1 Table of Contents Table of Contents...................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 4 Agency Sponsorship and SIPCC Leadership........................................................................ 7 Action Plan Implementation................................................................................................. 8 Goal 1: Implement Solutions to Improve Inter-Agency Communication and Coordination..10 Objective 1.1: Improve Effectiveness of ITS Implementation by Educating Stakeholders and End Users......................................................................................................................10 Objective 1.2: Use a Consensus-Based, Strategically Planned Approach to Implement ITS Initiatives .............................................................................................................................17 Objective 1.3: Streamline the Systems Engineering Approach to ITS Projects .................28 Goal 2: Provide a Safe and Secure Transportation Environment for People and Goods .......33 Objective 2.1: Implement the ITS Components of a Highway Safety Improvement Program to Support Traffic and Incident Management Activities .....................................33 Objective 2.2: Use ITS to improve security of people and freight on the roadways and public transportation infrastructure. ..................................................................................48 Objective 2.3: Implement the ITS components of a commercial vehicle operations program to enforce regulations and enhance the security of freight traveling on the roadway and the public transit system. ....................................................................................................53 Goal 3 – Improve the Reliability and Efficiency of the Transportation Network through the Use of Technology ....................................................................................................................58 Objective 3.1 – Leverage and Implement the most current ITS Technologies to Improve Travel Time Reliability of Roadways and Transit ..............................................................58 Objective 3.2: Standardize the Technological Environment of Roadway and Transit ITS 68 Objective 3.3: Improve Efficiency of ITS and Business Processes that Support it.............73 Objective 3.4: Implement Performance Measures of the ITS Program in Order to Document and Track the Benefits of ITS Implementations and Validate Legacy and Future Systems ....................................................................................................................80 Objective 3.5: Leverage Sustainable Applications of Technology .......................................87 Objective 3.6: Expand Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Activities ..............................92 Goal 4: Use Technology to Create a More User-Friendly Transportation Experience, Regardless of Mode Choice ....................................................................................................103 Objective 4.1: Implement a Traveler Information Program to Improve Connections between All Modes of Transportation, Enabling Seamless Travel throughout the Commonwealth ..................................................................................................................103 2 Objective 2: Increase Accessibility to Real-Time Traveler Information ...........................110 Objective 4.3: Use technology to improve the transportation experience for travelers ...115 Definitions and Key Terms ...................................................................................................120 Acronyms ...............................................................................................................................121 3 Executive Summary As transportation systems across the Commonwealth become more complex, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology continues to emerge, the MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning (OTP) has identified the potential of cooperatively planning statewide multimodal ITS programs to better serve the needs of the citizens of Massachusetts. In August 2011, as a means of accomplishing seamless technology planning, consistent with the program development of ITS initiatives in an integrated manner, the OTP initiated an effort to create a statewide ITS Strategic Plan. Key Stakeholders from nineteen agencies, which included representatives from the MassDOT Highway Division, MBTA, Aeronautics, Civil Rights, RMV, MassPort, MSP, MEMA, RTAs and regional planning partners were invited to “come to the table” and participate in the development of the ITS Strategic Plan. These stakeholders formed a Strategic ITS Planning and Coordination Committee (SIPCC), and based on their collaborative effort, the Stakeholders established a common vision and mission into a strategic plan for ITS: Commonwealth of Massachusetts ITS Strategic Plan Vision Develop user-friendly intelligent transportation systems that respond to the needs of travelers in the Commonwealth. Mission Implement transportation technologies that promote a seamless system to safely, quickly and reliably move people, goods and services throughout the Commonwealth. Goal 1 Implement solutions to improve inter-agency communication and coordination. Goal 2 Provide a safe and secure transportation environment for people and goods. Objectives •Educate •Gain Consensus •Streamline Processes Objectives •Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program •Improve Security •Support Commercial Vehicle Operations Goal 3 Improve the reliability and efficiency of the transportation network through the use of technology. Goal 4 Use technology to create a more userfriendly transportation experience regardless of mode choice. Objectives •Improve roadway and transit travel time reliability. •Standardize •Improve business efficiency. •Measure performance •Be sustainable. Objectives •Improve traveler information. •Increase access to traveler information. •Improve the traveling experience. Results Based on the four goals and objectives established in the Strategic Plan, forty-six strategies were developed to serve as the roadmap for meeting the Plan’s mission. The strategies have been refined into tangible actions plans, which identify lead agencies, key stakeholders, time frames, costs and the expected outputs that will result from implementing the actions. 4 The details contained in this Action Plan provide the basis for the implementation process, and the level of effort that will be required to execute the forty-six strategies. The strategies have been prioritized into: Immediate Start – within 1 year, Short Term Start – within 2-5 years and Long Term Start within 5-10 years A lead agency has been identified for each strategy. The estimated costs associated with the implementation of these strategies are listed as reasonable orders of magnitude (ROM). The costs listed as to be determined (TBD) cannot be accurately estimated until a preliminary scope is developed. Priority Strategies The first five strategies listed as Immediate Start are projects that have been identified as priority projects that are recommended to be implemented as predecessors to the remaining strategies. Once completed, these strategies form the foundation of the Commonwealth’s ITS Program. * Cost values are in ROM thousands of dollars. N/A Internal costs Strategies - Immediate Start within 1 Year (Top 5 Priorities) 1.1.1 Statewide policies and procedures ITS - Practitioner's Planning Guide 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.3 1.3.2 Legislative and Executive Outreach Working Group Education campaign for public, legislators and ITS practitioners Centralized ITS planning and approval process Centralized ITS funding and planning process Cost* $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 5 Strategies - Immediate Start within 1 Year 2.1.2 Implement Advanced Traffic Management Software (ATMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) 2.1.3 Maintain and expand the Traffic Management Working Group Cost* $2000 to $8000 N/A 2.3.1 Create a technology working group to integrate commercial vehicle operations (CVO) into the planning process 3.2.1 Implement design, construction, integration, and communication standards 3.3.1 Develop ITS design checklists 3.3.2 Develop a standard lifecycle cost analysis template $100 3.3.3 Improve early planning for operations and maintenance budgets 3.4.2 Develop criteria to measure and evaluate ITS deployment performance 3.4.3 Establish an ITS performance measurement working group 3.6.1 Expand the traffic management group to include transit operations 3.6.2 Develop a statewide implementation plan for the “Roadmap for the National TIM Leadership and Innovation” 3.6.4 Develop local TIM Teams $60 $100 $80 N/A $350 3.6.5 Link activities for the traffic management group to the SIPCC and ITS Strategic Plan $40 Strategies - Short Term Start within 2 - 5 Years 1.2.1 Common platform for resource sharing 1.2.2 Standardized project execution process 1.2.4 Revised procurement and contracting process 1.2.5 Improved project acceptance process 1.3.1 Modular and scalable concept of operations templates 2.1.1 Multi-modal emergency management ITS Support Plan 2.1.4 Implement technology to achieve the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management (TIM) 3.6.3 Develop TIM performance measures as a capability of ATMS Cost* TBD $80 $100 $60 $150 TBD TBD 2.1.5 Coordinate with the Highway Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) to standardize safety reporting 2.1.6 Develop a plan for collecting, predicting, and distributing road weather conditions 2.2.1 Improve surveillance of critical infrastructure, supply chain routes and public transit routes 2.3.2 Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of commercial vehicle screening 3.1.1 Develop a work zone ITS deployment strategy $100 $50 $80 $150 Incl. w/2.1.2 $180 $250 TBD TBD $80 6 3.1.2 Develop a seasonal and special events ITS deployment strategy 3.1.3 Develop a data warehouse with a visual component to display congestion data. 3.1.4 Create a baseline and annual congestion performance measures report. 3.4.1 Implement data collection and storage processes to protect data integrity 3.5.2 Identify measurable environmental benefits of ITS 4.1.1 Expand the availability of transit times 4.1.3 Facilitate mode-sharing information between roadway vehicles, airports, and public transportation. 4.2.1 Provide data to the public through various sources and platforms 4.2.2 Increase media outlet access to traveler information including people with disabilities and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 4.3.1 Implement a centralized traveler feedback system and database 4.3.2 Assess the ability of MassDOT to collect and report performance data Strategies - Long Term Start within 5 - 10 Years 2.2.2 Develop mobile applications that allow citizens to report suspicious activity 3.2.2 Implement an electronic crash reporting system 3.5.1 Implement technologies that collect revenues efficiently 4.1.2 Expand and implement intermodal electronic payment systems TBD $1,500 $150 $300 $80 TBD TBD $250 $500 $500 $50 Cost* $300 TBD TBD TBD Agency Sponsorship and SIPCC Leadership In order to advance this Action Plan, each identified agency lead must take responsibility for its implementation by agreeing to: Manage project implementations from start to finish Prioritize the projects per the recommendation of the SIPCC within the overall ITS program schedule Identifying funding allocations for the projects Provide periodic updates to the SIPCC regarding the status of project progress To help facilitate the initial Action Plan, a task force was created with SIPCC members to ensure that proposed actions were aligned with the correct agencies and their capabilities. Many of the SIPCC representatives that participated in the development of the Action Plan are part of their own agency leadership teams and have been asked to participate in the ongoing SIPCC. However, not all of those members have the authority to officially make decisions or commit resources on behalf of their agencies. 