ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Riverdale Street (Route 5) at East Elm Street Elm Street Morgan Road I-91 Southbound Off Ramp Ashley Avenue Highland Avenue Town of West Springfield May 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: McMahon Associates, Inc. 300 Myles Standish Blvd. Suite 201 Taunton, MA 02780 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 3 Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements .............................................. 8 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 21 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map ............................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 21 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 22 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the following intersections on Riverdale Street (Route 5) in West Springfield, MA, as shown in Figure 1. • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at East Elm Street • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at Elm Street • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at Morgan Road • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at I-91 Southbound Off Ramp • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at Ashley Avenue • Riverdale Street (Route 5) at Highland Avenue A safety audit was scheduled for these six intersections as part of the required MassDOT design process for these locations, as part of two separate redesign projects along Riverdale Street. One project (File # 604209) includes roadway rehabilitation, new sidewalks and traffic signal upgrades, and includes the Riverdale Street (Route 5) intersections with East Elm Street, Elm Street, Ashley Avenue, and Highland Avenue. The other project (File #608280) includes installation of an adaptive traffic control system at seven intersections along the Riverdale Street (Route 5) corridor. Each of the above-listed intersections were identified as Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) high-crash intersections for the 2011-2013 and 2010-2012 time periods; in addition, the intersections at East Elm Street, Morgan Road, Ashley Avenue, and Highland Avenue were identified as HSIP high-crash intersections from 2009-2011. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made at the subject intersections. Project Data A Road Safety Audit was completed for these intersections along Riverdale Street in the Town of West Springfield on March 28, 2016. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at the West Springfield Municipal Building Auditorium is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, and maintenance fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report. Page 1 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation John Mastera MassDOT Highway Safety Unit Glenn Stevens Gannett Fleming Jim Czach West Springfield Department of Public Works Jeanne Galloway West Springfield Health Department Catherine Ratte PVPC Mass in Motion - DPH Shardly Romelus McMahon Associates Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates Bill Flaherty West Springfield Fire Department Gary Roux PVPC Laura Hanson MassDOT District 2 Projects & Bike/Ped Luke Hayes MassDOT District 2 Traffic Bao Lang MassDOT District 2 Traffic Hubert S. Rees, Jr. West Springfield Police Department Colin White GPI Within the email invitation sent on March 7, 2016 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included collision diagrams and crash data summaries. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group before the team discussed potential safety issues and solutions for the intersections. Project Location and Description Study Area Roadways As shown in in Figure 1, Riverdale Street (Route 5) is a four lane, two-way roadway which runs in a north-south direction in West Springfield, along the Connecticut River. The roadway has a posted speed limit of 40 mph in that section situated between the two outermost intersections. The northbound and southbound directions along the corridor are separated by a median which generally has two-foot tall sections of guardrail along the corridor. Riverdale Street generally consists of a 23-foot cross-section, an eight-foot shoulder on both directions which runs uniformly along the corridor, and an existing sidewalk which varies from three to five feet in width and generally runs along the westerly side of Riverdale Street. At the intersections with Morgan Road and Highland Avenue, existing sidewalk on the easterly side of Riverdale Street is also present, with widths varying from three to five feet. Within the vicinity of the Ashley Avenue intersection, Riverdale Street has a concrete pavement instead of the hot mix asphalt generally found within the rest of the study area. The roadway is classified as an urban principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction throughout the RSA study area. Information regarding the major intersecting streets within the study area is as follows: • East Elm Street/Elm Street is a two-way road classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of West Springfield jurisdiction that runs generally in a north-south direction in the study area. • Morgan Road is a two-way road classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of West Springfield jurisdiction that generally runs in an east-west direction. Page 3 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL • The I-91 southbound off-ramp is a one-way road classified as an urban principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction west of Riverdale Street. • Ashley Avenue is a two-way road classified as a local road under Town of West Springfield jurisdiction that generally runs in an east-west direction. • Highland Avenue is a two-way road classified as urban minor arterial under Town of West Springfield jurisdiction that generally runs in an east-west direction. Study Area Intersections The intersection of Riverdale Street and East Elm Street is a three-legged signalized intersection. The Riverdale Street southbound approach consists of a 45-foot wide cross section with two through lanes and one U-turn lane. The northbound approach is about 40 feet wide and consists of two through lanes and a left-turn only lane. The East Elm Street eastbound approach is about 25 feet wide and consists of one lane which is wide enough to allow right and left turns simultaneously. The western portion of the intersection has a 30 foot radius truck turnout to allow large trucks to make U-turns along Riverdale Street. There is one unsignalized pedestrian crosswalk and curb ramps are present at the eastbound approach of the intersection. The intersection of Riverdale Street and Elm Street is a three-legged signalized intersection. The Riverdale Street southbound approach has a free right lane that merges into Elm Street under yield control. The southbound approach at the intersection consists of a 45-foot wide cross section with two through lanes and signs that prohibit U-turns. The northbound approach is approximately 40 feet wide and consists of two through lanes and an unmarked left-turn only lane. The Elm Street eastbound approach is about 60 feet wide and consists of one multi-use lane which is wide enough to allow right and left turns simultaneously. There is one signalized pedestrian crosswalk and curb ramps are present at the eastbound approach of the intersection. The intersection of Riverdale Street and Morgan Road is a four-legged signalized intersection. The Riverdale Street southbound approach consists of a 45-feet wide cross section with one right-turn only lane, two through lanes and one left-turn only lane. The northbound approach is approximately 40 feet wide and consists of two through lanes, two left-turn only lanes and one right-turn only lane. The Morgan Road eastbound approach is approximately 60 feet wide and consists of one left-turn only lane and two general purpose lanes. The westbound approach consist of one left turn only lane, one shared left/through lane, and one through only lane and one right turn only lane. There are signalized pedestrian crosswalks and curb ramps present at all of the approaches to the intersection. The intersection of Riverdale Street southbound and the I-91 southbound off-ramp is a two-legged signalized intersection. The Riverdale Street southbound approach consists of two through lanes with no turns permitted. The I-91 southbound off-ramp approach consists of two travel lanes permitting right turns onto Riverdale Street under signal control. There is a signalized pedestrian crosswalk and curb ramps are present at the I-91 southbound off-ramp approach. The intersection of Riverdale Street and Ashley Avenue is a three-legged signalized intersection. The Riverdale Street southbound approach is approximately 30 feet wide and consists of two through lanes with signs that prohibit left turns and U-turns. The northbound approach at the intersection consists of a 40-foot wide cross section with two through lanes, one unmarked left-turn only lane and one unmarked right-turn only lane. The Ashley Avenue eastbound approach is approximately 40 feet wide and consists of one multi-use lane and a splitter island approximately 30 feet long which separates both directions of Page 4 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL traffic. There are no visible stop lines, pedestrian crosswalks, or curb ramps present at any of the approaches to the intersection. The intersection of Riverdale Street and Highland Avenue is a four-legged signalized intersection; Marion Street intersects Riverdale Street from the east at an offset approximately 65 feet south of Highland Avenue. The Riverdale Street northbound and southbound approaches each consist of a 30-foot wide cross section with one left-turn only lane and two general purpose lanes. The Highland Avenue eastbound approach is approximately 35 feet wide and consists of one left-turn only lane, one shared through/right­ turn lane, and one right-turn only lane. The Marion Street westbound approach consists of one 15-foot multi-use lane that serves all movements. There are no visible stop lines or crosswalks on the eastbound approach, though this crossing is signalized; however, pedestrian crosswalks and signals are present in both the northbound and westbound approaches, and curb ramps are present at all pedestrian crossings within the intersection. Crash Data Crash data was received for the three years period of 2012-2014. Based on this data, there were a total of 24 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street and East Elm Street. Of the crashes that occurred, 13 (54%) were rear-end collisions, including two crashes involving vehicles traveling south on Riverdale Street and two vehicles traveling west on East Elm Street. Additionally, there were six angle collisions, two single vehicle crashes and three sideswipe crashes. Of the 24 reported crashes, eleven resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 30-39 years old in 30% of the crashes and 42% of the crashes occurred on a Thursday. Also, 50% of the crashes occurred under dark or dusk lighting conditions. Two of the collisions were identified as hit and runs. There were a total of 25 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street and Elm Street. Of the crashes that occurred, 12 (48%) were angle collisions, including eight crashes involving vehicles traveling south on Riverdale Street and colliding with vehicles traveling east on Elm Street. Additionally, there were ten rear-end collisions, one head on and one single vehicle crash. Of the 25 reported crashes, seven resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 21-29 years old in 32% of the crashes. Also, 72% of the crashes occurred under daylight conditions. One of the collisions was a hit and run. There were a total of 48 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street and Morgan Road. Of the crashes that occurred, 28 (58%) were rear-end collisions, including ten crashes involving vehicles traveling south on Riverdale Street and eight vehicles traveling north on Riverdale Street. Additionally, there were ten angle collisions, one single vehicle crash, and nine sideswipe crashes. Of the 48 reported crashes, seven resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 30-39 years old in 24% of the crashes and 25% of the crashes occurred on a Saturday. Also, 46% of the crashes occurred under dark or dusk lighting conditions. Two of the collisions were identified as hit and runs. There were a total of 13 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street southbound and the I-91 southbound off-ramp. Of the crashes that occurred, eight (62%) were rear-end collisions. Additionally, there were three single vehicle crashes and one sideswipe crash. Of the 13 reported crashes, four resulted in personal injury, including a crash involving a vehicle that struck a pedestrian and then fled the scene afterwards; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 30-39 years old in 39% of the crashes and 54% of the crashes occurred on a Tuesday. Also, 62% of the crashes occurred under daylight conditions. Page 5 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL There were a total of 34 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street and Ashley Avenue. Of the crashes that occurred, 27 (79%) were rear-end collisions, including 22 crashes involving vehicles traveling south on Riverdale Street. Additionally, there were six angle collisions and one sideswipe crash. Of the 34 reported crashes, 16 resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 21-29 years old in 29% of the crashes and 24% of the crashes occurred on a Sunday. In addition, 35% of the crashes occurred in rainy conditions, 50% of the crashes occurred under wet pavement conditions, and 62% of the crashes occurred under daylight conditions. There were a total of 22 crashes reported at the intersection of Riverdale Street and Highland Avenue. Of the crashes that occurred, eight (36%) were rear-end collisions, including two crashes involving vehicles traveling south on Riverdale Street. Additionally, there were six angle collisions, three single vehicle crashes, and five sideswipe crashes. Of the 22 reported crashes, six resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. The driver age was 40-49 years old in 35% of the crashes and 27% of the crashes occurred on a Wednesday. Also, 86 % of the crashes occurred under daylight conditions. Three of the collisions were identifed as hit and runs. Detailed crash diagrams are provided in Appendix C. Page 6 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements During the RSA meeting, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of the study area and crash information were presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the six intersections along Riverdale Street (Route 5). A site visit of all six intersections was then conducted, followed by a discussion of potential enhancements and countermeasures addressing the issues discussed earlier. During the discussion of potential countermeasures, it was noted that critical design improvements of all six intersections needed to be made in order to increase safety. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA at each location along with potential enhancements that address these concerns. Riverdale Street and East Elm Street Safety Issue #1: Traffic Control Observations: The audit team brought up a number of observations relating to traffic operations at this intersection. High speeds along Riverdale Street (Route 5) were noted by several participants; while noted generally at other locations, speed is particularly an issue at this intersection, as Route 5 is a limited-access roadway south of East Elm Street (with side street intersections present in the southbound direction). Some of the participants also mentioned that there is a lack of speed feedback in the northbound approach to alert drivers about their speed; radar feedback signage is present for Route 5 southbound drivers south of the intersection. Crest hill prohibits drivers from seeing the traffic lights about 500 feet away As drivers approach the intersection travelling northbound, there is a crest curve approximately 500 feet away that limits visibility of the traffic signals at the northbound approach. It was also noted that the left turn lane at the northbound approach backs up frequently and the crest curve also impacts visibility of queuing at this approach. Impaired visibility for northbound drivers may be a primary contributing factor to the five rear-end crashes (four of which resulted in personal injury) that occurred at the northbound approach during the crash analysis period. Audit participants noted that right turns from East Elm Street usually failed to yield to oncoming traffic on the main road. The East Elm Street approach is wide enough to support two lanes of traffic; though separate lanes are not marked, historical photography reviewed after the audit meeting indicates that two lanes with turn arrow markings were previously present, and may have faded over time. Also, there are no right turn on red restrictions posted at the intersection. Page 7 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Participants also mentioned that the signal heads can be hard to see (particularly in the southbound direction) because of a lack of signal backplates. Based on the feedback received during the meeting, this condition is most apparent when the sun is lower in the sky during the fall and spring seasons. Other participants also mentioned that guide signage (particularly for street names) is generally lacking or insufficient and that there is a lack of uniformity to the color and appearance of signal equipment, making such controls less conspicuous. Enhancements: • Evaluate installing dynamic advance “Red Signal Ahead” warning signage for the northbound approach as part of the signal system. • Evaluate adding radar speed feedback signs on the Route 5 northbound approach to alert vehicles about their speed. • Develop a media campaign to target distracted and speeding drivers. One audit participant suggested using billboards as one potential component of this type of campaign. • Provide additional police enforcement to monitor high speeds. MassDOT may be able to share data from the existing feedback system on Route 5 southbound with police to better determine when additional enforcement is beneficial. • Evaluate the feasibility of revising speed limits along Route 5. • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. • Evaluate queuing at the Riverdale Street northbound left-turn lane to determine if adequate queue storage is being provided. • Install emergency preemption equipment at the intersection to clear intersections queues during emergency response calls. • Consider geometric improvements at the intersection to encourage right turns from East Elm Street to yield to oncoming Route 5 southbound traffic. • Evaluate placing a “No Turn on Red” restriction at the East Elm Street approach. • Add signal backplates on overhead mounted signal heads at the intersection. • Consider painting all signal equipment black for consistency and to make signals more conspicuous. • Install advance guide signs on Route 5 that include street names to provide better guidance to drivers. • Evaluate installing larger street signs mounted overhead on signal mast arms for better visibility. Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Observations: A distinct lack of pedestrian accommodations at the intersection was noted by several audit participants. The intersection lacks crosswalks across Riverdale Street (Route 5), and the crosswalk at the East Elm Street approach does not have pedestrian signals. The U-turn pocket on the easterly side of the intersection (designed to accommodate southbound traffic wishing to make a U-turn to travel onto Route 5 northbound) creates additional distance for a potential pedestrian crossing Route 5. One pedestrian crash (resulting in personal injury) was noted in the crash data provided to audit participants for this intersection. Page 8 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Audit participants noted that there is a fair amount of pedestrian demand to cross Route 5 from several hotels along the easterly side of Route 5 north of the intersection, which does not have a sidewalk or other pedestrian accommodations complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Such pedestrians were noted to cross Route 5 mid-block without any marked crossing, navigating a median and guardrail separating both directions of Route 5 to do so. Other audit participants noted that sidewalks are not wide enough to accommodate inexperienced bicyclists who may be discouraged from riding within the travel way on Route 5 due to higher vehicle speeds. No crosswalks present across Route 5 Enhancements: • Evaluate the feasibility of installing crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection to facilitate crossing Route 5. • Evaluate the feasibility of installing a sidewalk or a wider multi-use path (serving both bicyclists and pedestrians) along the easterly side of Route 5. • Evaluate the feasibility of a mid-block crossing on Route 5 adjacent to lodging facilities. • Re-install faded or missing pavement markings for clarifying pedestrian paths and minimizing conflicts with vehicles and bicycles. • Add pedestrian signal equipment, including accessible pedestrian signals (APS), at the East Elm Street crosswalk to allow safe and efficient pedestrian crossings. Riverdale Street and Elm Street Safety Issue #1: Traffic Operations Observations: RSA participants mentioned that vehicles traveling southbound on Riverdale Street often do so at high speeds and tend to run the red light at the Elm Street intersection, which is located at the end of the primary retail areas along Route 5. During the site visit, it was also noted that the southbound post mounted signals were hard to see, particularly in contrast with overhead mounted signals in the northbound direction. The majority of the crashes at this intersection involved southbound vehicles (either in rear-end crashes or in angle crashes with Elm Street traffic), and the above issues may be primary contributing factors to these crashes. Double left turn at Elm Street is not clearly marked and may not be expected by drivers Page 9 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Other participants also noted that there is a lack of signal coordination with adjacent signals to the north, leading to inefficient operations and potentially contributing to driver frustration. MassDOT representatives at the audit noted that there are short-term plans to implement an adaptive traffic signal control system along the Route 5 corridor. One of the MassDOT representatives in the RSA team noted that the Elm Street lane configuration is unclear , resulting in drivers forming two lanes at the approach to Riverdale Street. A review of historical imagery after the RSA meeting indicates that two lanes with turn arrow markings were previously present, and may have faded over time and were never re-installed. A number of vehicles use the right lane for left-turn movements, creating a double left turn that results in weaving movements within the intersection as drivers attempt to navigate the intersection. Some audit participants noted that drivers create a double left turn due to the lack of stacking space at the intersection. Another issue noted by RSA participants involved southbound vehicles from Route 5 onto Elm Street making the free right turn and failing to yield to left turning traffic from Route 5 northbound. Other participants noted that some drivers may be confused by the geometry and enter the right-turn lane believing it is for southbound Route 5 traffic; drivers realizing this may attempt to make an unexpected left-turn onto Elm Street to return to Route 5. A combination of The free right turn at Elm St opens up in a way that roadway geometry (with the southbound would also encourages drivers to make a left turn right-turn movement laid out as a straight from this lane. alignment directly onto Elm Street), a lack of clear signage, and a lack of yield markings may be contributing to this behavior. Also notable is the crash that occurred due to a vehicle making an illegal southbound left turn. Upon inspection of the signage at the southbound approach, it is currently signed to only prohibit U-turns; however, given the location of the gas station entrance, drivers may believe they are attempting a left turn instead of a U-turn. Comments received after the RSA meeting noted that the owner of the gas station parcel is considering improvements at this intersection to add a southbound left-turn lane into the site; coordination among various future projects should be considered when evaluating countermeasures at this intersection. Enhancements: • Mount overhead signals for southbound traffic to make the signals more visible. • Add signal backplates on all overhead-mounted signal heads for improved visibility. • Add “Signal Ahead” signs at the Route 5 approaches to the intersection. • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. • Evaluate coordination between adjacent signals to the north along the Route 5 corridor as a shortterm measure to provide more efficient