1A Porter Square 6:17 7:13 7:33 8:11 8:21 8:48 9:25 1A North Station 6:27 7:23 7:43 8:21 8:31 8:58 9:35 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. FITCHBURG LINE Train Effective May 23, 2016 FITCHBURG LINESchedule Schedule effective May 23, 2016 Monday to Friday AM Fitchburg Fitchburg Saturday & Sunday Monday Monday to to Friday Friday Inbound Inbound to to Boston Boston ZONE AM AM STATION TRAIN # 401 PM491 PM Bikes Allowed 400 400 402 402 404 404 406 406 408 408 492 492 410 410 412 412 414 414 1A North Station 416 418 420 416 418 420 1A Porter Square 422 422 6:30 494 494 6:40 6:45 424 424 6:55 88 Fitchburg Fitchburg 88 North NorthLeominster Leominster 88 Shirley Shirley 4:58 4:58 5:04 5:04 5:12 5:12 5:53 5:53 5:59 5:59 6:07 6:07 6:33 6:33 6:39 6:39 6:47 6:47 6:53 6:53 6:59 6:59 7:07 7:07 7:18 7:18 7:24 7:24 7:32 7:32 --- 8:08 8:08 8:14 8:14 9:38 9:38 9:44 9:44 10:58 10:58 11:04 11:04 f 5:30 7:00 5:30 88 77 5:17 5:17 5:25 5:25 5:32 5:32 5:36 5:36 6:12 6:12 6:20 6:20 6:27 6:27 6:52 6:52 7:00 7:00 7:12 7:12 7:20 7:20 7:27 7:27 7:37 7:37 7:45 7:45 7:52 7:52 8:22 8:22 8:27 8:27 7:55 7:55 8:02 8:02 8:35 8:35 8:42 8:42 4:13 4:13 4:19 4:19 ff4:27 4:27 ff4:32 4:32 4:40 4:40 4:47 4:47 ----- --- 7:31 7:31 7:36 7:36 --- 8:06 8:06 8:11 8:11 8:46 8:46 8:51 8:51 7:44 7:44 -- --- 8:19 8:19 ff8:22 8:22 8:59 8:59 -- 12:08 1:28 3:03 1 Belmont 12:08 1:28 3:03 12:14 1:34 3:09 1 Waverley 12:14 1:34 3:09 ff12:22 ff1:42 2 Waltham 12:22 1:42 ff3:17 3:17 ff12:27 ff1:47 12:27 1:47 ff3:22 3:22 2 Brandeis/Roberts 12:35 1:55 3:30 12:35 1:55 Green 3:30 3 Kendal 12:42 3:37 12:42 2:02 2:02 3:37 3 Hastings ff12:45 12:45 ff2:05 2:05 ff3:40 3:40 3 Silver Hill f 3:44 ff12:49 12:49 ff2:09 2:09 f 3:44 4 Lincoln ff12:56 f 2:16 f 3:51 12:56 f 2:16 f 3:51 --5 Concord --- -7:51 7:51 --- 8:25 8:25 8:28 8:28 -9:05 9:05 TRAIN # TRAIN # Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed Ayer Ayer Littleton/Route Littleton/Route495 495 66 South SouthActon Acton 55 West WestConcord Concord 55 Concord Concord 5:41 5:41 5:49 5:49 44 Lincoln Lincoln 33 Silver SilverHill Hill 33 Hastings Hastings 33 22 Kendal KendalGreen Green Brandeis/Roberts Brandeis/Roberts 22 Waltham Waltham 11 Waverley Waverley 11 Belmont Belmont -5:54 5:54 5:57 5:57 6:00 6:00 6:04 6:04 6:09 6:09 6:12 6:12 6:17 6:17 6:27 6:27 1A 1A Porter PorterSquare Square 1A 1A North NorthStation Station 6:31 6:31 6:36 6:36 6:44 6:44 ff6:47 6:47 7:07 7:07 ---- 6:50 6:50 6:53 6:53 ---- 6:56 6:56 7:00 7:00 --- 7:54 7:54 7:58 7:58 -8:11 8:11 8:31 8:31 8:35 8:35 9:08 9:08 9:12 9:12 7:05 7:05 7:08 7:08 --- --- 8:40 8:40 8:43 8:43 7:13 7:13 7:23 7:23 7:33 7:33 7:43 7:43 8:03 8:03 8:06 8:06 8:11 8:11 8:21 