7 To solidify the mission of the Statewide ITS Strategic Plan, and to ensure continued participation, the following agency stakeholders have agreed to become members of a permanent Statewide ITS Planning and Coordination Committee (SIPCC) at both the statewide and regional levels. These individuals were considered because of their exceptional contributions made during the creation of the Strategic Plan. SIPCC - Members Pete Sutton - Chairman Frank Spada David Barker Paul Christner Lorenzo Para Russ Bond Gary Roux/Carolyn Hart-Lucien Steve O’Neil/Maryellen Blunt Ken Charlton/Ray Ledoux Paul Steadman/Joe Costanzo Promise Otaluka Lt. Daniel Griffin Gretchen Lucas MassDOT OTP MassDOT IT MBTA MassPort MassDOT Highway Operations MassDOT ITS Programs Western - RIPCC Central - RIPCC Southeast - RIPCC Metro Boston - RIPCC FHWA Mass State Police Registry of Motor Vehicles The intent of the permanent SIPCC is to continue momentum as the strategies listed in the Action Plan are executed. The Office of Transportation Planning (OTP) will continue their responsibility in coordinating quarterly SIPCC meetings, and ensure that Regional ITS Planning and Coordination Committees (RIPCC) are established, and that one or both of the regional representatives listed attend the quarterly SIPCC meetings and to coordinate and conduct quarterly RIPCC meetings in their respective regions, so that each region and all transportation modes are fairly represented. Action Plan Implementation This Action Plan defines specific projects for immediate, short- and long-term deployment and will help stakeholders identify funding sources for deployment. The overall project plan for each strategy is documented within this Action Plan, and includes the following descriptive components: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Diagrams Implementation Table containing: Project Title Project Description Project Lead Key Stakeholders Timeframe for Immediate; Short-Term; Long-Term implementation Project Cost Project Strategy Prerequisites 8 Inputs, Outputs/Deliverables Implementation Process The success of these projects will depend on the support of a project lead agency, a knowledgeable project manager, the participation of the primary stakeholders, and the execution of a well-defined set of processes. It is recommended that the following process be applied to each project moving forward to ensure the best outcome. Category Initiation Planning and Execution Activities SIPCC Chairman schedules a meeting of key stakeholders Determine and assign a Project Manager Validate key stakeholders Validate project purpose and need Validate project predecessors Hold project kickoff meeting Form a project team Complete scope requirements Refine the WBS Prepare initial project schedule and cost implications to: o Define activities o Estimate realistic activity timeframes o Identify project milestones o Define the budget and financial sources o Allocate resource responsibilities o Periodically report to the SIPCC 9 Goal 1: Implement Solutions to Improve Inter-Agency Communication and Coordination The purpose of this goal is to maintain the momentum that was realized by the creation of the SIPCC and to ensure that all agencies realize fiscal efficiency by taking advantage of shared resources and coordinated ITS deployment. Critical Success Factors The commitment to participate in coordination meetings and activities is fulfilled. Business efficiencies are linked to program performance. All stakeholders are satisfied with project outcomes. Funding available for projects is increased and flexibility to adjust based on available funding is considered. Awareness and positive opinion of ITS within SIPCC agencies is increased. Performance Measures Reduction in implementation and administrative costs Increased number of projects coordinated across agencies Minimized duplication in projects Increased rate of projects that fulfill their goals Decreased duration of the ITS project development and execution process Objective 1.1: Improve Effectiveness of ITS Implementation by Educating Stakeholders and End Users It is the belief of the SIPCC that focusing on this objective will help enable the successful realization of the Strategic Plan, the Action Plan and the program in general. Through the creation of this objective the SIPCC has demonstrated a proactive approach to improving the implementation of ITS through coordination. Strategies: 1. Develop statewide policies and procedures for increased coordination and buy-in from multimodal transportation agencies across the Commonwealth. 2. Establish a SIPCC legislative and executive outreach working group 3. Develop an ITS education campaign for the public, legislators and transportation stakeholders. 10 Project Strategy 11 Implementation Table Project Title: Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Develop a guidebook to assist ITS practitioners to navigate the planning and deployment processes of ITS initiatives. The guidebook will outline the procedures associated with ITS project deployment, including cross-organizational collaboration to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of ITS deployments, and minimize redundant efforts. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key Stakeholders: FHWA, RTA, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassDOT – Highway Division – Traffic Engineering, Statewide Operation and Maintenance, MPOs and RMV Project Strategy Prerequisites 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process Objectives Achieve integration of ITS design within the general engineering design procedures Reduce redundancy in design efforts Set a policy to enable business process analysis Inputs Existing ITS planning policies and practices Best practices in ITS planning and policies Existing roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of key stakeholders Existing policies and agreements between stakeholder agencies Outputs/ Deliverables Collaboration MOUs Amended MassDOT Policies ITS Planning Guidebook 12 Project Strategy 13 Implementation Table Project title: SIPCC Legislative and Executive Outreach Working Group Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: A SIPCC legislative and executive outreach group will conduct awareness and education campaigns to organization-level executives and legislative decision makers regarding ITS. The outreach initiatives will seek to raise awareness of ITS and transportation operations initiatives among top level executives. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, RTAS, MPOs, Legislative Representatives Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Increase awareness of the benefits of Transportation Operations (ITS, incident management, congestion management) Inputs Existing ITS planning policies and practices Best practices in ITS planning and policies Existing roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of key stakeholders Existing policies and agreements between stakeholder agencies Outputs and Deliverables Collaboration MOUs Presentation materials 14 Project Strategy 15 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Education Campaign Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: The outreach program will seek to educate decision makers, the public, and transportation stakeholders regarding the positive outcomes and costs associated with ITS. The program will emphasize the benefits of past, present, and future ITS deployments, underscoring the importance of politically and financially backing ITS initiatives. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: Massachusetts Legislature, Travelling Public, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, Local and Municipal Governments, MPOs Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.2 Legislative and Executive Outreach Working Group 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.1.1 Work Zone ITS Deployment Strategy and Standard Procedures 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Objectives Improve awareness and acceptance of ITS as a transportation solution Expand the consideration for ITS inclusion by all transportation stakeholders in design and implementation projects Expand awareness and support within the legislature to ensure that ITS is a transportation funding priority Inputs Existing levels of awareness of ITS Current ITS initiatives, including benefits and enhancements ITS provides to the transportation network Planned and programmed ITS initiatives Existing legislative positions and personnel Outputs/ Deliverables Outreach and educational materials Schedules of outreach activities MOUs/agreements to utilize existing resources for public education 16 Objective 1.2: Use a Consensus-Based, Strategically Planned Approach to Implement ITS Initiatives Throughout the strategic planning process the SIPCC reiterated the importance of coordination and fostering an environment of openness and inclusion as ITS is planned and implemented. This objective embodies that desire. Once memorandums of agreement are established it will be important to make sure a process is developed that will allow all stakeholders to have input and to ensure that the projects which benefit the greatest need make the best use of available funds are prioritized. This will help with the overall sustainability of the SIPCC and will also help execute this strategic plan. Strategies: 1. Develop a common platform data warehouse. 2. Develop a standardized project execution process for ITS projects. 3. Centralize the planning and approval process for ITS deployments across the Commonwealth. 4. Revise the procurement process and contracts to be more suitable for ITS projects. 5. Improve the project acceptance process to ensure that all stakeholders are satisfied and all systems are fully functional. 17 Project Strategy 18 Implementation Table Project title: Common Platform Data Warehouse Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: TBD Project Description: Identify data sources currently available within the Commonwealth that should be shared across operations organizations and determine between which organizations the data should be shared. Develop and implement interfaces between existing systems or a new platform to facilitate data exchange. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassDOT RMV, MEMA, MassPort, MBTA, RTAS, City of Boston, Major Municipalities Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.2.5 Improved System Acceptance Testing 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 2.1.2 Statewide Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Implementation 2.1.6 ITS Weather Condition Reporting Program 2.2.1 Keep Massachusetts Safe - ITS Security and Economic Sustainability Initiative 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Objectives Enhance the exchange of data and information among transportation operations organizations within the Commonwealth Enable the exchange of roadway incident and condition information among operations personnel, in particular first responders Enhance situational awareness across varying modes of transportation Inputs Information regarding existing systems Information sharing needs of transportation operations Outputs and Deliverables MOUs to share data and information MOUs to share the responsibility to develop resource sharing platform Interfaces between existing sharing platforms Resource sharing platform 19 Project Strategy 20 Implementation Table Project title: Standardized ITS Project Execution Process Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $80,000 Project Description: Evaluate and enhance the existing ITS initiative project execution process, including all aspects of project execution, from concept exploration to project scoping, to design, to implementation. The final project execution process will include an agreed upon process for advancing new ITS projects from concept to implementation, and will include collaborative reviews and approval processes as described in the Strategic and Action plans. The execution process will also identify administrative and project roles, responsibilities, and positions necessary to facilitate the new processes. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning & Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassPort, MBTA, RTAS, City of Boston, Major Municipalities, Any Participating Transportation Operations Stakeholder Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.2.5 Improved System Acceptance Testing 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.1.1 Work Zone ITS Deployment Strategy and Standard Procedures 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.1.4 Performance Monitoring, Reporting and Improvement 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Objectives Standardize the process of delivering ITS projects across all MassDOT organizations and among participating municipalities Encourage consistency of functionality and compatibility of ITS implementations throughout the Commonwealth Inputs Existing project execution process procedures National best practices SIPCC reviews of new processes Outputs and Deliverables MOUs from participating organizations Revised project execution process SOPs for ITS project execution staff Revised project delivery and implementation manuals and materials 21 Project Strategy 22 Implementation Table Project title: Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Processes Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Standardize the approval process for ITS implementations within MassDOT and incorporate this new process into the project execution process. Standardizing approvals will minimize redundant efforts and will encourage collaborative use of resources and increased awareness of ITS project implementations within MassDOT. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning & Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassPort, MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Streamline the planning and approval of MassDOT ITS projects Encourage consensus-based planning and approval of ITS implementations Reduce redundant ITS implementation efforts and leverage overlapping needs across varying organizations Inputs Existing ITS planning and approval processes Best practices in ITS planning and consensus building SIPCC reviews of new processes Outputs and Deliverables Revised planning and approval processes Revised MassDOT policies Revised project planning and approval guidance materials 23 Project Strategy 24 Implementation Table Project title: Streamlined MassDOT ITS Contracting and Procurement Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Alter the policies and procedures of MassDOT’s contracting and procurement processes to enable more effective implementation and oversight of ITS initiatives. Streamlined contracting and procurement will include a toolkit of MassDOT approved contracting and procurement methods for ITS implementations and services, and guidelines for when and how to use them. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, MBTA, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.5 Improved System Acceptance Testing 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Objectives Streamline the contracting and procurement processes of MassDOT ITS projects Improve efficiency of ITS procurements – identify opportunities to mainstream ITS Inputs Existing ITS procurement processes and policies Surveys of MassDOT ITS personnel Best practices in ITS procurement and contracting Outputs and Deliverables ITS procurement and contracting toolkit Revised MassDOT policies Revised contracting and procurement guidance materials 25 Project Strategy 26 Implementation Table Project title: Improved System Acceptance Testing Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $60,000 Project Description: Ensure that ITS implementations meet the needs of the user through a standardized system acceptance process. System acceptance will require that implementations are fully operational using the system identified in the contract language, and that it meets all required functionalities. System acceptance will map to project needs and requirements as developed in the systems engineering process. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, MBTA, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS Objectives Enhance the functionality of ITS implementations Ensure that ITS implementations meet the needs of the users and the owners Ensure the interoperability of ITS implementations Inputs Existing systems engineering processes and policies Outputs and Deliverables Standardized ITS planning and design functionality checklists Standardized ITS system acceptance checklists Revised MassDOT systems engineering policies 27 Objective 1.3: Streamline the Systems Engineering Approach to ITS Projects Systems engineering is not only a requirement of projects that include Federal funding, it is a common sense approach to implementing projects that will provide the most benefit over time and help ensure open and fair competition. Systems engineering additionally helps agencies avoid re-work and lost efforts by providing a mechanism to develop projects in modular format. FHWA conducted a systems engineering workshop that many SIPCC members attended during the strategic planning process. By developing a standard practice for Systems Engineering on MassDOT ITS projects, the process can become streamlined saving both time and money in the planning stage of project development. Strategies: 1. Develop modular and scalable concept of operations templates to describe the relationship between stakeholders for ITS projects. 2. Develop a standardized ITS planning process based on the systems engineering approach.. 28 Project Strategy 29 Implementation Table Project title: Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $150,000 Project Description: Standardize concept of operations for typical ITS implementations. Concept of operations documents are required for all federally funded ITS projects, and are a key part of engaging relevant stakeholders during the planning process. Standardizing ConOps will minimize the risk of overlooking a stakeholder during this process, and will minimize the overall effort associated with developing the document. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, MBTA, RTA’s Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.1.1 Work Zone ITS Deployment Strategy and Standard Procedures 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist Objectives Standardize stakeholder engagement in the ITS planning process Standardize the ITS planning process Ensure that the outcome of ITS implementations satisfy the desired functionalities of the project Inputs Existing systems engineering processes and policies Previous concept of operations documents Best practices in concept of operations documents Outputs and Deliverables Standardized ITS concept of operations documents Revised MassDOT systems engineering policies 30 Project Strategy 31 Implementation Table Project title: Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Standardize the project planning process by identifying funding options available for varying types of ITS initiatives, and developing planning checklists to ensure that all aspects of the initiatives are considered, including the systems engineering process. Standardized planning processes will be incorporated as part of the new project execution process outlined in the strategic and action plans. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, MBTA, Other Participating Organizations Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.2 Legislative and Executive Outreach Working Group 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Standardize approach to ITS planning Provide ITS implementers with funding options and procedures for procuring funding Inputs Existing systems engineering processes and policies Existing funding alternatives Stakeholder input regarding systems engineering processes Outputs and Deliverables ITS funding toolkit ITS planning and systems engineering checklists Revised MassDOT systems engineering policies 32 Goal 2: Provide a Safe and Secure Transportation Environment for People and Goods The purpose of this goal is to ensure that the system can continue to operate at its full capacity and that traveler confidence is as high as reasonable possible. In the context of the Massachusetts ITS Program, safe is defined as the ability to move about the transportation system without the fear or likelihood of being involved in a collision or system failure resulting in personal injury or economic loss. Critical Success Factors All agencies make a conscious effort to work together to avoid emergency responder injuries and fatalities. Performance measures to track trends in incident and roadway clearance times are implemented across the Commonwealth A commitment by all agencies to reduce crime at transit stations is maintained. Adequate and qualified staffing is provided to monitor and respond to situations. Performance Measures Reduction in the number of roadway crashes Reduction in the number of secondary crashes Reduction in incident clearance time Reduction in crime at transit stations Increase commercial vehicle screening throughput Objective 2.1: Implement the ITS Components of a Highway Safety Improvement Program to Support Traffic and Incident Management Activities In 2006 the Massachusetts Highway Department (now MassDOT) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) relating to the Massachusetts Statewide Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The mission of this joint group is to develop, promote, implement, and evaluate data-driven, multi-disciplinary strategies to maximize safety for users of the roadway system. The SHSP is the primary deliverable of the Highway Safety Improvement Plan and is used to guide the program. In the 2006 plan 46 tier one and tier two strategies were identified. The purpose of this objective is to identify how ITS can help achieve those strategies. 33 Strategies: 1. Develop a multi-modal emergency management ITS support plan. 2. Implement interoperable advanced traffic management and computer aided dispatch software that provides a common operating structure that can be shared with all operations centers. 3. Maintain and expand the traffic management working group. 