NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Students’ Notes Simplified Mandarin Lifestyles – Education and Work [INTERMEDIATE 1] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 Contents Introduction Targets for this section Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 1 Exercise 1.1 Language points (1) Cousins Exercise 1.2 Activity 2: Language Targets for Activity 2 Language points (2) Possessive pronouns Usage of 们 men and 的 de Exercise 2.1 Exercise 2.2 Exercise 2.3 Exercise 2.4 Activity 3: Writing Targets for Activity 3 Language points (3) 吗 不 Exercise 3.1 Exercise 3.2 Exercise 3.3 Exercise 3.4 Exercise 3.5 Exercise 3.6 Exercise 3.7 Exercise 3.8 Activity 4: Listening and comprehension Targets for Activity 4 Exercise 4.1 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 3 CONTENTS Exercise 4.2 Exercise 4.3 Activity 5: More reading and writing Targets for Activity 5 Exercise 5.1 Exercise 5.2 Appendix Notes: how to write an email in Mandarin Key words for this section 4 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 INTRODUCTION Introduction My learning targets 1 To know the appropriate way to present information in an email in Chinese 2 To be able to give information about myself 3 To be able to give information about family 4 To be able to describe places in town 5 To be able to describe one’s hobbies Done? LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 When? 5 ACTIVITY 1 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 1 My learning targets 1 To become familiar with the way personal information, hobbies and fun places in a town are presented in a short piece of writing 2 To be able to use the appropriate way to address different members of a family in Mandarin 6 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 Done? When? ACTIVITY 1 Exercise 1.1: Reading comprehension You are taking part in a summer exchange programme in Beijing which has been organised between Scotland and China. Your exchange partner in China introduces herself by email. 发件人:马丽丽 <> 收件人:林娜 <> 日 期:2008-11-21 主 题:交流伙伴 林娜: 你好! 我叫马丽丽,是你的交流伙伴。我十七岁。我的生日是二月二十二日。你 多少岁?你的生日是几月几日? 我爸爸五十岁。他的头发是灰白色的,但是他很英俊。他是中文老师。我 的妈妈四十八岁。她不高,但是她很漂亮。她没有工作。她很想学习英语。你的 父母做什么工作? 我有一个表姐。她叫朱英。她二十五岁。她已经结婚了,有一个小男孩。 他一岁,名字叫王平。我很喜欢和他一起玩。你有表姐妹吗? LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 7 ACTIVITY 1 我家住在北京。北京有很多好玩的地方。你可以去看天安门、长城、故 宫、天坛,也可以去公园玩。北京有很多公园。我喜欢看电影,打羽毛和乒乓球。 周末我经常到游泳馆里游泳。你住的城市有好玩的地方吗?你的爱好是什么? 希望早日收到你的回信。 祝你 平安 马丽丽 2008年11 月 21 日 Vocabulary 交流伙伴 Jiāoliú huǒbàn exchange partner 已经 yǐjīng already 表姐 biǎojiě cousin; sister-in-law 表姐妹 biǎojiěmèi cousins; sister-in-law 天安门 tiān ānmén Tiananmen Square 长城 chángchéng the Great Wall of China 故宫 gùgōng the Forbidden City 天坛 tiāntán Temple of Heaven 希望 xīwàng hope 8 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 1 Questions 1. Who is Ma Lili? _________________________________________________________ 2. What age is she? _________________________________________________________ 3. What two things does she ask about you? _________________________________________________________ 4. List three things she tells you about her father. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. List three things she tells you about her mother. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. List three things she tells you about her cousin. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. What can you do in Beijing? Mention four things. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 8. What does she like to do? Mention three things. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 9. What questions does she ask you? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 9 ACTIVITY 1 Language points (1) 1.1 Brothers and sisters When saying ‘my brothers’ or ‘her sisters’ in Chinese, you need to be careful because the English word ‘brother’ can either mean 哥哥 gēge (elder brother) or 弟弟 dìdi (younger brother) and ‘sister’ can either mean 姐姐 jiějie (elder sister) or 妹妹 mè mei (younger sister) in Chinese. When unsure one can say 我的兄弟们 wǒde xiōngdì men for ‘my brothers’ and 她的姐妹们 tāde jiěmèi men for ‘her sisters’. 