NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Gaelic (Learners) Gàidhlig (Luchd-ionnsachaidh) Careers Obair [HIGHER] [ÀRD-ÌRE] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Gaelic (Learners). © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 Contents Section 1: A’ Dèanamh Deiseil 4 Section 2: An Tidsear 12 Section 3: Ag Obair ann an Craobh-sgaoileadh 16 Section 4: Am Fear-gnothaich 20 Section 5: An t-Innleadair 25 Appendix 1: Earrann Èisteachd (Am Fear-gnothaich) 31 Appendix 2: Gràmar 33 Appendix 3: Freagairtean 40 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 3 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Section 1 A’ Dèanamh Deiseil All the senior students studying Gaelic at Loch Dubh High School are investigating careers. They have begun by recording profiles of themselves for their teacher and have included opinions on each of their subjects. Task 1: Leughadh/Èisteachd Èist agus leugh am fiosrachadh gu h-ìseal agus freagair na ceistean a leanas ann am Beurla. ` Listen to and read each section of text below at least twice, noting the new vocabulary, and answer the questions in English. Earrann 1 Is mise Seònaid Nic a’ Ghobhainn agus tha mi air a’ chòigeamh bliadhna anns an sgoil. Tha mi a’ dèanamh còig cuspairean am-bliadhna: Cruinn-eòlas agus Beurla aig Eadar-Mheadhan 2 agus Gàidhlig, Matamataig agus Fiosaig aig Àrd Ìre. 1. 2. 3. What is the girl’s name? What class is she in? What subjects is she taking, and at what levels? Earrann 2 Cha toil leam Cruinn-eòlas. Chan eil mi gu feum sam bith ann. Feumaidh mi obair nas cruaidhe air, ach tha e fada ro dhoirbh. Tha mi a’ fàs sgìth dheth. 4. What are her comments on the first subject? 4 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Earrann 3 Tha Gàidhlig uaireannan caran doirbh ach tha i a’ còrdadh rium agus tha an tidsear comasach. Tha mi a’ dèanamh mo dhìcheall ann an Gàidhlig. 5 What does she say about the second subject? Earrann 4 Chan eil mi idir math air Beurla agus is beag orm i . Chan eil mi comasach ann an sgrìobhadh agus chan eil ùidh agam ann an litreachas. B’ àbhaist dhomh a bhith a’ dèanamh tòrr obrach ach chan eil mi a’ feuchainn cho cruaidh a-nis. 6. What does she say about English? Earrann 5 Tha ùidh mhòr agam ann am Matamataig agus Fiosaig. Bidh mi ag obair orra a h-uile h-oidhche aig an taigh. Is fìor thoil leam iad agus saoilidh mi gu bheil mi nas fheàrr na duine sam bith eile anns a’ chlas anns na cuspairean seo. 7. What are her final comments on the profile? Faclair chan eil mi gu feum feumaidh mi obair nas cruaidhe tha e fada ro dhoirbh caran comasach a’ dèanamh mo dhìcheall is beag orm chan eil ùidh agam ann litreachas b’ àbhaist dhomh tòrr obrach is fìor thoil leam saoilidh mi I’m no use I must work harder It’s far too difficult a bit capable/able doing my best I really don’t like … I’m not interested in it literature I used to… a lot of work I really like I think CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 5 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Agus: a bheil cuimhne agad orra seo? And: do you remember these? You might need them later in the section. Nuadh-eòlas Bith-eòlas Ceamastraidh Coimpiutaireachd Rianachd Gnìomhachais Conaltradh Grafaigeach Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Computing Business Management Graphic Communication Tha e cudromach a bhith comasach do bheachdan a thoirt seachad ann an labhairt agus sgrìobhadh. Being able to express yourself in speech and writing is very important. Here are some different reasons you could use to say that you like/dislike a school subject. They could just as easily be used when discussing hobbies in a job application. Coimhead thairis air an fhaclair ùr. An uair sin ceangal na h-abairtean Ghàidhlig ris a’ Bheurla bhon dà liost. 6 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Task 2 Look over the new vocabulary, then match the Gaelic phrase with the English translation from the two lists. Beachdan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Bu thoil leam seo a chleachdadh nam obair Tha mise gu math dèidheil air Tha gràin agamsa air Tha cus obrach ann Sgoinneil! Chan eil ùidh fon ghrèin agam ann/ Chan eil ùidh air an t-saoghal agamsa ann Bidh mi toilichte sgur dhen seo Tha e doirbh a thuigsinn Bu toil leam tuilleadh ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn seo Tha mi meadhanach math air Chan eil mi uabhasach measail air Tha e soirbh gu leòr Opinions I would like to learn more about this It is difficult to understand I don’t have the slightest interest in it I would like to use this in my work Great!/Wonderful! I’m not awfully keen on it/fond of it I am fairly good at it I will be happy to stop this There is too much work involved in it It is easy enough I am very keen on it/fond of it I can’t stand it/I hate it CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 7 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Gràmar Grammar The conditional tense of verbs You have come across the conditional before in the verb to be: bhiodh – it would be. e.g. Bhiodh e math a dhol dhachaigh tràth. It would be nice to go home early. In other verbs it is indicated by the endings -eadh or –adh, and where possible lenition takes place – the second letter is h, as shown below: Dhèanadh mo mhàthair brot math. My mother would make good soup. Sheinneadh e òran aig a’ Mhòd. He would sing a song at the Mòd. Chanadh an tidsear gu bheil mi math air bruidhinn. The teacher would say I am good at talking. Think about your teachers’ and friends’ opinions of you and try to finish the sentences below using new vocabulary from the unit. Chanadh an tidsear Gàidhlig gu bheil mi Chanadh mo charaidean gu bheil mi If you are talking about yourself, the “I” is included in the verb and there is no “mi” required. This is indicated by the ending –inn, as shown below: Bhithinn toilichte obair mar sin fhaighinn. I would be happy to get work like that. Shnàmhainn anns an amar-snàmh. I would swim in the swimming pool. Chanainn gu bheil mi èasgaidh agus sgiobalta. I would say that I am hard-working and tidy. Try writing a sentence about how you view yourself. Chanainn gu bheil mi 8 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Similarly with “we”, the special ending –eamaid or -amaid is often used at the end of verbs to indicate “we would”: Bhitheamaid toilichte We would be happy Dhannsamaid aig a’ chèilidh We would dance at the cèilidh Ruitheamaid chun na sgoile ach tha i ro fhada air falbh. We would run to school but it’s too far away. Buadhairean feumail Useful adjectives beòthail bragail dìcheallach diùid earbsach èasgaidh foighidneach leisg misneachail sgiobalta tuigseach soirbh (= furasta) lively very confident diligent shy trustworthy hard-working patient lazy confident tidy, neat understanding easy CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 9 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Task 3 The sentences below deal with opinions, and some use the conditional tense . Translate each one into English. 