrangements for planning, assessment, recording and assessment in the nursery. I attach an evaluation and brief account of the response made by the school and the education authority to the main points for action in the report. I am sending a copy of this letter to parents of children currently in the school and the other recipients of the inspection report. Yours sincerely ARCHIE S McGLYNN HM Chief Inspector of Schools Eastern Division