Institutionen för datavetenskap An Energy-efficient Handover Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Fredrik Säveros

Institutionen för datavetenskap
Department of Computer and Information Science
Master’s Thesis
An Energy-efficient Handover Algorithm
for Wireless Sensor Networks
Fredrik Säveros
Linköpings universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Linköpings universitet
581 83 Linköping
Linköping University
Department of Computer and Information Science
Master’s Thesis
An Energy-efficient Handover Algorithm
for Wireless Sensor Networks
Fredrik Säveros
Supervisors: Joakim Mjärdner
Fang Wei-Kleiner
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
Associate Professor Niklas Carlsson
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
The recent advancements in the communication area have enabled the Internet of Things,
a paradigm which extends the Internet to everyday objects. The Internet of Things enables
many new applications, but also comes with great challenges; effective communication
under limited power supply being the perhaps most important one.
This thesis presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of an energy-efficient
handover algorithm for the main building block in the creation of the Internet of Things:
wireless sensor networks. Our low-power handover design is based on a careful breakdown
and analysis of the potential power consumption of different components of the handover
process. With the scanning part of the process being identified as the main drain of
energy, the algorithm is designed to place the majority of the scanning responsibility on
the mains powered access points, rather than on the low-power mobile nodes.
The proposed algorithm has been implemented and its functionality and low power
consumption have been empirically evaluated. We show that the design can reduce
the energy consumption by several orders of magnitude compared to existing handover
algorithms for wireless sensor networks. In addition, interesting fading effects were
discovered in a sparsely deployed network scenario with limited access point coverage;
most likely due to multipath propagation. For this case the handover performance
was greatly reduced, relative our more normal coverage scenario. While these results
illustrate that the absolute energy savings will differ from scenario to scenario, the
potential energy savings made possible by the proposed algorithm significantly reduce the
battery requirements of the devices in the emerging landscape of the Internet of Things;
potentially even opening the door for new devices to connect.
Keywords: handover, handoff, wireless sensor networks, low power, mobility
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing
more to add, but when there is nothing left to take
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
This report is my final thesis for the conclusion of the Computer Science and Engineering
program at Linköping University. It is a part of a Master’s degree and corresponds to
30 ECTS. The work has been carried out at Attentec in Linköping and examined at
Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University.
I am profoundly grateful to my examiner Associate Professor Niklas Carlsson for
his expert guidance and continuous encouragement throughout to see that this thesis
reaches its target since its commencement to its completion. I really appreciate the
feedback from my opponent Niklas Ekendahl and my supervisor Fang Wei-Kleiner
which led to a better report. In addition, a thank you to Marjorie Carleberg, who
helped me improve the report from the linguistic point of view.
I also want to extend my gratitude to my colleagues at Attentec for their help and
advice on various issues. Special thanks to Anders Weiland and Malcolm Sundberg
for giving me the opportunity to do this thesis. I am also particularly grateful to Joakim
Mjärdner for the support and feedback on the report.
Tran Duy Khanh and Edwin Krikke at Open Controller are appreciated for their
help on the implementation part.
Last but definitely not least I want to thank my family for their love and support during
my entire time at the university.
Linköping, October 2013
Fredrik Säveros
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Algorithms
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Connecting Everything
1.2 Problem Statement . .
1.3 Purpose . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 Scope . . . . .
1.4 Method . . . . . . . .
1.5 Contributions . . . . .
1.6 Prerequisites . . . . .
1.6.1 Terminology .
1.7 Thesis Structure . . .
2 Background
2.1 Handover . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Handover Categories
2.1.2 Connection Regions
2.2 Wireless Sensor Networks .
2.2.1 Sensor Node . . . .
2.2.2 Network . . . . . . .
2.2.3 Internet of Things .
2.3 Related Work . . . . . . . .
3 Algorithm Design
3.1 Traditional Communication Systems: A Comparison
3.2 Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Type of Handover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 Position Knowledge and Mobility . . . . . . .
3.2.4 Quality of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.5 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.6 Redundant Handovers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 The Proposed Algorithm
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . .
4.1.2 Algorithm Mechanics . . . . .
4.2 Link Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Initiation . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Intra-domain Access Point Selection
4.3.1 Scanning . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Selection . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Inter-domain Access Point Selection
4.4.1 Scanning . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 Selection . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 Data Link Layer Switch . . .
4.5.2 Network Layer Switch . . . .
4.6 Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6.1 handover select Time Out . .
4.6.2 intra domain handover Time
4.7 Alternative Approaches . . . . . . .
4.7.1 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7.2 Observation . . . . . . . . . .
4.7.3 Initiation . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7.4 Selection . . . . . . . . . . .
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5 Implementation
5.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Mobile Node . . . . .
5.2.2 Access Point . . . . .
5.3 Software . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Operating System . .
5.3.2 Network . . . . . . . .
5.4 IEEE 802.15.4 . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1 Physical Layer . . . .
5.4.2 MAC Layer . . . . . .
5.4.3 Device Classes . . . .
5.4.4 Network . . . . . . . .
5.4.5 Network Management
The Parts of a Handover Algorithm
3.3.1 Observe . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Initiate . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.4 Select . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.5 Data Link Layer Switch . . .
3.3.6 Network Layer Switch . . . .
Handover and the Protocol Stack . .
3.4.1 Data Link Layer Protocol . .
3.4.2 Network Layer Protocol . . .
5.4.6 Optimizations . . . . . . .
Network Overview . . . . . . . .
Algorithm at Mobile Node . . . .
5.6.1 Required Functions . . . .
5.6.2 Command Line Interface .
5.6.3 Finite State Machine . . .
Algorithm at Access Point . . . .
5.7.1 Required Functions . . . .
6 Empirical Evaluation
6.1 Selected Evaluation Method . . .
6.2 Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Algorithm Parameters . . . . . .
6.3.1 Timers . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2 Thresholds . . . . . . . .
6.3.3 Stability . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Performance Metrics . . . . . . .
6.4.1 Handover Delay . . . . . .
6.4.2 Number of Handovers and
6.4.3 Energy Consumption . . .
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Packet Loss
. . . . . . .
7 Discussion and Conclusion
7.1 Handover in Wireless Sensor Networks
7.2 Algorithm Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Energy Consumption . . . . . .
7.2.2 Quality of Service . . . . . . .
7.2.3 Energy Efficiency . . . . . . . .
7.2.4 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 Final Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A The
Proposed Algorithm:
Algorithm Parameters .
Access Point and Mobile
Access Point: Functions
Mobile Node: Functions
B The
Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selection and Switch: Mobile Node .
Selection: Access Point . . . . . . . .
Switch: Access Point . . . . . . . . .
Parameters and Functions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Node: Common Functions . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C Command Line Interface
List of Figures
Illustration of a handover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Handover’s relation to the OSI model protocol stack . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A typical sensor node architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Intra-domain handover algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intra-domain handover algorithm message formats . . . . . . . .
Relative velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Link quality fuzzy logic sets in relation to the connection regions
Neighbor channels message format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Timing of messages sent during an intra-domain handover . . . .
A mobile node . . . . . . . . . . .
An access point . . . . . . . . . . .
A gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mobile node’s finite state machine
Evaluation of message timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packet error rate vs. link quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of handover delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test setup, sparse deployment of access points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of number of handovers and packet loss, test case 1 . . . . .
Probability distribution of where the handovers are done, test case 1 . .
Access point fading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test setup, dense deployment of access points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of number of handovers and packet loss, test case 2 . . . . .
Probability distribution of where the handovers are done, test case 2 . .
Access point density in relation to number of handovers and packet loss
mobile node’s monitor flowchart .
mobile node’s selection and switch
access point’s selection flowcharts
access point’s switch flowchart . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
C.1 The mobile node’s command line interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
List of Tables
The phases of the method used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An example protocol stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Handover decision fuzzy logic matrix . . . . . . . .
Candidate access point decision fuzzy logic matrix
The proposed algorithm’s times . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of selection mechanisms . . . . . . . .
Algorithm parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common functions required by the algorithm . .
Access point functions required by the algorithm
Mobile node functions required by the algorithm
List of Algorithms
The mobile node’s observe procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The mobile node’s handover initiation procedure . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure for executing a handover to the selected access point . .
The procedure for handling received messages at the access point .
The procedure for handling received messages at the mobile node .
The mobile node’s inter-domain handover procedure . . . . . . . .
The access point’s procedure for performing a network layer switch
The access point’s and mobile node’s main loop
Add link quality to window . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculate average link quality . . . . . . . . . .
Handover initiation decision function . . . . . .
Procedure for finding the best access point . . .
Candidate access point potential . . . . . . . .
List of Abbreviations
Access Point
Bit Error Rate
Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Frequency Division Multiple Access
Full Function Device
Internet of Things
Internet Protocol
Link Quality
Medium Access Control
Mobile Node
Open Systems Interconnection
Personal Area Network
Packet Error Rate
Quality of Service
Reduced Function Device
Received Signal Strength Indication
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Time Division Multiple Access
Wireless Sensor Network
he technology of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has evolved at a furious pace
thanks to a great deal of attention from both researchers and industry. The main
reason for this attention is the many applications it enables. In the past, the main focus
of WSN research studies and deployments have been on static sensor networks. However,
many of the recent applications in the area require mobile sensor nodes, something that
poses unique challenges such as topology control, routing, addressing, handover and
security. Some examples include the use of WSNs for health parameters monitoring
[1], military [2] and animal monitoring [3]. Without efficient mobility mechanisms, the
application areas of WSNs will be limited.
Connecting Everything
The technology development of WSNs has enabled the cost for the sensor units to
drop while the reliability increases. This creates a virtuous circle whereby increased
volumes drive further technology development. The idea of connecting these sensor
units not only locally but also globally via the Internet has led to the rise of a novel
paradigm in communication: the Internet of Things (IoT). This new paradigm has gained
a lot of attention as one of the most promising techniques of the 21st century. The
IoT is the vision of “connecting everything”, e.g. cars, toys, animals and even flowers.
This is done by integrating small computers (sensor nodes) within these things, having
the ability to communicate with each other via the Internet. The vision is 50 billion
connected devices by year 2020. We will give a more comprehensive overview of the IoT
in Section 2.2.3.
Wireless sensor nodes are often battery powered and hence operate on an extremely
frugal energy budget. The IoT vision requires their lifetime to be long since battery
replacement is not an option for networks with thousands of physically embedded nodes.
This leads to energy being one of the scarcest resources and this should be reflected in
all parts of the design of these networks.
Problem Statement
Mobility and energy consumption are two of the most important problems to tackle in the
WSN area. In this thesis we focus on handover, the mechanism of switching Access Point
(AP) in a wireless network, thus enabling mobility. Handover algorithm, mechanism
and process are used interchangeably throughout the thesis. Handover is needed when a
Mobile Node (MN) moves out of range of the current AP (there may be other reasons
for doing a handover). A typical handover is illustrated in Figure 1.1. Changing AP in a
wireless network will cause degradation in the Quality of Service (QoS) by introducing
for example delay and/or packet loss. It is the handover mechanism’s task to mitigate
these impacts. Conceptually, a handover is a simple process, but in order to make it
efficient in terms of energy and QoS, several parameters and aspects need to be analyzed
Previous AP
New AP
New connection
Old connection
Figure 1.1
Illustration of a handover.
There exist several definitions of handover in the literature, we define it as follows.
Handover. The operation of switching associated access point in a wireless network by
a predefined process.
We do not require a connection (other than to the network itself) to be maintained.
However, a predefined process is required; the switch of AP shall (in most cases) not
require a complete reconnect to the network.
Our main question at issue is:
How to keep the energy consumption at a minimum when doing a handover?
Moreover, this energy usage minimization is to be done while providing best possible
QoS, or more formally, we want to minimize the energy usage given a certain expected
Energy efficiency. A handover algorithm is more energy efficient than another handover
algorithm if it uses less energy to provide the same quality of service.
Furthermore, in order to design a handover algorithm, there are several questions that
need to be answered, the most important ones being:
• When should the handover be initiated?
• How is the new access point chosen?
• How is the actual switch done?
The purpose of the thesis is to design a handover algorithm for WSNs with focus on
low power. The algorithm should be adaptable to (almost) any system and protocol
stack. We also intend to evaluate the algorithm. In order to do this, the algorithm is
implemented and run on a WSN. The implementation is instrumented to measure certain
metrics of interest, such as number of handovers and energy consumption.
An in depth discussion on the topic of handover algorithm design for WSNs will be held.
Hopefully our work is able to assist others in future designs of handover algorithms by
referring to our discussion and considerations.
The focus is on the design of a low power handover algorithm. Our main concerns are
handover decisions, such as deciding when to handover and the mechanics for deciding
the next AP. The actual switch, especially the network switch, will only be looked at
briefly. A handover might affect several things, such as changes in topology, addresses
and routing. How these are handled is only of secondary concern. The optimal value for
several of the algorithm’s parameters can only be decided when system details are known.
Further, knowing the system details, the algorithm can be tailored for that particular
system and be incorporated as part of the protocols. These kinds of system dependent
optimizations are out of scope of the thesis, due to our intention to keep the algorithm
The more advanced handover decision models such as pattern recognition and machine
learning will not be considered; there exist other decision models more suitable for sensor
devices [4]. Finally, throughout the thesis, the network is assumed to consist of static
mains powered APs, i.e. their energy consumption are not of interest.
The strategy is to divide the work into four main phases, summarized in Table 1.1. The
literature study will mainly consist of recent research papers in the WSN area. The focus
will be on handover and mobility, but related topics such as energy and protocols will
also be considered. In order to get an overview of handover and WSNs, surveys and
books in respective area will be used. In addition, data sheets and standards (e.g. IEEE
802.15.4) will be used for the implementation part. The algorithm design will be general,
whereas the proof-of-concept implementation and evaluation will be done on specific
Table 1.1
The phases of the method used.
Literature study
Study the basics of handover and WSNs in general as well as existing
techniques and work.
Identify potential design weaknesses of existing handover algorithms
for WSNs and design a general handover algorithm that addresses
these weaknesses.
Implement a proof-of-concept version of the general handover algorithm designed in the previous phase.
Empirically evaluate the implemented algorithm.
The main scientific contribution is a proposed handover algorithm with remarkably low
energy consumption at the MNs. The algorithm is system independent and thereby
adaptable to many kinds of WSNs. The only requirement is that that the APs are mains
Further, a thorough discussion of the general design of a handover algorithm for WSN
is provided. The main focus is on handover decisions; when should the handover be
initiated and which AP should be the new AP?
The reader is assumed to have basic understanding of computer science and engineering,
particularly computer networks.
In this section we define the terminology used throughout the thesis.
Access point Network unit (often static) with routing capabilities that provides network
access to MNs.
Beacon A message sent by an AP with purpose of notifying MNs of its presence. A
beacon often contains some sort of network information.
Candidate access point A potential AP for the MN to switch to in a handover.
Channel The ID of a domain, contains a set of IDs.
Data link layer Layer 2 in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
Domain Subnetwork.
Fuzzy logic Multi-valued logic, allowing degrees of truth.
ID Identifier (unique within the domain) assigned to a unit to be used for communication,
e.g. address, frequency channel or time slot.
Thesis Structure
Link quality Measurement of the current link, e.g. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Bit
Error Rate (BER), Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)—or a combination
of these.
Mobile node The mobile end device of the network.
Multipath propagation Radio signals reaching the receiver by two or more (different)
Network Interconnected APs. The (connected) MNs are also considered a part of the
Network layer Layer 3 in the OSI model.
New access point The AP to which the MN is about to switch in a handover.
OSI model A communication system model which divides the system into abstraction
Personal area network A network of devices with short range, centered around a
Previous access point The AP from which the MN is about to switch in a handover.
Quality of service Defined measures of performance in networks, such as delay, throughput, packet jitter (variation in latency) and packet loss [5].
Thesis Structure
The outline of the thesis is as follows:
Chapter 1 introduces the thesis (this chapter).
Chapter 2 gives an introduction to handover and
WSNs. It also contains an overview of related works.
Algorithm Design
Chapter 3 discusses the general design of a handover
algorithm for WSNs.
The Proposed Algorithm
Chapter 4 presents our proposed handover algorithm.
Chapter 5 describes the implementation of the proposed algorithm.
Empirical Evaluation
Chapter 6 evaluates the implemented algorithm.
Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter 7 concludes the thesis with a closing discussion and conclusion.
his chapter gives an introduction to handover and WSNs. We begin by introducing
handover in general terms and look at different handover categories. The most
important aspects of sensor nodes are described and we look at possibilities and challenges
when connecting these, thus creating WSNs. The IoT is described in terms of WSNs. A
brief overview of related work concludes the chapter.
The term handover (also known as handoff) first appeared in cellular network and satellite
communication to support mobility [6]. Handover in cellular networks allows a person to
move in the network by seamlessly transferring an ongoing call from one base station
to another. In satellite communication the mechanism is responsible for transferring
satellite control from one earth station to another. Later, when the wireless technology
of computer networks advanced, handovers were applied to support the transfer of a
connection from one access point to another, e.g. in a Wi-Fi network.