1. Chanadh an tidsear Beurla gu bheil mi bragai l le mo charaidean ach chan eil mi cho misneachail anns an sgoil. 2. Cha chanainn gu bheil mi foighidneach gu leòr airson a bhith nam thidsear. 3. Is fìor thoil le na tidsearan sgoilearan beothail ach is beag orra sgoilearan leisg. 4. Feumaidh tu a bhith earbsach agus tuigseach airson a bhith nad dhotair. 5. Tha mi ro dhiùid airson bruidhinn air beulaibh a’ chlas. 6. Bhithinn toilichte obair fhaighinn anns a’ bhaile mhòr. Task 4: Sgrìobhadh In a short paragraph, write about the subjects you are studying in school this year and comment on how you feel about each and how well you are doing in them all. Use as much new vocabulary as possible. The following questions may be of use to you when you are completing the paragraph. Dè na cuspairean a tha thu a’ dèanamh? For each subject: 10 An toil leat e?/A bheil e a’ còrdadh riut? Cò an tidsear a tha agad? Dè cho math is a tha thu air? Dè cho furasta is a tha e dhut? A bheil ùidh agad anns a’ chuspair? Dè cho math is a tha thu air obair? Am bi an cuspair seo feumail dhut nuair a dh’fhàgas tu an sgoil? CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ DÈANAMH DEISEIL Task 5: Obair Clas When the paragraph is complete, you should read out your comments to the rest of the class and be prepared to answer some extra questions on your subjects from your teacher and other students. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 11 AN TIDSEAR Section 2 An Tidsear Read the passage and work through the following exercises. An Tidsear Is mise Calum MacAmhlaigh agus tha mi air a bhith nam thidsear bun -sgoile airson dà bhliadhna a-nis. Chan eil an t-uabhas de thidsearan bun-sgoile fireann, ach chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn buileach carson. Chan eil an tuarastal dona idir agus tha cothroman math anns an obair adhartas a dhèanamh. Air an làimh eile, tha agam ri ceartachadh agus deasachadh a dhèanamh aig an taigh a h-uile oidhche agus chan eil cus ùine agam airson cur-seachadan eile tron t-seachdain. Tha a’ chlann, mar as trice laghach agus dìcheallach agus fàsaidh tu eòlach air an fheadhainn nach eil buileach cho deònach obair a dhèanamh. Tha daoine a’ ràdh gu bheil mi gu math freagarrach airson teagasg bun-sgoile. Tha mi foighidneach, beothail agus bha mi meadhanach math air a h -uile cuspair anns an sgoil. Tha mi taingeil gu bheil ùidh agam ann an diofar chuspairean is chur-seachadan oir tha an clàr-ama anns a’ bhun-sgoil loma làn. Saoilidh mi gu bheil cus aig a’ chloinn ri dhèanamh eadar Saidheans is Creideamh is Frangais is a h-uile càil eile a bharrachd air na cuspairean àbhaisteach. Ach tha e a’ còrdadh riutha measgachadh math de chuspairean a dhèanamh ann an aon latha mar a bhios a’ tachairt anns an àrd-sgoil. Rugadh is thogadh mi ann an Glaschu ach bha Gàidhlig aig mo phàrantan is chaidh mo thogail leis a’ chànan. Bhon a bha mi cho eòlach air a’ bhaile mhòr co-dhiù, rinn mi suas m’ inntinn obair fhaighinn anns an h-eileanan oir ’s e cothrom sònraichte a bha ann eòlas fhaighinn air an dòigh-beatha a tha aca an-seo. Tha e a’ còrdadh rium glan agus tha dùil agam tè às an eilean fhèin a phòsadh an ath bhliadhna. Gun teagamh sam bith, ’s e obair chruaidh a tha ann an teagasg. Ach nuair a thèid a’ chlann dhachaigh feasgar agus tha thu a’ coimhead anns na leabhraichean aca, is fìor thoil leam fhaicinn gu bheil a’ chlann air deagh oidhirp a dhèanamh. 12 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AN TIDSEAR Agus cò is urrainn gearan a dhèanamh mu na saor-làithean? Ceart gu leòr, nuair a smaoinicheas mi air, tha an obair gam fhàgail cho sgìth is gu bheil mi gu math taingeil nuair a thig iad! Bhithinn toilichte grunnan bhliadhnachan a chur seachad anns an sgoil anns a bheil mi an -dràsta bhon a tha mi gu math measail air a’ chloinn a tha air mo bheulaibh a h-uile latha. Tha tidsearan bun-sgoile gu math cudromach ann am beatha na cloinne. Faclair fireann tuarastal cothroman adhartas ceartachadh deasachadh male salary/wages opportunities advancement/promotion correction preparation mar as trice fàsaidh tu eòlach air deònach freagarrach loma-làn àbhaisteach measgachadh usually/normally you get used to willing suitable completely full usual a mixture rugadh is thogadh mi chaidh mo thogail rinn mi suas m’ inntinn sònraichte eòlas dòigh-beatha tha dùil agam I was born and brought up I was raised I made up my mind special/particular knowledge way of life I hope/I expect to.. gun teagamh sam bith Is fìor thoil leam deagh oidhirp gearan bhithinn toilichte grunnan bhliadhnachan measail air air mo bheulaibh cudromach beatha na cloinne without a doubt I really like a good effort a complaint I would be happy several years fond of in front of me important the children’s lives(lives of the children) CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 13 AN TIDSEAR Task 1 Look at the list of words in the Faclair. Note how they are used in the passage. Choose five of the words/phrases and use them to make new sentences. For example: Tha cothroman glè mhath ann an Gàidhig an-diugh. Task 2: Leughadh Leugh an earrann, An Tidsear, a-rithist agus freagair na ceistean. Read the extract, The Teacher, again and answer the questions. 