1.2 Cousin There are several words in Chinese for cousin in the same way that there are different words for sisters and brothers. Cousin can mean 堂兄 tángxiōng, 堂弟 tángdì, 堂姐 tángjiě, 堂妹 tángmèi, 表兄 biǎoxiōng, 表弟 biǎodì, 表姐 biǎojiě and 表妹 biǎomèi in Chinese. So which one to choose? In general, you can follow these hints: 1. 2. 1.3 First decide whether they are on your father’s side or mother’s side. If they are on your father’s side, use 堂 táng; if they are on your mother’s side, use 表 biǎo. Second decide whether they are older or younger than you. If they are older than you, use 兄 xiōng for male or 姐 jiě for female; if they are younger than you, use 弟 dì for male or 妹 mèi for female. 已经 yǐjīng ‘已经 yǐjīng’, which means ‘already’ in English, is used as a time adverb and is placed in front of the verb in a sentence to stress the fact that ‘something has happened.’ When we want to state the fact in English that someone is married, we can simply say ‘She is married.’ However, since characters in Chinese do not reflect the change of tense themselves, sentences like this often add the adverb 已经 in front of the verb to show something has already happened. In this case, ‘她结婚了。’ Tā jiéhūn le simply expresses the fact that she got married. However, ‘她已经结婚了。’ Tā yǐjīng jiéhūn le is used to stress the fact that she is married. 10 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 1 Exercise 1.2: Confusing family members! The one-child policy means Chinese children will have a lot of cousins. Addressing cousins in Chinese can be a daunting task. Try to answer the following questions. You can refer to Language points (1) on the previous page for help. 1. If you have one elder brother and a younger sister, what do you call them in Chinese? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ 2. If you have an elder sister, what do you call her in Chinese? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ 3. David has a cousin called Tom. He is David’s father’s brother’s son. He is one year younger than David. What word should David use to address him? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ 4. Your father has a younger sister. She has a daughter called Lindsay. She is older than you. What word should you use to address her? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ 5. John’s mother has a younger sister, Catherine. Catherine has one son who is two years older than John. What word should John use to address him? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ 6. Jane’s father has an elder brother. He has a son who is three years younger than Jane. What word should Jane use to address him? Your answer: _________________________________________________________ LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 11 ACTIVITY 1 Write down two things you did well in this part and one thing you could have done better if any. Two stars… One wish … 12 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 2 Activity 2: Language Targets for Activity 2 My learning targets 1 To know how to turn personal pronouns into plural by using 們 men 2 To know how to use 的 de to form possessive pronouns Done? LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 When? 13 ACTIVITY 2 Language points (2) 2.1 Possessive pronouns Singular Possessive Plural Possessive pronouns pronouns 我(I) 我的(my) 我们(we) 我们的(our) 你(you) 你的(your) 你们(you) 你们的(your) 他(he) 他的(his) 他们(they) 他们的(their) 她(she) 她的(her) 她们(they, female) 她们的(their, female) 2.2 Usage of ‘们 men’ and ‘的 de’ A. When we pluralise personal pronouns such as 我 wǒ, 你 nǐ, 他 tā and 她 tā in Chinese, we simply add the suffix word 们 men. B. How can we express ‘my,’ ‘your’, ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘our’, ‘your’ and ‘theirs’ in Chinese? In Chinese we add the character 的 de meaning ‘of’ after personal pronouns such as 我 wǒ,你 nǐ,你们 nǐmen etc. C. 