operations. Page 10 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL • Implement adaptive signal control along the Route 5 corridor (including this intersection) as a long-term measure. As part of this design, conflict zone detection should be evaluated for the southbound approach, as there is a known issue with red-light running that may still exist. • Add lane use markings and signs to clarify lane configuration for the Elm Street approach. • Add yield line markings for the free right turn from Route 5 southbound to Elm Street. • Separate “Do Not Enter” signs for the free southbound right turn from back of Yield signs to make the shape of Yield signs more conspicuous. • Add “No Left Turn” signage at the end of the free right turn lane and consider extending the curb to discourage illegal left-turn movements onto Elm Street. • Evaluate extending the median barrier along Elm Street to block left turn traffic onto the southbound right-turn lane travelling the wrong way. • Evaluate realigning the southbound channelized right-turn lane further east to offset it from Elm Street and force vehicles to slow and deflect when entering Elm Street. • Install pavement markings in the Route 5 southbound lanes indicating a thru arrow only and install lane designation signs at the southbound approach to further enhance the left-turn/U-turn restriction. Safety Issue #2: Roadway Geometry Observations: The RSA team observed a number of issues regarding roadway geometry, particularly with regard to an existing service station adjacent to the intersection on the easterly side of Route 5. Currently, the service station has a pair of one-way access driveways on Route 5 northbound, neither of which line up directly with Elm Street across the intersection. For Route 5 southbound drivers looking to access this parcel, they are required to continue south on Route 5 to make a Uturn at the East Elm Street intersection to the south and access the parcel from Route 5 northbound. Uneven concrete pavement lanes with median at the northbound approach The service station parcel also provides access to an adjacent parking area for a boat launch to the Connecticut River (located east of Route 5). Representatives from the West Springfield DPW indicated that a future Riverwalk project is being proposed to provide a multi-use path adjacent to the river, with the service station parcel providing one potential access point. Signage for the current boat launch parking area is limited, and there is no clear signage indicating how drivers are to access this parking area. Other participants noted that the future Riverwalk project may generate demand to the service station parcel and adjacent boat launch parking area. However, there is no southbound left-turn lane, and regulatory signage and the design of the intersection discourage southbound left-turn and U-turn movements. Page 11 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Additionally, some of the participants noted that the worn/aged concrete roadway surface is uneven, showing extensive large aggregates, and it is expected to increase the slippery surface condition in some sections of the roadway, which can create the formation of puddles when it rains. This may be a contributing factor to 24% of the crashes at this intersection occurring under wet roadway conditions. Enhancements: • Evaluate the feasibility of access improvements to the service station parcel to provide full access under signalized control within the intersection. • Evaluate adding a southbound left-turn lane on Route 5 to provide access to the service station and boat launch parking area. • Consider adding guide signs for the boat launch area (and future Riverwalk) to alert vehicles of recreational area in the vicinity of the intersection. • Consider repairing or replacing uneven concrete pavement to reduce ponding on the roadway and improve drainage runoff. Safety Issue #3: Pedestrian Accommodations Observations: There is a signalized crosswalk across the Elm Street approach, but no crossings exist across Route 5. During the field visit, it was noted that pedestrian pushbuttons for the Elm Street crosswalk signals were not located adjacent to the pedestrian ramps. In addition, as was the case at East Elm Street, there are no sidewalks along the easterly side of Route 5. Audit participants mentioned a desire for improved pedestrian access at the intersection due to both the existing boat launch access and the future Riverwalk project that is expected to attract more pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Lack of crosswalks across Route 5 Enhancements: • Evaluate the potential to provide pedestrian crosswalks with median refuge areas across Route 5 at the intersection. • Evaluate the feasibility of installing sidewalk along the easterly side of Route 5. The evaluation should consider coordination with an unrelated proposal to install a new sewer line along the easterly side of Route 5. • Relocate pedestrian signals and pushbuttons for the Elm Street crosswalk to provide proper placement adjacent to ramps. Page 12 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Riverdale Street and Morgan Road Safety Issue #1: Traffic Operations Observations: The RSA team observed a number of issues regarding traffic operations. Participants mentioned that the 4-section signal head over the northbound right-turn only lane is confusing to drivers because the signal head has a mix of ball and arrow indications. The team also indicated that this is a very active intersection because of nearby shops, restaurants, and a cinema just south of the intersection. One team member mentioned that there are long signal cycles at the intersection due to high volumes, which in turn creates long delay/congestion and vehicle queuing. Obtaining turning movement counts and pedestrian/bicyclist data during normal and peak times for this intersection Signal head for right-turn lane shows green ball was discussed for coordinating signal timing (including weekend dinner hours due to instead of arrows multiple restaurants in the area). Other participants noted that allowing left turns at the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach from both an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared left-through lane may be confusing to drivers, including eastbound drivers at Morgan Road looking to turn right on red. Participants noted a high number of rear end and sideswipe crashes that have occurred, possibly related to the above issues. Other issues raised by the RSA team included some missing regulatory signage (in particular, the northbound approach is missing a “Keep Right” sign within the median), and concerns that the adjacent traffic signals on Morgan Road west of Route 5 do not seem to be coordinated with the signal at the Route 5intersection. Enhancements: • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. Signal timings during coordinated periods should be included in this evaluation. • Replace the existing signal head over the northbound right-turn only lane with a three-section signal head (red ball, yellow and green arrows) and a “RIGHT TURN SIGNAL” sign, to reinforce guidance for the right-turn lane while allowing right turns on red. • Evaluate lane assignments at intersection approaches, particularly for the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach, and revise pavement markings and signage accordingly. • Evaluate regulatory signing at the intersection and replace as needed, including replacing a missing “Keep Right” sign at the northbound approach and installing “No Turn on Red” sign for the Morgan Street eastbound approach. Page 13 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Observations: During the field visit, one of the participants of the RSA team noticed that there was a lack of refuge on the northbound approach pedestrian crossing. It was also noted that there is long pedestrian time on crosswalks, which is likely related to the need to provide enough crossing time for the full width of Route 5 at the northbound approach. Other participants noticed that the APS pedestrian push buttons at the intersection were not fully functional; at some locations, the red indicator light adjacent to the button is off Lack of refuge on the northbound approach for and there is not any audible sound to pedestrian announce “Walk/Don’t Walk” to a visually impaired individual. During the RSA, one of the team members commented on the lack of bike facilities to allow bicyclists to navigate efficiently within the intersection. It was noted in comments after the RSA meeting that the Town has a Complete Streets ordinance, which encourages bicycle accommodations be taken into consideration at all locations where bicycle travel is permitted. Some audit participants noted that transit buses travelling northbound have a bus stop located south of the intersection, primarily serving the cinema across Route 5. The location of this bus stop effectively blocks the right turn lane, and also encourages pedestrians to cross Route 5 mid-block to access sites across the street. Another RSA participant noted in the field visit that a highway property boundary marker was protruding from the sidewalk at the southeast corner, potentially creating a tripping hazard. Enhancements: • Evaluate the feasibility of providing a median refuge for the northbound approach and the potential for staged crossings of Route 5 with concurrent phasing, which would also reduce overall cycle lengths. • Repair accessible pedestrian push button signals throughout the intersection, and install additional APS pushbuttons where needed. • Consider relocating the existing bus stop south of the intersection (potentially north of Morgan Road) and/or bus stop improvements to avoid conflicts with the northbound right-turn lane. • Evaluate the potential for a mid-block pedestrian crossing near the existing bus stop and cinema. • Reset the highway boundary marker at the southeast corner to make it flush to the sidewalk and prevent a tripping hazard. Safety Issue #3: Roadway Geometry Observations: Various issues related to roadway geometry (including sight distance) were noted by the RSA team. Some participants noted that there is a line of trees along the westerly side of Route 5 that prohibit southbound right turning vehicles from seeing the right turn lane signal, which is mounted on a mast arm Page 14 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL shaft at the southwest corner of the intersection. Other roadside obstructions noted by the team included the presence of a utility pole within the median of the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach, exiting the Riverdale Shops retail area. This pole is also in a position where it is more likely to be struck by traffic turning onto Morgan Road Extension. One topic that the audit team brought up was the fact that trucks travelling southbound in the right-turn lane do not having a large enough turning radius to navigate right turns onto Morgan Road; as a result, such vehicles tend to encroach upon the Morgan Road eastbound approach. A team member also noted that the southbound right turn lane is sometimes blocked by long queues from the adjacent through lane; as a result, vehicles often use the right shoulder upstream on Route 5 southbound Line of trees to the right obstructing the view of in order to enter the right-turn lane, right turn traffic signal and eastbound approach contributing to many of the southbound rearend collisions as noted by police representatives during the RSA. This impacts both through vehicles as well as vehicles leaving the Agra Mark property at the northwest corner of the intersection. It was noted during the RSA that the curb cuts on the Agra Mark property were recently changed, requiring exiting vehicles to turn right onto Route 5 southbound near the southbound right turn lane. It was noted that a high number of crashes at the Route 5 southbound approach occurred during nighttime conditions. While there was some discussion of higher volumes and activity during these hours due to the retail nature of the area, others discussed whether nighttime street lighting along Route 5 was adequate. Enhancements: • Evaluate the possibility of trimming trees along the westerly side of Route 5 in the southbound direction. • Consider adding reflective strips on the utility pole located at the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach. • Evaluate the storage length of the Route 5 southbound through and right-turn lanes to determine if adequate storage is provided and prevent access to the right-turn lane from being blocked. • Evaluate the corner radius at the northwest corner of the intersection