8:21 8:31 8:31 8:48 8:48 8:58 8:58 9:17 9:17 9:20 9:20 9:25 9:25 8:21 8:21 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Monday Monday to to Friday Friday Outbound Outbound from from Boston Boston 9:35 9:35 ff9:52 9:52 ff11:12 11:12 ff9:57 9:57 ff11:17 11:17 10:05 11:25 10:05 11:25 10:12 10:12 ff10:15 10:15 ff10:19 10:19 11:32 11:32 ff11:35 11:35 ff11:39 11:39 ff10:26 10:26 ff11:46 11:46 --ff10:30 10:30 ff11:50 11:50 ff10:32 10:32 ff10:34 10:34 ff11:52 11:52 ff11:54 11:54 10:38 10:38 11:58 11:58 ff10:43 10:43 ff12:03 12:03 ff10:45 10:45 ff12:05 12:05 10:50 10:50 11:00 11:00 12:10 12:10 12:20 12:20 PM Inbound to Boston PM 409 409 411 411 413 413 415 415 493 493 ZONE STATION 1A 1A North NorthStation Station 1A 1A Porter PorterSquare Square 11 Belmont Belmont 6:30 6:30 6:40 6:40 -- 6:45 6:45 6:55 6:55 7:43 7:43 7:53 7:53 8:40 8:40 8:50 8:50 10:00 10:00 10:10 10:10 11:30 11:30 11:40 11:40 1:00 1:00 1:10 1:10 2:15 2:15 2:25 2:25 3:30 3:30 3:40 3:40 11 22 22 ff1:15 1:15 -- ff2:30 2:30 ff2:32 2:32 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:48 1:21 1:21 ff11:54 11:54 ff1:24 1:24 ff11:58 11:58 ff1:28 1:28 2:37 2:37 ff2:40 2:40 3:53 3:53 3:57 3:57 ff2:44 2:44 -- 4:01 4:01 -- -ff2:50 2:50 -4:07 4:07 ff2:55 2:55 ff2:59 2:59 3:03 3:03 4:12 4:12 4:17 4:17 4:42 4:42 4:51 4:51 3:59 3:59 8 4:09 4:09 8 4:14 4:14 8 4:17 4:17 8 4:22 4:22 7 4:26 4:26 6 4:30 4:30 5 4:33 4:33 5 -4 4:39 4:39 3 4:44 4:44 2 4:49 4:49 2 4:53 4:53 1 5:00 5:00 1 -1A -1A -- Bikes Allowed 4:30 5:00 5:35 5:55 6:25 4:30 5:00 5:35 Fitchburg 6:38 5:55 8:53 6:25 10:58 4:40 5:10 5:45 6:05 6:35 4:40 5:10 5:45 North Leominster 6:44 6:05 8:59 6:35 11:04 -5:15 -6:10 6:40 5:15 Shirley f 6:51 6:10 f 9:07 f6:40 11:12 5:18 -6:13 6:43 5:18 Ayer 6:56 6:13 9:12 6:43 11:17 -5:23 5:54 6:18 6:48 5:23495 5:54 Littleton/Route 7:04 6:18 9:20 6:48 11:25 5:27 6:22 6:52 South- Acton5:27 9:26 6:52 11:31 - 7:10 6:22 5:31 6:26 6:56 5:31 West-Concord f 9:31 f6:56 11:36 - f 7:16 6:26 -5:34 -6:29 6:59 5:34 Concord 7:20 6:29 9:35 6:59 11:40 ---f 6:31 ff7:01 7:01 Lincoln 7:25 f 6:31 9:40 11:45 -5:40 6:04 6:36 7:06 5:40 6:04 Kendal Green f 7:30 6:36 f 9:45 f7:06 11:50 -5:45 6:09 6:41 7:11 5:45 6:09 Brandeis/Roberts f 7:34 6:41 f 9:49 f 7:11 11:54 -5:50 6:14 7:16 5:50 6:147:38 6:46 6:46 Waltham 9:53 7:16 11:58 5:04 5:54 6:18 6:50 7:20 5:04 5:54 6:18 Waverley f 7:42 6:50 f 9:57 f7:20 12:02 5:11 6:01 6:25 6:57 7:27 5:11 6:01 6:25 6:57 Belmont f 7:45 f 10:00 f7:27 12:05 5:18 6:09 6:33 7:05 7:35 5:18Square 6:09 6:33 7:50 7:05 10:05 7:35 12:10 Porter 5:24 6:15 6:39 7:11 7:41 5:24 6:15 6:39 7:11 7:41 North Station 8:00 10:15 12:20 5:33 6:24 6:48 7:20 7:50 5:33 6:24 6:48 7:20 7:50 4:58 4:58 -- Brandeis/Roberts Brandeis/Roberts 33 Kendal KendalGreen Green 33 Hastings Hastings 33 44 Silver SilverHill Hill Lincoln Lincoln 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Concord Concord West WestConcord Concord South SouthActon Acton Littleton/Route Littleton/Route495 495 Ayer Ayer Shirley Shirley North NorthLeominster Leominster Fitchburg Fitchburg Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Keep in&&Mind ------- --- 7:09 7:09 ff7:16 7:16 ff7:22 7:22 7:31 7:31 7:38 7:38 7:14 7:14 -- 8:12 8:12 -- -ff7:20 7:20 -ff8:18 8:18 ff7:25 7:25 ff7:29 7:29 7:33 7:33 7:40 7:40 ----- ff10:25 10:25 ff9:09 9:09 ff10:29 10:29 --- --ff9:15 9:15 ff10:35 10:35 ff8:23 8:23 ff9:20 9:20 ff10:40 10:40 ff8:27 8:27 ff9:24 9:24 ff10:44 10:44 10:00 430 430 10:10 11:30 432 432 11:40 -f 8:23 -f 8:27 --- --- ff12:04 12:04 ff1:34 1:34 ff12:09 12:09 ff1:39 1:39 ff12:13 12:13 ff1:43 1:43 8:31 9:28 1:47 8:31 9:28 10:48 10:48 12:17 12:17 1:47 8:38 9:35 1:54 3:10 8:38 9:35 10:55 10:55 12:24 12:24 1:54 3:10 ff8:46 8:46 ff9:43 9:43 ff11:03 11:03 ff12:32 12:32 ff2:02 2:02 ff3:18 3:18 ff8:51 8:51 ff9:48 9:48 ff11:08 11:08 ff12:37 12:37 ff2:07 2:07 ff3:23 3:23 9:00 9:57 11:17 12:46 2:16 3:32 9:00 9:57 11:17 12:46 2:16 3:32 9:07 10:04 11:24 12:55 2:23 3:41 9:07 10:04 11:24 12:55 2:23 3:41 4:21 4:21 4:28 4:28 4:36 4:36 5:40 5:40 419 419 1400 1402 1404 421 423 425 421 425 2400 423 2402 2404 407 407 --- 8:40 428 428 8:50 8:28 9:38 f 8:55 11:45 8:28 f 10:15 9:38 f 10:43 10:43 9:44 10:49 f 8:34 8:57 8:34 f 10:17 9:44 10:49 f9:02 ff9:52 10:57 f8:42 8:42 10:22 9:52 ff11:51 10:57 f 8:47 8:47 f f9:05 8:55 8:55 f 9:09 9:02 9:02 ff9:05 9:05 ff9:09 9:09 ff9:15 f9:16 9:16 -f 9:20 -f 9:24 f9:28 f9:22 9:22 ff9:24 9:24 9:35 9:28 9:28 f 9:43 ff9:33 9:33 ff9:48 f9:35 9:35 9:57 9:40 9:40 10:04 9:50 9:50 SUNDAY TRAIN # 6:31 6:31 6:57 6:57 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. 7:27 7:27 1408 1410 1412 429 431 433 429 2410 431 2412 433 2408 7:15 7:15 1:23 7:25 7:25 1:29 ff7:30 7:30 f 1:37 ff7:32 7:32 1:42 7:37 7:37 1:50 ff7:40 7:40 1:56 ff7:44 7:44 f 2:01 ff7:47 7:47 2:05 ff7:49 7:49 2:10 ff7:52 7:52 f 2:15 ff7:57 7:57 f 2:19 ff8:01 8:01 2:23 8:05 f 8:05 2:27 8:12 8:12 f 2:30 ff8:20 8:20 2:35 ff8:25 8:25 2:45 8:34 8:34 8:45 10:40 12:10 8:45 6:18 10:40 9:53 12:10 3:48 8:55 10:50 12:20 8:55 6:24 10:50 9:59 12:20 3:54 f 9:00 ff12:25 9:00 f f6:32 f10:55 10:55 12:25 f f4:02 f 10:07 ff9:02 ff10:57 ff12:27 9:02 6:37 10:5710:12 12:27 4:07 9:07 11:02 12:32 9:07 6:45 11:02 10:20 12:32 4:15 ff9:10 ff11:05 ff12:35 9:10 6:51 11:0510:26 12:35 4:21 ff9:14 f 11:09 ff12:39 9:14 f 6:56 f 11:09f 10:31 12:39 f 4:26 -4:30 7:00- 10:35 ---4:35 7:05 10:40 ff9:20 ff11:15 