1. How long has Calum been teaching? (1) 2. What does he not understand? (2) 3. (a) What are two of the greatest attractions? (2) (b) What must he do every night? (1) (c) What is the result of this? (3) 4. How does he describe the children in general? (2) 5. What does he say about those who are not so willing ? (1) 6. Why is he said to be suited to the job? (3) 7. What is his opinion of the primary timetable? (1) 8. How is it compared to the high school? (3) 9. How did he become a fluent Gaelic speaker? (2) 10. We know he was raised in the city. Why did he opt to work in the islands? (2) 11. What does he hope to do? (3) 12. What pleases him about the job once the children have gone home? (1) 14 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AN TIDSEAR 13. He has no complaint about the holidays. Why is this? (3) 14. (a) What does he say about his current school? (3) (b) Why does he say this? (2) 15. How does he see the role of the primary teacher in the lives of the children? (1) (35) Refer to Appendix 2: Gràmar before continuing with the other tasks in this section. Task 4: Sgrìobhadh A bheil thusa ag iarraidh a bhith nad thidsear? Carson? Dè bhiodh math mu dheidhinn? Dè nach biodh cho math? Dè b’ fheàrr leat - teagasg àrd-sgoile no teagasg bun-sgoile? Carson? Write a paragraph on whether or not you would be interested in teaching and why. Try to give some good points and bad points about the job . Without copying the passage, try to use some of the new vocabulary to enhance your piece of writing. Ask your teacher to look over your piece of writing and redraft it if necessary. Task 5: Labhairt Once your piece of writing has been redrafted, try to write down the main points of the passage on card in note form. This will prepare you to deliver a short talk to a small group about the good and bad points of a job in teaching. Get into a group of four to six students. The other members of your group should listen to you stating the main points of your writing piece and you should then be prepared to answer any questions they might ask you on teaching and your own interests. The talk and conversation should last about 3–4 minutes. Your teacher will come round and listen to each group session. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 15 AG OBAIR ANN AN CRAOBH-SGAOILEADH Section 3 Ag Obair ann an Craobh-sgaoileadh ’S e craoladair ainmeil Gàidhlig a tha ann an Catrìona Bhàn, no Catrìona Dhòmhnallach. Tha i an còmhnaidh trang ag obair air telebhisean agus rèidio agus tha i air a bhith an sàs ann an grunnan phròiseactan eadardhealaichte co-cheangailte ris na meadhanan. Task 1: Leughadh Read through the list below of projects in which Cathy MacDonald has been involved and make a summary of the main points of each. Preseantair air prògram chloinne, Dòtaman. A’ leughadh nan naidheachdan Gàidhlig air an rèidio. Tha i na preseantair air prògram rèidio ‘ Siubhal gu Seachd’ a h-uile feasgar. Cluichidh i measgachadh de cheòl agus bidh daoine a’ tadhal oirre anns an stiùdio. Tha tòrr fealla-dhà ann. Companaidh telebhisein – Bùrach. Rinn iad prògraman de gach seòrsa, bho phrògraman ciùil gu prògraman chloinne. Prògraman Beurla. Tha i air prògram Beurla a dhèanamh mu shaor làithean. Is fìor thoil leatha a bhith a’ siubhal, ach tha e doirbh a bhith air falbh bhon taigh ro fhada oir tha teaghlach òg aice. Sanasan reice air an telebhisean. Colbh ann am pàipear-naidheachd far an d’ fhuair i cothrom a beachdan a thoirt seachad air a h-uile cuspair fon ghrèin. Tha i na ball de Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean a bhios a’ reic agus a’ clò-bhualadh leabhraichean Gàidhlig. 16 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG OBAIR ANN AN CRAOBH-SGAOILEADH Prògraman a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta a h-uile bliadhna. Am faca tu riamh an taodach snasail a bhios oirre gach oidhche? Comadaidh Òr – prògram èibhinn le diofar sgrìobhadairean a’ cur sgeidsichean ùra ri chèile a h-uile seachdain. Faclair craobh-sgaoileadh craoladair ainmeil an còmhnaidh an sàs ann grunnan phròiseactan eadar-dhealaichte na meadhanan prògram chloinne measgachadh fealla-dhà programan ciùil sanasan reice colbh a h-uile cuspair fon ghrèin tha i na ball de ... a’ clò-bhualadh broadcasting a famous broadcaster always involved in several projects different the media a children’s programme a variety fun music programmes advertisements column every topic under the sun she is a member of ... publishing Task 2: Dè an obair a b’ fheàrr leat? Look at the different media jobs below and make sure you know what each job is. neach-naidheachd seinneadair preseantair cluicheadair neach-camara sgrìobhadair A survey was carried out amongst fifth- and sixth-year students in school to find out whether or not they would enjoy these jobs, and why. Some of the comments received are printed below, but they have become mixed up. In section A students make statements about jobs they would or would not like to do. In column B there are a range of reasons why they would or would not enjoy these jobs. Look at all the comments and try to match the statements from section A with appropriate comments from column B . The first one has been done for you. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-naidheachd air na naidheachdan. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith ag obair air sgeulachd ùr a h -uile latha. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 17 AG OBAIR ANN AN CRAOBH-SGAOILEADH Section A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-naidheachd air na naidheachdan. Cha bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach -camara. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sgrìobhadair dràma. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sheinneadair air X Factor. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam chluicheadair air Eastenders. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sheinneadair air Pop Idol. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam phreseantair air Top Gear. Cha bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach -naidheachd air Newsnight. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam phreseantair air Good Morning. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-camara. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sgrìobhadair. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam chluicheadair air Coronation Street. Section B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tha mi math air dealbhan a thogail. Bhiodh tu a’ coinneachadh ri daoine ainmeil. Cha toil leam a bhith ag èirigh tràth. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith ag obair air sgeulachd ùr a h -uile latha. ’S beag orm poileataigs! Is lugha orm na siabainn! Bha mi fìor mhath air dealbhan-cluiche a sgrìobhadh anns an sgoil. ’S beag orm Shakespeare. Tha mi sònraichte math air seinn. Tha mi measail air Lunnainn. Thog mi dealbh de mo bhràthair agus cha robh ceann air. Chan urrainn dhomh seinn! Task 3: A’ coimhead an telebhisein Your teacher will ask you to watch some different Gaelic TV programmes. This will give you an idea of the range of programmes now produced in Gaelic. Prepare to hold a discussion in class about them afterwards. 