的 de may be omitted before nouns where the possessor has a close relationship with the person or object. For example, 我的妈妈 wǒ de mā ma (my mother) can be written as 我妈妈 wǒ māma and 她的爸爸 tā de b à ba as 她爸爸 t ā b à ba. However, when there are more than one possessor, one cannot say 他们爸爸 tāmēn bàba or 我们妈妈 wǒmēn māma 14 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 2 Exercise 2.1 Use Language points (2) to help you. How would you say … English Chinese my father her mother his mother her older brother our younger sister your son their daughter our sons my elder sisters his younger brothers Exercise 2.2 Translate the following Chinese phrases into English. Chinese English 我的 我们的 你的 你们的 他的 他们的 她的 她们的 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 15 ACTIVITY 2 Exercise 2.3 Use 的 de to fill in the blanks where necessary. 1. 他_______妈妈 2. 爸爸_______房间 3. 哥哥_______书桌 4. 他们_______姐姐 5. 我们_______老师 6. 她_______书 7. 我_______姐姐_______朋友 8. 他_______弟弟_______名字 Exercise 2.4 Decide whether the following phrases are correct. If the phrase is right, draw a smile after it and draw a cross if it is incorrect. 1. 我爸爸 2. 他们妈妈 3. 她的姐姐 4. 他的哥哥 5. 她们的弟弟 6. 她弟弟 7. 我哥哥们 8. 她爸爸 9. 我们姐姐 16 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 2 Write down two things you did well in this part and one thing you could have done better if any. Two stars… One wish … LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 17 ACTIVITY 3 Activity 3: Writing Targets for Activity 3 My learning targets 1 To be able to write basic personal information 2 To be able to present personal information for my family members 3 To be able to talk about my jobs and hobbies 4 To be able to give information on places in a town 18 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 Done? When? ACTIVITY 3 Language points (3) 吗 ma We can add 吗 at the end of an affirmative sentence to turn it into a question sentence. For example, ‘他喜欢足球。’ means ‘He likes football.’ But we can add 吗 at the end and turn it into a question sentence: ‘你喜欢足球吗?’ which means ‘Do you like football?’ To answer a question, we can say: ‘是的’ for ‘yes’ or ‘不’ for ‘no’. When describing your favourite leisure activities we can use the verb 喜欢 xǐhuān (to like). For example, the sentence structure for ‘I like football’ (我喜欢 足球) would be ‘Subject (我) + verb(喜欢)+ object(足球)’ – in other words, just like English word order. When expressing dislikes, we can add 不 in front of the verb to turn an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence. Thus, if we want to say ‘I do not like football’ we can say: ‘我不喜欢足球。’ LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 19 ACTIVITY 3 Exercise 3.1 Are you familiar with how to present personal and other types of information? For example, what people do in their free time? Before you write, check whether you can say the following in Chinese. You can make notes in the space provided. You may compare your notes with your partner or someone in the class when you finish. English Mandarin How to present personal information: your name your age your birthday where you live English Mandarin How to present professions and information about family members: My mother is … (age). She is … (job) Example: My mother is a sales assistant. My dad is an engineer. English Mandarin How to express your hobbies using ‘喜 欢’ (like) and ‘不喜欢’ (dislike) Example: I like playing basketball. I don’t like playing badminton. 20 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 3 English Mandarin How to express places for fun in a town by using 有 yǒu (have, has) and 去 qù (go to) Example: There are lots of fun places in Edinburgh. You can go to the seaside. English Mandarin How to ask people for personal information. Example: How old are you? When is your birthday? What are your hobbies? Exercise 3.2 Now compare your notes of Exercise 3.1 with the answers below. English Mandarin How to present personal information: your birthday How to present your personal information: 我叫 、、、。 我、、、岁。 我的生日是、、、月、、、日 。 