ff12:45 9:20 f 7:10 11:15f 10:45 12:45 f 4:40 ff9:25 f 11:20 f 9:25 f 7:14 f 11:20 f12:50 12:50 f 4:44 f 10:49 ff9:29 ff11:24 ff12:54 9:29 7:18 11:2410:53 12:54 4:48 9:33 11:28 12:58 9:33 f 7:22 11:28f 10:57 12:58 f 4:52 9:40 11:35 1:05 9:40 f 7:25 11:35f 11:00 1:05 f 4:55 ff9:48 ff11:43 ff1:13 9:48 7:30 11:4311:05 1:13 5:00 ff9:53 ff11:48 ff1:18 9:53 7:40 11:48 11:15 1:18 5:10 10:02 11:57 1:27 10:02 Ski 11:57 1:27 Train 10:09 12:04 1:34 10:09 12:04 1:34 8:41 8:41 PM PM 1409 1409 1411 1411 2409 2409 2411 2411 100 100Main MainSt, St, PM Fitchburg, Fitchburg,MA MA01420 01420 9:07 10:04 11:24 12:55 Sa 34Nashua Nashua St,419 411 Inbound 413 to Boston 415 49334 417 St, 421 423 425 427 North AM PM NorthLeominster Leominster Leominster, Leominster,MA MA01453 01453 SATURDAY TRAIN # 1400 1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412 Ayer Rd Phoenix St, Ayer Rd&&2402 Phoenix St,5:3524065:55 1:00 ZONE 2:15 3:30 3:59 4:30 5:002404 Shirley STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # 2400 2408 6:25 2410 7:15 2412 Shirley Shirley, MA 01464 Shirley, MA 01464 1:10 2:25 3:40 4:09 4:40 5:10 5:45 6:05 6:35 7:25 Bikes Allowed 70 Main St, 70 Main f 1:15 8Ayer f 2:30 3:45 4:14 - St,8:53 5:15 10:58 - 1:23 6:103:48 6:40 Fitchburg 6:38 6:18 f 7:30 9:53 Ayer Ayer, Ayer,MA MA01432 01432 3:48 4:17 5:18 6:13 6:43 f 7:32 8 f 2:32 North Leominster 6:44 8:59 11:04 1:29 3:54 6:24 9:59 261 Foster St, 261 Foster St, Littleton/Route 495 1:21 8 Littleton/Route 2:37 - f 9:07 5:23f 11:12 5:54f 1:376:18 Shirley 3:53 4954:22Littleton, f 6:51 f 4:02 6:48 f 6:32 f7:37 10:07 Littleton,MA MA01460 01460 f 1:24 8 f 2:40 4:2610 Central 5:27 11:17 - 1:42 6:22 St, Ayer 3:57 6:56 9:12 4:07 6:52 6:37 f 7:40 10:12 10 Central St, South Acton Acton Acton, 01720 f 1:28 7 South f 2:44 4:01 4:30 -MA 5:31 11:25 - 1:50 6:264:15 6:56 Littleton/Route 495 7:04 6:45 f 7:44 10:20 Acton, MA9:20 01720 75 Carter St, St, Outbound AM Waltham from Boston 75 Carter Waltham SATURDAY TRAIN # STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # Waverley Waverley Bikes Allowed ZONE Belmont 1A NorthCenter Station Belmont Center 1A Porter Square Square 1Porter Belmont Porter Square 1 Waverley North Station Station 2North Waltham 2 Brandeis/Roberts Keep Keep in in Mind Mind 3 Kendal Green Waltham, MA 02453 Waltham, 02453 1401 MA 1403 1405 1407 525 Trapelo Rd, 5252401 Trapelo Rd, 2405 2407 2403 Belmont, MA 02478 Belmont, MA 02478 Common St &&Concord Ave, Common Concord 8:35 St 10:45 1:10 Ave, 3:30 Belmont, Belmont,MA MA02478 02478 3:40 8:45 10:55 1:20 1899 1899Massachusetts MassachusettsAve, Ave, f 8:49 f 10:59 f 1:24 f 3:44 Cambridge, MA 02140 Cambridge, MA 02140 f 8:52 