The basic idea of handover is to allow a node (e.g. cell phone, satellite or laptop) to move
in a network and still retain connection. This is done by having a process for changing
to a new access point (e.g. base station or earth station) as the node moves out of range
of the current access point. A general handover is illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Conceptually, a handover is a simple process, but one should not be fooled; there are
many things to consider to make it efficient. Wireless communication is very unreliable
with much variation and interference in the connection. Not only is handover a process
that operates in the area of wireless communication; it does so in the worst possible
scenario: when a connection is just about to break.
The handover algorithm can be divided in three sub-processes1 (compare with the
questions about the handover algorithm asked in Section 1.2):
1. Monitor: the current connection has to be observed by the means of different
parameters to be able to decide whether a handover should be initiated or not.
2. Selection: candidate APs has to be found and one of them selected.
3. Switch: the actual transfer of the connection from the previous AP to the new one.
The main purpose of handover (in most communication systems) is to provide QoS.
Continuous data streams (e.g. audio and video) are intolerant to delay and jitter,
i.e. intolerant to traffic interruptions caused by a connection which no longer can be
maintained. A complete reconnection to the network is in most cases not acceptable.
Therefore, a handover process is used, with the task of switching AP as seamless as
If the communication system in question is an OSI model system, the handover mechanism
is considered to be a cross-layer function, see Figure 2.1. Moreover, it is concentrated
around the data link layer and the network layers.
Transport layer
Network layer
Data link layer
Physical layer
Figure 2.1
Mobility management plane
Application layer
Handover’s relation to the OSI model protocol stack. Handover is a
part of the mobility management plane. [7]
More details on the handover process (from a WSN perspective)—including division into
more sub-processes, problems and considerations—will be given as we discuss the design
of a handover algorithm in Chapter 3.
Handover Categories
Handovers are often classified into different categories, depending on context.
Mobile vs. Network Controlled
In a mobile controlled handover the MN is actively participating in the entire handover
process. The complexity on the MNs has to increase but it reduces the load on the
There exists a plethora of ways of dividing a handover algorithm into sub-processes in the literature.
In a network controlled handover the mobile node has a passive role; the handover is
initiated by the network. This reduces the complexity of the MNs but increases the
load on the network. A combination of the two is also possible, called mobile assisted
handover [8].
Intra-domain vs. Inter-domain
An intra-domain handover is a handover where the previous AP and the new AP are in
the same domain whereas an inter-domain handover is a handover where the APs are in
separate domains. Domain can refer to various things: one example might be to consider
two base stations controlled by different mobile switching stations (in a cellular network)
to be in two different domains.
Vertical vs. Horizontal
A vertical handover means that the MN changes the link layer technology used for the
connection. This could for example be a change from a LTE to a Wi-Fi connection (or
vice versa). If the new AP uses the same link layer technology as the previous AP it is a
horizontal handover.
Hard vs. Soft
Another example of classification is hard and soft handovers. A soft handover implies
that the radio can use multiple channels at the same time. This enables the node to be
connected to both the new and the previous AP, thus enabling a continuous transmission
without breaks. These kinds of handovers are also known as make-before-break; the new
connection is established before breaking the old one.
In a hard handover only one radio channel is used which means that the node is connected
to only one AP at all times. Thus, a break in the transmission is needed in a hard
handover. These types of handovers are also known as break-before-make; the old
connection has to be broken before establishing the new one.
Forward vs. Backward
In a forward handover the handover is executed via the radio link established with the
new AP, while a backward handover is characterized by a prediction and execution of
handover via the existing link [8]. Forward handover has an advantage over the backward
handover in the case of old link deterioration.
Connection Regions
Studies have revealed the existence of three distinct reception regions in a wireless link
In the connected region a stable connection between the MN and AP exists.
The transitional region is often not considered in simulation tools. It has been shown to
be quite large, especially in WSNs. It is characterized by high-variance in reception rates
and asymmetric connectivity.
The disconnected region is pretty much what it sounds like, the region in which no
connection exists.
Wireless Sensor Networks
In this section we give an overview of WSNs, sometimes called wireless sensor and
actuator networks (WSAN). We will keep it brief and focus on the things most important
for the thesis. In order to fully understand all aspects of WSNs a comprehension
of a broad spectrum of areas in computer science, e.g. operating systems, computer
architecture, signal processing and computer networks to mention a few, is needed.
Moreover, understandings of a whole range of topics in the field of electrical and computer
engineering is also necessary.
We start by describing a sensor node, followed by a description of possibilities and
challenges when connecting these in order to create WSNs. This section is ended by a
description of how these intra-networks of WSNs can be connected, creating (at least
part of) the IoT paradigm.
Sensor Node
A sensor node (also called mote) is a hardware unit with the capability of a) gathering
information about its environment, b) processing the gathered information and c) communicating. It is a unit with very limited resources; it is often a cheap device with small
memory, slow processor and limited energy due to battery powering. The sensor nodes
often have stringent constraints on various aspects [7]; they may for example have strict
requirements on a very limited physical size.
The most common hardware architecture [7] is illustrated in Figure 2.2 and the different
parts are described further in the following paragraphs.
Sensing Subsystem
This subsystem consists of sensors that link the node to the physical world, by capturing
information about a physical object or process, including the occurrence of events (i.e.
changes in state such as a drop in temperature or pressure). Many sensor nodes also
include actuators which allow them to directly control the physical world. For example,
an actuator can be a valve controlling the flow of hot water or a pump that controls the
amount of fuel injected into an engine. Analog-to-digital converters are a common part
of this subsystem.
Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensor node
Power subsystem
and software
Figure 2.2
A typical sensor node architecture.
Processing Subsystem
The data gathered by the sensing subsystem are processed by this subsystem, consisting
of a microcontroller and/or microprocessor. This is the brain of the sensor node providing
intelligence to the system, used for controlling all other subsystems. Its main task is
to gather the sensed information from the sensing subsystem, process it (for example
by applying signal processing algorithms) and forward the result to the communication
subsystem. The memory subsystem is often considered to be a part of the processing
subsystem, consisting of a non-volatile memory (usually a flash memory) for storing the
program, and a primary memory.
Communication Subsystem
This subsystem’s purpose is to provide communication capabilities to the sensor node,
often over short range radio. The most commonly used band is the 2.4 GHz ISM
(Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. This is a crowded band used by for example
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and microwave ovens.
Power Subsystem
The task of the power subsystem is to power all other subsystems and manage the energy
in the sensor node. A sensor node is commonly battery-driven.
WSNs are created by connecting several sensor nodes to each other. WSNs originate
from Personal Area Networks (PANs); they are more or less low-power and low-rate
wireless PANs. Technology development in wireless communication and electronics has
enabled the cost for the sensor units to drop while the nodes are provided with more
energy-efficient processing power. This enables large sensor networks with a large amount
of nodes, which in turn enables a wide range of applications [7]:
• Home automation
• Industrial process control
• Traffic sensors
• Monitored animals
• Monitored people, for example in a hospital environment
• ...
The area of WSNs is an active research area with many unsolved problems [7], including
fault tolerance, scalability, reliability and security. Several other groups are investigating
efficient hardware/software system architectures, signal processing algorithms and network
protocols [10]. Realization of WSNs means satisfying tough constraints including cost,
environment and power consumption [7]. A problem with WSNs is the existence of
numerous protocols and subsystems in the literature making very different assumptions
on the rest of the system and how the parts should interact. In fact, Culler et al. [11]
argue that the lack of an overall WSN architecture is the primary factor limiting progress
in the field because of reduced synergy between research efforts, not any specific technical
Structured vs. Unstructured
WSNs can be structured or unstructured. Both of these have so called sink nodes,
to which the other nodes send their collected data. The sink node often has larger
capabilities than the other nodes in the network. The unstructured WSNs are wireless
ad hoc networks, whereas the structured networks have a backbone of static nodes, often
mains powered. We will only consider structured networks in this thesis.
Main Characteristics
In this section we list the most important characteristics of WSNs.
• Low energy consumption is one of the most important design constraints in WSNs.
• Sensor nodes often operate in harsh and inaccessible environments with very
unreliable links [5].
• Continuous data transmissions are rare in WSN applications; small packet bursts
occurring at a certain (often very low) frequency is the most common transmission
pattern. This leads to low requirements on QoS (although real-time requirements
might exist).
• Self-management capabilities are needed, e.g. adapt to failures and changes in the
environment. Self-management also assists in deployment.
• The large scale networks makes it infeasible to rely on centralized algorithms
(e.g. executed on the Gateway (GW)), therefore a decentralized management is
Wireless Sensor Networks
Internet of Things
The IoT is a novel paradigm rapidly growing in the modern wireless communication area.
There is not any standard definition of the IoT—there exist several visions of it [12]—but
a wide and general vision is to extend the Internet into the real world embracing everyday
objects. It is often possible for these units to communicate with humans over the Internet
but the major strength is the capability of communicating with each other to reach
common goals.
In this section, we will focus on the IoT from a WSN perspective. WSNs arguably play
a very important role as a building block in the creation of the IoT [12]. WSNs often
has a GW connected to for example a local server or other networks, allowing them to
disseminate their sensor data to remote processing, visualization, analysis, and storage
systems. Taking this a step further, by connecting the GW to the Internet, creates (at
least partly) the IoT paradigm.
There exists a wide range of applications for the IoT, ranging from simple monitor
and control systems to advanced systems where a combination of different WSNs are
cooperating with each other in order to perform complex tasks in an intelligent manner.
Connected WSNs create an even wider range of applications than the WSNs themselves.
These applications can be grouped into four domains [12]:
• Transportation and logistics domain
• Healthcare domain
• Smart environment (home, office, plant) domain
• Personal and social domain
One of the major problems with the IoT is the lack of standardized protocols and
architectures, just as for WSNs. This problem is even more severe in the IoT, due to the
vision of getting all kinds of systems to communicate and cooperate. However, several
contributions for standardization exist [12]. For example, reference models and example
architectures have been proposed for the IoT (e.g., [13]).
Communication in WSNs can, like most communication systems, be divided into several
layers. Table 2.1 shows an example OSI model protocol stack for WSNs used in the IoT.
Note that this protocol stack is not strictly enforced in any way: there exist several other
possible protocol stacks for WSNs and the IoT. Also note that there are no standardized
layer boundaries; researchers have produced monolithic solutions that cut across the
boundaries of different layers. The protocols are often specialized to meet the requirements
of the selected application. Roughly said, WSNs defines the lower layers (layer 1 and 2)
whereas the IoT defines the higher layers (layer 3+).
Table 2.1
An example protocol stack.
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.15.4
Data Link
The latest Internet Protocol (IP) version, IPv6, is a really important advance in computer
networks, enabling the evolution of the IoT. With the previous version, IPv4, it is only
possible to address 4.3 billion devices. This clearly sets a limit for the IoT and the
vision of 50 billion connected devices by 2020. The latest IP version provides an almost
unimaginable number of IP-addresses (3.4 · 1038 ).
Related Work
As we have seen; there are neither general standardized architectures nor protocols for
WSNs. Moreover, most WSN protocols (e.g. ZigBee) just support joining/leaving of
nodes: handover (by our definition) is not supported. The mobility problem has been
well studied in other communication systems but not in WSNs [14].
There exist two main approaches for enabling mobility in WSNs. The first one is to
handle it at the network layer. Examples include MIPv6 [15], HMIPv6 [16], FMIPv6 [17]
and PMIPv6 [18]. These schemes can help a MN to maintain an ongoing connection
with a unit that is not a part of its WSN [19]. The problem with these IP solutions is
that handover related messages are sent via IP and this is not feasible in WSNs due to
the large overhead of IP packets. Some sort of middleware is required, transforming IP
packets to a format more suitable for WSNs. These protocols also often require extensive
communication with the MN, hence making them energy inefficient. Further, they seldom
define how the actual low-level handover should be done.
The second approach is to incorporate mobility awareness in the Medium Access Control
(MAC) protocol, hence making it responsible for detecting and handling moving nodes.
Examples include MMAC [20], MA-MAC [21] and MS-MAC [22]. However, most of these
protocols seem to have forgotten the fundamental properties of WSNs, such as unstable
links and stringent requirements on low energy consumption. Namely, many of them
trade off low energy consumption for QoS parameters such as latency and throughput
and some assume good quality links with gradual and steady process deterioration [14].
Moreover, there is no real proof of their applicability to a demanding environment, nor
any tested solutions that support moving objects in a critical environment [23]. Further,
the network layer switch has to be added on-top of these MAC protocols.
Most solutions in both of these approaches focus on QoS aspects such as reliability
and supporting real-time applications. Moreover, neither of these approaches has any
particular consideration on energy efficiency in a handover situation. A general problem
in the area of WSNs is the gap between research and real application. Many protocols
and solutions have been proposed, but very few of them have actually been implemented
and evaluated in a realistic scenario.
As our purpose for this thesis is to design a generic algorithm for WSNs, we will not
focus on incorporating handover in existing protocols nor come up with a novel protocol.
Instead, we want to design an algorithm which is adaptable for any WSN, no matter
which protocols it uses. The most relevant works to us are:
• Smart-HOP [24]: empirically evaluates a handover algorithm and fine tunes parameters in order to optimize the algorithm.
Related Work
• Fotouhi et al. [4]: describes a handover algorithm in detail (focusing on reliability).
A fuzzy logic approach for evaluating several parameters in order to make good
handover decisions is proposed.
• LoWMob [19]: proposes a network controlled handover algorithm for 6LoWPAN.
Additional relevant works are Inter-MARIO [25] and S-GinMob [23] which propose
handover algorithms for WSNs with focus on increasing the QoS.
Algorithm Design
n this chapter we elaborate on the main characteristics and design objectives of
handover algorithms for WSNs. Our main focus is on low power. We begin with a
comparison of traditional communication systems and WSNs by looking at their different
requirements on handover. This is followed by the most important considerations when
designing a handover algorithm—from a WSN perspective. A thorough analysis of
the different parts of a handover algorithm is presented followed by an examination of
handover’s relation to the OSI model protocol stack.
Traditional Communication Systems: A Comparison
In general, the main focus of handover—in traditional communication systems—has
always been on QoS aspects such as latency, reliability, throughput and fairness. The
switch of AP should be as seamless as possible and a MN should have an upper limit for
its disconnected time, thus supporting real-time applications. This allows for continuous
data transmissions without interruptions and jitter, enabling multimedia applications
such as voice and video. These handover requirements do for example apply for the
two systems with the most extensive research in the handover area: cellular and Wi-Fi.
Energy consumption is not a critical parameter in these systems; their protocols have
high energy overheads.
The unique characteristics of WSNs (see Section 2.2.2) make techniques used in the
traditional systems unsuitable. Contrary to traditional communication systems such as
cellular and Wi-Fi, WSNs face other challenges due to their severely constrained resources.
The simple low-power radio transceivers lead to highly variable wireless links, which
requires a more careful evaluation of the handover parameters. Low energy consumption
is of uttermost importance for WSNs. However, data rates are low in WSNs and the QoS
required by WSN applications is often much lower than for applications that support
streaming audio and video. Fairness is not an issue since all units work together to
achieve common goals.
The centralized approach used in cellular networks, with the mobile switching center as
controller, should be avoided in large scale WSNs since it will scale poorly. A decentralized
Algorithm Design
approach is more suitable. Wi-Fi is not built with mobility in mind; handover support is
more like an extension to allow users to move in the network. On the contrary, movement
is a part of many WSN applications. Communication between APs in Wi-Fi is limited;
the handover is mobile controlled. Involving the APs in the handover, i.e. the network,
allows for smarter handovers and lower energy consumption on the MNs since they get
To conclude: QoS parameters such as throughput, high data rates and fairness are
the most important ones for traditional communication systems. These parameters
are only of secondary importance for most WSNs. On the other hand, low energy
consumption is the most important parameter for WSNs and this is of minor importance
for the traditional communication systems. Hence, protocols and techniques used in the
traditional communication systems are not viable for WSNs.
There are many things to consider when designing a handover algorithm. In this section
we address the most important ones from a WSN perspective. The only assumption
made on the WSN (except for the known characteristics stated in Section 2.2.2) is mains
powered APs. Hence, energy is not a concern for the APs; they are assumed to have
unlimited power.
In order to minimize the use of a certain resource, a good starting point is (as in all kinds
of optimizations) to find out which part of the system consumes most of the resource in
question. When this is known, the effort should be in reducing this part’s consumption
of the resource. The subsystems of a sensor node (see Section 2.2.1) affected by the
handover are mainly the processing and communication subsystems. Comparing these
two subsystems in terms of energy consumption is not a trivial task, but one possible way
is to look at the ratio of the energy spent on communicating 1 bit to the energy spent on
executing 1 instruction. Example values for this ratio are in the range of around 1000 to
2500 [10], hence for the bits sent over the radio the processor is able to execute several
orders of magnitude more instructions. Thus, the effort should be put in reducing the
Communication Subsystem: From the Energy Point of View
The power-performance characteristics of microcontrollers and microprocessors have been
studied extensively. Most of them have a power management unit with tasks like shutting
down idle components and dynamic voltage scaling. However, this is not the case for
the transceivers. The small packets and low data rates require low-duty cycle radio
electronics. However, it is technically challenging to design such circuits to be energy
efficient [26].