where you live 我住在 、、、。 your name your age LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 21 ACTIVITY 3 English Mandarin How to present professions and information family members: How to present professions and information family members: My mother is … (age). 我妈妈、、、 岁。 She is … (profession) 她是、、、。 Example: Example: My mother is a sales assistant. My dad is an engineer. 我妈妈是售货员。 English Mandarin 爸爸是工程师。 How to express your hobbies using ‘喜 How to express your hobbies 欢’ (like) and ‘不喜欢’ (dislike) using ‘喜欢’ (like) and ‘不喜欢’ (dislike) Example: I like playing basketball. Example: I don’t like playing badminton. 我喜欢打篮球。 我不喜欢打羽毛球。 English Mandarin How to express places for fun in a town by using 有 yǒu (have, has) and 去 qù (go to) How to express places for fun in a town by using 有 yǒu (have, has) and 去 qù (go to) Example: Example: There are lots of fun places in Edinburgh. 爱丁堡有很多好玩的地方。 You can go to the seaside. 你可以去海边 22 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 3 English Mandarin How to ask people for personal information. How to ask people for personal information. Example: Example: How old are you? 你多少岁? When is your birthday? 你的生日是几月几日? What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么? Exercise 3.3 How would you say these phrases in Chinese? Write down your answers. Translation of the names is provided for you. 1. Hello. My Chinese name is Liu Yun. I am 10. I have one sister, who is 6. Liu Yun: 刘云 2. My Chinese name is Wang Xingli. I am 12. I like dancing. Wang Xingli: 王兴丽 3. Hello. I am Paul. I am 11. I have a brother, 13 and a sister, 9. Paul: 保罗 4. My name is Jane. I am 14. I have a good friend. Her name is Hannah. She is 15. We like going on walks. Jane 简 [Jiǎn] Hannah 汉纳 [Hànnà] LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 23 ACTIVITY 3 Exercise 3.4 Put the following sentences into English. 1. 我爸爸五十岁。他是工程师。 2. 她妈妈和我妈妈是好朋友。 3. 哥哥二十五岁。他是老师。 4. 我的妹妹十二岁。她是中学生。 5. 他的弟弟十三岁。他喜欢踢足球。 24 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 3 Exercise 3.5 Which word to use? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs. 打 看 玩 踢 听 (1). _______足球 (9). (2). _______电视节目 (10). _______表演 (3). _______体操比赛 (11). _______羽毛球 (4). _______网球 (12). _______骑马比赛 (5). _______高尔夫球 (13). _______篮球 (6). _______音乐 (14). _______书 (7). _______电子游戏 (15). _______网 (8). _______电脑 上 _______音乐会 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 25 ACTIVITY 3 Exercise 3.6 Use your answers for Exercise 3.5. Practise saying these phrases with your teacher or someone in your class. Try to use the following sentence pattern and ask them what their favourite sports are. Sentence structure Question: 你喜欢____________吗? (Do you like …?) Answer: 是的, 我喜欢____________。 (Yes, I do like …) 不, 我不喜欢____________。我喜欢____________。 (No, I do not like …. I like …) Example: You ask: 你喜欢踢足球吗? Answer: 是的, 我喜欢踢足球。 不, 我不喜欢踢足球。我喜欢打篮球。 26 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 3 Exercise 3.7 Are there any interesting places in your town? How would you say the following sentences in Chinese? Choose any five sentences and practise with your teacher or someone in the class. Use the word list on next page for help if you wish. 1. There are a lot of shops and supermarkets in the city. 2. There is a big museum in the city centre. 3. The beach is on the edge of town. 4. The zoo is in the suburbs. 5. There are a lot of shopping centres, supermarkets and bookshops. 6. You can go to the beach. 7. You may go shopping. 8. There are a lot of parks in the city. LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 27 ACTIVITY 3 Vocabulary: Places in town Chinese Pinyin English 博物馆 bówùguăn museum 超级市场 chāojí shìchăng supermarket 城市 chéngshì city 地方 dìfāng place 动物园 dòngwùyuán zoo 公园 gōngyuán park 购物 gòuwù shopping 海滩 hăitān seaside 郊区 jiāoqū suburbs 商场 shāngchăng shopping centre 商店 shāngdiàn shop 市中心 shìzhōngxīn city centre 书店 shūdiàn bookshop 运动场 yùndòngcháng stadium Exercise 3.8 Using Activity sheet 3a, try to write a simple response to Ma Lili. You should mention: age family professions hobbies places in your town Good luck! 28 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 3 Activity sheet 3a 发件人: 林娜 <> 收件人: 马丽丽 <> 发件日期: 2009 年 3 月 8 日 主题: 回信 马丽丽: 你好! 