Integrated Inspection by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education of Humbie Primary School Nursery Class East Lothian Council 12 January 2005 Humbie Primary School Nursery Class Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PJ The Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act, 2001, requires that the Care Commission inspect all care services covered by the Act every year to monitor the quality of care provided. In accordance with the Act, the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education carry out integrated inspections of the quality of care and education. In doing this, inspection teams take account of National Care Standards, Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, and The Child at the Centre. The following standards and related quality indicators were used in the recent inspection. National Care Standard Child at the Centre Quality Indicator Standard 2 – A Safe Environment Resources Standard 4 – Engaging with Children Development and learning through play Standard 5 – Quality of Experience Curriculum Children’s development and learning Support for children and families Standard 6 – Support and Development Standard 14 – Well-managed Service Management, Leadership and Quality Assurance Evaluations made using HMIE quality indicators use the following scale, and these words are used in the report to describe the team’s judgements: Very good Good Fair Unsatisfactory : : : : major strengths strengths outweigh weaknesses some important weaknesses major weaknesses Reports contain Recommendations which are intended to support improvements in the quality of service. Any Requirements refer to actions which must be taken by service providers to ensure that regulations are met and there is compliance with relevant legislation. In these cases the regulation(s) to which requirements refer will be noted clearly and timescales given. HOW TO CONTACT US Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher, staff and the education authority. Copies are also available on the Care Commission website: and HMIE website: Should you wish to comment on or make a complaint about any aspect of the inspection or about this report you should write either to the Care Commission or to HM Inspectorate of Education at the address below. If you are still dissatisfied with our services, you can contact your member of the Scottish Parliament (or, if you prefer, any other MSP). You can also contact the Scottish Parliamentary Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fully independent and has powers to investigate complaints about Government departments and Agencies. Complaints Co-ordinator Headquarters Care Commission Compass House Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY Hazel Dewart HM Inspectorate of Education Saughton House Broomhouse Drive EDINBURGH EH11 3XD Crown Copyright 2005 Care Commission HM Inspectorate of Education This report may be reproduced in whole or in part, except for commercial purposes or in connection with a prospectus or advertisement, provided that the source and date thereof are stated. _______________________________ Integrated Inspection by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education of Humbie Primary School Nursery Class East Lothian Council Introduction Humbie Primary School Nursery Class was inspected in September 2004 as part of the integrated inspection programme by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education. The nursery catered for children aged three to five. At the time of the inspection the roll was 10. The environment Standard 2 The nursery, which was located within a small rural primary school, offered a welcoming, safe and secure environment. The nursery was in a good state of decoration and repair. Play equipment was clean and well maintained. Toilets, which were shared with primary classes, were in need of refurbishment. Staff made good use of the restricted space available to enable children to play independently and in small groups. The size of the room limited the range of indoor energetic activities. An enclosed outdoor play area was used daily to provide interesting and stimulating play opportunities. A room in the school was also available for children to take part in energetic activities. The nursery had effectively carried out and recorded risk assessments of the nursery room. The outdoor play area surface was uneven. Staff should continue to risk assess this area. The headteacher and local authority were in discussion with contractors to have this fault repaired. Children had to pass an unattended door which led outdoors, when accessing toilets which were some distance from the nursery. Staff should now consider any potential risks in allowing children to go to the toilet on their own. Toilets were not well maintained and were in need of refurbishment. Staff were not always able to communicate with one another when children had access to the indoor and outdoor areas at the same time. Good measures were in place to control the spread of infection. Quality of children’s experience Standard 4 & 5 Staff had developed very good relationships with children. They interacted well in children’s play activities. The nursery teacher used questions very effectively to extend children’s understanding and ensure an appropriate pace of learning. Staff organised activities and resources very well to meet children’s needs. They planned a broad and balanced programme of activities. Most children were enthusiastic and motivated in their play. Children’s progress was regularly assessed. Information gathered was used effectively to plan next steps in children’s learning. Staff provided helpful written reports to parents. 