There are several important things to note about the transceiver. To begin with, intuition
might tell that transmit is much more energy consuming than receive. But, in fact, many
of today’s transceivers consume almost equal amount of energy in transmit mode as
in receive mode. A specific example is the Atmel AT86RF233 [27] transceiver which
consumes 11.8 mA in receive mode and 13.8 mA in transmit mode. Moreover, this is
the case for the maximum transmit power; in closer range less power may be used. This
requires some rethinking when designing protocols for WSNs as the conventional network
protocols often assume receive power to be negligible.
Another important thing to note is that (on many nodes) operating in idle mode results
in significantly high power consumption, almost equal to the power consumed in the
receive mode [28]. Thus, it is important to completely turn off the transceiver—rather
than using the idle mode—when no data are transmitted or received as operating the
transceiver in idle mode does not provide any advantage in terms of power.
A third thing to notice is that a significant amount of power dissipation is caused by the
changes in the transceiver’s operating modes [10]. For example, when switching from
sleep to transmit mode the transceiver circuit consumes a large amount of power just for
starting up the transmitter.
To conclude: in order to save energy the communication subsystem should be turned off
as much as possible, the other states do not provide any advantages in terms of power
consumption. Thus, it is of great importance to communicate as little as possible (on
the nodes where energy consumption is critical) when doing a handover. If possible,
the load should be put on the processing subsystem rather than the communication
Type of Handover
In Section 2.1 we gave a brief overview of handover and divided it into different categories.
In this section we look at what impact these categories have on handover in WSNs.
Mobile vs. Network Controlled
The key to saving energy on the MN in a handover situation is to put as much responsibility
as possible on the network, thus doing a network controlled handover. If the network is
able to handle the entire handover it will require almost zero energy from the MN. A
network based handover algorithm is especially important in low data traffic networks
(the majority of WSNs) since the energy spent on handover compared to ordinary data
traffic will be high.
In networks with high data rates, e.g. networks with much sensor or position data to be
transmitted, an inefficient handover will not be as noticeable. Moreover, in high data
traffic networks the APs will already be loaded with routing network traffic, adding
handover responsibilities to the APs will make the load on them even higher. If these
conditions hold, a mobile controlled handover might be the better choice.
Intra-domain vs. Inter-domain
It is often desirable to have different strategies for intra-domain and inter-domain
handovers. It is likely that more knowledge is available in an intra-domain handover than
in an inter-domain handover, e.g. position knowledge. A good approach may be to start
by trying to do an intra-domain handover and change to an inter-domain handover if it
Algorithm Design
Vertical vs. Horizontal
Vertical handovers are not likely in WSNs; the sensor nodes rarely have support for more
than one link layer technology for accessing a network.
Hard vs. Soft
The simple transceivers the sensor nodes posses are often not able to operate on several
channels at the same time, thus making soft handovers impossible. Another thing
to consider in this context is how to handle transmissions in progress. Since WSN
applications are often tolerant to jitter a simple way to handle it might be to abort the
transmission and resume it through the new AP when the handover is done, by buffering
the data at the previous AP. Throwing away the packets and consider them as lost might
also be viable thanks to the often low QoS requirements. Other alternatives include
completing the data transmission before the handover or negotiate for a dynamic rate
adaptation (so that data can be transmitted at a higher speed before the link breaks)
Forward vs. Backward
In WSNs forward handovers is—in most cases—the better choice. The unreliable and
rapidly deteriorating links make a backward handover strategy very precarious. This
is especially true for indoor applications where obstacles such as walls could cause an
almost instant loss of connection. Moreover, Fotouhi et al. [24] show that handover
should be made in the lower end (close to the disconnected region) of the transitional
region (at least in sparse WSNs). Hence, we cannot trust the link to the current AP as
it is just about to break.
Position Knowledge and Mobility
Position knowledge can be used for aiding the handover process, if available. For example,
the selection of AP can be supported by the MN’s location and moving direction in
relation to candidate APs. The velocity—recall that velocity is both speed and direction—
can be used to estimate the deterioration speed for a link. Localization algorithms is
beyond the scope of the thesis, example of such are triangulation, angle of arrival and
signal strength indicator.
Position knowledge can be used to decide mobility patterns in the network which in turn
can be a tremendous advantage when doing a handover. We will use the remainder of
this section to look at two mobility aspects: degree and patterns.
A lot of movements in the network might result in many concurrent handovers. If this is
the case the handover should be a simple process, especially if it is a network controlled
handover. The speed of the MNs is also important to consider; if they move fast and the
handover is a lengthy process the current handover might not be done before it is time
to initiate a new one.
A mobility model is a formal mathematical description generalizing the characteristics
of mobility patterns. Knowing how and when a MN moves in the network allows for
intelligent handover algorithms. Depending on the degree of predictability in the mobility
pattern, it is more or less easy to implement artificial intelligence algorithms such as
learning algorithms and path searches. However, due to the MN’s limited resources
(e.g. processing power and memory) these kinds of algorithms seldom are feasible to
implement. A thorough examination of mobility models and patterns is out of scope of
the thesis.
Quality of Service
The QoS requirements of WSNs have already been discussed in various contexts throughout the thesis. As we have seen; the requirements are often very low. However, it is
important to know the application’s requirements on QoS. If these (contrary to expectations) are high, great care must be taken when designing the algorithm. If a MN is
required to be reachable at all times, i.e. always connected to the network, some sort of
monitoring must be used. If an application for streaming continuous data (e.g. audio
and/or video) is present the handover might have to be fast and seamless as well.
In order to support several thousands of devices the cells have to be small, i.e. have
a large amount of APs. This is similar to the usage of micro- and picocells in cellular
networks for supporting more devices and higher data rates. However, a network with
dense deployment of APs (smaller cells) will require more frequent handovers, leading to
higher energy consumption on the MNs. On the other hand, few APs (relative to the
number of MNs) will make the communication channels congested. This could have a
negative effect on the MN’s energy consumption depending on the MAC protocol used.
For example, a Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) protocol may require the MN to
listen on the channel several times just to discover that it is busy.
The use of a centralized unit for managing the handovers, like the mobile switching
centre in cellular networks, should be avoided since it will be a limiting factor for the
scalability. Another thing worth considering is the differences between a network and a
mobile controlled solution. If the number of MNs grows in the network without increasing
the density of APs (i.e. making the cells smaller) a network controlled handover will
scale poorly compared to a mobile controlled handover. However, in terms of energy,
the network controlled solution might be the better choice since it reduces the MN’s
communication and thereby avoids the phenomena of congested channels described in
the previous paragraph.
Algorithm Design
Redundant Handovers
A redundant handover is an unnecessary handover and should be avoided since they
waste resources. We define it as follows1 .
Redundant handover. A MN η executes a handover from AP λ, to AP ζ. If η then,
within a short time frame , executes another handover to AP µ, the handover from λ to
ζ was a redundant handover.
The Ping-pong Effect
The ping-pong effect is a special case of redundant handover where µ = λ and several
consecutive redundant handovers take place at a rapid pace. The reason for this might
be due to sudden fluctuation in link qualities [24] (which is especially common in WSNs).
This usually happens when the MN is inside the coverage of more than one AP but in the
frontiers of these. The density of APs is an influencing factor; dense deployments have
abundant good links to choose from whereas sparse deployments often lead to selection
of bad links (in absence of better). Thus, the ping-pong effect is more severe in sparse
networks. A properly designed handover algorithm can avoid the ping-pong effect (and
redundant handovers in general) by taking care when doing the initiation and selection
decisions (more details on this will be given in Section 3.3).
The Parts of a Handover Algorithm
This section intends to give guidance in answering the three questions regarding handover
given in Section 1.2:
• When should the handover be initiated?
• How is the new access point chosen?
• How is the actual switch done?
In order to do this, we divide handover into three sub-processes (as in Section 2.1), each
responsible for answering the corresponding question. Further, these three parts are
divided into two parts each, thus yielding six parts:
1. Monitor
(a) Observe
(b) Initiate
2. Selection
(a) Scan
(b) Select
3. Switch
(a) Data link layer switch
(b) Network layer switch
Similar to how the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute defines seasons; it is only
possible to determine a change of season some days after its occurrence.
The Parts of a Handover Algorithm
To be able to answer the first question, information about the state of the connection
must be gathered. Two questions come to mind. Which parameters to monitor? How to
monitor these parameters? This section intends to answer these questions.
Link Quality (LQ) parameters such as RSSI, SNR and BER are the most valuable when
making a handover decision since they describe the quality of the connection. They are
also the most commonly used parameters [4]. However, due to the harsh environments
and unreliable links in WSN, the LQ parameters are unstable. Thus, it is important
to make the parameter readings reliable; great care should be taken when designing
the mechanism for estimating the LQ. A sampling window can be used for stabilizing a
parameter. Using a window of for example five samples and calculating the average of
these will give a more reliable and stable reading than each sample considered separately.
However, deciding the optimal window size is not a trivial problem. If the window is
too large it will provide outdated values and if it is too small it might provide unstable
readings. Moreover, relying on only one (unreliable) parameter (e.g. considering the
RSSI criterion individually) may lead to inappropriate handover decisions [4]. Ideally,
the LQ value is based on several LQ parameters.
In order to make a good handover decision, other parameters (in addition to the LQ)
may be used, e.g. velocity, transmit power and the ratio of the used capacity to the total
capacity for the APs. Deciding which parameters to use is not an easy task. LQ should
always be used but other than that it depends on what the application provides. Adding
a parameter to be used only for the handover may be a bad idea; an energy hungry
positioning only used for deciding whether to handover or not will probably cost much
more than it saves (when avoiding a redundant handover or two).
Observation Types
In order to monitor the selected parameters, we consider two observation strategies:
1. Discrete observation: passive monitoring, parameter values are gathered only
at events, e.g. receiving data or calculation of acceleration (initiated by the
2. Continuous observation: active monitoring, parameter values are frequently observed (no matter what the application does).
The discrete observation strategy leaves no guarantee for connection since it is not possible
to know whether the MN is connected or not in the absence of events. It uses very little
additional energy since it piggybacks on the application’s tasks, no extra actions are
The continuous strategy uses more energy but guarantees to notice a disconnected MN.
This can be made adaptive, e.g. if the MN is close to the AP and not moving the monitor
frequency can be lowered. How much energy it uses depends on the observation frequency
and how much energy a sample requires. The link layer MAC protocol and application
will have a great impact on this. It is of course possible to combine a continuous with
a discrete observation (e.g. by only using the continuous observation in the absence of
Algorithm Design
Another thing to consider is whether the MN or AP should have the task to monitor.
Letting the AP do all observation would be optimal since this would require zero energy
consumption by the MN. This is however not viable since most of the parameters
are measured on the MN and would require it to communicate the data to the AP.
Communication is, as we saw in Section 3.2.1, the most energy consuming part of a
The task of the Initiate sub-process is to analyze the parameters gathered by the Observe
sub-process and decide whether a handover should be initiated or not. From an energy
point of view, the analysis of the parameters should not require any comprehensive
calculations since these might occur frequently, depending on the observation strategy
used (see Section 3.3.1). However, imprecise calculations can lead to a bad decision which
in turn can cause a redundant handover.
There exist two types of handover decision models [4]:
1. Standard models: consider only one parameter by comparing it with a threshold
2. Heuristic models: the strategies that do not belong to the standard models.
The standard models should be avoided since they can lead to bad handover decisions
if the parameter is unstable and/or unreliable. Instead, one of the heuristic models
should be used. This category includes a whole range of different strategies, e.g. dynamic
programming, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence. Often, several parameters
are involved and considered together. However, many of the heuristic models are too
heavy to be feasible for the simple MNs. Fotouhi et al. [4] argue that fuzzy logic is the
best one for WSNs. An example is F-LQE [29] which takes several LQ parameters into
account by a fuzzy logic approach.
Ultimately, most strategies in both models compare parameters with threshold values.
Finding the optimal thresholds, especially when several parameters are considered together, is an arduous process requiring extensive empirical evaluations. Fotouhi et al.
[24] do an empirical evaluation of a few LQ related parameters, showing that a handover
in the lower end of the transitional region (close to the disconnected region) is better than
one in the connected region. This might be true for a network with sparse deployment
of APs and minimal overlap between them. This is however not necessarily true in a
network with dense deployment where the MN is guaranteed to have a good LQ with at
least one AP. In such network a handover high up in the transitional region might in
fact be better, since it avoids unnecessary unreliable communication in the transitional
A handover may of course be initiated on the detection of a lost connection too, i.e. the
MN is no longer able to communicate with its associated AP.
The Parts of a Handover Algorithm
Initiation Responsibility
As we saw in Section 3.3.1; the MN is the one most suitable for observing the parameters
and should primarily be the one who decides whether a handover should be initiated or
not. However, if the AP is observing some parameters it too should be allowed to initiate
a handover.
Once the Monitor part of the handover algorithm has decided that a handover should be
initiated, it is time for the Selection part. In order to select an AP, candidate APs have
to be found. This is the task of the Scan sub-process. The Scan part is both the most
time and energy consuming in most of the existing handover algorithms. Scanning for
several seconds is not uncommon. During a scan the radio is turned on and as we saw in
Section 3.2.1 the communication subsystem is the most energy consuming one.
The most common approach is for the MN to scan all possible channels (e.g. frequency
channels or time slots, depending on the MAC protocol) and listen for beacons. This
is extremely time and energy consuming. Therefore, some optimizations should be
used. An example is to reduce the numbers of channels to scan (e.g. by knowing all
nearby channels). This approach is commonly suggested in Wi-Fi optimizations. Another
optimization might be to reduce the time needed for scanning a channel (while still
ensuring that all APs on that channel are found). This can for example be done by
increasing the APs’ beacon frequency. In fact, both of these optimizations actually
increase the QoS (by reducing the handover delay) and reduce the energy consumption,
thus improving the energy efficiency. In Chapter 4 we present a (to our knowledge) novel
approach for the Scan sub-process.
The task of the Select sub-process is to analyze the parameters of the candidate APs
found by the Scan sub-process and select one of them. Most communication protocols
(e.g. Wi-Fi and existing WSN protocols) do not specify how an AP is selected. We
suggest using the same parameters and evaluation strategies as in the Initiate part of
the algorithm, see Section 3.3.2. However, one difference is that this decision is expected
to be made far more infrequently than the decision in the Initiate part. This allows for
more advanced calculations.
The Initiate and Select parts are in fact related. It is important to consider the threshold
for initiating a handover and the threshold for an AP to be selected, at the same time.
Fotouhi et al. [24] show that the difference between them, known as the hysteresis margin
(defined below), has a great impact on the number of redundant handovers. Fotouhi et al.
[24] also argue that a large hysteresis margin should be used—due to the high variability
of links in WSNs—in order to avoid redundant handovers.
Hysteresis margin.
− LQinit
threshold ,
where LQcandidate threhold is defined as the minimum LQ for becoming a candidate AP
and LQinitiation threshold is defined as the maximum LQ for initiating a handover.
Algorithm Design
Data Link Layer Switch
This sub-process defines the protocol used for the actual switch of AP. This part is tightly
coupled to the MAC protocol in use. In fact, most of the MAC protocols for WSNs
provide an association (and disassociation) procedure which take care of the data link
layer switch. The association might for example set the correct frequency, store the new
AP’s address and give the MN a new address.
Fotouhi et al. [24] argue that WSNs should avoid explicit disconnections from the
previous AP, due to the (possibly) rapidly deteriorative links. Avoiding them will also
lead to reduced energy consumption as the messages sent during the disassociation are
no longer needed.
Network Layer Switch
The Data link layer switch part of the handover algorithm is responsible for doing the
actual switch of AP, thus retaining a connection to the network. The Network layer switch
part is responsible for (if required) retaining a point-to-point connection, e.g. a connection
over the Internet. Another task is to perform a re-route if necessary. Most (probably
all) network protocols for WSNs have routing and re-routing procedures. However,
care should be taken; some algorithms rebuild the entire network when performing a
routing procedure. Because of the small network change a MN handover is, this is often
unnecessary. Another thing to consider is how data packets—addressed to the MN—sent
to the previous AP during a handover (hence not sent to the MN), should be handled. A
possibility is to buffer the packets and then let the previous AP send them to the new
AP, i.e. creating a tunnel. This is how protocols like HMIPv6 [16] and PMIPv6 [18]
handle mobility.