f 11:02 f 1:27 f 3:47 135 135Causeway CausewayStreet, Street, 1:32 3:52 8:57MA 11:07 Boston 02114 Boston MA 02114 f 9:00 f 11:10 f 1:35 f 3:55 Concord 5 West Concord 1411 2411 1413 2413 6:00 8:00 11:30 6:10 8:10 11:40 f 8:17 f 11:47 6:22 10 ZO 10 f 9:00 f 10 1 f 9:02 8:22 9:15 11:25 1:50 4:10 6:40 11 f 9:10 f1 f 9:14 f 12 - 8:34 12:04 12:10 4:19 6:49 8:49 12:19 6:56 8:56 12:26 7:03 9:03 12:33 9:38 11:34 11:48 1:59 2:13 4:33 f 9:25 f 15 f 9:29 f 15 9:33 116 9:40 11 f 9:48 f 18 f 9:53 f 18 10:02 118 10:09 128 Sunday service: Day, Memorial Day, service: New New Year’s Year’s Day, Memorial 8Sunday Shirley f 9:43 f 11:53 f 2:18Day, f 4:38 f 7:08 f 9:08 f 12:38 Labor Labor Day, Day, Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day, Day, Christmas Christmas Day. Day. 9:16 12:46 12:56 8 North Leominster 9:51 For additional information 8ForFitchburg 10:01 12:11 and 2:36 4:58 7:26 9:26 additional holiday holiday travel travel information and service service modifications, MBTA.com Ski modifications, please please check check MBTA.com or or call call 617-222-3200. 617-222-3200. 12:01 2:26 4:46 7:16 Train 1413 1413 Bikes: Bicycles are allowed on trains with the bicycle symbol shown below the train number. Times 2413 Times in in blue blue indicate indicate an an early early departure departure (L (L stop): stop): 2413 The train may leave ahead of schedule at these stops. The train may leave of schedule stops. Ski Train: This service is available on the indicated weekend trains ahead during winter monthsattothese provide transportation to Wachusett Mountain. These trains feature a specially modified coach equipped with racks for ski and snowboard equipment. 11:30 Bikes: Bicycles are allowed on trains with the bicycle 11:30 Bikes: are allowed on trains with the bicycle Please visit MBTA.com for updated information aboutBicycles this service. 11:40 symbol 11:40 symbol shown shown below below the the train train number. number. ff6:14 ff11:44 Make your train on time. MBTA Customer 6:14 ff8:14 8:14 Call 11:44 connected with weekend trains during Download ff6:17 ff11:47 Ski Train: This service Stay is available on the indicated winterthe official MBTA 6:17 ff8:17 8:17 Service 11:47 at 6:00 6:00 6:10 6:10 8:00 8:00 8:10 8:10 6:22 6:22 8:22 8:22 11:52 11:52 ff6:25 6:25 ff8:25 8:25 ff11:55 11:55 3 f 14 f 9:18 f 11:28 f 1:53 f 4:13 f 6:43 f 8:43 f 12:13 9:24 2 f 9:20 11:52 8:40 f 10 1 9:07 f 6:25 f 8:25 f 11:55 7 Littleton/Route 495 9:31 Day, 11:41 of2:06 4:26 Saturday Saturday service: service: Presidents’ Presidents’ Day, 4th 4th of July July Ayer 8:45 f 6:14 f 8:14 f 11:44 f 6:17 4 O 8:55 f 9:04 f 11:14 f 1:39 f 3:59 f 6:29 f 8:29 f 11:59 Holiday Service: 6Holiday Service: South Acton 8 429 PM 1409 2409 This schedule from May 23, 2016, schedule will will be be effective effective 4This Lincoln 9:09 from 11:19 May 1:4423, 2016, 4:04 6:34 and and will will replace replace the the schedule schedule of of December December 14, 14, 2015. 