谢谢你的电子邮件。很高兴收到你的来信。我叫马丽丽。 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 希望早日收到你的回信。 林娜 2009 年 3 月 10 日 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 29 ACTIVITY 3 Write down two things you did well in this part and one thing you could have done better if any. Two stars… One wish … 30 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 4 Activity 4: Listening and speaking Targets for Activity 4 My learning targets 1 To be able to listen for names 2 To be able to listen for ages 3 To be able to listen for details of family members 4 To be able to listen for different hobbies Done? LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 When? 31 ACTIVITY 4 Exercise 4.1 Listen to the following four speakers, who will each tell you a little about their family backgrounds. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 32 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 4 Exercise 4.2 After you have listened to the recordings at least twice, fill in the following details about each speaker. Speaker 1 Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________________________________________ Family: ____________________________________________ Family details: ____________________________________________ Hobbies: ____________________________________________ Speaker 2 Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________________________________________ Family: ____________________________________________ Family details: ____________________________________________ Hobbies: ____________________________________________ Speaker 3 Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________________________________________ Family: ____________________________________________ Family details: ____________________________________________ Hobbies: ____________________________________________ Speaker 4 Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________________________________________ Family: ____________________________________________ Family details: ____________________________________________ Hobbies: ____________________________________________ LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 33 ACTIVITY 4 Exercise 4.3 Using your answers to Exercise 4.2, imagine that you are one of the speakers you listened to. Practice saying all the information you collected with someone else in your class. Example: You may need: Saying hello: 你好! Saying your name: 我叫王小朋。 Saying your age 我十岁。 Saying family members 我有一个哥哥和一个弟弟。 Saying information about family members: 哥哥十三岁。弟弟八岁。 Saying likes and dislikes 我喜欢和他们打篮球。 我不喜欢打乒乓球。 Asking about age: 你多大? 你多少岁? Asking about hobbies: 你的爱好是什么? Asking whether someone likes something: 你喜欢足球吗? 你喜欢看电视吗? 你多少歲? Good luck! 34 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 4 Write down two things you did well in this part and one thing you could have done better if any. Two stars… One wish … LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 35 ACTIVITY 5 Activity 5: More reading and writing Targets for Activity 5 My learning targets 1 To be able to translate from Chinese to English information on personal identities, family members, professions, hobbies and places in town 2 To be able to translate from English to Chinese information on personal identities, family members, professions, hobbies and places in town 36 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 Done? When? ACTIVITY 5 Exercise 5.1 Try to translate this passage into English. Use the vocabulary list for help if necessary. 我叫方明。我是中国人。我住在中国昆明。我十六岁, 是学生。 我没有兄弟姐妹,但是我有一个表姐和一个表妹。 表妹叫方萍,她十三岁,也是学生。表姐叫李丽。她二十五岁。她已经结婚了, 有一个儿子,叫张俊。张俊四岁。表姐是秘书。她在办公室工作。她的丈夫叫张 小军。他三十三岁,是会计。他是新加坡人,但是现在他住在中国。 我爸爸叫方伟平,妈妈叫刘小梅。妈妈四十二岁。她是售货员,在一家商店工作。 我爸爸四十三岁,是工程师。他有一个姐姐,我叫她姑妈。她的名字叫方兰。她 是护士。 Notes: 1. 