For energy reasons, the traffic between the APs and the MN should be reduced as much
as possible. All context data related to the MN possessed by the previous AP (and
needed by the new AP) should be transmitted via the network instead of having the MN
sending the same data to the network once more. Example of such data is authentication
Handover and the Protocol Stack
Handover is tightly coupled to the OSI model protocol stack; the importance of the
stack cannot be over-emphasized. As mentioned in Section 2.1; handover is a cross-layer
function centered on the data link and network layers, see Figure 2.1. In order to get
even close to an optimal handover mechanism it has to be embedded as a part of the
network protocol stack.
A handover can for example be more effective if support, such as dedicated handover
messages (perhaps with higher priority), is provided by the protocols. Moreover, a
handover might require the protocol to perform an “update”, e.g. re-schedule time
slots and/or perform a re-route. The protocols’ abilities to do these kinds of changes
effectively (thus incorporate mobility awareness in the protocols) are of great importance
in order to make the handover algorithm energy efficient. These kinds of optimizations
are out of scope of the thesis since we intend to keep the handover algorithm generic; the
protocols should not matter. Some work on mobility aware protocols has been made, see
Section 2.3.
Handover and the Protocol Stack
Data Link Layer Protocol
It is particularly the MAC sublayer of the data link layer that is interesting for a handover
mechanism. The task of the MAC layer is to share the media between units ensuring
that no two nodes are interfering with each other’s transmissions and deal with the
situation when they do. The MAC protocol’s design has a great impact on the energy
consumption since it has full control over the radio (the most energy consuming part of
a sensor node).
Many of the existing MAC protocols only support limited mobility in the network; almost
all protocols are able to deal with a slow change in a network’s topology, e.g. a joining or
failing node [14]. They do not have a predefined process for doing a switch of AP (thus
do not fulfill our definition of handover).
Network Layer Protocol
The network layer protocol is often simple and light weight in an isolated WSN. However,
in order to enable connection to the Internet (IoT, see Section 2.2.3) the protocol has to
be compatible with the IP protocol. This is (in WSN standards) a very heavy weight
protocol. In order to connect the data link layer protocol to the IP protocol an adaptation
middleware layer has to be used. An example task is to transform the large IP packets into
smaller messages more suitable for the data link layer protocol used by the WSN. Example
of such middleware protocol is 6LoWPAN [30]. However, existing implementations of
6LoWPAN do not support mobility [15]. For more details on the network layer protocol’s
relation to handover, see Section 3.3.6.
Algorithm Design
The Proposed Algorithm
n this chapter we present our proposed handover algorithm. Energy consumption
is the main criterion and it is designed with support of the guidance and knowledge
gained in Chapter 3. First, we state the assumptions made on the WSN the algorithm is
designed for. Then a brief overview of the basic mechanics of the algorithm is given. This
is done to make the rest of the chapter, which is dedicated to a detailed explanation of
the algorithm’s parts, easier to follow and understand. We conclude with a brief overview
of alternative approaches.
This section gives an introduction to the proposed algorithm. In terms of classifications
(see Section 2.1.1), it is best described as a hybrid of forward and backward handover:
the handover is predicted using the existing link (in order to ensure connectivity and
avoid retransmissions due to a bad connection) but is initiated and executed through
the new AP (to be able to handle rapidly deteriorating links). A network controlled
strategy is used for intra-domain handovers, whereas a mobile controlled strategy is used
for inter-domain handovers.
These are the assumptions made on the WSN:
1. The network consists of static mains powered APs with MNs as end devices.
2. The network is divided in domains (at least one).
3. The MNs’ require a very low energy consumption.
4. The APs know the channels used by its neighbor domains.
5. The requirements on QoS are low.
6. The MNs must ensure connection to the network, i.e. the connection has to be
frequently checked.
The Proposed Algorithm
7. Some kind of LQ parameter is available.
8. The network units have location knowledge; an AP knows its location and a MN
knows its location as well as the associated AP’s location. It is however possible to
tweak the algorithm if location knowledge is not available.
Please note that many kinds of WSN systems meet these requirements; we are not
restricted to a particular system. The proposed algorithm is supposed to be generic
enough to be adaptable to many kinds of WSNs. One example is a WSN used for
surveillance. Such system consists of a network of static mains powered APs with MNs
as end devices. The system’s main task is to monitor the location of the MNs. The users
(e.g. people, machines or objects) wear sensor tags which are registered and monitored
by a supervisor system. The system may for example be used in a mine, e.g. in order to
ensure that no people are in the area of a rock blasting.
Some parameters and functions have to be defined by the implementation of the algorithm,
a summary of these can be found in Appendix A. These functions are marked with an
asterisk (*) in the algorithms which are about to be presented.
MAC Protocol
The algorithm requires the MN’s MAC protocol to provide the following primitives1 :
1. MAC Scan(channels): find available networks (returns a list containing the APs
2. MAC Send(data, ID): send data.
3. MAC Receive(ID): receive data.
4. MAC Broadcast(data): send data to all network units in range (with energy
consumption in the same order of magnitude as send and receive).
5. MAC Associate(ID): interconnect a MN with an AP (and exchange necessary
information about each other, e.g. ID and location).
6. MAC Synchronize(ID): ensure that the MN is still able to communicate with
its associated AP (returns the LQ).
These are very common primitives and should be provided by most MAC protocols
(especially for WSNs), even the simplest ones. Associate and synchronize can be implemented with the send and receive primitives (how this is done is out of scope of the
thesis, but a hint is that communication requires an implicit synchronization). Note that
the algorithm does not require a particular medium access type, such as Time Division
Multiple Access (TDMA) or Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA).
Network Protocol
The algorithm requires the network protocol to provide the following primitives:
1. NW Send(address): send data.
2. NW Receive(address): receive data.
3. NW Route(ID): update the route to a network unit.
The AP is only required to support the two most fundamental primitives: send and receive.
Figure 4.1
Messages sent in the proposed handover algorithm during an intradomain handover. The MN performs a handover from AP1 to AP2
(AP4 does not send a handover notify message since it is not good
enough to become a candidate AP).
Algorithm Mechanics
In this section we give a brief overview of the algorithm. The rest of the chapter is
dedicated to the detailed description of the algorithm’s parts; such as handover initiation
and selection decisions. Knowing the basic mechanics of the algorithm will make these
easier to understand. The messages sent during a handover are shown in Figure 4.1 and
their formats are shown in Figure 4.2. The proposed algorithm in flowchart form can be
found in Appendix B. This is the algorithm in brief:
1. The MN monitors the connection. If it decides that a handover should be performed
the MN initiates the handover by broadcasting a handover request message to all
APs in range (more details will be given in Section 4.2).
2. When an AP receives a handover request message it decides whether it is a candidate
AP or not (more details will be given in Section 4.3.2). If it concludes that it is,
the AP sends a handover notify message to the MN’s AP. The handover request
message is ignored if the AP is associated with the MN.
3. When the MN’s AP receives a handover notify message it checks if this candidate
AP is the best so far (more details will be given in Section 4.3.2). If it is, the
candidate AP’s information is stored.
4. When the MN’s AP has received the handover notify messages from all candidate
APs (more details will be given in Section 4.6.1), it sends a handover select message
to the AP stored in the previous step.
5. When an AP receives a handover select message it sends a handover execute
message to the MN. The handover select message contains information about how
to communicate directly with the MN.
The Proposed Algorithm
Associated AP’s ID
MN’s locations
Candidate AP
MN’s Δt
Stability data
Figure 4.2
Formats of the messages used by the intra-domain handover algorithm.
The first field in each message tells which type of message it is. The
sender ID is an implicit field in all message formats (not shown in
the figure). The MN’s locations field contains two location points
and the MN’s ∆t field contains the time difference between these two
points. These two fields are used to calculate the relative velocity
(see Section 4.2.1). The Stability data field (partly) decides the length
of the message (more details will be given in Section 4.3.1). The
Candidate AP field contains the candidate AP’s potential and number
of associated MNs (more details will be given in Section 4.3.2).
6. When a MN receives a handover execute message it associates with the AP it
received the message from.
7. If the MN does not receive a handover execute message in a reasonable time (more
details will be given in Section 4.6.2) after a handover has been initiated, it changes
strategy to an inter-domain handover. In this strategy the MN scans (ordinary
MAC protocol provided scan) the neighbor channels of the current domain (more
details will be given in Section 4.4). If it still cannot find a suitable AP it scans all
channels until one is found. When the MN finds an AP it associates with it.
8. When the association is done the newly associated AP calls the network protocol’s
routing procedure.
Link Monitoring
The algorithm intends to initiate a handover before the connection to the current AP
breaks. This to save the energy wasted on re-sending packets when the connection is
lost (or so bad that sending a package requires several tries). Further, due to assumption
number 6 (see Section 4.1.1), a continuous observation strategy (see Section 3.3.1) is
used for connection monitoring. How often an observation is done is decided by the
observe f requency parameter and the value of this is up to the implementation to decide
(depending on the application’s requirements on the QoS). The application is responsible
for calling the observe procedure (at the frequency given by the observe f requency
parameter) when connected to an AP, unless a handover is already initiated.
Link Monitoring
To select the parameters used for a handover initiation is not an easy task. As discussed
in Section 3.3.1; relying on only one—perhaps unreliable—parameter might be a bad
idea. Therefore, two parameters are taken into consideration when a handover decision
is about to be made (the selection of parameters is inspired by Fotouhi et al. [4]):
• Link quality
• Relative velocity (optional)
Link Quality
The most valuable parameter for monitoring a connection is the LQ since it gives the
current connection quality. The proposed algorithm does not specify which kind of LQ to
be used. However, a recommendation is to use error rate parameters (e.g. BER), rather
than signal strength parameters (e.g. RSSI). This recommendation is because signal
strength parameters only measure the signal strength—no attempt to decode the signal
is made—hence this signal could come from anywhere, even an interferer.
For further improvement, the LQ parameter is stabilized. This is done by using a sampling
window for measuring the LQ, as discussed in Section 3.3.1. The number of observation
samples (the window size) is defined by the LQ window size parameter. The purpose of
the LQ window is to compensate for a temporary deterioration, e.g. due to an unreliable
link or being behind an obstacle for a short moment. For deciding an appropriate window
size, please see Section 3.3.1.
Relative Velocity
The second parameter used is the MN’s velocity in relation to the associated AP; the
relative velocity. This can be derived knowing the AP’s and MN’s location points (which
are assumed to be known, see Section 4.1.1).
~ denote a vector
Relative velocity. Let capital letters denote (location) points, let XY
~ .
with initial point X and terminal point Y and let ||XY || denote the length of vector XY
Further, let B be the (location) point of MN η at time t1 , let B 0 be the (location) point
of η at time t2 and let A be the (location) point of AP λ. Then, the relative velocity
¯ ) is defined as
~ 0 || − ||AB||
¯ =
where ∆t = t2 − t1 .
Thus, the relative velocity (see Figure 4.3) is an average velocity between two time points
for the MN’s movement away from (positive sign on vη,λ
¯ ) or to (negative sign on vη,λ
¯ ) an
AP. Moving around the AP in a circle yields zero relative velocity.
With knowledge about the relative velocity it is possible to determine how fast the LQ is
expected to deteriorate. It also tells whether the MN is moving towards or away from
the AP. The LQ in conjunction with the relative velocity will enable a good decision
whether to handover or not. If location knowledge is not available, the algorithm uses
only the LQ parameter. Algorithm 4.1 shows the Observe part of the algorithm (recall
that asterisks mark functions provided by the implementation, see Appendix A).
The Proposed Algorithm
AP’s position
MN’s position
Figure 4.3
Algorithm 4.1
The relative velocity measures how fast the length of vector vr changes.
The MN’s observe procedure.
procedure Observe(void)
LQsample ← MAC Synchronize(associated AP )
LQ ← Add LQ to window(LQsample, self.LQwindow)*
if Location data available then
relative velocity ← Calc relative velocity(A, B, B 0 , ∆t)*
Init(LQ, relative velocity)
. Defined in Algorithm 4.2
. Defined in Algorithm 4.2
end if
end procedure
The decision of initiating a handover is, as mentioned in the previous section, based on
the LQ and the relative velocity (another reason for initiation a handover is of course a
lost connection, i.e. being unable to communicate with the AP, e.g. when trying to send
data or performing a locating procedure). The LQ and relative velocity are combined
using a fuzzy logic approach.
Fuzzy Logic
Whether to initiate a handover or not is decided by fuzzy logic. The reason for this is
discussed in Section 3.3.2. Table 4.1 shows the fuzzy logic matrix. Fotouhi et al. [24]
suggest that a handover should be performed in the lower end of the transitional region
(close to the disconnected region); therefore, we are very patient with the decision to
Low LQ
Medium LQ
Disconnected region
Figure 4.4
Transitional region
High LQ
Connected region
LQ fuzzy logic sets in relation to the connection regions.
Table 4.1
Intra-domain Access Point Selection
Handover decision fuzzy logic matrix.
Relative velocity
Low and towards AP
Medium and towards AP
High and towards AP
Low and away from AP
Medium and away from AP
High and away from AP
handover. Converting the parameters’ values to the fuzzy sets is up to the implementation.
High, Medium and Low LQ are illustrated in relation to the connection regions in
Figure 4.4. If only the LQ is available a handover is initiated if this value is mapped
to the Low LQ fuzzy set; thus, in practice, just compared with a threshold value:
LQinit threshold . The Initiate part of the algorithm is shown in Algorithm 4.2.
Algorithm 4.2
The MN’s handover initiation procedure.
procedure Init(LQ, [relative velocity])
handover ← Fuzzy eval init(LQ, [relative velocity])*
if handover = Yes then
new message ← Create message(handover request)*
MAC Broadcast(new message)
Start intra domain handover timer
. See Section 4.6.2 for details
end if
end procedure
Intra-domain Access Point Selection
The proposed algorithm uses the following strategies when doing a handover (it proceeds
with the subsequent strategy only if the current fails):
1. Intra-domain handover (network controlled)
2. Inter-domain handover (mobile controlled)
3. Reset and join network (mobile controlled)
We start with describing the intra-domain handover (AP selection).
The core purpose of the proposed algorithm is to use as little energy as possible on the
MNs. In order to do this, the costly scan procedure performed by most mechanisms for
switching AP is avoided. Instead, a network controlled solution is used, which is—as
we have seen throughout the analysis of the different parts of a handover algorithm—
the key to saving energy. When a MN decides to initiate a handover it broadcasts a
The Proposed Algorithm
handover request message which is received by all nearby APs (in the current domain).
The network now has knowledge about the LQ for all APs in range of the MN and will
now make the decision of which AP the MN should handover to. The MN continues
to operate as normal until it receives a message from the new AP (more details will be
given in Section 4.3.2).
The length of the handover request message (partly decided by the stability data field, see
Figure 4.2) will have impact on the scan stability. A longer message will provide a more
reliable LQ but will also take longer time to transmit and use more energy. Fotouhi et al.
[24] show that if the handover is initiated in the lower end of the transitional region (close
to the disconnected region) and an AP is allowed to become a candidate noticeably higher
in the transitional region (hence having a wide hysteresis margin, see Equation (3.1)),
a thorough observation of the stability will not provide a better handover than a more
brief one. As we follow this advice (see Section 4.2.2 and Section 4.3.2), the stability
data field can be held short, thus saving energy. The request stability parameter defines
the length of the stability data field in the handover request message.
When doing an intra-domain handover, the selection of AP is divided into two parts:
1. Selection of candidate APs
2. Selection of new AP
Each AP, receiving a handover request message, decides whether it is good enough to be
a candidate AP or not (how this decision is made is described in further detail below). If
an AP concludes that it is a candidate, it sends a handover notify message to the MN’s
AP which then decides which of the candidate APs to select (also described in further
detail below).
Candidate Access Points
When selecting whether an AP should be a candidate or not the same parameters as in
the handover initiation are used (LQ and relative velocity), for the same reasons. The LQ
is measured during the reception of the handover request message. The AP calculates
the MN’s relative velocity by using the MN’s locations and time difference between these
locations (∆t) provided by the handover request message (see Figure 4.2). An AP uses
a fuzzy logic strategy (as described in Section 4.2.2) to decide whether it should be a
candidate AP or not. The fuzzy logic matrix is shown in Table 4.2. The implementation
is responsible for mapping the parameters’ values to the fuzzy sets; the LQ should be
mapped roughly as shown in Figure 4.4. The Medium set might be reduced by moving
values in the left end into the Low set, thus to ensure a sufficiently large hysteresis
An AP becomes a candidate if it has at least Medium potential. As the fuzzy logic matrix
shows; we have high requirements on an AP to become a candidate. Since the handover
is initiated in the lower end of the transitional region (see Section 4.2.2) the hysteresis
margin becomes large, thus redundant handovers will be avoided. If location knowledge
is not available, only the LQ is used to decide whether an AP is a candidate or not. If
this is the case, an AP candidate potential is the same as the LQ fuzzy set value. If an
AP decides it is a candidate it sends a handover notify message (see Figure 4.2) to the
Table 4.2
Intra-domain Access Point Selection
Candidate AP decision fuzzy logic matrix.