4. Implement technology to achieve the National Unified Goal for traffic incident management. 5. Coordinate with HSIP developers to determine how to standardize reporting through technology. 6. Develop a plan for collecting, predicting, and distributing road weather conditions. 34 Project Strategy 35 Implementation Table Project title: Massachusetts All-Hazards ITS Plan Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Improve the all-hazards preparedness of the Commonwealth. Deploying ITS at key decision points to help emergency responders and travelers make better decisions is critical. The MassDOT Highway Division is the lead agency for Emergency Support Function 1 (MA ESF 1) and a support agency for MA ESF 3 and 5. Activities associated with these projects will involve improving preparedness for these ESFs. Project Lead: MEMA Key stakeholders: MSP, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MBTA, Aeronautics, MassPort, Steamship Authority, Department of Education, Department of Conservation and Recreation Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Improve the capability of Massachusetts to respond to all hazards Manage vehicular evacuations more effectively Improve transportation support of emergency support function priorities Inputs Existing ITS procurement processes and policies Table top and function exercise plan Outputs and Deliverables Joint ITS Emergency Management Operations Manual Annual ITS Emergency Management Needs Report First responder training ITS Field implementations 36 Project Strategy 37 Implementation Table Project title: Statewide Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) /Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $2,000,000 to $8,000,000 Project Description: ATMS/ATIS will be the central traffic/facilities management software tool used to manage and respond to incidents occurring on the Commonwealth’s roadways and infrastructure. Enable the Highway Operations Center to implement software that will enhance detection, response, notification, clearance and recovery of incidents. Improve Intra-and Inter agency coordination interfacing with Mass State police Computer Aided Dispatch system (CAD). These systems will improve traffic management efforts, improving safety on the roadway and emergency responders associated with incident clearance. Creating a common operating picture between response agencies through technological interoperability. Provide robust performance reporting capabilities to aid and improve traffic incident management and operations. Provide the traveling public with reliable event and travel time information. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs and Massachusetts State Police Key stakeholders: Office of the Governor, MassDOT executive board, senior staff and other business units, Mass State Police, MEMA, Federal Highway, Neighboring States and TIM Task Force Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Implement interoperability strategies of the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management Provide a common operating picture for MassDOT’s Highway Operations Center Improve Incident Management Improved data dissemination and event notifications Ensure robust software and hardware architecture Provide robust performance reporting capabilities 38 Improve intra- and interagency coordination Support vision for integrated corridor management Support vision for a unified multimodal platform Inputs Updated Unified Response Manual Joint Operations Policy between MassDOT and MSP Completed Systems Engineering Report Joint planning and collaboration of between ATMS/ATIS and MSP CAD projects Selected Vendor Outputs and Deliverables Implemented Advanced Traffic Management and Advanced Traveler Information Software 39 Project Strategy 40 Implementation Table Project title: Massachusetts Traffic Management Working Group Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: N/A Project Description: Coordination and consideration of time management were two core issues identified as being important to the Massachusetts ITS Community. This project will consolidate meetings where possible and merge them with the existing traffic management working group currently led by MassDOT Highway Division Highway Operations Center personnel. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning, MEMA, MSP Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Improve coordination among the ITS community Consolidate redundant meetings Inputs List of all existing ITS related discussion groups with meeting schedules, current topics, and current action items Key stakeholders Outputs and Deliverables Annual Traffic Management Working Group Activity Report 41 Project Strategy 42 Implementation Table Project title: Implementation of the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Timeframe: Short-term Project Description: The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management has 18 strategies that are designed to increase the operational efficiency of traffic incident management programs. This project will encourage ITS practitioners to focus on achieving the NUG through improved TIM via ITS deployment. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: MSP, Planning Partners, MEMA, Massachusetts Fire Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Police Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Towing and Recovery Association, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (EMS Division), MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Reduce the number of emergency responder injuries and fatalities to zero Achieve safe quick clearance Inputs National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management TIM Program Strategic Direction Outputs and Deliverables ITS Devices and software Local/Corridor TIM Teams Regional TIM Committees TIM Performance Measures Report 43 Project Strategy 44 Implementation Table Project title: Intelligent Transportation Systems for HSIP Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $180,000 Project Description: Coordinate ITS planning process with Highway Safety Improvement Plan practitioners to enhance HSIP through ITS deployment. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassPort, MBTA, MSP, Office of Public Safety and Security Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Demonstrate safety improvements through the use of technology Deploy ITS devices where they will provide the most benefit Inputs Highway Safety Improvement Plan HSIP focus as part of the Traffic Management Working Group (TMWG) Outputs and Deliverables Prioritized ITS deployment plans Funded ITS projects Annual measures of performance 45 Project Strategy 46 Implementation Table Project title: Weather Condition Reporting Program Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $250,000 Project Description: Catalogue and document existing available weather related roadway and transit data. Develop a plan to expand data collection capabilities either through field implementations or agreements with existing data providers. Identify target audience for weather related data dissemination and develop plan to disseminate accurate, reliable weather information. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Roadway Operations Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MBTA, MassPort Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.2.5 Improved System Acceptance Testing 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 2.1.3 Massachusetts Traffic Management Working Group 3.1.2 Seasonal and Special Event ITS Strategy 3.1.4 Performance Monitoring, Reporting and Improvement 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Objectives Increase the availability of transportation network-related weather data Increase the accuracy of transportation network-related weather data Inputs Existing weather data Existing weather data collection infrastructure Existing weather information services Interviews with operations personnel Outputs and Deliverables Collaboration MOUs to share weather data across organizations Weather information gap closure plan Weather information dissemination plan 47 Objective 2.2: Use ITS to improve security of people and freight on the roadways and public transportation infrastructure. Consumer and traveler confidence are two hallmarks of a mobile society. The SIPCC recognizes the role of ITS in both of those areas and agree that improved traveler confidence will lead to greater consumer confidence. Manufacturers, suppliers, shippers, and retailers rely on the transportation system. Therefore the purpose of this objective is to deploy surveillance technology to help increase surveillance of critical points of the Commonwealth’s transportation infrastructure, and improve security for all residents that use these facilities. Strategies: 1. Increase the use of ITS to improve surveillance of critical infrastructure, supply chain routes, and public transit routes. 2. Develop mobile applications that allow citizens to easily and safely report suspicious activity. 48 Project Strategy 49 Implementation Table Project title: Keep Massachusetts Safe Massachusetts ITS Security and Economic Sustainability Initiative Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Protecting critical assets and enabling economic sustainability are key objectives of a well-rounded ITS program. ITS can help achieve these objectives by providing surveillance at locations that matter most. This project will develop a transportation economics model for Massachusetts that helps understand critical movements of people and goods, which if interrupted could threaten the quality of life. Project Lead: MassPort Key stakeholders: MSP, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MBTA, MEMA, Planning Partners Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Deploy ITS technology where surveillance can help improve economic sustainability and security Improve situational awareness on high value routes across all modes Inputs Critical Infrastructure ITS Inventory Outputs and Deliverables Transportation Economic Sustainability Study ITS Supply Chain, Critical Infrastructure and Public Transit Routes Gap Closure Plan Prioritized ITS Implementation Projects Expanded ITS Network Annual Exercise Results and Needs Report Joint ITS Security Operations Manual 50 Project Strategy 51 Implementation Table Project title: Safety and Security Mobile Applications for Transportation Network Timeframe: Long-term Project Cost: $300,000 Project Description: Leverage the proliferation of mobile and smart phone technologies to develop applications to enhance the safety and security of the transportation network, including highway and transit infrastructure. Developing mobile platforms to report security concerns will enable real-time identification of issues, and will enable consolidated processing of all potential threats. Project Lead: MassDOT – IT Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MBTA, MassPort, MEMA, MSP Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Enhance the ability for transportation network users to report suspicious and dangerous activity Improve responses to reported suspicious activity Improve security of transportation network Inputs Interviews with first responder and emergency response personnel Existing suspicious activity reporting systems Cellular and wireless communication coverage of existing transportation network Interviews with operations personnel Outputs and Deliverables Mobile application to enable users to report suspicious or dangerous activities Back-end processing systems to process and respond to reports Gap closure plan to eliminate gaps in mobile application coverage 52 Objective 2.3: Implement the ITS components of a commercial vehicle operations program to enforce regulations and enhance the security of freight traveling on the roadway and the public transit system. Massachusetts is participating in the national Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) program in order to improve safety, mobility, and productivity, as well as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the State agencies that are responsible for regulating the commercial vehicle industry. The CVISN plan includes these goals: Enhance highway safety, public safety, and public health Promote efficiencies in Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) administrative functions Improve coordination among CVO agencies Develop and deploy information systems that will support new capabilities in the areas of highway safety, public safety, and public health. Strategies: 1. Create a technology working group to integrate commercial vehicle operations into the planning process. 2. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of commercial vehicle screening at high traffic corridors and bottlenecks. 53 Project Strategy 54 Implementation Table Project title: CVO Advancement Working Group Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Represented by stakeholders in the freight community, the working group will identify needs associated with commercial vehicle operations (CVO), and opportunities to include CVO initiatives or considerations in statewide programming efforts. The working group will have representation on the SIPCC committee and will review plans and designs of CVO-related implementations. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Highway Operations Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MSP, Relevant Freight Associations, MassPort Project Strategy Prerequisites: 2.1.3 Massachusetts Traffic Management Working Group Objectives Increase commercial vehicle operations (CVO) considerations in the planning process of ITS Enhance CVO within the Commonwealth Increase coordination of CVO initiatives among relevant stakeholders Inputs Representation from both private and public CVO organizations SIPCC Meeting schedule Outputs and Deliverables Recommendations to enhance CVO within the Commonwealth Recommendations to enhance consideration of CVO within the ITS planning process 55 Project Strategy 56 Implementation Table Project title: CVO Vehicle Screening Improvement Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: TBD Project Description: Streamline the commercial vehicle screening processes at checkpoints through the use of ITS technologies and improved procedures and processes. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Highway Operations Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MSP, Relevant Freight Associations, MassPort Project Strategy Prerequisites: 2.1.3 Massachusetts Traffic Management Working Group 2.3.1 Commercial Vehicle Operations Advancement Working Group Objectives Improve the efficiency of CVO screening Enhance operations of commercial vehicles throughout the network Inputs Existing CVO screening procedures Existing CVO policies and procedures Existing CVISN plans and policies Outputs and Deliverables Technologies to support CVO screening operations Revised procedures and processes to support CVO operations 57 Goal 3 – Improve the Reliability and Efficiency of the Transportation Network through the Use of Technology The bottom line for many travelers is that they need a transportation system that they can trust. The use of technology that recognizes the value of time spent by travelers is a key to successful ITS implementation and user acceptance. The purpose of this goal is to ensure that all ITS in Massachusetts be designed with the principles of trust in mind. Critical Success Factors ITS Standards are implemented and adhered to. Travel times and transit arrival times are 98 percent accurate. ITS devices and systems are available 97 percent of the time. A compliment of well-trained Law enforcement personnel will allow 50 percent of all crashes to be reported electronically. Performance Measures Increase the up-time of ITS devices Improve travel time reliability of roadway trips Increase on-time arrivals of transit vehicles Increase the accessibility of next-vehicle arrival times for transit vehicles Increase accuracy of next-vehicle arrival times for transit vehicles Objective 3.1 – Leverage and Implement the most current ITS Technologies to Improve Travel Time Reliability of Roadways and Transit Leverage and implement the most current ITS technologies to improve travel time reliability of roadways and transit. In 2010 the MassDOT Highway Division completed a strategic plan that was intended to help that division achieve four goals: Improve incident management Improve congestion management Improve safety and security management Improve operations and maintenance cost effectiveness This objective will help implement those strategies for the highway division and across the entire transportation network. Travel time reliability is one cross-cutting area that can benefit from joint coordination and implementation. Strategies: 1. Develop a work zone ITS deployment strategy and standard procedure. 58 2. Develop a seasonal and special events ITS deployment strategy and procedure. 3. Develop a traffic operations data warehouse with a visual component to compile and display congestion data. 4. Create a baseline and annual congestion performance measure report for key corridors. 59 Project Strategy 60 Implementation Table Project title: Work Zone ITS Deployment Strategy and Standard Procedures Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $80,000 Project Description: Establish guidelines for work zone and operations personnel to equip roadway work zones with effective ITS technologies as management tools. Guidelines will include requirements for roadway contractors to purchase and/or equip their work zones with interoperable ITS solutions to enable management and situational awareness of the zone. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: FHWA, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassDOT – Highway Division – Traffic Engineering, MassPort, MSP Project Strategy Prerequisites: 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS Objectives Enhance the safety of work zone personnel Improve traffic flow through work zones using ITS and operations tools Inputs Existing work zone policies and practices Best practices in work zone ITS Existing work zone specifications and standards Interviews with work zone personnel Existing roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of key stakeholders Existing policies and agreements between stakeholder agencies Outputs and Deliverables Collaboration MOUs Amended MassDOT Policies Work zone ITS specifications Detour routes 61 Project Strategy 62 Implementation Table Project title: Seasonal and Special Event ITS Strategy Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Strategize and deploy ITS solutions to roadways to address seasonal, weather related concerns at critical areas, and, where appropriate, at critical seasonal-related multi-modal junctions. Also deploy roadway and transit ITS solutions to facilitate and manage travelers to and from special significant events. Results will include permanent and temporary ITS solutions, and relevant changes to existing SOPs for the management of seasonal and special events. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: FHWA, MassDOT – Highways Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassPort, MBTA, MPOs, MSP Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Enhance the safety of areas within the transportation network that experience seasonal issues Improve traffic flow during special events Inputs Existing special events and seasonal policies and practices Best practices in special event and seasonal ITS Existing roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of key stakeholders Existing policies and agreements between stakeholder agencies Outputs and Deliverables Collaboration MOUs with special event stakeholders Policies and procedures for addressing seasonal operations ITS implementations to support seasonal and special event operations 63 Project Strategy 64 Implementation Table Project title: Traffic Operations Data Warehouse Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $1,500,000 Project Description: Consolidated data warehouse to house all existing and future roadway and transit ITS data in a single location. The data will be used to display roadway congestion information and related transit operational information. The data warehouse will interface with all relevant collaborative operational platforms. Project Lead: MassDOT IT Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning , MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MPOs, Municipalities, MSP, Other Participating Organizations, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Implement standardized clearinghouse for transportation data Enable the capability to quantify and assess congestion throughout the Commonwealth Inputs Existing data sources and formats Existing IT policies Existing IT network infrastructure Outputs and Deliverables Collaboration MOUs with data resource partners Data warehouse Recommendations for expanded field ITS technologies to support data collection QA/QC procedures 65 Project Strategy 66 Implementation Table Project title: Congestion Performance Monitoring, Reporting, and Improvement Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $150,000 Project Description: Periodic published report to display the health and effectiveness of the existing transportation network, including multimodal aspects, through the display of performance measures, operational information and system health measures for highways and transit. The report will incorporate existing and future data available for the networks, and will include high level recommendations for network improvements. Project Lead: MassDOT Office of Performance Management & Innovation Key stakeholders: FHWA, MassDOT Divisions, MPOs, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Project Strategy Prerequisites: 3.4.3 Performance Monitoring Working Group 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS Objectives Comprehensively monitor the performance of the transportation network Establish a culture of continuous improvement of the transportation network Inputs Data from the data warehouse and other sources Existing performance objectives Desired performance objectives Outputs and Deliverables Regular performance reports Identified key corridors Continual improvement plan 67 Objective 3.2: Standardize the Technological Environment of Roadway and Transit ITS Efficiency and standardization are related terms in ITS and this objective aims to start the process of viewing standardization in terms of efficiency. The reduction of design costs, custom integration, and maintenance costs will lead to more efficient ITS. Meeting and integrating standards for ITS will allow stakeholders to work together more easily and perform their jobs successfully in addition to enabling the MA ITS community to take advantage of the best technologies available on the market. Strategies: 1. Implement design, construction, integration and communication standards for ITS field devices. 