2015. 5 2:23 Times purple “f” indicate aa flag Times in purple with “f” indicate a flag stop:in Passengers must advise the conductor they wish to stop. Times in purple with with “f” indicate flag stop: stop: Passengers must the conductor Passengers waiting to board must be visible on the platform for the train to stop they Passengers mustadvise advise the conductor theywish wishto to stop. Passengers waiting to board must be visible stop. Passengers waiting to board must be visibleon onthe the platform for the train to stop. Times in blue indicate an early departure (L stop): The train may leave ahead of schedule at these stops. platform for the train to stop. Saturday Saturday && Sunday Sunday Outbound Inbound AM AM PM Outbound from from Boston Boston Inbound to to Boston Boston AM AM PM This schedule will be effective from May 23, 2016, and will replace the schedule of December 14, 2015.SATURDAY TRAIN # SATURDAY TRAIN # 1401 1400 1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412 SATURDAY TRAIN # SATURDAY TRAIN # 1401 1403 1403 1405 1405 1407 1407 1400 1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412 ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # 2401 ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # ZONE STATION Holiday Service:SUNDAY TRAIN # 2400 2401 2403 2403 2405 2405 2407 2407 2400 2402 2402 2404 2404 2406 2406 2408 2408 2410 2410 2412 2412 Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed Saturday service: Presidents’ Day, 4th8:53 of July 1A 88 Fitchburg 1A North NorthStation Station 8:35 10:45 10:45 1:10 1:10 3:30 3:30 8:35 Fitchburg 6:38 8:53 10:58 10:58 1:23 1:23 3:48 3:48 6:18 6:18 9:53 9:53 6:38 1A 88 North Leominster 6:44 8:59 11:04 Sunday service: New Year’s Memorial 1A Porter PorterSquare Square 8:45 10:55 10:55 1:20 1:20 3:40 3:40 8:45 North Leominster 6:44 8:59Day, 11:04 1:29 1:29 3:54 3:54 6:24 6:24 9:59 9:59 Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Visit10:59 MBTA.com. 11 Belmont ff8:49 ff1:24 88 Shirley ff6:51 10:07 Belmont 8:49 ff10:59 1:24 ff3:44 3:44 Shirley 6:51 ff9:07 9:07 ff11:12 11:12 ff1:37 1:37 ff4:02 4:02 ff6:32 6:32 ffAccess 10:07 schedules, T-Alerts & updates. 