Exploring Sounds – Outdoors First


Exploring Sounds – Outdoors


Learning intentions

We are learning how to capture different sounds.

We are learning how to re-create sounds.

Success criteria

I am able to identify low and high pitched sounds.

I am able to use instruments and sound makers to re-create different sounds.


Voice/stereo recorder

Range of tuned/non tuned percussion if possible

Different items which can be used for beaters





What learners are communicating: Learners are communicating the sounds they have heard in their local environment.

How learners are communicating: Learners are using the dynamics of different instruments to play sounds they have heard.

Musical building blocks : Learners are developing an awareness of how sounds can fit together.

Experiences and outcomes

Expressive arts:

I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. EXA 1-17a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my own and/or with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through musical activities. EXA 1-18a

Skills, knowledge and understanding

Learners will be able to :

• work with others

• explore timbre

• use low and high pitched sounds

• explore dynamics

• experiment with the voice and instruments

• arrange sounds

• use music technology.

Links to other areas of the curriculum

Health and wellbeing; ICT; Social studies

Useful links


Process/next steps

1) Using outdoor spaces provide learners with an opportunity to explore the local environment and listen to sounds around them eg trees moving in the wind, cars going past, rain drops.

2) Children can record interesting sounds using available technology.

3) Back in the classroom, teachers and children should listen to and analyse the recorded sounds.

Think about the character of the sounds, whether they are low or high pitch sounds, long or short sounds, loud or quiet sounds.

4) Children can then explore how to re-create these sounds using voices, instruments or other sound makers. Children should be given time to explore different ways to produce sounds.

5) Using their new sounds, children can work together to create their own sound picture which could accompany a story about their local environment.