Relative velocity
Candidate AP potential
Low and towards AP
Medium and towards AP
High and towards AP
Low and away from AP
Medium and away from AP
High and away from AP
MN’s AP containing, among other things, the candidate potential (i.e. Low, Medium or
High) and its load, represented as the number of associated MNs (an implementation
may change this to another parameter, e.g. traffic congestion).
New Access Point
When an AP receives a handover notify message it checks the candidate’s potential
and if it is the best so far the new candidate AP is stored. If the current best one
and the newly received one have the same candidate potential the load is used to
distinguish the two. This enables load balancing in the network. When the AP has
received the handover notify messages from every candidate AP (more details will be
given in Section 4.6.1) it sends a handover select message containing information of how
to communicate with the MN (i.e. the MN’s ID) to the selected AP and disassociates
with the MN, see Algorithm 4.3. This AP in turn sends a handover execute message to
the MN. Algorithm 4.4 shows how the AP handles the different message types used by
the algorithm. Algorithm 4.5 shows ditto for the MN.
Algorithm 4.3
Procedure run on the AP for handover of a MN to a selected new AP.
procedure Execute Handover(M Nx )
selected AP ← M Nx .candidate
Disassociate(M Nx )*
new message ← Create message(handover select)*
NW Send(new message, selected AP )
end procedure
The Proposed Algorithm
Algorithm 4.4
procedure Handle received message(message)
switch message do
case handover request
if Location data available then
B ← message.(MN’s locations (B))
B 0 ← message.(MN’s locations (B’))
∆t ← message.(MN’s ∆t)
relative velocity ← Calc relative velocity(A, B, B 0 , ∆t)*
candidate potential ←
Fuzzy eval candidate(message.LQ, relative velocity)*
candidate potential ← Fuzzy eval candidate(message.LQ)*
end if
if candidate potential = (Medium or High) then
new message ← Create message(handover notif y)*
NW Send(new message, message.(Associated Ap’s ID))
end if
end case
case handover notify
M Nx ← message.(MN’s ID)
candidateAP ← message.(Candidate AP)
Handle handover(M Nx , candidateAP )*
end case
case handover select
M Nx ← message.(MN’s ID)
new message ← Create message(handover execute)*
MAC Send(new message, M Nx )
end case
end switch
end procedure
Algorithm 4.5
The procedure for handling received messages at the AP.
The procedure for handling received messages at the MN.
procedure Handle received message(message)
switch message do
case neighbor channels
. Described in Section 4.4.1
self.neighbor channels ← message.(Neighbor channels)
end case
case handover execute
MAC Associate(message.sender)
end case
end switch
end procedure
Inter-domain Access Point Selection
Inter-domain Access Point Selection
If the intra-domain handover fails, e.g. due to no candidate AP in range, the algorithm
switches to an inter-domain handover. This—unlike the intra-domain handover—is a
mobile controlled handover. The reason for this is to avoid the complexity and load a
network coordinated handover across domain boundaries would require. The inter-domain
handover procedure is shown in Algorithm 4.6 and explained in detail in the following
Algorithm 4.6
The MN’s inter-domain handover procedure.
procedure Inter domain handover(void)
AP list ← MAC Scan(self.neighbor channels)
while True do
while AP list.length = 0 do
end while
AP best ← Find best AP(AP list)*
if AP best.LQ > LQcandiate threshold then
end if
end while
MAC Associate(AP best)
end procedure
The MN uses the scan procedure provided by the MAC protocol to scan for nearby
networks. In order to reduce the energy, a concept of neighbor channels is used. This is
very similar to the selective scanning in Wi-Fi through neighbor graphs suggested by
Park et al. [31]. With neighbor channels, only the neighbors to the current domain’s
channels are scanned. The channel of the current domain is also scanned; an intra-domain
handover could fail due to failure in the associated AP. As previously mentioned, the Scan
part is the most energy consuming process of the handover, reducing this with the help
of neighbor channels will lead to a significant reduction of the energy consumption. A
MN requests the neighbor channels of its associated AP every time it joins a new domain.
This is done by setting a flag in the MAC association primitive (which may require a
small change in the MAC protocol). An alternative might be to request the neighbor
channels in a separate message, if the MAC protocol cannot be changed. The neighbor
channels are sent in a neighbor channels message; the format is shown in Figure 4.5 and
is handled according to Algorithm 4.5. If even the inter-domain handover fails, the MN’s
last resort is to reset itself and search for a network to join by scanning all channels, until
it finds a suitable AP.
The Proposed Algorithm
Figure 4.5
Neighbor channels
Neighbor channels message format.
In an inter-domain handover (or network join) the MN selects the AP with the highest
LQ from the list of APs generated by the MAC protocol’s scan primitive. For an AP to
be select it must have a LQ larger than the LQcandidate threshold . If such AP cannot be
found the MN performs another scan—even if APs with LQ values below this threshold
were found. Connecting to a weak AP will probably just trigger a handover soon again
and this puts load on the network and risk leading to redundant handovers (maybe even
the ping-pong effect). Since the QoS requirements are low it is better to search until a
good enough AP is found. If there is even a slightest risk for a MN to not be near any AP
with a LQ above LQcandidate threshold , a sleep should be put between each consecutive
scan to not exhaust the battery.
The process of the actual switch is pretty much the same for the intra-domain and the
inter-domain handover. Context data should be transferred between the previous and
the new APs instead of involving the MN (as described in Section 3.3.6).
Data Link Layer Switch
The data link layer switch is done by the MN associating with the chosen AP, using the
MAC protocol’s association primitive. Location information is exchanged as a part of
the association.
Network Layer Switch
To do the network layer switch the newly selected AP simply calls the routing primitive
provided by the network protocol. If the handover is an inter-domain the MN requests
the AP’s neighbor channels. The procedure for performing a network layer switch at an
AP is shown in Algorithm 4.7 and is run after a successful association.
Algorithm 4.7
The AP’s procedure for performing a network layer switch.
procedure Network layer switch(M Nx )
if M Nx required neighbor channels then
new message ← Create message(neighbor channels)
MAC Send(new message, M Nx )
end if
NW Route(M Nx )
end procedure
Particularly two parameters related to timing are of interest: the handover select time
out and the intra domain handover time out, see Figure 4.6 (this figure illustrates the
same scenario as Figure 4.1). Both of them will have a great impact on the handover
delay (also illustrated in Figure 4.6), defined as follows.
Handover delay. The time elapsed from sending a handover request message to association with a new AP.
time out
Handover delay
time out
Figure 4.6
The timing for messages sent in the proposed handover algorithm
during an intra-domain handover. The MN performs a handover from
AP1 to AP2.
handover select Time Out
An AP cannot know for sure (in a simple and efficient way) that it has gotten the
handover notify message from all candidate APs. Therefore, a timer is used, started
at the reception of the first handover notify message for a MN. When this timer times
out the decision of which AP to handover to is made, regardless of whether the AP has
received the handover notify message from all candidate APs or not. A handover notify
The Proposed Algorithm
message received after the time out for a MN is simply ignored. When the handover select
timer times out, the procedure for handling the selected AP (Algorithm 4.3) is run.
The value of the timer is implementation dependent. One way to find a suitable value
is to determine the average time for all parts of the algorithm, see Table 4.3 (every
function depends on the network load l, or might depend on the network load [l]). The
definitions of ρ, σ and τ are all dependent on the MAC or network protocol used. In
most implementations α, β and γ will be negligible; it is the communication that takes
the most time.
Table 4.3
The proposed algorithm’s times.
τ ([l])
sending a message between an AP and a MN.
broadcasting a message from a MN to APs.
sending a message between two APs.
handling a handover request message.
handling a handover notify message.
handling a handover select message.
The value of the handover select time out can be calculated as follows
handover select(l) = d(τ ([l]) + β(l)),
where d is the average number of candidate APs (an AP can only receive and handle one
handover notify message at a time2 ).
In order to get a static value, let l be e.g. 90 % of the (expected) maximum load on the
network. Another possible way to arrive to a static value is by an empirical evaluation.
If the QoS requirements allows for a large handover delay a large safety margin can be
added to this value. If the requirements require a very low handover delay the value
has to be analyzed more thoroughly in order to optimize it. Another solution is to
use a dynamic value if the network load l is known (or at least approximated) when
the system is running. Then Equation (4.1) can be used to derive the value of the
handover select.
intra domain handover Time Out
The MN must have a way of knowing if the intra-domain handover failed. This is
the task of the intra domain handover timer. This timer is started when the MN
broadcasts a handover request message. If it does not receive a handover execute message before this timer times out it switches to an inter-domain handover. When the
intra domain handover timer times out, the inter-domain handover procedure (Algorithm 4.6) is run.
It might however be able to handle several handover notify messages at the same time if multiple
processors are available (but it will still only be able to receive one message at a time).
Alternative Approaches
The value of this timer is, just as for the previous timer, implementation dependent and
can be decided in a similar manner. The equation is as follows
intra domain handover(l) = σ(l) + α(l) + handover select(l) + τ ([l]) + ρ([l]), (4.2)
where all functions are described in Table 4.3 and handover select(l) given by Equation (4.1).
Alternative Approaches
In this section we briefly look at some alternative algorithm solutions.
We stabilized the parameters used to make the initiation decision using a sampling
window for the LQ in Section 4.2.1. This can be drawn further. In order to stabilize a
single observation another parameter can be used; number of syncs, telling how many
times the MN should synchronize with the associated AP each observation. The purpose
for doing several synchronizations is to compensate for temporary interference. The
average of the LQ values measured is stored as a sample in the sampling window. A
large value on number of syncs will provide more stable readings but will use more
energy; a compromise between stability and energy consumption has to be made. The
time between each synchronization is defined by the sync f requency parameter and its
value depends on the environment (e.g. interference).
In Section 4.3.1 we talked about stabilizing the LQ used for deciding whether an AP
should be a candidate or not by adjusting the length of the handover request message.
To make this even more stable, several handover request messages could be sent and
stored in a sampling window at each AP. This will obviously use more energy at the
However, the stability provided by the algorithm should be more than enough to avoid
most redundant handovers. Both of the approaches described above will provide a little
more QoS but will (most likely) not be worth the extra energy consumption. Hence,
the energy efficiency will be reduced. A redundant handover is not that severe since
our proposed algorithm uses very little energy at the MN. It does however put some
unnecessary load on the network.
If location data is available, the observation procedure can be made adaptive, i.e. by
lowering the observe f requency parameter if the MN is stationary.
As we discussed in Section 3.2.3; incorporating mobility patterns in a handover algorithm
for WSN is rarely feasible due to the MNs’ limitations. However, if the application has
a very predictable pattern this can of course be worth considering. For the use case
mentioned in Section 4.1.1 (surveillance) the pedestrian mobility pattern is the closest
choice. This is a pattern manifested by its limited speed, obstacle avoidance, and chaotic
nature [14]. Due to the unpredictability of this pattern it is not viable to be used for a
The Proposed Algorithm
In the proposed algorithm the MN is the one that makes the handover initiation. A
possible addition is to also make the AP able to initiate a handover, e.g. by sending a
handover init message to the MN. A reason for an AP initiated handover might be bad
LQ in the direction from the MN to the AP (which, due to the harsh environments in
WSNs, is not necessarily the same as the LQ in the opposite direction, i.e. asymmetric
connectivity). Another reason might be as a load balancing procedure if the AP is
congested. However, this is very precarious and could lead to severe ping-pong effects if
incautious. Moreover, it will increase the complexity of the network.
The procedure of selecting candidate APs performed by the proposed algorithm can
be made more efficient if intelligence is added to the network. One example is to only
forward a handover notify message if it is the best one for the MN in question, i.e. if
an AP has forwarded a handover notify message associated with a particular MN and
then receives another one (associated with the same MN) with lower candidate potential,
this new message is discarded. This will reduce the network traffic but increase the
complexity of the network.
A brief comparison of some algorithms for selecting an AP (described below) is given in
Table 4.4.
1. The proposed algorithm: the algorithm described in this chapter.
2. Standard: uses the MAC scan primitive (every time).
3. Location based: the network selects next AP based on the MN’s location.
4. Broadcast: a MN broadcast every message, i.e. handover is not needed.
For most applications, the standard is not feasible due to the high energy consumption
and the broadcast is not viable due to the high network load. The location based is not
feasible due to the great risk of selecting a bad AP since the LQ is not considered.
Table 4.4
Comparison of selection mechanisms. Handover quality is defined as
the probability of selecting a good AP.
Handover Quality
Network Load
Energy Consumption
The proposed
Location based
Very high
Very low
Very high
Very high
Very low
Very low
his chapter describes an implementation of the proposed algorithm given in Chapter 4. We begin by describing the implementation of the WSN, including the
hardware platforms and software used. An overview of the chosen protocol stack, defined
by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, is given. The chapter is concluded with a description of
how the algorithm is implemented on the AP and MN. Implementation details can be
found in the well commented source code.
In order to implement the proposed algorithm we need a WSN. This is built with the
hardware platforms described in Section 5.2 and software described in Section 5.3. Only
the two lower levels of the OSI model protocol stack are used. This to keep the network
complexity down; the interesting parts of the algorithm take place in the data link layer.
A network layer is not implemented and consequently not the Network layer switch
part of the algorithm. The network layer required functions are implemented using the
corresponding functions provided by the MAC layer, e.g. NW Send uses MAC Send
(the routing procedure is of course not implemented at all). Moreover, the relative velocity
parameter is not considered when deciding handover initiation and candidate APs since
implementing location knowledge in a WSN is far out of scope of the thesis.
In this section we describe the hardware used for the MN and AP. It is possible to
communicate with both the AP and MN via a PC using a serial interface, e.g. for sending
commands and displaying logged data.
Mobile Node
In this section we describe the MN’s hardware architecture (see Section 2.2.1). Figure 5.1
shows the MN’s hardware platform.
Figure 5.1
A mobile node (with an attached battery).
Processing Subsystem
The MN is based on Atmel’s AT91SAM3S ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller [32].
Communication Subsystem
The communication subsystem uses Atmel’s AT86RF233 2.4 GHz radio transceiver [27]
and the Skyworks’ SE2431L 2.4 GHz RF front end [33]. The transceiver is a very capable
unit targeted for WSN applications (e.g. ZigBee and 6LoWPAN based applications),
having special hardware support for the IEEE 802.15.4 standard protocols, including a
MAC hardware accelerator. It has (with the front end) a range of around 100 meters
indoor. It offers a programming method to specify the transmission power level during
runtime and provides RSSI, energy detect and LQ indication for every received package.
The LQ indication is implemented as the Packet Error Rate (PER) for the link.
Sensing Subsystem
The MN has a three axis digital accelerometer, a digital pressure sensor, a three axis
digital output gyroscope and finally, a three axis digital magnetometer.
Power Subsystem
The MN is battery powered and uses AMS’s AS1375 low power LDO (low-dropout
regulator) [34].
Access Point
The AP’s hardware platform is based on the same microcontroller and the same radio
transceiver as the MN. However, a different front end is used: RFaxis’ RFX2411 2.4
GHz RF front end [35]. Figure 5.2 shows the AP’s hardware platform. The APs
intercommunicates either via the radio or Ethernet. To enable Ethernet a hardware
module has to be added to the AP, containing (among other things) an Ethernet
controller and Atmel’s AT91SAM9G20 microcontroller [36]. The AP communicates with
the Ethernet module via a serial interface.
Figure 5.2
An access point.
A GW is an AP with an Ethernet module having an Ethernet connection to outside the
domain. Figure 5.3 shows the GW’s hardware platform; an AP with an added Ethernet
module. The AP is mains powered.
Figure 5.3
A gateway.
In this section we describe the software used by the MN and AP.
Operating System
Both the MN and AP run the Contiki operating system [37]. It is an open source
operating system for the IoT. Contiki is designed for low power units with cheap and
simple hardware. It has a rich network stack with support for full IP networking,
supporting standard IP protocols such as UDP and TCP as well as 6LoWPAN and RPL
[38]. It also provides a more lightweight stack: the rime stack. In addition to this, several
MAC protocols are provided. However, only a minimal version of the Contiki operating
system (more or less just the scheduler) and a different network stack is used for our
The Ethernet module (added to some of the APs) runs embedded Linux.
The protocol stack is based on an implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard (further
details on this standard will be given in Section 5.4), provided by Atmel [39]. The
protocol stack provided by Contiki is not used. This is because we only need the two
lower layers of the OSI model protocol stack and the Atmel provided protocol stack works
better with the transceiver since it utilizes the IEEE 802.15.4 hardware support.
IEEE 802.15.4
In order to implement a WSN we need an understanding of the protocol stack used. In
this section we briefly describe the essential parts of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [40].
The standard defines the MAC (which is a part of the data link layer) and physical layer
of the OSI model protocol stack. It is targeted for applications with characteristics such
as low throughput data and small packet sizes and provides only a very limited QoS. It
is designed to be run on simple, low cost and low energy devices. In other words: it is
designed for WSNs. Many of the popular IoT protocols are built on top of it, e.g. ZigBee
[41] and 6LoWPAN.
