
City NSF Grant# DUE0653291
SWC NSF Grant# DUE0653234
Ana G. Hernandez
Jennifer Ahumada
David A. Garcia
Southwestern College
San Diego City College
San Diego City College
Bio4Front develops and delivers information and
innovative educational programs for those engaged or
interested in the Life Sciences Industry.
An educative PowerPoint presentation and work book
were created and provided to Bio4Front in order to aide them in
their educational program and allow them to share general
information of the following:
 Overview of Personalized Medicine
 Basic biology - cell structure and DNA to protein
 Genomics
 Proteomics
 Rational drug design
 Epigenetics
 Molecular diagnostics
 Stem cells and regenerative medicine
 Roadblocks and progress towards personalized medicine
Bio4Front allowed us to intern in an “at-home” basis where we met
once or twice a week in which we:
 Collaborated as a group to gather data.
 Conducted secondary research: web search ( case studies and drug
analysis) and library research.
 Formatted and presented data using Microsoft PowerPoint
Software and customized work book.
As interns at Bio4Front, we successfully
expanded our network to include fellow interns,
prestigious mentors, and individuals interested in our
research. Conducting research on drug development,
molecular diagnostics, and personalized medicine allowed
us to gain valuable knowledge and to fine tune our
research skills.
First a nd foremost we would like to tha nk STE P
Pa rtnership of Sa n Diego (SPSD) who encoura ged
a nd fa cilita ted our ex perience a t Bio4Front.
A specia l tha nks to our mentors, Ca thleen Da vies
a nd Philip L. Sherida n, a t Bio4Front for a llowing
us to b ecome pa rt of the Bio4Front tea m.
Dr. R a ga Ba khiet, M E SA progra m director a t
Southwestern College; R a fa el Alva rez, M E SA
progra m director a t Sa n Diego City College; a nd
Angeline Ya ng, progra m coordina tion of the STE P
Progra m, tha nk you for guiding us in this persona l
a nd a ca demic growth opportunity. The Na tiona l
Science Founda tion (NSF ),tha nk you for funding
our M E SA a ctivities a nd enriching our educa tion.
La st b ut not lea st, we would tha nk our fa mily
a nd friends for their support.