兄弟姐妹 is the same concept as ‘brothers and sisters’ in English’, including both elder and younger ones. 2. 姑妈 is another word for aunt. Also called 姑姑, referring to the father’s sister. LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 37 ACTIVITY 5 Vocabulary Place/city/country Chinese English 昆明 Kunming Kūnmíng 新加坡 Xīnjiāpō Singapore People’s names Chinese Pinyin Chinese Pinyin 方明 Fāng Míng 方伟平 Fāng Wěipíng 方萍 Fāng Píng 刘小梅 Liú Xiǎomãi 张俊 Zhāng Jùn 方兰 Fāng Lán 张小军 Zhǎng Xiǎojūn Other words Chinese English 独生子 dúshēngzǐ single child 秘书 mìshū sectary 姑妈 gūmā aunt 护士 hùshì nurse 兄弟姐妹 xiōngdìjiěmâi brothers and sisters 一个表姐和一个表妹 two cousins yígâ biǎojiě hã yí gâ biǎomâi 38 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 5 Your answer: LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 39 ACTIVITY 5 Exercise 5.2 Try to translate into Chinese! Don’t worry about the names. They have been translated for you. My name is Fang Lan. I am 33 years old. I live in Shanghai China. I am married and I have one daughter. She is called Zhou Xiaoyun. She is two years old. My husband is called Zhou Zheng. He is 32 years old. He is a businessman. I am a English teacher. I have a younger brother. His name is Fang Ming. He is a bus driver. He is married and he lives with his wife Lin Xiaoping in Hangzhou. Fang Ming is 25 years old and Lin Xiaoping is 24. My husband Zhou Zheng has a younger sister. She is called Zhou Hong. Zhou Hong is 27. She is a student. She studies business. Now she lives in Britain. She is engaged. Her boyfriend is called Paul. He is Scottish. Paul is an engineer. They are coming to see us in Shanghai next year. 40 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 5 Vocabulary Place/city English Chinese Shanghai 上海 Hangzhou 杭州 People’s names English Chinese English Chinese Fang Lan 方兰 Lin Xiaoping 林小萍 Zhou Xiaoyun 周小云 Zhou Hong 周红 Zhou Zheng 周正 Paul 保罗 Fang Ming 方明 Other words English Chinese engaged 订婚 [dìnghūn] LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 41 ACTIVITY 5 Your answer: 42 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 ACTIVITY 5 Write down two things you did well in this part and one thing you could have done better if any. Two stars… One wish … LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 43 APPENDIX Appendix Notes: How to address an email in Mandarin 1. Emails Emails are common tools of communication today. The format of emails in Chinese basically looks the same as people would write in English. For example, an email in English may look like: From: To: Cc: Bcc: Subject: In Mandarin, an email normally looks like this: 收件人: 抄送: 密件抄送: 主题: 44 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 APPENDIX Words you may need to know Cc: 抄送 [chāosòng] This Chinese phrase literally means ‘copy and deliver to’ and is used commonly in official emails and letters. Bcc: 密件抄送 [ mìjiàn chāosòng] ’密件’ which means ‘confidential letter’ in Mandarin is used here to express the same meaning as ’hidden copy’ or ’blind carbon copy’ in English. 2. Letters Even though emails are popular tools of communication, people still write letters for all sorts of reasons. It is useful to know what an envelope should look like when you write a letter to China. An envelope in Chinese should look like this: postcode of the receiver stamp [country] [province or city] [city or district] [road] [name of building or door number] Name of the receiver your address (收) [country] [province or city] [city or district] [road] [name of building or door number] your postcode LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 45 APPENDIX If you are sending the letter from Scotland to China, you may write your address on the back of the envelope. In Chinese people usually write the address in this order (largest place first, smallest last): [the post code] [the name of the province or city] [name of the city] [name of the road] [name of building or door number]. The addressee’s name should be written on a new line. For example, if you are writing a letter to your exchange partner at her school address in Beijing, your envelope should look something likes this: 1 0 中国 0 7 1 0 北京市 西城区 西长安街 1 号 北京市第一六一中学 马丽丽(收) city country district street name of the building If you are sending this letter from Scotland to China, you can write your address in English on the back of the envelope. 