2. Implement an electronic crash reporting system to reduce the amount of time required to investigate crashes. 68 Project Strategy 69 Implementation Table Project title: Design, Construction, and Communications Standards for ITS Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Implement and/or improve existing highway and multimodal (excluding explicit rail-transit) ITS specifications and standards to maintain baseline functionality and interoperability across all ITS implementations within the Commonwealth. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning , MassDOT IT, MBTA, MassPort, City of Boston, Other Participating Organizations Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Standardize ITS implementation throughout the Commonwealth Reduce and prevent dependence of ITS implementations on specific vendors or manufacturers throughout the Commonwealth Streamline ITS planning and deployment within the Commonwealth Reduce the overall cost of implementing ITS within the Commonwealth Inputs Existing standards documents and requirements Baseline functional requirements of ITS services Best practices in ITS standards Outputs and Deliverables ITS construction standards ITS integration standards ITS standard specifications Standards review committee and update schedule 70 Project Strategy 71 Implementation Table Project title: Crash Reporting System Project Cost: TBD Timeframe: Long-term Project Description: Leverage existing platforms or develop new system to improve situational awareness of highways throughout the Commonwealth, decreasing time to identify, verify, locate, and investigate roadway incidents. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Safety Key stakeholders: MassDOT IT, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassPort, Other Significant Municipalities, Fire Department Association, State Police, Municipal Police Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Create a singular repository for all crash and incident information within the Commonwealth Streamline the incident identification, verification, response, and review process across first responders and other relevant stakeholders Inputs Existing incident documentation practices and procedures Best practices in incident documentation and tracking Outputs and Deliverables Crash reporting system Improved incident documentation and response processes 72 Objective 3.3: Improve Efficiency of ITS and Business Processes that Support it To deliver the most technologically enhanced transportation possible for travelers, ITS agencies must operate their business as efficiently as possible. This objective will help MassDOT and its partners formalize and standardize all aspects of project development and delivery. Strategies: 1. Develop ITS design checklist to be incorporated into the traditional project development process. 2. Develop a standard lifecycle cost analysis template that includes an evaluation of replacement costs and when the item will become obsolete. 3. Develop a process to improve early planning for operations and maintenance budgets associated with ITS use. 73 Project Strategy 74 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Design Checklist Project Cost: $50,000 Timeframe: Short-term Project Description: Improve consistency of typical roadway and bridge project designs by assembling a checklist for design practitioners to evaluate their designs by. The checklist will include conceptual functionality and interoperability considerations, and any collaborative steps to be taken amongst stakeholders to ensure that the design of the project meets the needs of all users. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassDOT IT, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassPort, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS Objectives Ensure that all appropriate operational and maintenance ITS considerations are incorporated into the design of new ITS projects Streamline and standardize the ITS design process Inputs Existing ITS design practices and documentation ITS project needs from key stakeholders Outputs and Deliverables ITS design checklist Improved efficiency in ITS design and deployment 75 Project Strategy 76 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Lifecycle Cost Template Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $80,000 Project Description: Standardized approach for evaluating the useful lifespan of typical highway and transit ITS devices. Using the templates, ITS planning and implementation practitioners will be able to project the useful lifetime of ITS implementations, the cost/benefit ratios of the initiative, and estimate replacement schedules and costs at a high level. Project Lead: MassDOT – Office of Performance Management & Innovation Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning, ITS Programs, MBTA, MassPort, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist Objectives Implement efficient, “right-sized,” cost-effective ITS projects to deliver services Enhance the transparency of ITS costs and utility Inputs Existing ITS cost data Existing ITS lifespan data Outputs and Deliverables ITS lifecycle cost template Accurate, predictable lifespan of ITS implementations Lifespan reports and ITS subsystems recommended for retirement 77 Project Strategy 78 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $60,000 Project Description: Compile existing operational costs and develop projected operational costs for typical highway and transit ITS implementations for use when considering lifecycle costs of new ITS implementations. Costs can be used to project ongoing operational budgets for ITS implementations and to better anticipate these costs in organizational budgets. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Highway Operations Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassPort, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Include ITS recurring operational costs into the planning and programming process Reduce or eliminate unanticipated operational costs that rely on general funds Inputs Existing ITS recurring cost data Existing funding sources and application processes Outputs and Deliverables ITS operational cost database ITS operational cost funding checklist Guidelines for applying for operational cost funding 79 Objective 3.4: Implement Performance Measures of the ITS Program in Order to Document and Track the Benefits of ITS Implementations and Validate Legacy and Future Systems Measuring the outcome of ITS program efforts will help document and track the benefits of implementation as well as validate legacy and future systems. This objective is designed to ensure that performance measurement and evaluation is a part of all ITS activities in the Commonwealth. Strategies: 1. Implement data collection and storage processes to protect the integrity of ITS and transportation data to enable its tracking, review, and analysis. 2. Develop criteria to measure and evaluate the performance of ITS deployments. 3. Establish an ITS Performance Measurement Working Group. 80 Project Strategy 81 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Data Collection and Storage Requirements Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $300,000 Project Description: Define data quality standards for existing and future data streams from highway and transit ITS and operational sources. Further define and standardize data storage formats for existing and future data sources to enhance the manageability and usability of the data. Identify missing data streams that are essential to monitoring the health of highway and transit infrastructure and operations. Project Lead: MassDOT IT Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassPort, MassDOT – ITS Planning, RTAS, UMass Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Retain existing and future ITS data in a manner conducive to evaluating its usefulness in real time Enable historical analysis of comprehensive, accurate ITS data Inputs Existing ITS data streams Future ITS data needs Outputs and Deliverables Data collection and usage requirements Recommended format standards Data backup requirements 82 Project Strategy 83 Implementation Table Project title: ITS Subsystem Health Monitoring Requirements Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $100,000 Project Description: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) from which to measure the effectiveness of the Commonwealth’s highway and transit ITS operations. KPIs will address both the health of ITS implementations, and their effectiveness at performing their desired functionality. KPIs will also examine the highway and transit networks on a corridor, regional or holistic basis, depending on the outputs of the strategy/project. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning & Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MBTA, MassPort, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MPOs Project Strategy Prerequisites: 3.1.4 Performance Monitoring, Reporting and Improvement 3.4.3 Performance Monitoring Working Group Objectives Accurately measure the performance of ITS subsystems as compared to specifications and as a function of system uptime Inputs Existing ITS performance measures Best practices in ITS performance measures Outputs and Deliverables Performance measures for each ITS subsystem Review of effectiveness reports for each ITS subsystem 84 Project Strategy 85 Implementation Table Project title: Performance Monitoring Working Group Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $80,000 Project Description: The working group will monitor the key performance indicators (KPIs) established within the action plan’s strategies against the actual performance of the network. The working group will revise and maintain the KPIs as necessary to reflect the needs and desired outputs of the transportation network. The group will identify recommendations for improvements based on network performance. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MBTA, MassPort, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, City of Boston, MPOs, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Determine the effectiveness and the impact of ITS on the transportation network Determine the health status of ITS subsystems Improve transportation network performance Inputs Performance reports (for the health of the systems and the transportation network overall) Performance data from the transportation network Outputs and Deliverables End of effective life evaluations for ITS deployments Recommendations for improvements to the ITS program Recommendations for enhancements to the transportation network 86 Objective 3.5: Leverage Sustainable Applications of Technology The impact of technology on environmental and fiscal sustainability is significant. The challenge of agencies implementing ITS is to remain aware of the most advanced technologies available and to be able to successfully integrate them into the operational environment. This objective is designed to begin thinking about how to accomplish that task. Strategies: 1. Identify NextGen revenue collection technologies. 2. Identify measurable environmental benefits of ITS projects. 87 Project Strategy 88 Implementation Table Project title: Revenue Collection Technology Working Group Timeframe: Long-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Review, identify, and implement the next generation of automated revenue collection systems to address the needs of highway toll operations, with a consideration and potential inclusion of transit revenue collection. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – Tolling Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassPort, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Streamline the revenue collection process Increase revenues by improving the accessibility of the revenue collection process Inputs Best practices in revenue collection technology Existing conditions of revenue collection technologies Outputs and Deliverables Near term revenue collection technology implementations Long term revenue collection technology recommendations 89 Project Strategy 90 Implementation Table Project title: Environmental Impact Tracking and Reporting Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $80,000 Project Description: Quantify the environmental benefits and drawbacks of transit and roadway ITS implementations. Document benefits in periodic reports that are published internally and externally at MassDOT in order to track overall environmental performance. Identify potential areas for improvement so environmental benefits can be incorporated in public and legislative outreach and education strategies in support of implementing ITS programs. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassPort, RTAS, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Quantify and document the environmental impacts of ITS and transportation operations initiatives Mitigate negative impacts of the transportation network on the environment Inputs Environmental impacts of ITS and operations implementations Existing conditions of revenue collection technologies Outputs and Deliverables ITS and operations environmental impact worksheet ITS and operations environmental impact report 91 Objective 3.6: Expand Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Activities Traffic incidents are a primary source of non-recurring congestion and the effect on travel time reliability and network efficiency has been documented at a national level. TIM can be a primary driver when determining the correct location of ITS devices and can also be used to determine mode shift points from a multi-modal perspective. Strategies: 1. Expand the traffic management coordination group to include transit operations. 2. Develop a statewide implementation plan for the “Roadmap for National TIM Leadership and Innovation”. 3. Develop TIM performance measures as a capability of ATMS. 4. Develop local TIM Teams as method for improving the ITS Planning process 5. Link activities of the traffic management group to the SIPCC and the ITS Strategic Plan. 92 Project Strategy 93 Implementation Table Project title: Expand Traffic Management Group Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: N/A Project Description: Integrate transit operations initiatives into the traffic management group’s activities in order to track and monitor progress of all related transportation operations initiatives within the Commonwealth. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: RTAS, MBTA, WRTA, PVTA, MassDOT – ITS Planning, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Establish a single working group to monitor progress of all transportation operations initiatives within the Commonwealth Monitor and track transit initiatives that affect the greater transportation network Identify opportunities for collaboration between transit and highway operations projects Inputs Relevant transit projects within the Commonwealth Transit representatives and their participation in the working group Outputs and Deliverables Enhanced statewide coordination of transportation operations Expanded working group 94 Project Strategy 95 Implementation Table Project title: Massachusetts Traffic Incident Management Joint Operations Policy Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $350,000 Project Description: The Senior Executive Transportation & Public Safety Summit was held in Washington, DC in June 2012. The Summit was held to discuss how to improve TIM in the nation and was built on the foundation of the National Unified Goal for TIM. The relationship between transportation and public safety agencies is crucial in making sure that ITS is as effective as possible. This project will establish a clear direction for the long term sustainability of TIM in Massachusetts. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: MSP, Planning Partners, MEMA, Massachusetts Fire Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Police Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Towing and Recovery Association, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (EMS Division), MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 2.1.4 Implement technology to achieve the National Unified Goal for traffic incident management Objectives Improved travel time reliability Improved motorist and responder safety Reduced non-recurring congestion Inputs Traffic Management Working Group Stakeholders Senior Executive Transportation & Public Safety Summit Briefing Outputs and Deliverables Massachusetts Traffic Incident Management Joint Operations Policy Massachusetts TIM Network Adopted TIM Performance Measures Revised Driver Education Curriculum Agency Executive Briefing Materials Safe Quick Clearance Public Outreach Campaign Move It Public Outreach Campaign 96 Project Strategy 97 Implementation Table Project title: TIM Performance Measures for ATMS Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: Incl. with 2.1.4 ATMS Project Description: Implementation of ATMS will make HOC activities more efficient and will help improve roadway safety by enabling faster responses to developing situations. To show the benefit, a core support function of ATMS is the ability to report TIM performance measures. The standard incident timeline includes eight parameters: incident occurs, incident reported, incident verified, response identified and dispatched, response arrives, roadway cleared, incident cleared, normal traffic flow restored. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Key stakeholders: MSP, Planning Partners, MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 2.1.2 Implement interoperable advanced traffic management software and computer aided dispatch that provides a common operating picture and is shared with all operations centers. 3.4.3 Establish an ITS performance measures working group Objectives Detailed TIM performance measure requirements for the ATMS procurement Inputs ITS Architecture Existing ATMS Concept of Operations (ConOps) Survey of national TIM performance measures best practices Adopted standard incident timeline Outputs and Deliverables TIM performance measures requirements for the ATMS request for proposals Updated HOC Concept of Operations 98 Project Strategy 99 Implementation Table Project title: Local TIM Team Initiative Project Cost: $150,000 Timeframe: Immediate Project Description: Although there is coordination at the statewide level for TIM, the needs of local areas can vary. Likewise, the greatest lessons learned can often come from singular, localized incidents. This project will create a series of local TIM teams across Massachusetts that may be corridor or geographic area based. Also, this effort can help identify needed improvements for public safety communications that can be rolled into the Transportation Improvement Plan for each region. Project Lead: Office of Transportation Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, MSP, Planning Partners, MEMA, Massachusetts Fire Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Police Chiefs Association, Massachusetts Towing and Recovery Association, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (EMS Division), MBTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: 2.1.4 Implement technology to achieve the National Unified Goal for traffic incident management 3.5.4 Develop a statewide implementation plan for the "Roadmap for the National TIM Leadership and Innovation" Objectives Program public safety agency needs as part of the transportation improvement planning process Improve motorist and responder safety Reduce the impact of non-recurring congestion on travel time reliability Inputs Transportation management group Deliverables from strategies 2.1.4 and 3.5.4 Outputs and Deliverables Local TIM Implementation Framework Annual State of TIM Report Annual Executive Briefings 100 Project Strategy 101 Implementation Table Project title: Integrate Traffic Operations Working Group and SIPCC/Strategic Plan Timeframe: Immediate Project Cost: $40,000 Project Description: Integrate SIPCC and Traffic Operations Working group projects through coordination and project administration in order to establish a unified approach to implementing Strategic Plan and other transportation operations projects. Project Lead: MassDOT – ITS Planning Key stakeholders: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – Highway Division – Highway Operations, MBTA, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC, SIPCC Project Leads, Traffic Operations Working Group Project Leads Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Unifying the approach to implementing the Strategic Plan strategies Implementing a systems engineering process for existing and future ITS initiatives by tracing them to the Strategic Plan Inputs Existing Working Group projects Future Working Group projects Existing Strategic Plan strategies SIPCC participation Traffic Operations Working Group participation Outputs and Deliverables Traffic Operations Working Group representation at SIPCC meetings SIPCC representation at Traffic Operations Working Group meetings Master schedule of projects that address Strategic Plan strategies 102 Goal 4: Use Technology to Create a More User-Friendly Transportation Experience, Regardless of Mode Choice The purpose of this goal is to implement ITS projects that create a successful and rewarding travel experience for the most users possible, including the diverse populace within the Commonwealth. Critical Success Factors The public has a positive opinion of the Massachusetts Transportation System A reliable traveler information system is implemented and maintained. Transit arrival time availability is increased. Performance Measures Increase usage of traveler information Increase customer satisfaction Reduce the number of customer complaints Objective 4.1: Implement a Traveler Information Program to Improve Connections between All Modes of Transportation, Enabling Seamless Travel throughout the Commonwealth A multi-modal traveler information program will help increase the number of people that are willing to change modes of transportation during a single trip. A more robust program that highlights where mode connection points are and what type of additional delay should be expected during the transfer will help offset roadway congestion and improve public transportation ridership. Strategies: 1. Expand the availability of transit arrival times. 2. Expand and implement intermodal electronic payment systems. 3. Facilitate mode-sharing information between roadway vehicles, airports, and public transportation. 