and upstream curb cuts adjacent to the Agra Mark property and other parcels to determine if adequate heavy vehicle accommodations are provided. Riverdale Street and I-91 Southbound Off-Ramp Safety Issue #1: Traffic Operations Observations: Audit participants mentioned that there is a frequent occurrence of weaving movements on the two-lane off-ramp approach for downstream destinations on Route 5 southbound. There are several driveways on Route 5 just south of the signal; drivers slowing down to enter these driveways may not be noticed in time Page 15 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL by off-ramp drivers traveling at higher speeds during the green phase. This behavior may explain the four rear-end crashes at this location occurring at either the off-ramp or locations downstream. Speeds and vehicle queuing on the off-ramp were both noted as issues by RSA team members noted; one participant noted that there is excessive queuing on the off ramp and that the “No Turn On Red” sign mounted overhead on the mast arm was hard to see at times. Enhancements: • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. “No Turn On Red” sign on mast arm • Reevaluate moving “No Turn On Red” not fully visible signage to a more visible location • Add reflective markers on guardrails (on the on-ramp and at the Route 5 median) to make them more conspicuous and discourage high speeds on the off-ramp Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian Safety Observations: One crash at this location involved a pedestrian attempting to cross Route 5 illegally that was struck by a vehicle. While audit participants did not think this incident was indicative of a pattern of pedestrian crossings at this intersection, some members of the RSA team suggested additional measures be considered to discourage unexpected mid-block pedestrian crossings. Enhancements: • Consider adding a fence within the median to prevent pedestrians from crossing Route 5 at this location Riverdale Street and Ashley Avenue Safety Issue #1: Traffic Operations Observations: One major issue observed by the team members before and during the field visit was the condition of the concrete pavement, which has become polished over time due to wearing, resulting in a smoother surface that is conducive to slippery conditions during rain events. This was particularly apparent at the Route 5 southbound approach, where the overwhelming majority of crashes at the approach (22 of 23 crashes, 96%) Slippery concrete pavement conditions on Route 5 southbound Page 16 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL were rear-end collisions; among the rear-end crashes at the Route 5 southbound approach, 12 of them (55%) occurred under wet pavement conditions. Audit participants also noted that drivers tend to accelerate through the intersection to attempt to avoid stopping at a red light, particularly in the southbound direction as drivers approach the I-91 interchange. Audit participants indicated that other factors may be contributing to southbound rear-end collisions; these include vehicle speeds on Route 5 southbound, a potential lack of dilemma zone detection, outdated signal timings, and poor signal visibility. One team member noticed from the collision diagram that at least one crash was caused by a southbound vehicle making an illegal left turn that collided with northbound oncoming traffic. Southbound left turns are allowed at the upstream signalized intersection with Wayside Avenue, which connects to Ashley Avenue; however, this condition is not clearly indicated, despite the presence of turn prohibition signage at the Ashley Avenue intersection for Route 5 southbound traffic. Other audit participants noted the relatively short distance on Route 5 northbound between the I-91 off­ ramp and Ashley Avenue creates concerns with weaving for northbound drivers looking to make left turns or U-turns at the Ashley Avenue intersection. Enhancements: • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. Signal timings during coordinated periods should be included in this evaluation. • Apply a micro surface pavement treatment to increase friction at the Route 5 approaches, as a short-term measure. • Evaluate and design a hot mix asphalt pavement resurfacing of the Route 5 approaches, as a long­ term measure. • Consider adding a nearside signal for the Route 5 southbound approach. • Consider adding guide signs on Route 5 southbound to guide traffic destined for Ashley Avenue toward Wayside Avenue. • Consider placing the I-91 off-ramp approach to Route 5 northbound under Stop control, replacing the current Yield control. • Evaluate placing a dotted edge line extension along the Route 5 northbound right lane to reinforce the right of way. Safety Issue #2: Roadway Geometry Observations: A representative from the West Springfield Police Department mention that the northbound approach lanes do not properly align with the received lanes, which may confuse drivers and cause weaving within the intersection. Other audit participants noted that shoulders on this portion of Route 5 (including the Ashley Avenue intersection) are narrow, and noted a police stop in the southbound direction prior to the start of the RSA where the parked vehicles were encroaching the through lanes. Related to this issue is the location of a bus stop at the Route 5 southbound approach, which does not provide enough room for buses to pull off the travel lanes when picking up or discharging passengers. It was noted during the field visit that an Page 17 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL existing turnout is present further south within the intersection, presumably to facilitate northbound Uturn movements. A driveway on the southbound departure lanes that serves a Red Roof Inn and Five Guys restaurant was noted during the field visit as having unclear operations. Regulatory signs and markings for this driveway were faded, and while it appears to only allow right turning exit movements with no signal control, at least one vehicle was observed making a left turn out of this driveway to enter the intersection toward Route 5 northbound. Enhancements: • Evaluate placing dotted edge line extensions as a short term measure within the intersection to address the northbound lane alignment. • Evaluate geometric re-alignment of the northbound approach and departure lanes as a long-term measure to address the northbound lane alignment. • Consider widening and/or resurfacing of shoulders on both sides of Route 5. • Evaluate either relocation of the existing bus stop to the turnout location south of intersection, or construction of a bus turnout at the current location. • Add a “Right Turn Only” sign for exiting traffic at the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway, as a short-term measure. • Evaluate the potential to incorporate the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway into the traffic signal, as a long-term measure. • Alternatively, evaluate geometric improvements (such as a channelized island) to better formalize the right-out only nature of the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway. Safety Issue #3: Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Observation: One major issue observed by the team members at this intersection is the lack of bicycle and pedestrian accommodation. The intersection lacks crosswalks across all three approaches. One team member noted that there is not a clear indication of the shoulder as edge lines appeared to be faded. Enhancements: • Evaluate the feasibility of revising shoulder widths to provide bicycle accommodations. • Evaluate installing crosswalks with No apparent shoulder line in both directions of Route 5 at Ashley Avenue pedestrian signals and APS- capable pushbuttons across Route 5. Pedestrian refuge areas for long crossings should be part of this evaluation. • Improve non-ADA compliant pedestrian ramps at all intersection approaches. Page 18 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Riverdale Street and Highland Avenue Safety Issue #1: Traffic Operations Observations: Audit participants noted that several residential complexes are adjacent to this intersection, with several residential driveways present within the vicinity of the intersection. Additionally, Highland Avenue provides local access to the nearby Holyoke Mall, which is a significant traffic generator and creates queuing issues for the Route 5 northbound left-turn lane. Once northbound left turns are made, such drivers are consistently travelling across the double yellow centerline of the Highland Avenue eastbound approach. Due to the offset nature of the side streets at the intersection (also including the Marion Street westbound approach) and the width of the Highland Street approach (which has three lanes), northbound left-turning vehicles have a very long and wide turn to make. Another issue related to northbound left turns discussed during the RSA is that right turns on red from Highland Avenue eastbound are allowed, though only from the right-most lane, during the portion of the signal cycle when northbound U-turns are also allowed. This condition presents a potential conflict for these movements, and at least one crash at the intersection was directly related to this condition. During the field visit, the Highland Avenue eastbound approach was found to be missing several pavements markings, such as crosswalks, a stop line, and lane use markings. The lack of markings contributes to confusion for drivers regarding lane operations. Though the approach has lane use signs indicating the lane use (left-turn lane, shared through-right lane, right-turn lane), these signs are spaced too closely and there is no lane use sign or markings at the stop line location. As a result, many drivers in the middle lane are using it to make left turns, creating a double left-turn condition that may be unexpected by Highland Avenue drivers. Among other issues encountered during the field visit, team members noticed that Highland Avenue and Marion Street operate under concurrent signal phasing. The offset nature of these streets within the intersection may make it challenging for side street drivers to determine how to react to oncoming traffic. Additionally, the bus stop on Route 5 southbound adjacent to the Shell service station was found to be problematic, as there is a lack of markings defining the bus stop location. Audit participants indicated that drivers typically travel along the curb on Left turning vehicle encroaching Highland Route 5 southbound to access the on-ramps Avenue approach lanes, with non-standard ramps for I-91 and I-90 located approximately 250 in foreground. feet south of the bus stop location. During the field visit portion of the RSA, some participants observed a large truck making a U-turn from the northbound approach. One MassDOT representative noted that, because of the difficulty of this turn, it should not be an allowed movement for heavy vehicles at the intersection. It was noted that there is a jughandle to the north dedicated to this movement for northbound heavy vehicles. Page 19 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: • Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection for each approach to determine if revisions are needed. • Install missing stop line for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach, and evaluate locating the stop line for the left-turn lane further west to avoid encroachment from northbound left-turning vehicles. • Consider installation of extension markings for the Route 5 northbound left turn movement. • Evaluate a full “No Turn On Red” condition for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach and/or a U-turn prohibition (if volumes are low) at the Route 5 northbound approach to address conflicts between these movements. This can also be supplemented with red arrow signal indications. • Install missing lane use arrows and crosswalk at the Highland Avenue eastbound approach. • Evaluate installation of an additional lane-use sign for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach. • Evaluate splitting the side street signal phases to reduce potential confusion for drivers. • Evaluate creating a turnout at the existing bus stop location south of the intersection to prevent vehicle conflicts. • Consider using colored pavement at bus stop locations to make them more conspicuous. • Evaluate improvements to the shoulder and the entrance ramps to I-90 and I-91 to provide better definition and deter vehicles from driving over the bus stop location to the north. • Consider adding a “No U-Turns” sign that with a supplemental “TRUCKS” plaque to alert large trucks that this movement is prohibited for heavy vehicles. Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Observations: One of the team members mentioned that there is frequent bicycle activity within this intersection, due to the presence of adjacent residential complexes and connections to both the Holyoke Mall and to Holyoke. There was some discussion during the audit that the Riverwalk project could extend as far north as the Highland Avenue/Marion Street area, which would generate additional bicycle traffic in the future. Three crashes at the intersection involved bicycles. During the field visit, one audit participant noted that the existing pedestrian crossings were not fully ADA-compliant; it was noted that pedestrian ramps had tactile pads in a non-standard location relative to the ramp, and that APS-capable pedestrian pushbuttons were not present at the intersection. Enhancements: • Consider installation of a bike box for the Route 5 northbound approach to allow safe and efficient left turns for bicycles • Evaluate and upgrade non-compliant ADA pedestrian ramps at the intersection • Evaluate and install one APS pedestrian post for each corner street crossing for visually impaired users. Page 20 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Recommendations After discussing the various safety deficiencies within the study area, participants discussed potential solutions. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid­ term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-Term <1 Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,001-$50,000 Long-Term >3 Years High >$50,000 Summary of Road Safety Audit A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table 3. The recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate cost and responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below. Page 21 Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Medium MassDOT High Mid-Term High Town of West Springfield Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of West Springfield Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT High Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT Riverdale Street and East Elm Street Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Evaluate installing dynamic advance “Red Signal Ahead” warning signage for the northbound approach Evaluate adding radar speed feedback signs on the Route 5 southbound approach Develop a media campaign to target distracted and fast driving drivers Provide additional police enforcement to monitor high speeds, and share data from the existing feedback system on Route 5 southbound with police Evaluate the feasibility of revising speed limits along Route 5 Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection Evaluate queuing at the Riverdale Street northbound left-turn lane Install emergency preemption equipment Consider geometric improvements at the intersection to encourage right turns from East Elm Street to yield to oncoming Route 5 southbound traffic Evaluate placing a “No Turn on Red” restriction at the East Elm Street approach Add signal backplates on overhead mounted signal heads Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Traffic Control Traffic Control Traffic Control Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Potential Safety Enhancement Consider painting all signal equipment black for consistency Install advance guide signs on Route 5 that include street names Evaluate installing larger street signs mounted overhead on signal mast arms Evaluate the feasibility of installing crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and ADA-compliant curb ramps Evaluate the feasibility of installing sidewalk or a wider multi-use path (serving both bicyclists and pedestrians) along the easterly side of Route 5 Evaluate the feasibility of a mid-block crossing on Route 5 adjacent to lodging facilities Re-install faded or missing pavement markings for clarifying pedestrian paths and minimizing conflicts with vehicles and bicycles Add pedestrian signal equipment, including accessible pedestrian signals (APS), at the East Elm Street crosswalk Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT High Mid-Term High MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT High Mid-Term High MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Riverdale Street and Elm Street Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Mount overhead signals for southbound traffic Add signal back plates on all overheadmounted signal heads Add “Signal Ahead” signs at the Route 5 approaches Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection Evaluate coordination between adjacent signals to the north along the Route 5 corridor Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Potential Safety Enhancement Implement adaptive signal control along the Route 5 corridor Add lane use markings and signs to clarify lane configuration for the Elm Street approach Add yield line markings for the free right turn from Route 5 southbound to Elm Street Separate “Do Not Enter” signs for the free southbound right turn from back of Yield signs Add “No Left Turn” signage at the end of the free right turn lane and consider extending the curb to discourage illegal left-turn movements Evaluate extending the median barrier along Elm Street to block left turn traffic onto the southbound right-turn lane Install pavement markings in the Route 5 southbound lanes indicating a thru arrow only and install lane designation signs at the southbound approach Evaluate the feasibility of access improvements to the service station parcel to provide full access under signalized control within the intersection Evaluate adding a southbound left-turn lane on Route 5 to provide access to the service station and boat launch parking area Consider adding guide signs for the boat launch area (and future Riverwalk) Consider repairing or replacing uneven concrete pavement to reduce ponding on the roadway and improve drainage runoff Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Long-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Pedestrian Accommodations Evaluate the potential to provide pedestrian crosswalks with median refuge areas across Route 5 Pedestrian Accommodations Evaluate the feasibility of installing sidewalk along the easterly side of Route 5, which should consider coordination with a new sewer line Pedestrian Accommodations Relocate pedestrian signals and pushbuttons for the Elm Street crosswalk Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Mid-Term High MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT Riverdale Street and Morgan Road Traffic Operations Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals and coordinated periods) and queue detection Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Replace the existing signal head over the northbound right-turn only lane with a threesection signal head (red ball, yellow and green arrows) and a “RIGHT TURN SIGNAL” sign Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate lane assignments at intersection approaches, particularly for the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach, and revise pavement markings and signage accordingly Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate regulatory signing at the intersection and replace as needed, including replacing a missing “Keep Right” sign at the northbound approach and installing “No Turn on Red” sign for the Morgan Street eastbound approach Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Evaluate the feasibility of providing a median refuge for the northbound approach and the potential for staged crossings of Route 5 High Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Repair accessible pedestrian push button signals, and install additional APS pushbuttons where needed High Short-Term Medium MassDOT Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Consider relocating the existing bus stop south of the intersection (potentially north of Morgan Road) and/or bus stop improvements Medium Short-Term Medium MassDOT/PVTA Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Evaluate the potential for a mid-block pedestrian crossing near the existing bus stop and cinema Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Reset the highway boundary marker at the southeast corner to make it flush to the sidewalk and prevent a tripping hazard Medium Short-Term Medium MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate the possibility of trimming trees along the westerly side of Route 5 in the southbound direction Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Roadway Geometry Consider adding reflective strips on the utility pole located at the Morgan Road Extension westbound approach Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate the storage length of the Route 5 southbound through and right-turn lanes Low Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate the corner radius at the northwest corner of the intersection and upstream curb cuts adjacent to the Agra Mark property and other parcels to determine if adequate heavy vehicle accommodations are provided Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT Safety Issue Riverdale Street and I-91 Southbound Off-Ramp Traffic Operations Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Reevaluate moving “No Turn On Red” signage to a more visible location Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Add reflective markers on guardrails (on the onramp and at the Route 5 median) Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Pedestrian Safety Potential Safety Enhancement Consider adding a fence within the median to prevent pedestrians from crossing Route 5 at this location Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Long-Term High MassDOT Riverdale Street and Ashley Avenue Traffic Operations Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals and coordinated periods) and queue detection Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Apply a micro surface pavement treatment to increase friction at the Route 5 approaches High Short-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate and design a hot mix asphalt pavement resurfacing of the Route 5 approaches High Long-Term High MassDOT Traffic Operations Consider adding a nearside signal for the Route 5 southbound approach Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Consider adding guide signs on Route 5 southbound to guide traffic destined for Ashley Avenue toward Wayside Avenue Medium Short-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Operations Consider placing the I-91 off-ramp approach to Route 5 northbound under Stop control Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate placing a dotted edge line extension along the Route 5 northbound right lane to reinforce the right of way Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate placing dotted edge line extensions within the intersection to address the northbound lane alignment Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate geometric re-alignment of the northbound approach and departure lanes to address the northbound lane alignment Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Roadway Geometry Consider widening and/or resurfacing of shoulders on both sides of Route 5 Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Roadway Geometry Evaluate either relocation of the existing bus stop to the turnout location south of intersection, or construction of a bus turnout at the current location Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/PVTA Roadway Geometry Add a “Right Turn Only” sign for exiting traffic at the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway High Short-Term Low MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate the potential to incorporate the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway into the traffic signal Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Roadway Geometry Evaluate geometric improvements (such as a channelized island) to better formalize the rightout only nature of the Red Roof Inn/Five Guys driveway Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT/ Property Owners Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Evaluate the feasibility of revising shoulder widths to provide bicycle accommodations Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Evaluate installing crosswalks with pedestrian signals and APS- capable pushbuttons across Route 5 Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Improve non-ADA compliant pedestrian ramps at all intersection approaches Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Safety Issue Riverdale Street and Highland Avenue Traffic Operations Evaluate signal timings (including yellow/red clearance intervals) and queue detection Traffic Operations Install missing stop line for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach, and evaluate locating the stop line for the left-turn lane further west High Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Consider installation of extension markings for the Route 5 northbound left turn movement High Short-Term Low MassDOT Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Traffic Operations Evaluate a full “No Turn On Red” condition for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach and/or a U-turn prohibition (if low volumes) at the Route 5 northbound approach; this can be supplemented with red arrow signal indications Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Install missing lane use arrows and crosswalk at the Highland Avenue eastbound approach High Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate installation of an additional lane-use sign for the Highland Avenue eastbound approach Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate splitting the side street signal phases Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate creating a turnout at the existing bus stop location south of the intersection Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT/PVTA Traffic Operations Consider using colored pavement at bus stop locations Medium Short-Term Medium MassDOT/PVTA Traffic Operations Evaluate improvements to the shoulder and the entrance ramps to I-90 and I-91 to provide better definition and deter vehicles from driving over the bus stop location. Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Operations Consider adding a “No U-Turns” sign with a supplemental “TRUCKS” plaque to alert large trucks that this movement is prohibited for heavy vehicles. Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Consider installation of a bike box for the Route 5 northbound approach High Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Evaluate and upgrade non-compliant ADA pedestrian ramps at the intersection Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Evaluate and install one APS pedestrian post for each corner street crossing for visually impaired users Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT Safety Issue Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Participating Audit Team Members Date: March 28, 2016 Location: Municipal Building Auditorium, West Springfield, MA Audit Team Members John Mastera Glenn Stevens Jim Czach Jeanne Galloway Catherine Ratte Agency/ Affiliation MassDOT Highway Safety Unit Gannett Fleming West Springfield Department of Public Works West Springfield Health Department PVPC Mass in Motion - DPH Email Address Phone Number 857-368-9648 781-326-4605 413-263-3244 413-263-3206 413-285-1174 Shardly Romelus McMahon Associates 508-823-2245 Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates 508-823-2245 Bill Flaherty West Springfield Fire Department PVPC 413-263-3226 413-781-6045 413-582-0589 413-582-1525 413-582-0547 413-263-3210 978-570-2979 Gary Roux Laura Hanson Luke Hayes Bao Lang Hubert S. Rees, Jr. Colin White MassDOT District 2 Projects & Bike/Ped MassDOT District 2 Traffic MassDOT District 2 Traffic West Springfield Police Department GPI Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table East Elm Street at Riverdale Avenue (Route 5), West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 1 1/16/12 Monday 5:44 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 56 2 2/5/12 Sunday 10:07 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action 47 3 2/8/12 Wednesday 8:34 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 35 63 4 5 8/16/12 Thursday 12/17/12 Monday 5:04 PM 3:04 PM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Rain Dry Wet Exceeded authorized speed limit Driving too fast for conditions 30 38 46 37 6 7 1/8/13 2/7/13 Tuesday Thursday 11:06 PM 4:40 PM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dusk Cloudy Dry Dry No Improper Driving Inattention 34 72 23 37 8 2/7/13 Thursday 6:01 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Distracted 30 28 9 4/30/13 Tuesday 1:00 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 75 10 6/4/13 Tuesday 9:24 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 48 53 11 12 6/24/13 7/6/13 Monday Saturday 7:13 PM 8:14 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Wet Dry Made an improper turn Unknown 57 26 56 Unk 13 8/22/13 Thursday 9:07 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Wrong side or wrong way 55 Unk 14 15 8/22/13 11/7/13 Thursday Thursday 9:07 PM 8:30 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Dry Wrong side or wrong way Inattention 31 60 Unk 51 16 12/12/13 Thursday 3:01 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 23 46 17 4/9/14 Wednesday 12:43 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 58 40 18 19 20 7/11/14 7/31/14 8/6/14 Friday Thursday Wednesday 7:04 PM 4:32 PM 2:59 PM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit Inattention Distracted 43 52 39 36 59 36 21 10/31/14 Friday 6:46 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dawn Clear Dry Unknown 25 23 22 11/13/14 Thursday 1:38 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 34 22 23 11/15/14 Saturday 5:55 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 23 46 24 12/18/14 Thursday 5:53 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 62 Manner of Collision Weather Condition Light Condition Rain Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages 33 Comments Both vehicles were stopped at the traffic signal. When the signal turned green, vehicle 2 rear-ended vehicle 1. No Injuries. Vehicle was stopped at red light. When the light turned green the operator gunned the engine which caused the vehicle to fishtail. Operator lost control and hit the guardrail. Both vehicles were stopped at the traffic signal. When the signal turned green, vehicle 2 rear-ended vehicle 1. No Injuries. Vehicle 1 was going at a high speed rate on Riverdale St before it rearended vehicle 2 then hit the center guardrail. Vehicle 2 rear-ended vehicle 1 due to wet roadway conditions. Vehicle 1 claims to have had a green turn arrow while it was turning left and vehicle 2 claims to have had a green ball. Vehicle 1 was stopped for traffic when it was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Both vehicles were stopped at red light, when the driver of vehicle 2 got distracted by her crying child and accidentally hit the gas pedal causing her vehicle to side-swipe vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 stopped to leave enough space for an uninvolved tractor-trailer that was making a wide right turn to head EB onto East Elm St, when vehicle 2 failed to stop and rear-ended vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red traffic light when it was struck from behind by vehicle 2. Courtesy crash. Vehicle 1 was waiting to take left hand turn and was waved on to proceed through the intersection. Operator of vehicle 1 did not realize that the turn arrow had changed to red and that the southbound traffic now had a green ball to proceed through the intersection. Vehicle 1 was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Vehicle 2 fled the scene. Vehicle 2 was being pursued by West Springfield Police. Vehicle 1 was making a left turn into McDonald's when vehicle 2 passed vehicle 1 on the left hand side by traveling into the oncoming lane. Vehicle 2 was being pursued by West Springfield Police. Vehicle 1 was passed by vehicle 2 on the left hand side by traveling into the oncoming lane and caused minor damage vehicle 1. Vehicle 2 fled the scene and police lost sight of the vehicle. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red light when it was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Both vehicles were stopped at the red traffic signal. Vehicle 1 moved up to the stop line and was rear-ended by vehicle 2 because the operator thought that the light had turned green. Vehicle 1 (SB) attempted to cross the intersection as the traffic light changed to yellow and struck vehicle 2 (EB) which then hit vehicle 3 (also EB). Both vehicles 2 and 3 were making a left turn into Riverdale Street NB on a green 76 signal. Vehicle 1 failed to stop at the SB red light and it crashed into vehicle 2 that was making a left turn into Riverdale Street NB on a green signal. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red light when it was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red light when it was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 was making a U-turn from SB to NB Riverdale St. when it got hit by vehicle 2. Both operators claim to have had a green light. No injuries. Operator of vehicle 1 was distracted by his cell phone while driving WB on East Elm St. causing him to strike the rear passenger side of vehicle 2 that was taking a left into McDonalds Vehicle 2 was stopped at red light signal when it was rear-ended by vehicle 1 whose brakes failed. Vehicle 1 went through the green light at 40 mph, when the operator heard a loud sound and pulled over to see an injured pedestrian. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the West Springfield Police Department Crash Data Summary Table Riverdale Street (Rt. 5) at Elm Street, West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 1 4/11/12 Wednesday 6:14 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 45 56 2 5/8/12 Tuesday 4:42 PM Rear-end Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 35 27 3 9/21/12 Friday 1:06 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 42 53 31 Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Rain Wet Angle Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 60 27 1:56 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 25 25 Wednesday 7:29 AM Head on Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 28 30 4/4/13 Thursday 4:10 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 47 51 9 4/23/13 Tuesday 5:01 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 56 36 10 5/5/13 Sunday 4:07 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 40 59 11 5/16/13 Thursday 5:21 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 32 17 12 5/20/13 Monday 10:55 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 32 90 13 7/22/13 Monday 5:35 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet 53 22 14 8/25/13 Sunday 8:54 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 33 27 15 9/22/13 Sunday 7:43 PM Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 25 20 16 3/1/14 Saturday 8:22 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry 60 34 17 4/25/14 Friday 10:38 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 25 37 18 6/2/14 Monday 7:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 60 19 19 7/12/14 Saturday 1:32 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 38 22 20 10/11/14 Saturday 12:20 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Followed too closely 25 25 21 10/17/14 Friday 9:08 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 59 33 22 10/21/14 Tuesday 6:17 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Other improper action 22 18 23 11/3/14 2:11 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 33 56 4 10/2/12 Tuesday 4:02 PM Angle 5 11/8/12 Thursday 10:15 PM 6 1/19/13 Saturday 7 1/30/13 8 Monday Comments Vehicle 1 and 2 were stopped at a red signal. Vehicle 3 failed to stop and 44 struck vehicle 2 which caused vehicle 2 to hit vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 had green light but was forced to stop for ambulance crossing onto Riverdale St. from Elm St. Vehicle 2 failed to stop due to wet pavement and rear-ended vehicle 1. While operator 1 was heading onto Elm Street he encountered a deer. The driver failed to stop and he hit the deer. Vehicle 1 was taking a left turn into Elm St. when it was hit by vehicle 2 who failed to stop for the red light due to slippery road conidtions. Vehicle 1 had a green light and was turning onto Riverdale St. Vehicle 2 (SB) failed to stop for the right light and struck vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 was stopped in traffic on Riverdale St. NB. It was struck by vehicle 2 who failed to stop which subsequently was hit by vehicle 3 who also 29 failed to stop. Vehicle 2 was traveling from Elm St. to Riverdale St. when it was hit by vehicle 1 who went through the intersection through a red light. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red signal before it was rear-ended by vehicle 2. Operator of vehicle 2 accidentally stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brake while sneezing. Both vehicles 1 and 2 were traveling NB on Riverdale St. Vehicle 1 was in the right lane and decided to make a left turn onto Elm St., which resulted in hitting vehicle 2's front right side. Both vehicles 1 and 2 passed through the green light heading NB on Riverdale Ave. Operator of vehicle 2 was distracted and did not notice that traffic stopped after the light, which caused her to hit vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 (SB) went through a red signal and hit Vehicle 2 who was attempting to turn left onto Riverdale St. Vehicle 1 was heading to NB Riverdale St. from Elm St. right when it was struck by vehicle 2 (SB) who failed to stop for the red light. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red signal heading to Elm St. from NB Riverdale St. when vehicle 2 failed to stop in time and rear-ended vehicle 1. Vehicle 2 failed to stop for the red light striking the vehicle that was turning from Elm St. into NB Riverdale St. Vehicle 1 hit a small pot hole which caused the spare tire to dislodge from it's undercarriage. As the tire was laying in the roadway it was hit by vehicle 2 which caused front end damage. Vehicle 1 was driving SB on Riverdale St. the vehicle in front of it came to an abrubt stop. Vehicle 1 was forced to stop abruptly but was stuck by vehicle 2 who failed to stop in time. Vehicle 1 was turning from Elm St. onto NB Riverdale St. when it was hit by vehicle 2 (SB) who failed to stop for the red signal light. Vehicle 1 was going through the green traffic signal on Elm St. right before it was hit by vehicle 2 who failed to stop for the SB red signal light. The SB Riverdale St. traffic light had just turned yellow so vehicle 1 slowed down to a stop as the light turned red. Vehicle 2 wasn’t able to stop and rearended vehicle 1. Both vehicles 1 and 2 were stopped at the SB Riverdale St. red signal. Vehicle 3 failed stop which caused it to rear-end vehicle 2 which as a result 18 rear-ended vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 was traveling south of Elm St and was struck on the passenger side by vehicle 2 who was pulling out of the EconoLodge Motel. Operator of vehicle 2 thought he could make a U-turn from SB Riverdale St. into NB Riverdale St. and while doing so he collided with vehicle 1 (NB). Vehicle 1 was traveling SB on Riverdale St. with a green light when vehicle 2 went through the red light while attempting to turn onto Riverdale St. Crash Data Summary Table Riverdale Street (Rt. 5) at Elm Street, West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision 24 11/6/14 Thursday 5:20 PM Angle 25 11/15/14 Saturday 5:55 PM Rear-end Light Condition Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Rain Wet Inattention 65 27 Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 23 46 Comments Vehicle 2 was pulling off NB Riverdale St. onto Elm St. and had the right of way. Vehicle 1 traveling SB on Riverdale St. struck vehicle 2 and failed to yield right of way. Vehicle 2 was stopped at SB Riverdale St. red light when it was struck by vehicle 1. Operator of vehicle 1 claims that the brakes failed. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the West Springfield Police Department Crash Data Summary Table Morgan Road at Riverdale Street (Route 5), West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages 1 1/13/12 Friday 8:00 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 32 34 24 2 3 1/19/12 1/21/12 Thursday Saturday 8:12 PM 1:15 PM Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Snow Daylight Snow Snow Snow Driving too fast for conditions No Improper Driving 51 27 18 17 37 4 2/6/12 Monday 7:31 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 42 47 5 2/10/12 Friday 10:00 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 44 30 6 5/9/12 Wednesday 6:40 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 55 7 7/10/12 Tuesday 4:58 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 51 68 8 7/12/12 Thursday 9:04 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 36 24 9 8/8/12 Wednesday 5:09 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 20 18 10 8/8/12 Wednesday 5:47 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 42 64 11 8/14/12 Tuesday 5:58 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 26 32 12 8/29/12 Wednesday 3:46 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 56 75 13 9/1/12 Saturday 3:45 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 43 18 14 11/10/12 Saturday 2:49 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 26 42 15 16 11/19/12 12/1/12 Monday Saturday 6:30 PM 1:46 PM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Cloudy Dry Wet Made an improper turn Inattention 22 unk 53 67 17 12/12/12 Wednesday 6:13 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 30 54 18 12/29/12 Saturday 5:49 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Snow Ice Over-correcting/over-steering 29 22 19 12/30/12 Sunday 4:30 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Rain Snow No Improper Driving 31 31 20 21 2/2/13 2/18/13 Saturday Monday 9:50 PM 4:17 PM Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Daylight Clear Dry Dry Inattention Followed too closely 42 56 18 unk 22 3/9/13 Saturday 10:01 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 28 58 23 24 6/23/13 6/28/13 Sunday Friday 8:22 PM 10:55 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Dusk Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Inattention Inattention 30 30 26 22 25 7/1/13 Monday 5:16 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 42 24 26 27 7/11/13 7/21/13 Thursday Sunday 1:00 PM 6:57 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Cloudy Cloudy Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention 40 33 61 50 28 29 7/29/13 8/17/13 Monday Saturday 7:38 PM 10:09 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Visibility Obstructed Followed too closely 60 37 42 44 30 10/6/13 Sunday 4:49 PM Rear-end Dawn Rain Wet Inattention 41 69 Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 34 19 31 10/17/13 Thursday 2:41 PM Angle Daylight Clear 30 21 18 Comments V1 and V2 was stopped for red light, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. V2 slided on the snow and rear ended V1. V3 slided on the heavy snow and rear ended V1 and V2. V2 try to merge back to the right lane while making a right turn, sideswiped V1 which was directly behide it. V2 attempt to change lane into the far right lane, did not see V1 and stuck the driver side. Vehicle was bouncing off the right side curbing at high speed, and then crossed all lanes of the NB traffic and collied with the curb in the far left turn lane, vehicle bounced up then airborne until it landed on the median on the other side of the intersection. V1 and V2 was stopped for traffic, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. V1 failed to stop for red light on Rt.5 NB, stucked V2 which had a green on the riverdale plaza entrance. V1 and V2 was stopped for traffic, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. V2 on the left hand side was failed to follow the lane markers while making a left turn and stuck V1 which was traveling on the turn turn and through lane. Both vehicles were traveling SB on Rt.5, operator of V2 was turned back to look at her child for a second and accidentally stuck V1. V1 and V2 was stopped for traffic, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. Courtesy crash. Vehicle exiting CVS was waved out by near lane and was struck by vehicle in far lane Courtesy crash.V1 was trying to make a left turn on Morgan road WB into CVS and was struck by vehicle in the outermost lane V1 was traveling on the left turn and straight lane, V2 was on the straght only lane trying to make a left turn and turned into V1. V1 rear ended V2 at the traffic light and left the sence. V2 did not stop in time at the traffic light and rear ended V1. Both vehicles were traveling SB on Rt.5, both vehicle lost control and stuck each other due to the snow. 33 42 44 V2 lost control on the snow and sideswiped the rear of V1. V1 and V2 was stopped for traffic, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. V1 rear ended V2 at the traffic light and left the sence. Both vehicles were turning left, V2 in the left trun lane stuck V1 in the middle lane while making the turn. V2 try to merge into the right lane from the middle lane but stucked V1 on the right lane. V1 did not stop in time and rear ended V2 at the traffic light. V2 did not stop in time at the traffic light and rear ended V1, then sideswiped V3 which were stop next to V1. V1 was trying to make a left turn on Morgan road WB into CVS without yielding, and stuck V2 coming from the EB of Morgan road. V1 rear ended V2 at the traffic light and left the sence. Both vehicles were traveling west on the riverdale plaza access road, V1 was attempting to make a left turn into Raymour and Flanigan and stuck V2 on the left lane. V1 did not stop in time and rear ended V2 at the traffic light. V1 and V2 was stopped for traffic, V3 failed to stop in time rear ended V2 and push it into V1. V2 operator ran a red light due to inattention and stuck V1 traveling WB. Crash Data Summary Table Morgan Road at Riverdale Street (Route 5), West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Comments Ages 32 11/7/13 Thursday 8:50 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 52 44 V2 traveling on SB of Rt.5 drove into left turn lane and proceeded thru SB running the red light and stuck V1 which was making a left turn from riverdale plaza onto Rt.5 SB. 33 12/11/13 Wednesday 1:20 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Ice Inattention 23 25 V1 slid on some black ice and rear ended V2. 34 1/20/14 Monday 5:28 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Inattention 28 59 V1 failed to see V2 was stopped and collided with the rear of V2. 35 1/24/14 Friday 7:36 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 43 54 36 37 2/10/14 2/15/14 Monday Saturday 8:43 PM 5:35 PM Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dusk Snow Dry Wet Operating defective equiptment Unknown 61 38 21 22 38 2/20/14 Thursday 5:07 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Other improper action 61 85 39 6/13/14 Friday 11:08 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Operating defective equiptment 64 23 40 6/23/14 Monday 8:51 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 47 30 41 8/22/14 Friday 3:56 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 47 18 42 9/13/14 Saturday 9:49 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Unknown 54 18 V1 did not stop in time and rear ended V2 at the traffic light. V1 stopped for red light, V2 stated the brakes failed and was unable to stop striking the rear of V1 V1 did not stop in time and rear ended V2 at the traffic light. V1 was in the straight lane, V2 was in the left turn and straight lane, V2 attempted to pass V1 but swiped the side of it with mirror, roadway was more narrow than usual due to large amount of snow. V1 stopped for red light, V2 stated they tried to stop but were unable to stop in time. Further inspection releaved tires with low tread. V1 was stopped for a red light, when the green arrow for the left turn lane changed, V2 moved forward and struck rear of V1 V2 was stopped for red light, operator got scared by the cell phone rang and caused him to accelerate too fast and rear ended V1. V2 was attempting to change lane from the right into the middle, V1 from behind was unable to stop in time due to the wet roadway and rear ended V2. 43 10/4/14 Saturday 6:20 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Inattention 26 38 V2 operator's foot slide off the brake pedal and rear ended V1. 44 10/8/14 Wednesday 6:10 PM Rear-end Dusk Clear Dry 45 11/11/14 Tuesday 12:29 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 46 12/13/14 Saturday 12:06 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 47 12/22/14 Monday 12:08 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet 48 12/23/14 Tuesday 4:55 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet 19 34 Operator of V1 was OUI of marijuana, V1 didn't stop after rear ended V2, then V1 continue proceeded to drive in between the turn lane and the middle 61 lane, V1 then stucked V3 in the turn lane and V4 in the middle lane. 19 34 58 34 V2 was traveling NB on Rt.5, disregarded the red light and stuck V1. 33 22 V1 was stopped at a signal and was hit from behind by V2. V2 left the scene and was later apprehended and arrested for OUI. Physical Impairment 32 35 V1 stopped for a red light and was struck from behind by V2 Failed to yield right of way 69 25 V2 was traveling NB on Rt.5 and ran for a flashing yellow, V2 then collided with V1 coming out from the riverdale plaza, V1 has a flashing red. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the West Springfield Police Department. Crash Data Summary Table Ramp Rt 91 SB to Rt 5 SB at Route 5 , West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Weather Condition Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 1 2/16/12 Thursday 1:41 AM Rear-end 2 3/13/12 4/17/12 Tuesday Daylight Clear Tuesday 2:40 PM 4:49 PM Single Vehicle Crash 3 Rear-end Daylight Clear 4 6/16/12 Saturday 6:49 PM Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 5 8/2/12 Thursday 12:14 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 6 8/28/12 Tuesday 7:23 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rain Wet Inattention 7 12/1/12 Saturday 4:45 PM Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 8 5/12/13 Sunday 4:00 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 9 10/6/13 Sunday 4:27 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet 10 11/12/13 Tuesday 5:25 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dark - lighted roadway Clear Manner of Collision Light Condition Dark - lighted roadway Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments V1 operator OUI of alcohol, did not stop in time for the traffic, rear ended V2 36 and pushed V2 stuck V3 Other improper action 38 29 Dry Inattention Dry Inattention 27 26 43 26 unk 35 19 V2 failed to slow in time rear ended V1. 49 26 Truck driver change lane without caution and sideswiped V1. 43 50 V2 failed to stop in time and rear ended V1. 58 23 V2 failed to stop in time and rear ended V1. Distracted 47 27 Dry Followed too closely 24 70 V2 operator got distracted by her dog, failed to stop in time rear ended V1. V2 cut quickly in front of V1, operator did not stop in time and rear ended V2. V2 stated he was attempted to read the signs not being from the area and slowed in front of V1. Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit 26 Dry 11 11/12/13 Tuesday 9:54 PM Single Vehicle Crash 12 3/25/14 Tuesday 5:52 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Physical Impairment 44 13 9/23/14 Tuesday 2:24 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 58 Vehicle lost control while proceeding out from the exit. V2 failed to stop in time and rear ended V1. Pedestrian was illegally crossing Rt.5 and stuck by an unknown vehicle. Vehicle traveling to fast and lost control while proceeding out from the ramp. Vehicle traveling to fast and lost control while proceeding out from the ramp, operator OUI of alcohol. 33 V2 failed to stop in time and rear ended V1. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the West Springfield Police Department. Crash Data Summary Table Ashley Avenue at Riverdale Street (Route 5), West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 2/3/12 Friday 7:45 PM Manner of Collision Rear-end Light Condition Dark - lighted roadway Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Comments Ages Dry Inattention 20 18 V2 failed to stop in time and rear-ended V1 at the traffic light. Rain Wet Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 26 21 V1 was attempting to make a U-turn at the intersection. Operator of V1 didn’t see the SB on coming traffic and collided with V2. Clear 2 3/13/12 Tuesday 6:37 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway 3 3/28/12 Wednesday 5:21 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 75 44 V2 operator was eating a muffin, failed to stop in time and rear-ended V1 at the traffic light. 4 4/1/12 Sunday 3:43 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 50 29 V2 did not see the slowed traffic, failed to stop in time and rear-ended V1. 5 Wednesday Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Monday 9:35 AM 7:03 PM Angle 6 4/4/12 5/21/12 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 64 19 28 20 V1 (NB) ran a red light while traveling on Rt.5 and struck V2 who was turning left from Ashley Ave. onto Rt 5 SB. V2 attempted to stop in traffic and slid on wet pavement into V1. 7 6/17/12 Sunday 3:51 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 64 8 6/24/12 Sunday 1:37 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 33 18 9 10/19/12 Friday 7:14 PM Rear-end Rain Wet Inattention 19 27 10 11/8/12 Thursday 7:26 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Inattention 33 27 Cloudy Wet Followed too closely 45 57 Operator of V2 claims to have attempted to stop but slid on the wet roadway into V1. V1 (NB) did not see the red light while traveling on Rt 5 and struck V2 who was turning left from Ashley Ave. onto Rt 5 SB. A bee flew into V2's vehicle and the operator became distracted and rearended V1. Operator of V2 claims to have attempted to stop but slid on the wet roadway into V1. 11 11/13/12 Tuesday 4:54 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway 12 1/15/13 Tuesday 2:24 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 35 51 13 14 4/16/13 5/20/13 Tuesday Monday 12:28 PM 1:23 PM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Dry Dry Followed too closely Inattention 48 41 34 22 15 16 17 5/25/13 5/25/13 6/10/13 Saturday Saturday Monday 1:00 PM 5:47 PM 4:41 PM Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Rain Rain Wet Wet Wet Inattention Inattention Inattention 46 38 50 19 29 24 18 6/27/13 Thursday 8:55 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Inattention 47 49 19 7/6/13 Saturday 9:33 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action 51 17 20 7/8/13 Monday 12:37 PM Rear-end Daylight Inattention 65 43 8/4/13 Sunday 6:40 PM Rear-end Wet No Improper Driving 35 19 V2 slid on the wet roadway and rear-ended V1. 22 11/27/13 Wednesday 7:25 PM Rear-end Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Clear Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Dry 21 Rain Wet Inattention 27 53 V2 attempted to stop but slid on the wet roadway and rear-ended V1. Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Inattention 39 59 V2 failed to stop in time and rear-ended V1 (PVTA Bus) at the traffic light. Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 24 20 23 24 2/27/14 3/16/14 Thursday Sunday 12:45 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Wednesday Friday 4:08 PM 1:37 PM 7:07 PM Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Rain Dry Wet Wednesday 11:29 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Clear Dry Other improper action Saturday 26 27 3/29/14 4/16/14 6/13/14 28 7/23/14 25 9:04 PM Vehicles were in bumper to bumper traffic. V3 failed to stop in time due to wet roadway conditions and rear-ended V2. 30 V2 was then pushed into V1. V1 failed to stop in time and rear-ended V2 at the traffic light, the impact forced V2 up and into the right hand side curb. V2 was traveling SB on Rt 5 and made an illegal left turn onto Ashley Ave. and struck V1 that was traveling NB on Rt 5. 31 Operator of V1 was distracted and hit V2 which was pushed into V3. Vehicle was traveling SB on Rt 5 trying to avoid a rear end crash with the car in front of it when it lost control on the wet roadway and struck the guardrail. No Improper Driving Inattention 19 38 63 29 48 Inattention 48 79 Operator of V2 took his eye off the road for a second, failed to stop in time and rear-ended V1 at the traffic light. 31 26 Road rage accident. V1 was traveling south on Rt 5 and was rear-ended by V2 which just made a U-turn from Rt 5 NB. V1 operator then backed up his vehicle and struck V2 in the front end. 29 7/27/14 Sunday 1:38 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway 30 8/14/14 Thursday 6:15 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 47 31 10/12/14 Sunday 4:28 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 49 49 27 Operator of V1 failed to stop in time because the brakes failed and rear57 ended V2 which was then pushed into V3 (motorcycle). V1 failed to stop for a red light while traveling NB on Rt 5 and struck V2 that was turning left from Ashley Ave. Crash Data Summary Table Ashley Avenue at Riverdale Street (Route 5), West Springfield, MA January 2012 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # 32 Crash Date 10/19/14 Crash Day Sunday Time of Day 12:54 PM Manner of Collision Sideswipe, same direction 33 11/1/14 Saturday 5:24 PM Rear-end 34 11/6/14 Thursday 5:15 PM Rear-end Light Condition Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Weather Condition Cloudy Road Surface Dry Driver Contributing Code No Improper Driving Ages 51 57 Rain Wet No Improper Driving 31 40 Rain Wet Inattention 25 21 Comments V1(TT) was swiching into the right lane and struck V2 on the who was traveling in the right hand lane. V1 was traveling NB on Rt 5 on the middle lane when an unknown vehicle in the lefy hand lane cut in front of it. V1 hit the brakes to avoid a collision and 21 was rear-ended by V2 and V3 that could not stop in time. Operator of V2 was unable to stop in time due to wet roadway. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the West Springfield Police Department. Crash Data Summary Table Riverdale Street (Route 5) at Highland Avenue, West Springfield, MA January 2011 - December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 1 1/4/11 Tuesday 9:53 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 37 48 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1/23/11 2/23/11 9/9/11 10/12/11 12/12/11 12/17/11 4/22/12 Sunday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Monday Saturday Sunday 9:35 AM 3:10 PM 10:42 AM 6:01 PM 2:53 PM 2:46 PM 4:39 PM Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Single Vehicle Crash Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Wet Inattention Failed to yield right of way Followed too closely Made an improper turn Visibility Obstructed Inattention Driving too fast for conditions 31 83 48 62 69 28 28 28 28 23 17 31 31 9 10 6/23/12 12/15/12 Saturday Saturday 2:36 PM 4:29 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Inattention Visibility Obstructed 32 23 19 41 11 2/9/13 Saturday 10:00 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet 30 39 V2 struck passenger side of V1 when changing lanes 12 13 3/9/13 5/9/13 Saturday Thursday 7:23 PM 1:41 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Cloudy Dry Dry Inattention Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Inattention 49 44 49 47 14 15 16 6/7/13 6/17/13 7/9/13 Friday Monday Tuesday 12:34 PM 5:50 PM 11:11 AM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Cloudy Cloudy Wet Wet Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention Inattention 41 61 27 50 58 42 V1 struck cyclist in middle of intersection of Highland St. and Riverdale St. V2 rear ended V1 at the red light at Riverdale St. and Highland St. V1 struck V2 as V2 entered into the same lane from driveway, V2 was waved out by near lane. V3 failed to stop at red light and rear ended V2, which rear ended V1. V2 rear ended V1 at the red light at Riverdale St. and Marion St. 17 10/23/13 Wednesday 1:25 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 44 80 18 19 1/13/14 4/2/14 Monday Wednesday 6:55 AM 5:04 PM Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Other improper action No Improper Driving 68 29 42 unk 20 21 5/8/14 5/21/14 Thursday Wednesday 11:00 AM 2:44 PM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Followed too closely 81 19 32 40-50 unk 22 10/8/14 Wednesday 4:24 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 48 Dark. V1 and V2 struck eachother when V1 made a wide turn into 2068 Riverdale Street and V2 was driving straight V2 struck the right side of V1 while v1 was taking a right into Dunkin' Donuts V2 exited the parking lot, striking V1 that was traveling east V2 rear-ended V1 while V1 was getting ready to turn left V1 traveling straight when cyclist turned left infront of V1 V1 was turning left and hit traffic signal light due to blinding sun V1 was struck from behind by V2 as V2 tried to pass V2 rear ended V1 at the traffic light as the light turned yellow 45 44 44 *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. V2 struck the right rear of V1 as V1 made a right turn into Dunkin Donuts V2 struck V1 as V1 exited the parking lot, causing V1 to rear end V3 V2 made a right turn and struck front of V1 while V1 was making a U-turn V1 and V2 collided when V2 attempted to pass V1 while V1 took right turn into dunkin donuts V2 struck V1 as it swerved into the same lane as V1. Hit and Run V3 struck V1 and V2 as the were stopped at the red light at Highland St. and Riverdale St. Hit and Run V2 struck V1 as V1 slowed or stopped at the traffic light. Hit and run V1 turning right collided with pedestrian as pedestrian attempted to cross road walking his bicycle. Road Safety Audit— Riverdale Street (Route 5): Six Intersections, West Springfield, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix D. Additional Information