46 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 APPENDIX Common rules you should know when replying to a letter in Chinese: 1. Be aware that the word ‘亲爱的 qīn ài de [dear]’ implies a very close relationship, such as family members, boyfriend or girlfriend rather than a polite greeting. So do not write ‘亲爱的...’ when replying to a letter unless you have become really good friends. So you can just start the letter with their name. For example, 安娜: 你好! 2. Remember to use ‘:’ after you write the person’s name as the first line. 3. When you write ‘你好 nǐ hǎo’, leave a two-word space in front, and ‘你好 nǐ hǎo’ should stand on its own as a single line. For example, if you are writing to a person called Ma Lili, the format will look like this: 马丽丽: 你好! 4. It is polite to leave some good wishes at the end of your letter, like the English ‘Best wishes’, ‘Regards’ or ‘Cheers’. Usually people would write ‘祝你 zhù nǐ (wish you…) ‘平安’ píng’ān (safe), ‘快乐’ kuàile (happy), ‘幸福 xìngfú’ (happy and blessed) or ‘愉快’ yúkuài (cheerful).’ 5. After you finish the letter, write your name in the lower right corner. 6. Don’t forget to add the date underneath your name. LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 47 APPENDIX Key words for this section Professions Chinese Pinyin English 司机 sījī driver 作家 zuòjiā writer 画家 huàjiā painter 工程师 gōngchéngshī engineer 科学家 kēxuéjiā scientist 演员 yănyuán actor/actress 商人 shāngrén businessman 老师 lǎoshī teacher 医生 yīshēng doctor 护士 hùshì nurse 工人 gōngrén worker 售货员 shòuhuòyuán sales assistant 服务员 fúwùyuán service staff 秘书 mìshū secretary 会计 kuàijì accountant Chinese Pinyin English 出生 chūshēng to be born 生日 shēngrì birthday 国籍 guójí nationality 住址 zhùzhĭ address 姓名 xìngmíng surname and first name 名字 Míngzi first name 是 shì be 有 yǒu have/has Self and family 48 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 APPENDIX 岁 suì year/years old 男 nán male 女 nǚ female 孩子 háizi child 老 lăo old 丈夫 zhàngfū husband 妻子 qīzi wife 祖父 zŭfù grandfather 祖母 zŭmŭ grandmother 爸爸 bàba father 妈妈 māma mother 父母 fùmŭ parents 哥哥 gēge elder brother 姐姐 jiĕjie elder sister 弟弟 dìdi younger brother 妹妹 mèimei younger sister 朋友 péngyŏu friend 笔友 bĭyŏu pen friend 兄弟 xiōngdì brothers 姐妹 jiě mèi sisters 高 gāo tall 矮 ăi short 胖 pàng fat 瘦 shòu thin/slim 可爱 kĕ’ài sweet/cute 英俊 yīngjùn handsome 漂亮 piàoliang pretty 帅 shuài handsome LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 49 APPENDIX Hobbies and leisure activities Chinese Pinyin English 活动 huódòng activities 运动 yùndòng sports 跑步 pǎobù jogging 游泳 yóuyǒng swimming 足球 zúqiú football 网球 wǎngqiú tennis 篮球 lánqiú basketball 骑马 qímǎ riding 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú badminton 高尔夫球 gāo erfūqiú golf 橄榄球 gǎnlǎnqiú rugby 体操 tǐcāo gymnastics 比赛 bǐsài competition 散步 sànbù take a walk 中心 zhōngxīn centre 表演 biǎoyǎn performance 节目 jiémù programme 音乐会 yīnyuèhuì concert 唱歌 chànggē singing 戏剧 xìjù drama/play 电影(院) diànyǐng(yuàn) film (cinema) 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibition 唱片 chàngpiàn record/CD 写信 xiě xìn to write a letter 喜欢 xǐhuān like 经常 jīngcháng often 有时候 yǒushíhòu sometimes 50 LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 APPENDIX Places in town Chinese Pinyin English 地方 dìfang place/site 城市 chéngshì city/urban 市中心 shìzhōngxīn city centre 郊区 jiāoqū suburbs 海滩 hăitān seashore/seaside 博物馆 bówùguăn museum 运动场 yùndòngcháng stadium 公园 gōngyuán park 动物园 dòngwùyuán zoo 商场 shāngchăng shopping centre 商店 shāngdiàn shop 书店 shūdiàn bookshop 超级市场 chāojí shìchăng supermarket 购物 gòuwù shopping 买东西 mǎi dōngxi go shopping LIFESTYLES – EDUCATION AND WORK (INT 1, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 51