Clydeview Academy & Dunoon Grammar School Clydeview Academy Dunoon Grammar Authority Inverclyde Argyll and Bute School Roll 1026 796 Number of Secondary Schools 6 10 Distance to closest Secondary Schools 1.6 miles 2.1 miles 30 miles, 34 miles, 62 miles Free School Meals 10.2% 15.6% School discussions School Improvement plans Areas for Improvement Focus – Numeracy/Profiles Planning meetings with Relevant staff Close the gap between high attaining students and those with lower ability. Positive impact on achievement of young people through developing increased confidence in numeracy Benefits of regular sharing of pupil progress through profiling Support Learning and Teaching development to enhance pupil learning Does an identified profiling champion with responsibility for a group of young people lead to improvements in their achievement? Will regular sharing of student progress through profiling, lead to improved achievement for young people Will increased regular professional dialogue focused on profiling, within and across establishments, lead to improved achievements for young people School staff Funding for a 1 FTE Maths/Numeracy teacher 1 FTE will be shared between establishments Glasgow University Education Research Team Staff from both establishments met to discuss programme and partnership Maths/Numeracy teacher identified Pupils identified in both establishments Benchmarking assessment development Questionnaires developed Different approach in both establishments Similarities - Identification of pupils Same questionnaires Parental information evenings Timeline and activities – both schools Pupils identified in August Parental information evening Maths/Numeracy periods (led by Numeracy teacher) Baseline assessment Questionnaires completed Feedback from subject areas – helped direct the programme Classwork – focus on multiplication, division, addition, subtractions, fractions and problem solving Learning and Teaching approaches Public perception of Numeracy Whole school numeracy booklet Facebook page Profiling – Thursday and Friday Sustainability Identify staff Adjust timetable Identify S2 students. Inform students and parents/carers Questionnaires – self esteem, confidence in numeracy skills, attitudes to school. Improving number skills – subtraction, division, long multiplication, problem solving, active learning Data, information handling & statistics Charts, graphs, tables Using logbooks,ICT (Mangahigh & Statista),profiles Numeracy homework booklet Students research famous mathematicians and current affairs using graphs/charts. WHY is it presented like this? Maths challenge Parental info evening led by students Queensferry crossing joint project Teach the Parents’ Evening 3 Progression routes – Nat 3 lifeskills maths - Nat 4 numeracy - Nat 4 lifeskills maths - Nat 4 maths Pupils have increased confidence in numeracy Regular pupil/teacher discussion Targets shared with staff and parents Increase in general confidence/self esteem Parental involvement in school No behaviour issues Questionnaire to be completed Benefits so far - Regular HT dialogue and support - Subject support – Pupil Support/Science - Sharing resources - Maths and Numeracy support/discussion Joint Professional Learning opportunities Planning of School Improvement Plans Attainment and Achievement discussions across establishments Continued joint working on developing Numeracy Support across establishments QUESTIONS ?