103 Project Strategy 104 Implementation Table Project title: Transit Arrival Time System Expansion Timeframe: Short Term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Expand the existing systems to display next train arrival times for users of the public transportation networks within the Commonwealth. Expand the availability of transit arrival times for both rail and bus systems Project Lead: MBTA Key stakeholders: RTAS, MassPort, MassDOT – ITS Planning Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Enhance access to advanced traveler information Improve access to intermodal information Inputs Existing arrival time technologies and locations Existing arrival time standards and specifications Best practices in arrival time information Outputs and Deliverables Arrival time gap closure plan Additional arrival time deployments 105 Project Strategy 106 Implementation Table Project title: Next Generation Fare Collection Timeframe: Long-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Review, identify, and implement the next generation of revenue collection for mass transportation throughout the Commonwealth for the near and long terms. This effort will be heavily coordinated with other revenue collection strategies to ensure that the selected solutions meet the needs of as many revenue collecting organizations as possible. Project Lead: MBTA Key stakeholders: MassPort, RTAS Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Expand seamless, sustainable fare collection within the Commonwealth Enhance the efficiency of fare collection Inputs Existing fare collection infrastructure Best practices in fare collection Outputs and Deliverables Near term next generation fare collection system Long term fare collection implementation plan 107 Project Strategy 108 Implementation Table Project title: Intermodal Information Exchange Technologies Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost Planning: Infrastructure: TBD Project Description: Connect intermodal systems to facilitate traveler information exchange across all primary modes, including roadway, air, waterway, and mass transportation. Enable seamless use of various modes through integrated traveler information. Project Lead: MBTA Key stakeholders: MassPort, RTAS, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, Steamship Authority Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Facilitate traveler information exchange between primary modes of travel, including roadway vehicles, air, and sea transport, and public transportation Inputs Best practices in information exchange Existing traveler information systems and practices Outputs and Deliverables Short term information exchange systems between modes and organizations Long term information exchange deployment 109 Objective 2: Increase Accessibility to Real-Time Traveler Information Developing traveler information cannot be the final activity in an efficient program. Proactively increasing access and use of the system can help with many performance measures that address reliability and congestion. The SIPCC recognizes the value of a good traveler information system and will use this objective to make sure that the usage continues to expand. Strategies: 1. Provide data to the public through various sources and platforms, including mobile applications. 2. Increase media outlet access to traveler information, including people with disabilities and limited English proficiency (LEP). 110 Project Strategy 111 Implementation Table Project title: Next Generation Transportation Information Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: TBD Project Description: Connect with new, mobile, and connected users of the transportation network by developing platforms, systems and applications that meet their needs and are relevant to their mediums of acquiring information. This effort includes, but is not limited to, developing mobile applications to connect to users via their smart phones and tablets. Project Lead: MassDOT – IT Key stakeholders: MassPort, RTAS, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC- IT - ITS Programs, MBTA, MassDOT Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Enhance traveler information by connecting with users through relevant, next generation platforms, systems, and applications Continuously maintain current, cutting edge traveler information systems to stay connected to transportation network users Inputs Public surveys Existing data sharing applications and systems Best practices in public information dissemination Outputs and Deliverables New platforms, systems, and applications to remain connected with transportation network users Continual improvement working group and plan 112 Project Strategy 113 Implementation Table Project title: Expanding Accessibility of Transportation Information Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $500,000 Project Description: Expand access to traveler information by sharing existing and future information with media outlets. Expand information access by people with disabilities and with limited English proficiency (LEP) through sharing information with media partners and enhancing existing systems to accommodate these needs. Project Lead: MassDOT – IT Key stakeholders: MassPort, RTAS, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassDOT – Highway Division – HOC Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Enhance access to traveler information by people with disabilities and LEP Broaden and expand the existing traveler information audience by leveraging media partnerships and relationships Inputs Existing media connections User needs Outputs and Deliverables Enhanced media access through websites or existing media formats New media connections 114 Objective 4.3: Use technology to improve the transportation experience for travelers The SIPCC wants to ensure that the traveling public has a voice in determining what works best. This objective and strategy will help maintain the customer focus on all ITS activities for the Commonwealth. Strategy: 1. Implement a centralized traveler feedback system and database. 2. Assess the ability of MassDOT to collect and report performance data. 115 Project Strategy 116 Implementation Table Project title: Customer Satisfaction Platform and Database Timeframe: Short-term Project Cost: $500,000 Project Description: Solicit, collect, and store customer feedback from transportation network users in a manner conducive to storing, tracking, review, and analysis. Develop database and user interfaces to facilitate user feedback and make it accessible to all relevant stakeholders. Project Lead: MassDOT – IT Key stakeholders: MassPort, MARTARTAS, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MBTA, MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs, MassDOT – ITS Planning, Regional MPOs Project Strategy Prerequisites: 1.1.1 Statewide ITS Planning Guidebook 1.2.2 Standardized ITS Project Execution Process 1.2.3 Centralized ITS Planning and Approval Process 1.3.1 Standardized ITS Project Concept of Operations 1.3.2 Standardized ITS Funding and Planning Processes 3.2.1 Design, Construction, and Communication Standards for ITS 3.3.1 ITS Design Checklist 3.3.2 ITS Lifecycle Cost Template 3.3.3 ITS Operational Cost Planning and Procurement 3.4.2 Performance Monitoring Requirements Objectives Collect, store, and manage feedback from transportation network users Increase organizational awareness of public perception regarding performance of the transportation network. Inputs Information regarding existing feedback systems and databases Best practices in collecting and reviewing user feedback Outputs and Deliverables Transportation network user feedback database Interfaces for capturing transportation network user feedback 117 Project Strategy 118 Implementation Table Project title: Performance Data Capabilities Analysis Timeframe: Short Term Project Cost: $50,000 Project Description: Assess MassDOT’s capabilities to collect performance measurement data, and develop a plan to include expansion of data collection infrastructure through existing, future, and new projects. Project Lead: MassDOT – Highway Division – ITS Programs Key stakeholders: MassDOT – ITS Planning, MBTA, WRTA, PVTA Project Strategy Prerequisites: None Objectives Review and Document MassDOT’s data collection capabilities Expand MassDOT’s data collection capabilities Inputs Existing ITS projects Existing data collection facilities Existing data collection statistics Outputs and Deliverables Expanded existing, future, and planned projects to incorporate data collection infrastructure New projects to close gaps in data collection capabilities 119 Definitions and Key Terms Project A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique output. Every project has a definitive start and end period. A project is not an open ended process. Project Charter (purpose and need) A document that formally authorizes the existence of a project and that provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources. Sponsor and Executive Support Project Manager The person or group that provides the authorization, and resource support for the execution of a project. The primary person responsible for working with the project sponsor, project team and other stakeholders to achieve the project goals. Stakeholders Persons or organizations that are actively involved in the project and whose interest may be positively or negatively affected by the project. Scope The work and deliverables required to achieve the objectives of the specific project strategy. What specific work will be done to achieve the objective? What unique result will the sponsor expect, and how will the result be verified? Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Deliverable orientated grouping of work required to complete the scope of a project. Time/Schedule The analysis of the activities, sequences, level of effort and resource time required to complete the project strategy. How long should it take to complete the project and how will it be tracked for performance and changes? Typically the WBS will become the basis of the schedule. Cost/Funding These are the internal or external resource efforts of the SIPCC/RIPCC Agencies and ancillary costs to complete the project. Risk Management Identifying positive or negative impacts that can affect the project and mitigating those circumstances. Communication Planning Determination of the information and communication needs of the stakeholders. 120 Acronyms ATMS CAD Con-Ops CV CVISN CVO EMS HOC HSIP IT ITS KIP MA MOU MPO NUG PS&E QA/QC RFP SHSP SOP TBD TIM TMC TMWG ACRONYM DEFINITIONS (NON-ORGANIZATIONAL) Acronyms Definition Advanced Traffic Management System Computer Aided Dispatch Concept of Operations Commercial Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Commercial Vehicle Operations Emergency Medical Services Highway Operations Center Highway Safety Improvement Plan Information Technology Intelligent Transportation Systems Key Performance Indicator Massachusetts Memorandum of Understanding Metropolitan Planning Organization National Unified Goal Plans, Specifications and Estimate Quality Assurance/Quality Control Request for Proposal Strategic Highway Safety Plan Standard Operating Procedure To Be Determined Traffic Incident Management Traffic Management Center Traffic Management Working Group 121 BTD EOT FHWA FMCSA RTAS MassDOT MassPort MBTA MEMA MSP OTP RIPCC SIPCC RMV RTA UMass ACRONYM DEFINITIONS (AGENCIES & ORGANIZATIONS) Acronyms Definition Boston Transportation Department Executive Office of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Massachusetts Association of Regional Transit Authorities Massachusetts Department of Transportation Massachusetts Port Authority Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Massachusetts State Police Office of Transportation Planning Regional ITS Planning and Coordination Committee Statewide ITS Planning and Coordination Committee Registry of Motor Vehicles Regional Transit Authority University of Massachusetts 122