Physical Layer
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard supports data rates up to 250 Kbit/s and operates on a
subset of 27 available radio channels on specific unlicensed bands, depending on region.
The bands are: 800 MHz (Europe), 900 MHz (USA) and 2.4 GHz (global). Features
include energy detection within the current channel and LQ for received packets. The
standard does not define what kind of LQ to use but it shall provide a value between
0x00 and 0xFF. The data are sent using frames.
IEEE 802.15.4
MAC Layer
The main channel access method used is CSMA with collision avoidance. However, the
standard supports a TDMA scheme in beacon mode through the superframes. We will
not go into details on this, if interested please see [40]. Two kinds of transmission modes
are possible: a) the transmitter sends directly to the receiver (which must have its radio
on all the time) and b) the receiver polls the transmitter for pending data (hence can
shut down the radio between polls). There are four frame types: data, acknowledgement,
MAC command and beacon. All of the MAC protocol primitives required by the proposed
algorithm (see Section 4.1.1) are provided.
Device Classes
The standard defines two classes of devices:
1. Full Function Device (FFD): having routing capabilities, is able to talk with any
other device and supports any topology. It implements the complete protocol set.
2. Reduced Function Device (RFD): a simpler device than the FFD, having a reduce
protocol set and is limited to leaves in more complex topologies. It can only operate
as end device (see Section 5.4.4).
All units in a network have an IEEE 64-bit globally unique address. A 16-bit short
address may be used within a PAN. Each PAN uses a unique PAN ID (unique for the
current frequency channel).
Device Types
Three kinds of device types are defined by the standard:
1. Coordinator: a FFD with network device functionality that provides services to
the network, e.g. forwarding of packets.
2. PAN coordinator: a FFD acting as the principal controller of the PAN. A network
has exactly one PAN coordinator.
3. End device: a RFD which is only able to talk to a coordinator.
The standard defines three kinds of topologies:
1. Star: a simple structured topology having a PAN coordinator as the central node
which all other network devices communicates with (similar to Bluetooth). The
nodes only communicate with the central node; there exists no other communication
between the nodes. A leaf may be a FFD or a RFD.
2. Peer-to-peer: an extension of the star topology in which the devices are not limited
to communication with the central PAN coordinator only; additional point-to-point
communication is also allowed. This network structure is essential in supporting
ad-hoc networks as well as for supporting networks covering larger geographic areas.
3. Cluster tree: a special case of a peer-to-peer topology consisting of interconnected
star networks (note that the network still has exactly one PAN coordinator).
Network Management
A PAN shall be started by an FFD only after an active channel or energy detect channel
scan has been performed. A channel based on the scan results is then picked as well as a
PAN ID for the network (unique for the selected channel).
Before exchanging information with other devices of a PAN a device must be associated.
To do this, a device that intends to join an existing PAN performs a scan and selects one of
the coordinators found (the standard does not define how a coordinator is selected). The
node then sends a request to associate with the chosen coordinator. A PAN coordinator
may indicate its presence by transmitting beacon frames. If it does not, an active scan
has to be performed in which a device requests a beacon from a coordinator.
For PANs supporting synchronization it is possible for an associated device to request a
synchronization using the synchronization MAC primitive. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard
has no support for handover or mobility whatsoever. It is entirely up to the application
to handle. It may detect a lost connection either by the synchronize procedure or by not
being able to send data. If this happens, the device may perform an orphan scan, trying
to obtain synchronization with its associated AP again. If this fails the device has to
perform a complete reconnection to a network by again performing a scan. However, this
is up to the application; it is not an implicit behavior upon a lost connection.
As previously mentioned: we want to keep the implementation of the algorithm as general
as possible and will not optimize the protocols used to make them perform better in
a handover situation. However, if the handover is about to be implemented in a “real”
system, further attention must be placed on how to best optimize low-level protocol details
and parameter tuning for each particular handover protocol and environment. Several
optimizations have been proposed for the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which could improve
the handover performance, including the works by Staehle [42] and Garcia-Sanchez et al.
Network Overview
As mentioned above; the WSN is built using the Contiki operating system in conjunction
with the Atmel implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The coordinators defined
by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard (see Section 5.4.4) acts as APs, the end devices acts as
MNs and finally, PAN coordinators acts as GWs. The cluster tree network topology is
used. A PAN corresponds to a domain. We will in the remainder of this section briefly
describe how the WSN is created.
An AP creates a Contiki process which initiates the hardware and the MAC layer. The
process then calls a procedure which resets the MAC layer. When the MAC layer has
been reset, its settings are changed; the radio is set to be always on, associations are
allowed and the beacon is configured (a beacon enabled network is used).
Algorithm at Mobile Node
When the MAC layer has been configured, the AP follows the procedure described in
Section 5.4.5 to either start a new network or join an existing network. The first thing
done is a scan. If the AP is configured to be a GW it will use the scan result to select a
channel and a PAN ID unique for this channel. It then sets its short address and starts
the PAN network. On the other hand, if it is configured to be an ordinary AP, it will
use the scan result to select an existing PAN to join. It sends an association request and
when this is accepted it begins doing its PAN tasks, e.g. sending out beacons. When an
AP (or GW) receives an association request it generates a short address and sends an
association response.
Both Contiki and the IEEE 802.15.4 standard are highly event driven; all MAC layer
invocations are done by sending a request of some sort. When it has been handled a
callback function is called. Callback functions are also used to handle external events
such as a received message or association request. The main loop of the AP is shown in
Algorithm 5.1.
Algorithm 5.1
The AP’s and MN’s main loop.
while True do
. Wait for an event (Contiki)
wpan task();
. Handle MAC-layer events
app task();
. Perform the application tasks
. Post an event to ourself (Contiki)
7: end while
Algorithm at Mobile Node
In this section we describe the implementation of the MN’s part of the proposed algorithm.
The parameter values will be discussed in Chapter 6.
Required Functions
In this section we describe the implementation of the required functions, see Appendix A.
The required MAC functions are provided by the Atmel implementation of the IEEE
802.15.4 standard. Since we do not implement the location part of the algorithm the
Calc relative velocity(A, B, B 0 , dt) function is not be needed.
The Create message(message type) Function
This function is divided into several functions; one for each message type. These functions
create an ordinary IEEE 802.15.4 data frame containing the messages data fields (see
Figure 4.2) as load. In addition to the handover related messages two other messages
are added: one for requesting the AP to print certain data of interest (e.g. channel and
evaluation data) via the serial interface and one for sending ordinary sensor data to the
Algorithm 5.2
Functions for adding a LQ value to the LQ window.
function Add LQ(LQ)
LQ window[window ptr] ← LQ
window ptr ← (window ptr + 1) mod LQ window size
if no of rec pkgs < LQ window size then
no of rec pkgs ← no of rec pkgs + 1
end if
end function
The Add LQ to window(LQ, LQ window) Function
We implement the LQ window as a circular buffer of size LQ window size. Two
additional variables are used: one for keeping track of the next free place in the window (window ptr) and one for keeping track of the number of entries in the window
(no of rec pkgs). The function is split into two functions: one for adding a LQ value to the
window (Algorithm 5.2) and another for calculating the average LQ (Algorithm 5.3).
Algorithm 5.3
Function for calculating the average LQ.
function Calc avg LQ(void)
if no of rec pkgs = 0 then
return 0xF F
end if
acc ← 0
for i ← 1 to no of rec pkgs do
acc ← acc + LQ window[i − 1]
end for
no of rec pkgs
end function
The Fuzzy eval init(LQ, [relative velocity]) Function
Since we do not have location knowledge we just compare the LQ with a threshold value,
see Algorithm 5.4.
Algorithm 5.4
Function that decides whether a handover should be initiated or not.
function Fuzzy eval init(LQ)
if LQ < LQinit threshold then
return Yes
return No
end if
end function
Algorithm at Mobile Node
The Find best AP(AP list) Function
To find the best AP we use Algorithm 5.5.
Algorithm 5.5
Procedure that finds the best AP from a list of APs.
function Find best AP(AP list)
APbest .LQ ← −1
for all AP in AP list do
if AP.LQ > APbest .LQ then
APbest ← AP
end if
end for
return APbest
end function
. AP with the best LQ
. Check if the AP is the best this far
Command Line Interface
The only task the application of the MN has is to handle user requests received via the
serial interface. The command line interface can be found in Appendix C.
Finite State Machine
The proposed handover algorithm is highly event driven (the events are received messages
and time outs), as well as the Contiki operating system and the MAC layer protocol. In
order to keep track of when and how the MN should react on certain events it implements
a finite state machine, see Figure 5.4. Only the state transition defined by the finite
state machine are allowed; e.g. if the MN receives a handover execute message in the
Synchronize state it is ignored. The finite state machine is implemented simply by using
a variable containing the current state.
Initiation State
In the Initiation state the MN creates a Contiki process which starts by initiating the
hardware and the MAC layer. It then calls a reset function which resets the MAC
layer. When this is done the MAC layer is configured. The neighbor channels concept
is implemented by having a variable, neighbor channels, to keep track of the neighbor
channels. This is set to all channels in the Initiation state (the reason for this is because
the Scan state starts by scanning the neighbor channels). The MN uses the same main
loop as the AP, see Algorithm 5.1. When the initiation is done the MN moves to the
Scan state, (see Figure 5.4).
Scan State
The algorithm given in Algorithm 4.6 is implemented by the Scan state. When a suitable
AP has been found and associated the MN moves to the Connected state (see Figure 5.4).
The neighbor channels are requested by setting a flag in the association request message.
Every time a MN associates with a new AP the LQ parameters are reset (i.e. the
No AP found
Figure 5.4
Mobile node’s finite state machine.
Connected State
More or less nothing is done in the Connected state. In a real application it would
perform the application tasks (e.g. sending/receiving data or positioning) and synchronize
with the AP at a frequency given by the observe f requency parameter. The reason
for the avoidance of frequent synchronization is because we want to be able to control
exactly when the MN synchronizes with its AP. This to enable repeatable test cases
when doing the empirical evaluation. A neighbor channel message received is handled
according to Algorithm 4.5. Two state transitions are possible in the Connected state
(see Figure 5.4):
1. Synchronization is explicitly requested by the user: move to the synchronization
2. Unable to communicate with the AP (e.g. no longer able to send data): move to
the Handover state.
Algorithm at Access Point
Synchronize State
The Synchronize state implements the algorithm given in Algorithm 4.1 and consequently
also Algorithm 4.2. Two state transitions are possible (see Figure 5.4):
1. Synchronization successful: move to the Connected state.
2. Synchronization failure: move to the Handover state.
Handover State
In the Handover state the MN does more or less nothing. In a real application it would
perform the application tasks. Two state transitions are possible (see Figure 5.4):
1. handover execute message received: handle the message according to Algorithm 4.5
and move to the Connected state.
2. intra domain handover time out: move to the Scan state.
Algorithm at Access Point
The initiation and network join/start is described in Section 5.5. The neighbor channels
are hard coded in every AP (just because it is the simplest implementation). The AP
keeps tracks of its associated MNs with an array of MN structures, containing information
(such as short address) about each MN.
When a handover is initiated for a MN, i.e. the AP receives a handover notify message
and is associated with the MN, it creates a handover structure containing a pointer to the
MN’s structure, current time and information about the candidate AP (such as address
and candidate potential). These handover structures are stored in an array for current
handovers. As long as there is at least one MN involved in a handover this array is
regularly checked for entries for which
current time − stored time > handover select time out
is true. If such entry is found, the AP sends a handover select message to the stored candidate AP and disassociates from the MN. Received messages are handled in accordance
to Algorithm 4.4.
Required Functions
As for the MN; the required MAC primitives are provided by the Atmel implementation
of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Further, since we do not implement the location part
of the algorithm the Calc relative velocity(A, B, B 0 , dt) function is not needed.
The Create message(message type) function is handled in the same manner as for
the MN, see Section 5.6.1. In addition to the handover related messages two more are
handled; sensor data messages and a display message (requesting the AP to send data to
a PC via the serial interface).
The Fuzzy eval candidate(LQ, [relative velocity]) Function
Since we only use the LQ all this function does is to map the LQ parameter to the LQ
fuzzy logic set, see Algorithm 5.6.
Algorithm 5.6
Function that calculates an AP’s candidate potential.
function Fuzzy eval candidate(LQ)
if LQ < LQcandidate medium threshold then
return Low
else if LQ < LQcandidate high threshold then
return Medium
return High
end if
end function
The Handle handover(M N , candidate AP ) Function
If a handover is already initiated for the MN (hence, the AP already has an entry in the
handover array), the candidates are compared as described in Section 4.3.2. If the new
AP is better than the current the records are updated. If the AP is not associated with
the MN it simply does nothing.
The Disassociate(MN ) Function
This function simply sets M N ’s position in the association array to unused.
Empirical Evaluation
n empirical evaluation of the proposed algorithm is described in this chapter. We
begin by motivating the choice of evaluation method. This is followed by an
explanation of how the source code is instrumented in order to measure certain metrics
of interest. This instrumentation is used to decide the parameter values for the algorithm
implemented in Chapter 5. Finally, the empirical evaluation is described, including
results and an analysis of these.
Selected Evaluation Method
In order to evaluate the algorithm, there are mainly two strategies to choose from:
a) empirical evaluation and b) simulation. As the chapter title reveals, an empirical
evaluation strategy is the one we selected. A simulation definitely has its advantages; e.g.
easy to repeat tests with exactly the same circumstances and automation of the testing.
However, a realistic model of the transitional region is very important and Zuniga et al.
[44] argue that common network simulation tools often can be very misleading in this
region, due to the perfect-reception-within range model. Moreover, since the algorithm
is implemented on top of the Atmel IEEE 802.15.4 implementation it would require
extensive work to adapt it to a simulation tool. An alternative would be to implement the
proposed algorithm in the Contiki protocol stack and use the Cooja simulator [45], but
this would not require much less work. Thus, the two main two reasons for choosing the
empirical evaluation strategy is a) expectancy of results much closer to the reality than
a simulation would provide and b) avoidance of algorithm adaptation to a simulation
Empirical Evaluation
In order to measure metrics of interest, the source code is instrumented. Timing metrics—
e.g. handover delay and time for sending messages—are measured by storing the current
time when such event is started (ts ) and then subtract the current time when the event
is finished (te ) from this stored time, i.e. te − ts . Discrete event metrics—e.g. number
of handovers and number of lost packets—are measured simply with a counter for each
The metric of interest that is the most difficult to measure is the energy consumption.
Although power consumption is one of the (perhaps even the) most important concerns
for WSNs, few protocols and mechanisms have been empirically studied in terms of their
energy consumption [46]. Contiki is provided with powertrace [46], a software based
energy measuring mechanism which tries to be more exact than just measure the number
of transmissions. The basic idea behind powertrace is to measure the energy consumption
by measuring the time the transceiver spends in its various states (e.g. transmitting,
receiving and idle). One great drawback with powertrace is that even though it tries
to be exact, it does not consider the receiver’s state transition which—as we saw in
Section 3.2.1—can cause a significant amount of power dissipation. It is also hard to
estimate the power consumption if more intelligent hardware is used, e.g. hardware with
automatic acknowledgement and automatic retransmission.
Since our purpose is to evaluate the proposed algorithm independent of the WSN it is
run on, we will use an abstraction from the protocols and hardware in use. This is done
by counting discrete events such as number of handovers and lost packets and derive the
energy consumption from these. It will not provide any exact values but it should be
good enough to get a rough picture of the energy consumption.
Algorithm Parameters
It is not our goal to optimize the proposed algorithm’s parameters. Instead, we will
reason about reasonable values for each and use these to create a reference algorithm to
be used for the evaluation.
The values of the timers used by the algorithm are decided by an empirical evaluation
where the average values for each function in Table 4.3 are decided. Since only one MN is
used for the evaluation of the algorithm, l is constant and close to zero. The evaluation
showed that the times for α, β and γ are negligible. Figure 6.1 shows the average times
for σ, τ and ρ.
The handover select Parameter
The value is decided by Equation (4.1). Since τ has a large standard deviation we use a
large safety margin; giving it the value 50 (ms). The number of candidate APs is never
expected to exceed four, hence d = 4.
handover select = 4(50 + 0) = 200ms.
Algorithm Parameters
Average delay (ms)
(MN broadcast)
(AP to AP)
(AP to MN)
Message type
Figure 6.1
Empirical evaluation of message timings. The chart shows the average
time and (sample) standard deviation for sending a specific message
type. 100 handovers were performed.
The intra domain handover Parameter
The value is decided by Equation (4.2). As for the handover select parameter we set
τ = 50 (ms). Also σ = 25 (ms) and ρ = 25 (ms) get large safety margins.
intra domain handover = 25 + 0 + 200 + 50 + 25 = 300ms.
The observe frequency Parameter
This parameter is not used.