18 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG OBAIR ANN AN CRAOBH-SGAOILEADH Task 4: Sgrìobhadh/Labhairt – A’ sgrùdadh prògraim Once you have discussed the programmes, choose one which you particularly enjoyed, or didn’t enjoy at all. Say what kind of programme it was, who was involved in it, how the programme was put together and why you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy it. Your piece of writing should be around 100–150 words. When you have completed your piece of writing, you can read it to the class, to see how many of them agree or disagree with your opinion. You might find some of the words below useful in your review, together with the other vocabulary used in this unit. ag aithris èibhinn caractar(an) an sàs ann sgriobt nam bheachdsa prògram ciùil ri fhaicinn luchd-amhairc reporting funny/amusing character(s) involved in/in it script in my opinion music programme to be seen viewers CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 19 AM FEAR-GNOTHAICH Section 4 Am Fear-gnothaich Task 1: Èisteachd Listen to the interview with Donald MacDonald, a Gaelic speaking businessman. The interview is divided into sections and the new vocabulary for each section has been given to you. Answer the questions on each of the sections. Earrann 1 Faclair fear-gnothaich turasachd sreath togalach eireachdail spaideil ainmeil tuarastal ìseal 1. 2. 3. 4. a business man tourism a chain/a series a building elegant smart famous low pay Where does Donald MacDonald come from? What does he do? How does he describe the Turnberry Hotel? He learnt a lot from his work there. What does he say about it? (1) (3) (3) (3) Earrann 2 Faclair Cha b’ fhada gus eòlas farsaing chaidh m’ fhastadh mar deagh chothrom It wasn’t long until… a wide knowledge I got a job as… a good opportunity 5. 6. What did he learn from his work as a manager for Reo Stakis? What did the new promoted job involve? 20 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 (2) (2) AM FEAR-GNOTHAICH Earrann 3 Faclair a stèidheachadh thall thairis luchd-turais An Aghaidh Mhòr snasail freagarrach taisbeanaidhean co-labhairtean 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 to set up abroad tourists Aviemore trendy/smart suitable exhibitions conferences What did he have the courage to do after 9 years? How has the company expanded? What did his new project involve? What does the complex contain? How is the large hall put to use? (2) (5) (3) (3) (3) Earrann 4 Faclair chan eil e gu diofar gu h-àraid a’ gabhail air mo shocair gu fortanach luchd-obrach 12. 13. it doesn’t matter especially taking it easy luckily staff Name three things he likes to do when he goes home. How does he ensure he doesn’t lose his Gaelic? (3) (3) (36) Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, faic: CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 21 AM FEAR-GNOTHAICH Task 2: Gràmar Look at the eight adjectives below, which appear in the passage, and make sure you know their meanings. spaideil eireachdail ainmeil ìseal cruaidh farsaing snasail freagarrach (Remember that before you add an adjective to a noun in Gaelic, you should know if the noun is masculine or feminine. The adjective usually follows the noun.) duine (masculine) piseag (feminine) duine mòr piseag bheag This change does not always appear in writing. There are also some exceptions where the adjective comes before the noun , e.g.: deagh mhadainn droch shìde a good morning bad weather Translate the sentences below. Each sentence contains one of the adjectives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ’S e seinneadair ainmeil a tha ann am Madonna. Bha bòrd ìseal anns an rùm. ’S e togalach eireachdail a tha anns an eaglais. Fhuair mi seacaid spaideil nuair a bha mi air saor-làithean thall thairis. ’S i obair chruaidh a tha ann an obair-sgoile! Bha sràid fharsaing anns a’ bhaile. Ceannaichidh mi Ferrari snasail ma bhuannaicheas mi fortan. Cha d’ fhuair iad duine freagarrach airson na h-obrach. 22 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AM FEAR-GNOTHAICH Task 3: Sgrìobhadh Having listened to the interview with Donald MacDonald, you read in your local paper that a hotel in your area is looking for Gaelic-speaking staff. You should compose, in writing, an application to the advert below. A bheil Gàidhlig agad no a bheil thu ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig? A bheil thu ag iarraidh obair shamhraidh? A bheil thu math air obair còmhla ri daoine eile? A bheil thu earbsach, sgiobalta agus foighidneach? Ma tha, sgrìobh litir gu: Mgr. Iain MacLeòid Manaidsear Taigh-òsta Rìoghail Sràid a’ Chrùin INBHIR NIS IV1 8EH Your letter should be in formal style, giving your address and the date, and with a suitable beginning and end. You should say why you are interested in the job and why you would be suitable for it. It might start like this: 28 Rathad a’ Bhanca INBHIR NIS IV3 9XQ 23 Am Màrt 2006 Mgr Iain MacLeòid Manaidsear Taigh-osta Rìoghail INBHIR NIS IV1 8EH A Mhaighstir MhicLeòid chòir And finish with: Le dùrachd/Is mise le meas CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 23 AM FEAR-GNOTHAICH Task 4: Labhairt You receive a letter from the Royal Hotel inviti ng you to come for an interview. You are given some idea as to the kind of questions you might be asked in the interview. Look at the list below and try to prepare an answer for each question. Make sure you understand the questions before you begin. When you are ready, your partner will take the role of the person who interviews you for the job, asking you the questions below. When you are finished, you should swap roles. Remember to start and finish the interview in the usual way. Interview questions 1. 2. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dè an t-ainm a tha ort? Cò às a tha thu agus càite a bheil thu a’ fuireach a -nise? (Ciamar a bhiodh tu a’ siubhal a dh’obair?) Dè an obair a tha thu ag iarraidh a dhèanamh? Carson a tha ùidh agad ann an obair ann an taigh -òsta? Am biodh an obair seo doirbh dhut? (Dè na sgilean a th’ agad airson obair?) A bheil eòlas agad air obair mar seo? Dè na cuspairean a tha thu a’ dèanamh anns an sgoil? Dè na cur-seachadan a tha agad? Cuin a bhiodh e comasach dhut tòiseachadh? 24 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) 3. 4. 5. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AN T-INNLEADAIR Section 5 An t-Innleadair A fifth-year student at Loch Dubh High School, Ailean Caimbeul, has been thinking think about how he is doing in school. He has looked at his subjects and his interests , and he is now considering engineering as a career. His cousin Iain is an engineer so he e-mails him to find out what his work is like and what job opportunities there might be. Task 1: Leughadh Read the dialogue which they had on their internet messaging service below. Once you have read the passage carefully and looked over any new vocabulary, answer the questions after each part. Part 1 Iain: Hai, Ailein, dè tha dol? Choimhead mi air a’ phost-d agad. ’S e seo a’ chiad chothrom a bh’ agam bruidhinn riut. Ciamar a tha thu? Ailean: Tha gu dòigheil. Dè do chor fhèin? Iain: Tha mi sgìth! Tha sinn dìreach air tighinn far chuairt-obrach ochd uairean a thìde. Tha mi air mo chlaoidh ach gu math riaraichte leis an obair a rinn mi an-diugh. Mar a tha fios agad tha mi nam phrìomh innleadair air a’ chrann ola seo a-nis. Tha sinn dà cheud mìle a-mach anns a’ Chuan a Tuath an-dràsta. Co-dhiù, dè nì mi dhut a bhalaich? Faclair post-d dè do chor? cuairt-obrach air mo chlaoidh riaraichte e-mail how are you doing? shift exhausted satisfied CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 25 AN T-INNLEADAIR priomh innleadair crann ola An Cuan a Tuath 1. 2. 3. 4. How long was Iain’s shift? How is he feeling? What is his job? Where is he working at the moment? Part 2 Ailean: Tha mi an-dràsta a’ beachdachadh air dè tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh nuair a dh’fhàgas mi an sgoil. Tha mi den bheachd gun còrdadh e rium a bhith nam innleadair. Cò ris a th a e coltach a bhith ag obair a-muigh an-sin? Faclair a’ beachdachadh goireasan saideal thinking about facilities satellite What time of year is it? What communication facilities are available at work? How much longer will he have to work before he gets home? Part 3 Ailean: Iain: (1) (2) (3) (2) ’S e meadhan a’ Mhàirt a tha ann agus t ha stoirm a-muigh ach tha e cofhurtail gu leòr a-staigh. Tha goireasan matha againn le coimpiutar agus saideal gar ceangal ris an t-saoghal a-muigh. Tha mi ’n dòchas gum fàs an t-sìde nas fheàrr ge-tà. Tha mi an-seo airson cola-deug eile! Iain: 5. 6. 7. chief engineer oilrig The North Sea (2) (3) (1) Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh nad obair? Tha sinn a’ rannsachadh àitean ùra far am faigh sinn ola. Bidh sinn a’ dèanamh tòrr siubhail thall thairis ga lorg. Faclair a’ rannsachadh a’ siubhal researching travelling 8. 9. What exactly does he do in his work? What opportunities has his work given him? 26 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 (3) (2) AN T-INNLEADAIR Part 4 Ailean: Iain: Dè as fheàrr leat mun obair? Tha i gu math inntinneach. Tha mi air mòran fhaicinn anns an obair seo. Bha mi ann an Ameireaga a Deas an -uiridh agus thèid mi dhan Ruis am-bliadhna fhathast. Gheibh thu barrachd trèanaidh a h-uile bliadhna. Tha an tuarastal glè mhath cuideachd agus tha na làithean-saora reusanta. Tha aon dragh agam – faodaidh e a bhith doirbh a bhith air falbh bhon dachaigh agus bhon teaghlach airson ùine cho fada. Faclair reusanta dragh 10. 11. 12. Where has he been? Give two advantages of the job. What is the main disadvantage? Part 5 Ailean: Iain: reasonable problem Am moladh tu an obair dhomhsa? Mholainn an obair do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann an teicneòlas agus uidheamachd. Feumaidh tu a bhith deònach obair ann an sgioba. Feumaidh tu a bhith cùramach, comasach agus misneachail cuideachd oir tha duilgheadasan agus cunnartan na lùib bho àm gu àm. Faclair mholainn uidheamachd deònach cùramach duilgheadasan cunnartan 13. 14. (2) (2) (4) I would recommend equipment willing careful difficulties dangers (a) For whom would the job be suitable? (b) What do you have to be willing to do? Why does he recommend that someone doing this job be careful, capable and confident? CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 (2) (1) (3) 27 AN T-INNLEADAIR Part 6 Ailean: Iain: Ciamar a thòisich thu fhèin air an obair? Chaidh mi gu Oilthigh Ghlaschu airson ceithir bliadhna an toiseach. Fhuair mi obair an uair sin aig a’ chompanaidh mhòir ola seo a tha stèidhichte ann an Obar Dheadhain. Co-dhiù tha mi a’ falbh an-dràsta a dh’èisteachd ri prògram nan dùrachdan air an eadar-lìon. Mar sin leat Ailein. Ailean: Taing Iain. Chì sinn thu nuair a thig thu dhachaigh. Faclair stèidhichte prògram nan dùrachdan eadar-lìon 15. 16. 17. based request programme internet Where did he do his training and for how long? Where is his company based? How will he be able to tune in to the request programme on the radio? (2) (1) (1) (37) 28 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AN T-INNLEADAIR Task 2: Labhairt Look over the conversation again. With your partner, discuss the main points of the conversation in Gaelic. Mention: (a) (b) (c) (d) Dè an obair a tha aige? Càite a bheil e ag obair? Dè tha math/nach eil cho math mun obair? Dè an trèanadh a bha aige ri dhèanamh? When you are finished, think of other jobs you would like to do . Choose one and using the same style of questions, talk about the job. (a) (b) (c) (d) Dè an obair a tha agad? Càite a bheil thu ag obair? Dè tha math/nach eil cho math mun obair? Dè an trèanadh a bha agad ri dhèanamh? Some examples of jobs are given below. nurs dotair neach-naidheachd meacanaig gruagaire dealbhadair seinneadair còcaire lighiche-sprèidh cluicheadair ball-coise rùnaire saor togalaiche neach-cùraim iasgair nurse doctor journalist mechanic hairdresser designer singer cook/chef vet footballer secretary joiner builder careworker fisherman Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu obraichean ann an Gàidhlig, faic: For further information about careers in Gaelic visit this website. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 29 AN T-INNLEADAIR Task 3: Sgrìobhadh Below is a blank CV. Your teacher will give you a copy of this form to write on, giving details about yourself, your qualifications, experience, interests , etc. Give the information in Gaelic. CV Ainm: Là-breith: Seòladh: Sgoil: Deuchainnean a shuidh thu: Cuspairean a tha thu a’ dèanamh am-bliadhna: Obair a rinn thu mar thà/Obair a chòrdadh riut: Cur-seachadan: Fiosrachadh mu do dheidhinn fhèin: 30 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 1 Appendix 1 Earrann Èisteachd (Am Fear-gnothaich) Listen to the interview with Donald MacDonald, a Gaelic -speaking businessman. The interview is divided into sections and the new vocabulary for each section has been given to you . Answer the questions on each of the sections. Part 1 Interviewer: Feasgar math agus fàilte oirbh chun a’ phrògraim. An-diugh bidh mi a’ bruidhinn ri Dòmhnall MacDhòmhnaill, a tha air ainm a dhèanamh ann an turasachd ann an Alba. A Dhòmhnaill, innis dhuinn cò às a tha thu? Dòmhnall: Rugadh agus thogadh mi air an Tairbeart anns na Hearadh. Interviewer: Dè an obair a tha agad an-diugh? Dòmhnall: Tha mi nam fhear-gnothaich agus tha mi a’ ruith sreath de thaighean-òsta. ’S e MacDonald Hotels an t-ainm a tha air a’ chompanaidh. Interviewer: Ciamar a thòisich thu ann an turasachd? Dòmhnall: Nuair a dh’fhàg mi an sgoil, fhuair mi obair aig Taigh -òsta Turnberry, togalach spaideil, eireachdail a tha ainmeil airson goilf. Dh’ionnsaich mi tòrr an-sin ach bha an obair cruaidh – uairean fada agus tuarastal ìseal. Part 2 Interviewer: Dè rinn thu an uair sin? Dòmhnall: Cha b’ fhada gus an d’ fhuair mi obair aig companaidh mhòr thaighean-òsta aig Reo Stakis. Fhuair mi eòlas farsaing nam CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 31 APPENDIX 1 obair an-sin mar mhanaidsear agus, mu dheireadh, chaidh m’ fhastadh mar mhanaidsear air na taighean-òsta uile. ’S e deagh chothrom a bha seo dhomh. Part 3 Interviewer: Dè cho fad `s a dh’fhuirich thu anns an o bair ud? Dòmhnall: Dh’fhuirich mi airson naoi bliadhna. An uair sin bha misneachd agam a’ chompanaidh agam fhìn a stèidheachadh. A-nis, tha barrachd is seasgad taighean-òsta agam agus clubaichean cur-seachad anns an dùthaich seo agus thall thairis. Interviewer: Innis dhomh beagan mun phròiseact ùr agad? Dòmhnall: Thog sinn baile ùr do luchd-turais anns an Aghaidh Mhòir. Tha measgachadh de thaighean-òsta, taighean-bìdh agus bùthan snasail ann. Cuideachd, tha talla mòr ann a tha freagarrach airson taisbeanaidhean, fiolmaichean agus colabhairtean. Part 4 Interviewer: Tha fhios gu bheil thu uabhasach trang fad an t-siubhail. A bheil ùine agad airson cur-seachadan idir? Dòmhnall: Chan eil e gu diofar dè cho trang ’s a tha thu, feumaidh tu ùine a dhèanamh airson cur-seachadan. Is fìor thoil leam a bhith ag iasgach, gu h-àraid nuair a thèid mi dhachaigh dha na Hearadh as t-samhradh. Gheibh mi cothrom cuideachd coiseachd air na monaidhean agus is toil leam a bhith a’ gabhail air mo shocair. Tha e cudromach dhomh nach caill mi mo Ghàidhlig. Gu fortanach, bidh cuid den luchd-obrach agam ga bruidhinn, agus bidh sinn tric a’ còmhradh ri chèile anns a’ chànan. Interviewer: Mòran taing airson bruidhinn ruinn an-diugh, a Dhòmhnaill. Tha fhios agam gu bheil thu nad dhuine trang. Dòmhnall: ’S e do bheatha. Chòrd e rium gu mòr. 32 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 Appendix 2 Gràmar A’ Dèanamh Deiseil Barrachd leughaidh Further reading Nas, ro, glè, cho etc As your vocabulary increases, your descriptions will become more detailed and it is useful to be able to describe things at different levels and to varying degrees. nas sine na nas miosa na ro mhath ro mhòr glè inntinneach cho doirbh older than worse than too good too big very interesting so difficult/as difficult You will find more information on adjective modifiers and comparisons in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Michel Byrne (Stòrlann Acair 2002), pages 50–52, and further exercises in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Maoilios Caimbeul (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2005), pages 51–55. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 33 APPENDIX 2 An Tidsear Your teacher will tell you more about each of the grammatical points highlighted below. Some of the examples are taken from the passage. Mo, do, etc. You will have already come across the possessive pronouns below: mo do a a my your his her ar ur an/ am (before b, p, f, m) our your (plural/polite) their They are used, for instance, when talking about family members: mo bhràthair do phiuthar a mhàthair a màthair my brother your sister his mother her mother ar seanair ur mac am bràthair an nighean our grandfather your son (polite/plural) their brother their daughter Nam/nad, etc. In my/in your When you want to say in my, in your, etc., ann an combines with mo, do, etc. to give nam, nad, etc., as shown below: ann ann ann ann an an an an + + + + mo do a a = = = = nam nad na na ann an + ar = nar ann an + ur = nur ann an + an/am = nan/nam 34 in in in in in our in your (polite/plural) in their CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 my your his her APPENDIX 2 e.g. Bu thoil leam seo a chleachdadh nam obair I would like to use this in my work. Cuir d’ ainm nad leabhar. Put your name in your book. Chuir sinn ar leabhraichean nar bagaichean. We put our books in our bags. Saying what a person does Nam, nad, etc. is also used for describing the kind of work a person does . You already know how to say this in a different way. ’S e tidsear a th’ annam. ’S e nurs a th’ innte. I am a teacher She is a nurse. Look at the examples below, which use nam, nad, etc. instead. Tha mi nam thidsear A bheil thu nad chraoladair? Tha e na phlumair Tha i na dotair Tha iad nan dotairean I am a teacher Are you a broadcaster? He is a plumber She is a doctor They are doctors Indirect speech That he is, that he was, etc. When someone else is speaking, you need to join who is speaking to what he/she is saying, as you do using that in English. e.g. He says that I am good at Maths. Tha daoine ag ràdh gu bheil mi gu math freagarrach… People say that I am quite/very suitable… Tha na sgoilearan ag ràdh nach eil an tidsear anns an sgoil The students say that that the teacher is not in school. Thuirt mo mhàthair gun robh i aig an taigh a-raoir. My mother said that she was at home last night. Tha Mgr MacLeòid ag ràdh gum bi mi dìcheallach nam obair. Mr MacLeod says that I will be diligent in my work. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 35 APPENDIX 2 The same form is used in such phrases as gun còrd/nach còrd, etc. – will enjoy/will not enjoy. Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd an obair riut. I hope you will enjoy the work. Tha eagal orm nach còrd teagasg rium. I’m afraid I will not enjoy teaching. Say when/if something will happen Notice after nuair (when) and ma (if) the verb often ends with –eas or as. This is not the case with all irregular verbs, some of which are shown below. nuair a smaoinicheas mi air nuair a chuireas mi mo cheann sìos nuair a thig thu a dh’obair ma dh’itheas mi cus ma chluicheas mi iomain ma thèid mi a Ghlaschu when I think about it when I put my head down when you come to work if I eat too much if I play shinty if I go to Glasgow Compound prepositions Some of the most common compound prepositions are given below. air beulaibh air cùlaibh mu choinneimh ri taobh mu dheidhinn in front of behind opposite beside about In order to say in front of me, beside him, etc. you put mo, do, etc. in the middle: air mo bheulaibh air do chùlaibh ri a taobh mu ar deidhinn in front of me behind you beside her about us Using the genitive case beatha na cloinne diofar chuspairean grunnan bhliadhnachan 36 the life of the children different subjects many years CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 Barrachd leughaidh Further reading You will find more information on the genitive case in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Michel Byrne (Stòrlann Acair 2002), pages 31–35 and further exercises in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Maoilios Caimbeul (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2005), Earrann 3/4, pages 17–29. Irregular verbs Irregular verbs are so-called because you can’t always be certain how they will appear in different tenses. Regular verbs have a pattern to them but irregular verbs are not always so simple. Chaidh mo thogail An tèid thu? Thèid mi Cha tèid mi Am faca tu? Chunnaic mi Chan fhaca mi I was brought up Will you go? I will go I will not go Did you see? I saw I did not see Barrachd leughaidh Further reading You will find more information on irregular verbs in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Michel Byrne (Stòrlann Acair 2002), pages 110–115 and further exercises in Gràmar na Gàidhlig by Maoilios Caimbeul (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2005), Earrann 27, pages 207–217. Verbs with prepositions Tha spòrs a’ còrdadh rium Chan eil e a’ còrdadh riutha Bha i a’ bruidhinn rium Tha agam ri obair a dhèanamh a-nochd Conditional tense of verbs Bhithinn toilichte Chanadh daoine gu bheil.. I enjoy sport/PE They don’t enjoy it She was speaking to me I have work to do tonight I would be happy People would say… CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 37 APPENDIX 2 The infinitive When a verb is the second or third verb in a clause it is said to be in the infinitive. In English, this would have to in front of it. Note that when the verb is in the infinitive, no apostrophe is used. Tha a’ chlann a’ dol a shnàmh. The children are going to swim. Tha a’ chòisir a’ dol a sheinn. The choir is going to sing. Tha an leabhar doirbh a thuigsinn. The book is hard to understand. Tha an obair doirbh a dhèanamh. The work is hard to do. Feumaidh mi faclair a chleachdadh. I will have to use a dictionary. Leasanan Gràmair Grammar exercises Thoir sùil air na leasanan gu h-ìseal agus eadar-theangaich na rosgrannan. The following exercises should help you to become more familiar with each of the grammatical points above. Translate the sentences. 1. Saying what a person does (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. Indirect speech (a) (b) 38 She is a doctor. He is a joiner. They are teachers. I am a minister. Tha Seumas ag ràdh nach bi e anns an sgoil Diardaoin. He says he was in Inverness on Saturday. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 3. Say when/if something will happen (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 4. Compound prepositions (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. ’S e Ceòl na Mara an t-ainm a tha air an taigh. Tha mòran dhaoine a’ fuireach anns a’ bhaile. Bha an deuchainn leughaidh doirbh. Conditional tense of verbs (a) (b) (c) 7. Bha an gille ri do thaobh. Tha an taigh air ar beulaibh. Bha Calum mu a coinneimh. Shuidh Mòrag air mo chùlaibh. Using the genitive case (a) (b) (c) 6. Nuair a bhios mi deiseil anns an sgoil, thèid mi a Ghlaschu. Ma bhios am bus fadalach, thig mi ann an ta gsaidh. Ma leughas tu an leabhar, tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut. When you write a letter, write it in Gaelic. If you go to the dance, I will go with you. When I saw Mairi, she didn’t look happy. If I drink water, will I be healthy? Bhithinn toilichte fuireach anns an Spàinn fad na bliadhna. Sgrìobhainn litir a-nochd ach tha mo làmh goirt. Cha bhithinn cho cinnteach. The infinitive (a) (b) (c) Tha mi a’ dol a leughadh Tha ma a’ dol a choimhead air mo bhràthair Feumaidh mi notaichean a sgrìobhadh. Coimhead air na freagairtean. You may now check over your answers. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 39 APPENDIX 3 Appendix 3 Freagairtean Section 1: A’ Dèanamh Deiseil Task 1: Leughadh/Èisteachd Earrann 1 1. 2. 3. Janet Smith S5 Geography and English at Intermediate 2; Gaelic, Maths and Physics at Higher Earrann 2 4. I don’t like Geography. I’m useless at it . I must work harder at it, but it’s far too difficult. I’m getting tired/fed up of it. Earrann 3 5. Sometimes a little difficult but I enjoy it and th e teacher is capable. I’m doing my best in Gaelic. Earrann 4 6. No good at English at all and I really don’t like it. I am not good at writing and I have no interest in literature . I used to do a lot of work but I don’t try so hard now. Earrann 5 7. I’m very interested in Maths and Physics. I work on them every night at home. I really like them and I think I’m better than anybody else in the class in these subjects. 40 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 3 Task 2 Beachdan 1. Bu thoil leam seo a chleachdadh nam obair . I would like to use this in my work. 2. Tha mise gu math dèidheil air. I am very keen on it/fond of it. 3. Tha gràin agamsa air. I can’t stand it/I hate it. 4. Tha cus obrach ann. There is too much work. 5. Sgoinneil! Great!/Wonderful! 6. Chan eil ùidh fon ghrèin agam ann/ Chan eil ùidh air an t-saoghal agamsa ann. I don’t have the slightest interest in it. 7. Bidh mi toilichte sgur dheth. I will be happy to stop it. 8. Tha e doirbh a thuigsinn. It is difficult to understand. 9. Bu toil leam tuilleadh ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn seo. I would like to learn more about this. 10. Tha mi meadhanach math air. I am fairly good at it. 11. Chan eil mi uabhasach measail air. I’m not awfully keen on it/fond of it. 12. Soirbh gu leòr (= furasta gu leòr). It is easy enough. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 41 APPENDIX 3 Task 3 1. My English teacher would say I was very confident with my friends, but I’m not so confident in school. 2. I wouldn’t say I was patient enough to be a teacher. 