11 Waverley ff8:52 88 Ayer 6:56 Waverley 8:52 ff11:02 11:02 ff1:27 1:27 ff3:47 3:47 Ayer 6:56 9:12 9:12 11:17 11:17 1:42 1:42 4:07 4:07 6:37 6:37 10:12 10:12 For additional holiday travel information and service Simply scan this2QRWaltham code 77 Littleton/Route 495 7:04 11:25 10:20 2 Waltham 8:57 11:07 11:07 1:32 1:32 3:52 3:52 8:57 Littleton/Route 495 7:04 9:20 9:20 11:25 1:50 1:50 4:15 4:15 6:45 6:45 with 10:20your smartphone. modifications, please check MBTA.com or call 617-222-3200. 22 Brandeis/Roberts 66 South Brandeis/Roberts 9:00 ff11:10 11:10 ff1:35 1:35 ff3:55 3:55 ff9:00 SouthActon Acton 7:10 9:26 9:26 11:31 11:31 1:56 1:56 4:21 4:21 6:51 6:51 10:26 10:26 7:10 AM AM 1406 427 427 2406 7:59 7:59 5:25 6:00 6:41 7:57 9:40 10 f 8:51 f 9:48 f 11:08 f 12:37 f 2:07 5:35 6:10 6:51 8:07 9:50 10 9:00 9:57 11:17 12:46 2:16 ff9:57 11:02 9:57 fff11:54 11:02 f 10:25 10:05 11:10 10:05 11:10 f 10:29 f 11:58 10:12 11:17 10:12 11:17 Commonwealth Ave &&Main St, 4:33 5:34 - 1:56 6West South Acton 7:10 9:26 11:31 6:51 f 7:47 10:26 Commonwealth Ave Main St,6:294:21 6:59 ff10:15 WestConcord Concord 10:15 ff11:20 11:20 West Concord, 01742 - - f 9:31-MA - f 2:01f 6:31 West Concord, MA 01742 5 West Concord f 7:16 f 11:36 f 4:26f 7:01 f 6:56 f f7:49 10:31 ff10:19 f 11:24 10:19 f 11:24 90 Thoreau St, Thoreau St, ff10:35 f 12:04 f 1:34 5Concord f 2:50 4:07 4:39 90 7:20 5:40 11:406:042:05 6:36 Concord 9:35 4:30 7:06 7:00 f 7:52 10:35 f10:26 10:26 ff11:31 11:31 Concord Concord, MA 01742 01742 --f 10:40 f 12:09 f 1:39 4 f 2:55 4:44 Concord, - MA 5:45 Lincoln 4:12 7:25 9:40 11:456:092:10 6:414:35 7:11 7:05 f 7:57 10:40 160 Rd, 160Lincoln Lincoln Rd, --f 10:44 f 12:13 f 1:43 3Lincoln fLincoln 2:59 4:17 4:49 5:50 6:14f 2:156:46 Kendal Green f 7:30MA f 9:45 f 11:50 f 4:40 7:16 f 7:10 ff8:01 10:45 Lincoln, 01773 Lincoln, MA 01773 f10:48 4:21 4:53 5:04 5:54 6:18 f10:32 10:32 f12:17 f11:37 11:37 1:47 2 3:03 Brandeis/Roberts f 7:34 f 9:49 f 11:54 f 2:196:50 f 4:44 7:20 f 7:14 8:05 f 10:49 Silver Hill Rd & Merriam St, Silver Hill Rd & Merriam St, ff10:34 f 11:39 Hill 10:34 12:24 f 11:39 1:54 2Silver Silver Hill 4:28 10:55 3:10 5:00 5:11 9:53 6:01 11:586:252:23 6:57 Waltham 7:38 4:48 7:27 7:18 8:12 10:53 Weston, Weston,MA MA02493 02493 10:38 11:43 10:38 f 12:32 11:43 f 2:02 f 3:18 f 11:03 4:36 - 105f 7:42 5:18 St, 6:09f 12:02 6:33f 2:277:05 7:35 1 Waverley f 9:57 f 4:52 f 7:22 f f8:20 10:57 Viles 105 Viles St, --Hastings 02493 ff 11:08 f f12:37 f 2:07 1 Hastings f 3:23 - Weston, 5:24MA 6:15f 12:05 6:39f 2:307:11 Belmont4:42 f 7:45 f 10:00 f 4:55 7:41 f 7:25 f f8:25 11:00 Weston, MA 02493 10:44 11:49 f 10:44 f 11:49 205 Church St, 11:17 12:46 2:16 1A 3:32 4:51 - 5:33 6:24 12:106:482:35 7:20 7:50 10:05 5:00 7:50 7:30 8:34 11:05 Porter Square 10:49 205 Church St, Kendal Green 10:49 11:54 11:54 Kendal Green Weston, 02493 11:24 12:55 