Luckily, Atmel has done an extensive evaluation of the LQ value for the AT86RF233 2.4
GHz radio transceiver, see Figure 6.2. Our evaluations confirmed these results; the only
difference was that the PER values were displaced by 20 units to the left, i.e. the PER
was slightly higher for a certain LQ value. The reason for this is probably multipath
The Atmel implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard made some strange calculation
when deriving the LQ value, taking the PER LQ value from the transceiver in conjunction
with the signal strength. We changed this to use only the PER LQ value provided by
the transceiver as the LQ value.
The LQinit
The algorithm suggests that the handover should be initiated in the lower end of the
transitional region. Therefore, it is initiated at a PER above 40 %, thus
(i.e. 140 in Figure 6.2 due to the displacement).
= 160
Empirical Evaluation
Figure 6.2
The LQcandidate
PER vs. LQ for the AT86RF233 2.4 GHz radio transceiver [27]. We
observed an offset by 20 units to the left.
The algorithm suggests a large hysteresis margin. Therefore, a packet error rate below 5
% is required, thus
LQcandidate threshold = 200
(i.e. 180 in Figure 6.2 due to the displacement).
In this section we discuss the values on the stability parameters.
The request stability Parameter
As discussed in Section 4.3.1; thanks to the large hysteresis margin this parameter is
superfluous, thus
request stability = 0.
The LQ window size Parameter
Fotouhi et al. [24] argue that a suitable value for these kind of parameters is three,
LQ window size = 3.
Performance Metrics
Performance Metrics
This section describes the empirical evaluation of the proposed algorithm. It is evaluated
by measuring some performance metrics of interest:
• Handover delay
• Number of handovers and packet loss
• Energy consumption
For each metric we also do a theoretical comparison of the proposed handover algorithm
and the following existing handover algorithms for WSNs: 1) Smart-HOP [24], 2) Fotouhi
et al. [4], 3) LoWMob [19], 4) S-GinMob [23] and 5) Inter-MARIO [25]. There are
very few proposed handover algorithms for WSNs; the reason for selecting those just
mentioned is simply because they are the ones we found (and provide enough details
about the algorithm to be able to do a comparison). A fair comparison is however difficult
since very few of the existing handover algorithms for WSNs have been implemented and
empirically evaluated.
Handover Delay
The handover delay was defined in Section 4.6. However, this is not a fair definition
compared with other handover algorithms. In most contexts, the handover delay defines
the time a MN is non-operational due to the handover. Our proposed algorithm allows
the MN to perform the application tasks (i.e. stay operational) during most of the
handover (at least in the intra-domain handover). We will use our definition when
measuring the handover delay but this should be remembered when comparing with
other algorithms.
To measure the delay the code is instrumented as described in Section 6.2 (timing metrics).
The MN is placed in close range to two APs and the handover is forced, i.e. it is not
initiated as defined by the algorithm. Figure 6.3 shows the results. We included an
approximation of the handover delay for a naive IEEE 802.15.4 handover solution, i.e. a
handover in which all channels are scanned. Since a system (almost) always operates
on one of the bands only we chose the global 2.4 GHz band which consists of sixteen
channels. Each channel is scanned for 500 ms and the association takes approximately
400 ms (see the conclusion section below), resulting in 500 · 16 + 400 = 8400 ms handover
delay. This is also the expected delay of the proposed handover algorithm if the neighbor
channel scan during the inter-domain handover fails.
The results show on the importance of the protocol. The time between sending a
handover request message and receiving a handover execute message takes less than 300
ms for an intra-domain handover (otherwise it would not be an intra-domain handover,
see Section 6.3.1). This means that the association procedure takes more than 400 ms.
Since the MAC protocol association procedure is used, there is nothing the algorithm
can do to reduce the association time.
The comparison of our proposed handover algorithm and the existing handover algorithms
for WSNs—in terms of delay—is done by analyzing the most time consuming part of
Empirical Evaluation
Average time (ms)
Intra-domain handover
Inter-domain handover
IEEE 802.15.4
Handover type
Figure 6.3
Empirical evaluation of handover delays. The chart shows the average
time for performing a specific handover type (the standard deviation
is negligible). Two neighbor channels were used, each channel was
scanned for 500 ms and 100 handovers were performed. An approximation of the handover delay for a naive IEEE 802.15.4 handover
solution is included for comparison.
the handover process: the Scan. Inter-MARIO uses a selective scan, similar to the
neighbor channel concept and should therefore have roughly the same handover delay as
the inter-domain handover delay in our proposed algorithm. Smart-HOP and Fotouhi et
al. [4] do not provide details on the scan procedure (e.g. which channels to scan) but
uses an ordinary MAC scan and hence is expected to have at least the same delay as the
proposed algorithm’s inter-domain handover. S-GinMob claims to have a handover delay
equal to zero. LoWMob does not explicitly evaluate the algorithm in terms of handover
delay but we can conclude from the results that the handover delay is below 100 ms.
The proposed algorithm will probably not be able to match S-GinMob and LoWMob
even if the MAC layer protocol is optimized for handover. Hence, our proposed handover
algorithm positions itself somewhere in the middle of the existing handover algorithms in
terms of handover delay.
The conclusion is that the QoS in terms of handover delay provided by the proposed
algorithm is expected to be good enough for most WSNs.
Number of Handovers and Packet Loss
These two metrics are measured by instrumentation as described in Section 6.2 (discrete
event metrics). The test bed is built in a more or less empty building with dimensions
13 × 6 meters. As mentioned in Section 5.2.1; the MN’s and AP’s radios have a range
of around 100 meters indoors. This is far too long for easily manageable test beds. We
were able to disable the amplifier in the front end and lower the transceiver transmit
power to -17 dBm. This resulted in a range below 10 meters. It was even possible to
completely turn off the front end but this resulted in a range below 50 centimeters which
is too short.
Two test cases are considered: 1) sparse deployment of APs and 2) dense deployment
Performance Metrics
of APs. Two APs and one MN are used. The APs are positioned with thirteen meters
intermediate distance in the sparse deployment test case and six meters intermediate
distance in the dense deployment test case. As mentioned in Section 5.6.3; the algorithm’s
observe f requency parameter is not used. The MN only checks for connection if we
explicitly tell it to, i.e. an observe is initiated manually. Points are marked on the floor (to
be able to repeat the same test several times) where observations are performed. At each
point three observes and one sensor data send is performed. In the sparse deployment
test case the APs are in different domains while they are in the same domain in the dense
test case.
Test Case: Sparse Deployment of Access Points
The test bed is shown in Figure 6.4. The MN is moved from point A to point K and
back to A again, running the test described in the previous paragraph at each point.
This is done five times. The APs are placed with as little overlap as possible. This
test case can be considered a worst case and the results show on poor performance, see
Figure 6.5. The number of reconnections measures the number of full scans (i.e. scanning
all channels). If several full scans are performed before finding an AP, each counts as
one reconnection. The optimal would be two inter-domain handovers (and, of course,
two failed intra-domain handovers): one when moving from point A to point K and one
on the way back.
Figure 6.4
AP B’s range
AP A’s range
A test setup for a sparse deployment of APs (test case 1). The two APs
are in two different domains and are placed with a minimal overlap.
Interesting things were observed in this test case. The handover was expected to take
place between the D and H points. Most handovers did take place here, see Figure 6.6,
and we noticed some redundant handovers (even some ping-pong effects), as expected.
However, some handovers took place at point B and J. In one of the test rounds a
handover was performed from AP B to AP A at point J. This is very surprising since
the AP A was supposed to be out of range at this point and definitely not have a higher
LQ than AP B. A handover at point B when being associated with AP A was initiated
several times.
Empirical Evaluation
# 2.5
Lost packets
Empirical evaluation of number of handovers and packet loss (test case
1). The chart shows the average number of handovers of a certain type
and the corresponding (sample) standard deviation. It also shows the
average number of packets lost.
Figure 6.5
Figure 6.6
Probability distribution of where the handovers are done (test case 1).
Further investigation of this phenomenon showed that the LQ does not fade nicely in an
indoor environment even though there is a free line-of-sight to the AP. Intuition tells
that the LQ should fade similar to the left part of Figure 6.7. However, the fading look
much more like the right part of the same figure. The reason for this is probably due
to multipath propagation. Thus, even if the MN is very close to the AP and has free
line-of-sight the LQ may be very low. Furthermore, the LQ is not constant at certain
position; some variations were observed. The most likely reason for this variation is
interference from external sources, e.g. nearby Wi-Fi networks.
Performance Metrics
The left part shows the expected fading of the LQ for an AP in free
line-of-sight. The right part shows the actual fading in an indoor
environment. Darker color means higher LQ value.
Figure 6.7
Test Case: Dense Deployment of Access Points
This test case is performed in a very similar manner to the previous one. The test bed
is shown in Figure 6.8. The MN is moved from point A to point I and this is repeated
ten times. The results are shown in Figure 6.9 and Figure 6.10. This is a more “normal”
case—in terms of coverage—than the previous one and here we see the strength of the
algorithm. The optimal number of handovers is one (of the intra-domain type) and the
proposed algorithm is able to match this.
AP A’s range
AP B’s range
AP B’s range
Figure 6.8
A test setup for a dense deployment of APs (test case 2). The two
APs are in the same domain and are placed with a large overlap.
Empirical Evaluation
# 2.5
Lost packets
Figure 6.9
Empirical evaluation of number of handovers and packet loss (test
case 2). The chart shows the average number of handovers of a certain
type and the corresponding (sample) standard deviation. It also shows
the average number of packets lost.
Figure 6.10
Probability distribution of where the handovers are done (test case
The “normal” test case (dense deployment of access points) shows how well the proposed
algorithm performs. It does no redundant handovers and the number of lost packets
is low. However, the worst case test case (sparse deployment of access points) shows
on very poor performance. But blaming it on the algorithm would be unfair; the main
reason for the reduced performance is the fading effects described above (illustrated
in Figure 6.7) and will most likely cause a great reduction in performance for every
handover algorithm. This shows how important a dense deployment of APs is, in order to
reduce the number of (redundant) handovers. A dense deployment with overlaps between
APs is necessary to cover each other’s “blind spots”. It may also be worth considering
Performance Metrics
incorporate another parameter in the LQ value, e.g. RSSI. This is what the default
Atmel implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard did, before we changed it. The LQ
could be high, even though the PER is high, if the RSSI is large. However, this does not
change the fact that the PER is high, but could make the algorithm a bit more stable,
by not initiating a handover if both the PER and the RSSI is high, thus hopefully avoid
redundant handovers.
The number of handovers is mainly decided by how well the Initiate and Select parts of the
algorithm are designed. Smart-HOP and Fotouhi et al. [4] are the two existing handover
algorithms which consider these parts in most detail. We have carefully considered the
conclusions regarding handover initiation and new AP selection provided by Smart-HOP,
i.e. the selection of hysteresis margin and stabilizing the LQ with a sampling window,
when designing the proposed algorithm. Further, the selection of the new AP suggested
by Fotouhi et al. [4] is based on the LQ value, using the F-LQE [29] LQ estimator. The
proposed algorithm uses a similar (fuzzy logic) approach.
The other existing algorithms do pay less attention to the Initiate and Select parts, which
most likely results in more redundant handovers than the algorithms described above
(and, consequently, our proposed handover algorithm). LowMob initiates the handover
based on a single read of the link quality; no stabilizing window is used. Moreover, the
new AP is selected based on location only, which is a bad idea and could lead to a lot of
redundant handovers. S-GinMob bases the handover initiation on the RSSI, the packet
loss rate and number of lost packets—each considered individually and compared with a
threshold value. The RSSI value is stabilized using a sampling window. The foundation
of S-GinMob is described by Silva et al. [47]; from which we can conclude that the new
AP is selected based on RSSI (it selects the AP with the highest RSSI). Inter-MARIO
bases the handover initiation on movement detection but does not specify how movement
is detected nor how the new AP is selected.
Neither of the existing solutions described above is expected to have high packet loss;
as most of them focus on QoS aspects. And, as the empirical evaluation showed; the
packet loss rate is low for the proposed handover algorithm as well. In both test cases
the number of lost packets is low; indicating that the proposed algorithm provides a high
QoS (in terms of lost packets). However, this could be due to the discrete nature of the
test cases in addition to the fact that observes were performed before trying to send
sensor data. Reversing this order may result in a different outcome with higher packet
To conclude: the proposed handover algorithm is expected to be one of the best (maybe
even the best) in avoiding redundant handovers and provides a high QoS in terms of
packet loss. We will have more to say about the two test cases as we analyze the energy
consumption in the next section.
Energy Consumption
As mentioned throughout the thesis; we are not interested in the algorithm’s characteristics
for a particular system. We therefore derive a general equation for calculating the energy
(E) consumed by the algorithm
E = q · Ehandover + r · Esend + s · Eobserve ,
where q is the number of handovers performed, r is the number or retransmitted packets
(due to being associated with a bad access point) and s is the number of observes
Empirical Evaluation
performed. Further, Ehandover is the energy spent on performing a handover, Esend is
the energy consumed for sending a packet and finally, Eobserve is the energy spent on
performing one observation. The first term can be further split
q · Ehandover = x · Eintra
+ y · Einter
+ z · Ereconnect ,
where x, y and z are the number of intra-domain handovers, inter-domain handovers and
reconnections (i.e. full scans) respectively (x+y+z = q). Eintra domain , Einter domain and
Ereconnect are the energy spent on performing these three types of handovers, respectively.
These can be further split into MAC primitives
= Ebroadcast + Ereceive ,
= U · Escan ,
Ereconnect = V · Escan ,
where Ebroadcast , Ereceive and Escan are the energy spent on performing a broadcast,
receive and channel scan, respectively. U is the average number of neighbor channels and
V is the number of channels used by the system (i.e. the number of channels scanned in
a full scan).
On most systems, Ereceive , Ebroadcast and Esend are in the same order of magnitude
(as we saw in Section 3.2.1). Let us replace each of them with Etransceive . Using this,
Equation (6.5), Equation (6.4) and Equation (6.3) in Equation (6.2) gives us
q · Ehandover = 2x · Etransceive + (yU + zV ) · Escan .
Using Equation (6.6) in Equation (6.1) and Esend = Etranscive , gives us the final equation
for the algorithm’s energy consumption
E = (2x + r) · Etransceive + (yU + zV ) · Escan + s · Eobserve .
The calculations (i.e. the fuzzy logic) done by the Observe part of the algorithm should
only require a few instructions, thus being negligible compared to the MAC synchronize
in terms of energy consumption (see Section 3.2.1). Moreover, s is decided by the
application’s requirements on the QoS. This means that the proposed algorithm has
minimized the s · Eobserve term as much as possible; reducing it further requires changes
to either the MAC protocol or the application’s QoS requirements.
Test Case: Sparse Deployment of Access Points
This test case is described in Section 6.4.2. By using Equation (6.7) we can calculate
the energy consumption (x, y, z and r are given by Figure 6.5, s = 66, U = 2 and
V = 15)
E = 7.2 · Etransceive + 41.6 · Escan + 66 · Eobserve .
Test Case: Dense Deployment of Access Points
This test case is described in Section 6.4.2. By using Equation (6.7) we can calculate
the energy consumption (x, y, z and r are given by Figure 6.9, s = 27, U = 2 and
V = 15)
E = 2.6 · Etransceive + 0 · Escan + 27 · Eobserve .
Performance Metrics
Measuring the energy consumption further shows how well the proposed algorithm
performs in the “normal” test case (dense deployment of access points). Not a single
scan was needed and very few transmissions and receptions were performed. The existing
handover algorithms for WSNs often perform several scans (Inter-MARIO at least uses
a selective scan, similar to the neighbor channel concept). S-GinMob scans actively
for a better AP even if the current one is good enough; clearly not acceptable from an
energy point of view. Since Escan Etranscive on most systems1 —often several orders of
magnitude larger—it is proven how little energy our proposed algorithm actually uses,
especially compared with existing handover algorithms for WSNs. LoWMob is the only
one expected to have roughly the same energy consumption as our proposed algorithm.
LoWMob uses a network controlled handover; similar to our proposed handover algorithm,
but it is a location based handover which is—as we saw in Section 4.7.4—not feasible
due to the great risk of selecting a bad access point since the LQ is not considered. Thus,
LoWMob is expected to have higher energy consumption than the proposed algorithm
since it will most likely perform more redundant handovers.
Looking at the energy consumption further emphasizes how important a dense deployment
of APs is. The intuition tells that 4 channel scans (2 neighbor channel scans) would be
needed in the sparse deployment test case (since two neighbor channels were used) but in
reality 41.6 channel scans (2.8 neighbor channel scans and 2.4 full scans) were performed
(on average). This clearly is not acceptable. As discussed in Section 6.4.2; most (probably
all) handover algorithms will get a reduced performance in sparse networks. However,
the proposed algorithm can surely be improved to handle this case better; the most
obvious change being to perform a sleep between each consecutive full scan, as discussed
in Section 4.4.2.
