Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn E. Polito, Lieutenant. Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO July 1, 2015 Senator Thomas M. McGee Chair, Joint Committee on Transportation State House Room 109C Boston, MA 02133 Representative William M. Straus Chair, Joint Committee on Transportation State House Room 134 Boston, MA 02133 Dear Chairmen McGee and Straus: On behalf of the Project Selection Advisory Council (the Council), I am pleased to provide you with the accompanying report Recommendations for MassDOT Project Selection Criteria, in fulfilment of the requirements of Section 11 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2013. The Council has put tremendous time and energy into developing the recommendations in this report and I would like to sincerely thank them for their work. The Project Selection Advisory Council was charged with developing uniform project selection criteria to help MassDOT more effectively prioritize and select investments. The Council has worked over the past 18 months to fulfill the requirements of the legislation and develop a uniform, transparent, and data-driven approach to determining how limited resources are allocated to address the needs of our transportation system. As Secretary, I firmly believe in the importance of this task and will be adopting the recommendations laid out in this report. We must ensure that we are strategically using the resources available to us and maximizing our return on investment by more systematically prioritizing the investments that better meet our goals for the Commonwealth. While the Council has made considerable progress, there is still work to be done to refine the recommendations and implement them into MassDOT processes. The Council members are committed to ensuring that their work is implemented as intended and have committed to continuing to advise and provide oversight to an internal MassDOT Implementation Committee. The Council and I recognize that developing a perfect process in the first attempt will likely not occur. As such, I am committed to ensuring that this process remains open and transparent as it evolves. To that end, in addition to adopting the Council’s recommendations for improved transparency in the project selection process, I will be establishing an external advisory group made up of experts and stakeholders outside of the organization, including representatives from metropolitan planning organizations, regional transit authorities, and transportation advocates. This group will ensure that the guidance of the Implementation Committee is fully informed by the stakeholders who will be subject to, and experience the implications of, the project selection process. Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4160, Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655 Thank you again for the Legislature’s interest in and support for this process. The Council welcomes any feedback you have pertaining to this submittal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Pollack Secretary and CEO Massachusetts Department of Transportation cc: Frank DePaola, General Manager, MBTA Linda Dunlavy, Executive Director, Franklin Regional Council of Governments Jim Lovejoy, Chairman, Town of Mount Washington Board of Selectmen David Mohler, Executive Director, Office of Transportation Planning, MassDOT Jeffrey B. Mullan, Foley Hoag LLP John M. Pourbaix, Construction Industries of Massachusetts Stephen Silveira, ML Strategies