2:23 1A 3:41 4:58 - 5:40MA 6:31 12:20 6:572:45 7:275:10 7:59 10:59 Weston, MA 02493 North Station 8:00 10:15 7:40 8:41 11:15 10:59 12:04 12:04 11Sawyer Trains in purple box indicateRd, peak period trains. Ski Sawyer Rd, Brandeis/Roberts Brandeis/Roberts Train Saturday & Sunday Waltham, Waltham,MA MA02453 02453 PM 405 405 Waverley Waverley Waltham Waltham 7:43 426 426 7:53 AM 403 403 ff10:15 10:15 ff11:45 11:45 ff10:17 -10:17 10:22 11:51 10:22 11:51 417 417 SATURDAY TRAIN # 491 491 Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed ff7:00 7:00 ff7:58 7:58 ff8:55 8:55 ff7:02 7:02 ff8:00 8:00 ff8:57 8:57 7:07 8:05 9:02 7:07 8:05 9:02 ff7:10 7:10 ff8:08 8:08 ff9:05 9:05 409 Saturday & Sunday AM AM TRAIN # TRAIN # 407 ff5:42 f7:33 5:42 f6:24 6:24 f8:31 f7:40 7:40 ff5:44 5:44 f7:40 f6:26 6:26 f8:38 f7:42 7:42 7:09 5:48 6:30 7:46 5:48 6:30 7:46 f 7:16 f 8:46 ff5:53 --5:53 ff7:22 f 8:51 f5:55 5:55 ff6:36 6:36 ff7:52 7:52 7:31 9:00 6:00 6:41 7:57 6:00 6:41 7:57 7:38 9:07 6:10 6:51 8:07 6:10 6:51 8:07 401 401 ZONE STATION ZONE STATION 405 f 6:46 7:58 6:46 6:52 f 5:36 7:02 5:36 f 8:00 6:52 f7:07 f5:44 5:44 f8:05 f7:00 7:00 f 5:49 7:05 5:49 fff8:08 7:05 f f7:10 5:57 7:13 5:57 7:13 7:14 8:12 6:04 7:20 6:04 7:20 ff6:07 6:07 ff7:23 7:23 ff6:11 f 7:27 6:11 f 7:27 ff7:20 f 8:18 f6:18 6:18 ff7:34 7:34 ---5:15 5:15 5:22 5:22 ff4:50 f 5:25 4:50 f 5:25 ff4:54 f 5:29 4:54 f 5:29 ff5:01 5:01 ff5:36 5:36 ----f 7:25 -- ---f 7:29 --5 West--Concord-ff1:02 ff2:22 ff3:57 6 South Acton 1:02 2:22 3:57 ff5:07 5:07 ff1:04 ff2:24 f 5:09 1:04 2:24 ff3:59 3:59 7 Littleton/Route 495f 5:09 1:08 2:28 4:03 5:13 1:08 2:28 4:03 5:13 8 Ayer ---ff5:18 5:18 8 Shirley ff1:14 1:14 ff2:34 2:34 ff4:09 4:09 ff5:20 5:20 8 North Leominster 1:19 2:39 4:14 5:25 1:19 2:39 4:14 5:25 8 Fitchburg 1:29 2:49 4:24 5:35 1:29 2:49 4:24 5:35 403 2:39 4:14 f 7:22 2:49 4:24 7:31 Station Station addresses: addresses: 7:38 Fitchburg 8 Outbound from Boston ZONE STATION ZONE STATION 10:50 12:10 1:19 Shirley 11:00 12:20 1:29 8 North Leominster 8 Ski Train: This serviceus is available on the indicated weekend trains during winter on Twitter. Commuter months to provide transportation to Wachusett Mountain. These trains feature a Rail mobile app. months to provide transportation to Wachusett Mountain. These trains feature a Get schedule info, train progress, 617-222-3200. specially specially modified modified coach coach equipped equipped with with racks racks for for ski ski and and snowboard snowboard equipment. equipment. and alerts easily and conveniently. Please Please visit visit MBTA.com MBTA.com for for updated updated information information about about this this service. service.