1 Features of the programmes for children included the following. • The programme for emotional, personal and social development was very good. Children were encouraged to take responsibilities, develop independence and show consideration for others. They had settled well into the nursery and had a good understanding of daily routines. Children were developing appropriate social skills, good manners and showed good awareness of simple rules and hygiene practices. • In communication and language, the programme was good. Staff provided a range of opportunities for children to talk, listen and enjoy books in different contexts. Children were learning to listen carefully to stories and instructions and to talk in groups. They were beginning to understand the meaning of print in books. Effective use was made of books in play areas, labels on pictures and simple posters. Staff did not provide enough opportunities for children to develop effective early writing skills in a range of different play contexts. • Staff provided a good programme to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. Children had very good opportunities to learn about their environment through effective and regular use of the woodland and garden areas. Children grew, harvested and ate their own vegetables. They had good opportunities to develop skills in recognising number, shape and colour. Most children used the computer and printer appropriately. Staff were beginning to develop children’s awareness in information and communications technology. • In expressive and aesthetic development, the programme was very good. Staff provided a range of interesting opportunities for children to express themselves through art and craft activities. Children were developing skills in painting, printing and collage making. They had regular opportunities to sing songs and rhymes and enjoyed playing simple musical instruments. The nursery’s home corner provided good opportunities for role-play. • Staff provided a very good programme for physical development and movement. Children were developing good hand control using a variety of toys, tools and equipment. Staff organised very good activities for daily energetic play indoors and outside. Children were developing skills in steering, pedalling, running and balancing. Staff were encouraging children to be fit and healthy by, for example, eating healthy snacks and participating in regular exercise. Support for children and families Standard 6 2 Staff knew children very well and provided effective support for their families. They responded appropriately and sensitively to children’s individual circumstances. Parents and carers expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the service provided. They commented on the positive relationships and approachability of all staff members. Parents were well informed about the work of the nursery through regular newsletters and informative notices and photographs. Information on children’s progress was appropriately shared with them. They had regular opportunities to talk informally with staff, who responded positively to any concerns raised. Parents were encouraged to take an active part in the life of the nursery particularly through sharing their skills and knowledge. Staff planned a very good programme of induction for children transferring to P1 in the school to ensure continuity in their learning. Links were also made with other schools and information was passed on to support children as they moved to other establishments. Staff understood procedures to support children with additional learning needs. They contacted appropriate agencies when required and shared information to support individual children. Management Standard 14 The headteacher provided very effective leadership and was committed to the development of the nursery. She had established very good working relationships with children, parents and staff and promoted very effective teamwork. The nursery staff were hard-working and committed. The nursery teacher provided very good support to the headteacher. The nursery had an appropriate set of policies for all aspects of the curriculum and for health and safety. These were available for staff and parents. Staff followed local authority child protection guidelines. They had formal meetings to discuss their work. The nursery teacher was very experienced and qualified in education and childcare. The nursery auxiliary was taking part in a relevant early years education and childcare course. Appropriate staff-to-child ratios were in place. Staff had effectively contributed to evaluating the quality of the nursery and in identifying priorities for improvement. An appropriate development plan was in place and priorities were being addressed and implemented. The headteacher monitored the quality of children’s learning on a regular basis and met regularly with nursery staff. Key strengths • Very positive relationships between staff, children and parents. • Very good experiences for children in emotional, personal and social development, expressive and aesthetic development and physical development and movement. • The wide range of opportunities to develop children’s knowledge, interest and care of the outdoor environment. • Effective links between the nursery and the P1 class within the school to ensure continuity in children’s learning. • The enthusiastic and committed staff team. • Very effective leadership of the headteacher and the very good support provided by the nursery teacher. 3 Other Issues Response to recommendations or to requirements made at previous inspection Four recommendations and one requirement were made at the previous Care Commission inspection. Two of these recommendations have now been met. One recommendation referred to the nursery outdoor play surface needing repaired. The headteacher stated that she and the local authority were attempting to have this addressed with the contractors who laid the surface. One recommendation referred to the nursery toilets being refurbished. This has not yet been achieved. The requirement made has been met. Recommendations for improvement • To ensure health and hygiene standards, children's toilets should now be refurbished. Staff should ensure that children are safe and secure when accessing the toilets. • To ensure the safety of the children, the outdoor play area surface should now be repaired. • Staff should provide more opportunities for children to develop effective early writing skills in a range of different play contexts. • Staff should continue to extend children’s skills in using information and communications technology. Care Commission Officers and HM Inspectors have asked the pre-school centre and Education Authority to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report. Where requirements are made, the action plan should include timescales to deal with these. The plan will be available to parents and carers. In liaison with the pre-school centre and Education Authority, Care Commission Officers and HM Inspectors will monitor progress to ensure improvements are in line with the main findings of the report. Carole Meaney Care Commission 4 Sheena McGhee HM Inspectorate of Education