The results are fairly preliminary; more test cases and tests are required in order to
tell something for sure but some preliminary trends have been observed, sketched in
Figure 6.11. The total number of handovers seems to increase as the coverage decreases.
The main reason for this is that the MN is often forced to handover to an AP with bad
LQ, due to the absence of better in a sparse deployment. Moreover, a sparse deployment
results in a lot of “ blind spots” (see Figure 6.7) where no AP is found, leading to a lot
of MN scans when being in these spots. The number of intra-domain handovers (x) and
the number of inter-domain handovers (y) is expected to increase while the coverage
decreases. Since the proposed algorithm requires a certain threshold for an AP to be
a candidate, x and y only increases to a certain limit; when the coverage is very low
the MN will stay in the handover and only select a new AP when a good enough is
found. This is really severe from an energy point-of-view as this means that the MN will
perform several full scans (z), resulting in a very high energy consumption. The aim
should be to have enough coverage to keep z = 0; a neighbor channel scan should be
enough. As noticed earlier: the number of lost packets (r) seems to be constant (and low)
as the coverage varies (i.e. independent of the coverage); the handover thus does its job
providing a high QoS while not wasting a lot of energy on retransmitting packets.
To conclude: the proposed handover algorithm reduces the energy consumption by several
orders of magnitude—compared to existing handover algorithms for WSNs. Moreover,
the coverage is shown to be of great importance for the handover performance: in order
Since the radio has to be turned on for much longer during a scan than for transmitting or receiving
a message.
Empirical Evaluation
Number of handovers
Figure 6.11
A rough sketch of the expected relation between AP coverage and
the number of intra-domain handovers (x), number of inter-domain
handovers (y), number of full scans (z) and number of packet loss
to reduce the energy consumption on the MN good coverage is very important. The
coverage should be good enough for a MN to always have at least one AP with good LQ
in range.
Discussion and Conclusion
e begin this concluding chapter by summarizing the lessons learned regarding
handover in WSNs with focus on low power. The proposed algorithm is then
analyzed in terms of energy efficiency. We also take a brief look at possible future work.
The chapter—and the thesis—are concluded by some final words.
Handover in Wireless Sensor Networks
Handover in WSNs is an unexplored area in the field of communication systems. Especially
from an energy perspective; almost all of the existing research focuses on QoS. However—
as we have seen throughout the thesis—energy is often a much more important parameter
to WSNs than QoS. Moreover, the unique characteristics of WSNs make existing handover
techniques used in traditional communication systems unsuitable, see Section 3.1.
Our main question at issue (given in Section 1.2) was:
How to keep the energy consumption at a minimum when doing a handover?
The simple answer would be to put all the work on the network, i.e. the APs (assuming
they are mains powered). The answer is however not this simple. For example, the
parameters used to decide whether a handover should be initiated or not often has to be
gathered on the MN. In order for the network to make a handover decision these would
have to be communicated, i.e. using a great amount of power. Therefore the observation
and handover initiation decision should be the MN’s responsibility. The Scan and Select
parts, however, can—and should—be put on the network. We concluded that the Scan is
the most energy consuming part of a handover. Making it the network’s responsibility
will reduce the energy consumption on the MN by several orders of magnitude.
Further, in order to keep the energy consumption at a minimum there are several other
things to consider, affecting the algorithm (as we saw in Section 3.2); ranging from
protocols and network structure to QoS and application requirements. Trade-offs must
be made between contradictory conditions. Therefore a general algorithm for handover
will (at its best) be a Jack of all trades, master of none. Designing this kind of algorithm
Discussion and Conclusion
is very difficult since there are so many differences between WSN systems and their
Moreover, the objective was to also have high energy efficiency, i.e. reducing the energy
spent on handover should not severely decrease the QoS. However, generally speaking,
higher QoS requires higher energy consumption. Taking connectivity as an example,
in order to ensure connectivity to the network some sort of polling action is needed,
e.g. listening for beacons at regular intervals. This will obviously increase the energy
consumption as the radio has to be active.
Algorithm Analysis
In Chapter 4 we proposed an energy-efficient handover algorithm for WSNs. In this
section it is analyzed further in terms of energy consumption and QoS—to be able to
analyze the energy efficiency of the algorithm.
Energy Consumption
As we have seen throughout the thesis; the algorithm has an extremely low energy
usage on the MN. The main contribution to this is the optimization of the most energy
consuming part of the algorithm: the Scan part. Instead of having the radio on and
listening for beacons by nearby APs, the MN broadcasts a handover request message to all
nearby APs. With this approach the radio has to be on only for a couple of milliseconds
(sending the broadcast message and receiving the handover execute message), instead of
hundreds or even thousands of milliseconds if a MAC scan approach would have been
used. This saves a tremendous amount of energy.
Let us look at an example. The IEEE 802.15 standard does not define how long a scan
on each channel should be but Staehle [42] argues that 0.26 seconds per channel is a
reasonable time. Assume that the global band is used, hence up to sixteen channels. This
results in a radio-on time for 260 · 16 = 4000 ms. Our empirical evaluation in Section 6.3.1
showed that broadcasting a message took 2.4 ms on average and receiving a handover
execute message took 3.2 ms. This results in a radio on time for 2.4 + 3.2 = 5.6 ms. This
means that a traditional scan uses 4000/5.6 ≈ 714 times more energy1 than our proposed
algorithm. Even if the reception of the handover execute message is not optimal, e.g. the
MN has to periodically turn the radio on to listen for it, a great amount of energy is still
If the intra-domain handover fails the algorithm uses the neighbor channels concept.
This reduces the energy consumption by a factor Ψ/Ω 2 , where Ψ is the total number of
channels used and Ω is the average number of neighbor channels.
The proposed algorithm also makes an effort in avoiding redundant handovers. It uses
position knowledge to its advantage and takes several parameters into consideration—by
a fuzzy logic approach—when making a handover initiation and selection decision. The
unreliable LQ parameters are stabilized. Further, the hysteresis margin is large which
also helps in the avoidance of redundant handovers. Finally, the algorithm suggests
Energy consumed by the transceiver operating mode switches is not included in the calculation.
Actually slightly less, due to the fact that an intra-domain handover try is performed before an
inter-domain handover.
Algorithm Analysis
that context data needed by the new AP (and possessed by the previous AP) should be
transferred between the APs instead of involving the MN.
To summarize, these are the main features of the algorithm:
• Avoiding redundant handovers by considering several parameters at the same time
by a fuzzy logic approach as well as stabilizing the most unstable ones.
• Highly optimized scan procedure (it totally avoids the MAC scan in an intra-domain
handover and optimizes it through the neighbor channel concept in an inter-domain
• Built-in load balancing.
• Context data transfers between APs.
Quality of Service
One obvious advantage with the proposed algorithm is that a MN can keep transmitting
and receiving data packets with its current AP while the network selects the new AP.
Thanks to this only a short break in the connection is needed when the MN receives the
handover execute message. This results in the handover being very seamless from the
MN point of view. The algorithm also has built-in load balancing which should help in
improving overall QoS in the network. Converting the QoS to a figure is not an easy task
since it comprises several parameters. Moreover, the QoS is application dependent; a
QoS that is high for one application might be low for another.
Energy Efficiency
As Section 7.2.1 pointed out; we have seen throughout the thesis that our proposed
algorithm has a remarkable low energy consumption compared to traditional handover
algorithms as well as existing handover algorithms for WSNs. Moreover, the QoS is not
expected to be much lower than for the existing handover algorithms for WSNs. In fact,
the proposed algorithm can actually provide a higher QoS than some of the existing
ones since the MN can stay operational during the Scan. Hence, the proposed algorithm
is very energy efficient since it uses much less energy to provide (roughly) the same
The greatest limitation of the proposed algorithm is the restriction to mains powered
APs. Our algorithm is not designed for wireless ad hoc networks where all the nodes
are battery powered. The network solution used by the proposed algorithm should work
well for most types of WSNs, however, if the network has very high load the algorithm
will reduce the performance. The solution also increases the complexity of the network.
Moreover, the proposed algorithm will scale badly if only the number of MNs increases
while the number of APs remains constant (since the intra-domain handover part of the
algorithm is network controlled). If a mobile controlled handover is chosen also as the
intra-domain handover strategy, at least three things should be taken from the proposed
Discussion and Conclusion
• Avoiding redundant handovers by considering several parameters and stabilize the
unstable ones.
• Smart channel selection for the scan, e.g. via neighbor channels.
• Context switch, i.e. transfer information from the previous AP to the new one.
The proposed algorithm requires the implementation to provide some functions (see
Appendix A) but as we saw in the implementation (Chapter 5); these are often simple.
They are not provided by the algorithm because they depend on the data structures used
by the implementation, e.g. for representing the associated MNs at an AP.
Depending on the MAC protocol there might be some issues to solve. We did for example
notice that it is difficult for the new AP to communicate with the MN (when sending the
handover execute message) since the MN synchronizes with the beacon frames send by
the previous AP. This was solved by changing a setting in the MAC protocol telling the
mobile node to not synchronize with beacon frames and have to radio always on. This
solution is of course not feasible in a real system since it would result in large energy
consumption, similar to the ordinary scan. A solution might be to let the MN periodically
broadcast some sort of message asking the network if a new AP has been found.
The communication issue described above should not be a problem in the low power
duty cycle MAC protocols since it is easy for the new AP to communicate with the
MN knowing the MN’s slot. However, in these types of protocols a broadcast might be
problematic, since the algorithm requires the energy used by a broadcast to be in the
same order of magnitude as the send and receive. This is not the case if a broadcast
requires sending the data multiple times (one time in each slot). A solution might be to
use a slot dedicated for broadcast and use e.g. CSMA in this slot.
Future Work
There is still a lot of work to be done. One example is to implement the algorithm in a
more realistic WSN, this to be able to perform an empirical evaluation in a more realistic
scenario: with people carrying MNs across different rooms. This will test the Observe
part of the algorithm more thoroughly. It should also be tested alongside an application
and with significant load on the network, i.e. using several MNs.
To really prove its low power characteristics the WSN should be focused on low power, i.e.
use some sort of duty cycle scheme, e.g. TDMA. The algorithm should also be tailored
for this particular system, i.e. optimize the parameters for this particular WSN and
incorporate handover in the protocol stack. This will enable an investigation of how big
an impact the handover has on the energy consumption, by comparing the proposed
algorithm with a traditional algorithm in such system. It should also be tested in different
kinds of WSNs to prove that it indeed is a generic algorithm. Further, it would be very
interesting to test the algorithm in a system that provides location data. Another thing
left to be done is to adapt the algorithm to be run in a simulation tool. Doing both
an empirical evaluation and a simulation is the best way to evaluate the algorithm. It
would be interesting to investigate the fading effects described in Section 6.4.2 further to
be able to make the algorithm better at handling this phenomenon. Finally, mobility
pattern awareness may be added to the algorithm if the WSN has very predictable
Discussion and Conclusion
Final Words
This thesis has been a long but pleasant journey in the topic of handover for WSNs.
Solving the handover problem within individual WSNs is just the beginning; the new
IoT paradigm will require handover algorithms to handle handovers between different
WSNs. This will arguably be a great challenge due to the differences between these
I would like to conclude the thesis with a quote:
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the
beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of
the beginning."
— Sir Winston Churchill
Discussion and Conclusion
The Proposed Algorithm:
Parameters and Functions
In this appendix we list and describe the parameters and functions used by the proposed
algorithm. It is up to the implementation of the algorithm to decide the values of the
parameters as well as define the functions listed here. The functions are not defined by
the algorithm due to their dependences on things like specific protocol details and/or
data structures.
Algorithm Parameters
Table A.1 lists the parameters used by the algorithm.
Table A.1
Parameters used by the proposed algorithm.
observe f requency
Defines how often an observation shall take place.
LQ window size
Defines how many observations to consider when
deciding if a handover should be initiated or not.
request stability
Defines the length of the stability data field in the
handover request message.
handover select
Defines the time from receiving the first
handover notify message to the selection of AP.
intra domain handover
Defines the time from sending a handover request
message to the switch to an inter-domain handover
(if a handover execute message is not received).
The Proposed Algorithm: Parameters and Functions
Access Point and Mobile Node: Common Functions
Table A.2 lists the functions used by both the AP and MN.
Table A.2
Functions required by both the AP and MN by the proposed algorithm.
Create message
(message type)
Creates the message type (see Figure 4.2) decided by
the message type argument to be sent with either the
MAC protocol’s send or the network protocol’s send.
Calc relative velocity
(A, B, B 0 , dt)
Calculates the relative velocity, see Section 4.2.1. (Only
needed if location data is available.)
Access Point: Functions
Table A.3 lists the functions used by the AP (only).
Table A.3
Functions required by the AP by the proposed algorithm.
Fuzzy eval candidate
(LQ, [relative velocity])
Handle handover
(M N , candidateAP )
(MN )
Maps the arguments to their respective fuzzy set and
makes a fuzzy decision in accordance with Table 4.2. The
LQ is mapped in accordance with Figure 4.4.
Initiates a handover for a MN by (at least) starting the
handover select timer (see Section 4.6.1) for this MN, if
a handover is not already initiated. If it is, it checks the
candidateAP and if this is better than the current best
AP this is updated. The candidates are compared as
described in Section 4.3.2.
Disassociates a MN.
The Proposed Algorithm: Parameters and Functions
Mobile Node: Functions
Table A.4 lists the functions used by the MN (only).
Table A.4
Functions required by the MN by the proposed algorithm.
Add LQ to window
(LQ, LQ window)
Fuzzy eval init
(LQ, [relative velocity])
Find best AP
(AP list)
Adds a LQ value to the sampling window for a MN and
returns the average LQ for the values currently in the
Same as Fuzzy eval candidate (see Table A.3) but uses
the fuzzy logic matrix given in Table 4.1 instead.
Finds the AP with the highest LQ given a list of APs.
The Proposed Algorithm: Parameters and Functions
The Proposed Algorithm:
This appendix shows the proposed algorithm in flowchart form. The Idle state means
“continue with whatever task a unit was doing before the flowchart was entered”.
The Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
The Monitor part, i.e. Observe and Initiate parts of the proposed algorithm is illustrated
by Figure B.1. This figure also shows the mobile node’s handling of a received neighbor
channels message.
Neighbor channels
Sync with AP and
add sample to the
LQ window
Update neighbor
Location data
Calculate relative
Fuzzy evaluate
parameters (LQ and
optionally relative
Figure B.1
The left flowchart shows the mobile node’s Monitor part (Observe
and Initiate parts) of the proposed algorithm. The right flowchart
shows the mobile node’s handling of a received neighbor channels
The Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
Selection and Switch: Mobile Node
Figure B.2 illustrates the mobile node’s Selection part, i.e. the scan and select parts, as
well as the data link layer switch of the proposed algorithm.
Scan all channels
over timer
AP found
Find best AP
Timer time out
Best AP’s LQ
> threshold
message received
Associate with AP
Figure B.2
The mobile node’s flowchart of the Selection (Scan and Select parts)
and Switch part (Data link layer switch part) of the proposed handover
The Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
Selection: Access Point
The access point’s handling of the Selection part, i.e. the Scan and Select parts of the
proposed algorithm is illustrated in Figure B.3.
message received
message received
Assoc. with MN
Initiate handover
for the MN
Calculate relative
timer for the MN
Location data
Fuzzy evaluate
parameters (LQ and
optionally relative
message received
Candidate potential
= Medium or High
New AP
> stored AP
Timer time out
Disassociate from
Store new AP
Figure B.3
The access point’s flowcharts of the Selection part (Scan and Select
parts) of the proposed handover algorithm. The left flowchart shows
the handling of a received handover request message, the right part
shows ditto for a received handover notify message.
The Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
Switch: Access Point
Figure B.4 illustrates the access point’s Switch part, i.e. the Data link layer and Network
layer switch parts of the proposed algorithm.
message received
Send neighbor
Figure B.4
The access point’s Switch part (Data link layer and Network layer
switch parts) flowcharts of the proposed algorithm. The left flowchart
shows the handling of a received handover select message and the
right flowcharts shows how a network layer switch is performed.
The Proposed Algorithm: Flowchart
Command Line Interface
Figure C.1 shows the mobile node’s command line interface.
Command Line Interface
Mobile Node Handover Evaluation Application, Aug 26 2013
==== STATUS ==================================================
RFX2411 on = 1
Tx power = -17 dBm
My long address: 0xDCDFEED30D4D4CDB
Channel = 20
My short address = 0x0101
Access point short address = 0x0100
Neighbor channels = 0x02100000
Average LQI = 242
==== EVALUATION METRICS ======================================
Number of handovers: 10
Number of intra handovers: 6
Number of (re-)connections: 0
Number of packets: 109
Number of failed packets: 0
Handover delay:
Mean: 1200.099999
Variance: 314325.888888
==== MENU ====================================================
Send sensor data
Synchronize with access point
Initiate handover
Display this menu
Run handover test
Run evaluation test
Reset evaluation metrics
Figure C.1
The mobile node’s command line interface.
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