3. The teachers really like lively students but they don’t like lazy students. 4. You need to be trustworthy and understanding to be a doctor. 5. I am too shy to speak in front of the class. 6. I would be happy to get work in the city. 42 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 3 Section 2: An Tidsear Task 2 1. 2 years (1) 2. Why there aren’t more male (1)/primary teachers (1)? 3. (a) (b) (c) 4. Nice (1)/diligent (1) 5. Get used to them (1) 6. Patient (1)/lively (1)/pretty good at most subjects in school (1) 7. Very full (1) 8. A good mixture of subjects (1) 9. Parents spoke Gaelic (1)/brought up speaking the language (1) 10. A chance to get to know (1)/ that way of life (1) 11. Marry a girl (1)/ from the island (1)/ next year (1) 12. That the children have made a good effort (1) 13. Work leaves him so tired (1)/ he is thankful (1) when the holidays come (1) 14. (a) Would be happy (1)/to spend (1)/ many years there (1) (b) Very fond (1)/ of the children in front of him (1) 15. Very important (1) Pay (1)/good chance of promotion (1) Correction (1)/preparation (1) Not much time (1)/for other activities (1) during the week (1) CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 43 APPENDIX 3 Section 3: Ag obair ann an Craobh-sgaoileadh Task 2 1. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-naidheachd air na naidheachdan. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith ag obair air sgeulachd ùr a h -uile latha. 2. Cha bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-camara. Thog mi dealbh de mo bhràthair agus cha robh ceann air. 3. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sgrìobhadair dràma. Bha mi fìor mhath air dealbhan-cluiche a sgrìobhadh anns an sgoil. 4. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sheinneadair air X Factor. Chan urrainn dhomh seinn! 5. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam chluicheadair air Eastenders. Tha mi measail air Lunnainn. 6. Chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sheinneadair air Pop Idol. Tha mi sònraichte math air seinn. 7. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam phreseantair air T op Gear. Bhiodh tu a’ draibheadh càraichean agus a’ coinneachadh ri daoine ainmeil. 8. Cha bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach -naidheachd air Newsnight. ’S beag orm poileataigs! 9. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam phreseantair air Good Morning. Cha toil leam a bhith ag èirigh tràth. 10. Bu thoil leam a bhith nam neach-camara. Tha mi math air dealbhan a thogail. 11. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam sgrìobhadair. ’S beag orm Shakespeare. 12. Cha chòrdadh e rium a bhith nam chluicheadair air Coronation Str eet. Is lugha orm na siabainn! 44 CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 3 Section 4: Am Fear-gnothaich Task 1 Earrann 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Tarbert, Harris (1) He’s a businessman (1) and he runs (1) a chain of hotels (1) A smart (1), elegant (1) building (1) Hard work (1) – long hours (1) and low pay (1) Earrann 2 5. 6. A wide (1) knowledge (1) He was manager (1) of all (1) the hotels Earrann 3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Set up (1) his own company (1) Now has over (1) 60 (1) hotels and leisure clubs (1) in this country (1) and abroad (1) Built (1) a new tourist village (1) in Aviemore (1). A mixture (1) of hotels, restaurants (1) and trendy shops (1) For exhibitions (1), films (1) and conferences (1) Earrann 4 12. 13. Fishing (1), walking the moors (1), taking it easy (1) Some of his staff speak it (1) and he converses with them (1) in the language (1). Task 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Madonna is a famous singer. There was a low table in the room. The church is an elegant building. I got a smart jacket when I was on holiday abroad. Schoolwork is hard work! There is a wide street in the town. I will buy a Ferrari if I win a fortune. They didn’t get a suitable person for the job. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 45 APPENDIX 3 Section 5: An t-Innleadair 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 8 hours (1). Exhausted (1), but satisfied with his work (1). Chief (1) engineer (1) on an oilrig (1). 200 miles out (1) in the North Sea (1). Middle (1) of March (1). Computer (1) and satellite (1) connecting them to the outside world (1). A fortnight (1). Explore (1) new places (1) where they can find oil (1). They do a lot of travelling (1) abroad (1). South America (1) and Russia (1). Very good pay (1) and reasonable holidays (1). It could be difficult (1) to be away from home (1) and from the family (1) for such a long time (1). (a) Anyone interested in (1) technology and machinery (1). (b) You must be willing to work in a team (1). There are difficulties (1) and dangers (1) in the job from time to time (1). Glasgow University (1) for 4 years (1). Aberdeen (1). On the internet (1). Appendix 2: Gràmar 1. Saying what a person does (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. dotair a th’ innte/Tha i na dotair. saor a th’ ann/Tha e na shaor. tidsearan a th’ annta/Tha iad nan tidsearan. ministear a th’ annam/Tha mi nam mhinistear. Tha e ag ràdh gu robh e ann an Inbhir Nis Disathairne. James says he won’t be in school on Thursday. Say when/if something will happen (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 46 e e e e Indirect speech (a) (b) 3. ’S ’S ’S ’S When I’m finished in school, I will go to Glasgow. If the bus is late, I will come in a taxi. If you read the book, I hope you’ll enjoy it. Nuair a sgrìobhas tu litir, sgrìobh ann an Gàidhlig i. Ma thèid thu dhan dannsa, thèid mise còmhla riut. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 3 (f) (g) 4. Compound prepositions (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. The house is called Music of the Sea. Many people live in the village/town. The reading exam was difficult. Conditional tense of verbs (a) (b) (c) 7. The boy was beside you. The house is in front of us. Calum was opposite her. Morag sat behind me. Using the genitive case (a) (b) (c) 6. Nuair a chunnaic mi Màiri, cha robh i a’ coimhead toilichte. Ma dh’òlas mi uisge, am bi mi fallainn? I would be happy to live in Spain all year I would write a letter tonight, but my hand is sore. I wouldn’t be so sure. The infinitive (a) (b) (c) I am going to read. I am going to see my brother. I must write notes. CAREERS (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 47